The Journal of American Science
(J Am Sci)
ISSN 1545-1003; Monthly
Volume 8, Issue 1, Cumulated
No. 47, January 25, 2012
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Evaluation of mandibular bone segments changes with early versus
delayed functional loading after symphyseal fracture fixation
using resorpable
bone plates.
Atef Abd El Hameed
Oral & Maxillofacial Dept.-Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Corresponding Author E-mail:
Background: Improper fixation during fracture healing leads to malocclusion.
Mandibular bone segments and subsequently occlusal changes that
may result after mandibular trauma treatment interfere with
establishment of stable occlusion in so-called adapted centric
posture. The aim of the present study was to evaluate these
changes during and after symphyseal fracture treatment with
early versus delayed functional loading. Methods:
Twenty four fully-dentate adult male patients with mandibular
symphyseal fracture were divided into two equal groups. In the
first group two poly lactic acid plates were used for fracture
fixation, while the other group treated the same as first group
and MMF were performed for one week postoperatively. To evaluate
bone segments displacement the patients were subjected to
antero-posterior cephalogram for measurement of inter-gonial
distance. Results: significant bony segments
displacement reported in group I patients. Conclusion:
MMF recommended to be applied for one week after use of poly
lactic acid (PLA) plates in symphyseal fractures fixation.
[Atef Abd El Hameed Fouda. Evaluation of mandibular bone segments changes with early versus
delayed functional loading after symphyseal fracture fixation
using resorpable
bone plates.
J Am Sci. 2011;8(1):1-6].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
symphyseal fracture, malocclusion, resorpable plates,
mandibular fracture |
Visibility Enhancement of
Digital Dental X-Ray for RCT Application Using Bayesian
Classifier and Two Times Wavelet Image Fusion
Bardia Yousefi 1, Hina
Hakim 2, Nasiha
Motahir 3,
Paria Yousefi1,
Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini4
1. Department
of Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology,
Shahrood, IRAN
2. Khyber College of Dentistry, University of
Peshawar, PAKISTAN
Peshawar Dental Colleges and Hospital, PAKISTAN
Department of electronic and computer engineering, Islamic Azad
Shahrood branch, Shahrood, Po box 36155/163 IRAN
This paper presents the
developing of digital dental X-ray by using the wavelet image
fusion and Bayesian classifier. One of the bases of such systems
are generating better concepts of location of teeth and canals
in dentistry applications such as Root Canal Treatment (RCT),
and Boneless which are common in dental treatments. Beside, many scientific and
clinical decisions need to be made on these grounds. The aim of
this paper will be summarized by improving the visibility of
teeth, bone and canals in digital dental X-ray. For this
purpose, the Laplacian transform will be applied to the image,
and then structure element along with morphological operation
will be used. Afterward, the obtained image will be fused by
using wavelet transform with input image and the next step will
be Bayesian classifier classifies teeth and canals from achieved
image. Finally, the outcome image will be fused second time to
original image by wavelet image fusion technique. The proposed
approach applied to the 30 dental radiographs from 30 dental
patients. Experiments of this novel technique indicate promising
results which demonstrate efficiency of the proposed method for
improvement algorithm of the X-ray images.
[Bardia Yousefi, Hina Hakim,
Nasiha Motahir,
Paria Yousefi,
Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini. Visibility Enhancement of Digital
Dental X-Ray for RCT Application Using Bayesian Classifier and
Wavelet Image Fusion. J Am Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Dentistry;
image processing; Laplacian; Structure Element (SE);
Morphological Operation; Bayesian Classifier; Wavelet Image
Fusion |
Study Between Different Techniques For Coverage Of Submerged
Immediate Dental ImplantS
A. Elhayes
Associate Professor Oral& Maxillofacial Surgery, OMFS
Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University.
Introduction: The submerged immediate implant procedure was more effective than the
non-submerged procedure in improving implant anchorage (osseointegration)
in the early phase after implant placement.
Evaluation of the best technique for Immediate Dental Implant
coverage to fulfill the submerged concept
for proper osseointegration.
Material and Methods:
This study involved 61 implants in 44 Patients aged 26-43 years
old; 34 males and 10 females, all of them underwent immediate
submerged dental implantation of different implant systems.18
implants were covered with labial or buccal advancement flap (BAF)
in 14 patients.15 implants were covered by sub-epithelial
connective tissue graft (SCTG) in 15 patients.14 implants
were covered by titanium membrane (TM) in 7 patients.14 implants
were covered by poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) membrane in 7
patients. All Patients were followed up clinically for
undisturbed continuous coverage of submerged implants at time
intervals of 1W, 2W, 4W, 2M and 3M post-surgically.
