

Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003

Volume 9, Issue 2, Cumulated No. 60, February 25, 2013

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Titles / Authors




Studying Obvious Metaphor in Firdausi’s Shahname


Nahid Makvandi


Chief of Research Administration, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Karaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


Abstract: Firdausi, the world famous Persian poet, has masterly used metaphor in his eternal masterpiece. Mythic and heroic epics of Shahnameh are suitable context for poet’s art verification in this form of fantasy. Obvious metaphor and its various forms – absolute, single, and explanatory – are suitable tools for poetic visualization in Shahnameh without any harm to verbal simplicity and fluency. Using natural elements in his metaphors, Firdausi has given certain motion and heat to his own work. In obvious metaphors of Shahnameh, explanatory metaphors are presented in the best artistic form.  Although there are fewer abstract elements in Shahnameh and most obvious metaphors are research based, the poet’s imagination together with his creativity generate the most beautiful imaginative metaphors. Among the numerous verses of Shahnameh, the presence of close and repeated metaphors beside strange and creative ones is not amazing. It is quite certain that metaphor was the most excellent tool in painting Shahnameh images.  This article aims to study obvious metaphor and its various forms and classification in Shahnameh, to show how Firdausi’s thoughts are reflected and retold from aesthetic points of view, and to assist scholars, teachers, and researchers in cognition and training various forms of imagination and in better comprehension of Shahnameh and Persian literature.

[Nahid Makvandi. Studying Obvious Metaphor in Firdausi’s Shahname. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):1-6]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 1



Keywords: Poetic imagery, obvious metaphor, absolute metaphor, single metaphor, explanatory metaphor.

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The study of Asmari formation stratigraphy in basis of fracture and porosity to determine the injection well location


Tavakoli.Pouya, Sedighi.Reza, Hamzeyi.Hamid


Department of petroleum Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch, Tehran, Iran. Tavakoli.pouya@yahoo.com


Abstract: Asmari formation with upper-san oligocene underlying miocene is considered as the most limited horizon of oil production in south-west of Iran which might be seen in Dezful, Lorestan, and Fars downfall. It is the main reservoir of many oil fields. This formation together with lime lithology dolomite, and chil layers is located on the Pabde formation deep sediments in a co-gradient manner, and it is covered by Gachsaran formation evaporating sediments at the top. In order to study stratigraphy to characterize porosity and formation fractures, the main features of petrology and the main diange processes were studied by petrographic techniques, and the porosity changes and saturation on neutron vectors, Gama, and electric resistance were investigated by the data for well measuring. Furthermore, various porosities were estimated according to lag deviation, and it was clarified that carbonate faces mainly enjoy moldic vugy, and inter-crystal porosity. And, using MNPLOT confirmed the predominance of carbonate lithology, and the clay mineral was distinguished based on cross plot Thorium-Potassium. Roz and Dips vectors for walls and supports were provided at different parts of the formation to investigate the fractures and faults. Geolog software 6- version 6 was used in drawing cross-plots and logs for all the computations. Having studied the reservoir quality based on petrology features, porosity changes, diange main effects, cementation intensity, and saturation, the best locations for drilling in the oil fields were chosen.

[Tavakoli P, Sedighi R, Hamzeyi H. The study of Asmari formation stratigraphy in basis of fracture and porosity to determine the injection well location. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):7-11]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 2



Key words: Asmari, Formation, Stratigraphy,  Fracture, Porosity, Injection Well location

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Investigating the relationship between transformational leadership and team effectiveness in the bank branches of Guilan province-Iran


Azadeh Keshavarz1, Morad Rezei Dizgah2, Ibrahim Chirani3


1. Department of Public management, Master of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch-Iran (corresponding author)

2. Department of Public management, Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch-Iran.

3. Department of Commercial management, Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch-Iran.



Abstract: As the technology develops and the organizational activities get complicated, it can be assertively claimed that the era of personal operation is over and today's management means supervising the working teams rather than supervising the individuals. The power of creating effective groups and having them coordinated with the effective fulfillment of the role of coordination, group leadership and membership is crucial.Therefore, as the organizations attempt to renovate themselves so as to compete more effectively and productively, they have turned to teamwork so as to benefit from the aptitude and talent of their workers better. The managers have realized that the groups are more flexible as compared to the traditional working structures and more responsive toward a changing environment. In the present paper, five hypotheses were proposed regarding the relationship between transformational leadership and team effectiveness. The population is consisted of the branches of governmental and private banks in the Guilan province which are 708. The sample size are 250 branches according to the Morgan-Krejcie table, which were selected using simple random sampling. The method of data collection was field study and the tool of data collection was questionnaire. In order to test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation coefficient, step-by-step regression and SPSS application were used and all the hypotheses were confirmed.

[Azadeh Keshavarz, Morad Rezei Dizgah, Ibrahim Chirani. Investigating the relationship between transformational leadership and team effectiveness in the bank branches of Guilan province-Iran. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):12-21]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 3



Keywords: team effectiveness, transformational leadership, bank.

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Development of a Unified Model for Prediction of Asphaltene Deposition Profile along Wellbore


Saeid Dowlati, Mohammad Jamialahmadi


Department of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran



Abstract: Asphaltene deposition is one of major production problems during life of an oil well. This phenomenon results in reduction of well flow rate or total blockage of wellbore. Prediction of asphaltene deposition along wellbore can identify most-probable region of deposition and investigate effect of different parameters on deposition profile. In this work a comprehensive model to predict asphaltene deposition profile along wellbore is developed. The wellbore is discretized into some grids, and pressure, temperature, and asphaltene concentration at each grid is calculated using well known models. Then these data are used to predict asphaltene deposition profile. The unified model is applied to a southwestern Iranian wellbore. Effect of deposition on wellbore modeling investigated and it is shown that deposition profile must be considered to update wellbore diameter during production. Effect of flow velocity on deposition profile also examined and it is shown that increasing velocity how can reduce asphaltene deposition rate.

[Saeid Dowlati, Mohammad Jamialahmadi. Development of a Unified Model for Prediction of Asphaltene Deposition Profile along Wellbore. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):22-31]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 4



Keywords: asphaltene deposition, wellbore unloading, hydrodynamic modeling, deposition profile.

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Assessment of Health Services Provided for Children by Rural Health Units of Assiut Governorate


Sabra M. Ahmed


Public Health and Community Medicine Department, Assiut University


Abstract: Throughout the world, poor women and children are the most vulnerable and the least served groups. In 2007, 9.2 million children died before age five. Half of the world’s under-five deaths occurred in Africa. The fourth Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is to reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate. According to WHO, many sick children who are brought to the attention of health providers do not receive adequate assessment and treatment. There is little systematically collected information, however, on how well already existing activities and interventions are being provided. Identifying if the existing are, in fact being carried out as planned, and if not, which component of the system is weak, is necessary to develop the appropriate policy and program decisions for improving health outcomes. The objectives of this study is to describe the preparedness of rural health units in Assiut governorate to provide quality services for children in rural areas of Assiut governorate and to describe content of services provided to under 5 children. Subjects and methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in 12 rural health units (RHUs) using structured questionnaire for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part for interviewing the senior physician, the second part was an exit interview with caretakers of children and the third part for observation of child examination and vaccination. The results of the study found that Health education sessions were present in 10 out of 12 RHUs. There was lack of adherence to IMCI guidelines. Health education sessions before medical consultation were reported by only 35.7% of child caretakers. The most common subjects included in these sessions were vaccination (29%), followed by child nutrition (23%) and breastfeeding (22%). Chest and abdominal examination were the most common item performed during physical examination (97% and 93.7% respectively). It was recommended to reinforce health education in all rural health units and increase adherence to IMCI guidelines by in-service training of physicians and nurses.

[Sabra M. Ahmed. Assessment of health services provided for children By rural health units of assiut governorate.  J Am Sci 2013;9(2):32-45]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 5



Keywords: Health Services, Children, Rural Assiut.

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Impact of Cyanobacteria, Humic Acid and Nitrogen Levels on Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield and Biological Activity of the Rhizosphere in Sandy Soils


1F. M. Ghazal, 2M. B. A. El-Koomy, 1Kh. A. Kawi and 3M. M. Soliman


1Agricultural Microbiology Department Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt

2Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt

3Ecology Department Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Furat University, Syria



Abstract: A field trial was conducted in EL-Ismailia Research Station, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt during two successive summer seasons of 2010 and 2011 on maize crop hybrid single cross 10. To find out the impact of cyanobacteria (CB) and humic acid (HA) forms applied with different methods under three nitrogen fertilizer levels on maize yield and yield attributes, as well as, their effect on the biological activity of the soil around the rhizosphere of maize plants. Results revealed that in both tested seasons, all yield attributes were significantly affected in the first season, whereas, no significant response detected in the second season. The use of either CB or HA accelerated days to 50% tasseling and silking in the first season were earlier than those recorded in the second season. In both tested seasons, the use of CB (dry and spray) along with 120 kg N fed-1 (One hectare = 2.4 feddan) gave significantly maize grain yield not significantly differed from that recorded by the use of 150 Kg N fed-1 alone (full recommended N dose). Also, the use of either CB or HA increased the soil biological activity of the plants rhizosphere in terms of total count bacteria, carbon dioxide evolution, dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and nitrogenase activity. Generally, application of CB and HA may result in the reduction for chemical fertilizers.

[F. M. Ghazal, M. B. A. El-Koomy, Kh. A. Kawi and M. M. Soliman. Impact of Cyanobacteria, Humic Acid And Nitrogen Levels on Maize (Zea Mays  L.) Yield and Biological Activity of the Rhizosphere in Sandy Soils.  J Am Sci 2013;9(2):46-55]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 6



Keywords: cyanobacteria, humic acid, nitrogen levels, zea maize (Zea mays L.) and sandy soil. 

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[J Am Sci 2013;9(2):56-59]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 7. doi:10.7537/marsjas090213.07


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Considering the mental element of the crime


Hadi Azimi Gorgani, Maryam Akbari


1Department of theology, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Alborz, Iran



Abstract: It is required three legal, physical, and mental elements for realizing each crime. Mental element has been discussed in law and criminal books under the various titles of deliberate, bad faith, intent etc.  Mental element of the crime is considerable in intentional, unintentional, and material crimes. In intentional crime, presence of criminal intent is necessary for mental element of the crime. A purpose of mental element of the crime in unintentional crimes is actions that are occurred without considering their result. There are some crimes that are neither intentional nor wrong which are called mere material crime.

[Azimi Gorgani H, Akbari M. Considering the mental element of the crime. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):60-63]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 8



Keywords: crime, legal element, material element, mental element.

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Impact of Nursing Guidelines for Early Tracheostomy Management for Traumatized Patients on Mechanical Ventilation


Wafaa M. Mohammed Sweif1 MD, Mona A. Mohammed1 PhD, Mervat A. Abd El-Aziz1 PhD and Fatma Ahmed abd El-Aal2 Ass. Prof.


1Critical care- Faculty of Nursing- Assuit University hospital

2Anesthesia Department- Faculty of Medicine - Assiut University


Abstract: Tracheostomy is performed in Patients with multiple trauma can be liberated from mechanical ventilation rapidly and be transferred out of the ICU in a shorter time (1.). One of the greatest contributions the nurse can make to decreasing costs, length of stay, and mortality in patients with respiratory problems is to implement interventions that will prevent or minimize complication (2). Nursing guidelines is to outline the principles of management for patients with a new or existing tracheostomy for clinicians at the trauma ICU (3). Aim: this study was carried out to investigate Impact of nursing practice guidelines for early tracheostomy management in mechanically ventilated trauma patient. Design: a quasi-experimental design. Setting: trauma ICU at Assiut University Hospitals. Patients: A convenience sample of 60 patients in trauma ICU They were divided into two equals group 30 patients for each group – first group which tracheostomy was performed within the first 7 days of initiation of mechanical ventilation and the late tracheostomy group which tracheostomy was performed after 7 days of initiation of mechanical ventilation at any time.  Methods: Both groups were evaluated daily during the three shifts using nursing guidelines. Assessment of tracheal secretions was done to detect any abnormalities in the amount, color and consistency was assessed every shift. Laboratory investigations (ABGs) were done daily from the 1st day of admission and until the 7th day of the study. Total leukocytes count and serum hemoglobin was done at the time of admission and repeated at the 4th, 7th and when needed. Culture of the respiratory secretions was done twice a week at the (4th and 7th   day), to determine the effect of the implemented nursing guidelines in the reduction of tracheostomy complications. Results: there was highly significant difference (p<0.001) between two groups regarding to timing of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay. Moreover, 100%of early tracheostomy had improved while (46.7%) of late tracheostomy had improved. Conclusion: Nursing assessment should be a part of decision making for early tracheostomy to all trauma patients anticipated to require mechanical ventilation >7 days.

[Wafaa M. Mohammed Sweif, Mona A. Mohammed, Mervat A. Abd El-Aziz and Fatma Ahmed abd El-Aal. Impact of Nursing Guidelines for Early Tracheostomy Management for Traumatized Patients on Mechanical Ventilation. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):64-75]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 9



Keywords: Nursing; Guideline; Tracheostomy; Management; Patient; Ventilation.

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The Effect of Poverty on Crime: A Case Study of Marvdasht City, Iran


Ahmadreza Rezaei 


Islamic Azad University Larestan Branch, Iran.

Email: sci_2005@yahoo.com


Abstract: The relationship between poverty and crime has been a controversial subject over the years. History has proven that there is in fact a direct link between poverty and crime. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between poverty and crime in urban areas of Marvdasht city, Iran. Pearson correlation used to identify this relationship. The findings through survey questionnaire indicated that there are positive relations between poverty and crime rate in the urban areas.  It is expected that the findings of this study could be utilized by the government and NGOs for their future follow-up on programs for poverty reduction towards crime reduction.

