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The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 20, Issue 6, Cumulated No. 196, June 25, 2024

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Some prenatal morphohistological studies on the developing human fourth rib with reference to ossification centers, cartilage vascular canals, in light of suret el Room8, Lukman11 and el thareate 21


Manal G Abd E l Wahab


Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al Azhar University-Cairo- Egypt

Member of Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel (Y A J) Scientific Chair of Prophetic Medicine Applications, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University (KAU) Jeddah -Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)


Abstract: Thirty five human fetuses aged 4, 5, 6, 7, full term and newborn infant: 4 months (13-16wks-CRL 9-14cm), 5 months old fetuses, (17 -20weeks) CRL 15-19cm, 6-months old fetus:(21 -24weeks) CRL 20-23cm, 7 months old fetus:(25-28weeks) CRL 24-27cm, besides full-term:(33-36 weeks- CRL 31-34cm) and newborn infant (37-38 weeks-(CRL 35-36cm) were studied in the present work.6 adult ribs were used for comparison. The fetuses were obtained from the miscarriage and spontaneous abortion from Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Al -Zaharaa hospital- Faculty of medicine for girls –Al-Azhar University, Egypt (according to medical ethics). They were used to study the normal morphogenesis of the developing prenatal human fetal fourth rib. Adult corresponding ribs from new cadavers (male and female) were used. The cadavers were obtained from the Dissection room – Anatomy Department - Faculty of medicine for girls -Al Azhar University, Cairo -Egypt. The 4th ribs were dissected and the costochondral junction were cut off, decalcified, blocked and prepared for histological study using heamatoxyline and eosin stain, Malory triple stain and Masson trichrome stain. Photos for the histological study were taken by Olympus50xB Microscope, attached to Camera: OlympusDP72, and Connected to the computer Dell at King Fahd center-King Abdul Aziz. University-KSA-Jeddah, morphology photos by canon camera zoom were made. Measures of the length of subperiosteal bone collar SPBC, and estimation of the diameters of secondary ossification centers SOC, and the cartilage canals were done according to the scale on the microphotograph. It was found that, each fourth rib had anterior sternal end, shaft, and posterior vertebral end. The rib had an angle which divided it into posterior cylindrical 1/4 part and anterior 3/4 flattened part. The angle became more open with age progress. Each 4thrib had two borders; upper and lower and two surfaces; inner and outer. The lower border in the prenatal ages became sharper with age progress. Slight twist in the shaft of full term rib was first noted, whereas there was great twist in adult rib. The subcostal groove was detected in full term. The posterior end beard head, neck and tubercle. The tubercle was first noted at 6-month old age fetus:(21 -24weeks- 20-23cm), and became more prominent with age progress. The prenatal ribs increased in size and length with age progress. Histological examination of parts of radial, TS&LS serial sections of parts of the 4th developing prenatal human rib of 4,5, 6,7 aged fetuses, full term - and newborn infant, at the costochondral junction (CCJ), showed that the CCJ was formed of chondroblasts arranged in columns embedded in matrix, standing on sponge irregular bone. The epiphyseal cartilage growth plate was zones with no demarcation lines: the germinative, proliferative, hypertrophic zones. At 4month aged fetus, the cartilage growth plate was long with no provisional zone of calcification PZC, while the sponge area was short. The PZC was noted at 5 month aged fetus, and increased in surface area with age progress till full term. The cartilage growth plate of 9month aged fetus was short and thin, while the sponge bone increased in length due to added bone grown by endochondral ossification. The germinative (inert,reserve,stem cell zone) was formed of small cells within large amount of matrix. The proliferative zone started as small flat cartilage cells, with dividing cells, which increased in size and formed cell columns, between few matrix. The hypertrophic zone was formed of enormously enlarged cartilage cells regularly arranged in columns between threads of matrix, with final 2-3 ballooned cells bursting in the sponge bone of the metaphysis, which represented primary ossification center POC, causing rib appositional growth and elongation by endochondral ossification. The transitional complex area; cartilage -to- bone at CCJ, showed the presence of cartilage cell columns between threads of matrix, and chondroclasts gaint multinucleate cells, eroding the matrix, basophilic polarized osteoblasts on the surface of the newly formed matrix, besides blood cells in the sponge. Ossification corner forming primary ossification center POC was seen. The secondary ossification centers SOC, in the epiphysis after establishment of the POC of 4month aged fetus, showed the presence of cartilage cells columns between threads of matrix, chondroclasts, basophilic polarized osteoblasts and blood cells, in addition to Osteocytes in stages of formation present in eosin acidic field due to TRAP production from the chondroclasts. Enlarged cartilage cells around the SOC formed a morphological plate similar to the growth plate at the CCJ were seen. The differences between POC