It was found that the PTFE membrane showed the highest
percentage of undisturbed healing of supra-implant soft tissue
coverage (92.9%) followed by labial or buccal advancement flap
(83.3%), then the sub-epithelial C.T graft (73.3%) and lastly
came the titanium membrane that was (57.1%).
The PTFE membrane was the best used due to: It’s a
non-reactive material, not affected by oral fluids or thermal
changes. So, it can remain exposed to the oral cavity, no need
for primary wound closure. It can be stretched and molded in two
directions due to its plastic elasticity and tear-proof, it
doesn’t obliterate the vestibules, It is a traumatic procedure
and the membrane removal is easy and uncomplicated.
A. Elhayes.
Comparative Study Between Different Techniques For Coverage Of
Submerged Immediate Dental Implants.
J Am Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE);
titanium membrane |
Full Text |
Early outcome predictors of post cardiac arrest patients
Abouelela Amr1, Imam Mohamed 2
University, critical care medicine department, Alexandria, Egypt
medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation department,
Alexandria, Egypt;
When pulse and blood pressure return after cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), the brain may have already been critically
injured. When severe, a post resuscitation anoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy leaves patients comatose. Awakening generally
takes place within 3 days after CPR, and neurological impairment
is expected if a patient fails to do so. These
patients are often left in a severely cognitively disabled and
fully dependent state; some remain in a minimally conscious or
vegetative state, and very few awaken neurologically. The aim of
this research is to evaluate the efficacy of some clinical,
radiological, electrophysiological and laboratory tests as early
predictors of the outcome in post arrest patients. This study
was carried out on 54 patients- in critical care department of
Alexandria university main hospital in Egypt- who survived after
successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation for at least 12 hours
after the event. All patients were subjected to the routine ICU
care with emphasis on neurological examination and
investigations in the form of CT brain, SomatoSensory Evoked
Potential and serial serum creatinine measurement. Outcome
evaluation was done using
Glasgow- Pittsburgh
Cerebral Performance Categories (GP-CPC). Patients were
categorized into two groups: group 1 (favourable outcome)
including GP-CPC1and 2; group 2 (unfavourable outcome) included
GP-CPC 3,4 and 5.
Regarding the neurological assessment of patients (table3), it
was found that 4 out of 24 patients (16.7%) developed myoclonus
in group I versus 7 patients out of 30 (23%) in group II with no
significant difference between the 2 groups.
The (SEP) results
were significantly better in group I compared to group II (p=
higher creatinine level was recorded in day 2 in group II being
1.6±1.1 versus 1.31± 0.78 in group I (P =0.045*). No significant
statistical difference was found between the 2 groups regarding
the CT results.
As a
conclusion from this study, the duration of cardiac arrest, the
SSEP and the changes in serum creatinine are the parameters
which carry the highest ability to differentiate between
patients with good prognosis from those with bad prognosis. No
gold standard single test can be used to predict the prognosis
in post cardiac arrest patients.
Amr, Imam Mohamed.
Early outcome predictors of post cardiac arrest patients.
J Am Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
post-arrest, Outcome predictors, GP-CPC
Full Text |
Assessments of the effects of ZrO2 nanopowders on
porosimetry and mechanical properties of concrete
Mohammad Mehdi Kaykha1 and Farzad Soleymani*,2
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zabol,
Zabol, Iran.
2. Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Payame Noor
University, P.O. 19395-4697, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: Flexural
of concrete containing ZrO2 nanoparticles which were
cured in saturated limewater have been optimized.
ZrO2 nanoparticles with partial replacement of
Portland cement by 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 weight percent have
been used as nano-fillers. The specimens were cured in water and
saturated limewater for 7, 28 and 90 days after casting and then
their strength was evaluated by flexural strength test. The
results showed that replacement of Portland cement with ZrO2
nanoparticles up to 1.0 weight percent for the specimens
cured in water and 2.0% for the specimens cured in saturated
limewater produces concrete with the best strength. It has been
obtained that curing the specimens in saturated limewater for 28
days and then in water until 90 days, produces more strengthened
concrete than those cured only in saturated limewater for 90
days. Excess Ca(OH)2 crystals which forms after 28
days, when the specimens cured in limewater, reduces the effect
of strengthening gels which form until the 90 days hence reduces
the mechanical properties of the specimens. On the other hand,
curing the specimens in water after 28 days produces more
strengthening gel results in a concrete with higher strength.