[Ahmadreza Rezaei. The Effect of Poverty on Crime: A Case Study of Marvdasht City, Iran. Sector J Am Sci 2013;9(2):76-79]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 10



Keywords: Crime rate, violence, crime policy, poverty, urban areas.

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Makkoran in shahname


Mohammad Anvar Bejarzehi


Nikshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nikshahr, Iran


Abstract: The great Iran involves a lot of different nations each of them including a micro-culture. These micro-cultures have caused a nationally strong culture and have made it peculiar in the world. Although it has been divided into thirty provinces, you can trace back the reasons for their naming in the history because "every body is looking for his lost origin.” The word "Makkoran" is clearly recognizable in the historical inscriptions that are left by Achaemanian. These inscriptions claim that Makkoran had been part of the big states and its existence has been proven. The "Epic of kings" the epic poetry that was written by honorable Firdausi as a unique, exact order, fluent rhythm, and rhythmic, exciting and wonderful work of art is the result of the sufferings and the pains of its poet. The epic of kings has mentioned the name of Makkoran and its residents in the historical and heroic period. It also mentions the war of Iran and Makkoran. This book praises Balouch tribes who had taken part in Iranian army as original and genuine Iranians (Aryans). Firdausi who is a unique poet sometimes alludes to the history of some tribes that he mentions their names in his book for example; by referring to Makkoran he means modern Balouchestan. This Makkoran in the ancient history was attacked and conquered by Iranian army among them were brave soldiers of Balouch and Kooch tribes and by the passage of time and because of the combination and settlement of Balouch tribes this region has changed its name to Balouchestan. It seems that the reason for the combination of Makkoran and Balouch tribes in this army had been their similar features and it can be revealed by considering the war between king of Makkoran and Kai Khosrauo, the king of Iran. In spite of the fact that, china and Rome were supporting Kai Khosrauo the king of Makkoran did not notice and started the fight bravely. Although he was defeated severely and his land destroyed, because of his patriotism and protecting his land, Kai Khosrauo ordered his people to bury him with respect and glory like the knights and great men. Then Kai Khosrauo forgave his people and appointed one of his people as a king and perhaps this had been the first presence and residence of Balouches in this region. What is noticeable is that the word Makkoran is repeated more than thirty times by Firdausi in his book which signifies the importance of this region. Another reason for the importance of Makkoran is the existence of the big Makkoran Sea which is the only sea connecting to the ocean and is the military, trade, economical; and arterial road. It was also for the crossing of the sea of Makkoran to get to Turanians which made Kai Khosrauo to confront with the resistance of the king of Makkoran and attack them. Nowadays, the geopolitical and politically significant situation of Makkoran has become obvious more than ever, and its appearance as a province called Makkoran seems to be necessary.

[Bejarzehi MA. Makkoran in shahname. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):78-90]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 11



Key words: Makkoran, Firdausi’s Epic of Kings, Sea of Makkoran.

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Concept of Plagiarism in Arab culture and literature


Elham Mazrae, Mohammad Mohammadi Tabar and Masoud Reisi


Nikshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nikshahr, Iran


Abstract: This is paper discusses the concept of Plagiarism in Arab culture and literature.

[Elham Mazrae, Mohammad Mohammadi Tabar and Masoud Reisi. Concept of Plagiarism in Arab culture and literature. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):91-95]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 12



Keywords: Plagiarism; Arab; culture; literature.

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Critical Views of Sa’naei on the function of Sufis in his book of Poetry and Hadighat-Al-Haghighat


Masoud Reisi, Abdolvahab Kavianpour and Elham Mazrae


Nikshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nikshahr, Iran


Abstract: Islamic Gnosticism and mysticism beside their fantastic and invaluable role in the Islamic society, they have improved the talents of Persian literature. Because wherever there are any deviations in mysticism, the poets have criticized it, and this resulted in the development of invaluable literary works in Persian literature. Sana’ei Ghaznavi is one of the poets who have reflected the chaotic conditions of his period in his works. In addition to political criticism he also included in his book the social and moral criticism, which causes political chaos. He has considered the function of the different classes of the society without connivance and tolerance. Using the poetic techniques and style he has studied them analytically.  He treated it by medicine of words, wherever there is a corruption or destruction as a result of cruel rulers or other groups of people. What is presented here in this article is a criticism of  the artificial Mysticism and Gnosticism by Sanae’I Ghaznavi, the great poet of sixth century.

[Reisi  M,  Kavianpour A, Mazrae E. Critical Views of Sa’naei on the function of Sufis in his book of Poetry and Hadighat-Al-Haghighat. Sector. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):96-99]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 13



Key words: mysticism, Sufi, Sana’ei Ghaznavi, criticism, book of poetry, hadighat-Al-Haghighat.

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PEEK Cages Versus Locked Plate For Multiple Levels Cervical Degenrated Disease


Faisel F Adam, Khaled M Hassan, Mohammed El Meshtaway,and Hesham El refae


Orthopaedic department in Assiut University Hospitals.


Abstract: Background: Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is currently the gold standard for surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. For many years, patients were treated with ACDF using tricortical autogenous bone graft augmented with anterior cervical locked plate. Later, Cages  packed with calcium triphosphate bone substitute were the treatment of choice. Study design: Aretrospective and prospective study. Objective: Compare the outcomes of ACDF using cages  alone compared with tricortical iliac autograft augmented with anterior locked plate in treatment of multiple levels cervical degenerated disease (CDD) in 47 patients. Methods: We evaluated 47  patients (25 patients in the cage group and 22 patients in the locked plate group) at our institution from January 2007 to Sebtember 2010. They were followed up for minimum 2 years. The clinical outcomes (Nurick grade and JOA score), radiographic changes (LKA, fusion, subsidence, and adjacent disc degeneration), and complications were compared between the 2 groups. Results: The blood loss was significantly less in cage group (388 cc)  than plate group (529.6 cc). Both groups showed significant improvement in LKA postoperatively and at latest follow up with no significant difference. Fusion was 94.1% and 94.4% in cage and plate groups in order. There was insignificant more subsidence in cage (21.4%) than plate group (11.3%). There was significant improvement in Nurick grading of both cage and plate groups as it improved from 3.32 and 3.68 preoperatively to  0.84 and  1.05 at latest follow up in order. There was no significant difference between the two groups. Final outcomes was comparable in both groups: In cage group: excellent in 7 patients, good in 16, and fair in 2. In plate group, excellent in 8 patients, good in 11, and  fair in 3. Conclusions:  In multiple levels ACDF, the use of stand-alone PEEK cages results in less blood loss, less adjacent disc degeneration, less complications than the use of autograft augmented with locked plate but unfortunately, more incidence of subsidence. However, there is no significant difference in the postoperative and latest follow up LKA, fusion rate, clinical, and functional outcomes between the cage and plate groups.

[Faisel F Adam, Khaled M Hassan, Mohammed El Meshtaway,and Hesham El refae.. PEEK Cages Versus Locked Plate For Multiple Levels Cervical Degenrated DiseaseSector. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):100-106]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 14



Key words: multiple level CDD,  cervical locked plate, cervical PEEK cage.

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Human telomerase as a novel serum tumor marker for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma


Ekram Y.H Ebid*, Emtethal E Elkholy*, Mohamed S Mostafa**, MA El jaky***, Sherif Abbass***, El Sayed Abd El Aal***


Department of Clinical Pathology- Al Azhar Faculty of Medicine (girls)*, Egypt.

Clinical Pathology** & Hepatology***, National Liver Institute, Menoufiya University, Egypt.



Abstract: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and des-gamma carboxy prothrombin (DCP) are  used for patients with HCC, but their results are controversial. Telomerase is a ribo-nucleoprotein enzyme that synthesizes telomeric DNA and adds this sequence to chromosomal ends. Thereby, it prevents telomere shortening and consequently protects the chromosomes from DNA degradation, end-to-end fusion, rearrangements, and chromosomal loss. Recently human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA (hTERT mRNA) has been demonstrated as a novel serum marker for HCC diagnosis. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic performance of  telomerase activity in the peripheral blood of patients with HCC and in those with non HCC cirrhosis and healthy controls as comparing with AFP and DCP.  The study included 21 patients of proved HCC, 22 patients with cirrhosis without HCC (LC) in addition to 20 apparently healthy subjects were enrolled in the study as a control group. Patients and controls were subjected to full history taking,  thorough clinical examination, routine laboratory and radiological assessment in addition to detection of hTERT mRNA expression in peripheral blood by real time PCR technique, and measurement of  serum AFP and DCP levels. Results showed that, hTERT mRNA was detected in peripheral blood of 81% in HCC group, 40.9% in LC and 16.7% in healthy controls, its level was significantly higher in HCC group compared to cirrhosis and controls. Also, a significant elevation in AFP and DCP levels in HCC patients was detected compared to LC and control groups. The levels of each AFP, DCP and hTERT mRNA were positively correlated to tumor size only. at a cut-off level of 112.5 copies/ml, hTERT mRNA showed a sensitivity of 76.3%,  specificity of 97.1%, PPV of 99%, NPV of 79% and diagnostic accuracy of 84% for HCC prediction. While. at a cut off level of 31.5 ng/ml DCP give a sensitivity of 95.2 %, and specificity of 100%, PPV of 100%, NPV 94% and diagnostic accuracy of 99.7%. At a cut-off level of 176 ng/ml, AFP give a sensitivity of 61.9%, specificity 100%, PPV 100%, NPV 79.2% and diagnostic accuracy of 84.6% for HCC prediction. Combined use of  hTERT mRNA and/or AFP in prediction of HCC increased accuracy to 94.5% while combined use of DCP and/or AFP increase it to 100%. In conclusion: it was concluded that, the present study revealed that Real-time measurement of hTERT mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with LC & cirrhosis could be used as a molecular marker for diagnosis of HCC.

[Ekram Y.H Ebid, Emtethal E Elkholy, Mohamed S Mostafa, MA El jaky, Sherif Abbass, El Sayed Abd El Aal. Human telomerase as a novel serum tumor marker for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Sector. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):107-115]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 15



Keyword: Human telomerase; novel; serum tumor marker; detection; hepatocellular; carcinoma.

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Assessment of Convergent-Divergent Fins Performance In Natural Convection


Mostafa M. Awad


Mech. Power Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt.

E-mail: mostawad100@yahoo.com


Abstract: Convergent-divergent fins are suggested to be used as a heat sink because of their higher surface area and the ability of air natural draught due to their shape. The performance of convergent-divergent fins is compared with those of other types of fins. To carry out this comparison, natural convection heat transfer in air from different type surface is investigated experimentally with consideration of the effects of radiant heat transfer. Plate-fins (Parallelogram fins), cylindrical solid/hollow pin fins and convergent-divergent fins are tested. From now, the plate-fins will be termed as straight fins to distinguish from plain plate which is the array base plate. The solid /hollow pin fins and convergent-divergent fins are arranged in staggered and inline arrangements. The experiments have been performed for different values of heat flux. The results show that, the solid pin fins in an inline arrangement increases the rate of heat transfer considerably when compared to the straight and convergent-divergent fins at Ra>2×107 while straight fins increase the rate of heat transfer at Ra<2×107. The solid pin fins enhance more the average temperature compared to the other fin types at heat fluxes higher than 800 W/m2. The comparison shows that among the three cylindrical fins, the solid pin fins have the highest heat transfer performance, hollow pin fins have the lowest, while the convergent-divergent fins locate somewhere in between. The heat transfer performance for heat sinks with an array of inline fins was better than that of a staggered arrangement.

[Mostafa M. Awad.  Assessment of Convergent-Divergent Fins Performance In Natural Convection. Sector. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):116-124]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 16



Keywords: Natural convection, Pin fins, Convergent-divergent fins, Surface augmentation, Experimental heat     transfe.

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Studying the Effect of Bank Credits in Development of Employment in Agriculture Sector


Hassan Azimi


PhD Student of Economics and Management in Tajikistan


ABSTRACT: Application of the existing resources and facilities optimally in order to satisfy human needs and wishes including increased production, income, employment, social welfare and etc. is one of the most important development goals of any country. For this purpose, it is usually tried to reach such goals by using various policies and executive tools through development plans. In this regard, monetary and credit policies are of significant importance. Development economists have attributed successful development plans to existence of an appropriate monetary and credit system. Using the credits either in new investments or in supplying working capital leads to improved production and thus can influence employment.On the other hand, existing indications and evidences imply that in the process of development and growth, employment in the agriculture sector has been usually descending due to several reasons such as capital-intensive production and using modern technologies, while this trend has been ascending in two other sectors, namely industry and services. It will be demonstrated in this paper demonstrates that the agriculture sector in Iran has not optimally used all its existing capacities and thus it seems that there is some employment opportunities there. This issue was investigated by looking at the agriculture sector and using statistics of time series from 1970 to 2000 as well as econometric models. The results of this research demonstrated that the credits of Agri-Bank have positively influenced employment in short-term and investment in long-term. Therefore, application of a credit regime at least in short-term can develop employment opportunities in this sector.

[Hassan Azimi. Studying the Effect of Bank Credits in Development of Employment in Agriculture Sector J Am Sci 2013;9(2):125-132]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 17



Keywords: employment in agriculture sector, credits of Agriculture-Bank.

