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Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 16, Issue 2, Cumulated No. 144, February 25, 2020

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Early Paleogene benthic foraminifera of Duwi section, Red Sea coast, Egypt


Haidar Salim ANAN


Emeritus, Prof. of stratigraphy and micropaleontology, Gaza P.O. Box 1126, Palestine.

E-mail: profanan@gmail.com


Abstract: The micropaleontological information of Duwi section at Qusseir area, Red Sea coast of Egypt, indicates that the Paleocene-early Eocene succession bears prolific and well preserved index-species of benthic foraminifera with Midway-Type Fauna (MTF) of middle-outer neritic environment is interpreted. Forty two samples are collected from this Early Paleogene succession. This succession is attributed to the shaley marl sediments belonging to the upper part of the Dakhla Shale and Esna Shale formations as well as Tarawan Chalk between them. The Paleogene succession is unconformably overlying the Maastrichtian part of the Dakhla Shale. One hundred Lagenid and Rotaliid foraminiferal species and subspecies belonging to forty nine genera are identified and forty five species of them are illustrated from Duwi section in two plates (1, 2). One out of the Laginid illustrated species is believed to be new: Lagena rawdhae. The duration of the hiatus at the Cretaceous /Paleogene (K/P) boundary includes the two early Danian planktic biozones (P0 and Pα, about 0.02 Ma). This depositional gap is corresponding to an interval of tectonic activity that exists in most localities in the world. In this study, an attempt is made to present some details in paleontology (Paleocene-Eocene Lagenid and Rotaliid benthic foraminifera), stratigraphy and paleogeography from Duwi section, and some other localities in the Tethys.

[Haidar Salim ANAN. Early Paleogene benthic foraminifera of Duwi section, Red Sea coast, Egypt. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):1-22]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 1. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.01.


Keywords: Benthic foraminifera, Paleogene, stratigraphy, paleontology, paleogeography, Duwi, Egypt, Tethys.

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Interrupted versus Continuous Suturing Techniques in Hepaticojejunostomy, a Retrospective Study


Mohamed Abdel Sattar Abdel Hamid, MD, Mohamed Ahmed Rady MD and Mohammad Ahmad Abd-El Razik MD


Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

Email: mohamed_omran@med.asu.edu.eg


Abstract: Background: Making a secure connection between the hepatic duct and the jejunum is an essential surgical procedure. since its introduction, by Dahl in 1909, hepaticojejunostomy (HJ) has been established as an essential step of many surgical procedures. like bile duct injuries, pancreatic, bile duct or liver resections, liver transplantations, also it is used as a palliative bypass in non-resectable tumours. Failure of this anastomosis may lead to considerable morbidities or even mortality. Methods: It is a retrospective cohort study, including patients underwent HJ in Al-Demerdash Hospital, from January 2017 to June 2018. All recruited patients underwent hepatico-jejunostomy for benign or malignant disorders. The anastomoses were done using monofilament absorbable sutures, and according to the technique of suturing the study population were divided into 2 groups; Group A where interrupted sutures (IS) were done and Group B where continuous sutures (CS) were done. Primary outcome was to compare operative time and number of full-length sutures used in both groups. Secondary outcome was to compare the complication rates between the 2 groups (the leakage, cholangitis, abscess formation and the incidence of stricture within the first year postoperative). Results: The 43 patients were divided into Group A (n=23) and Group B (20), females ere predominate in both groups. The time required to complete the anastomosis was longer in the IS group (Group A), where it ranged from 22 to 34 minutes (mean = 27.56 minutes, SD =3.7), while it ranged in CS group from 11 to 23 minutes (mean = 18.85 minutes, SD = 3.2), t = 8.11, this difference was statistically significant with p< 0.001, also number of full-length sutures were more in IS group. Conclusion: Continuous suturing technique significantly reduce the time required to complete the anastomosis and the number of full-length sutures needed to do the job, this means a reduction of the total operative time and cost, with no detectable increase in complications.

[Mohamed Abdel Sattar Abdel Hamid, Mohamed Ahmed Rady and Mohammad Ahmad Abd-Elrazik. Interrupted versus Continuous Suturing Techniques in Hepaticojejunostomy, a Retrospective Study. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):23-27]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 2. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.02.