The pore structure of different mixtures was studied. The
addition of nanoparticles improves the pore structure of
concretes, the refined extent of pore structure increase with
decreasing nanoparticles’ content. The pore structure of
concretes which were cured in saturated limewater is better than
that of concretes cured in water.
[Mohammad Mehdi Kaykha and Farzad Soleymani.
Assessments of the effects of ZrO2
nanopowders on porosimetry and mechanical properties of concrete.
J Am Sci. 2011;8(1):29-35].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
ZrO2 nanoparticles; flexural strength; optimized
properties; pore structure; concrete. |
Full Text |
Echocardiography During Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation
Atta Ehab1, Abouelela Amr2, Hamdy
Ahmed 3
diseases department, Alexandria, Egypt
university, critical care medicine department, Alexandria, Egypt
Abdelnaser Hospital, critical care medicine department,
Alexandria, Egypt;;
patients from the ventilator remains a crucial issue. The
incidence of weaning failure, which is defined as a failed
spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) or the need for a
re-intubation in the 48 hours following extubation, reached 31%.
Weaning failure remains a clinically relevant challenge because
it may result in significant morbidity (prolonged duration of
mechanical ventilation, re-intubation) and may influence
mortality. Even if its actual incidence is unknown, cardiac
dysfunction is a leading cause of weaning failure. Although
echocardiography allows the noninvasive assessment of cardiac
function and LV filling pressures, its clinical value in the
setting of ventilator weaning has yet to be determined. The aim
of the present work was to evaluate the ability of transthoracic
echocardiography (TTE) to detect the effects of spontaneous
breathing trial (SBT) on central hemodynamics and to identify
indices predictive of cardiac-related weaning failure. This
study was conducted on 40 patients on mechanical ventilation
admitted to The Critical Care Department of Alexandria Main
University Hospital and to intensive care unit in Gamal Abdel
Naser Hospital in Alexandria-Egypt. Trans thoracic
echocardiography (TTE) was under taken just before and at the
end of a 30-min SBT in patients fulfilling weaning criteria.
Values of TTE parameters were compared between baseline (before
weaning) and SBT (after weaning) in all patients. Clinical and
ECHO parameters were compared between patients who succeed the
weaning trial and those who failed. Ejection fraction (EF) was
before weaning and decreased to 41.1±4.88
after weaning in the failure group (p=0.01). The deceleration time of the E wave of the mitral flow (DTE)
decreased significantly from 178.1±
10.5 before weaning to 160.4±10.2
after weaning in the failure group (p=0.042). We concluded from
this study that EF and DTE could be used as predictive indices
of cardiac-related weaning failure while right ventricular end
diastolic area / left ventricular end diastolic area(RVEDA/LVEDA)
and the pulmonary flow acceleration time did not show any
predictive value. Further studies are needed to evaluate the
impact of the echocardiography as a screening strategy on the
weaning process and patient outcome.
Ehab, Abouelela Amr, Hamdy Ahmed.
Echocardiography During Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation.
J Am Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Weaning, Echocardiography, Cardiac dysfunction, SBT,
Cardio-respiratory changes. |
Full Text |
Delirium in
Critical Care Medicine Department in Faculty of Medicine
Alexandria University incidence and relation with sepsis
Hassan A Abukhabar1,
Amr Abdallah2, Ahmed Eltoukhy3
University, critical care medicine department, Alexandria, Egypt
critical care medicine department,
Alexandria, Egypt
critical care medicine department,
Alexandria, Egypt;,
intensivist should think of delirium, or acute central nervous
system dysfunction, as the brain's form of "organ dysfunction."
Delirium is extremely common in intensive care unit (ICU)
patients due to factors such as co morbidity, critical illness,
and iatrogenesis. The delirium is extremely hazardous in older
persons and is associated with prolonged ICU stay. Lack of
experience about delirium& instruments which should used to
diagnose it, makes its diagnosis in ICU difficult.
associated delirium is not simply an unpleasant confusion or
obtundation of the patient with sepsis, but a relevant and often
severe organ dysfunction that is reflected by increase in
mortality. Furthermore impaired cognitive function after
critical illness, particularly in patient suffering from
delirium, is increasingly being recognized. Our aim was to
estimate the incidence of delirium in critical care units in
Alexandria University Hospital, and to find out if there was any
association between delirium and sepsis. The study was conducted
on 385 adult conscious patients. All selected patients have been
screened for delirium by (CAM-ICU score) daily until patients
died, discharged, become unfit for score, or become positive for
delirium. In selected patients, their different diagnoses was
recorded, and laboratory and clinical sepsis profile was taken
to found the association between sepsis and delirium.