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Establishing and implementing of nursing management protocol to radiotherapy induced fatigue in cancer patients


Hanan Abo baker Mohamed1, Nahed Abdel monem Elsebai2, Nawal Elkoly3, Amany Mohamed Shebl Abd Ellateef1 and  Amira Ahmed Hassanein1


1Adult Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing-Mansoura University

2Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing-Alexandria University

3Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine - Mansoura University



Abstract: Background: Fatigue is one of the most common and distressing symptoms experienced by cancer patients. Research conducted over the past few years has documented that initiation of radiation therapy typically results in significant increases in fatigue severity. Efforts to manage fatigue in cancer patients should focus on patient education; Preliminary evidence suggests that moderate exercise during radiation therapy may also be helpful in relieving fatigue. Therefore, the aim of the study was to Establish and implement nursing management protocol to radiotherapy induced fatigue in cancer patients. Methods Quasi-experimental research design was conducted in the Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department at Main Mansoura University Hospital. The data were collected from 200 adult patients of both sexes randomized selected who corresponded to inclusion criteria and divided into two groups. Results the result indicates increased total knowledge score for patients at post test more than follow up test. Also it was found decreased incidence and severity of fatigue at post and follow up tests. There were a positive relation between severity and incidence of fatigue of studied patients in relation to their knowledge. Conclusion The implementation of nursing management protocol has a positive effect on the studied patients' total knowledge scores and decrease incidence and severity of fatigue in the study group.

[Hanan Abo baker Mohamed, Nahed Abdel monem Elsebai, Nawal Elkoly, Amany Mohamed Shebl Abd Ellateef and Amira Ahmed Hassanein. Establishing and implementing of nursing management protocol to radiotherapy induced fatigue in cancer patients. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):133-140]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 18



Keywords: Fatigue, Cancer, Radiation therapy, Patient Education.

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Factors Associated with Inadequate Dietary Iron Intake among University Female Students in Makkah, Saudi Arabia


Amany Mokhtar Abdelhafez, MD 1,2, Mohammed Abdelmonem El-Madbuly, MD2


1 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem among females. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the dietary iron intake and the factors influencing it among university female students in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. A Cross sectional study was conducted on 240 students. Self -administered questionnaire was used to collect demographic, medical, and dietary histories. Weight, height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) were recorded. The Arab Food Analysis Program was used for energy and nutrient analysisResults showed that (42.5%) of students had inadequate dietary iron intake. The inadequate group was consuming < 80% of the recommendation of almost all macro and micronutrients (P < 0.001). Regression analysis showed that skipping meals, taking phosphorus, and niacin below 80% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA )were independently related to inadequate iron intake (P < 0.05). It is advisable to design nutrition educational program to improve students' awareness of this problem.

[Amany Mokhtar Abdelhafez, Mohammed Abdelmonem El-Madbuly. Factors Associated with Inadequate Dietary Iron Intake among University Female Students in Makkah, Saudi ArabiaSector.  J Am Sci 2013;9(2):141-149]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 19



Keywords: iron intake, university females, dietary recommendations, eating habits, iron deficiency.

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The national media's role in shaping public opinion


1Mohammad reza Haghighi and 2Leila Niroomand


1Master student, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch (Ghiyamdasht), Iran

2Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch (Ghiyamdasht), Iran



Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the national media in shaping public opinion. The research method in this study has been defined in terms of purpose, data collection method and implementation method, which stands for applied, survey and correlation, respectively. Questionnaire was used to collect data in the current study and the study population was all professors of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) Media and Communications Department. Statistical work on questionnaires was conducted at two levels: descriptive and inferential statistics. By using Pearson test, it has been determined that the four key characteristics of the independent variable (the national media) are correlated with shaping of public opinion. These characteristics are including press roundtables, press conferences, religious TV serials and news reports.

[Haghighi MR, Niroomand L. The national media's role in shaping public opinion. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):150-155]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  20



Keywords: press roundtables; press conferences; religious serials; public opinion; news reports.

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Distributed Cross-layer Routing and Congestion Control Algorithm in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks


Mohsen Shafieirad1, Masoud Shafiee1, Amirhossein Mobinidehkordi2, Hossein Shafieirad3


1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

{m.shafieirad, mshafiee}@aut.ac.ir

2.Physics & Astronomy Department, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England


3.Department of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran



Abstract: In this paper, we consider the mobility effect with a jointly optimal design of cross-layer congestion control, routing and scheduling for ad-hoc networks. We first formulate the rate constraint and scheduling constraint. In this way, we use multi-commodity flow variables. Then formulate resource allocation in networks with fixed wireless channel and single-rate devices. Because of entrance of the effect mobility in optimal design, we formulate resource allocation as utility and cost function, together in a maximization problem with those constraints. By dual decomposition, decompose the resource allocation problem vertically into three sub-problems: congestion control, routing and scheduling. These three sub-problems interact through congestion and link price.

[Shafieirad M, Shafiee M, Mobinidehkordi A, Shafieirad H. Distributed Cross-layer Routing and Congestion Control Algorithm in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):156-165]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 21



Keywords: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks; cross-layer design; distributed algorithm; mobility.

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Solar House Design with Focus on Sustainability Goals


Reza Mirzaei


Department of Architecture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran



Abstract: Considering the impact of climatic and environmental factors in creation of residential spaces is not new debate. From the beginning, human has tried to create a desirable living place based on the temperature and climatic conditions of his living area. The anthropogenic impact of urban housing on the biosphere can be traced back 6,000 years. It is proposed to study this impact through time and contemplate on the near future by examining the relationship between housing and architecture. The inter-related dynamic forces of culture, technology, and ecology that form the context for housing will be the backdrop framing the analysis. The influences that shape choices of habitation patterns that have evolved as the resultant equilibrium of culture, technology, and economy are examined to understand what has led us to this currently unsustainable situation. Paying attention to the sustainable elements in the building is one of the approaches of the sustainable architecture in which greenhouse is discussed as one of the mentioned factors. First, passive solar design, its importance and specifications are analyzed. Then, its related factors such as passive solar design elements, socio-cultural influences, multi-scale ordering principles and etc. are analyzed. Finally, the implementation and scale ordering principles of greenhouse passive heating are discussed.

[Reza Mirzaei. Solar House Design with Focus on Sustainability Goals. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):166-175]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 22



Keywords: Solar House, Passive Solar Design, Energy Rebalance, Solarium.

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Early tardy scheduling problem in flexible job shop system


Seyed Ahmad Sheibat Alhamdy, Payam hasankhah, Fatemeh mamizadeh


  1. Department of industrial management, Firoozkooh  branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh, Iran

  2. M.A. Student of Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Abstract: Delivery deadline of pieces is one essential data for implementation of Early/Tardy maximum objective function. Delivery deadline is a significant input which has a direct effect on objective function. If we don't consider the necessary accuracy at production time of delivery deadline, it is possible that a good or bad performance of an algorithm be affected by setting delivery deadlines in limit state. In this paper, we present improved tabu search algorithm for earliness/tardiness scheduling problem. We use two various rules in order to produce parameter of delivery deadline for studied sample problems. Then we study the effect of parameter of delivery deadline on Early/Tardy maximum delivery deadline.  Then a new composition of improved tabu search algorithm is introduced. The computational results approves efficiency of proposed rule for producing parameter of delivery deadline in scheduling problem in comparison to two existing rule.

[Seyed Ahmad Sheibat Alhamdy, Payam hasankhah, Fatemeh mamizadeh. Early tardy scheduling problem in flexible job shop system. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):176-179]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 23



Keywords: scheduling, delivery times, tabu search, job-shop.

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Human telomerase as a novel serum tumor marker for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma


Ekram Y.H Ebid*, Emtethal E Elkholy*, Mohamed S Mostafa**, MA El jaky***, Sherif Abbass***, El Sayed Abd El Aal***


Department of Clinical Pathology- Al Azhar Faculty of Medicine (girls)*, Egypt.

Clinical Pathology** & Hepatology***, National Liver Institute, Menoufiya University, Egypt.



Abstract: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and des-gamma carboxy prothrombin (DCP) are used for patients with HCC, but their results are controversial. Telomerase is a ribo-nucleoprotein enzyme that synthesizes telomeric DNA and adds this sequence to chromosomal ends. Thereby, it prevents telomere shortening and consequently protects the chromosomes from DNA degradation, end-to-end fusion, rearrangements, and chromosomal loss. Recently human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA (hTERT mRNA) has been demonstrated as a novel serum marker for HCC diagnosis. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic performance of  telomerase activity in the peripheral blood of patients with HCC and in those with non HCC cirrhosis and healthy controls as comparing with AFP and DCP.  The study included 21 patients of proved HCC, 22 patients with cirrhosis without HCC (LC) in addition to 20 apparently healthy subjects were enrolled in the study as a control group. Patients and controls were subjected to full history taking,  thorough clinical examination, routine laboratory and radiological assessment in addition to detection of hTERT mRNA expression in peripheral blood by real time PCR technique, and measurement of  serum AFP and DCP levels. Results showed that, hTERT mRNA was detected in peripheral blood of 81% in HCC group, 40.9% in LC and 16.7% in healthy controls, its level was significantly higher in HCC group compared to cirrhosis and controls. Also, a significant elevation in AFP and DCP levels in HCC patients was detected compared to LC and control groups. The levels of each AFP, DCP and hTERT mRNA were positively correlated to tumor size only. at a cut-off level of 112.5 copies/ml, hTERT mRNA showed a sensitivity of 76.3%,  specificity of 97.1%, PPV of 99%, NPV of 79% and diagnostic accuracy of 84% for HCC prediction. While. at a cut off level of 31.5 ng/ml DCP give a sensitivity of 95.2 %, and specificity of 100%, PPV of 100%, NPV 94% and diagnostic accuracy of 99.7%. At a cut-off level of 176 ng/ml, AFP give a sensitivity of 61.9%, specificity 100%, PPV 100%, NPV 79.2% and diagnostic accuracy of 84.6% for HCC prediction. Combined use of  hTERT mRNA and/or AFP in prediction of HCC increased accuracy to 94.5% while combined use of DCP and/or AFP increase it to 100%. In conclusion: it was concluded that, the present study revealed that Real-time measurement of hTERT mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with LC & cirrhosis could be used as a molecular marker for diagnosis of HCC.

[Ekram Y.H Ebid, Emtethal E Elkholy, Mohamed S Mostafa, MA El jaky, Sherif Abbass, El Sayed Abd El Aal..Human telomerase as a novel serum tumor marker for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):180-188]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 24



Keywords: Human; telomerase; serum; tumor; marker.

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Presenting a Model for the Affordable Choice of Wiring Route in the Electrical and Telecommunications Networks in the Residential Areas Based on the Artificial Intelligence A-STAR Algorithm


Mohammad Reza Gholami Dehbalaei. Efaf Delshad


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: One of the most important issues that should be strictly considered when wiring the electrical and telecommunications distribution networks in residential areas is choosing the appropriate direction to conduct the wiring project. Lack of attention to this significant issue causes huge economic and technical costs including reduced efficiency of electrical and telecommunications distribution networks. There are several factors in choosing the appropriate direction in each of the residential areas, whose checking can be very time-consuming and full of human errors. Using the methods of artificial intelligence (AI) might be instrumental. In this article, at first all the possible zones in a residential area to be wired are going to be calculated and equated in terms of a tree with roots and nodes with the functions of specific costs. Then, using the A-STAR iterative deepening search algorithm (IDA*) the best routes between the points of origin and destination are going to be determined, and finally the results of a simulated sample with the considered algorithm is going to be presented.

[Mohammad Reza Gholami Dehbalaei. Efaf Delshad. Presenting a Model for the Affordable Choice of Wiring Route in the Electrical and Telecommunications Networks in the Residential Areas Based on the Artificial Intelligence A-STAR Algorithm. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):189-191]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 25



Keywords: wiring, A-STAR algorithm, function of cost, IDA*, artificial intelligence (AI).

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Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori among Health Care Workers in Endoscopy Units


Sherif Moneir Mohamed1, Maha Abd El Aziz El Touny1, Ossama Ashraf Ahmed1, Hala Mahmoud Hafez2, and Ibrahim Saad Mahmoud3


Internal Medicine Department; Gastroenterology Unit 1, Clinical Pathology Department2, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Ministry of Health3



Abstract: Background: Several modes of transmission of Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) have been described in the literature these include direct contact between subjects which is considered the most common mode, contaminated water sources and food and less commonly iatrogenic transmission (during endoscopies and dental care), The potential for transmission of infection during a gastro intestinal endoscopy is a matter of concern to both physicians and patients. Aim of the study: To assess the prevalence of H. pylori infection among health care workers in endoscopy unit and evaluation of Infection control measures in the endoscopy units. Patients and methods: The study was conducted on 90 subjects classified into 3 groups: group A includes 30 Subjects from the general population as a control, group B includes 30 health care workers not working in endoscopy units and   group C includes 30 health care workers in gastro intestinal endoscopy units (This group was collected from 3 different endoscopy units). All the groups have been subjected to full medical history taking and full clinical examination, H. pylori IgG antibodies (using ELIZA technique). Infection control measures in the different endoscopy units have been evaluated using a structured check list based on Egyptian infection control guide lines. Results: The result of our study revealed that no significant difference in the prevalence of H. pylori between health care workers inside and outside the endoscopy unit and control group. The prevalence of H. pylori was inversely related to the total score of compliance to infection control measures in the endoscopy unit. Conclusions &Recommendations: Working in the endoscopy unit is not a risk factor for H. pylori, yet non compliance with infection control measures is associated with increased risk of H. pylori in the endoscopy units. And we recommend strict adherence to infection control measures in the endoscopy units.

[Sherif Moneir Mohamed, Maha Abd El Aziz El Touny, Ossama Ashraf Ahmed, Hala Mahmoud Hafez, and Ibrahim Saad Mahmoud Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori among Health Care Workers in Endoscopy Units. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):192-197]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 26



Key words: Helicobacter Pylori, Endoscopy, Infection control.