Key Words: Hepatico-jejunostomy, continuous suture, interrupted suture and biliary leakage

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Differences Between Closed and Opened Exposure of Palatally Impacted Maxillary Canines: A Review


Adel Alharbi


Department of Orthodontic and Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Qassim University



Abstract: Palatally impacted maxillary canines was found to be more commonly occurring than labially impacted canines. Proper orthodontic treatment of such cases necessitates the utilization of a proper method for surgical exposure of the canine. The open and closed exposure techniques are the currently available methods. Open exposure is done by uncovering the crown of the impacted canine and a periodontal pack is placed until mucosal healing occur around the exposed crown. The closed exposure technique implies raising a flap and exposure of the crown followed by bonding an attachment with chain or ligature wire then the flap is sutured with the chain bulging throughout the mucosa to allow for orthodontic traction. No major differences were found between the two techniques in terms of rates of success, complications during treatment, esthetics, time of treatment and periodontal health. In most cases conflicting results were found if any differences occurred between the two methods. However, there is some evidence that the need to repeat surgery is slightly higher in the closed exposure technique. Based on the current literature we cannot recommend certain surgical technique over the other.

[Adel Alharbi. Differences Between Closed and Opened Exposure of Palatally Impacted Maxillary Canines: A Review. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):28-31]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 3. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.03.


Keywords: Impacted; maxillary canine; closed exposure; open exposure

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Histological Changes in the Endometrium of Female Albino Rat Uterusunder the Effect of Clomiphene Citrate (CC)


Kadreya E. El Morshedy1, Thanaa A. Elmasry2, Manal A. Buabeid3


1Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

2Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

3Assistant Professor in College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Department of Clinical sciences, Ajman University, UAE

E. mail: kadreyaelmorshedy@med.tanta.edu.eg


Abstract: Introduction: Clomiphene citrate (CC) is a synthetic estrogen receptor modulator that excites or suppresses estrogenic responses regarding tissue category. CC acts as a super-ovulatory drug prescribed in female infertility managing. Though, pregnancy rates after CC treatment are little, usually due to the induced morphological alterations of the uterus caused by the usage of this medication. Aim of the work: This work was planned to study the histological changes albino rat endometrium under the effect of CC treatment. Materials and methods: Twenty one adult female albino rats were distributed into three groups. Group I was the control group. Group II received 1 mg/kg/day CC for 4 days, while group III was left to recover after receiving CC. Uterine H & E, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), and caspase3stained sections were subjected to light microscopic and image analyzer examinations. The measured records underwent statistical analysis. Results: CC treated animals exhibited increase in the uterine wall thickness with increase in the height and width of the endometrial folds, dilated lumen with patches of hypertrophied surface epithelium (endometrial hyperplasia) and pseudo-stratification, vacuolated cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Majorrise in the PAS ocular concentration of the lining epithelium was noticed, but caspase reaction zoneratio displayed a significant alteration in treated groups paralleled to the control group. Conclusion: CC treated female albino rats are liable to embedding interference and pregnancy failure due to histological alterations of the normal uterine endometrium.

[Kadreya E. El Morshedy, Thanaa A. Elmasry, Manal A. Buabeid. Histological Changes in the Endometrium of Female Albino Rat Uterusunder the Effect of Clomiphene Citrate (CC). J Am Sci 2020;16(2):32-40]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 4. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.04.


Key words: Clomiphene Citrate, uterus, Infertility, apoptosis, endometrium, ovulation

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Study of Isolated polycystic ovarian morphology in Egypt


Elsharkawy SM, Zayed A, Emam M, Osman AW, Abd Elfatah HN.


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Faculty of Medicine. Mansoura University, Egypt.

E-mail: mezosali2013@gmail.com, mae335@hotmail.com


Abstract: Background: The review of literature showed that PCOM represents 16-25% of apparently normal women, it is also called isolated polycystic ovarian Morphology (PCOM) and it is found to be an intermediate subclinical androgenic ovarian dysfunction, so there is a risk of development of PCOS in the future. Objectives: To detect the prevalence of isolated polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) in eumenorrheic women without hyperandrogenism, attending Mansoura University Hospital (MUH) (tertiary hospiltal in Egypt). Subjects and methods: An observational prospective study was conducted on 156 eumenorrhiec, nonhyperandrogenic women. Cases were presented with vaginal discharge, seeking for fertility, postcoital bleeding etc. These cases were subdivided into 2 groups; 20 women with Isolated PCOM group and other group included 136 women without isolated PCOM. All the cases underwent full history taking, full examination and trans-vaginal ultrasonography. Results: The prevalence of isolated PCOM was 12.8% among the included women in the study (20 of 156 cases). The prevalence of isolated PCOM decreased with increasing age in comparison with non PCOM group (P-value=0.13). Body mass index was significantly increased in isolated PCOM (P-value= 0.003). Premature pubarche was significantly increased in patients with isolated PCOM (P-value= 0.001). Infertility was significantly more evident in patients with isolated PCOM (P-value= 0.001). Positive family history of PCOS and DM was significantly increased in these patients (P-value <0.001,0.001, respectively). Conclusion: Isolated PCOM is prevalent in 12.8% among eumenorrhiec women without hyperandrogenism attending MUH which is more associated with obese, prematurepubarche, young age and positive family history of PCOS & DM. Recommendatons: Further multicentric studies of isolated polycystic ovarian morphology with larger numbers are recommended.

