The Journal of American Science
(J Am Sci)
ISSN 1545-1003
Volume 9, Issue 3, Cumulated No.
61, March 25, 2013
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Development of Pavement
Maintenance Management System For Airports in Egypt
Ahmed Mohamady; Mahmoud El Saied
Solyman and Raafat M. A. Morsy
Construction Engineering and
Utilities Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Zagazig University, Egypt,
The objective of this research is to assess the condition of
general aviation airport pavements in Egypt then develop a
systematic maintenance program at their disposal to help airport
managers and maintenance personnel in identifying and properly
treating the pavement distresses and deterioration. Also
assessing the airport pavements will be the main basic for
developing pavement maintenance management system for Airports
in Egypt. Total runways across the country were surveyed.
MicroPAVER (a PMS system developed by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers) was selected as the platform for the PMS. An
inventory database was developed for all runways in the network.
Information about the construction and maintenance history was
collected and entered into the MicroPAVER
database. On-site surveys were conducted to assess pavement
conditions in terms of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Based
on the condition survey performed using the MicroPAVER
methodology, it was found that approximately 58% of sections
surveyed are in “good” to “satisfactory” condition. More
importantly, almost 23% of the network can be rated as “good.”
Also, it was found that 29% of the sections surveyed are in
“fair” condition. Overall, the condition of the
network can be rated as “satisfactory.” A condition curve was
developed for each of the two different types of surfaces
(Asphalt Concrete AC and Portland Cement Concrete PCC) then the
pavement conditions of all branches were predicted. Comparison
between two budget scenario reports was developed. The results
analysis show that the runways of the general aviation
airports eligible for Holding Company funding in Egypt could be
brought to a “satisfactory” rating or above (i.e. average
PCI ≥ 70) by spending approximately LE 30
million on average per year for the next five
years. After that, the spending would decrease considerably and
the average pavement condition could be kept above (70)
by performing diligent and timely preventive maintenance.
[Ahmed Mohamady;
Mahmoud El Saied Solyman and
Raafat M. A. Morsy. Development of Pavement
Maintenance Management System For Airports in Egypt.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):1-9]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 1
PMS, PMMS, Airport pavement
management system, Airport Pavement maintenance. |
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Morphometric Study Of The Renal Arteries In Saudi Population
From Aseer Region Using 3-D MDCT Angiography
Mohamed Atif A. Said Ahmed1 and Hamed A. Gobran2
Departments of Anatomy1 and Radiology2,
College of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
The renal artery exhibits wide
spectrum of origin variation. The renal artery anatomy plays a
considerable role in selecting donors. 3-D angiotomography is
the best modality for vascular anatomic evaluation. The aim of
the present study was first, to provide morphometric data
concerning the renal arteries in people of Aseer region, K.S.A.
and second, to establish relationships between those arteries.
Methods: Data from a retrospective review were performed
using 3-D MDCT angiography of 100 consecutive Saudi patients
fulfilled all research criteria and had a readable CTA were
selected (54 males and 46 females) with mean age 54.7 ± 5.2
years. Results: The median level of the origin of right
renal artery and left renal artery is at the level of the lower
third of L1 and the disc between L1 and L2, respectively. The
mean of the measured angle of the right renal and left renal
arteries is 55º± 7º and 85º ±8º, respectively. There was no
difference between the diameters of the main renal arteries. The
renal artery diameter had a direct correlation with the angle of
origin. The renal artery diameter in kidneys with extra renal
artery was significantly lower than those without an extra renal
artery. Renal arteries associated with extra renal artery showed
greater length. The length of the segment between celiac trunk
and the renal arteries was significantly correlated with the
length of the abdominal aorta. Conclusion: Understand the
position, calibre and angle of the renal arteries, were
advantageous to make use of selective arteriography, arterial
embolism therapy and plan stent grafts.
Atif A. Said Ahmed and Hamed A. Gobran.
Morphometric Study Of The Renal Arteries In Saudi Population
From Aseer Region Using 3-D Mdct Angiography.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):10 -15]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Morphometric – Renal artery – CT Angiography – Saudi
population. |
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Predictive and
prognostic value of RIFLE classification on ICU Patients with
acute kidney injury treated with continuous renal replacement
Walid M Afifi,
Haitham E Mohamed1,
Mohamed Abdelzaher2
Internal Medicine,
Nephrology Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals
& ICU department,
Zagazig University Hospitals
2 Critical
Care Medicine Department, Cairo University
The optimal timing
to start continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) for acute
kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill ICU patients has not been
accurately detected. The recently proposed risk, injury,
failure, loss, end-stage kidney disease (RIFLE) criteria for
diagnosis of AKI may provide a method for nephrologists to
decide the “optimal timing” for starting dialysis. Objective:
our study aimed: (1) to analyze the correlation between RIFLE
stages at the start of CRRT and 90-day survival rate after CRRT
start, (2) to further analyze the correlation of RIFLE stage
with the malignant kidney outcome in the 90-day survivors, and
(3) to determine the effect of the timing of CRRT on the 90-day
survival and malignant kidney outcome in 90-day survivors.
Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was performed on
the data of 96 critically ill patients in ICU, CCU, and CICU
with AKI, treated with CRRT during a 1-year period in MOH
hospital, makkah, Saudi Arabia from November 2011 to November
2012. Information such as age, sex, RIFLE stage, sepsis,
sepsis-related organ failure assessment (SOFA) score, and number
of organ failures before CRRT, CRRT time, survival, and kidney
outcome conditions at 90 days after CRRT start was collected.
According to their baseline severity of AKI at the start of
CRRT, the patients were assigned to three groups according to
the increasing severity of RIFLE stages: RIFLE-R (risk of renal
dysfunction, R), RIFLE-I (injury to the kidney, I) and RIFLE-F
(failure of kidney function, F) using RIFLE criteria. The
malignant kidney outcome was classified as RIFLE-L (loss of
kidney function, L) or RIFLE-E (end-stage kidney disease, E)
using RIFLE criteria. The correlation between RIFLE stage and
90-day survival rate was analyzed among these three
RIFLE-categorized groups. Additionally, the association between
RIFLE stage and the malignant kidney outcome (RIFLE-L+RIFLF-E)
in the 90-day survivors was analyzed. Results: forty
eight of the overall 96 patients survived to 90 days after the
start of CRRT. There were 14, 20 and 62 patients in RIFLE-R,
RIFLE-I and RIFLE-F groups respectively with corresponding
90-day survival rate of 78.5 % (11/14), 60 % (12/20) and 40.3 %
(25/62) (P <0.01, compared among groups). The percentage
of the malignant kidney outcome of 90-day survivors in the
RIFLE-R, RIFLE-I, and RIFLE-F groups was 18.18 % (2/11), 25 %
(3/12) and 56 % (14/25), respectively (P <0.01). After
adjustment for other baseline risk factors, the relative risk (RR)
for the 90-day mortality significantly increased with baseline
RIFLE stage. Patients in RIFLE-F had a higher RR of 1.96
(95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06–3.62) than patients
in RIFLE-I (RR: 1.09, 95% CI: 0.55–2.15) compared
with patients in RIFLE-R (P for trend <0.01). Similarly,
baseline RIFLE stage also significantly correlated with the odds
ratio (OR) for the malignant kidney outcome in 90-day
survivors (P <0.05). Ninety-day survivors in the RIFLE-F
group had a borderline significantly highest OR of 6.88
(95% CI: 0.85–55.67). Conclusions: The RIFLE
classification may be used to predict 90-day survival after
starting CRRT and the malignant kidney outcome of 90-day
survivors in the critically ill patients with AKI treated with
CRRT. Early versus late initiation of dialysis prior to RIFLE-F
stage may be the optimal timing.
[Walid M Afifi,
Haitham E
Mohamed, Mohamed Abdelzaher.
Predictive and prognostic value of RIFLE classification on ICU
Patients with acute kidney injury treated with continuous renal
replacement therapy.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3): 16-21]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
RIFLE stage;
CRRT; acute kidney injury; prognosis. |
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Combined Effect of
Electromagnetic Field and Therapeutic Exercises on Muscle Mass
in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Mohamed A. Eid and Mostafa S. Ali
Department of physical therapy,
College of Applied Medical Sciences, Najran University, Najran,
Saudi Arabia.
Abstract: Background/Purpose:
The aim of the study was to investigate the combined effect of
electromagnetic field and therapeutic exercises on lean muscle
mass in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).
Methods: Thirty children with polyarticular JRA were
included in this study. Fifteen children represent study group
and treated with electromagnetic field and therapeutic exercises
and fifteen children represent control group and treated with
therapeutic exercises only. Lean muscle mass was determined
before and after six months of treatment. Results:
Pre-treatment results of both groups indicate that mean lean
muscle mass was 23975.2± 8152.21 gm. (mean ± SD) in control
group and 24016.26 ± 7864.39 study group. There was no
significant difference between both groups which indicate they
were homogenous (p = 0.98). But post-treatment results showed
that mean lean muscle mass was 24143.26 ± 8416.94 gm. in control
group while that of study group was 27488.8 ± 7543.39 gm. which
was significantly higher than the control group (p = 0.26).
Conclusion: We conclude that treatment with electromagnetic
field together with therapeutic exercises are effective in
increasing lean muscle mass in children with polyarticular JRA
than therapeutic exercises alone.
[Mohamed A. Eid and Mostafa S.
Ali Combined Effect of Electromagnetic Field and Therapeutic Exercises on Muscle Mass in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3): 22-27]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Lean muscle mass, Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Electromagnetic
field. |
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Behavior of Chromate ions in
CaO-Al2 (SO4)3 Suspensio
Khulood A.A. AbuAlola
Chemistry Department, Community
College for Girls in Hyanakiyah, Taibah University, Al-Madinah
Al-Munawarah, K.S.A. Tel: 096605309610;
of the chromate ions and their removal efficiency in CaO + Al2(SO4)
suspensions with molar ratio 4:1 was studied. The suspension
prepared by agitating the reactants with a magnetic stirrer for
constant time intervals at room temperature. Run products were
collected by filtration, washing and air-dry and evaluated by
XRD, SEM and DTA. According to XRD and SEM results the major
product in this suspension was ettringite with minor amounts of
gypsum and calcite. DTA results showed that, the presence of the
chromate ions in the suspension retard the formation of the
products and decrease the degree of their crystallinity. However
there is a high removal of the chromate ions by the formed
suspension products. This is related to the substitution of the
chromate ions by sulfate ions in the ettingite crystals.
[khulood A.A.Abualola, Behavior of Chromate ions in CaO-Al2
(SO4)3 Suspension, J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 5
Key words: CaO-Al2(SO4)3 suspensions,
Chromate ions, Removal. |
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Body Mass Index (BMI) As a Prognostic Factor in Breast Cancer
Emad Sadaka and Samar Galal
Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta
University, Egypt
Abstract: Background/Aim:
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy and the second most
common cause of cancer death in females. So, there is a
continuous need for the development and search for new
prognostic factors which will aid in therapy. Studies in breast
cancer have shown conflicting data about the prognostic
significance of body size, ranging from no prognostic
significance to adverse outcome. The aim of this work is to
correlate obesity with clinic-pathologic findings and patient
survival to assess its prognostic significance. Patient &
Methods: From January 2002 through December 2007, a series
of 243 patients with non-metastatic invasive breast carcinomas
were eligible for this study. All female patients were analyzed
for correlation of obesity with clinicopathologic findings and
patient survival to assess its prognostic significance.
Results: Older patients (>50
years) (p=0.001), post-menopausal (p<0.01)
patients with higher T stage (p=0.01), higher nodal stage
(p<0.01), invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) (p=0.01)
and higher tumor grade (p<0.01) were more likely to have
significantly higher body mass index (BMI)
of >30 kilograms/m2. There
were no significant difference as regards the correlation
between BMI and either hormonal status (p=0.192) or HER2
status (p=0.085).Univariate & multivariate
analysis revealed that high BMI
was significantly associated with a shortened DFS and OS.
Conclusion: Body mass index appears to be potentially useful
indicator of poor prognosis in breast cancer patients and it was
found to be an independent prognostic factor, thus can be used
to detect cases with aggressive biological behavior that can
benefit from more aggressive therapy.
[Emad Sadaka and Samar Galal.
Body Mass Index (BMI) As a Prognostic Factor in Breast Cancer.
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Obesity, Breast cancer, Clinicopathologic characters, Prognostic
factors, Survival. Body mass index (BMI) as a prognostic factor
in breast cancer |
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Comparison between Ohlson 95 Model and Discounted Cash Flow:
Empirical Evidence from Iran
Poorzamani1 Mohammad Pouranfar2
of Accounting, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Central Tehran branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
This study compares the
discounted cash flow approach and ohlson 95 methods. In theory
discounted cash flow and ohlson95 approaches are equal, hence
this study detects whether it is possible to astute that one
approach has a privilege to the other form. The two valuation
models are analytically compared. This study presents that if
users present uncomplicated hypotheses in their valuation, they
present prejudices in their corporation value estimations.
Finally, due to the fact that framework for predicting is
usually on the basis of accrual accounting and also the budget
control is most of the time on the basis of accounting numbers
rather than cash flow numbers, it is probable that corporation
value estimation on the basis of accrual accounting conceptions
and financial statement analysis is more concisely than the
Poorzamani Mohammad Pouranfar.
A Comparison between Ohlson 95 Model and Discounted Cash Flow:
Empirical Evidence from Iran.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):40-47]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 7
Key words:
Ohlson95, Discounted cash flows, Discount rate, Book value. |
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Histological and Histochemical Studies of the Efferent Ductules
of Male One Humped Camel (Camelus Dromedarius)
Yahya Ahmed, Mohamed El-Sakhawy, Mamdouh El-Shammaa, Abdel-Aleem
El-Sabaa, Shaymaa Hussein and Mohamed Alkafafy*, **
Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Minufiya University, Egypt.
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Taif
University, Saudi Arabia.
A total of 9 adult apparently healthy male camels were used to
study the histology and histochemistry of the efferent ductules
during the winter season (rutting season). The efferent
ductules were considered as a part of the excurrent duct system
of the testis. They were convolutions of tubules that connect
the rete testis to the ductus epididymidis. The tunica albuginea
covering the ascending first region of the epididymal head
showed many valved veins. This first region contained the
extratesticular part of the rete testis and convolutions of
efferent ductules, while the second region revealed convolutions
of efferent ductules as well as the tubules of the initial
segment of the epididymal duct. The extratesticular rete testis
was lined by cuboidal epithelium. There was abrupt change in the
epithelium lining the rete testis and that of efferent ductules.
The efferent ductules were lined by epithelial membrane of three
types of cells; columnar (ciliated and non ciliated), basal and
migrating cells. The epithelium of the initial part of efferent
ductules was lined with numerous columnar non ciliated cells
showing numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles and fine granules. They
showed signs of apocrine secretion. Along the course of the
efferent ductules the columnar ciliated cells increased towards
the epididymal duct. Few tall and slender dark cells appeared in
the epithelium near the junction with the epididymal duct. The
efferent ductules of camel were surrounded by fine peritubular
smooth muscle layers, which increased in frequency toward the
epididymal duct. Alkaline phosphatase enzyme reactivity was
observed throughout the subepithelial connective tissue and
blood vessels. Strong granular activity of acid phosphatase
enzyme was demonstrated in the whole epithelium.
[Yahya Ahmed, Mohamed El-Sakhawy, Mamdouh El-Shammaa, Abdel-Aleem
El-Sabaa, Shaymaa Hussein and Mohamed Alkafafy.
Histological and Histochemical Studies of the Efferent Ductules
of Male One Humped Camel (Camelus Dromedarius).
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):48-55].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Camel, efferent ductules |
Full Text |
Oral and
dermal exposure of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin mixture induced
cytogenetic, histopathological damage and oxidative stress in
Mohamed A.
Noaishi1, Amr A.
Abd Allah. 1 and Mostafa M.M.
Mammalian Toxicology Department, Central Agricultural Pesticides
Lab. (CAPL), Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of
Agriculture, Egypt.
of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Faculty of
Medicine, Bani Sweif University, Egypt
Corresponding author:
Abstract: Present study is aimed
to estimate the risk and the hazard of oral and dermal exposures
of chlorpyrifos and cypermithrin mixture which are commonly used
in Egypt. And to evaluate which type of exposure is more toxic
or dangerous than other. Subacute toxicity of repeated 28 days
in male white rats was assessed. The study was included some
toxicological parameters ranged from cytogenetic,
histopathological and oxidative stress effect. Eighty Wistar
strain rats (weighing 140-160g) were randomly divided into four
main groups (a, b, c and d) which were further subdivided into
subgroups. Each of group (a) and (b) consists of 5 subgroups and
were used to determine the oral and dermal LD50. Each
of group (c) and (d) consists of 3 subgroups and were used in
oral and dermal treatments respectively. The first subgroups of
(c) and (d) were kept as control. Rats of two subgroups (c)
treated orally by gavage 1/20 and 1/30 of LD50. Rats
of two subgroups (d) treated dermally by 1/30 and 1/50 of LD50.
The results revealed that, the pesticides mixture induced
neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, severe histological changes. Also
resulted in lipid peroxidation, inhibition in the activities of
antioxidant enzymes (Cat) and reduced the glutathione contents.
In addition the results showed the dermal treatments were more
toxic and hazard than oral treatments. So, these mixtures of
pesticides when present together may induce bio-activation sites
resulting in the increase of the observed toxicity of these
pesticides mixture compared with the toxicity of the individual
alone. Finally, the results strongly impose the need to more
detailed testing of the toxicity of mixture exposure than to one
[Mohamed A. Noaishi, Amr A. Abd
Allah and Mostafa M.M.