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The role in agricultural development in Iran


Hasan azimi


PhD in Atmospheric Administration economics science academy, Doshanbe, Tajikestan


Abstract: Crop insurance as one of the new strategies to deal with the risks of farming activities and thus reduce the volatility of interest income to farmers and emphasis is placed. Investment in the agricultural sector of the needs of sustainable economic growth and development, process development and increased production of certain agricultural products Food security is needed and consequently the uncertainty of investment returns is the most important issues Farmers are faced with a crisis for the Economy and the uncertainty in the agricultural field, thus providing new investment Agricultural products in the insurance sector as one of the best strategies and focus the attention of scholars has been. In Iran after the Agricultural Insurance Act 1363; Insurance to cover all types of agricultural crops and livestock As a means to achieve goals and policies of the agricultural sector, the Bank has started and its activity in agriculture. In the present paper is descriptive and through Internet search and has a library and a questionnaire to gather information; Try the Overview of studies within the field of agricultural policy, objectives and tasks of the Fund and paid for agricultural products And the importance of crop insurance in the agricultural economy and the national economy have mentioned.

[Hasan azimi. The role in agricultural development in Iran. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):198-201]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 27



Keywords: crop insurance, crop insurance, agricultural economics, national economy.

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Theoretical Fundamentals of Criminal Liability from the Viewpoint of Islam


Ali Ahmadi Bayazi


Department of Law, Payam Noor University, Anar Branch, Anar, Iran

E-mail: Aliahmadi351@ymail.com


Abstract: Crime has been accompanied by punishment in its different forms as a behavior opposing to desirable condition of human and if we define criminal liability as toleration of punishment against a definite behavior in the simplest sense, we should acknowledge that this type of liability in human societies has been as long as crime and punishment because punishment is referred to an entity as human reaction which has been effective on emergence of crime.  On this basis, theoretical fundamentals of criminal liability have been studied with descriptive method and it was concluded that criminal liability will not be practicable from the viewpoint of Islam until training, ethical, governmental, legal and judicial system is established based on Islamic knowledge and beliefs.

[Ahmadi Bayazi, A. Theoretical Fundamentals of Criminal Liability from the Viewpoint of Islam. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):202-207]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  28



Key Words: Crime, Criminal Liability, Islam, Theoretical Fundamentals.

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Narcotics Crimes Criminal Procedure in Iran


Ali Ahmadi Bayazi


Department of Law, Payam Noor University, Anar Branch, Anar, Iran

E-mail: Aliahmadi351@ymail.com


Abstract: Human societies have been involved in problem of narcotics from a long time ago and all kinds of these drugs have been added and new drugs have been created with different effects on decision making and thinking will and power of person. At present, our case law has some shortages, ambiguities and deficiencies and the legislator should fill this legal gap through the case law and logical interpretation of the available rules aside from correction of these deficiencies. On this basis, the main goal of this paper is to study deficiencies of laws available in the narcotic crimes criminal procedure in Islamic Republic of Iran. This paper which has been written in descriptive and analytic method gives suggestions for reforming these laws in Islamic Republic of Iran.

[Ahmadi Bayazi, A. Narcotics Crimes Criminal Procedure in Iran. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):208-212]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 29



Key Words: Narcotic Crimes, Iran, Criminal Procedure, reforming of law.

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Ontogenic Maturation of Hemocyte Production and Gene Expression in the Hematopoietic System of Procambarus clarkii


Abdel-Hakim S. El-Din, Kohar G. Varjabedian, Rewaida A. Abdel-Gaber and Mai M. Mohamed


Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii is an important aquaculture decapod species as well as invasive species in some countries. The present study investigates the association between the moult stages-related pattern and the abundance of different cell types with the lymphoid organs of P. clarkii. Studies on the effect of moult cycle on the lymphoid organ spheroid (LOS) cells of P. clarkii were also studied. The spheroid to total tissue (STT) ratio of the lymphoid organ varied during the life span of the crayfish. Kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitor hcPcSP12 with complete cDNA sequence, were identified from cDNA library of the red swamp crayfish, P. clarkii. RT-PCR shows that hcPcSP12 exists mainly in hemocytes. Western both demonstrates that hcPcSP12 only exists in semi-granular cells.

[Abdel-Hakim S. El-Din, Kohar G. Varjabedian, Rewaida A. Abdel-Gaber and Mai M. Mohamed. Ontogenic Maturation of Hemocyte Production and Gene Expression in the Hematopoietic System of Procambarus clarkii. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):213-220]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 30



Keywords: Procambarus clarkii; Moulting; Hemocytes; Spheriod cells; Kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitor.

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Education and Global Citizenship


Ali Afsari, Abbas Anarinejad


Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran


Abstract: As an inevitable process in the twenty-first century, globalization in its three dimensions (economic, political and cultural) will make education undergo some changes ; therefore, knowing the characteristics and the effects of this process on education and in other word globalized education is one of the main functions of any educational system including Iran’s system of education. In this regard, economic consequences of globalization for the system of education such as more concentration on technical and vocational trainings and more use of information technology, and political consequences of globalization such as less monitoring and dominance of government on system of education and cultural consequences of globalization such as spreading western culture and traditional traits’ fading and the endangering of national identity and religious values in schools curriculums can be referred to. Thus globalization perspective provides some opportunities and challenges for education system in general and for Iran in particular. By taking advantage of such opportunities and by knowing these challenges more, it is probable to keep cultural heritage and to promote education system in line with globalization.

[Ali Afsari, Abbas Anarinejad. Education and Global Citizenship. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):221-226]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 31



Keywords: globalization, citizenship education, education, opportunities, threats.

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An Effective Decision Making Model to Aid Evaluation and Selection in Architectural Design Process

Validity of Scientific Techniques for Decision Making (Decision Aid) Used for Selection in Early Phases of Architectural Design


Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour1, SasanHosseini 2


1. AssistantProfessor in Department of  Urban Planning and Design–Iran University of  Science and Technology (IUST).

2. Ph.D Candidate  in Architecture–Iran University of  Science and Technology (IUST).



Abstract: Architectural field is facing inevitable changes.  Technological advancements such as GIS and BIM plus other specialized analytical tools including environmental, structural, mechanical, security, and digital modeling have introduced new changes in architectural design.  The new technologies mandate changes in the design processes currently in use in design workshops (atelier).  The changes are to be introduced as multidisciplinary activities to all design related fields of a given project.  The requirement for such undertaking is the interactive capabilities of the current systems. The current design processes prevalent in architectural workshops are considerably behind the current trends and have failed to keep up with the rapid technological changes and scientific development in various fields.  Information domain is expanding in many dimensions in various disciplines.  The architectural models used in design workshops have not been fully developed to help applyingthe relevant information to decision making processes. Linearity of the traditional modelsof decision making that are currently applied in architectural design together with step by step decision making process havemade the traditional approaches obsolete.Linear decision making processes have created a dilemma called Data Relation Threshold.  This is a state when a decision is made based on relevantpast decisions without having any relation with anything other than the decision itself (when considering the common variables). This article does not propose a new digital design aid.  Its objective is to provide a decision making system for architectural design based on the current technologies and methodologies available to the design process. Most of these methodologies are processes that architectural designers apply as part of their mental activities. Human brain is capable of processing maximum 7 subjects, concurrently. When brain encounters with more than seven issues, it will not be able to adequately process than and may end up in confusion.  Computers, however, can concurrently perform a higher number of complex processes.  The development of decision making process that makes measurement and decision making possible may lead to a dynamic database system that is able to perform as a base analyzer.

[Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour, Sasan Hosseini. An Effective Decision Making Model to Aid Evaluation and Selection in Architectural Design Process J Am Sci 2013;9(2):227-237]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  32



Keywords: Making (Decision Aid), Design Process, digital modeling, GIS and BIM.

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Studying Obstacles and Challenges of Establishing Operational Budgeting System in the Municipality of Qom and Solutions Proposed to Solve Them


Sara Fatahi1, Mozhgan  Moharrami2*, Ajdar Akson3


1M.A in accounting, Accounting Expert of Qom Municipality

2*M.A in accounting, Professor of  Islamic Azad University & Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A in Accounting،, Professor of  Islamic Azad University & Payame Noor University, Ardabil, Iran



Abstract: The present study examines problems and difficulties of implementing operational budgeting system and has considered the budget system of the Municipality of Qom. It is tried to study the most important indicators related to the difficulties of implementing operational budgeting system. Also, fruitful strategies will be presented in this respect. These obstacles have been carried out thanks to the literature study and viewpoint of experts and specialists in the field of budgeting has been put forward entitled "Management Factors". The factors have been classified into three main factors including environmental, technical and process and human factors and have been assessed and evaluated by 14 indicators. The methodology of the research is of survey type and required data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires between two groups of experts and university professors and also managers and experts related to the budgeting affairs in order to test hypotheses of the research. The collected data were developed and analyzed using SPSS, Excel, Expert and Choice software packages.The results of this research show that obstacles and problems of establishing and implementing operational budgeting system in the Municipality of Qom are due to the management factors. As a matter of fact, difficulties of establishing operational budgeting in view of respondents of each two subjects of the study include human, technical and process and environmental factors respectively which are related to the management factors. Thus, it is proposed to identify these obstacles and solve them in line with implementation of operational budgeting system.

[Sara Fatahi,Mozhgan  Moharrami, Ajdar Akson. Studying Obstacles and Challenges of Establishing Operational Budgeting System in the Municipality of Qom and Solutions Proposed to Solve Them. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):238-246]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 33



Keywords: Municipality, Obstacles and Difficulties, Operational Budgeting.

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Clinical Applications of PML-RAR α Transcript in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemic Adult Egyptians


Samir Abdulla1, Tawfik Eladl1, Ashraf Talaat1, Nabil Khattab1, Abdulshafy Tabl1, Mohamed Samra2 and Yasser Elnahas3


1Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University

2Medical Oncology&Hematology and Clinical Pathology Departments, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University



Abstract: Background: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a malignant clonal disorder of immature hematopoietic cells. Leukemic blasts may express abilities for maturation to a variable degree, which leads to morphologic heterogeneity. AIM: This study aimed at detection of PML-RAR by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) for monitoring minimal residual disease (MRD) in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), and to study the clinical application of RQ-PCR  of  APL for detection of risk of relapse  in different phases of treatment, comparing these data with those yielded by conventional qualitative reverse transcriptase-PCR.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty one consecutive patients diagnosed as acute myeloid leukemia (M3) were included in this  prospective study. Patients with cardiac and respiratory diseases were excluded. All patients were subjected to the following: full  history taking, complete clinical examination, some laboratory tests(complete blood picture &serum creatinine & serum alanine aminotransferase and serum bilirubin).Bone marrow asprite (BMA)for morphology and imunophenotyping (IPT) and cytogenetic studies as well as Real –time Qualitative PCR (RT-PCR) for detection of PML-RAR α gene in BMA  at diagnosis and after consolidation were done.Quantitative PCR ( RQ-PCR) in BMA sample  after induction phase and consolidation phase to detect normalized copy number (NCN) of PML-RAR α was also done. Samples were taken after informed consent, bone marrow (BM) samples were collected from APL patients into tubes containing EDTA anticoagulant before treatment for RT-PCR, after the induction therapy and after consolidation therapy for RQ-PCR. All patients received AML M3 protocol in the form of Induction phase: ATRA: 45 mg\m2 divided into two doses orally till complete remission or maximally for 90 days; and Dounroubicin or doxorubicin: 60 mg/m2 I.V. for 3 days (1 course).Also, consolidation phase protocol was given in two courses of dounrobicin or doxorubicin: 60 mg/m2 IV for 3 days every month for two months. According to RQ-PCR results after consolidation phase; patients were divided into two groups, group (A): NCN OF PML-RAR α ≤1(these patients will be kept on follow up without treatment with ATRA),and group (B): NCN of PML –RAR α >1 or leukocyte count at diagnosis >10000/cmm (These patients received maintenance treatment in the form of oral mercaptopurine, methotrexate and intermittent ATRA for up to 2 years). During this period; patients were kept on follow up for detection of relapse or remission which is defined as: Hematological remission in the form of normalization of peripheral blood and BMA<5% blasts and no promyelocyte in peripheral blood and BMA<5%blasts. Hematological relapse was considered  in the form of reappearance of >5% blasts in BMA or promyelocyte. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference between the two groups as regarding age and gender, Hb levels, Platelets count, TLC count, PB Promyelocytes (%), BM promyelocyte and  serum fibrinogen level. There was statistical difference between the two groups as regarding OS; in group A was  (13+17.8) and group B was (7.39+ 13) (p.>0.05). There was statistical difference between two groups as regarding DFR, in group A it was  (12+24.00) and group B was (8.014+ 2). There was no statistical correlation between OS & DFR and hemoglobin levels, platelets count, TLC,PB promyelocyte mean serum fibrinogen level, NCN 1 and BM promyelocyte. There was statistical   correlation between OS& DFR and NCN2 (post consolidation) (p<0.05). There was no statistical correlation between NCN1 (post induction) and NCN2 (post consolidation) and hemoglobin level, TLC count, platelets count or PB  promyelocyte. There was no statistical correlation between NCN1 and NCN2, mean serum fibrinogen and BM promyelocyte (p>0.05).CONCLUSIONS: These data suggested that RT-PCR could be used as a complementary assay for the RQ-PCR approach, especially within the subgroup with 1–10 NCN. Furthermore, it is important to note that the relatively high specifity of RT-PCR assay is not reason enough to substitute a highly sensitive, standarized and high through-put technology such as RQ-PCR. Recommendations: We recommend other study on a larger scale to study PML-RAR α transcription for risk stratification of relapse in  acute promyelocytic leukemic Egyptians.