The following results were obtained: Incidence of
delirium in critical care units in Alexandria university
hospital is 18.4%.The age of patients with delirium was
significantly higher with delirium. Duration of stay in ICU in
delirious patients is higher than non delirious patients.56% of
pneumonia patients developed delirium in their stay in ICU.
There was a significant association between sepsis and delirium
in ICU, as presence of sepsis in delirious patients was higher
with delirium. Incidence of delirium in intubated or
mechanically ventilated patients was significantly higher.
Sepsis was
found to be an important risk factor for developing of delirium
in ICU. Confusion assessment method in ICU (CAM-ICU) was found
to be an easy, quick, and effective tool to diagnose delirium
in adult and conscious ICU patients. Respiratory tract
infections is a common cause of sepsis associated delirium.
[Hassan A Abukhabar,
Amr Abdallah, Ahmed Eltoukhy.
Delirium in
Critical Care Medicine Department in Faculty of Medicine
Alexandria University incidence and relation with sepsis.
J Am
Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
CAM/ICU, sepsis. |
Full Text |
A Review of Teachers’
Professional Development Initiatives and Associated Issues and
Challenges in Higher Education Institutes of Pakistan
Hassan Danial Aslam 1,2,
Tasawar Javad 3, Mohammad Hossein Mardani Nokandeh
4, Hamzeh Sharifi 5, Mehrdad Jalalian
6, Muhammad Arfan Lodhi 7
Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, The Islamia University
of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Senior Research Consultant, Human Resource Management Academic
Research Society
Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, The Islamia University
of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
Academic member of Babol Medical Sciences University, Babol,
PhD Scholar & Visiting Lecturer, The Islamia University of
Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Editor-in-Chief, Electronic Physician Journal, Mashhad, Iran
Professional development of
teachers is a necessary part of any country’s improvements of
the educational system. Collaborative and interactive teaching
can be compared with a tree where traditional, orthodox ideas
are abandoned (like old leaves falling down) while innovative
and provocative concepts are acknowledged, accepted, and
implemented in the classroom. Teachers’ professional competency
and personal development are the most important parts of the
educational continuum. Accordingly, most universities in
developed countries have established their own professional
development wings to enhance the pedagogical and interactive
skills of their faculty. The present study is descriptive in
nature and attempts to provide a theoretical background of the
importance of professional development, and the need for
professional development for university teachers in Pakistan.
Moreover, it has found a strong connection between enhancing the
quality of education with the professional growth and
development of teachers through various ways and means.
[Hassan Danial Aslam, Tasawar
Javad, Mohammad Hossein Mardani Nokandeh, Hamzeh Sharifi,
Mehrdad Jalalian, Muhammad Arfan Lodh. A Review of Teachers’
Professional Development Initiatives in Higher Education
Institutes of Pakistan. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):54-60].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Professional
Development; Higher Education; Quality of Education |
Full Text |
Antimutagenic Potential of
Cynara scolymus,
Cupressus sempervirens
and Eugenia jambolana
Against Paracetamol-Induced liver cytotoxicity.
Souria M. Donya1
and Nancy H. Ibrahim2
and Cytology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Division, National Research Center,
Tahrir St., Dokki
12622, Giza, Egypt
Department, Faculty of Pharmacy (girls), Al-Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt.
author. Souria
M. Donya. e-mail:
liver injury is a potential complication of virtually every
prescribed hot medication. Paracetamol (APAP) is one of the most
commonly used drugs worldwide for its analgesic and antipyretic
effect. Although it is considered to be safe and effective in
the therapeutic range, the overdose following accidental
ingestion or suicidal attempt causes a toxic response leading to
the centrilobular necrosis in liver. Consequently, the present
study was designed to evaluate antihepatotoxic and antimutagenic
activities of hydroethanolic extract of
Cynara scolymus
L., Cupressus sempervirens L., and Eugenia jambolana
in experimental rat model of paracetamol-induced liver toxicity
in rats, comparing with silymarin as reference agent.