Afify Oral and
dermal exposure of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin mixture induced
cytogenetic, histopathological damage and oxidative stress in
rats. J Am Sci
2013;9(3):56-65]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 9
Key words:
chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, mixture, Rats, chromosomal
aberrations, Histopathology, oxidative stress. |
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Shopping: Perceptions and Expectations of the Students at The
University of Jordan
Osama Rababah
Department of Business
Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942,
Electronic marketing is a
revolution in today’s business world. Most businesses have been
forced to adapt to the rapid pace of technological change over
the last decade. A new definition of consumer behavior has
emerged in an age of digital economy. In a broad sense,
electronic marketing is the use of computer technology, or
electronic-based activities, to improve marketing performance.
It enhances an online execution of delivering customer benefits
and satisfaction, thus the convenience of online shopping. This paper seeks to
discover the reason why more and more customers prefer to do
shopping online rather than in the retail stores and what
factors may influence the purchase decision-behavior of the
e-shoppers. It is also addresses that one of the fundamental
issues of marketing: how to attract and touch the customers'
mind in the highly competitive Internet marketplace and analyzes
the factors affecting the online consumer’s behavior. The scope
of this paper is to examine the perception of the student’s
adopters and non-adopters of online shopping at the University
of Jordan in terms of demographic profile, expectation of online
stores, and advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
Online Shopping: Perceptions and Expectations of the Students at
The University of Jordan.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):66-71].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Online Shopping, e-Commerce, e-Marketing, Customer Attitude, B2C
Business. |
Full Text |
Examining the Effects of Word
of Mouth marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case Study of
electrical appliance industry in Iran
Amir Hossein Zaafaranlou1, Soheil
Sarmad Saeedi2, Mahmoud Zamani3
1School of Management, U.A.E branch, Islamic Azad
University, Dubai, U.A.E
of Marketing, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
of Marketing, Institute of Management Studies, Tehran,
The purpose of this study was to evaluate different aspects of
marketing, word of mouth and its impact on consumer buying
behavior. Research Applied practical purpose, the method of data collection, descriptive -
survey and the primary means of Data were collected using
a questionnaire which is designed based on the Likert scale is at 7 times. Number Sample with 200 people per brand (400
samples of
each) which the students were
randomly Simply choose. In order to test hypotheses of
correlation and linear regression methods were used. All Been
conducted. Calculations and statistical analysis software SPSS.
Among the 5 assumptions of the study indicated that the
relationship between size and improved model of buying behavior
Sernovitz Customers about the brand in Iran Broadcasting
assumptions about the relationship between activity
participation, tools Marketing by mouth
and spread issues and improve the consumer buying behavior and
only confirmed the hypothesis about the relationship
International track and improve consumer buying behavior was
rejected. Even in other countries of similar studies have been
carried out under the following aspects purchasing and its
impact is investigated. Even the same models were used to
investigate the importance of cooperative behavior and follow-up
is less pointed. Perhaps this is because it is usually by word
of mouth marketing activities prior to collection buy more
attention, and even in many of the definitions of these
activities is limited. In this study, the behavior of the
purchase was also taken into consideration.
[Zaafaranlou A, Sarmad saeedi S,
Zamani M.
Examining The Effects of Word of Mouth marketing on Consumer
Buying Behavior: A Case Study of electrical appliance industry
in Iran. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):72-79].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: brand, consumer behavior, marketing, word of mouth, Samsung,
Iran. |
Full Text |
Application of Designed
Orientation Program for Nurse Interns Based on Learning
Needs Assessment
Heba K. Obied1,
Fouada M.Shabaan1, Helmy H. Shalaby2
and Samar H. Gadiry1
Administration Dept., Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University
Surgery Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University
Orientation programs based
on LNA encourage nurse interns to feel safe and enable them
to demonstrate competency in the basic clinical and
management skills needed for providing high quality and safe
patient care. Using LNA ensure NIs commitment to these
program. This study aimed to design, implement,
and evaluate an orientation program about clinical and
management skills needed for nurse interns based on the
findings of learning needs assessment tool. The study was
conducted at Tanta University Faculty of Nursing and Tanta
University Emergency and Main Hospitals ICUs and obstetric
and dialysis departments. SUBJECTS: (384)
nursing students passed the 4th academic year
attended the orientation program. (198) spent their
internship year at TUHs were included in the researcher’s
observation 3 months post program. TOOLS: The data
collection was achieved by using LNA scale, knowledge
test, NIs’ orientation program and follow up
observation sheet. RESULTS: Pre program
around half (51%) of NIs assessed themselves as cannot
carryout different clinical and management skills. Majority
(87%) of NIs got low knowledge level for both skills. Post
orientation program statistical significant improvement at (P≤0.05)
was found in NIs’ knowledge and practical levels for both
clinical and management skills. It is recommended to
conduct orientation programs based on nurse interns’ LNA and
knowledge test before starting internship year and at the
beginning of each new rotation, provide nurse interns with
pass booklet include standard procedures required to be
carried out in each rotation, provide them also with
designed evaluation manual based on the pass booklet and
implementing nursing mentor-ship and preceptor-ship programs
during internship year.
[Heba K. Obied,
Fouada M.Shabaan, Helmy H. Shalaby, and Samar H. Gadiry.
Application of
Designed Orientation Program for Nurse Interns Based on Learning
Needs Assessment. J Am Sci
2013;9(3):80-92]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 12
Key words:
Orientation program,
nurse interns,
needs assessment. |
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Histopathological Study of
the Lymphoid Organs in Different Species of Egyptian Rats
Abdel-Hakim Saad, Rewaida A.
Abdel-Gaber, and Hanaa M. Mahmoud
Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
development of lymphoid organs depends on the correct expression
of several molecules within a defined timeframe during ontogeny.
Although this is an extremely complex process, with each
secondary lymphoid tissue requiring subtly different signals, a
common framework for lymphoid development is beginning to
emerge. So, we selected three species of the most common
Egyptian rats, Arvicanthis niloticus, Microtus
agrestis and Acomys cahirinus
determine whether or not there are interspecific differences in
their lymph nodes. The possibility of interspecific differences
is important because the selected species represent three
significantly different size categories (small, represented by
M. agrestis, moderate represented by A. cahirinus,
and large represented by A. niloticus) with presumably
different diets and different physiologic strategies.
Also, the random variations of
the lymph node number within species of A. niloticus,
M. agrestis and A. cahirinus were noted. These
individual variations are remarkable in the posterior cervical,
brachial, internal jugular and axillary lymph groups.
[Abdel-Hakim Saad, Rewaida A.
Abdel-Gaber, and Hanaa M. Mahmoud.
Study of the Lymphoid Organs in Different Species of Egyptian
Rats. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):93-105].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 13
niloticus -
Microtus agrestis - Acomys cahirinus
- Lymphocyte. |
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Leukocytospermia compared to those with spinal cord injuries and
without spinal cord injuries
Infertility Center (1377 and 1376)
Dr. Mohammad
Taghi Palizgir, Dr.S.K Forotan, Dr. Ali Akbar Rezaei
According to data suggesting that in males with
leukocytospermia, infertility is more prevalent, a study
according to exiting data, extracted from registers of infertile
patients referred to "Kowsar center for infertility" was done,
for determining of leukocytospermia prevalence and comparing it
in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) and those without SCI.
In 410 cases of infertile males, 171 and 239 sperm grams from
patients with SCI and those without SCI were studied,
respectively. Existence of SCI and number of WBC \ HPF in semen
registered in a data chart. In patients with SCI is almost all
of patients there was a higher number of WBC \ HPF than normal
(> 0-1) - (eg. Leukocytospermia) 87.1% which the highest was> 50
WBC \ HPF (32.7%) and then 1 -5 WBC \ HPF (15.2%). In patients
without SCI, 57.8% were in normal range of WBC in semen (0-1 WBC
\ HPF) (eg no leukocytospermia) and 26.8% had 1-5 WBC \ HPF.
There was a significant difference between prevalence of
leukocytospermia in these two groups.
Taghi Palizgir, S.K Forotan, Ali Akbar Rezaei.
Leukocytospermia compared to those with spinal cord injuries and
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):106-111].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 14
Leukocytospermia, prevalent, WBC \ HPF, determining, SCI. |
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Study of the Relationship
between the Cause of Renal Failure and Outcome in Decompensated
Liver Cirrhosis
Gamal F. El Naggar, Khaled
Zaghloul, Loai El Ahwal, and Mahmoud F. Selim
Department of Internal Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University
Abstract: Background: Renal failure is a challenging complication of cirrhosis and is
one of the most important risk factors when liver
transplantation is being considered. Patients with cirrhosis and
renal failure are at high risk for death while awaiting
transplantation and have an increased frequency of complications
and reduced survival after transplantation, as compared with
those without renal failure.
Aims: To evaluate the
causes of renal failure in patients with decompansated liver
cirrhosis and its impact on prognosis. Patients & Methods:
One hundred patients with decompansated liver cirrhosis
associated with renal failure (serum creatinine equal to or more
than 1.5 mg/dl) were included in our study; they were classified
according to the cause of renal failure into 4 groups:
hepatorenal syndrome, infection, hypovolemia and parenchymal
kidney disease. All patients in the study were subjected to full
history taking, complete clinical examination, pelviabdominal
ultrasonography, chest X ray and laboratory investigations
including blood urea, serum creatinine, urine analysis, ascitic
fluid analysis, serum sodium, serum potassium, urinary sodium,
and serum osmolarity. Results:
37 patients (37%)
developed renal failure due to hepatorenal syndrome, 31 patients
(31%) due to infection especially spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis, 22 patients (22%) due to hypovolemia especially
upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding and 10 patients (10%)
due to parenchymal kidney disease. There was statistically non -
significant increased incidence of diabetes melllitus among
group II (infection group) as compared to other groups (p.
value 0.054). Prognosis depends on the cause of renal failure as
16 patients of hepatorenal
syndrome died within 2 weeks of admission, 5 patients died due
to infection, 4 patients died due to hypovolemia and no patients
died due to parenchymal kidney disease. There was statistically
significant difference in outcome among studied groups (p.
value 0.001). Conclusions: A simple classification of
patients with decompansated liver cirrhosis according to cause
of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may
help in decision making in liver transplantation.
F. El Naggar, Khaled Zaghloul, Loai El Ahwal, and Mahmoud F.
Selim Study of the Relationship
between the Cause of Renal Failure and Outcome in Decompensated
Liver Cirrhosis.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):112-118].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 15
Key words:
renal failure, decompensated liver cirrhosis, and hepatorenal
Full Text |
Adjusting indigenous
knowledge and new technologies in cotton cultivation in the city
Elaheh Memarian1,
Davoud Samari2
1, 2
Islamic Azad University, Garmsar
Branch, Garmsar, Iran
This study has been developed to adjust indigenous knowledge and
new technologies in cotton cultivation in Garmsar. Adjustment is
to adapt a person, object or society with an ultimate goal to be
done in different economical, social and cultural dimensions.
Unadjustment of both indigenous and new knowledge is one of the
big problems causing no acceptance of proper technologies in
indigenous societies as well as neglecting indigenous values in
a scientific community. Qualitative and quantitative findings
represent low adjustment in indigenous knowledge of cotton
farmers which are the main holders of this knowledge with new
technologies in cotton planting. Decision sharing, receiving
benefits, and income level are all important in increasing the
adjustment of indigenous knowledge and new technologies. This
study indicates that political problems such as allocating the
price, educational problems and lack of new technologies have
been considered as serious barriers to the adjustment for thirty
years. It also implies that the more interaction between experts
and farmers, the higher score can be allocated to adjustment of
indigenous knowledge and new technologies. This study is a
survey that uses descriptive and inferential statistics to
evaluate the variable relations and impacts. A validity assessed
questionnaire has been used to gather data and SPSS win 18 has
been used to analyze gathered data. The population included 92
people which were chosen randomly.
[Elaheh Memarian, Davoud Samari.
Adjusting indigenous knowledge and new technologies in cotton
cultivation in the city Garmsar.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):119-125]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 16
Key words:
adjustment, adjusting, indigenous knowledge, new technologies,
Full Text |
Investigating the Relation
between Conservatism in Different Accounts (Accounts Receivable,
Accounts Payable) and Future Operating Cash flow: Evidence from
Hassan Zohdi
(Corresponding author) 1, Abdolghafour Mohammadzadeh
2, Mahdi Toujgi Zabol 3, Ahmad Taheri
Nezhad 4, Alireza Dehvari
Internal Auditing Function,Tehran Cement Company
Faculty member of saravan Islamic Azad University
3. Department Of Accounting, Zabol Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Zabol, Iran
4. Faculty member of Kashmar Islamic Azad University
5. Faculty member of S aravan Islamic Azad University
Efforts have been made in this paper to investigate the relation
between conservatism in different accounts and future operating
cash flow. Also in this paper the companies listed on the stock
exchange as well as sufficient number of samples during 2002 to
2011 were randomly selected. Auditing financial statements were
used for this purpose. Considering the research results it can
be relatively said that future cash flow may be anticipated
better by using net profit. This is because accounting income is
comprehensive and includes accrual items while net cash flow is
only related to cash flow. The results of this research indicate
a significant relation between the changes of some of the profit
accrual items and next year operating cash flow.
[Hassan Zohdi,
Abdolghafour Mohammadzadeh, Mahdi Toujgi Zabol, Ahmad Taheri
Nezhad, Alireza Dehvari.
Investigating the Relation between Conservatism in Different
Accounts (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable) and Future
Operating Cash flow: Evidence from Iran. J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Conservatism Accounts
Receivable, Accounts Payable, Accrual Items. |
Full Text |
Effect Of Vitamin D On
Performance Of Ruminant Animal: A Review
Mehdi Eshaghian*1,
Hamed AminiPour1, Mahnaz Ahmadi Hamedani1,
Ali Akbar JannatAbadi1, Mehdi Ramshini1
Department of Veterinary, Islamic
Azad University of Sabzevar, Sabzevar, Iran.
D is
thought of
as the “sunshine vitamin”
it is
synthesized by
various materials
are exposed
sufficient sunlight.
The 2 major
natural sources of vitamin
D are
cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. In this
term vitamin
in the
absence of
a subscript
will imply
either vitamin
o vitamin
Under modern
conditions, some animals, especially
are raised in
confinement with
little or
no exposure
to natural
sunlight. Even
though with
enough sunlight exposure,
vitamin D is
not needed
the diet,
it still
fits the
definition of a vitamin
all respects for
animals and
humans that
are confined
from the
sun. In recent
vitamin D
receptors have
been found
tissues not
associated with
the traditional
role of
calcium metabolism. The additional role
of vitamin
awaits further
[Mehdi Eshaghian, Hamed
Amini Pour, Mahnaz Ahmadi Hamedani, Ali Akbar JannatAbadi, Mehdi
Ramshin. Effect Of
Vitamin D On Performance Of Ruminant Animal: A Review.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):130-138].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Vitamin D, Performance,Ruminant Animal. |
Full Text |
Positive Role of Counseling
about Exclusive,
Prolonged Breastfeeding to
Delay Pregnancy
Nadia H. Ahmed, 2Nadia A. Mohamed and Neama M.
&Gynecological Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing,Assiut
&Gynecological Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, South Valley
Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University
Increase in population awareness of exclusive and prolonged
breast-feeding would be of considerable potential public health
benefit in Egypt. Lactation amenorrhea method is a reliable form
of contraception for up to six months following childbirth.
Provided that the mother's periods have not returned and she is
exclusively breast-feeding with sufficient feeds and no dummy or
bottle use. The aims of this study was to assess knowledge of mothers'
about exclusive and prolonged beast-feeding as a method of
delaying pregnancy and,
planning, implementing and evaluating a counseling intervention
on promoting this method. A Quiz experimental design was used in
carrying out this study using pre- posttest. The study was
conducted at the Rural Health Unite and at El-Moteaa village
which was randomly selected. The sample was 200 mothers
attended the study setting for delivery. One hundred mothers
were randomly assigned to intervention group and 100 for the
control group. All mothers in the two groups reported intention
to breast feed their babies. Intention to exclusively breast
feeding was reported by 74% of the intervention group compared
to 41 of the control group. Over all there was statistical
significance improvement in mothers' knowledge at the post
intervention regarding method of exclusive and prolonged breast
feeding and its effect on delaying pregnancy. Also, pregnancy
occurs in 9 women at the intervention group compared to 30 of
the control group. The intervention was effective in correcting
mothers' knowledge about exclusive and prolonged breast feeding
and was significantly effective in delaying pregnancy among the
intervention group. It was recommended that educational and
counseling session about exclusive breast feeding should be
provided by nurses about positive role in delaying pregnancy in
the six months postpartum.
[Nadia H. Ahmed, Nadia A. Mohamed
and Neama M. El-Magrabi Positive Role of Counseling
about Exclusive,
Prolonged Breastfeeding to
Delay Pregnancy.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):139-147].(ISSN:
Keywords: Lactation
amenorrhea, Exclusive breastfeeding; delaying pregnancy,
contraception. |
Full Text |
Attitudes of University
Family Responsibility and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem
Wageda Mohamed Nasr Hamad
Faculty of Specific Education,
Kafr EL-Shaikh University
The current study is aimed to
identify the relationship between university students trends
about family responsibility and self-esteem questionnaire and
variety of the social and economic level of the family. The
research sample was selected randomly from the provinces of
Tanta and Kafr El-Sheikh from different social and economic
levels. The research tools were applied to a sample of 200
university students. The research tools included, the data Form
for the family, Questionnaire university students' attitudes
towards family responsibility, and Measure of self-esteem. A
questionnaire was applied to the university students' attitudes
towards taking responsibility family axes and measure
self-esteem and using correlation coefficient test and (t) test.