and SOC were that; the SOC center, was invaded by cartilage vascular canals, which incorporated, branched and distributed inside the SOC, and their walls transformed to basophil bone like cells. Osteoclasts were embedded between the matrix of the sponge bone, surrounded by, in the POC and also in the SOC. The periosteum and perichondriuem of 4month aged fetus were thin at the costochondral junction CCJ, and increased in thickness with age progress. The periosteum was continuos with the perichondrium. The periosteum, at the CCJ of the developing prenatal human 4th rib of all ages studied, was formed of a fibrous sheath surrounded the outer surface of the bony part. It was composed of: outer layer of dense white fibrous tissue contained blood vessels, and an inner layer contained loose tissue and osteoblasts. The inner osteogenic or osteoblastic layer was the germinative layer which formed new bones. The sponge irregular bone was formed of irregular trabeculae appeared anastomosing. On the surfaces of the trabeculae, there were osteoblasts branched deep basophilic polarized cells formed a continues layer were seen, chondroclasts giant multinucleate cells were seen. The spaces between the trabeculea of the sponge at the CCJ increased with age progress. The thickness and density of the trabeculea increased with age progress. The perichondruin in 4months fetus, was formed of thin layers of CT, and mesenchyme` full of blood vessels, which increased in thickness with age progress. Three degrees of stain affinities were noted by Masson trichrome and Malory triple stain, in the perichondrium, sub perichondrium, and the hyaline cartilage of the developing prenatal human 4th rib, indicating the presence of different types of precollagen, collagen and tissue remodeling. The perichondrium stained strong deep, the sub perchondrium stained moderate and the hyaline cartilage had faint stain juxta the CCJ. The difference in stain affinities was obvious in all developing prenatal ages. At 4months aged fetus, the perichondria layers showed,special complex arrangement to allow pathway for cartilage canals and Spur contour arrangement of cartilage... cells beneath the complex arrangement in the epiphysis was seen by Mallory triple stain,and Masson trichrome stain.At 4,5,6,7 and 9 months aged fetuses, cartilage vascular canals surrounded by mesenchyme extended from the vascular perichondrium, were detected.Some canals at 4month aged fetus had mesenchyme and no vessels.Cartilage vascular canals varied in shape,size and content were noted close to secondary ossification centers SOC, aproched,anchored,incorporated and distributed inside the SOC in the epiphyseal cartilage in ALL prenatal ages studied. Cartilage canals number increased at full term. At the age of 6month aged fetus, some cartilage canals containing collagen with incomplete wall were noted. At the age of 7month fetus, some empty cartilage canals with conical ends and stripes of matrix around the canals were noted, besides obliterated occluded cartilage canals were seen. At 9month age fetus, cartilage canals with kinking course, small branches, reunited with terminal glomerulus were seen. Wedge shaped Groove of Ranveir (GR) full of newly formed cartilage cells, and subperiosteal bone collar SPBC or bone bark, which had rich vascular perchondrial supply were noted at the periphysis of 4month aged fetus and full term. The formed bone bark or SPBC, were formed by membranous ossification synchronous at the same time with endochondral ossification at the CCJ. That event, occurred to strengthen and support the rib and provided added cells to the growth plate, after endochondral ossification at the CCJ, to compansate and support cartilage cell loss after bursting in the sponge. That coincided with Quraan suret el ensane 28. which meant that Allah created the human and supported and strengthen his creation. The length of the SPBC of 4 month aged fetus was approximately 670um.and the length of the SPBC–of full term was approximately ranged 300-460um according to the scale on the microphotograph. At 4month aged fetus, Small secondary ossification centers coalesced to form large ossification center. Superficial vascular cartilage canals extending from the complex vascular perichondrium, invaded the secondary ossification center SOC At 6 and 9months aged fetuses, initial multiple secondary ossification centers were seen. The initial secondary ossification centers SOC were formed of collected enlarged cartilage cells aggregated in round areas, and surounded by vascular cartilage canals,which varied in shape size and contents.and some showed chondrolysis.Some vascular cartilage canals were occupied by one vessel.The secondary SOC occurred, AFTER first establishment of POC,coincided with Quran,suret al zomar 6and, suret Nooh14.Conclusion:Changes with age progress were noted in the prenatal developing human 4th rib at the costochondral junction CCJ: in the cartilage growth plate,cartilage vascular canals, tissue perichondrium, periosteum, grove of Ranvier,irregular cancelous spongy bone, bone trabecular –primary ossification center POC, secondary ossification center SOC.The changes were to accommodate for the function of the developing ribs as container and protection of the thoracic organs. The changes in the prenatal developing human 4th ribs with age progress illustrated some scientific, medical, and linguistic miraculous signs of suret el Room8 (Roman), Lukman11, el thareate21and fuselate 53. The Quran indicatd the presence of powerfull creator ALLAH.

