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Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 21, Issue 2, Cumulated No. 204, February 25, 2025

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, am2102


The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from February 2, 2025. 

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Titles / Authors





Study on the Wireless communication and mobile computing


Dr. Gulshan Kumar


Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Rawal Institutions, Sohna Road, Near Zakopur, Faridabad, Haryana (India)

Email- Gulshan_dixit@rediffmail.com


Abstract: The falling cost of both communication and of mobile computing devices (laptop computers, hand-held computers, etc.) is making wireless computing affordable not only to business users but also to consumers. Wireless Networks & Mobile computing is not a "scaled-down" version of the established and well-studied field of distributed computing. The nature of wireless communication media and the mobility of computers combine to create fundamentally new problems in networking, operating systems, and information systems. Furthermore, many of the applications envisioned for mobile computing place novel demands on software systems. Although mobile computing is still in its infancy, some basic concepts have been identified and several seminal experimental systems developed. This book is intended to be a high-quality textbook that provides a carefully designed exposition of the important aspects of wireless networks. The text provides thorough coverage of wireless networks, including applications, communication and networking protocols, Database, security, and management. The book is targeted toward networking professionals, managers, and practitioners who want to understand the benefits of this new technology and plan for its use and deployment. It can also be used to support an introductory course in the field of Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing at the advanced undergraduate or graduate levels.

[Kumar, G. Study on the Wireless communication and mobile computing. J Am Sci 2025;21(2):1-6]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 01 doi:10.7537/marsjas210225.01


Keywords: Network; Computer; Mobile computing; wireless communication

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A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence in Media Sector: Significant Role, Major Challenges and New Opportunities


*Professor Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan, **Dr. Snehashish Vardhan, ***Dr. Sandeep Kumar


*Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo, Sri Palee Campus, Sri Lanka.

**Consultant (Journalism), School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, India.

***Consultant (Media Research), School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, India.


ABSTRACT: The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought innovative changes in every arena of media. In the field of mass communication, AI has increased creativity and unlocked the doors of possibilities. At the same time, its extensive use has also feasted the fear of making the creative and intellectual potentials of future generations machine-dependent. In the present era, media has made an outstanding custom of technology in the transmission of information due to which the quality of graphics, script, dialogue, visuals, and dialogue is refining. Media professionals and students are presently using AI to streamline the algorithms used for media content creation, script writing, video and background theme creation, editing, exceptional graphics, post-production, and mass transmission of content. Artificial Intelligence has strengthened the present generation in footings of creativity but there is a doubt that the future generations will be more relying on this technology and completely incorporating it in writing, content production, and creative work for the media. There is another question: Will the upcoming generations be able to avoid repetition in the content or present them by highlighting their human side? This research work is a review of how the media sector is using AI and what challenges and new opportunities lie ahead.

[Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan, Snehashish Vardhan, Sandeep Kumar. A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence in Media Sector: Significant Role, Major Challenges and New Opportunities. J Am Sci 2025;21(2):7-12]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 02 doi:10.7537/marsjas210225.02


Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Media; Mass Communication; Content Generation; News Production

Full Text



Biomass-Based Renewable Materials For Environmental Remediation


* Nikhil Ranjan And ** Dr. Sukeerti Singh


*Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Professor, Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: nikhilranjan997@gmail.com


Abstract: The emergence of a global energy crisis and the enormous risk of climate change have significantly jeopardized the survival and development of the human race. Pervasive human activities, as a result of unchecked population growth and expanding industrialization, have resulted in an enormous increase in overall environmental degradation. Thus, itis now widely recognized that economically viable and environmentally benign strategies are necessary to address the current climate issues worldwide. Existing approaches to addressing this result in the generation of secondary pollutants, causing an insufficient resolution of the problem. Thus, the utilization of biomass-derived nano-structured materials emerges as the most effective approach for achieving an effective remediation strategy, realizing the circular economy, and achieving sustainable development goals.

[Nikhil Ranjan, Sukeerti Singh. Biomass-Based Renewable Materials For Environmental Remediation. J Am Sci 2025;21(2):13-17]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 01 doi:10.7537/marsjas210225.03


Keywords: Biomass-Based Renewable Materials; Environmental Remediation

Full Text


 All comments are welcome: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com, or contact with author(s) directly.

For back issues of the Journal of American Science, click here.

Emails: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com

doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.453 (2013); 0.564 (2014); 0.675 (2015)

InfoBase Index IF: 4.79 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.9

ICV 2013: 7.63

Journal Index I2OR

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