[Elsharkawy SM, Zayed A, Emam M, Osman AW, Abd Elfatah HN. Study of Isolated polycystic ovarian morphology in Egypt. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):41-46]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 5. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.05.


Key word: Isolated PCOM, Hyperandrogenism, Infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Leadership A New Approach


Thamer H. AL-Nwabeat


Saudi Aramco Refinery Laboratory Assistance Supervisor

Email: dr.thameralnwabeat@gmail.com


Abstract: The leadership leads the team works to achieve the responsibilities via the managers or team leaders. The visualization and leadership philosophies translated into activities directed by the managers enable the accomplishment of tasks. The leadership in the administrations allocates the authority and autonomy through levels of hierarchy. The leadership qualities and talents are enhanced on different levels of the structural hierarchy of the business. The difficulties are created due to the absence of leadership abilities of executives in the management team while the leadership qualities of the managers evade the chances of conflicts and problems. To study the impact of leadership of managers on the act of the team members in a team, research will be carried out. The leadership of the managers will be studied to evaluate how and to which extent the performance of the team members is influenced via the leadership of the managers. The research objective is to study the relationship between the leadership of managers and team management competence in the business. The expressive research will be carried out to study upshot of leadership of managers on the team management. The relationship between the leadership of directors and performance of team adherents in managing the teams will be measured.

[Thamer H. AL-Nwabeat. Leadership A New Approach. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):47-52]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 6. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.06.


Key words: Leadership - Managers – Team-management

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Human Pegi Virus (HPgV) Incidence and Factors Associated With Its Infection among Blood Donors In Kano, Nigeria


Sarki Adamu Musa1, Taysir Ramadan Hafiz2, Ponsiano O, Ocama3 and Matilda Angela Okeha4


1Chief Laboratory Science, HIV and Molecular Diagnostic Unit, Medical Microbiology Department AKTH, Nigeria

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Al-Azhar University and Bayero University Kano, Nigeria

3 Department of Internal Medicine, Kampala University, Uganda, Nigeria

Department of Microbiology and Immunology Kampala University Uganda, Nigeria


Abstract: Background: The severity of hepatitis HPgV and the incidence is not established clearly in Africa. Molecular estimation and analysis of phylogenic tree of nucleotides and amino acids of viruses HBV, HIV, HPGV and HCV proposed an association amide the different viruses. Though, there are a closer relationship in amino acid sequence was found among HCV and HPGV viruses, whereas, its association with other hepatitis viruses is not cleared until now. Yet its co-infection with HIV suppressed the growth and multiplication of HIV, so diminishing the development of HIV sero-positive individuals into AIDS. Conversely, HPGV as hepatotrophic virus must given an attention to be screened and studied Objective: The study was to establish the prevalence of HPGV, its socio-demographic risk factors and its co-infection with HBsAg, HCVAb and HIV among blood donors in Kano, Nigeria. Methods: A total of 400 blood donors from 3 health facilities in Kano were examined for HBsAg and HCVAb by rapid strip immuno-chromatography technique, while, HIV was examined by Nigerian algorism (UNI-GOLD and STAT PACK HIV test kits and HPgV by Ag-based ELISA technique). Socio-demographic data were collected from each participant by a closed-ended questionnaire. Results: The socio-demographic data revealed that 167 (41.8%), their ages ranged from 25-32years, males representing 76.2% (n=319) and females representing 20% (n=81), with 253 (63.2%) married. The level of education of participants was 40.5% 1ry level and 34.8% were traders. The incidence of hepatitis GB virus C among blood donors was 0.8%. Positive results for HPgV was (R =.071) for HBsAg, (R =0.135) for HCVAb and (R=0.299) for HIV. a A significant relationship (P =....) was found among HPGV and coexistence of HIV. The ages of positive HPGV test participants in one male and two females were ranged from 17 to 24 and from 25 to 32 years. Conclusion: The presence of HPgV of 3 (0.8%) among blood donors in Kano, proposed its rate at a higher percentage amide the general public in the society. The co-existence of HPGV with HIV, HBV and HCV amide the blood donors proposed its co-existence with a higher rates between the high risk groups for HCV, HIV and HBV infections. Recommendation: Further community-based survey, particularly among the high risk groups, is recommended to establish the prevalence and the socio-demographic factors associated with HPGV infection in the study area.