[Manal G Abd El Wahab Some prenatal morphohistological studies on the developing human fourth rib with reference to ossification centers, cartilage vascular canals, in light of suret el Room8, Lukman11 and el thareate 21. J Am Sci 2024;20(6):1-59]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org 01. doi:10.7537/marsjas200624.01.


Key words: Developing prenatal human 4th rib- costochondral junction CCJ –Morphology-histology- Growth plate –cartilage canals – (primary –secondary ossification centers POC-SOC) - sponge bone- perichondrium- periosteum - grove of Ranvier –subperiosteal bone collar SPBC

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1Research Scholar, Department of Physics, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

2Associate Professor, Department of Physics, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: rajole97@gmail.com


Abstract: Owing to promising optical and electrical properties and better thermal and aqueous stability, chalcogenide perovskites have shown a wide range of applications. Chalcogenides belong to the 16th group of periodic tables and could be potential materials for the fabrication of efficient and stable (chalcogenide perovskite) solar cells. Generally, metal halide perovskites are used for the fabrication of solar cells. However, they have some grave problems like less stability and toxicity. In this context, chalcogenide perovskites (AB (S, Se)3) may be a better option due to their potential to solve the existing problems and hence could be deployed in the fabrication of high-performance solar cells. These chalcogenide perovskites have high stability (thermal and aqueous), along with their environment-friendly elemental composition. In this review, we present various techniques used for the synthesis of chalcogenide perovskites and their applications in the fabrication of solar cells. Furthermore, we have also studied the scope for the commercial development of chalcogenide perovskite–based solar cell.

[Pradeep and Gaur, P.K STUDY ON REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON CHALCOGENIDES. J Am Sci 2024;20(6):60-63]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org 01. doi:10.7537/marsjas200624.01.


Keywords: Review of literature, Glasses,  Chalcogenides, Semiconductor

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Role of L- Carnitine as Adjuvant Therapy with Letrozole for Ovulation Induction in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


Mohanad Ashraf Ezz Eldin , Mohamed Ali Mohamed, Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

