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Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 19, Issue 7, Cumulated No. 185, July 25, 2023

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The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 27, 2023. 

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Titles / Authors





The Impact of Price Policyon Production & Consumption of Rice Crop in Egypt


Dr. Sherien Zaghloul Zaki


Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt

Email: dr.sherimera@yahoo.com


Abstract: The research problem is summarized in reducing the cultivated area of the crop, therefore, the research aimed to study the development of some production, economic, and consumption variables for the rice crop, with a study of some ministerial decisions during the study period and their impact on the path of the rice crop, in addition to studying the impact of the partial equilibrium model, which shows the impact of crop price policies on both the producer and the consumer. The study results showed a statistically significant annual decrease in the cultivated area, production, and exports during the study period by about 21,100 feddans, 0.01 tons per feddans, 101,200 tons, and 58,600 tons, respectively. Meanwhile, the local price, consumer price, export price, total costs, and net return all increased annually by a statistically significant rate of approximately 180, 460,500, 500, and 190 EGP, respectively, during the study period. By studying some ministerial decisions related to the area, production, and export of rice during the period (2000-2021), It was found that the cultivated area and rice production decreasedDuring the period from 2001-2005, rice was exported, and in 2017 rice was imported, and a partial equilibrium model was presented showing the government's preference in the price policy of the crop.

One of the most important recommendations
- Growing varieties that can tolerate drought and salinity

- Establishing guidance fields for farmers on proper irrigation methods to conserve water

- Activating the role of contract farming by providing fair prices to farmers

[Sherien Zaghloul Zaki. The Impact of Price Policy on Production & Consumption of Rice Crop in Egypt. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):1-17]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  01. doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.01.


Keywords: Rice crop, Price policy, Ministerial decisions, Partial equilibrium model

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Impact And Variability of Climatic Factors on The Yield of Tomatoes in Nigeria


1*Oladimeji O.A, 2Akinlosoye J.J. 3Awolu T.E, 3Uzohuo U.


1Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria.

2Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria

2Department of Fisheries Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: adedipupo.oladimeji@gmail.com


Abstract: Climatic factor is one of the vital issues facing farming in Nigeria. It is very challenging for the farmer when the climatic condition is not favorable to their product. So, this paper used correlation to shows the degree of association between the climatic factors for year 2019 and 2021. For year 2019, the correlation analysis indicates that, the correlation between the climatic factor positively influence the production of tomatoes in Nigeria except the correlation climatic factor RAIN and any other climatic factor, which do not really have influence on the performance (yield) of tomatoes in Nigeria. For year 2021, the correlation analysis indicates that, the correlation between the climatic factor positively influence the production (yield) of tomatoes in Nigeria except the correlation between TMEAN&RH and TMAX&RH, which influence the production of tomatoes negatively. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows the variability in the four (4) varieties of tomatoes that, the varieties of tomatoes significantly contribute to the growth of tomatoes which can influence the yield of tomatoes in Nigeria positively.

[Oladimeji O.A, Akinlosoye J.J. Awolu T.E, Uzohuo U. Impact And Variability of Climatic Factors on The Yield of Tomatoes in Nigeria. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):18-25]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  02. doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.02.


Keywords: Climate factor, Significantly, Tomatoes, Variability-analysis, Negatively, Association, Correlation

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The importance of applying wasfty to the residents of the holy city of Mecca


Obied.M. Alsaab (1),  Salem. T. Alharbi,  Turky. M. Al Harthy,  Hasan.S. Alshughaybi, Nawaf. A. Alshamrani,  Saeed. H. Alsuhimi, Hussam. M. Alowaydhi, Ali. D. Algarni, Sayyaf.K. Almabadi.


Pharmacy Technician at Ibn Sina Hospital for long-term care, Ministry of Health, Mecca, Saudi Arabia (1)

Pharmacy Assistant, Ibn Sina Hospital, Ministry of Health, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Pharmacist Technician, Ibn Sina Extended Care Hospital, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Pharmacist, Ibn Sina Extended Care Hospital, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Pharmacist, Ibn Sina Hospital, Mecca, Saudi Arabis

Pharmacist, Hadaa Primary Health Care Center

Pharmacist Technician, Ibn Sina Hospital, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Pharmacist, Health Affairs Compliance Department, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Pharmacist Technician, Compliance Control Department, Mecca, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: the aim of the study is to find out the importance of the application of wasfty for the population of Mecca (Holy city), whether for Health centers or Hospitals, to know their opinions and impressions in terms of ease of use and download, and the quantity and variety of medicines for them. The reaction to this application or the decision makers by the male reviewers or female reviewers in Mecca on the extent to which they accept the application or not. An electronic questionnaire was created through the Google Drive application, where this questionnaire was distributed to social networking WhatsApp groups, where 750 responses were obtained from those (residents of the city of Mecca), out of a total of 900 questionnaires.

[Obied.M. Alsaab,  Salem. T. Alharbi,  Turky.M. Al Harthy,  Hasan.S. Alshughaybi, Nawaf. A. Alshamrani,  Saeed. H. Alsuhimi, Hussam. M. Alowaydhi, Ali. D. Algarni, Sayyaf.K. Almabadi. The importance of applying wasfty to the residents of the holy city of Mecca. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):26-29]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  03.doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.03.