The differences between average results of the study showed
that: there is a correlation between attitudes of university
students towards family responsibility and between some of the
variables of the study of social and economic (educational level
of the mother, family income, birth ranking). While, there were
no statistically significant differences between the attitudes
of university students towards family responsibility and
self-esteem for the children of working and non-working mothers.
In addition, there were significant level between university
students attitude towards taking responsibility and self-esteem.
Mohamed Nasr Hamad. Attitudes of University Students
Family Responsibility and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):148-167]
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Attitudes, University
Students, family responsibility, self-esteem. |
Full Text |
Scalenotomy for neurogenic
thoracic outlet syndrome
Mohamed Hasan, Mustafa Alwalily,
Mostafa Elsayed, Mohamed Elgebale, Abdelbaset Saleh, Adel Ragab,
Hamdy Behary, Bokhary Mahmoud, and Hatem Elkhouly
Neurosurgery. Faculty of
Medicine, Al- Azhar University, Egypt.
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
must be strongly evaluated in every case of upper limb complain
as TOS is often the underlying cause of refractory upper limb
conditions facing neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon like frozen
shoulder, cervical disc (as a double or a multiple crush
syndromes) or carpal tunnel syndrome that frequently defy
standard treatment protocols and surgeon must select the safest
surgical approach for surgically indicated cases. The aim of
this study is to evaluate supraclavicular scalenotomy for true
neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome. Patients and Methods:
twenty patients with neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome were
operated on between 2008 and 2011. Mean age was 38.05±8.85 years
(range, 17 to 58 years); female/male ratio was 17/3. The most
frequent symptom was paresthesia (75.0%). Seven patients (35%)
had bilateral symptoms. All cases (20 cases) were true
neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (excluding disputed cases).
Lower plexus (C8-T1/ulnar nerve) compression was present in 18
patients and upper plexus (C5-C7/median nerve) compression in 2
patients. Preoperative evaluation was done for all patients and
includes plain radiography, nerve conduction velocity and MRI
cervical, and MRI angiography for selected cases (not all). The
indication for surgery was failure of conservative treatment for
6 months. The decision to operate was made if symptoms persisted
after conservative therapy in a patient with true neurogenic
thoracic outlet syndrome. Cervical rib cases, radiographic
occurrence of cervical rib alone is not an indication for
surgery unless associated with symptoms. Results: there
were clinical and electrophysiologic improvement of the
preoperative complaint in all cases (Mean ulnar nerve conduction
velocity was 58.0±6.07 m/s, range, 43 to 68 m/s) preoperatively
and 66.55±5.63 m/s (range, 47 to 70 m/s) postoperatively (p
< 0.05) ) without any recorded complications nor recurrence
during 1 year follow up period. Conclusion: Surgical
decompression for thoracic outlet syndrome by only scalenotomy
and release of associated bands(without interruption of osseous
elements) is efficient and safe for true neurogenic thoracic
outlet syndrome.
[Mohamed Hasan, Mustafa
Alwalily, Mostafa Elsayed, Mohamed Elgebale, Abdelbaset Saleh,
Adel Ragab, Hamdy Behary, Bokhary Mahmoud, and Hatem Elkhouly.
Scalenotomy for neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3): 168-172] (ISSN: 1545-1003). 21
thoracic outlet syndrome, anterior decompression,TOS diagnostic
scale. |
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Diallyl disulfide,
from garlic oil, synthesizes human colonic adenocarcinoma cell
line (Caco-2) to TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis through
up-regulation of membrane FAS levels
Mohammed O. Altonsy1, Hala I Madkour2,
Reda S Yousef 3 and Simon C. Andrews4
Biology Lab., Zoology Department, Faculty of Science,
Sohag University, Egypt.
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt.
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt.
School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, Reading,
Colon cancer cells resistance to
apoptosis inducing factors, particularly those working through
the extrinsic apoptotic rout, such as Tumour necrosis factor
alpha (TNF-α), may due to that these cells lack of the presence
of FAS receptor on their membrane, to which TNF-α binds and
causes the recruitment of caspase-8 and other caspases cascade
required in apoptotic cell death. In addition to its reported
impact as anti-tumour dietary elements,
Diallyl disulfide
(DADS), a major organosulfur compound found in garlic oil, was
examined in this research for its ability to induce membrane FAS
expression in colonic adenocarcinoma cell line (Caco-2), and
thereby synthetizes such cells to TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis.
Our results show that the administration of DADS to Caco-2 cell
cultures significantly increased the number of dead cells,
exhibited morphological changes
characteristic to apoptosis and
induced caspas-3 cleavage but not caspase-8. Western blot along
with flow-cytometry data confirmed the induction of FAS
expression, at the protein level, after DADS treatment, RT-PCR
also confirmed FAS expression, at the transcriptional level.
This resulted in restoring Caco-2 cells sensitivity to TNF-α and
initiating the extrinsic pathway through FAS and caspase-8
cleavage. These results suggest that DADS induces apoptosis in
colonic cancerous cells not only through the intrinsic pathways
but also through enhancing the extrinsic pathway.
O. Altonsy, Hala I Madkour, Reda S Yousef and Simon C. Andrews.
Diallyl disulfide, from garlic oil, synthesizes human colonic
adenocarcinoma cell line (Caco-2) to TNF-alpha-mediated
apoptosis through up-regulation of membrane FAS levels.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):173-180] (ISSN: 1545-1003). 22
Key words: Diallyl disulfide, garlic oil, colonic adenocarcinoma,
TNF-alpha, apoptosis and FAS.
Full Text |
Management of Postpartum
Interval of Nubian goats with PGF2α and GnRH
Adil Salim Elsheikh 1, 2, Nawal Nour Eldaim Omer1, Abdulrahman Mohamed
Alqurashi 2
Department of Reproduction and
Obstetrics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Khartoum P.O Box 32.
of Applied Medical Sciences, Community College, Najran
University, Saudi Arabia
this study two experiments were designed to examine the effects
of prostaglandin (PGF2α) and gonadotropin releasing
hormone (GnRH) on the length of postpartum interval to first
oestrous (PPI) and progesterone (P4) profile of
postpartum (p.p.) Nubian goats. In experiment I the PPI and P4
profile of p.p. Nubian goats treated with PGF2α were
compared with untreated control. Seventeen p.p. Nubian goats (2
to3 years old) were divided into 4 groups. Groups I (n = 4) was
intramuscularly injected (i.m) with 125 µg of PGF2α
on day 7 p.p., group II (n = 4) was injected on day 15 p.p.,
group III (n = 4) was injected on day 21 p.p. and group IV (n =
5) was not injected and served as controls. Milk samples for P4
assay were collected after parturition every 3 days until
P4 concentration in the milk of the goats leaped
beyond 1.5 ng/ml. Injection of PGF2α on day 7 p.p.
had no effect (p>0.05) on the PPI. However, PGF2α
injections on day 15 and day 21 p.p. significantly (p<0.0I,
P<0.00l) reduced the PPI by 18 and 30 days, respectively. The P4
level of goats treated with PGF2α on day 7, 15, and
21 p.p. remained below 0.04 ng/ml until days 51, 43, 30 p.p.
respectively, then increased to a level ≥1.0 ng/ml. The P4
profile of the control goats remained below 0.04 ng/ml until day
61 p.p and started to increase to a level ≥1.0 ng/ml on day 67.
Experiment II investigated the effects of GnRH injection during
early p.p on the PPI and P4 profile of the Nubian
goats. Twenty p.p Nubian goats were distributed to 4 groups.
Group I (n = 5) was i.m injected with 100 µg of GnRH on
day 7 p.p, group II (n = 5) was injected on day 15 p.p and Group
III (n = 5) was injected on day 21 p.p. Group IV (n = 5) was not
injected and served as controls. GnRH injection on day 7, 15,
and 21 p.p. significantly (p<0.05, p<0.0I, P<0.00I) reduced the
PPI by 32.8, 40.8, 41.8 days, respectively. The P4
levels of goats treated with GnRH on day 7, 15, and 21 p.p
remained below 0.04 ng/ml until days 36, 28, 27 p.p,
respectively, and then it increased to levels ≥1.0 ng/ml. The P4
of the control group remained at a basal level of 0.04 ng/ml
until day 68 p.p. and then increased to level ≥ 1.0 ng/ml. It is
concluded that p.p Nubian goats treated with PGF2α or
GnRH during early p.p resume ovarian activity earlier than non
treated control. Thus their PPI was reduced.
Salim Elsheikh, Nawal Nour Eldaim Ome, Abdulrahman
Mohamed Alqurashi.
Management of Postpartum Interval of Nubian goats with PGF2α
and GnRH.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):181-184] (ISSN:
Key words: Postpartum interval,
Nubian goats, PGF2α, GnRH. |
Full Text |
Effect of High
Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation on Head Control in Spastic
Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
Abdel Aziz A.
Sherief * and Somaia A. Hamed**
* Department of
Physical Therapy for Growth and Development Disorder in Children
and its Surgery,, Faculty of physical Therapy, Cairo University,
**Department of
physical Therapy Disease (Pediatric), Faculty of Physical
Therapy, 6 October University, Egypt.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of high voltage
pulsed galvanic current in spastic diplegic cerebral palsy on
head control. Thirty children participated in this study; they
were assigned in two groups of equal number, group A&B. Their
ages ranged from fourteen to eighteen months. Group A (10 males
and 5 females) with mean age of 15.6+ 1.5 months,
received only selected physical therapy program for sixty
minutes. The program included neuro-developmental techniques,
Rood approach, conductive education and sensory integrative
therapy to establish head control, group B (11 males and 4
females) with mean age of 15.86+ 1.5 months. They
received selected physical therapy program for thirty minutes as
in control group combined with high voltage pulsed galvanic
stimulation for 30 minutes for two months. Children were
evaluated pre and post treatment for their head control.
Results: revealed that there were statistically significant
differences in group B regarding the improvement in head control
as compared to group A. Conclusion: Adding high voltage pulsed
galvanic to physical exercises significantly improved head
control. The selected physical therapy program alone was not
sufficient to improve head control.
[Abdel Aziz A. Sherief and Somaia A.Hamed. Effect of High
Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation on Head Control in Spastic
Diplegic Cerebral Palsy. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):185-188]
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 24
Cerebral palsy. Head control,
High voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation.
Full Text |
Morphometric Variations of the Suprascapular Notch as a
Potential Cause of Neuropathy: Anatomical Study
Amal A. Mahdy* and Amal A.
Anatomy and Embryology
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Gharbia,
Egypt. *
Suprascapular nerve entrapment has several causes particularly
at the suprascapular notch.
Anatomical variation
of the notch is considered as one of the causes.
Aim of the work:
Study the variations of the
suprascapular notch in Egyptian scapulae considering them
as possible predisposing factor for suprascapular nerve
entrapment. Material
and Methods:
hundred and thirty two dried scapulae were examined and
classified. Vertical (VD) and transverse (TD) diameters of the
suprascapular notch as well as the distance (SGND) between its
lower margin and the base of the spinoglenoid notch were
measured. For all scapulae, maximal width (W), maximal length
(L) and their index (W/L) were recorded. The previous
measurements were statistically studied. Comparative analysis of
the measured parameters was done and percentage of each type was
calculated. Morphological variations of the suprascapular
notches were studied. Results: Five types of
suprascapular notches were recorded; type I having no notch
(6.06 %). Type II notch was the most prevalent type (45.45%)
with longer TD. Type III notch (43.93%) had longer VD or equal
VD and TD. Type IV with suprascapular foramen was found in 3.03%
while 1.5 % was of type V which had a foramen with a notch.
Highly significant negative correlation was present between VD
of the notch with SGND in types II and III scapular notches. However, there was highly significant and significant
correlation between TD with SGND as well as with L and W/L index
in type III. There were no other statistically significant
correlations between measured parameters of the scapulae with
the dimensions of suprascapular notches. Also, there was no
statistically significant difference between the measured
parameters (SGND, W, L & W/L) in types I, II and III. Three
morphological variations were detected in the scapulae having
suprascapular notches (types II and III). They were U shape
(76.27%), V shape (13.56%) and J shape (10.17%). Conclusion:
This study classified the suprascapular notch into five types
and three morphological variations which could be used in
further investigations for management of suprascapular nerve
[Amal A. Mahdy
and Amal A.
Shehab. Morphometric
Variations of the Suprascapular Notch as a Potential Cause of
Neuropathy: Anatomical Study. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):189-197]
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 25
Keywords: Morphometric
Variation; Suprascapular
Notch; Neuropathy: Anatomical Study
Full Text |
Role of Pregabaline in
prevention of Oxaliplatine neuropathy.
Emad Sadaka1
and Alaa Maria2
Clinical Oncology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Gharbia, Egypt.
Abstract: Background:
Neuropathy occurs in most of patients receiving oxaliplatine.
Many neuromedulatory drugs were tested in prevention and
treatment of oxaliplatine induced neuropathy. The aim of this
pilot study is to evaluate the role of pregabalin “PGB” (an
antiepileptic drug approved as a treatment for neuropathy) in
prevention of oxaliplatine induced acute neuropathy. Methods:
Forty-seven patients with resected stage III and high risk stage
II colon cancer were treated with FOLFOX4 protocol in 2 groups,
the PGB group (23 patients) and the control group (24 patients)
throughout the period From Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2011 at Clinical
Oncology Department, Tanta University Hospital.
The PGB group showed lower
incidence of all neurological grade of toxicity. After 2 cycle,
Grade 1-2 toxicity presented in 21.7% and 45.8% for the PGB
group and control group respectively (p=0.08).
No patient showed grades 3-4 neurological toxicity in both
groups. After 4 cycles, PGB group showed a significantly lower
incidence of neurological toxicity, Grades 1-2 neurological
toxicity presented in 34.8% vs. 62.5% for the control group and
grade 3-4 in 4.3% vs. 16.7% respectively (p=0.02).
After 6 cycles, PGB group maintained a significantly lower
incidence of neurological toxicity (p=0.04).
The need for oxaliplatine dose reduction was insignificantly
lower in the PGB group 4.3% vs. 14.7% in the control group (p=0.2).
Interference of daily activity was significantly lower in the
PGB group than the control group (13% vs. 41.7% respectively;
Patient in the PGB group showed a comparable DFS rate at 2 year
with the control group (74.8% vs. 69.3% respectively,
Pregabalin significantly reduced the oxaliplatine induced
neuropathy without compromising survival.
[Emad Sadaka and Alaa Maria.
Role of Pregabaline in prevention of Oxaliplatine neuropathy.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):198-202]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Oxaliplatine, Neuropathy,
Full Text |
in Iran: A Literature Review
Mehrdad Assadi1,
Abolghasem Siyadatpanah2 *, Katayoun
Bahman Soufiani3,
Hayedeh Mobayyen4
Khosrow Sadighbayan5,
Jafar Asadi6,
Amir Emami Zeydi7,
Behzad Javadian8
Ph.D Student of Medical Mycology, Department of microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tabriz, Iran
MSc in medical parasitology, Amol faculty of paramedical
science, Mazandaran University of medical sciences, Sari, Iran,
MSc, Instructor in Immunology, Department of Immunology Faculty
of Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz,
Ph.D in Microbiology, Department of microbiology, Faculty of
Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
MSc in Microbiology, Department of microbiology, Faculty of
Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
MSc in Nutrition
Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
PhD student in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
MSc in microbiology, Amol faculty of paramedical science,
Mazandaran University of medical sciences, Sari, Iran
Brucellosis is one of most
important pervasive diseases common between human and
livestockand is yet considered important issue in many countries
around the world. Although WHO achieved successful results to
control and eradicate this infectious disease in some countries,
this disease is yet accounted as an important infectious disease
in some, especially developing, countries. Brucellosis
causes to decrease efficiency, abortion, weakness and also
results in economic losses in this part of the business. This
disease is transmitted directly and indirectly from infected
livestock to the human, its spectrum of clinical protests is
different among patients, involves many organs and the need for
long-term treatment is one of the other problems beside this
zoonotic disease. Iran is among countries involved with endemic
brucellosis and has yet been no longer successful to eradicate
this infectious bacterial agent because of its variety of
resources and reservoirs and is yet taken into consideration as
one important infectious disease in health field and livestock
[Mehrdad Assadi,
Abolghasem Siyadatpanah, Katayoun Bahman Soufiani,
Hayedeh Mobayyen,
Khosrow Sadighbayan, Jafar Asadi, Amir Emami Zeydi, Behzad Javadian.
Brucellosis in Iran: A
Literature Review. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):203-208]
Material Warehousing System, Optimize, Geographic Information,
Genetic Algorithms.
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Inhibition of Iron in Sulphuric Acid Solutions by Antibacterial
M. Abdallah(1) A. S.
Fouda (2), I. Zaafarany (1), A. Fawzy
(1,3) and Y. Abdaalah (2)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science, Umm Al-Qura
University, Saudi Arabia.
2Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt
Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut 71516,
The inhibitive effects of some antibacterial cephalosporin (cefotaxime,
cefalexin, cefradine and cefazolin) on the corrosion of iron in
0.5 M H2SO4 solution was investigated
using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Results showed that the
inhibition efficiency increased with an increase in
concentration of inhibitor. Potentiodynamic studies proved that
the inhibitors act as mixed type. The inhibitors are
adsorbed on the iron surface according to Langmuir isotherm
equation. All impedance spectra in EIS tests exhibit one
capacitive loop which indicates that the corrosion reaction is
controlled by charge transfer process. Inhibition efficiencies
obtained from Tafel polarization, charge transfer resistance (Rct)
is consistent.