The results revealed that
the pre-treatment with either hydroethanolic extract (250
mg/kg/day, p.o) or silymarin (50 mg/kg/day, p.o.)
for 4 weeks has good safety profile in normal rats and
exhibited a marked hepatoprotection against single toxic dose of
paracetamol (4, p.o.)
as proved from
marked decline in the DNA fragmentations and inhibition in the
percentage of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells.
These protection was decreased as silymarin ≥ E. jambolana
> C. sempervirens > C. scolymus. In conclusion:
E. jambolana may be applied as potential sources of natural
antioxidant with hepatoprotective effect. Further investigations
are needed to isolation and characterisation of the active
principles responsible for hepatoprotective activity.
[Souria M. Donya;
Nancy H. Ibrahim.
Potential of
Cynara scolymus, Cupressus sempervirens and Eugenia jambolana
Against Paracetamol-Induced liver cytotoxicity.
J Am Sci. 2011;8(1):61-67].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
antihepatotoxic; antimutagenic; Cynara scolymus
L.; Cupressus sempervirens L.; Eugenia jambolana
Lam; DNA fragmentation; chromosomal aberration. |
Full Text |
to the Status of Critically Endangered Great Bustard Otis
tarda in
Abdulkarimi and 2Naser Ahmadi Sani
1-Islamic Azad University, Boukan
Branch, Boukan, Iran;
2-Faculty of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mahabad, Iran.
Great Bustard is the critically
endangered species that classified in IUCN red list and in the
current decade faced to several threat as losing of the natural
refuge and habitat destruction by human interference in Iran.
Updating data about population status and induced threat on the
Great Bustard is necessary to design a action plan and
conservation measure. Therefore this study was conducted to
investigate the status of Great Bustard population, with
attention to the Mokryan region, NW Iran in January to December
2011. Based on final reports the Great Bustard habitats were
destroyed in some parts of country except of Mokryan, in south
of West Azerbaijan province. The sites around Boukan are the
main refuge in Mokryan, where Great Bustard breeds in its dry
land and survive the wintering time there. The results of this
study indicated that optimal habitats in NW(Mokryan) approached
to desolation and their Great Bustard population linearly has
decreased than past years, whereas the largest number was only
33 individual birds which observed in winter. The induced change
by human as destruction of grasslands and convert to cultivation
of land, transformed dry to water land, establishment of
industrialism, increasing in human density and those side
effects are the main reasons to this tragedy. Regarding to this
results, only 35-45 individual birds has been estimated in
throughout of country. Thereafter the urgent plan to reserve of
this species must be performed by DoE or responsible organs.
[Rahim Abdulkarimi and Naser
Ahmadi Sani., Warning to the Status of Critically
Endangered Great Bustard Otis tarda in Iran. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):68-72].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Great Bustard Otis tarda, population status,
Mokryan region, Northwestern Iran |
Full Text |
Effect of By-pass Protein on Quantity and Quality Traits of
Mohair in Iranian
Angora (Markhoz) Goat
1Farzad Abdollahzadeh, 2 Rahman Ebne Abbasi, 1Rahim Abdulkarimi
1-Islamic Azad University,
Boukan Branch, Boukan, Iran
2-Department of Animal Science,
Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Kurdistan Province, Sanandaj,
The effect of dietary varying
levels of By-pass protein on fiber production and nutrients
digestibility of Markhoz kid goats was studied.
Sixteen castrate male Angora
(about 6 months of age; 20±1.5
kg of initial BW), were
assigned randomly to four isocaloric (9/8 MJ/ kg of DM intake)
and isonitrogenous (11/9 % Cp of DM) diets differing in their
fishmeal (Fm) content in a completely randomized design. The
experimental diets were supplemented by 0 Fm (or control), 50
(LFm), 75 (MFm) and 100 g/day (HFm) of Fm as a dietary By-pass
protein resource. The inclusion of Fm in Angora goats' diet was
associated with a higher greasy and clean fiber, fiber diameter,
staple length, medullated and kemp fibers and lower true fiber
than control diet. The higher supply of dietary Fm resulted in
higher (P < 0.05) nutrients (DM, OM, CP and NDF) digestibilities
but, no differences were observed among Fm levels. DM intake was
highest for goats fed HFm
and lowest for those fed
control diet, however,
differences among treatments were non-significant. Overall
results indicated that, enrichment of Angora diets relatively
high in concentrate with Fm as a source of By-pass protein
improved nutrient digestibility and fleece characteristic of
Angora goats. Additionally, the use of By-pass protein resource
such as Fm is required for maximum fiber production and 50 g/d
of Fm is recommended to feed on such diets.