E-mail: Mohand_EG@Yahoo.Com


Abstract: Background: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder that impacts females who are in their reproductive years. There was a correlation between this syndrome and the presence of bigger and dysfunctional ovaries, higher concentration of androgens, insulin resistance and several other significant variables associated with the condition. L-carnitine (LC)is a small molecule that is soluble in water and has a crucial role in the breakdown of fats and the production of energy through the oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria. L-carnitine has the potential to enhance ovarian function and boost the risk of a successful pregnancy. Aim of the work: To assess the effect of adding L-carnitine with letrozole for inducing ovulation in females with polycystic ovary syndrome, we examined the changes in endometrial thickness as well as ovulation rate, clinical and chemical pregnancy. Patients and Methods: blinded randomized controlled investigation, whereas two hundred females with PCOS diagnosed according to Rotterdam criteria (2003), were shared and equally distributed to double groups, each group involved one hundred females. The first group added L-carnitine to letrozole, while the second group took letrozole alone with an evaluation of ovulation induction. Results: The accumulated ovulation rate was statistically significantly raised in the first group than in the second group. Also, accumulated chemical and clinical pregnancy rates were higher in the first group than in the second group. The endometrial thickness was highly statistically significantly reduced in the participants of first group compared to the participants of second group. Conclusions: The evaluated variables of the research results demonstrated that adding L-carnitine to letrozole throughout ovulation induction in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients improved the endometrial thickness, ovulation rate, clinical and chemical pregnancy rates.

[Mohanad Ashraf Ezz Eldin , Mohamed Ali Mohamed, Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed. Role of L- Carnitine as Adjuvant Therapy with Letrozole for Ovulation Induction in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). J Am Sci 2024;20(6):64-72]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  03. doi:10.7537/marsjas200624.03.


Keywords: L-carnitine, Letrozole, Ovulation Rate, Chemical Pregnancy, Clinical pregnancy, Endometrial Thickness, PCOS, CC

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Effect of endobronchial gentamycin and dexamethasone after air way clearance by bronchoscopy in patients with bronchiectasis


Afnan M. Abdel Halim, Assem F. El Essawy, Radwa A. El Hefny, Enas S. Farhat*


Chest Diseases Department, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Egypt

e mail: esf11@fayoum.edu.eg


Abstract: Background: Patients with bronchiectasis often experience a low quality of life, recurrent chest infections, and a persistent daily expectoration. Bronchial airway clearance therapy (ACT) has demonstrated a positive prognosis for patients with acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis. Gentamycin is a viable treatment choice for bronchiectasis since it lowers the amount of bacteria in the airways and reduces inflammation. One of the most often used glucocorticoids is dexamethasone, which can lessen mucus secretion from the airways and decrease the expression of inflammatory proteins. Aim of study:  to assess the effect of endobronchial therapy with dexamethasone together with gentamicin after bronchoscopic clearance of airways in improvement of symptoms and sputum bacteriology in patients with bronchiectasis. Methods: A randomized–controlled trial was conducted in chest department of Fayoum University hospital during April 2022- Septemper 2023. This study included 60 patients of bronchiectasis (Case group: included 30 patients that underwent bronchoscopy with topical intrabronchial injection of a mixture of saline, gentamicin and dexamethasone after bronchoscopic air way clearance, Control group: included 30 patients with air way clearance by bronchoscopy only at admission and 3 months later). Follow up data including cough score, mMRC score, FEV1, FACED score, sputum bacteriology within 3 and 6 months. Results: There was statistical significant improvement in (case group) regarding morning, night cough score, mMRC dyspnea score, FACED score and FEV1 within 6 months post bronchoscopy. No reported post bronchoscopy serious complications among our 60 studied patients. Conclusion: Endobronchial injection of dexamethasone and gentamicin after bronchoscopic ACT significantly improved cough and dyspnea, lung function and FACED score within 6 months.

[Afnan M. Abdel Halim, Assem F. El Essawy, Radwa A. El Hefny, Enas S. Farhat Effect of endobronchial gentamycin and dexamethasone after air way clearance by bronchoscopy in patients with bronchiectasis  J Am Sci 2024;20(6):73-83]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  04. doi:10.7537/marsjas200624.04.


Key words: Bronchiectasis, Bronchoscopy, Airway clearance, Gentamicin, Dexamethasone

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