[M. Abdallah, A. S. Fouda, I. Zaafarany, A. Fawzy and Y.
Inhibition of Iron in Sulphuric Acid Solutions by Antibacterial
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):209-215](ISSN:1545-1003). 28
Iron, antibacterial cephalosporin, corrosion inhibitors.
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Effective stress intensity
factor of rock-like brittle materials subjected to different
mode of mixity
Mohammed-Noor N. H. AL-Maghrabi1
and Amr A. Abd-Elhady2
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. E-mail:
Mechanical Engineering Dept., Jazan Univ., Jazan 706, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia; on sabbatical leave from Mechanical Design
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo,
During comminution, fracture
initially occurs because particles contain preexisting cracks
(flaws), which propagate in response to tensile stresses
generated during compressive loading. At the tip of all cracks
within a loaded material, the stress is concentrated because the
load cannot be uniformly distributed across the full area. In
the present paper, the effects of crack inclination angle and
crack length on the through-thickness mode I (KI), mode II
(KII), and effective ( )
stress intensity factors (SIFs) have been analyzed by using
three dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA). Edge crack
in semi circular bend specimen (SCB) was utilized in this
investigation. The mode of mixity (Me) values are equal to 1
(pure mode I), 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, and 0 (pure mode II). The crack
length ratio, crack length/specimen radius (a/R), ranged from
0.1 to 0.7 by step equal 0.1 has been studied. In SCB specimen,
the mode I geometry correction factor (YI) decreased by
increasing the crack length for all values of mode of mixity,
while, in the case of Me = 1 & 0.75 YI reached its minimum value
at a/R ≈ 0.3 then YI increased by increasing the crack length.
For all values of Me, Keff increased with increasing the crack
length. However, the increment of increasing in Keff for a/R ≤
0.3 is lower than that for a/R > 0.3.
N. H. AL-Maghrabi and Amr A. Abd-Elhady.
Effective stress intensity factor of rock-like brittle materials
subjected to different mode of mixity.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):216-220].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 29
Stress intensity factor; Mixed
mode I/II; SCB specimen; three dimension finite element. |
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Formal Analysis and
verification of Arrival Procedure for an Aircraft using Petri
Sadiq1, 2,
Farooq Ahmad1, Tabbasum Naz2,
Humera Faisal2
of Information
of Central
Punjab, Lahore,
Computer Science,
of Information
Lahore, Pakistan.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) is
safety critical real times service in Air Traffic Management
(ATM) where system correctness is a major concern, and which
requires high degree of confidence and targets zero failure
rates to avoid loss of human lives and other disastrous
(unfavorable) conditions. The ever increasing volume of
air traffic may cause unwanted delays in the flight during the
arrival procedure of the aircrafts. Hence, there is an absolute
need to formally model and verify the arrival procedure of the
aircrafts to avoid delays and to assure the controlled
coordination between aircraft and air traffic controllers which
are involved in this process. In this paper, we have modeled the
arrival procedure of the aircraft using Petri nets which have
been used traditionally as a rationale for formal specification
and verification for such a safety critical systems. The
proposed model assures how the behavior of acting objects
affects the overall procedure of arrival management. Moreover,
we have verified the proposed model using coverability tree as
an analysis method that ensures the deadlock-freeness and
reliability of the mechanism involved between the aircraft and
the air traffic controllers (ramp controllers and ground
controllers) for the arrival of the aircraft.
[Ayesha Sadiq, Farooq Ahmad,
Tabbasum Naz, Humera Faisal. Formal Analysis and verification
of Arrival Procedure of an Aircraft using Petri nets.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):221-228].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 30
Petri net analysis and
verification; ATC; aircraft arrival; formal modeling.
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Training Program to Improve
Knowledge and Performance for Nurses Working with Psychiatric
Rehab Fathy Abdel Hady Ghaith(1); Sorayia Ramadan Abd El-Fattah (2) Youser Mohammed
Elmasri (3) Manal Mohamed El-Kayal
Department of
and Mental Health Nursing,
Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University.
Department of
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams
Department of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University.
Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing,
Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University.
Schizophrenia is the most common
of the severe mental illnesses. Working with chronic and
severely mentally ill people is challenging. The aim of this
study is to investigate the effect of training program on
knowledge and performance of nurses working with psychiatric
patients. A quasi-experimental study was conducted at Benha
Governmental Hospital for Mental Health on a sample of 60 nurses
working with schizophrenic patients. Data were collected using a
knowledge questionnaire and a performance checklist before and
after implementation of a training program. The results revealed
that psychiatric nurses' knowledge about schizophrenia is
deficient, while they have better knowledge of their role with
psychiatric patients. Also, their performance seems to be more
authoritative rather than considering patients' views. The
implementation of the training program is effective in improving
their knowledge and their performance, which showed general
decreases in the scores of communicating own perception and
increases in the scores of changing patient view. The changes in
nurses' post-program knowledge and performance scores are
influenced by some of their personal characteristics as age,
gender, qualification, experience years, previous work in
psychiatric hospital, and feeling satisfied with work in
psychiatric nursing. Hence, the program achieved its goal of
improving nurses' knowledge and performance. The study
recommends adoption of the developed program and further
research to assess the effectiveness of combined nursing and
patients family interventions in the management of psychiatric
Fathy Abdel Hady Ghaith;
Sorayia Ramadan Abd El-Fattah; Youser Mohammed Elmasri and
Manal Mohamed El-KayaL.
Training Program to Improve
Knowledge and Performance for Nurses Working with Psychiatric
Patients. J Am Sci 2013;9(3):229-236].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 31
Schizophrenia, Nursing,
Knowledge, Performance. |
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Design, Formulation and
Evaluation of Transdermal Ketoprfen Gel
Ahmed M. Samy1,
Mamdouh M. Ghorab2, Shadeed G. Shadeed 2
and Eman A. Mazyed3
of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Suez Canal University,
Ismailia, Egypt
of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Industries, Sinai University, El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt
The aim of this study was to
develop Ketoprofen (KPF) gel for tansdermal delivery that could
enhance dissolution and permeability of KPF. KPF gels were
prepared using Carboxy methyl
cellulose (CMC), hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) and
methyl cellulose (MC) with and without permeation enhancers
(Tween 80 and Oleic acid). The effect of the employed gel
bases and permeation enhancers on the in vitro
release, permeation and viscosity of gel formulae was tested.
The results showed that both polymers and permeation enhancers
affect release, permeation and rheological properties of KPF
gel. Formula containing 5% MC and 5 % Tween80 showed the best
in-vitro release (98.22% ±1.18), the best permeation through rat
skin (96.39% ±3.23) and the lowest viscosity.
[Ahmed M. Samy, Mamdouh M.
Ghorab, Shadeed G. Shadeed and Eman A. Mazyed.
Design, Formulation and
Evaluation of Transdermal Ketoprfen Gel.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):237-242]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 32
Ketoprofen, transdermal, permeation, methyl cellulose, Tween80
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Work-Related Violence among
Female Employees in a University Hospital in Alexandria: An
Epidemiologic Study
Mona Shawki Moustafa1,
and Gihan Ismail Gewaifel2
Industrial Medicine and Occupational Health, Department of
Community Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine, Department of
Community Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Abstract: Violence is one of the most prevailing and dangerous
occupational hazards facing health care workers (HCWs) notably
female HCWs. Recently, violence became a major concern in
different Egyptian hospitals notably after the 25th of January
revolution and bursting increase demand on hospitals.
Objectives: to determine prevalence of workplace violence in
the last 12 months prior to the survey and its risk factors
among female employees at the Main University Hospital in
Alexandria, Egypt. Subjects and methods:
A cross sectional interviewing survey was conducted in The Main
University Hospital in Alexandria from 1st of August 2011 till
1st April 2012 targeting 540 female HCWs.
Prevalence of violence incidents was (72.6%) among female HCWs.
Verbal violence (70.7%) was the most common form encountered
among female HCWs followed by physical (17.4%) and sexual
violence (2.2%). Female HCWs exposed to violence were
significantly younger than those who did not experience violence
(P=0.048). Being single constituted risk for violence (OR=4.18,
CI: 2.23-7.94) so as the positive history of exposure to
violence at home (OR=2.6, CI: 1.7-4.1), engaging in rotating
shifts (OR=2.2 CI: 1.5-3.4). Long-term impact of exposure to
violence was in the form of arguments with colleagues (97.4%),
dissatisfaction with current job (73.5%), depression (38.8%),
and negative effects on social life (28.5%) and on job
performance (19.4%). Conclusion: Violence is prevalent
among female HCWs in Main University Hospital, Alexandria.
Special attention should be directed to control violence against
young single nurses in rotating shifts specially who had history
of exposure to violence.
Shawki Moustafa and Gihan Gowaifel.
Violence among Female Employees in a University Hospital in
Alexandria: An Epidemiologic Study.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):243-250].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 33
violence, female, health care workers, hospital, occupational
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New boron
complex based on 3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole Chelates of
bis(4-tert-butylphenyl): Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure
Adel M.
Najar1 and Mike D. Ward2
Faculty of Education, Chemistry
Department, Univeristy of Benghazi, Elmarj, Libya.
Department of Chemistry,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK S3 7HF, UK
The synthesis and crystal
structure of (Bt-BuPh2(3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazolate))
complex is described. The structure of the complex was
determined by using single crystal X-ray diffraction. The
compound crystallized in symmetry cell setting orthorhombic of P212121
with a = 11.067(2) Å, b = 11.202(2) Å, c = 20.542(4) Å and Z = 4. The structure
of complex reveals that the boron centre is four coordinated.
The formed compound, emitting materials which could be of
interest for practical applications.
M. Najar,
Mike D. Ward.
New boron complex based on 3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole Chelates of
bis(4-tert-butylphenyl): Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):251-252].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole; boron
complex; crystal structure.
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Barrett’s Esophagus:
Prevalence and Efficacy of Endoscopic Mucosectomy
Emad F. Hamed1,
Waseem M. Seleem1, Ehab F. Mostafa1, Noha
E. Shaheen2 and Rafaat A. Hegazy3
medicine, 2Tropical medicine and 3Pathology
Departments, Zagazig University, Egypt
Abstract: Background:
Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a premalignant condition in which
the normal squamous epithelium of the esophagus is replaced by
intestinal metaplasia of variable degrees. It represents
the most serious consequence of gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD), as it may progress to adenocarcinoma.
Aim of the Work:
The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of BE as
well as the variable degrees of metaplasia in patients with GERD
and to study the efficacy of endoscopic mucosectomy in treatment
of BE with high grade dysplasia (HGD) or intramucosal cancer
(IMC). Patients
and Methods: We studied
1268 patients presented to the
outpatient clinic and endoscopy unit in Zagazig University
hospital complaining of symptoms suggestive of GERD. They
were subjected to thorough history taking, full clinical
examination, routine laboratory investigations including
complete blood count, liver and renal function tests, random
blood glucose, coagulation profile in addition to abdominal
ultrasonography, electrocardiography, upper gastrointestinal
endoscopy for diagnosis of GERD and grading of its severity with
biopsy taking and histopathological examination for patients who
had BE. All patients with BE had a CT scan of their chest and
Patients who had BE with HGD or IMC were subjected to endoscopic
mucosal resection (EMR). All patients with BE were followed for
a median of 20 months with repeated upper endoscopy.
Out of 1268 patients presented to the outpatient clinic
complaining of symptoms suggestive of GERD, 874 had endoscopic
finding of various grades of reflux esophagitis and 52
patients had BE. Histopathological examination revealed that 35
patients had HGD, 12 patients had low grade dysplasia (LGD) and
5 patients had IMC. BE was more prevalent among the elderly
males, obese patients and smokers. Those with HGD or carcinoma
in situ (40 patients) were subjected to EMR and we found that
EMR altered the
histological grading of BE in 25 % of patients while 12.5 % were
downgraded to LGD. EMR was associated with few complications the
most significant of which was bleeding (10% of patients). One
patient (2.5%) developed esophageal stenosis which was
successfully managed by a single bougienage dilatation. Patients
with LGD (12 patients) in addition to the 40 patients who had
EMR were subjected to follow-up for a median of 20 months. One
patient (2.5%) had a metachronous lesion detected after 25
months that was successfully treated with another EMR
and histologically was still HGD.
LGD patients had no change in grading during the follow up
BE is a substantial
medical problem in patients with GERD. EMR is a feasible,
effective and low risk procedure that can be used to treat HGD
which may complicate BE. Patients should be evaluated carefully
prior to EMR and those with superficial lesions are the ideal
candidates for EMR. However, it is strongly recommended to
follow those patients by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at
regular intervals to rule out any recurrence.
[Emad F. Hamed, Waseem M.
Seleem, Ehab F. Mostafa, Noha E. Shaheen, and Rafaat A. Hegazy.
Barrett’s Esophagus:
Prevalence and Efficacy of Endoscopic Mucosectomy.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):253-260]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 35
Key words:
GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, Endoscopic mucosectomy. |
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The analyze of systemic
approach in case of personality traits which are effective
on students entrepreneurship
Reza Boroomand Alipoor
Hamid Erfanian Khanzadeh2,
Prof. Dr. Norihan Abu Hassan
D.r. Akbarian Mohd. Mahdzir4
candidate, University Technologi Malaysia (UTM)
of Public Administration University of Azad Islamic Mashhad
professor in Perdana School of science, Technology and
innovation policy University Teknologi Malaysian(UTM)
Senior Lecturer in Perdana School of science, Technology and
innovation policy University Teknologi
Abstract: Undoubtedly, investigation of
each phenomenon and social behavior in a systematic approach
reflects its scientific nature. In the process of rapid change
that has taken place on the context of the knowledge-based
economy, due to nature of the systematic approach, creativity
and entrepreneurship have been founded as two really valuable
powers. The Iranian government has designed programs, in order
to increase the level of student’s entrepreneurship ability;
unfortunately the programs were not successful due to lack of
consideration about the Iran’s cultural environment and
obviously because of the absence of systematic approach.
Entrepreneurship culture can be investigated in both the
personality and social environment. This articles aim is to
examine the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurship
level of the society. The current research has been performed
based on 4 major hypothesizes “correlation between personal
compatibility circumstances and success, systemic approach, the
control locus and risk taking ability”. The research method is
descriptive and in order to examine the researches hypothesis,
477 of self-employed students from 3 university units, have been
selected according to the stratified random sampling method, to
fill up the questioners. The questioners (comprising 5
questioners) were analyzed by variance analyze test. The results
just reject the impact of personal compatibility circumstances
on success but the rest of hypothesize (3) are approved. By
Examining the Iranian people’s beliefs and characteristics, an
interesting result found. The finding shows majority of Iranian
people have an external control locus and conservative. Perhaps
the main reason for low rate of entrepreneurship among the
Iranian students is the lack of systemic approach. So a sort of
suggestions has been posed in order to solve the
entrepreneurships problem among the Iranian students.
Reza Boroomand Alipoor,
Hamid Erfanian Khanzadeh, Norihan Abu Hassan,
Akbarian Mohd. Mahdzir.
The analyze of systemic approach in case of personality
traits which are effective
on students entrepreneurship.
Am Sci
2013;9(3):261-268]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Systemic approach, creativity,
innovation, entrepreneurship, personality.
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Serum Leptin / Adiponectin
Ratio: A Possible Marker of Endometrial Pathologies in patients
with Postmenopausal Bleeding
Abdel Razik, 1Seham El Berry; 2Osama El
Shaer; 2Khaled Salama; 3Ahmed Ezz Al Arab.
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha
University, Egypt
of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University,
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mit Ghamer General Hospital,
Ministry of Health, Egypt
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate serum
leptin / adiponectin ratio as a marker for endometrial
pathologies in patients with postmenopausal bleeding. Study
design: Cross section controlled study. Patients and
Methods: The study included three groups 15 patients each
with postmenopausal bleeding diagnosed by endometrial biopsy as:
atrophic endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial
carcinoma. Fasting serum leptin and adiponectin were measured by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Outcome measure: Serum
leptin and adiponectin levels in the three studied groups and
the value of leptin / adiponectin ratio were investigated as a
marker for endometrial pathologies. Results: Serum leptin
level was significantly higher and serum adiponectin was
significantly lower in patients with endometrial hyperplasia and
endometrial carcinoma compared to patients with atrophic
endometrium (P<0.00).
Leptin / adiponectin ratio of >1.1 was a good test that
indicated endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma with
an accuracy of 83.3% and 90% respectively. Conclusions:
Serum leptin/adiponectin ratio may help in differentiation
between atrophic and other endometrial pathologies in cases of
inconclusive endometrial thickness and when general anesthesia
is risky especially in obese, hypertensive patients. However,
endometrial biopsy still remains the gold standard diagnosis for
endometrial carcinoma.
[Mohamed Abdel Razik, Seham El
Berry; Osama El Shaer, Khaled Salama and Ahmed Ezz Al Arab.
Serum Leptin / Adiponectin Ratio: A Possible Marker of
Endometrial Pathologies in patients with Postmenopausal Bleeding.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):269-273]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Kew words: Serum
leptin / adiponectin ratio, postmenopausal bleeding, endometrial
pathologies. |
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Ameliorative Effects of
Selenium and Vitamins C and E on Chronic Fluoride Pancreatic
Toxicity: Structural and Ultrastructural Changes in Albino Rats
Gamal Abdel
Salam1, Esam M. Mehlab1, Mohamed
Al-Shishtawy2 and
Ibrahim Al-Zahrani3
Departments of Anatomy1and
Forensic & Applied Toxicology2, Faculty of
Medicine, Benha University, Egypt and Pathology, Faculty of
Medicine, Northern Border University, KSA3
Objectives: Histological evaluation of toxic effects of
chronic exposure to sodium fluoride (NaF) on pancreas of albino
rats and the impact of synchronous administration of selenium
and vitamins C and E. Materials & Methods: The study
comprised 60 normal healthy growing adult male albino rats,
weighing 200-250 gm. The animals were divided into three equal
groups: Control group received no medications, NaF group
received NaF solution in a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (BW)
once daily for 35 days. Prophylaxis group received one daily
dose of NaF solution in addition to selenium and vitamins C and
E. All medications were administered orally using syringe
connected to a 8F pediatric feeding tube. Studied animals were
weighed daily for adjustment of the doses of used medications.