[Farzad Abdollahzadeh, Rahman Ebne Abbasi and
Rahim Abdulkarimi. The Effect
of By-pass Protein on Quantity and Quality Traits of Mohair in
Iranian Angora (Markhoz) Goat. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):73-76].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Angora goat, Markhoz goat, By-pass protein, fiber characteristic |
Full Text |
Determinants of
non-farm income diversification among rural households in
Olugbire, O.O1., Falusi, A.O2 and Adeoti,
A.I2., Oyekale, A.S.2
Department of Forest
Economics and Extension, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,
Jericho, Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of
Agricultural Economics, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
rural development approach to poverty reduction has been
reported to have limited success in Nigeria. This is because
farming is considered as main source of income for rural
households, despite their involvement in other non-farm income
generating activities. Focusing on income derivable
from farming alone may be partially responsible for the
ineffective poverty reduction strategies in Nigeria.
In this paper,
we investigate
composition and
determinants of non-farm income
of rural households in Nigeria.
The 2004 National Living Standard Survey (NLSS) data collected
by the Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics was used for the
The results from the study show that the
share of farm, non-farm wage- and self-employment incomes in
total household incomes were 24.3%, 43.0% and 23.7%
Econometric analysis show that,
households whose heads are male
had formal education, increased the likelihood of households’
participation in
non-farm wage-employment
activities, while access to credit and having larger farm size
decreased it. Access to credit; community participation; larger
family size and possession of capital assets increased the
likelihood of participation in
non-farm self-employment
activities, while having larger farm size, being a non-indigene
decreased it.
O.O., Falusi, A.O. and Adeoti, A.I., Oyekale, A.S.
Determinants of non-farm income diversification among rural
households in Nigeria.
Am Sci. 2012;8(1):77-82].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Non-farm income, wage-employment income,
self-employment income, diversification, rural Nigeria. |
Full Text |
High biomass Chenopodium album
L. is a suitable weed for remediation Cd-contaminated soils
Mahbubeh MazhariA and
Bahare bahramianB
Department of Soil Science, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Faculty, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
of weed Science, Agriculture and Natural Resources Faculty,
mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, mashhad, Iran
Phyextraction is an in situ and
cost-effective potential strategy for cleanup contaminated
soils. The objective of this study was to find out if halophyte chenopodium album L. can be used for phytoextraction of cadmium
from contaminated soils. Consequently, an extensive experiment
was carried out to evaluate the phytoextraction ability of one
high biomass halophyte. The soils used in the experiment were
contaminated with 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 100 mg Cd kg−1 soil, in
the form of cadmium chloride. Our results indicated that no
injury symptoms in chenopodium album L. were observed even on
100 mg kg−1 soil Cd The Cd50 value (Cd at which the yield is
reduced by 50%)
for Chenopocium album L. evaluate
117 mg Cd kg−1 soils. The Cd transportation from soil to plant
was increased by increasing soil cadmium content. At Cd
concentration of 100 mg kg−1 which is 100 times more than EPA
approved maximum level, only 40 percent reduction observed in
wet shoots. Although the average Cd accumulation in shoots was
not notably high (40.8 mg kg1 at 100 mg Cd kg-1 soil); its high
biomass production resulted to overall high Cd removal (193.8 g
ha-1 at 100 mg Cd kg-1 soil). The results were justifying this
plant as a potential candidate for Cd phytextraction from the
contaminated soil..
Mahbubeh Mazhari and
Bahare bahramian. High biomass
Chenopodium album L. is a suitable weed for remediation Cd-contaminated
soils. J Am Sci.
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Phyextraction; chenopodium album L; contaminated soils |
Full Text |
Nucleated red blood cells and
eosinopenia as a high risk mortality marker in patients of the
intensive care units
Amal Sabry1,
Amr Abd Allah2,
University, anesthesia and surgical intensive care department,
Alexandria, Egypt
critical care medicine
department, Alexandria, Egypt
critical care medicine
department, Alexandria, Egypt;;
Finding a reliable marker for mortality and morbidity in the
intensive care will always remain a challenge in our daily ICU
practice. Intensivists are
always concerned with the appropriate time to stop treatment and
when to relocate patients to ward.
mandates further research to find a reliable marker for
morbidity and mortality that can guide the course of treatment
in ICU.