 [Samir Abdulla, Tawfik Eladl, Ashraf Talaat, Nabil Khattab,Abdulshafy Tabl, Mohamed Samra and Yasser Elnahas. Clinical Applications of PML-RAR α Transcript in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemic Adult Egyptians. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):247-255]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.   34



Key words: PML-RAR α, Promyelocytic Leukemia, PCR.

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Removal of Cr (III) from aqueous waste using Spent Activated Clay


M. Abdel Geleel1, S. T. Atwa2* and A. K. Sakr1


1Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, Nasr City, 11762, Cairo, Egypt

2Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science, Benha University, Egypt.


Abstract: This work has been carried out to investigate the sorption behavior of spent activated clay with respect to Cr(III), in order to consider its application for nuclear waste water treatment. The sorption experiments were performed under batch process with metal ion concentration, adsorbent dosage, pH, time and temperature as variable. In order to clarify the adsorption kinetics of Cr3+ ions on treated-SAC, Lagergren’s pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetics models were applied to the experimental data. The thermodynamic parameters: the enthalpy change, entropy change and Gibbs free energy change for sorption process were studied. The adsorption of Cr3+ on treated-SAC occurs spontaneously and its endothermic in nature. The positive value of ΔS° suggests an increased randomness at solid/solution interface during the adsorption Cr3+ ions onto treated-SAC. This study presents the suitability of SAC for the removal of radioactive chromium waste from liquid radioactive waste.  This paper also gives a detail description of SAC preparation and characterization.

 [M. Abdel Geleel, S. T. Atwa and A. K. Sakr. Removal of Cr (III) from aqueous waste using Spent Activated Clay. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):256-262]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 35



Keywords: Activated clay; Adsorption; Heavy metals; Radioactive wastes

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Contracts and Termination Right in Iran Law


Saeed Eivazi


Master of Civil Law, Graduated of Azad University of Tehran, Iran



Abstract: Contract is among basic principles discussed in Labor and Commercial Laws. It is necessary to provide its definiton, to survey its content and discuss one of the most controversial issues, namely contract termination. As a delicate matter in Labor and Commercial Laws, contract termination may lead to unfairness against one of the contracting parties; hence its terms are required to be investigated. It is worth mentioning that contract termination issue in Iran Law has knots which must be untied by jurists so that it may bring about more sense of security in labor and commerce environments of the society. So this paper, comparing laws of Iran and developing countries, aims at surveying solutions for legal problems pertaining to contract termination, underlining protection of contracting parties' interests.

[Saeed Eivazi. Contracts and Termination Right in Iran Law. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):263-268]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  36



Key words:  conclusion of contract, termination, specific performance, French Law, Common Law.

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The Factors Affecting in Delay of TSR Projects

(Case Study: Reconstruction of the official building in Gas Transmission Company)


Fatemeh Zarezadeh Mehrizi 1, Mohammad Eghbali 1, Aida Haghighi 2


1. Department of Management, Isfahan University, IRAN

2. Department of Industrial engineering, Tehran jonoob University, IRAN


Abstract: Resources that organizations use in the projects such as human resources, finance, materials, energy are the most important and valuable corporate resources and optimal use of these valuable resources and prevent waste in order to achieve targets of organizations provides survival in the global competition. Therefore, for optimal use of resources and avoid wasting them organizations are trying to use project management knowledge and improve their performance in this area. Projects are important in the success of organizations and major part of the budget of organizations allocated to them.  If the exploitation of the projects does with delay, despite of wasting assets, some of these projects will lose their economic and technical justification. In this paper, at first steps in a process of a project in transfer gas organization of Iran was studied and analyzed delay causes at each stage. The causes of project delay were identified as (1) Lack of providing budget, (2) several requests from applicant and (3) providing package and some guidelines and recommendations are given to improve the situation. The findings of this study showed that although the main cause of failure is inadequate funding for projects but project management as an important factor should be considered.

[Fatemeh Zarezadeh Mehrizi, Mohammad Eghbali, Aida Haghighi. The Factors Affecting in Delay of TSR Projects (Case Study: Reconstruction of the official building in Gas Transmission Company). J Am Sci 2013;9(2):269-284]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 37



Keywords: Project; Project Management; Delay; Success

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Translation Strategies Used by Students of Translation, TEFL and Literature: A Study of English-Persian Renderings of Argumentative Texts


Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi1, Alaleh Yazdani2


1Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Shahreza, Iran

2Department of Foreign languages, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Shahreza, Iran



Abstract: This study aimed to find what distinctive strategies are used in translating argumentative texts by Translation, TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign language) and Literature students. For this purpose, on the basis of a language proficiency test, 90 BA participates were chosen, 30 for each group. Each of these students was offered three argumentative texts. They were asked to translate one of them as a must, and among the other two texts, choose one of them arbitrarily. After translating, a form was handed to each student that included Newmark's strategies and their explanations and definitions that they might use for translations. The students were asked to mark the strategies they that had applied in their translations. It was found out that the three groups differed in the number of the strategies they used. In fact, Translation students used more strategies.

[Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi, Alaleh Yazdani. Translation Strategies Used by Students of Translation, TEFL and Literature: A Study of English-Persian Renderings of Argumentative Texts. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):285-291]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 38



Keyword: strategy, translation, translator, translation strategies.

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Effect of Intravenous Calcitriol on Serum IL-6 & IL-8 in Regular Hemodialysis Patients


Mostafa Yehya1, Ehab Hassan2, Yomna Ramadan3, Hassan Eissa4 and Mohamed Elsayed4


1Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University,

2Internal Medicine Department, Nephrology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University,

3Internal Medicine Department, Cairo University,

4Physiology Department, Cairo University



Abstract: Introduction: The role of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium and bone metabolism is well established. Newer physiologic functions for vitamin D have been identified. Vitamin D plays a vital and complex role in immune system function and regulation. Aim: is to study the effect of intravenous calcitriol treatment on the immune system in chronic regular haemodialysis patients through the study of the serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 and to study its effect on the serum level of total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and intact parathyroid hormone. Methods: This study was conducted on 45 subjects randomized into three groups. 15 healthy control subjects (Group I), 15 end stage renal disease patients on chronic hemodialysis not receiving calcitriol (Group II) and 15 end stage renal disease patients on chronic hemodialysis receiving calcitriol (Group III). Serum levels of markers of mineral metabolism (total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, intact PTH (iPTH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), complete blood count (CBC) with differential, serum cytokine levels(interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin 8 (IL-8)) were collected at the beginning of the study and 1 and 3 months thereafter. Results: Calcitriol treatment effectively suppresses iPTH, significantly increases the serum total calcium, ionized calcium and serum phosphorus levels, and decreases the serum ALP levels. Calcitriol treatment causes statistically significant decrease in the serum level of the inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8). Conclusion: we concluded that haemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism should be treated with intravenous calcitriol not only due to its role in the regulation of calcium and bone metabolism, but also due to its vital and complex role in immune system function and regulation.

[Mostafa Yehya, Ehab Hassan, Yomna Ramadan, Hassan Eissa and Mohamed Elsayed. Effect of Intravenous Calcitriol on Serum IL-6 & IL-8 in Regular Hemodialysis Patients. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):292-298]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 39



Key Words: Calcitriol, IL-6, IL-8, chronic kidney disease.

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Study of the Effect of Internet and Information Society on Information Dissemination and Comparison to other Communication Means


Hadi Kamarei


Public Relations Manager of Tosee Taavon Bank



Abstract: Appearance and progress of internet in establishment of transmitting conditions from an industrial society to an information society has found a prominent position. On the other hand, one may declare that combination and convergence of modern communication technologies and renewal of structure and system of capitalism in the recent decays have emerged a new stage in human communities. This stage has been described and explained as an information society. Under these circumstances, one may state that internet and information society have had a progressive effect on information dissemination in electronic society and other communication areas accordingly. This article is willing to provide the effect of this process i.e. internet and information society on mass media and information dissemination means.

[Hadi Kamarei. Study of the Effect of Internet and Information Society on Information Dissemination and Comparison to other Communication Means. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):299-308]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 40



Key Words: Internet, information society, mass media, information dissemination.

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Artificial Recharge of Treated Wastewater on Groundwater Aquifer System. Case study: Abu Rawash, Egypt


Zeinab El-Fakharany


Research Institute for Groundwater, NWRC



Abstract: Nowadays, Egypt is suffering from shortage in available water resources due to increase of population density and food requirements. The main concern is to reuse non-conventional resource safely. One of the possible new tools in Egypt to mitigate the expected negative environmental impacts is through artificial recharge of treated wastewater which can result in additional advanced sewage treatment stage during its passage through the unsaturated zone, which is known as “Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT)”. The main objectives of this research are to investigate and quantify the technical visibility of implementing the SAT system to renovate treated wastewater under the prevailing condition of Abu Rawash study area and application of environmental impact assessment (EIA) before and after experiment operation. The results indicated that reuse non-conventional water resources lead to improve the aquifer potentiality for low productive aquifer as in Abu Rawash area and promoting recovery of overexploited aquifer and decrease the depth to groundwater. Aquifers with deep groundwater are more suitable to achieve SAT due to large thickness of unsaturated zone. Soil plays an important role in the purification process of the recharged wastewater. BOD and COD concentrations are reduced by 50–80 % which improves the efficiency of recharge and treatment completion through soil stratification. The EIA results indicated that positive impacts increased from 15% to 64% while negative impacts decreased from 66% to 9% after experiment operation. The feasibility of artificial recharge with wastewater depends on a large extent on the quality of wastewater and the capacity of the soils in enhancing its quality. Results indicated that artificial recharge for groundwater aquifer using treated wastewater is promising technique whoever it needs more detailed study. Also a good designed monitoring system is necessary to evaluate the effect of recharge process on the groundwater quantity and quality.

[Zeinab El-Fakharany. Environmental Impact Assessment of Artificial Recharge of Treated Wastewater on Groundwater Aquifer System Case study: Abu Rawash, Egypt. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):309-315]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  41



Key words: EIA; Artificial Recharge; treated wastewater; Groundwater; SAT.

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Physiological, Biochemical and Histopathological Changes of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Vitamin C Supplementation in Broiler Chicks Diets.


Abdelrafea A. El-Shafei.,* Arafa, M. M.,** Abdelrahman, A. S.,** Gihan, H. Elsakkar***


* Animal Production Dept.  Faculty of Agric. Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. **Bioch. Dept. Anim. Health Res. Instit. Agric. Res. Center, Ministry of Agric., Dokki, Giza, Egypt. ***Pathol. Dept, (Zagazig Branch), Anim. Health Res. Instit. Agric. Res. Center, Ministry of Agric., Dokki, Giza, Egypt.



Abstract: A total number of 540 Ross 308 chicks one week old were used in five weeks study to detect the effects of gradual levels of dietary EDTA disodium and Vitamin C alone or in combination on performance, physiological, biochemical, histopatholgical, heavy metals and trace elements changes of broiler chicks. The basal broiler diet was supplemented with EDTA and Vitamin C to compose 12 experimental diets, namely as follows: T1 (control), T2 (0.5g EDTA/kg feed), T3 (1.0g EDTA/kg feed), T4 (2.0g EDTA/kg feed), T5 (0.5gVC/kg feed), T6 (1g VC/kg feed), T7 (0.5g EDTA+0.5g VC/kg feed), T8 (0.5g EDTA+1g VC/kg feed), T9 (1g EDTA+0.5g VC/kg feed), T10 (1g EDTA+1g VC/kg feed), T11 (2g EDTA+ 0.5g VC/kg feed), T12 (2g EDTA+ 1g VC/kg feed).  In conclusion, the present study showed that addition of EDTA and VC to diets of Ross 308 chicks revealed no significantly effect on body weight and carcass characteristics. The obtained results revealed that dietary treatments of group fed 0.5g EDTA (T2), group fed 0.5g EDTA plus 1g VC (T8), group fed 1g EDTA plus 0.5 g VC (T9) and group fed 2g EDTA (T4) were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved feed conversion ratio compared with the control group. There are no clear effects of EDTA and VC on thermoregulation parameters. Muscles crude protein % significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased for all treated groups compared to the control group while either extract % was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) decreased for all treated groups compared to the control group. Serum ALT and AST activities increased significantly (P≤ 0.05) as EDTA levels increased alone or by combined with VC in the diets. While, the addition of VC alone decreased ALT and AST activities to be less than the control group. Also treated groups with high level of EDTA alone (T3 and T4) or high level of EDTA combined with VC (T11 and T12) recorded significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increase in serum AP compared to the control group. On the other hand, serum Chol and TG levels were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) decreased with addition of EDTA and VC either individual or in a combination in the broiler diets. Serum TP and Glob were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased by using EDTA and VC in broiler diets compared to the control group. Broiler chicks fed 1g VC/kg diet (T6) was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher in serum and breast muscles of calcium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium compared to the control and other groups.  This study showed that addition of EDTA and VC individual or in a combination to diets of Ross 308 chicks, reduced significantly (P ≤ 0.05) the lead and cadmium levels in both of breast muscles and serum, helped to eliminate heavy metals from the bird bodies as compared to non treated birds.  Results of Macroscopically, the examined organs appear normal in treated chicks with 1g EDTA in addition to 0.5g EDTA either alone or with 0.5 and 1gVC. But the treated chicks with 2g EDTA either alone or with 0.5 or 1g VC showed variable degree of lesion including slightly focal swollen and congestion in liver, spleen, kidney and heart. Macroscopically, liver shows necrosis of epithelial lining bile duct and fibrosia in portal triads (T4) and also, liver showing cytoplasmic vacuolization of hepatocytes and focal hepatic necrosis associated with inflammatory cells infiltration, (T4). The kidney showing congestion of interlobular blood vessels (T4). The spleen showing atrophied lymphoid follicle (T4) and heterophilic cells infiltration (T11). Moreover, the brain showing necrosis of necrons (T4 and T11).Meanwhile, the examined heart showing myolysis of focal mycotes (T4) in addition to intermuscular edema (T4, T11, T12). Finally thymus gland showing focal hemorrhage (T4).