[Sarki Adamu Musa, Taysir Ramadan Hafiz, Ponsiano O, Ocamaand Matilda Angela Okeha. Human Pegi Virus (HPgV) Incidence and Factors Associated With Its Infection among Blood Donors In Kano, Nigeria. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):53-61]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 7. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.07.


Keywords: Human; Pegi Virus (HPgV); Factor; Infection; Blood Donor; Nigeria

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Enteral Nutrition In Non-Ventilated Critically Ill Infants and Children


Doaa H. Elkoumy MSc, Ahmed I. Harkan MD and Ahmed A. Abo Elezz MD


Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt.



Abstract: Provision of optimal nutritional support to children in PICU is important for optimizing nutritional management, yet challenging because of a variety of factors. Previous nutritional status, degree of malnutrition, and variability in disease states differ significantly among PICU patients (1) Furthermore, optimal nutritional delivery sustains function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune systems until the acute phase inflammatory response resolves (2) The provision of optimal nutritional care is based on accurate estimations of patients’ resting energy expenditure. The latter can be calculated with the use of predictive equations or measured with indirect calorimetry (IC). Owing to their ease of use, mathematical equations have largely replaced IC in clinical practice (3). Objectives: The objective of this work is to evaluate Schofield equation for calculation of resting energy expenditure in non-ventilated critically ill infants and children. Methods: 40 non-ventilated critically ill infants and children given their caloric needs according to Schofield equation with multiplying by stress and activity factors and nutritional assessment that included anthropometric measurements and laboratory investigations was done weekly for 3 weeks. Conclusion: Enteral nutrition does not require special preparation, and it can be started and modified at any time with minimal complications. Moreover, Schofield equation as a predictive equation for estimating energy expenditure in critically ill children with multiplying by stress and activity factors under-estimated the energy requirements during the first week of critical illness and accurately estimated the energy expenditure during the second week and the 3rdweek of critical illness.

[Doaa H. Elkoumy, Ahmed I. Harkan and Ahmed A. Abo Elezz. Enteral Nutrition In Non-Ventilated Critically Ill Infants and Children. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):62-70]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 8. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.08.


Key words: Enteral nutrition, critical ill, Schofield equation.

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A rare case of pharyngo-cutaneous fistula after peritonsillar abscess


Ahmed Afifi, MD1, Hesham Saad, MD2, Ahmed M Eldesouky3


1Ent consultant - KFS GH - faculty of medicine - Cairo University - Egypt

2GIT consultant - KFS Liver institute - Egypt

3Assistant lecturer of Cardio- Thoracic surgery - Alazhar university- Egypt


Abstract: Tonsillitis is a common disease affecting all age groups and has a serious list of complications such as peritonsillar, para and retropharyngeal abscesses but we will discuss a very rare case of pharyngocutaneous fistula as an un common and dangerous complication of peritonsillar abscess and how to deal with it.

[Ahmed Afifi, Hesham Saad, Ahmed M Eldesouky. A rare case of pharyngo-cutaneous fistula after peritonsillar abscess. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):71-73]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 9. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.09.


Keywords: rare; case; pharyngo-cutaneous; fistula; peritonsillar; abscess

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Biological Studies on the Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Plants


Mohamed Hamed Alnefai*, Ehab M. R. Metwali, Omar A. Almaghrabi and Tamer S. Abdelmoneim


Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Jeddah, 21959 Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

email: mohamed.h.d1414@gmail.com


Abstract: One of the recent trends to improve plant productivity under abiotic stress and biotic stress is the use of rhizobacteria. Accordingly, this study is based on the isolation of rhizobacteria from several different locations from Mecca region and to identify the ability of these bacterial isolates to indole acetic acid (IAA) production and nitrogen fixation. As the results indicated that all isolates (16 isolates) have the ability to produce IAA, while the ability of nitrogen fixation varied. The bacterial isolates were classified into three groups based on the strength of their ability to nitrogen fixation. The results also revealed that the increase in tomato germination increasing with PGPR treated seeds over control. These results were a good indicator for using the activity of Bacillus simplex ET1, B. megaterium NT1 and B. subtilisin a future experiment to improve the growth and yield of tomatoes under field conditions.