After 35 days from the beginning of experiment all animals were
sacrificed and pancreas was extracted for light microscopic (LM)
examination of specimens stained with hematoxilin-eosin (Hx & E)
and Masson's trichrome stain and for electron microscopic
examination. Results: The percentage of BW gain was
significantly higher in control group compared to other groups
with significantly higher percentage of BW gain in prophylaxis
group compared to NaF group. LM examination of NaF group
specimen showed loss of normal architecture of pancreatic acini
with the appearance of many cytoplasmic vacuoles. There is
congestion of blood vessels (BV) with occasional extravasations
between acinar cells. Focal condensation of CT around the
congested BV and in between acini. In prophylaxis group,
architecture of pancreatic acini was preserved with basal nuclei
and apical zymogen granules. Dark and light cells of islets of
Langerhans appeared normal with minimal congestion of BV.
Masson's Trichrome stained sections showed condensation of
connective tissue around BV with less CT in between acini. EM
examination of NaF group specimen showed pyramidal acinar cells
containing rounded basal heterochromatic nuclei and well defined
rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). Some mitochondria are intact,
while others are vacuolated with small number of zymogen
granules. There were multiple vesicles of variable sizes with
large vesicles having membranous structures and amorphous
materials. Nuclei of B-cell of islet of Langerhans were
heterochromatic and its characteristic granules are normal with
central dense core separated from their limiting membrane by
clear space, while other granules are vacuolated. In prophylaxis
group, specimens showed that some pyramidal acinar cell had
double nuclei and its cytoplasm contains rER, many zymogen
granules and some vesicles. B-cell had heterochromatic nucleus
and its characteristic granules had a dense core. A-cell had
oval nucleus with moderate amount of electron dense granules.
Conclusion: Chronic fluoride exposure had deleterious
effect on pancreatic structure and ultrastructure with
manifested failure to thrive. Such effects could be attributed
to redox state disturbances and could be ameliorated with the
use of selenium and vitamins C and E.
[Gamal Abdel Salam, Esam M.
Mehlab, Mohamed Al-Shishtawy and Ibrahim Al-Zahrani.
Ameliorative Effects of Selenium and Vitamins C and E on Chronic
Fluoride Pancreatic Toxicity: Structural and Ultrastructural
Changes in Albino Rats.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):274-283]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Kew words: Fluoride,
Pancreas, Structural changes, Ultrastructure changes, Selenium,
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Effect of Prolongation of
Combined Treatment in HCV-4 Infection
Yehia El Shazly1,
Salwa El Hadad2, Wafaa Kamal1, Mohamed
Abdel Moghny1, Reham Al Swaff1 and Mohamed
Hassan Fouad1
Internal medicine1 and pathology
2 Departments, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Background and aim: The recommended treatment for
patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 1 and 4
is pegylated interferon plus ribavirin 1000 or 1200 mg/day for
48 weeks [1]. Efforts to optimize and improve therapeutic
outcomes are ongoing. Rapid virologic response (RVR) after 4
weeks of treatment and early virologic response (EVR) after 12
weeks of treatment play an important role in customization of
therapy. In RVR patients who received 24 weeks of combined
treatment but did not achieve SVR, the effect of prolongation of
combined treatment on sustained virological response rate was
not evaluated.The current study was to determine the
effect of prolongation of combined treatment with pegylated
interferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin to 48 weeks on increasing
sustained virological response rate in patients infected with
hepatitis C virus (genotype 4) who achieve rapid virological
response. Study design
and methods This
study was conducted on 300 patients with chronic HCV genotype 4
infections who received combined treatment with peginterferon
alfa-2a plus ribavirin. All patients were treatment naïve and
older than 18 years with mean age of 42.15±9.5.Those patients
who achieved RVR were randomly selected for 24 or 48 weeks of
therapy. All patients received a combination of pegylated
interferon α 2a 180ucg SC injection weekly plus ribavirin 800 –
1200 mg/day (dose adjusted according to body weight). All
patients were adherent to treatment (all were compliant and did
not develop any adverse effect that mandates either stoppage of
treatment or reduction of the dose of either or both
drugs),adherence to Treatment is defined as taking 80 % of each
drug for at least 80 % of the duration of therapy [6]. All
patients were subjected to History taking, thorough
clinical examination including funds examination, laboratory
investigations including: fasting and post prandial blood
glucose level, liver function tests, Alpha fetoprotein, prothrombin time and INR, renal function tests, complete blood
count, free T3, free T4, TSH, ANA, HIV and hepatitis C virus
antibody using ELISA technique, HBsAg, HBs Ab, HBc Ab, HBeAg
and HBe Ab. HCV RNA (PCR) in serum, both quantitative and
qualitative and also HCV genotyping using
INNO-LIPA HCVII test, Qualitative HCV RNA PCR was done for all
patients at week 4 of combined treatment to assess RVR.For
those who achieved RVR, Qualitative HCV RNA PCR was
done at week 24 for group A patients’ and week 48 for group B
patients’ to assess end of treatment response (ETR). For those
who achieved ETR, Qualitative HCV RNA PCR was done 24
weeks after stoppage of treatment to assess SVR, Abdominal
ultrasonography, Liver biopsy was done for 17 patients only (as
the rest of the participants denied such an invasive
procedure).The biopsy specimen was fixed in 10% formalin then
transferred to the pathology department. METAVIR scoring system
was used to assess the histological lesions, Fibroscan was done
for the rest of the patients. The operator who performed the
liver stiffness measurement was unaware of neither the clinical
nor the laboratory data of the patients. Results were expressed
in kilopascals (kPa). The values used to correlate elastometry
with METAVIR scoring system were as follows: 0-2.9 kPa for F0,
3-5.9 for F1, 6-8.9 for F2, 9-16.9 for F3 and 17-75 for F4[8]. This study was approved by the local ethical committee of
Ain Shams University Hospitals and a written consent was
obtained from each individual before participation in the study.
Results: 57 patients
who achieved RVR (19%) (Out of 300 patients who received
treatment for chronic hepatitis C genotype 4) were included. All
patients were treatment naïve and older than 18 years with mean
age of 42.15±9.5. They were randomly assigned into two groups.
Group A: 29 patients (22 males and 7 females) received
combined treatment for 24 weeks with mean age 42.2.±9.2. Group
B: 28 patients (24 males and 4 females) received combined
treatment for 48 weeks with mean age 42.1.±9.8.The differences
between the two studied groups as regards the demographic data
were insignificant; also there were insignificant differences
between the two studied groups as regards pretreatment level of
HCV viraemia, stages of fibrosis. The current study revealed an
insignificant difference between the two studied groups as
regards SVR and also statistically insignificant differences in
SVR rates between rapid responders with different levels of
viraemia whether treated for 24 or 48 weeks. There was a
statistically insignificant difference in SVR rate between
patients with F1 or F2 stages of fibrosis whether treated for 24
or 48 weeks, the same finding was observed among patients with
F3 - F4 stages of fibrosis, however, the correlation between
fibrosis stage and SVR was significant in both studied groups.
Prolongation of
standard combined treatment to 48 weeks does not influence SVR
in HCV genotype 4 patients who achieve RVR while shortening of
standard combined treatment to 24 weeks seems to be possible to
all rapid responders without compromising their chance for
achieving SVR.
El Shazly, Salwa El Hadad, Wafaa Kamal, Mohamed Abdel Moghny,
Reham Al Swaff, and Mohamed Hassan Fouad.
Effect of
Prolongation of Combined Treatment in HCV-4 Infection.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):284-292]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
prolonged combined
treatment, HCV-4 infection.
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Surgical versus conservative
treatment of intra-articular glenoid fractures
Hesham Hamed Refae
Department of Orthopedics, South
Valley University Hospital Qena, Egypt
Corresponding Author: Hesham
Hamed Refae, MD Ass. Professor of Orthopedics Surgery.
Address: Aswan 84111 P.O. 33,
Egypt. Or Department of Orthopedics, South Valley University
Hospital Qena, Egypt
Fax: 002 0965345727- Mob:
00201001200154; Email:
Between 1994 and 2006, twenty two patients with intra-articular
glenoid fractures were treated (17 surgically and 5
conservative) and prospectively followed for a minimum of 2
years. Patients
and Methods: The mean
age of patients was 30.4 years and clinical results were
evaluated using the Denis scale in 20 available (2
patients from operative group lost their follow-up) patients
after a minimum follow-up of 24 months.
According to Denis scale of pain
and work status, 14 patients (93.3%) of the surgical group
reported no or minimal pain, while 1 (6.7%) has moderate pain
with occasional medication. In the conservative group, only 1
patient (20%) had no pain, 1 patient (20%) had moderate pain,
and 3 (60%)reported severe pain with frequent medication. Normal
range of motion was regained in all surgically treated patients
within 3 months postoperatively and within 6 months in 2 (40%)
out of the conservative group, while limitation of movement was
observed in 3 (60%) of the conservative group.
Surgical treatment of displaced
intraarticular glenoid fractures usually results in far much
better clinical and radiological outcome than conservative
Hamed Refae. Surgical
versus conservative treatment of intra-articular glenoid
fractures. J Am
2013;9(3):293-296]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Glenoid fractures, Scapular Fractures, Shoulder.
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Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Saeed A. Al-Ghamdi1,
Fahd A. Al-Zahrani2,
Hala M. Abo-Dief3 and Ashraf T. Mohd.4
1Electrical Engineering Department,
Al-Baha University, KSA
AL-QURA University, KSA.
Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt. Currently with Al-Taif
University, KSA.
Engineering Department, Al-Baha University, KSA.
Email: &
& &
An epoxy resin
EP with backbone structure was obtained by curing o-cresol
novolac epoxy resin with phenol novolac resin. The reinforced
epoxy test specimens were
prepared in the form of 45 × 35 mm², 10.0 mm thickness and
adding four meshes of aluminium wires of 40 × 30 mm² with 5, 10,
15 and 20 wires of 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm diameters at 10mm from
surface. The effect of the test temperature on the mechanical
properties of the reinforced epoxy is carried out and
investigated. The electrostatic charge is measured at a static
loads ranging from 50 to 200 N at dry condition at various test
parameters. A corrosion test is carried out and investigated on
the produced reinforced epoxy composites using NaCl with
concentration ranging from 0.01M to 1.0M at an immersion time of
50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 hrs at room temperature.
Water sorption method is carried out to investigate the effect
of the previous parameters on the reinforced epoxy composite
[Saeed A. Al-Ghamdi, Fahd A.
Al-Zahrani, Hala M. Abo-Dief, Ashraf T. Mohd.
Reinforced Epoxy Composites Chracteristics.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):297-303].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
EP epoxy resin,
aluminium wires, corrosion, static
electricity, water sorption, NaCl corrosion medium
and composites.
Full Text |
Relationship between Religiousness and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior among the Teachers of Abeyek City (IRAN)
Mohmmad Hossein
Khani1, Mohammad Yekke Fallah2, Hasan
Master of General Psychology Assistant professors Faculty of
psychology Islamic Azad University of Karaj (Iran)
Bachelor of Clinical Psychology
Religion is a
concept interwoven in human society and is present is most
aspects of life. The purpose here is to examine this issue of
whether religious teachings can potentially explain numerous
organizational behavior outcome factors or not. Disregarding
obligations set in job description, a pious individual considers
philanthropy, helping people, and fulfilling the affairs of
clients as his/her religious and humanitarian responsibilities.
Organizational citizenship behavior is a set of voluntary and
spontaneous behaviors not included in one’s job description, yet
they are undertaken by the individual and improve work
procedures and organizational roles. In this paper, after
collecting the data from the samples under study, research’s
findings were analyzed based on various descriptive and
inferential statistical methods in the form of analytical tables
and using SPSS software. Finally, considering the results from
statistical tests, the content is summarized and conclusions are
Hossein Khani, Mohammad Yekke Fallah, Hasan Ghasemi.
Relationship between Religiousness and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior among the Teachers of Abeyek City (IRAN).
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):304-310].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 42
religiousness-organizational citizenship
behavior-spirituality-Islamic work ethics.
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Removal of Crystal Violet dye
from aqueous solutions onto date palm leaf without the sharp
spines: Adsorption and kinetic studies
Rasmiah Almufarij
Princess Nora Bint Abdurrahman
University, Science College, Chemistry Department
The adsorption of
crystal violet (CV) onto date palm leaf without the sharp spines
(DPL) was examined in aqueous solution by considering the
influence of pH on dye removal. Langmuir, Freundlich, and
Elovich models were applied to describe the equilibrium
isotherms.. The kinetic data were fitted to a
pseudo-second-order model.
R. Removal of Crystal
Violet dye from aqueous solutions onto date palm leaf without
the sharp spines: Adsorption and kinetic studies.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):311-315(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Adsorption, Crystal Violet, Date Palm Leaf, Kinetic studies.
Full Text |
Effect of different
bleaching protocols on surface roughness of human dental
enamel and nanofilled resin composite
Ola. M. Sakr
Departments of
Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Qassim University
(Saudi Arabia) and Misr University for Science and
Technology (Egypt).
Background: Bleaching considered a conservative
techniques for treatment of discolored human teeth. Although
bleaching is safe to soft tissues from a procedural
standpoint, but it may not be safe for dental tissues and
materials. The effects of such oxidizing agents on enamel
and esthetic restorative material surface roughness, however
not been widely studied. Surface roughness of enamel and
restorations is one clinical important physical property
that warrants investigation. The Aim of the study is
to evaluate of the effect different bleaching agents on
surface topography of Enamel surface and nanofilled resin
composite. Objectives: In this study 30 % carbamide
peroxide, 40% hydrogen peroxide and 10% carbamide peroxide
bleaching agents were performed on 40 extracted teeth and
40 disc of nanofilled resin composite to evaluate their
effects on surfaces roughness of enamel and nanofilled resin
composites. Method: The buccal surfaces of forty
extracted anterior teeth were flattened as parallel as
possible without exposing dentin. Forty Disc shape
nanofilled resin composite samples were prepared. The
samples were randomly divided into 4 groups: Group A
teeth and composite discs were bleached with CP at 30% of 1
application for 30 minutes /application; Group B
teeth and composite discs were bleached with HP at 40% for
20 minutes /application and Group C teeth and
composite discs were bleached with CP at 10% for 8 hours.
Group D: The control group, samples were kept in
artificial saliva. Statistical analysis of Data were
presented as mean and standard deviation (SD) values.
Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used in testing
significance for the effect of bleaching, substrate and
their interactions on mean Ra. Results:
There was no statistically
significant difference between mean Ra of the 30% Carbamide
peroxide, 40% Hydrogen peroxide and 10% carbamide peroxide
bleaching techniques; all showed the statistically
significantly highest mean Ra values. Control group showed
the statistically significantly lowest mean Ra value.
Conclusion: According to the results of this
study various bleaching agents promote superficial changes
in enamel structure surface and affect topography of
nanofilled resin composite.
M. Sakr.
Effect of
different bleaching protocols on surface roughness of human
dental enamel and nanofilled resin composite.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):316-321]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Vital bleaching,
carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, surface roughness,
enamel and nanofilled composite.
Full Text |
Characterization and
Mechanical Properties Study of Intercalated Talc/Polypropylene
Mashael Alshabanat
Princess Nora Bint Abdurrahman
University, Science College – Chemistry Department
Talc/polypropylene nanocomposite
with talc contents of 10% has been prepared using an
injection-molding machine. FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis have been
used to characterize the structure. The results of these
analyses showed the intercalation of PP in the interlamellar
spaces of the talc. Polypropylene with talc contents of 10, 20,
30, and 40% have been prepared to study the mechanical
properties. Tensile strength and impact properties have been
studied as a function of talc content. The results suggested
that there is an optimum talc content for enhancement of the
tensile strength of the composites. With a further increase in
talc content, a decrease in tensile strength was observed. The
best mechanical properties in this work were obtained at a talc
content of 10%.
[Mashael Alshabanat.
Characterization and Mechanical Properties Study of Intercalated
Talc/Polypropylene Nanocomposites
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):322-326].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 45
Polypropylene, Talc, Intercalated nanocomposites, Mechanical
properties. |
Full Text |
Effects of Nigella
sativa Oil and Thymoquinone on
Renal Oxidative Stress
and Apoptosis Rate in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats
Dalia A. Hafez
Nutrition and Food Science
Department, Faculty of Design and Home Economics, Taif
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Home Economics Department,
Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Egypt
The effects of Nigella sativa oil (NSO) and thymoquinone
(TQ) on diabetes, renal oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and
apoptosis rate were investigated in streptozotocin
(STZ)-diabetic rats. Forty five Sprague Dawley rats were
randomly distributed into 5 groups (n=9): healthy control;
diabetic control; diabetic given NSO (1ml/kg); diabetic given TQ
(3 mg/kg) and diabetic co-administered with NSO and TQ, orally
for 4 weeks. Diabetes was induced by a dose of STZ (50 mg/kg,
i.p.) in fasted rats. Blood samples were collected for
biochemical analysis. Kidneys were removed for determination of
tissue antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and apoptosis
rate. The results showed that oral co-administration of NSO and
TQ significantly increased serum insulin and decreased serum
levels of glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), urea,
creatinine and alkaline phosphatase in diabetic treated rats.