[Abdelrafea, A. El-Shafei, Arafa, M. M., Abdelrahman, A. S., Gihan, H. Elsakkar. Physiological, Biochemical and Histopathological Changes of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Vitamin C Supplementation in Broiler Chicks Diets. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):316-333]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 42



Keywords: Broiler chicks, biochemical, EDTA, heavy metals, histopathological, physiological, vitamin C.

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Nurse-Based Interventional Interview Improves Contraception Knowledge among Post-Partum Women


Sahar Fahmy Gawad


Department of Obstetric & Gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, South Valley University (Kena), Egypt. drsafy29@yahoo.com


Abstract: Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of postnatal care (PNC) and family planning (FP) services and to determine the influence of direct interview between PN women and health provider on acceptance of various modalities of contraception. Patients & Methods: The study included all women attending the outpatient or FP clinics. Collected data included socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric history and variables that may influence contraceptive use. Frequency of antenatal care (ANC) visits was recorded as no, <4 or >4 times during pregnancy. PNC data included place of childbirth, mode of delivery and if received any PN check-up and place of check-up. Knowledge and rational about contraception was measured as the number of modern contraceptive methods known, previous use of any and the desire for more children. An interview was conducted to clarify the advantages and appropriateness of various contraceptives and the proper time for initiation of contraception. All women were given an appointment to return to the clinic to give their decision. The frequency of women attended the next appointment was recorded and considered as success of the interventional interview and the frequency of requesting each modality of contraception was reported.  Results: The study included 320 women with mean age of 26.9±5.5 years; 215 women were primipara, while 105 women were multipara with mean life offspring of 2.7±1 offspring. Last pregnancy data included, 85 (26.6%) did not have ANC visits, 137 (42.8%) had <4 ANC visits and 98 women (30.6%) had >4 ANC visits. PNC data included 58 multiparous women (55.3%) had no previous PNC visits, while 47 had previous PNC visits. All primipara underwent the interview and out of 215 women 195 accepted to use contraception for a success rate of 90.7% for interviewing policy; 107 women (54.9%) preferred to use IUD using copper-IUDs, 69 women (35.4%) preferred pills and 19 women (9.7%) preferred injectable contraceptives. Conclusion: Direct interview between women and health provider was found to be successful modality for improving the yield of women health programs and for remodeling the incorrect thoughts about family planning. Nurse training programs concerning these interventional interviews is mandatory to promote the success of the program.

[Sahar Fahmy Gawad. Nurse-Based Interventional Interview Improves Contraception Knowledge among Post-Partum Women. J Am Sci 2013; 9(2):334-339]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 43



Keywords: Family planning, Contraception, Postnatal care, Interview.

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Difficulties of Cement-less Total Hip Arthroplasty in Osteopetrosis: A Case Report from Iran


Hasan Rahimi shoorin1, Mahmood Bahari1, Mohammad Gharehdaghi1, Masoud Mirkazemi2, Maryam Asadian3, Mehran Azami2, Amirreza Fatehi2, Abbas Eydizadeh Nokhandan2


1. Associate professor of orthopedic surgery, Mashhad orthopedic and trauma research center, Faculty of medicine, Mashhad University of medical Sciences, Mashhad Iran

2. Resident of orthopedic surgery, department of orthopedic surgery, Faculty of medicine, Mashhad University of medical sciences, Mashhad Iran

3. MD, Research assistant, Orthopedic and trauma Imam Reza Research Center, Faculty of medicine, Mashhad University of medical sciences, Mashhad Iran

gharehdaghim@mums.ac.ir; rahimih@mums.ac.ir


Abstract: Total joint arthroplasty is often virtually the last option for treating osteopetrosis associated with osteoarthritis or other complications. Many intraoperative challenges must be overcome when performing arthroplasty in such patients. This paper presents a 36-year-old woman with autosomal dominant (AD) osteopetrosis suffering a painful nonunion of subtrocanteric fracture. She was referred to Imam Reza University Hospital, Mashhad, Iran, in June 2010. The patient had three previously unsuccessful operations as open reduction with different fixation devices, which resulted in nonunion associated with destruction of the femoral head. Therefore, we opted to use cement-less total hip arthroplasty. During the operation, we encountered difficulties, especially when preparing the femoral canal for a prosthesis stem.  The short-term post-operative clinical and radiological results were good and, today, the patient walks independently and pain-free.

[Hasan Rahimi shoorin, Mahmood Bahari, Mohammad Gharehdaghi, Masoud Mirkazemi, Maryam Asadian, Mehran Azami, Amir Reza Fatehi, Abbas Eydizade Nokhandan. Difficulties of Cement-less Total Hip Arthroplasty in Osteopetrosis: A Case Report from Iran. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):340-342]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 44



Keywords: Osteopetrosis; Autosomal dominant; Cement-less total hip arthroplasty

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The Significance of Central Asia in the Foreign Policy of Turkey


Masoud Goodarzi


Political science Phd and Teacher of Ashtrynan Department of Education


Abstract: As it was mentioned before, collapsing of the USSR, and creating a power vacuum in the Central Asia, this region was surrounded by the big and middle powers tending to influence this region. Although, Turkey might not be the biggest, the richest, or the closest power to the Central Asian republics, it should not be forgotten that it has had vast historical and ethnic relations with the Central Asia, and the people since long time ago. This issue may provide suitable contexts for following Turkey’s policies in the region. The main policy of Turkey in comparison to the newly-independent republics of the Central Asia has always focused on political, and economic reforms, maintaining the political, and economic stability,  helping with the process of state-building, and supporting the non-stop transferring of the great energy resources of the region to the international markets, and presenting the substitute ways if it was necessary. Since the late 1990s, Turkey accelerated her influence and presence in the Central Asia due to the increasing of the political, and economic power. Therefore, the state and private policymakers started investing in this region. From 1996 onwards, Turkish policymakers adopted a functional policy for the Central Asia. In this new policy, the relations between Turkey and the Central Asia were mainly defined based on the economic commonwealth. Therefore, Turkey tried to adopt a more functional position for the Central Asia according to increasing the economic cooperations and avoiding the mere political considerations in the region.

[Masoud Goodarzi. The Significance of Central Asia in the Foreign Policy of Turkey. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):343-347]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 45



Keywords: foreign policy, Turkey, Central Asia, Turkey’s foreign policy.

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Study of selective Yoga practices on pulmonary volume and capacities of female students


Seyed Mahmoud Hejazi*1, Mohtaram Yazdanian1, Seyed Majid GHazavi2, Haniye Iranmanesh3, Ladan Hosseini Abrishami1


1. Department of Physical Education, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.

2. M.Sc. in Physical Education and Sport Sciences

2. M.Sc. in Physical Education, School Of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Sirjan, Iran

*Corresponding author:  sm.hejazi37@gmail.cm


Abstract: Hatha Yoga practices (respiratory-dynamic) have effects on hearth- respiration system performance and it plays an important role at public health and hygiene development. The goal of this research is, Yoga selective practices influences on Impact volume amount, respiration storage volume amount, Vital capacity pressure, voluntary ventilation volume, and top of exhale current, top of inhale current.  The research is practical and it is semi-empirical. Between 110 nonathletic student girl of a student dormitory with age range of 18 to 23, 28 numbers were selected randomly for research and they were divided randomly to two empirical groups and control groups randomly. Yoga selective practices program was 6 weeks, and 4 sessions per weeks. Empirical and control group participated in before and after practice measurements test of electronic spirometry. Regarding being normal, data were analyzed using T paired test. A meaningful surface at this research had P below 0.05. Yoga selective practices program had a meaningful change on respiration storage volume amount “P-value: 0.000”, Vital capacity pressure “P-value: 0.000”, maximum voluntary ventilation “P-value: 0.001”, top of exhale current “P-value: 0.001”, top of inhale current “P-value: 0.000”, but it had not a meaningful change in current air volume “P-value: 0.531”. Yoga selective practices program has effects on reinforcement of respiratory muscles and it is effective on storage volume amount, maximum voluntary ventilation, pressure capacity, top of exhale current and top of inhale current.

 [Seyed Mahmoud Hejazi, Mohtaram Yazdanian, Seyed Majid GHazavi, Haniye Iranmanesh, Ladan Hosseini Abrishami. Study of selective Yoga practices on pulmonary volume and capacities of female students. J Am Sci 2013;9 (2):348-352]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 46



Keywords: Yoga; Impact volume; Inhale storage volume; Exhale storage volume; Vital capacity pressure; Maximum voluntary ventilation; top of  exhale current. 

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Impact of Food Safety Educational Program on Food Handlers' Knowledge and Practice in Cairo Governorate


Nadia Abdel Latif; Effat M. Elkarmalawy and Gehan M. Esmail


Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University



Abstract: Food is an important basic necessity and vital for the sustenance of life. However, diseases spread through food are common and persistent problems that result in appreciable morbidity and occasionally in death.Many studies showed that third world countries have registered very high incidence of food borne diseases mainly due to improper, unsafe food handling. Therefore, the study aimed at examining the impact of a food safety knowledge educational program on food handlers' knowledge and practice in Cairo governorate, Egypt. Setting: the study was conducted at Abo El Soaud family health center, a multi clinic accredited center connected with health office, located in south Cairo. Sample: 10% of food handlers who are regularly screened for health certificate annually were selected randomly. Tools of the study: three tools were used; 1. Sheet of basic demographic and epidemiological data namely personal data, 2. Food safety knowledge questionnaire and 3. Observational checklist was used. Results: the study revealed that, nearly half of the studied sample aged between 20 to less than 30 years old, more than one third were secondary educated, and one quarter were single. A positive correlation was found between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores pre educational program with no statistical significant difference. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores post educational program. Conclusion: the study concluded that, a statistically significant differences were found between pre and post educational program in relation to knowledge subscales including location and services sub-scale, utensils and equipment, personal hygiene, food handling process and total knowledge score, also a statistically significant differences were found between pre and post educational program in relation to practice subscales including cleaning and waste disposal, pest control, cleaning and sanitation of food utensils, personal hygiene, food handling, and food cooking and total practice score, and there was a positive correlation between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores post educational program with statistical significant difference. Recommendation: the study recommended a provision of educational program for all food handlers as well as replication of the study on a nationwide large scale project to obtain more generalization of the results and to gain more consciousness about food borne diseases problem in Egypt.

[Nadia Abdel Latif; Effat M. Elkarmalawy and Gehan M. Esmail Impact of Food Safety Educational Program on Food Handlers' Knowledge and Practice in Cairo Governorate. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):353-358]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 47



Key words: Food SafetyFood Handler’s – Food borne diseases - Food Sanitation.

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Early, end of treatment and sustained virological response of interferon plus ribavirin, does it differ in patients with chronic hepatitis C with normal versus elevated transaminases?


Alyaa Sabry, El Sayed Abd El Aal, MA Eljaky, Imam Waked & Maha Allam *


Departments of Hepatology  and Clinical Pathology *, National Liver Institute - Menoufiya University



Abstract: Background: Up to 46% of patients with chronic hepatitis C have persistently normal ALT levels. The natural history of these patients is still uncertain but there are reports of marked fibrosis (5%-30%) and cirrhosis (1.3%), thus indicating that the presence of bridging fibrosis or even cirrhosis cannot be ruled out in patients with persistently normal ALT levels and detectable HCV RNA. Conflicting data regarding response to antiviral therapy, long term benefits, and safety concerns have led to controversy over the treatment of patient with chronic hepatitis C and persistently normal ALT levels. The Aim of the work: is to evaluate early, end of treatment and sustained virological response of treatment with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal ALT levels compared with those with elevated ALT levels, as well as comparing fibrosis score in both groups. Methods: The study included 206 patients from antiviral therapy outpatient clinic, of National Liver Institute, divided into 2 groups, group I included 104 patients with elevated ALT level and group II, 102 patients with persistently normal ALT levels. The Following investigations were utilized: liver function Profiles (Bilirubin, AST, ALT and albumin, prothrombin time and concentration), complete blood count, viral markers ( HCV Ab, HBs Ag), HCV RNA level, Abdominal ultrasound and liver biopsy.  Patients received either pegylated interferon α-2a (40 KD) (administered subcutaneously 180 μg once weekly) together with ribavirin 13-15 mg /kg body weight/day orally in divided doses. The demographic features, difference in the stage of liver fibrosis and response to treatment (early, end of treatment and sustained virological response) were assessed in both groups. Results: As regard the Early Virological Response (EVR), out of the 104 patients in elevated ALT group, 10(9.6%) were non responders, 75 (72.1%) had complete EVR and 19 (18.3%) had partial EVR while out of 102 patients in normal ALT group, There was 21 (20.6%), 77 (75.5%), 4 (3.9%) respectively with statistically significant difference between the two groups (p-value <0.05). In elevated ALT group, 41 (39.4%) had breakthrough and 53 (51.0%) had End of treatment response, while in normal ALT group, There was 23 (22.5%) and 58 (56.9%) respectively with no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). In elevated ALT group, a high statistically significant difference between the non responders and responders regarding stage of fibrosis (p-value <0.01) were found as 26 (44.8%) of non responders had mild fibrosis (F0-F2) vs. 35 (76.1%) had advanced fibrosis while in responders, 32 (55.2%)  had mild fibrosis (F0-F2) vs. 11 (23.9%) had advanced fibrosis, While in normal ALT group, no statistically significant difference were found (p-value > 0.05) as 44 (58.7%) of non responders had mild fibrosis vs. 19 (70.4%) had advanced fibrosis, while in responders, 31 (41.3%)  had mild fibrosis vs. 8 (29.6%) had advanced fibrosis. As regarding Body Mass Index and SVR, a high statistically significant difference was found between the non responders and responders In both elevated ALT and  normal ALT groups. On other hand Age and level of HCV RNA viraemia had statistically significant difference. SVR was 41.3% in patients with elevated ALT group and 38.2% of normal ALT group without significant correlation. On other hand, SVR occurred in 65.5% of patients whose ALT above 3 times normal and only 32% of patients who had their ALT elevated less than 3 times normal.  Conclusion: SVR rates are comparable between patients with elevated and normal ALT, and the decision to treat HCV-infected patients with persistently normal ALT levels should be made on an individual basis and recommended factors that should be considered when deciding to proceed with HCV treatment in these patients should include the severity of liver disease, HCV genotype, age, presence of co-morbid disease, patient motivation and the presence or absence of symptoms. On other hand, ALT elevated more than 3 times normal was found to be insignificant dependent predictor of sustained virological response.