Among all, NRBCs
and eosinopenia were the most interesting. Also, eosinopenia
showed a strong correlation with infection, which is considered
a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in ICU. Thus, in our
study, we were interested in investigating the impact of these
two available cheap parameters on mortality among intensive care
The current
study was conducted on 230 patients admitted to ICU over a six
month period. Patients below the age of 18, trauma patients and
surgical patients were excluded from this study. On the day of
admission, informed consents were obtained and APACHE II and
SAPS II scores were calculated for all patients. NRBCs and
eosinophils were measured using the automated blood analyzer
Sysmex XE 2100 and results were confirmed with a peripheral
blood smear.
was monitored during the ICU stay period. Our results revealed
that 27.39% of ICU patients were NRBC-positive, and nearly 31%
of them showed NRBCs in their blood on the day of admission. The
total mortality of NRBC-positive patients was 50.8%. When
compared to the total mortality of the NRBC-negative patients
(8.4%), we realize the high prognostic power of the mechanized
NRBCs detection in blood as regards mortality, revealing
sensitivity of 69.6% and specificity of 83.2%, thus, increasing
the mortality risk by eleven folds.
length of ICU stay of the NRBC-positive patients (12.86 days),
which was nearly double that of the NRBC-negative patients (5.42
NRBCs appeared
around seven days before mortality, thus, could be considered an
early marker.
with NRBC–positive blood profile or worsening eosinopenia should
raise the suspicion for a deteriorating pathology and should not
be relocated to ward or discharged to home, even if apparently
healthy, unless fully investigated.
Amr Abd Allah, Lamiaa
Nucleated red blood cells and eosinopenia as a high risk
mortality marker in patients of the intensive care units.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):88-95].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
eosinopenia, APACHE II, SAPS II |
Full Text |
Effect of human resource
management systems on organizational performance emphasizing
mediate effect of intellectual capital in employees of Electric
power Distribution company of Shiraz in I.R.IRAN
Dr. Alireza Mooghali
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Economics and
Social Science, Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395-3697
Tehran, IRAN.
Although modern information-based technologies affect
increasingly on the various aspects of human life, it is
believed that human resource is the main capital of each
organization, especially knowledge-based ones. This survey is
mainly aimed to investigate the relationship between human
resource management systems and organizational performance
emphasizing the mediate effect of intellectual capital in
employees of Electric Distribution Company of Shiraz. This is a
descriptive correlation survey in which 173 person of 314
employees of Electric Distribution Company of Shiraz were
randomly selected. Data was collected by use of Likrets multiple
– choice questionnaire. In order to analyze data, descriptive
and deductive methods were used. According to the results, all
of hypotheses were accepted. Therefore, there is a direct
relationship between the all aspects of human resource
management system and the elements of intellectual capital.
Moreover, there is a direct relationship between the elements of
intellectual capital and organizational performance.
[Alireza Mooghali. Effect of human resource management systems
on organizational performance emphasizing mediate effect of
intellectual capital in employees of Electric power
Distribution company of Shiraz in I.R. IRAN.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):96-101].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
human resource management system, intellectual capital,
organizational performance, path analysis |
Full Text |
anti-tumour effect of propolis against Ehrlich carcinoma
Mohamed O. T. Badr*,
Nariman M.M Edrees, Amany A.M Abdallah, Mohamed A. Hashem, Nasr A.M.N. El-Deen, Ahmed N F. Neamat-Allah and Hager T.H Ismail
Department of
Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, 1 Alzeraa Street Postal Code 44511, Zagazig City,
Sharkia Province, Egypt.