Treatment with NSO and TQ significantly increased activities of
antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GPx and CAT), increased serum level of
reduced glutathione (GSH) and decreased lipid peroxidation and
apoptosis index. In conclusion, NSO and TQ exhibit good
antidiabetic and antioxidant effects; improve renal function and
reduce both malondialdehyde (MDA) and apoptosis rate in diabetic
rats. Therefore, NSO and TQ may be beneficial for diabetes
mellitus associated with nephropathy due to oxidative stress.
A. Hafez.
Effects of
Nigella sativa Oil and Thymoquinone on
Renal Oxidative Stress
and Apoptosis Rate in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):327-333].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Nigella sativa
oil; Thymoquinone,
Apoptosis; Kidney function; Lipid; peroxidation; Antioxidant
Full Text |
Diagnostic yield of at
admission estimation of serum IL-6 and high-sensitivity CRP for
Early-onset Neonatal Sepsis
A. El-Ghaiaty, 2Ahmed F. El-Hassanin, 3Said
M. Morsy, 4Lobna A. Mobasher
of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
of Clinical Pathology, Aladan Hospital, Kuwait
Objectives: To evaluate the ability of at admission
estimation of serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
and interleukin (IL)-6 for discrimination between neonates had
early-onset sepsis (EOS) and those free of infection and to act
as early predictor for result of blood culture (BC). Patients
& Methods: The study included 87 neonates admitted to
neonatal ICU (NICU) underwent evaluation using the Score for
Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II (SNAPPE II)
with higher scores indicated more severe infection. Neonates
were categorized into: Infected neonates had clinical
manifestations of sepsis and positive BC, Clinically infected
neonates had clinical manifestations of sepsis and negative BC
and EOS-free neonates had negative BC and no clinical
manifestations. Two venous blood samples were obtained: The
first at time of NICU admission for ELISA estimation of hsCRP
and IL-6 serum levels and the second sample was obtained either
at time of development of clinical signs of sepsis or at of 72
hours in non-infected groups was used for BC and for complete
blood count. Results: Blood culture was positive in 43
neonates (Infected), 19 neonates were clinically infected and 25
neonates were EOS-free. Mean SNAPPE II score and serum hs-CRP
levels were significantly lower in EOS-free neonates compared to
infected neonates with non-significant difference between
clinically infected neonates. Mean total WBC count and serum
IL-6 levels were significantly lower in EOS-free compared to
infected and in clinically infected compared to infected
neonates. Regression analysis for studied parameters as
predictors for sure neonatal EOS confirmed by positive BC
defined high total WBC count and high serum IL-6 as the most
significant predictors and as predictors for EOS among those had
negative BC defined high total WBC count, high serum IL-6,
elevated serum hsCRP and birth weight in decreasing order of
significance. Conclusion: Combined at admission
estimation of serum hsCRP and IL-6 levels in conjunction with at
72-hr WBC count could differentiate between infected and
non-infected neonates and provide early prediction for positive
BC so allowing early initiation of therapy for infected
[Hesham A. El-Ghaiaty,
Ahmed F. El-Hassanin, Said M. Morsy, Lobna M. Mobasher.
Diagnostic yield of at admission estimation of serum IL-6 and
high-sensitivity CRP for Early-onset Neonatal SepsisJ
Am Sci
2013;9(3):334-341]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Kew words:
Early-onset neonatal infection, interleukin-6, high-sensitivity
CRP, Total leucocytic count.
Full Text |
Effect of Er:YAG Laser on
Microtensile Bond Strength of Resin Composite to Recent Bleached
Human Teeth
Ola. M. Sakr
Departments of
Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Qassim University
(Saudi Arabia) and Misr University for Science and Technology (Egypt)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of dentin
surface ablation with low energy density Er:YAG laser on bond
strength of resin composite to recently bleached enamel. In this
study, 40 human anterior teeth, the enamel surface bleached
using 30% carbamide peroxide. Samples were abraded with 300 to
600-grit abrasive papers to obtain flat dentin surfaces. The
bleached samples were divided into two groups: group A: no
Er:YAG laser ablation before resin composite application; group
B:dentin surface ablated with 50 mJ of Er:YAG laser before resin
composite application. The adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2)
was applied and composite tubes were constructed with Filtek
Z350 composite. The teeth were sliced to 1 mm width, along the
adhesive interface, thin slices of dentin-resin and submitted to
microtensile bond testing. Scanning electron microscope
examination and analysis of the samples. The data were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA.
The mean and standard deviation values of microtensile bond
strength were 31.7 ± 4 MPa and 24.6 ± 3.8 MPa for lased bleached
and non lased bleached dentin, respectively. it was
concluded that Er:YAG laser irradiation prior to adhesive
procedure of bleached teeth promoted a dentin surface with no
smear layer and opened dentin tubules observed under SEM.
Conclusions: Within the limit of this in vitro study Er:YAG
dentin irradiation after recent bleaching procedures promote
bond strength of dentin to tested adhesive system.
[Ola. M. Sakr.
Effect of Er:YAG Laser
on Microtensile Bond Strength of Resin Composite to Recent
Bleached Human Teeth.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):342-246]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
bleaching, Er:YAG laser, Microtensile bond strength and Scanning
electron microscope.
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Preparation, Characterization
and Antimicrobial Activity of Carboxymethyl Chitosan Schiff
Bases with Different Benzaldehyde Derivatives
Nadia A. Mohamed*1,
Magdy W. Sabaa1, Ahmed HH. El-Ghandour2,
Marwa M. Abel-Aziz3, Omayma F. Abdel-Gawad2
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University,
Beni-Suef, Egypt
regional Center for Mycology and Biotechnology (antimicrobial
activity unit) Azhar UniversityCairo, Egypt.
Eighteen carboxymethyl chitosan
(CMCh) Schiff bases and their reduced derivatives have been
synthesized. They were characterized by spectral analyses (FT-IR
and H1-NMR) and scanning electron microscopy
observation. Their antibacterial activities against
Streptococcus pneumoniae
(RCMB 010010),
Bacillis subtilis
(RCMB 010067),
as Gram positive bacteria and
Escherichia coli
(RCMB 010052) as Gram
negative bacteria and the antifungal activity against
Aspergillus fumigatus (RCMB 02568),
Geotricum candidum
(RCMB 05097),
and Candida
05031) were examined
using agar disk diffusion method. The
results demonstrate how the antibacterial and the antifungal
activity are clearly affected by both the nature and position of
the substituent groups in the aryl ring of the prepared
derivatives. CMCh-4-nitroBenz Schiff base and its reduced form
show higher antimicrobial activity comparing with other para
substituted derivatives. CMCh-4-nitroBenz Schiff base: 18.3, 17,
and 15.6 mm against
Bacillis subtilis,
Streptococcus pneumonia, and
Escherichia coli
respectively and 16.2, 17.3, and 16.4 mm
Aspergillus fumigates, Geotricum candidum,
Candida albicans
respectively. CMCh-4-nitroBenz reduced form: 19.5, 18.7, and 16.2 mm against
Streptococcus pneumonia, and
Escherichia coli
respectively and 17.5, 19.5, and 17.4 mm
Aspergillus fumigates, Geotricum candidum,
Candida albicans
respectively. Also CMCh-3-bromoBenz
show good results;
schiff base: 19.2, 16.9, and 14.6 mm
Bacillis subtilis,
Streptococcus pneumonia, and
Escherichia coli
respectively and 18.4, 17.6, and 15.9 mm
Aspergillus fumigates, Geotricum candidum,
Candida albicans
A. Mohamed, Magdy W. Sabaa, Ahmed HH. El-Ghandour, Marwa M.
Abel-Aziz, Omayma F. Abdel-Gawad.
Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Carboxymethyl
Chitosan Schiff Bases with Different Benzaldehyde Derivatives.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):247-264].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
chitosan. Schiff bases. antibacterial activity. antifungal
activity. minimum inhibitory concentration..
Full Text |
Apri As A
Predictor For Sustained Virological Response In Chronic
Hepatitis C Patients Genotype 4
Mohammad Yousri1,
Medhat Assem1, Ahmed Helaly2, Gaser El
Azab1 Wael Safwat3 Amgad Anas3
and Manal Zahran4
Department of hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menofyia
University, Sheben Al koom, Egypt.
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria
University, Egypt. 3Department of
Hepato-Gastroenterolgy, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza
of Hematology, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza Egypt
Abstract: Background &Aim:
evaluate the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) to platelet ratio
index (APRI) as a predictive factor of sustained viral response
in chronic hepatitis C naive patients with genotype 4.
Patients & Methods: We conduct this prospective study on
chronic hepatitis C naïve patients who were evaluated to start
therapy with peg interferon a-2a (180 μg per week) and ribavirin
(> 75 kg: 1200 mg and < 75 kg: 1000 mg) for 48 weeks and
responders were followed for 24 weeks after end of treatment.
Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated
to assess the relationship between each risk factor and the
sustained virological response (SVR). Results: One
hundred and twenty patients were followed prospectively. The
mean ± SD of age in our subjects was 35.8 ± 12.5 years; weight
76 ± 12.7 kg, AST 63.8±44.7 IU/mL,
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 74.5± 60 IU/mL, creatinine;
0.96±0.26 mg/dl and platelets 202612±88343/mm3. The
mean hepatitis C virus RNA viral load was
APRI showed a significant positive
correlation with increasing fibrosis stage (r= 0.41, P
< 0.05). By both univariate and multivariate analysis; initial
viral load >600,000 iu/ml and advanced hepatic fibrosis were
negative predictors for SVR. Conclusion:
APRI is a good
estimator of hepatic fibrosis. It could be used to decrease the
number of liver biopsies; however it is not useful to predict
SVR in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 4.
Yousri, Medhat
Assem, Ahmed Helaly and Gaser El Azab Wael Safwat Amgad Anas
Manal Zahran. Apri As A Predictor For Sustained Virological
Response In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Genotype 4.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):265-269]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 50
Key words: APRI –
HCV – Sustained virological response.
Full Text |
A Study of the Status and
relationships between Secure-Base Leadership, Leadership
Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction
Gholamreza Shams Mourkani1,
Sadaf Khalijian2
Member, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and
Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Velenjak, Tehran, Iran
Scholar in Educational Administration, Department of Education,
Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University,
Velenjak, Tehran, Iran
The present study aimed at
investigating the status and relationships between secure-base
leadership, leadership effectiveness and employees’ job
satisfaction at Shahid Beheshti University. The study is a
descriptive-correlation one. The research population was all
staff at Shahid Beheshti University during the academic year of
2011-2012 (N=928), among which 272 people were selected through
stratified random sampling. Three questionnaires including
"secure-base leadership" (Coombe, 2011), "leadership
effectiveness" and "job satisfaction" (researcher-made) were
employed to collect the data. Validity of the questionnaires was
confirmed by university professors and their reliabilities
calculated by the use of Cronbach's Alpha which were 0.91, 0.93,
and 0.83, respectively. To analyze the data, one-sample t-test,
Pearson’s correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression
and structural equation modeling through SPSS and LISREL
software, were employed. Results showed that secure-base
leadership and leadership effectiveness scores were higher than
average and the job satisfaction scores were average.
Correlation coefficients showed that secure-base leadership had
a significant and positive relationship with leadership
effectiveness (r=0.84) and job satisfaction (r=0.83). On the
other hand, results showed that secure-base leadership directly
and through leadership effectiveness had a major impact on job
satisfaction (β=0.89). Moreover, leadership effectiveness had an
impact on job satisfaction (β=0.54). In general, the conceptual
framework of the research was examined on the basis of the
causal relations among variables and confirmed by structural
equation modeling.
[Shams Mourkani, G.R.,
Khalijian, S. A Study of the Status and relationships between
Secure-Base Leadership, Leadership Effectiveness and Job
Satisfaction. J Am
2013;9(3):270-280]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Secure-base leadership, leadership effectiveness, job
Full Text |
and Threats
Almarabeh1, Hiba
Of Jordan,
Of Jordan,
Amman, Jordan,
to implement
students. The
this paper
is to
in a
in Jordan
the strengths,
the Jordanian
T, Mohammad
and Threats. J Am Sci
2013;9(3):281-287]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Jordan,
Full Text |
buildings with earthquake
and crisis management
Ebrahim Farzaneh
PhD student in
Tajikistan Academy of Sciences
order to
improve the seismic
behavior of buildings
against earthquake
loads, seismic
capacity of existing
buildings and
required seismic demand
including maximum
acceleration of earthquakee,
spectra, and
seismic design, which
may be needed during the lifespan of a building considering its
importance and services after the earthquake, are necessary to
be estimated and calculated. The main question in retrofitting
a building is that which building with
which situation should be boosted against which force and for
which function. So, retrofitting can be defined as modifying the
vulnerable part or replacing a new part in the existing building
in order to increase the
capacity or a series of operations
which improves stiffness and
of a building compared with its original status.
buildings with earthquake
and crisis management.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):288-291].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 53
Building; Earthquake; Crisis management.
Full Text |
Attitudes of
University Students
Family Responsibility and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem
Wageda Mohamed
Nasr Hamad
Faculty of
Specific Education, Kafr EL-Shaikh University
The current study is aimed to identify the relationship
between university students trends about family responsibility
and self-esteem questionnaire and variety of the social and
economic level of the family. The research sample was selected
randomly from the provinces of Tanta and Kafr El-Sheikh from
different social and economic levels. The research tools were
applied to a sample of 200 university students. The research
tools included, the data Form for the family, Questionnaire
university students' attitudes towards family responsibility,
and Measure of self-esteem. A questionnaire was applied to the
university students' attitudes towards taking responsibility
family axes and measure self-esteem and using correlation
coefficient test and (t) test. The differences between average
results of the study showed that: there is a correlation between
attitudes of university students towards family responsibility
and between some of the variables of the study of social and
economic (educational level of the mother, family income, birth
ranking). While, there were no statistically significant
differences between the attitudes of university students towards
family responsibility and self-esteem for the children of
working and non-working mothers. In addition, there were
significant level between university students attitude towards
taking responsibility and self-esteem.
Mohamed Nasr Hamad. Attitudes of University Students
Family Responsibility and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):292-311].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
University Students, family responsibility, self-esteem
Full Text |
Augmenting Anticancer
Potential of Exotoxin A By Mutating Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Yehia A. O. Ellazeik¹, Samah S.
Abdelgawad², Essam MA Elsawy², Ahmed M. El-Wassef3.
¹Department of Botany, Faculty
of Science, Mansoura University.
²Microbiology lab, Urology and
Nephrology Center, Mansoura University.
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University.
Cancer is a group of more than
100 different and distinctive types of diseases. It is an
abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an
uncontrolled manner forming masses and in some cases dislodge
and spread all over the body. Luckily, a number of bacteria
including Pseudomonas aeruginosa produce some virulence
factors that help in combating cancer such as exotoxin A (ETA). This toxin arrests protein synthesis and induces apoptosis in
cancer cells. During this study 68 Pseudomonades were isolated
from urine samples collected from patients with urinary tract
infection during the period Sept. 2009- Feb. 2010. Classical
bacteriological, molecular and automated methods were used to
identify all them. Based on the protein banding patterns, the 68
isolates were re-grouped to 30according to the results of Sodium
dedocylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE),
from these 30 isolates only three gave the typical PCR product
for Exo A gene using its specific primers. ETA production and
toxicity were enhanced by mutating the three wild-type isolates.
The crude and partially purified ETA from the selected three
wild-type isolates of Pseudomonas aeroginosa (1, 8, 15)
and two UV mutants (3-1 and 16-15) showed a promising inhibitory
activity against the MCF-7 cell line of breast carcinoma. The IC50
(inhibition concentration) of the five organisms were 14.1,
35.6, 36.8, 5.3, 3.4µg, respectively. The mutation increased
the anticancer activity of ETA 2-fold for one mutant and 10-fold
to the second mutant. No change in the molecular weight of the
mutated protein was found and the exact nature of its anticancer
activity is under further investigation.
A. Ellazeik, Samah S. Abdelgawad,Essam MA Elsawy and Ahmed M.
El-Wassef. Augmenting Anticancer Potential of Exotoxin A By
Mutating Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 55
Key Words:
aeruginosa;virulence factors;cancer;Exotoxin A(ETA);PCR.
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Alfa-Fetoprotein L3
Subfraction and Osteopontin: Novel Markers for the Diagnosis of
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Sawsan Said Hafez1,
Aziza Ahmed El Sebai1, Manal Mohamed Abd AL Aziz1
Manal Abdel Baky Mahmoud1, Mohamed Omar El Maraghy1,
Mohamed Omar Khalifa 2 and Nevine Ibrahim Musa3
Departments of Clinical Pathology1,
Tropical Medicine2 and Internal Medicine3,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.
This study was designed to evaluate the role of serum
alpha-fetoprotein-L3 subfraction (AFP-L3) and osteopontin (OPN)
in the diagnosis of hepatocellular (HCC) and to consider their
potential role as a novel prognostic marker.
Patients and Methods:
patients with different stages of HCC were included in addition
to 140 subjects with chronic liver diseases and 140 healthy
control. Following clinical and radiological investigations,
serum assay of AFP, AFP-L3 and OPN were performed.Results:
AFP, AFP-L3 and OPN were significantly higher in HCC patients
compared to chronic liver disease patients and normal control. A
significant correlation was found between AFP and AFP-L3/AFP
ratio among HCC patients. OPN varied significantly among
different HCC stages. The best cutoff points revealed 100%
sensitivity and 85% specificity for AFP-L3 and 100% for both
sensitivity and specificity of OPN.
levels of AFP-L3 and OPN in HCC patients than controls propose
them as potential markers for diagnosis of this disease. OPN has
additional prognostic value through its significant difference
among different HCC grades.
