The Journal of American Science
(J Am Sci)
ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online),
doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 21, Issue 1, Cumulated
No. 203, January 25, 2025
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Titles / Authors
Effect Of Plant
Growth Substances On Seed Germination Of Asparagus Racemosus
Ruchi Bajpai*
and J.S. Chauhan
Department of Seed
Science and Technology,
H.N.B Garhwal
University, Srinagar Garhwal 246174, Uttarakhand, India
is an important medicinal plant commonly called Satavari
considered both a general tonic and a female reproductive tonic
with ability to increase fertility and vitality. Charak Samhita
written by Charak and Ashtang Hridyam written by Vagbhata, the
two main texts on Ayurvedic medicines, list Asparagus
racemosus as part of the formulas to treat women’s health
disorder. Due to its multiple uses, demand for A. racemosus
is constantly on the rise however, the supply is rather erratic
and inadequate. Destructive harvesting, combined with habitat
destruction in the form of deforestation has aggravated the
problem. There is a need for conservation of this plant. To
overcome these prevalent problems, the availability of
genetically superior and uniform planting material is essential.
The seed mediated propagation is unsatisfactory due to dormancy
and low germination percentage. This however, decelerates the
conservation strategy of this species. Thus efforts were made in
this study to break dormancy and improve germination of seeds by
different growth regulators for boosting conservation. The TZ
(Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) test showed 97% of viable
seeds. The present investigation was carried out to study the
influence of different growth substances on seed germination,
length of root and shoot and vigour index. The seeds were soaked
in different growth regulators like GA3, NAA & KNO3
with different concentration to evaluate their effect on
germination at a constant temperature of 250C, it was
found that GA3 300 ppm had a highest significant
effect on germination as compared to control and all other
treatments at a constant temperature on top of the paper
substrata, but as the concentration increased above 300 ppm the
germination decreased rapidly.
[Ruchi Bajpai and
J.S. Chauhan. Effect Of Plant Growth Substances On
Seed Germination Of Asparagus Racemosus (Satavar).
J Am
2025;21(1):1-4]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264
01 doi:10.7537/marsjas210125.01
Asparagus racemosus; growth regulators; seed germination |
Full Text |
Renewable Materials For Environmental Remediation
* Nikhil Ranjan And
** Dr. Sukeerti Singh
*Research Scholar,
Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan
Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan
The emergence of a global energy crisis and the enormous risk of
climate change have significantly jeopardized the survival and
development of the human race. Pervasive human activities, as a
result of unchecked population growth and expanding
industrialization, have resulted in an enormous increase in
overall environmental degradation. Thus, itis now widely
recognized that economically viable and environmentally benign
strategies are necessary to address the current climate issues
worldwide. Existing approaches to addressing this result in the
generation of secondary pollutants, causing an insufficient
resolution of the problem. Thus, the utilization of
biomass-derived nano-structured materials emerges as the most
effective approach for achieving an effective remediation
strategy, realizing the circular economy, and achieving
sustainable development goals.
[Ranjan, N. and
REMEDIATION. J Am Sci 2025;21(1):5-9].
ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online).
02 doi:10.7537/marsjas210125.02
Renewable Materials; Environmental Remediation |
Full Text |
Affecting the Quality and Efficacy of Compost Tea in Organic
Tanko Bako1*,
Adashu Tanko Gani2,
Japhet Malum Flayin3
of Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering, Taraba State
University, Jalingo, Nigeria
of Soil Science and Land Resource Management, Federal
University, Wukari, Nigeria
of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering,
Joseph Sarwuan
Tarka University,
Makurdi, Nigeria
Email: Tel: +234 7064190523
The water extract of compost termed “compost tea” retains all
the beneficial soluble bioactive components, making it a potent
source of plant stimulatory and defensive compounds.
High quality
compost refers to compost that is high in microbiological
activity. Compost tea is made by two brewing methods;
non-aerated method and aerated method. For both methods of
compost tea production, microbial food may or may not be added.
studies have demonstrated that composted materials and their
resulting teas can provide manifold benefits as organic
fertilizers in sustainable agriculture. Indeed, compost teas
have been shown to suppress a wide range of soil-borne diseases
when used as foliar sprays and soil drenches, thereby ultimately
affecting plant growth and yield. The
exact nature and extent of these features are, however, modified
by composting system, feedstock quality, tea preparation and
resultant use and management, including application dynamics of
the compost tea. The purpose of this work is therefore to
give an overview of the factors affecting the quality and
efficacy of compost tea in organic agriculture. The objectives
of this review are to identify the process, operational and
environmental parameters that influence the quality and efficacy
of compost tea, describe compost tea characteristics and quality
assessment, and to summarize the current knowledge of compost
tea application including; application methods, application rate
and application time.、
[Tanko Bako, Adashu
Tanko Gani, Japhet Malum Flayin.