 [Alyaa Sabry, El Sayed Abd El Aal, MA Eljaky, Imam Waked & Maha Allam. Early, end of treatment and sustained virological response of interferon plus ribavirin, does it differ in patients with chronic hepatitis C with normal versus elevated transaminases? J Am Sci 2013;9(2):359-365]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 48



Key words: Early virological response, End treatment virological response, Sustained, Virologica rsponsse, pegylated interferon α-2a (40 KD), Ribavirin, HCV, ALT, Fibrosis (F)

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The Relationship between the Teachers' Attitude and Skill in Descriptive Evaluation and the Students' Progress in Mathematics and Sciences


Mona Akbarzade Makouie 1, Davood Hosseinzadeh 2


1 MA in Pedagogical Sciences (Educational Management)

2 PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Academic Member of Islamic Azad University of Saveh

mona_makoui@yahoo.com, dhosseinzadeh@yahoo.com


Abstract:The main objective of this research is to study the relationship between the skills of the teachers in descriptive evaluation and the progress of 3rd grade elementary students in the fields of mathematics and sciences. The statistical population of the research includes all 3rd grade elementary students of region 16 of Tehran in 2010-2011 educational year and their relevant teachers. The participants of this research include 300 students of third grade who was selected in simple random sampling method. Due to the nature of this research, to study the data of the research we have relied on the canonical correlation method using SPSS version 19, and we have used descriptive statistics to analyze the data of the research. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the teachers' skill in descriptive evaluation and the students score of educational progress in mathematics and sciences at the significance level of 0.5. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between the attitudes of the teachers toward the descriptive evaluation and the educational progress of the students in mathematics and sciences. Thus, in order to increase the educational progress of the students in mathematics and sciences we can focus on increasing the skills of the teachers in the descriptive evaluation.

[Makouie M, Hosseinzadeh D. The Relationship between the Teachers' Attitude and Skill in Descriptive Evaluation and the Students' Progress in Mathematics and Sciences. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):366-371]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 49



Keywords: Attitude, Skill, Descriptive Evaluation, Educational Progress.

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The role of endurance exercise program inhyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype


Heshmat, H.* and Saad El Taib**


* Dep. of physiol. Fac. Of Med. Zagazig Univ.

** Dep. of Biol. SC. and Motion Rehab. Fac. Of PE, Zawia Univ.

Taibsaad2010@yahoo.com; Husseinheshmat43@hotmail.com


Abstract: Background: There are three widely recognized types of exercise: endurance, resistance and sprint. Endurance exercise is characterized by prolonged continuous or intermittently periods of contractile activity against low resistance. ACE gene polymorphisms has been associated with some metabolic disorders. Purpose: This study investigated the role of endurance exercise program in hyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype.  Methods: Using PCR method the ACE was genotyped in ten hyperthyroid patients and ten control before and after 12 weeks of endurance exercise program, thyroid hormones and TSH were investigated using Elisa technique. Results: ACEDD (80%) and ID (20%) genotype were associated with hyperthyroidism, in control, ACEID (50%), ACEII (25%), ACEDD (25%).  TSH decreased in hyperthyroidism with increased F. T4, T3,  T. T4, T3. compared to control. After endurance training program TSH increased, while F.T4, T3 and TT4, T3 decreased in hyperthyroidism together with reduction in pulse rate and blood pressure. Conclusion: ACE genotype may have a pathogenic role in thyroid gland, Endurance exercise training might have a positive effect alone in treating hyperthyroid  subjects.  Recommendation: to use ACE genotype to evaluate hyperthyroidism, and TSH and thyroid hormones as indicators of the efficiency of endurance training program. 

 [Heshmat, H. and Saad El Taib. The role of endurance exercise program inhyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):372 -376]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 50



Keyword:  Role, endurance exercise, program,inhyperthyroidism, relation, ACE, genotype.

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Evaluating the Level of Leanness for Iranian Food Packaging Industry Based on the Liker’s 4P Model


Behdad Kheirkhah (Corresponding author) 1, Mohammad Torkabadi2


1. MSc student of Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2. MBA, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia


Abstract: The expansion of lean philosophy in today’s cutting-edge industries; urges the need to evaluate the level of lean implementation in the organizations. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the level of lean implementation in Iranian food packaging industry based on Liker’s 4P model. This research applies the survey method to testify the hypothesis and to make comparisons. The questionnaire is obtained from Meilling et al. (2012) research and spread among employees from two groups of organizations that either practice lean production or failed to practice it by now. The results show that factors including: long-term philosophy, process and problem-solving have positive relation with the level of leanness in studied organizations. Moreover; the results proved that the long-term philosophy factor is of greatest importance for lean organizations while the process is of least importance. However, in case of organizations that are not implementing lean production, the most important factor is people and partners; and the less important factor is problem-solving.

[Behdad Kheirkhah, Mohammad Torkabadi. Evaluating the Level of Leanness for Iranian Food Packaging Industry Based on the Liker’s 4P Model. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):377-382]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 51



Keywords: Leanness, Liker’s 4P model, Lean Production, Food packaging

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Considering the mental element of the crime


Hadi Azimi Gorgani, Maryam Akbari


1Department of theology, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Alborz, Iran



Abstract: It is required three legal, physical, and mental elements for realizing each crime. Mental element has been discussed in law and criminal books under the various titles of deliberate, bad faith, intent etc. Mental element of the crime is considerable in intentional, unintentional, and material crimes. In intentional crime, presence of criminal intent is necessary for mental element of the crime. A purpose of mental element of the crime in unintentional crimes is actions that are occurred without considering their result. There are some crimes that are neither intentional nor wrong which are called mere material crime.

[Akbari.M.Azimi Gorgani.H. Considering the mental element of the crime. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):383-386]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 52



Keywords: crime, legal element, material element, mental element.

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Factors Associated with Caring Abilities Among Nurses Working at El-Shatby Maternity University Hospital.


Reda M. Hables


Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt



Abstract: A descriptive exploratory research design was conducted at all departments of El-shatby Maternity University Hospital. A convenience sample of 280 nurses who are providing care in previously mention settings was recruited. Data was collected through the five tools: Tool (1):  socio-demographic and academic characteristic. Tool (2): Norbeck social support questionnaire (NSSQ. Tool (3): A short version of Cohen perceived stress scale (PSS-10). Tool (4): Work - Related Factors questionnaire. Tool (5): Modified Version of Caring Ability Inventory (CAI). The study reveled an adverse statistically significant relation between nurses' caring ability and present of family problems (p = 0.027). Where only 18.3% of those with family problems had high caring abilities. The same picture is observed in relation to social support level (p = < 0.0001). Where 43.4% of those with high level of caring abilities have high level of social support. There was also a statistically significant difference between caring abilities and perceived stress level  (p = 0.001).That is to say more than three quarters (77.8%) of the nurses who had low level of caring abilities had expressed high level of stress.   Again, a statistically significantly relationship is observed between nurses' caring abilities and their physical environment (p=0.001). Where, 69.4% of the nurses who had low level of caring abilities did perceive their physical work environment as negative.  As much as 63.9% of nurses who had low level of caring abilities had a high work load.  The relationship between work load and caring abilities is statistically significant (p = 0.038). The study reflected that, many factors are associated with nursing caring abilities. Accordingly, it revealed the need for same strategy and plan to modify or improve quality    of care through enhancing nurses' caring abilities.  

 [Reda M. Hables. Factors Associated with Caring Abilities Among Nurses Working at El-Shatby Maternity University Hospital. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):387-394]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 53



Keywords: Caring abilities, social support, stress level, work environmental factors, work.

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The Role of Energy (Oil & Gas) in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)


  Majid Mohammadi (ph.d)   &    Davod Kiany(ph.d)


Majid Mohammadi, International Affairs Deputy, Institute for International Energy Studies (IIES), Ministry of Petroleum, Republic Islamic of Iran.

Davod  Kiany, Researcher, Institute for International Energy Studies (IIES), Ministry of Petroleum, Republic Islamic of Iran. Email: d_kiany2000@yahoo.com


 Abstract: An ever-increasing globalization in last century is enforcing many countries to come together and create organizations to take advantage of a greater power in the global stage both in political and economic issues. Regional organizations are one form of such organizations. In addition to many of such groups, Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is an intergovernmental mutual organization which,was founded in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the Member States. In a short Period of time since then ECO has proved itself to be a powerful organization promising to be an authority in Central Asian region. ECO region is one of the richest regions in the world, the capacity, opportunity and good cooperation in various contexts, especially in the energy sector. It enjoys great potentials and opportunities for oil and natural gas resources. Countries of the region within the framework of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in the fields of trade, transport and energy are working together. ECO region located between two energy-rich areas - Persian Gulf in the south and the Caspian Sea in the north – and major oil and gas producing and exporting countries. The research at hand is formed to investigate the development of this organization along with its effect on energy as well as the member countries. This paper explains the role of energy (oil and gas) among ECO countries, and ways of further cooperation in the future. The convergence and divergence among the ECO member countries with emphasis on theory Louis Cantori and Steven Spiegel will.

[Majid Mohammadi,  Davod Kiany. The Role of Energy (Oil & Gas) in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). J Am Sci 2013;9(2):395-402]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 54



Keywords: Energy (gas-oil), ECO Region Central Asia.

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Role of Fluconazole prophylaxis in decreasing Candida colonization among neutropenic children with Hematological Malignancies


Enas A.Daef1, Michael N. Agban1, Mona H. Mohammed1, Mohammed H. Ghazally2, Salah S. Abdelhadi3, Amany M. Ali4, Mazen A.A. Gwass5


1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Assiut University, 2Department of Pediatrics, Assiut University, 3Department of Pediatrics Oncology, National Cancer Institute – Cairo University, 4Department of Pediatrics Oncology, South Egypt Cancer Institute – Assiut University, Egypt. 5Department of Pediatrics, Aden University, Yemen. agbanmichael@yahoo.com


Abstract: Invasive fungal infection is a leading cause of infection related mortality among patients with hematological malignancies, associated with prolonged and severe neutropenia. So, antifungal prophylaxis may be a good approach for neutropenic patients undergoing intensive myelosuppresive chemotherapy. Aim of the study: to study the prevalence and types of Candida colonization among neutropenic pediatric patients with hematological malignancies, to study the role of antifungal prophylaxis in decreasing Candida colonization and infection and in prevention of invasive Candida infection among severe and prolonged neutropenic children with hematological malignancies. Methods: the study included 64 children patients with severe and prolonged neutropenia associated with hematological malignancies. Group I: 32 patients received Fluconazole prophylaxis and Group II: 32 patients received placebo. Candida colonization and types was identified using phenotypic methods (Sabouraud's Dextrose agar, Hichrome Candida Differential agar, Cezpek Dox Agar with Tween 80, Germ tube test and Sugar assimilation test) and genotypic methods using PCR to detect type and species of Candida; for different samples [oral, rectal, blood, and urine] at base line and end of the study. Antifungal susceptibility test using agar disc diffusion method was used to test isolated strains. IgM for Candida albicans was done for all patients. Results: Pediatric patients (N = 64) with age 1.5 – 16 years old, 45 males and 19 females, with hematological malignancies and severe prolonged neutropenia. Colonization by Candida species was found in 54 samples (42%) in group I at base line against 47 samples (37%) in group II (P = 0.08), most of them from oral and rectal samples. These isolates were C. albicans (33), C. glabrata (6), and C. tropicalis (3) in group I, against 31, 7, and 2 isolates respectively in group II at base line (P= 0.295). For all types of samples; C. albicans was the most sensitive isolate to fluconazole followed by C. glabrata and C. tropicalis. There was reduction of overall colonization in group I from 42% to 38% while increase in colonization from 37% to 56% in group II (P = 0.08). IgM for C. albicans was statistically significant (P= 0.02) with the subgroups of hematological malignancies.Conclusion:Candida species colonization is a common problem in children with hematological malignancies and severe neutropenia. C. albicans is the most common species encountered in isolated samples. It's also the most sensitive to fluconazole. Fluconazole plays a major role in reduction of colonization, so it's recommended to use it in such cases.

[Enas A.Daef, Michael N. Agban, Mona H. Mohammed, Mohammed H. Ghazally, Salah S. Abdelhadi, Amany M. Ali, Mazen A.A. Gwass. Role of Fluconazole prophylaxis in decreasing Candida colonization among neutropenic children with Hematological Malignancies. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):403-409]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org 55



Key words: Candida infection, prolonged neutropenia, hematological malignancies.

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Energy Management in Synthetic Fiber Industry “Case Study: Alexandria Fiber Co.”