[Sawsan Said Hafez, Aziza Ahmed
El Sebai, Manal Mohamed Abd AL Aziz, Manal Abdel Baky Mahmoud,
Mohamed Omar El Maraghy, Mohamed Omar Khalifa and Nevine Ibrahim
Alfa-Fetoprotein L3 Subfraction
and Osteopontin: Novel Markers for the Diagnosis of
Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):322-328].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 56
Alpha-fetoprotein-L3, osteopontin, hepatocellular carcinoma,
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Mode-Space” A new Approach for Efficient Simulation of Ballistic
Quantum Transport in Multi-gate Devices
Mohammed M.
El-Banna, Yasser M. Sabry, W. Fikry, O. A. Omar
Dept. of Eng.
Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams
University, Egypt.
A novel approach is proposed, termed Partial-Coupled Mode Space
(PCMS), for simulation of quantum transport in nanoscale
devices. The PCMS integrates advantage of Coupled Mode Space
(CMS) in accuracy and Uncoupled Mode Space (UMS) in reduction of
computational burden. Partial coupling between the modes of the
nanoscale device is achieved by coupling the odd-modes and
even-modes separately. N-type FinFETs were simulated by the
proposed approach and compared with the fully CMS accuracy and
simulation time. The simulation was carried out on set of
devices that satisfy the requirements of the International
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). The simulations
show that our PCMS saves more than 65 % of the computational
time with error less than 0.1 % and 0.01 % in the device charge
and terminal current respectively compared to the CMS.
M. El-Banna, Yasser M. Sabry, W. Fikry, O. A. Omar.
“Partial-Coupled Mode-Space” A new Approach for Efficient
Simulation of Ballistic Quantum Transport in Multi-gate Devices
J Am
2013;9(3):329-338]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
FinFETs, Partial-Coupled Mode Space, Multi-gate, quantum
transport, NEGF.
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The Effect of Self-Estem Images on the
Well-Being of the Elderly People in Geriatric Homes and a
Community Living Elderly
Samia Kattab Abd El-Rahman1 and Nagia
Ibrahim Hassan2
Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University
&Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour
Abstract: Although
living long has been a dream of mankind, people are worried
about ageing, as individuals and society, because old age is
historically associated with being sick, dependent and face many
psychological concerns due to the emotional responses that
follow the normal ageing process. As well as, changes in their
socio-demographic status, social relationships and the burden of
the associated chronic diseases, they experienced. Only few
studies have explored the psychological implications of living
geriatric homes and psychological distress that most frequently
experienced by them, with health perception, life-satisfaction
and self-esteem that are correlated with abandoned self-care
behaviours and dealt with negative aspects of the late life. The
poor self-images of the self-esteem symptoms of excessive
self-consciousness, social phobia, nervosa and depression among
elderly population enforce the study of these issues, when
studying any elderly concerns. This study aimed to assess and
compare self-esteem images and associated socio-demographic
factors, social effective relationships and the comorbidity
status among geriatric home residents and non-institutionalized
elderly people.Methods & Subject: A cross-sectional study
was conducted to study the self-esteem status among a sample of
100 elderly people aged 65 years and more, fifty of them were
geriatric home residents and the other half from outpatient
clinics attenders. All participants accepted to participate and
were cognitively alert. They were selected randomly from
non-governmental care homes and outpatients clinics in National
Medical Institute of Damanhour at El-Behaira Governorate. Tools:
specially designed interview questionnaires were developed and
used to collect data for socio-demographic and medical data.
Self-esteem scale, according to the Arabic version was utilized
to measure individual self-esteem variables. Data were collected
in period of a month. The results of the study presented that
the mean ± SD age of the studied subjects was 70.0±7.1. More
than half (59%) of the respondents were males and nearly half
(46%) were widowed. Illiterate and only read & write subjects
accounted 64% and those with monetary inadequacy contributed 60%
having less than 600 Egyptian pounds monthly. The self-esteem
scores of the studied subjects by their socio-demographic
factors did not detect any significant difference between
socio-demographic studied factors except income source (P=0.03).
No significant differences between self-esteem scores and
socio-demographic factors among geriatric home residents. For
the non-institutionalized participants, both age group and
educational level showed significant differences, (P= 0.022 and
P= 0.040, respectively). The mean ± SD and median of the
self-esteem scores according to pattern of social visits for
geriatric home residents were higher for daughters' visits,
(20.0±3.2 and median 20.5), while no coming visits were
reported. No significant difference for outpatient respondents
for self-esteem scores and different patterns of effective
social relationships, (P=0.449). There was no significant
difference between institutionalized and non-institutionalized
studied subject according to the level of self-esteem mean ± SD
scores, (P=0.315). The effective support relationships of the
geriatric home residents, were from some family members and some
non-family members. No one was socially supporting the
outpatient clinics participants. Brothers & sisters, children
and some neighbours were the stressors, (62%, 40% and 40%,
respectively) for the geriatric residents. The dominant
associated chronic diseases among the two studied groups were
common, namely diabetes mellitus, hypertension, osteoporosis,
hepatic diseases and diabetes & hypertension. No significant
differences were detected among the two studied groups or even
within each group, between self-esteem score and the associated
chronic diseases.The findings of this study will be useful for
planning interventions to improve self-esteem and
life-satisfaction among the elderly population in Egypt. As
further studies about self-esteem on a larger number of elderly
from different geographical areas are recommended.
[Samia Kattab Abd
El-Rahman and Nagia Ibrahim Hassan. The Effect of Self-Estem
Images on the Well-Being of the Elderly People in Geriatric
Homes and a Community Living Elderly. J Am Sci
2013;9(3):339-354]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 58
self-esteem images, elderly people, geriatric homes, community
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Study the
Relationship between Competition Load and Some Thyroid, Adrenal,
and Pituitary Glands’hormones Concentration in Blood Plasma for
Track Racers
Dahab Aly; Mohamed Masoud Ibrahim Sharaf1 and Saad
Ali Salem Al Taeeb2
Abstract: Studying relationship between the impact of competition load in the
work of endocrine glands is to somewhat new recent and largely
correlated with major developments in sport biology and
physiology science. It is well known that physical effort
affects activity of many glands and hormone production rates
like thyroid gland which secretes thyroxine hormone (T4) and
(T3), which rotate in free form (FREE (F)) or united in blood.
It is known that it affects the overall organization of
metabolism, growth and tissue contrast as well as gene
expression. Thyroid hormone increases
metabolic actions in almost each tissue; it also increases the
size and number of mitochondria in cells and its effectiveness,
this in turn increase speed of triphosphate adenosine (ATP)
formation to feed cellular energy with fuel needed for effort to
be done for individual, especially athlete who needs great
energy in depending on each requirements according to
regulations in force. Although thyroid hormone
is vital to many physiological system; but biological effects of
short-term changes in thyroid hormone levels resulting from
physical effort not fully explained yet. From what mentioned
above the great importance of these hormones is clear, where
correlation between competition load and these hormones not
precisely specified, especially these hormones play great role
in the metabolism which prompted researchers to conduct such a
study and its importance to find the relationship between
concentration level of thyroid hormones: associated and free T3
& T4 and adrenal cortisol hormone CO and pituitary hormone:
thyrotropin TSH in blood plasma according to competition load
within track racers (100m, 400m, 1500m, 5000m) hoping to present
results probably will contribute to shed light in this field.
Researchers used experimental approach with pre and post
measurement for its relevance to research nature. Research
sample included 24 male runners, their age between 20 to 29
years old were selected from first-class runners in Western
Region represented for short-distance distance runners (100, 400
m), average-distance runners (1500 m), long-distance runners
(5000 m). Statistical work done using
SPSS program and includes (Mean-Standard deviation-Skewness–Kurtosis-Simple correlation). Most important results
were that there were statistically significant correlation
between competition load and changes in associated and free
thyroid hormones (T3 & T4), Cortisol, thyrotropin TSH in blood
plasma in (100 m, 400 m, 1500m 5000 m) in pre and most
measurements, there were statistically significant correlation
between competition load and changes in associated and free
thyroid hormones (T3 & T4), Cortisol, thyrotropin TSH in blood
plasma in (100 m, 400 m, 1500 m 5000 m) between pres and
post-measurements (immediately after competition), most
important recommendation were necessity to give concern to
nature of relations between activity of associated and free
thyroid hormones T3, and T4 and cortisol CO and hormone
thyrotropin TSH accordance to competition load, necessity to
focus on training methods according to energy production, which
in turn improves thyroid, and adrenal hormones (energy hormones)
and pituitary gland hormone.
[Youssef Dahab Aly; Mohamed
Masoud Ibrahim Sharaf and Saad Ali Salem Al Taeeb.
Study the Relationship between Competition Load and Some
Thyroid, Adrenal, and Pituitary Glands’hormones Concentration in
Blood Plasma for Track Racers.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):355-370]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Competition; Load; Thyroid; Adrenal; Pituitary; Gland; hormone;
Blood; Plasma
Full Text |
The impact of stress on job satisfaction for
nurses in
King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam-KSA
Ahmad M. Saleh1,
Mohammad M. Saleh3 and Mohannad E. Abu Ruz2.
Dep. Al Ghad International Medical Science Colleges. Dammam,
Saudi Arabia
Education. King Fahad Specialist hospital. Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Al-Quds College.
Amman, Jordan
affecting job satisfaction are becoming an increasingly
significant phenomenon. Stress has a cost for individuals in
terms of health, wellbeing, job dissatisfaction, rate of
absenteeism and turnover which will in turn affect the quality
of patient care. This study aimed to determine the main
stressors affecting nurses and its relationship with job
satisfaction in King Fahad Specialist hospital, Dammam, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. A descriptive correlational cross sectional
design was used on a convenience sample of 213 nurses using
expanded nursing stress and job satisfaction scales. The results
have shown that most stressful subscale for nurses was death and
dying of patients as “Extremely Stressful” and the least
stressful subscale was inadequate preparation to help with the
emotional needs of patients and their families as “Occasionally
Stressful”. There was a negative significant relationship
between the impact of stress and job satisfaction among staff
nurses in King Fahad Specialist hospital as indicated by
(Pearson correlation = -.437, P < 0.05). In conclusion, King
Fahad Specialist hospital staff nurses were exposed to many
kinds of stressors which affected their level of job
satisfaction. This emphasizes the need for adopting strategies
to reduce stress, increase job satisfaction and finally
improving patient quality of care.
[Saleh A,
Saleh M, Abu Ruz M. The
impact of stress on job satisfaction for
nurses in
King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam.
Am Sci 2013;(3):371-377].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 60
Key word: Stress, Job
satisfaction, quality of care, Dammam, King Fahad Specialist,
and KSA.
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Impact of
health intervention program regarding breast self examination
Port Said
female university students
Mona Abd Elsabour1,
Sherene Ahmed Qalawa2, Magda Aly Mohamed1,
Omaima Mohamed Elalem1
and Community Health Nursing Deoartment.
and Surgical Nursing Department,
Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt.
Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the
impact of a health intervention program about breast self
examination on knowledge and practices of female university
students. Subject and Methods: The quasi experimental
research was conducted on convenience sample of 50 students at
the university hostel for females in Port Said governorate, an
educational health program about early detection of breast
cancer and breast self examination was developed by researchers,
the selected sample is tested before and after giving the health
program using a self administered questionnaire and
observational checklist. Results: The findings revealed
that most of the studied sample had poor knowledge (94%) and
practices (86%) regarding early detection of breast cancer and
breast self examination in pre program, A statistically
significant improvement was detected in the knowledge and
practices post program (P <0.001*). Conclusion:
The study concluded to the fact that the studied females
students' knowledge and practices regarding early detection of
breast cancer and breast self examination are deficient, health
educational programs can improve their knowledge and practices,
so the researchers recommend that great efforts should be
done to increase the young females' awareness of prevention and
early detection of breast cancer, this can be effectively done
through continues health educational programs.
Abd Elsabour, Sherene Ahmed
Qalawa, Magda Aly Mohamed,
Omaima Mohamed Elalem.
Impact of health educational
intervention regarding breast self examination among Port Said
female university students.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):378-384]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 61
Key words:
Breast self examination, Health
interventio program, Female University students.
Full Text |
On the diophantine equation
Fadwa S. Abu Muriefah
and Amal AL-Rashed
Princess Nora Bint
Abdulrahman University,
In this paper, we study the diophantine equation ax2+b=cyn
where a, b, c, n, x, y
are positive integers and we prove some results concerning this
equation when b = 7, 11. In Theorem 3, we are able to
correct the result of Demirpolat and Cenberci appeared in [9].
S. Abu Muriefah and Amal AL-Rashed.
On the diophantine equation ax2+b=cyn.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):385-388].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
integer; prime |
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Patient-Care Practices Associated with Increased Transmission of
Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Hemodialysis patients
Om-Mohamed A. Abed Elsatar and Khadega
Ahmed Elhefnawy
Health Nursing Department,
Faculty of Nursing, Menofia University, Egypt.
Aim of the study:
study was carried out to
identify patient-care practices related to increased
transmission of hepatitis c virus infection among hemodialysis
patients. Setting: This study was
conducted at hemodialysis unit in menofia university
hospital and shebien el koom teaching hospital.
The subjects of this study consisted of 177
renal failure patients.
two tools were utilized
for data collection. I.
Patient’s medical history: structure interview
II: patient care practices observational sheet.
The results revealed that
patient-care practices associated with transmission of hepatitis
C virus infection included
fistula clamp, stethoscope
reused for multiple patients without cleaning and disinfecting,
unused syringe and alcohol swab at dialysis station not
discarded between patients, dialysis machine monitor not
decontaminated between patients and handling blood specimens in
the same area or adjacent to medications and clean supplies.
current study concluded that patient-care practices associated
with transmission of hepatitis C virus infection included items
reused for multiple patients without cleaning and disinfecting,
unused clean supplies at dialysis station not discarded between
patients, dialysis machine monitor not decontaminated between
patients and handling blood specimens in the same area or
adjacent to medications and clean supplies.
Recommendation: Staff should ensure that hemodialysis-specific
infection control practices are being implemented. Also
hemodialysis-specific infection control practices should
included in continuing education of all staff members.
A. Abed Elsatar and
Khadega Ahmed Elhefnawy.
Patient-Care Practices Associated with Increased Transmission
of Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Hemodialysis patients.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):389-396].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 63
Key words:
Patient-Care Practices, Hepatitis C Virus, and Hemodialysis. |
Full Text |
Protective Activity of Curcumin against Obesity Associated
Cardiovascular Disease via Alleviating Leptin and Insulin
Azza M. El-Wakf*1; El-Sayed M. El-Habibi1
and Abdullah Mogalli2
Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt1
Faculty of Education, Adan University, Adan, Yemen
Obesity is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
This study was designed to evaluate the protective activity of
curcumin against incidence of this disease in male rats with
diet-induced obesity. For this purpose, male albino rats (175 ±
5g) were fed normal diet or high fat diet (HFD) with or without
curcumin (20 mg/kg b.wt.) for duration of 3 months. Feeding rats
on HFD caused elevation of the body weight gain and weights of
aorta and heart tissue. Meanwhile, HFD-fed rats exhibited marked
hyperglycemia, with raised lipid profile as reflected by
significant elevation of serum, aorta and heart total lipids (TLs),
total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TGs),accompanied by
increased serum values of LDL-C, vLDL-C and atherogenic index
(AI), with decreased HDL-C level. An increased serum level of
leptin and insulin were also observed. The study also showed
marked reduction in the antioxidants, superoxide dismutase (SOD)
and reduced glutathione (GSH), concomitant with elevation in the
level of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and
lipid peroxidation product, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in both
heart and aorta of HFD-fed rats. Further changes, including
elevation of serum aminotranseferases (AST and ALT), lactic
dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatinine kinase (CK), with a reduction
in their activities in heart and aorta were demonstrated. Also,
a reduction in the level of nitric oxide (NO) in the same organs
were recorded which together with the above mentioned
alterations may indicate developing of cardiovascular disease in
association with obesity. On the contrary, administration of
curcumin to HFD-fed rats tended to prevent hyperglycemia,
hyperlipidemia and other changes relevant to cardiovascular
disease mainly through alleviating leptin and insulin
resistance. Thus, curcumin can be prescribed as a natural
dietary product for reducing risk of CVD in the obese subjects.
M. El-Wakf; El-Sayed M. El-Habibi and Abdullah Mogalli.
Activity of Curcumin against Obesity Associated Cardiovascular
Disease via Alleviating.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):397-405].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Obesity, Curcumin,
Leptin, Insulin, Nitric oxide |
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Evaluating of the Effectiveness of Training Employees of the Oil
and Gas Company of Gachsaran, 1391.
Yaghoob Kiany1, Mohammadnoor Rahmani2,
Hossein Zeinali Pour3, Davod Kiany4
1-Master degree.
Department of
Educational Sciences & Psychology,
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hormozgan,
2- PH.d, Supervisor,
Department of Educational Sciences & Psychology,
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hormozgan,
3- PH.d. First advisor,
Department of
Educational Sciences & Psychology,
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hormozgan,
4- PH.D. Second advisor, Institute for International Energy
Studies (IIES), Ministry of Petroleum, Republic Islamic of Iran
Corresponding Author:
Yaghoob Kiany, Email:
Institutional training and education programs have a major role
in training and equipping practical knowledge of personnel and
increasing productivity and creativity and achieving national
production. This study aims to explain the effectiveness of
education on employees of the Company's oil and gas operations
conducted in Gachsaran. This study is descriptive. Our
statistical society is
270 employees of Gachsaran oil and gas companies operating in
1391 who attended in 15 training courses. Sampling, simple
random sampling and sample size of 150 was calculated based on
the Cochran formula. The questionnaire was used to collect data.