Factors Affecting the Quality and Efficacy of Compost Tea in
Organic Agriculture.
J Am Sci
2025;21(1):10-23]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264
03 doi:10.7537/marsjas210125.03
Key Words:
Compost; Compost Tea; Organism; Brewing; Nutrient |
Full Text |
Determinants of
Performance Management Practices: A Case Study of National Bank
of Pakistan
Ayesha Yaseen MS
Scholar *, Sehrish Afghan BBS **
* Department of
Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
** Department of
Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
There is drive
and momentum to implement changes in the public sector
organizations and for such changes it is first and foremost
dilemma to analyze the performance management system and
practices implemented in such organizations. This study explores
the performance management system at National bank of Pakistan.
It’s a descriptive study and main focus of this study is to
identify the flaws in performance management system that are
currently prevailing at National bank of Pakistan and suggesting
new ideas to bring positive changes ultimately getting
competitive advantage through Human Resource Management (HRM).
For analyzing the study, a sample of 100 employees has been
selected on convenient basis form Bahawalpur Region and reposes
are obtained on the fully structured questionnaires and analyze
the results through Chi-Square technique.
[Ayesha Yaseen MS
Determinants of Performance Management Practices: A Case Study
of National Bank of Pakistan.
J Am Sci
2025;21(1):24-33]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264
04 doi:10.7537/marsjas210125.04
Key words:
Performance management system; reward; motivation; feedback and
performance criterion. |
Full Text |
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The Possible Ameliorative Effect Of Vitamin D3 On The
Histological Structure And Stem Cell Expressions In The Pancreas
Of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice
Areej, M. Alshehri1,
Rasha, A. Alshali1,
Rania, Magadmi2
Laila M. Aboul- Mahasen1
Anatomy Department,
Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi
Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine, King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding Authors:
A. Alshali
Clinical Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, Saudi Arabia
M. Aboul-Mahasen
Clinical Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, Saudi Arabia,
The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine gives a great
promise for the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes
mellitus. This study aimed to
investigate the stem cell expression in adult pancreas of
control and STZ-induced diabetes and to explore the possible
ameliorative effect of vitamin D3 on their biochemical,
histopathological and immunohistochemical changes.
Material and Methods: 65 mice were purchased from the animal
house of King Fahd Research Centre in King Abdul-Aziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The mice were divided into 8
groups (control, STZ-induced diabetic, vitamin D3 supplemented
control and diabetic). After 2 months, blood samples were
collected from all groups and assessed for lipid profile and
glycemic control and statistical analysis were performed
using SPPS program. Then, the pancreata were extracted from
scarified mice and were processed for histological examination
and immunohistochemical stem cell markers expression CD56 and
PAX8. Results: Variable degree of marker expression is
identified in all groups ranging from mild, moderate to strong.
Vitamin D3 supplementation to control
groups and STZ diabetic groups stimulates the neogenesis of new
islets of Langerhans. Vitamin D3 with metformin supplementation
to STZ diabetic group stimulate the neogenesis of new functional
islets of Langerhans.
Conclusion and recommendations:
variable degree of CD56 and PAX8 immunomarkers expression of
precursor stem cells in the pancreatic ducts, in between the
acini and inside the islets are identified in all groups.
Abundant stem cells are expressed mainly in the islets of
Langerhans. Vitamin D3 supplementation to the control adults
stimulates the neogenesis of new
functional islets of Langerhans, so it can be probably used
for prevention of diabetes 2 in prediabetic people. While
vitamin D3 supplementation to
STZ-diabetic group stimulates the neogenesis of new
nonfunctional islets of Langerhan’s, vitamin D3 supplementation
in combination with metformin to STZ-diabetic group stimulates
the neogenesis of new functional islets of Langerhan’s. This
suggests that vitamin D3 has a preventive and potential
synergistic effect for the management of Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus with the antidiabetic drugs.
[Areej, M. Alshehri, Rasha, A. Alshali, Rania, Magadmi
Laila M. Aboul- Mahasen.
The Possible Ameliorative Effect Of Vitamin D3 On The
Histological Structure And Stem Cell Expressions In The Pancreas
Of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice.
J Am Sci
2025;21(1):34-54]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264
05 doi:10.7537/marsjas210125.05
Key Words:
Pancreatic stem cells; Vitamin D3; STZ induced Diabetes; PAX8;
CD56 |
Full Text |
5 |
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