Dalia M. M. Yacout, Mervat A. Abd El-Kawi and Mohamed Salah Hassouna


Environmental Studies Department, Institute of Graduate Studies & Research, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. dalia.yacout@gmail.com


Abstract: Energy conservation is an essential step towards overcoming the mounting problems of global energy crisis and related environmental issues. Energy Management is considered the key to effective energy conservation. Present study is dealing with developing an “Energy Management System”, and implementing it in a real situation. A program was established as a continues improvement cycle. It started with formation of an energy management team, data collection, monitoring reports and audits. An action plan with specific goals was created based on recommendations of the energy management team. The implementation of the action plan included process modifications, old equipment replacement with more efficient ones, and power factor improvement. Cost savings and payback periods were also calculated. The implemented actions should have direct energy saving results. The established energy management system in this study can be implemented in different industries.

[Yacout D, Abd El-Kawi M, Hassouna M. Energy Management in Synthetic Fiber Industry “Case Study: Alexandria Fiber Co.”. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):410-415]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  56



Keywords: Energy Management, Textile Industry, Energy Audits.

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Secularism in Iran, necessity or deviation


Hossein Asgari


Phd student in Political Science, Tajikistan Academy of Sciences


Abstract: This paper tries to respond to a question that after Islamic revolution of Iran discusses among the scholars and intellectuals the replacement of regimen in Iran after collapse of the Pahlavi regimen and answers to this question that whether the nature of regimen in Iran should have the same nature that Western had taken it by sheering the Christianity after Renaissance (Secularism) or that Iran regimen nature should inference in the politics? In order to answer to the above mentioned question, firstly should discuss a brief nature of the Christianity in Western and then Islam that can answer to the above mentioned question. At the end it is concluded that Secularism is an inevitable act in the Western but in Islamic Iran if the Secularism be realized it is considered a kind of deviation of its main way.

[Hossein Asgari. Secularism in Iran, necessity or deviation:s. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):416-418]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  57



Keywords: Secularism, Islam, Western, Islamic science, Islamic regimen, Secularism regimen.

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CD142, VEGF and Microvascular Density MVD-CD34 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma of Patients with Cirrhosis and Correlation with Tumor Growth and Progression


Eman El-Tanaihy1, Ashraf Elfakhy2, Mohamed Elhemaly3


Pathology1, Internal Medicine2 and Surgery3 Departments, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Angiogenesis is one of the mechanisms most critical to the postoperative recurrence and metastasis of HCC. So, finding the molecular markers associated with angiogenesis may help identify patients at increased risk for recurrence and metastasis of HCC. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the level of CD142, VEGF, and MVD-CD34 expression in HCC and surrounding cirrhotic liver tissue and their relationship to tumor growth and progression. Material and Methods: This study included forty six patients with clinical, radiological and serological diagnosis of HCC arising on top of cirrhosis at Mansoura Gastroenterology Surgical Center during 2010-2011. Tissue samples were obtained from specimens of resected HCC and the surrounding cirrhotic tissue. Immunohistochemical staining for CD142, VEGF and MVD-CD34 antibodies was performed and expression was identified in both HCC tissue, and the surrounding cirrhotic tissue. Results:  CD142 and VEGF showed significantly increased expression in HCC compared to LC, and showed increased expression from grade I to grade II to grade III, but no significant difference in their expression between grades III and IV. There is highly significant association between CD142 and VEGF expression positivity and tumor size, vascular emboli, intrahepatic metastasis and tumor grade (P<0.001). There is highly significant association between CD142 and VEGF expression in both LC and different grades of HCC (P<0.001). MVD-CD34 was increased significantly from LC to HCC and increased significantly from grade I to II to III to grade IV HCC (P<0.001). The MVD-CD34 was significantly higher in tumors with high immunoreactivity for CD142 than in tumors with low immunoreactivity for CD142 (median, 53.26 vs 37.01/HPF, P <0.02). Conclusion: Expression of the angiogenic factors CD142, VEGF and MVD-CD34 is increased in HCC relative to LC and correlated with tumor aggressiveness.

[Eman El-Tanaihy, Ashraf Elfakhy and Mohamed Elhemaly. CD142, VEGF and Microvascular Density MVD-CD34 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma of Patients with Cirrhosis and Correlation with Tumor Growth and Progression. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):419-428]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 58



Key words: Liver cirrhosis (LC), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), hepatocellular carcinoma on top of cirrhosis (HCC-C), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), CD142 (tissue factor), microvascular density (MVD).

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Impact of Food Safety Educational Program on Food Handlers' Knowledge and Practice in Cairo Governorate


Nadia Abdel Latif; Effat M. Elkarmalawy and Gehan M. Esmail


Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University



Abstract: Food is an important basic necessity and vital for the sustenance of life. However, diseases spread through food are common and persistent problems that result in appreciable morbidity and occasionally in death.Many studies showed that third world countries have registered very high incidence of food borne diseases mainly due to improper, unsafe food handling. Therefore, the study aimed at examining the impact of a food safety knowledge educational program on food handlers' knowledge and practice in Cairo governorate, Egypt. Setting: the study was conducted at Abo El Soaud family health center, a multi clinic accredited center connected with health office, located in south Cairo. Sample: 10% of food handlers who are regularly screened for health certificate annually were selected randomly. Tools of the study: three tools were used; 1. Sheet of basic demographic and epidemiological data namely personal data, 2. Food safety knowledge questionnaire and 3. Observational checklist was used. Results: the study revealed that, nearly half of the studied sample aged between 20 to less than 30 years old, more than one third were secondary educated, and one quarter were single. A positive correlation was found between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores pre educational program with no statistical significant difference. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores post educational program. Conclusion: the study concluded that, a statistically significant differences were found between pre and post educational program in relation to knowledge subscales including location and services sub-scale, utensils and equipment, personal hygiene, food handling process and total knowledge score, also a statistically significant differences were found between pre and post educational program in relation to practice subscales including cleaning and waste disposal, pest control, cleaning and sanitation of food utensils, personal hygiene, food handling, and food cooking and total practice score, and there was a positive correlation between total knowledge scores of food handler’s and total practice scores post educational program with statistical significant difference. Recommendation: the study recommended a provision of educational program for all food handlers as well as replication of the study on a nationwide large scale project to obtain more generalization of the results and to gain more consciousness about food borne diseases problem in Egypt.

[Nadia Abdel Latif; Effat M. Elkarmalawy and Gehan M. Esmail. Impact of Food Safety Educational Program on Food Handlers' Knowledge and Practice in Cairo Governorate. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):429-434]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 59



Key words: Food SafetyFood Handler’s – Food borne diseases - Food Sanitation.

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Job Burnout of Workers in the Agricultural Extension Organization in Fayoum Governorate


Hanaa Mohamed Hawary


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University Egypt



Abstract: This study aimed to: identify the level job burnout among respondents from agricultural extension workers, and the most important independent factors affecting it,, identify aspects of burnout, and to determine the differences between males and females of job burnout of agricultural extension workers, and to identify the extent of their desire in,  then to identify the most important suggestions to reduce the negative effects of work pressures they face and causing the phenomenon. The study was conducted in Fayoum Governorate on a simple sample of Extension workers reached to  80 respondents in six districts in Fayoum which represented about 10% of the whole extension workers. The most important findings of the study: the high level of job burnout in general the respondents, where three-quarters degree of job  burnout  have either a large (58.7%), or medium (16.3%), and that about half of them (51.3%) among the manifestations of  job burnout  with medium, compared to 26.2%, and 22.5% who were manifestations of  job burnout with a few large, respectively, and that the variables pluralistic unit commands, and the degree of security and economic security, and the number of courses, and the degree of specialization and division of labor, as well as to a variable degree of support and assertiveness, All these variables were responsible of  67.9% of variance of  the dependent variable. As the results confirmed the presence of significant difference between males and females of Extension workers in the degree of  job burnout they have, and that nearly two-thirds of respondents (61.3%) do not have the desire to continuity in the extension work, and they were the most important reasons for their unwillingness to continuity in: weak material and human resources available extension to work, and lack of access to technical training and guidance necessary, Where it was stated that increased by 91.8%, and 71.4%, respectively, as the most significant suggestions to reduce indicative of the pressures of work: providing appropriate working environment (Transportation - allowances and incentives .......) and unanimously by the respondents, in addition to provide material support extension work where various activities mentioned by 93.8%, and 87.5%, respectively.

[Hanaa Mohamed Hawary. Job Burnout of Workers in the Agricultural Extension Organization in Fayoum Governorate. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):435-445]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 60



Key words: Job Burnout- Stress - Agricultural Extension Workers- Emotional Exhaustion.

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Adherence to the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care In Saudi Arabia, 2012


N. Al-Mousa (1), MBBS, SBFM, ABFM, CQIPS; A. Sabra (2), MPH, Dr, PhD


1 Department of Family & Community Medicine, Armed forces Hospital Dhahran, King Abdulaziz Airbase, Saudi Arabia; 2 Department of Family &Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Primary Health Care Divisions, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, Egypt. Nmoosa2002@hotmail.com


ABSTRACT: AIM: To assess the adherence and achievement of the American Diabetic Association (ADA) Standard of Care for patients with type 2 diabetes Methods: cross-sectional retrospec­tive epidemiological study conducted on 324 patients during the period (June-August 2012G) by reviewing the files of patients with diabetes type 2 attending the chronic disease clinic  in a primary care center in SA. RESULTS: It was found that 54.9% of patients were males, 59% in the age group 40-<60 years and all had positive family of type 2 diabetes. (95.4%) had associated co-morbid. Among 64.5% of the patients with a mean BMI of 31.85±5.92. Desirable total cholesterol level and triglycerides were found among 73.5 % & 70.7 % of patients respectively. Optimal levels of LDL and high HDL levels were found among 37.3% & 17.9%, respectively. Foot and retinopathy screening were done among 64.8% & 49.7%, respectively. More than half of the patients (51.5%) were on both insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs (OHD), 24.7% on insulin alone and 23.8% on OHD alone. The majority of patients (86.7%) were receiving Statins and ACE. 83.3%, 73.5% & 70.7% of patients had achieved controlled blood pressure, desirable cholesterol level, and desirable triglyceride level, respectively. About 35.5% had achieved HbA1C target. And only 12.3% & 5.2% of patients had normal BMI and fasting blood glucose level, respectively. CONCLUSION: Assessment of both the processes and outcome indicators showed variable percentage of achievement and adherence to the standard although it is satisfactory to some extent but improvements are necessary.

[N. Al-Mousa, MBBS, SBFM, ABFM, CQIPS; A. Sabra. Adherence to the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care In Saudi Arabia, 2012. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):446-451]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 61



Keywords: diabetes, quality, measures, Saudi arabia.

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Entrepreneur woman, Entrepreneur University and Entrepreneurship in Iran


Masoud Hamzehpour


1.Department of Management,  Baghmalek branch, Islamic Azad University, Baghmalek, Iran


Abstract: The study of women conditions specially in the third world countries increases the importance of this issue. Women are great force who do different kinds of jobs formally or informally. If their potential talents are considered properly, they can be a good investment source in developing countries. University as a social institute is responsible for national development and this responsibility is in the form of dynamic role playing and entrepreneurship. These are propelling motors toward sustainable development. In this situation, education of women and training entrepreneur women increases their role in political and social affair. This article states the importance and necessity of entrepreneurial activities, definition of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur woman. Mean while, it explains the role of entrepreneur university with respect to entrepreneur woman. This article concludes at last entrepreneur university causes better presentation of job counselling in the society and also it˘s one of the effective factors in the success, running and developing the entrepreneurial activities of women. This article presents suggestions such as making aware the educated women, getting positive impressions from life events, getting impressions from other members of family running conferences about entrepreneur women and reforms some organizations activities, to establish facilities and providing money for entrepreneur women.

[Masoud Hamzehpour. Entrepreneur woman, Entrepreneur University and Entrepreneurship in Iran J Am Sci 2013;9(2):452-455]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org.  62



Keywords: Entrepreneur woman, Entrepreneur University, education of women, Entrepreneurship in Iran

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The role of endurance exercise program inhyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype


Heshmat, H.* and Saad El Taib**


* Dep. of physiol. Fac. Of Med. Zagazig Univ.

** Dep. of Biol. SC. and Motion Rehab. Fac. Of PE, Zawia Univ.

Taibsaad2010@yahoo.com; Husseinheshmat43@hotmail.com


Abstract: Background: There are three widely recognized types of exercise: endurance, resistance and sprint. Endurance exercise is characterized by prolonged continuous or intermittently periods of contractile activity against low resistance. ACE gene polymorphisms has been associated with some metabolic disorders. Purpose: This study investigated the role of endurance exercise program in hyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype. Methods: Using PCR method the ACE was genotyped in ten hyperthyroid patients and ten control before and after 12 weeks of endurance exercise program, thyroid hormones and TSH were investigated using Elisa technique. Results: ACEDD (80%) and ID (20%) genotype were associated with hyperthyroidism, in control, ACEID (50%), ACEII (25%), ACEDD (25%). TSH decreased in hyperthyroidism with increased F. T4, T3, T. T4, T3. compared to control. After endurance training program TSH increased, while F.T4, T3 and TT4, T3 decreased in hyperthyroidism together with reduction in pulse rate and blood pressure. Conclusion: ACE genotype may have a pathogenic role in thyroid gland, Endurance exercise training might have a positive effect alone in treating hyperthyroid subjects. Recommendation: to use ACE genotype to evaluate hyperthyroidism, and TSH and thyroid hormones as indicators of the efficiency of endurance training program. 

 [Heshmat, H. and Saad El Taib. The role of endurance exercise program inhyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype. J Am Sci 2013;9(2):456 -460]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 63



Kayword: endurance exercise program inhyperthyroidism in relation to ACE genotype.

Full Text


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