For data analysis in level of descriptive statistics, the mean
and standard deviation of the statistical methods were used and
statistical methods of inferential in statistics test t
Correlations. The findings show that training can improve
employee effectiveness as well as the increase of knowledge and
skills, improve the quality of services, improving human
relationships, career and the speed of innovation and increasing
staff creativity.So administrators and officials are advised to
look more seriously into the corporate training as an empowering
force for employees. [Evaluating
of the Effectiveness of Training Employees of the Oil and Gas
Company of Gachsaran, 1391].
Kiany, Mohammadnoor Rahmani, Hossein Zeinali Pour, Davod Kiany.
Evaluating of the Effectiveness of Training Employees of the Oil
and Gas Company of Gachsaran, 1391.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):406-411]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
education, effectiveness, employees of exploit company of oil
and gas. |
Full Text |
Effect of Educational Program
Regarding Therapeutic Exercises on Women's Pain, Fatigue and
Shoulder Function Undergoing Mastectomy
Nadia Mohamed Taha1;
Magda Abdel Azeaz2; Abdel Rahman Hassan3
and Amal Eid Shaban4
Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University,
2Ain Shams University,
4Mansoura University
and 3Surgery Department Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig
cancer is the most common form of cancer in females worldwide
and the most prevalent
cancer among Egyptian women. Breast
cancer and its treatment result in physical and psychological
problems; pain, fatigue and dysfunction. It is the
responsibility of the nurse to identify the breast cancer
patient's needs, make appropriate nursing diagnosis and initiate
plans for care. Aim of the
study: to
assess the impact of an educational program regarding
therapeutic exercises for women’s pain, fatigue and shoulder
function that are undergoing mastectomy. This study was
hypothesized that there would be an improvement of patients’
information, pain, fatigue and shoulder function by using the
therapeutic exercises. Quasi experimental design was utilized in
this study. It was conducted at Oncology Center Mansoura
University. Purposive sample included (80) patients with
preliminary diagnosis of breast cancer,
admitted to female surgical
units, scheduled for Modified radical mastectomy and were
divided random equally into study and control groups; (40)
patients in each group. Tools: used for data collection included
an interviewing questionnaire sheet, Numerical Rating scale,
Fatigue Severity scale and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index,
performance observational
checklists, and follow up sheet. Results: The mean age of the studied women
45.25 and 46.06. The
majority of the women in both groups were married; housewives
and 45% were illiterate.
There was a highly significant difference in patients' level of
information, pain intensity, fatigue severity, and shoulder
dysfunction of the study group as compared to the control group.
This means that the educational
program had positive effect in reducing patients' pain,
fatigue and shoulder dysfunction, post program and after one
month of implementation of the educational program. Conclusion:
There were a statistical significance difference between the two
groups in relation to information, fatigue severity, pain
intensity, shoulder pain and disability, and performance
post program and follow-up after one month. Deep breathing and
Progressive muscle relaxation techniques, arm and shoulder
exercises, and patient's education are useful adjuvant
techniques to complement medical treatment. Recommendations:
Continuous educational health programs are recommended. So
incorporation of such interventions in the care plan can enhance
the care for surgical breast cancer patients and greatly improve
their quality of life.
[Magda Abdel Azeaz; Nadia Mohamed
Taha, Abd Elrahman Hassan and Amal Eid Shaban.
Effect of Educational
Program Regarding Therapeutic Exercises on Women's Pain, Fatigue
and Shoulder Function Undergoing Mastectomy.
J Am Sci 2013;9(3):412-425].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 66
Key words:
therapeutic exercises, pain,
fatigue, arm and shoulder exercises, mastectomy, and
progressive muscle relaxation technique. |
Full Text |
Immediately Placed
Implants in Periodontally Compromised Patients: A
Prospective Clinical Study
Rehab Elsharkawy1 and
and Maxillofacial Surgery Department. Faculty of Oral and Dental
Medicine. Cairo University
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Periodontolgy Department.
Faculty of Oral and
Dental surgery.
Misr University for Science and Technology
This study was done to compare
the outcome of implants placed immediately in partially
edentulous periodontally compromised to periodontally healthy
patients clinically and radiographically. Material and methods:
Twenty immediately placed implants were followed up one year
after loading clinically and radiographically. Patients were
divided into 2 groups: 10 implants in group H (healthy, n=9) and
10 implants in group PD (moderate to severe chronic
periodontitis, n=7).
Clinical (modified bleeding index mBI, modified plaque index mPI,
probing pocket depth PPD and degree of mobility using Periotest
device) and radiographic parameters (Bone implant contact ratio
BICR and vertical bone resorption) were assessed. Results:
There were no significant differences in implant success rate
between the 2 groups. Since the time of loading till the end of
follow up period all implants were immobile, there was no pain
or suppuration around the implants and there were no evidence of
peri-implant radiolucency in the x-rays. Through all periods;
there was no statistically significant difference between the
two groups in the mPI or PPD, at any time point. At loading and
3 months post-loading; PD group showed statistically
significantly higher mean mBI than healthy group. PD group
showed statistically significantly lower mean PTVs (more
stability) at time of loading (-1±2.1) and at 3 months PL (-1
±1.8) than the H group at loading (0.5±0.7) and 3 ms PL (0.6±2)
where P was 0.022 and 0.031for L and 3 ms PL respectively. Regarding the radiographic measures, there were no statistically
significant differences between the two groups in the BICR and
the VBL at any time point, through all the follow up periods P
value ≤ 0.05. Conclusion:
Immediate implants may be successful treatment modality in
partially edentulous patients suffering from moderate to severe
chronic periodontitis, provided that carful debridement of the
extraction sockets is done and a good maintenance protocol is
Elsharkawy and
Hala El-Menoufy.
Immediately Placed
Implants in Periodontally Compromised Patients: A Prospective
Clinical Study. J
Am Sci 2013;9(3):426-434].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Immediate Dental Implants, Chronic periodontitis, periodontally
compromised, Periotest. |
Full Text |
Role of Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI and
Cystourethroscopy in
the Diagnosis and Local Staging of Urinary Bladder Cancer
with Pathologic Correlation
Mohammed M. S. Mostafa1 and Alsayed S. Abdel-Azez
Radiodiagnosis1 and Urology 2 Departments,
Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Al-Azhar, Egypt
Abstract: Purpose:
To evaluate the role of the dynamic contrast enhancement MRI and
in the diagnosis and local staging
of urinary bladder cancer with
histopathological correlation.
Materials and methods:
Dynamic contrast enhancement MRI and
cystourethroscopy were done in this prospective study for
50 patients on the bases of suspected UB cancer after pelvic US
and laboratory investigations. The definitive diagnosis was
provided by histopathological examination of the resected tissue
by cystourethroscopic biopsy
or radical cystectomy. MRI results were compared with cystourethroscopic
examination and histopathological results; the latter was
regarded as the standard reference. Results: Dynamic contrast enhanced T1WIs has
revealed 29 patients with organ confined and 21 patients with
non organ confined tumors. The histopathological results had
revealed 31 patients with organ confined and 19 patients with
non organ confined tumors. In addition dynamic contrast enhanced
T1WIs has revealed 21 patients with stage T1, 8 patients with
stage T2, 11 patients with stage T3, and 10 patients with stage
T4. The histopathological results had revealed 21 patients with
stage T1, 9 patients with stage T2, 11 patients with stage T3,
and 9 patients with stage T4. Moreover, dynamic contrast
enhanced T1WIs, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy
were 74.83%, 93.1%, 77.51%, 91.91% and 89% respectively.
Regarding the superficial ( ≤ T1) and invasive tumors ( ≥ T2)
dynamic contrast enhanced T1WIs, sensitivity, specificity, PPV,
NPV and accuracy were 85.71%, 89.66%, 85.71%, 89.66% and 88%
respectively. Conclusion: Dynamic Gadolinium enhanced MRI
was considered the most accurate radiological modality
in the diagnosis and local staging of urinary bladder cancer
especially in invasive tumors but cystourethroscopy
was considered the standard in the diagnosis of non invasive
tumors. The histopathological results were regarded as the
golden standard reference.
[Mohammed M. S. Mostafa and Alsayed S. Abdel-Azez.
Role of
Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI and
Cystourethroscopy in
the Diagnosis and Local Staging of Urinary Bladder Cancer
with Pathologic Correlation.
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging);
dynamic contrast;
cystourethroscopy |
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Structure of the
photon Is duality solved? [A Review Article].
Sayed S.E.H. Saif*; Mohamed Yasser Sayed Saif**; Ahmed Tamer S.
Saif*** and Passant Sayed Saif***
* National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES), Cairo
University, Egypt.
**Beni Sueif University, ***Fayoum University,****Misr
Univresity For Science and Technology,
Bueche and Jerde 2001 came to the conclusion that till the
moment there are Great Controversies.
The Bueche text of physics contains
three essays entitled Great Controversies in Physics. These are
historical vignettes that demonstrate that our present
understanding of physics is based on struggles between competing
ideas and experimental observations, often over long spans of
time. The topics covered are the controversies about falling
objects, the nature of heat, and the nature of light. The role
of critical questions in deciding the outcome of these
controversies, asked in the form of definitive experiments, is
emphasized (Bueche textbook of physics). The answer to our original question
on the nature of light has a more complicated answer (and to
many, a more disturbing one) than anyone expected.
[Sayed S.E.H. Saif; Mohamed Yasser Sayed Saif; Ahmed Tamer S.
Saif and Passant Sayed Saif. Structure of the photon Is
duality solved?.
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Great Controversies, duality of light, shape of the photon, Saif Number
Full Text |
The Impact of Artistic
Visions of Japanese Prints on European Artists Preface
Yasser mounir gaber
Graphic Design Department,
Faculty of Fine Arts, AL-Emam University, AL-Riyadh, Saudi
Japanese print
art is one of the
most important
foundations that establishes the
rules of graphic
arts in the world, it
is that used
in the graphic
science to
date, which
provided the most
important insights
and techniques in
art. After the flourishing of
Ukiyo-e printing
school at the
mid of the seventeenth century to the
end of the nineteenth century
and its excellent role
in enriching
technical state of
the Japanese publications,
artists had design
publications which
affected with a tremendous impact on
the Western art in
the second half of the nineteenth
century. In this century foreigners
flow to Japan and
purchased many famous
publications of Japanese artists
and they respect the charm and sweetness of
these publications. Japanese publications are characterized by
their local and national nature and
also different
from those of European
at that time and the
uniqueness of their subjects
with internal and
philosophical to great extent along
with focusing on the
details of their daily lives. European
artists have
influenced with
this technical
outlook and
new themes and
tried to
imitate it to a great extent
and it is
clear in many artists’ works
like Gauguin
and Van Gogh
and others. But this
effect has not
been implemented
to the
spiritual and
philosophical pillars
similar Japanese, but
only in
themes without
looking deeply
to these
printing arts.
[Yasser mounir
gaber. The Impact of Artistic Visions
of Japanese Prints on European Artists Preface. J Am Sci 2013: 9(3):455-475].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 70
Japanese Prints, Graphic arts, European Artists. |
Full Text |
Change in the great saphenous vein diameter in
response to contrast baths and exercise: a randomized clinical
Omar Farouk Helal1, Mohamed
Salah-Eldin Alayat 2, Ashraf Abdelaal Mohamed
1Department of
Physical Therapy, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm
Al-Qura University, KSA.
of Basic Science, Faculty of
Physical Therapy, Cairo University. Egypt.
of Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular/ Respiratory
Disorder and Geriatrics,
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo
University, Egypt.
Abstract: The
purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of
contrast baths on varicose vein and to compare its effect with
that of calf muscle exercises on the improvement of varicose
vein. A randomized clinical trial was performed on 70 patients
with varicose vein of the lower limb. Their age was (40-50)
years. Patients were randomly divided into three groups; Group
(1) (30 patients) used a contrast bath and compression stocking.
Group (2) (30 patients) performed pedal ergometer exercise and
the compression stocking. Group (3) (10 patients) used
compression stocking. Venous Duplex ultrasound scanning was
conducted for evaluating the cross-section of great saphenous
vein (CsGSV) at the knee and ankle levels. There was
significant reduction in the mean value of CsGSV at the ankle
and knee levels in group one and two with non-significant
difference in group three. The result revealed a non-significant
difference between contrast baths and pedal ergometer exercise
groups. Both contrast baths and strengthening exercise to calf
muscle are effective methods in the treatment of varicose veins.
[Helal OF, Alayat MS, Abdelaal AA.
Change in the great saphenous vein diameter in
response to contrast baths and exercise: a randomized clinical
trial. J Am Sci
2013;9(3):476-483]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Varicose
vein, contrast baths, strengthening exercise, calf muscle, great
saphenous vein.
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72 |
Factors Affecting
Pregnancy Rates of in Vitro Fertilization
Abd El-Fttah Ali, *Ola Mohamed Ebraheem, **Sahar Nagueb Mohamed
* Obstetrics and
Gynecology Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Minia
University, Egypt.
** Obstetrics and
Gynecology Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit
University, Egypt.
Background: Infertility
affects approximately 13-15% of reproductive-aged couples. It is
defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of properly
timed, unprotected intercourse. This definition is based on the
cumulative probability of pregnancy. While in vitro
fertilization IVF is a process by which
egg cells
fertilized by
outside the body: IVF is a major treatment in
when other methods of
reproductive technology
have failed. Today, IVF is practically a household word. Several
factors can affect pregnancy rate of IVF
such as age, body mass index and quantity of eggs. Nurses can
play important role in success of IVF procedures in the form of
counseling to women before and after procedures of IVF.
Aim of study:
To determine factors
affecting pregnancy rates of vitro fertilization including
nursing role and evaluate the maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Design: A
prospective study.
The subjects were treated for
infertility by service of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
which operating with the same staff and procedures at El Ahram
Fertility Center for infertility treatment at El Mansoura City.
Sample: 120 simple random study sample studying women
undergoing IVF cycle.
Interviewing sheet used
for data collection which included, socio demographic data,
investigations for couple infertility, causes of couple
infertility, maternal and neonatal outcomes. Also body mass
index and level of satisfaction were used as a tools.
The pregnancy rate was 48
the live birth rate was 39
(81.3%).On the other hand
there was significant differences between most factors which
affect the success rate between pregnant
and non pregnant groups such as age, obesity, some of female
hormones and semen analysis parameters, some causes of
infertility and nursing role. Methods: This study
included (120) women undergoing IVF cycle which start from the
second day of menstrual cycle. Starting study from first of
October / 2009 to first of January/2011.
Ovarian reserve screening tests
are done by fertility specialists.
Conclusion and recommendations:
Of all factors evaluated
in IVF process, age of patients, BMI, female hormones, number of
fertilized oocytes and number of embryos transferred and nursing
role have an effect on the cycle outcome. Length of time embryos
are outside a controlled environment is an area that is largely
unknown. Further evaluations with a larger number of cases may
show a time, if exceeded, that reduces pregnancy outcome, and
nursing role during IVF is an area that is largely important.
Abd El-Fttah Ali, Ola Mohamed Ebraheem, Sahar Nagueb Mohamed.
Factors Affecting
Pregnancy Rates of in Vitro Fertilization.
J Am Sci
2013;9(3):484-495]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 72
Factors affecting, success rates,
assisted reproductive technology, infertility, nursing role and
in Vitro fertilization. |
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73 |
opinions about Nursing Education and its Relation to Their
Academic Motivation
Sahar M. El-Khedr1&3
and, Youssryea M. Ibrahim2&3
of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University,
of Critical Care, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University,
3Umm Al-Qura University, Egypt
Abstract: Motivation refers to reasons
that underlie behavior that is characterized by willingness and
volition. Intrinsic motivation is animated by personal
enjoyment, interest, or pleasure, whereas extrinsic motivation
is governed by reinforcement contingencies. Motivation can be
defined in a number of ways. Generally, it is defined as a
driving force that initiates and directs behavior. In other
words, motivation is a kind of internal energy which drives a
person to do something in order to achieve something. Academic
motivation refers to internal processes that stimulate and
sustain activities aimed at achieving specific academic goals. Motivation plays a crucial role in the performance of students.
Self-determination theorists posit that academic motivation is
multidimensional in nature, and is comprised of three global
types of motivation: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation,
and A motivation. The aim of this study is to determine Students' opinions about Nursing Education and its Relation to
Their Academic Motivation. This study has a descriptive
correlational design. One hundred fifty students were
involved in this study. A questionnaire sheet was used for data
collection. It consisted of two parts. The first part of the
questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic data. The
second part was the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The
results of this study revealed that there were statistical
significant correlations between desire for nursing education
and total academic motivation of intern, fourth, and second year
students. Significant correlation was also found between family
encouragement, family opposition and total academic motivation.
Statistically significant correlations were evident between
total intrinsic motivation, total extrinsic motivation, total
academic motivation and total training for all nursing students.
It is recommended to study the effect of academic motivation on
academic achievement of nursing students.
[Sahar M. El-Khedr
and, Youssryea M. Ibrahim.
Students' opinions
about Nursing Education and its Relation to Their Academic
Motivation. J Am
Sci 2013; 9(3): 496-503]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 73
words: Academic
motivation, Students’ opinions, Nursing education. |
Full Text |
73 |
manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for
peer-review, starting from February
11, 2013.
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