[Mohamed Hamed Alnefai, Ehab M. R. Metwali, Omar A. Almaghrabi and Tamer S. Abdelmoneim. Biological Studies on the Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Plants. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):74-81]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 10. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.10.


Keywords: Biological; Studies; Effect; Plant; Growth; Promoting; Rhizobacteriaon; Tomato; Plant

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Outcome of Left Anterior Descending Artery Reconstruction with Internal Mammary Artery


Ahmed El-Naggar, MD1; Sherif Nasr, MD2; Sobhy Abouramadan, MD1; Waleed Ammar, MD3; Dina Labib, MD4


1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt

3Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

4Department of Medical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Coronary targets’ quality is a standard concern to surgeons while performing coronary bypass surgery, due to ongoing advances in interventional techniques, quality of the target vessels has become a major concern while performing coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. One of frequently attempted tactics is LAD reconstruction by a long on lay patch created by the internal mammary artery, the aim of this research is to evaluate the outcome of LAD reconstruction using this technique. Methods: This descriptive analysis was conducted retrospectively and the study was held between January 2014 and January 2018, it was instituted to involve a group of 105 patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery which entailed LAD reconstruction by internal mammary graft in the form of on lay patch. One year Follow up by multi-slice CT angiographic catheterization was performed in 46 cases (46.9%). Results: The mean length of the LIMA to LAD anastomosis was 3.9±1.7 cm. In-hospital mortality was (1.9%). Postoperative morbidities included low cardiac output (11.4%) and myocardial infarction (1.9%) during ICU stay. One year Follow-up revealed freedom from cardiac or cerebrovascular events (90.8%), LIMA to LAD patency rate after surgery (92.3%) and survival rate (97.9%). Conclusion: Reconstruction of a poor quality LAD by a mammary patch is a safe and performable technique, our one year evaluation in this study was adequate to establish that procedure as an applicable option in cases with diffusely diseased coronary targets.

[Ahmed El-Naggar; Sherif Nasr; Sobhy Abouramadan; Waleed Ammar; Dina Labib. Outcome of Left Anterior Descending Artery Reconstruction with Internal Mammary Artery. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):82-85]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 11. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.11.


Keywords: reconstruction; revascularization; on lay patch; myocardial infarction; patency rate.

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Evaluation of some Heavy metals of water Erucasativax Irrigated with the water of Chari Riverin Chad


Gamar M. G1*and Mohagir A. M.2


1 Normal Higher School of N'Djamena, B.P : 460, N’Djamena, Chad.

2Ministry of Higher Education, Secretary General Assistant, N’Djamena Chad



Abstract: This study aims at evaluating the percentages of some heavy metals in Erucasativax samples Irrigated with water of Chari River in Chad which is mixed with (untreated) wastewater in Ndjamena City, and to evaluate the health impact on consumers of those vegetables. The study handled evaluation of the percentages of five hazardous heavy metals; namely (cadmium, zinc, manganese, iron and nickel) using photometer Palintest 5000 in soil, plant and water labs in Chad Agricultural Research Institute as a result of spread of their projection sources from the site of the study, in addition to their hazard and high toxicity. Soil was reclaimed (twice) on the banks of Chari River. Area of 9 square meters (3x3 m) was used, definitely in the site of (untreated) wastewater drainage channel of Central Hospital in Ndjamena. Results of chemical analyses of heavy metals (Cadmium Cd, Zinc Zn, Manganese Mn, Iron Fe, Nickel Ni). Percentages of those heavy metals in Erucasativax samples irrigated with river water exceed the allowed limits according to the standards of World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, Chinese Environment Protection Agency and European Community (. The study addressed the health problems that result from use of those polluted vegetables such as high percentage of urea, hypertension, loss of conscience, emergency fever such as vomiting, muscle strain, kidney failure, lung diseases, Osteoporosis and interruption of kidney functions. The research paper ended by scientific and practical conclusions and recommendations for avoidance of those risks. Required analyses were done in accordance with the standard methods, and every experiment was repeated three times, then results were expressed in average value + standard deviation plus or minus standard deviation. XLSTAT2014 program was used to conduct the statistical analysis of results and took reliability level of those results at P<0.05.

[Gamar M. Gand Mohagir A. M. Evaluation of some Heavy metals of water Erucasativax Irrigated with the water of Chari Riverin Chad. J Am Sci 2020;16(2):86-93]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 12. doi:10.7537/marsjas160220.12.


Keywords: Erucasativax, Heavy metals, Chari River, Chad

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 The manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from January 7, 2020. 

 All comments are welcome: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com, or contact with author(s) directly.

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