Keywords: wasfty: electronic application for dispensing medicines to male and female reviewers.

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 J Am Sci 2023;19(7):30-43]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  04.

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The Economic Impact of Climate change on maize crop in Egypt


Dr. Doaa Samir Mohamed Morsy, Dr. Amal Abd El Menam Abd El Hamed Mohamed, Dr. Eman Salem El. Batran


Senior Researcher - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center, Egypt



Abstract: The research aims to study the effect of the most important climatic changes represented in the maximum and minimum temperatures and relative humidity on the yield per feddan of the summer maize crop in Egypt. The results revealed an increase in the cultivated area, yield per feddan, production available for consumption, the quantity of imports, and the value of maize imports in Egypt at a statistically significant annual rate of about (9.60 thousand feddan, 0.02 tons/feddan, 80.85 thousand tons, 327 thousand tons, 289.10 One thousand tons, 82.81 million dollars) for each of them during the period (1990-2021). The results of the Ricardo model show that the minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and relative humidity under study explain about 54% of the changes in the summer net yield of maize in Egypt during the period (2017-2021). As evidenced by the results of the sensitivity analysis, the negative impact of a decrease in the minimum temperature by about (0.5, 1) degrees Celsius on the net return yield per feddan of the maize crop was at a rate of 4.8% and 3.4% from the calculated average net return yield. It also showed the negative effect of an increase in the maximum temperature by about (0.5, 1) degrees Celsius on the net return yield per feddan of the maize crop, at a rate of about 9%, 9.6% of the average net return yield calculated from the model. 10% on the net return yield per feddan of the maize crop, at a rate of about 5.6% and 1.5%, respectively, on the average net return yield calculated from the model. The increase in the maximum temperature comes in the negative effects, which indicates the sensitivity of the crop to that, and therefore the net yield of the maize crop is sensitive to the climatic changes under study, which are the decrease in the minimum temperature, the increase in the maximum temperature, the increase and decrease in relative humidity, which indicates the need to choose The right place to grow the maize crop to face the climate changes, with the development of varieties commensurate with the expected climate changes.

[Doaa Samir Mohamed Morsy, Amal Abd El Monam Abd El Hamed,  Eman Salem El. Batran. The Economic Impact of Climate change on maize crop in Egypt. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):44-59]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  05.doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.05.


Keyword: Climate change - Net Yield - yield per feddan - Governorates of Egypt

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Studying & Comparing Creativity of Students with Learning Disability & Ordinary Students at Elementary School of Tehran


Parisa Kaveh, Dr Maryam Seif Naraghi, dr Farangis Kazemi


University of Pishtazan Ayin zendegi, Iran, Tehran

University of Allameh Tabatabaei , Psychology campus, Iran, Tehran

University of Allameh Tabatabaei, Psychology Campus, Iran, Tehran


Abstract: The purpose of this research is studying and comparing creativity of students with learning disability and ordinary students at elementary school of Tehran. In this way, 45 girl students with learning disability were selected by field method and sampling method among learning disability centers of Tehran and 15 ordinary girl students were selected among schools of Tehran in order to control unwanted factors such as: age, gender, iq, social and economic factors. This research applies from (form b) of creativity test of Torrance and short form intelligence test of wechsler. In order to analyze data it is applied from unilateral variance analysis test and follow up test of Scheffe & Toukey. Results of research showed that the creativity grade of students with learning disability is more significant than ordinary students and students with writing and calculating disability have better creative thought of Torrance than ordinary students. However, the statistical difference was not significant that is due to different brain structure such as spatial and visual talents. Thus, it is recommended that educational planners should benefit from creativity of students for educating positive properties of students and solving deficiencies.

[Parisa Kaveh, Dr Maryam Seif Naraghi, dr Farangis Kazemi.Studying & Comparing Creativity of Students with Learning Disability & Ordinary Students at Elementary School of Tehran. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):69-76]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  07. doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.07.


Key Words: Learning disability, Creativity

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Overview of the Sadra Philosophy


Mohammad salari


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, International Campus, Mashhad, Iran.



ABSTRACT: Mulla Sadra is one of the greatest Muslim scholars; He revived the Islamic Philosophy in the seventeenth century. After two major philosophical systems that Suhrawardi and ibn sina were founders, he was innovator the greatest islamic philosophical system as transcendental Wisdom. He was the true representatives of Shi Wisdom, that his thought system was established based on three pillars: Quran, Mysticism and argument. He was the inventor of more than 32 new philosophical issues, 12 quite new comments and 4 fundamental problem of Islamic philosophy.

[Mohammad salari. Overview of the Sadra Philosophy. J Am Sci 2023;19(7):77-79]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org  08.doi:10.7537/marsjas190723.08.


Keywords: being, wisdom, revelation, transcendent school, Sadra

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 The manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 27, 2023. 

 All comments are welcome: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com, or contact with author(s) directly.

For back issues of the Journal of American Science, click here.

Emails: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com

doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.453 (2013); 0.564 (2014); 0.675 (2015)

InfoBase Index IF: 4.79 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.9

ICV 2013: 7.63

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