Two hundred and fifty female Swiss
mice were used to study synergistic anti-tumour activity of
propolis to enhance methotrexate activity on mice bearing
Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC). They equal divided into 5
groups: 1st kept as negative control, 2nd
was implanted intraperitoneally with 2.5×106 EAC and
kept as positive control and, 3rd implanted
intraperitoneally with 2.5×106 EAC and treated with
propolis by dose (50 mg/kg body weight), were given by gastric
intubations 2 hours prior to the intraperitoneal injection of
EAC,4th implanted intraperitoneally with 2.5×106
EAC and treated with methotrexate by dose (0.4 mg/kg body
weight) and 5th implanted with the same count of the
EAC cells and treated with combination of propolis and
methotrexate(50 mg/kg body weight and 0.4 mg/kg body
weight,respectively) for eleven successive days. Increasing
mean survival time (MST), increasing life span (ILS %) and
treated vs. positive control (T/C %) in the all treated groups
with increased of the body weight, volume of ascitic fluid,
total number of EAC cells, viable % cells and decreased of dead%
cells in second group while in groups 3,4 and 5 which treated by
trials of propolis, methotrexate and combination of the two
compounds respectively, revealed decreasing in body weight,
volume of the ascitic fluid, total number of EAC cells and the
percentage of life cells. Histopathology revealed that least
degree of malignancy was in combination group where malignant
OT. Badr; Nariman MM Edrees; Amany AM Abdallah; Mohamed A
Hashem; Nasr AMN. El-Deen; Ahmed NF. Neamat-Allah and Hager TH
Ismail. Synergistic anti-tumour effect of propolis against
Ehrlich carcinoma.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):102-109]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Protective, EAC,Biochemical, Egypt, Propolis, Methotrexate,
Trexan |
Full Text |
Pulmonary Function Changes in
Allergic Rhinitis With or Without Bronchial Asthma
Nevine El-Helaly1, Samia M. Samy2, Tarek
S. Ibrahim*2, William M. Morcos2, Hassan
M. ElHoshy3 and Dina A. Mohamed2
3 E.N.T. Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University and 2Child Health Department, National
Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
rhinitis is considered as a risk factor for asthma. It may
aggravate the underlying asthma and worsen the pulmonary
function. Asthma and allergic rhinitis frequently co-exist in
the same patient and are thought to share common predisposing
genetic factors which interact with the environmental
influences. Objective: The aim of this study was to measure and
compare pulmonary function tests in patients with allergic
rhinitis alone, allergic rhinitis associated with bronchial
asthma and bronchial asthma alone before and after treatment.
and Methods: This study included 60 children aged 6-12 years and
were classified into 3 groups; group I: allergic rhinitis
without asthma, group II: asthma without rhinitis and group III:
allergic rhinitis with asthma (all asthmatic patients were in
stable state). All patients were not given any anti-inflammatory
medications three months prior to our study. Serum IgE level and
pulmonary function tests (FVC, FEV, FEF25-75
and PEF) were done for all patient. Our patients were given
treatment in the form of antihistaminics and intranasal steroids
for allergic rhinitis, inhaled corticosteroids for asthma and
both treatment were given for asthmatic patients with allergic
rhinitis. After 3 months, pulmonary functions were repeated to
assess the effect of treatment. Results: Our results revealed
high significant rise of serum IgE level in all groups with the
highest values in group III (255.23 + 38.79). The
comparison between the studied groups in each parameter of the
pulmonary function showed a significant increase after treatment
in all groups with lowest values in group III. Conclusion: A
substantial proportion of children with allergic rhinitis have
impaired pulmonary functions, mainly reduced FEF25-75
values which were significantly improved with treatment by
intranasal corticosteroids. Patients with both asthma and
rhinitis show an increase in asthma severity and have the worst
pulmonary functions with great improvement by proper treatment
of allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Yassien. Effect of Web-Based Brain Training Program on
Cognitive and Academic Functions of Student Nurses with Sickle
Cell Disease. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1):110-114]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Allergic rhinitis – Bronchial asthma – Pulmonary functions |
Full Text |
Effect of Web-Based Brain
Training Program on Cognitive and Academic Functions of Student
Nurses with Sickle Cell Disease
Sahar Yassien
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University, Cairo,
Cognitive impairments associated with SCD are among
the most devastating, and least
studied complications. The use of web based brain
training program as a remedial intervention was supposed to
improve their cognitive and academic functions. This
study aimed to evaluate the effect of web-based brain
training program on cognitive and academic functions of student
nurses with sickle cell disease. A quasi experimental double
control design was utilized in this study. Two matched groups;
experimental and control groups were recruited conveniently,
thirty students for each. Their mean age was (19.8±0.9years
and (19.7±1.1years) QUOTE
The experimental group students utilized the brain training
program while the control did not. Academic and cognitive
evaluation was applied for the two groups. The results
revealed a non-significant difference between the two groups
before program implementation, but revealed a highly statistical
significant difference between the two groups regarding their
cognitive functions after program implementation. There was a
significant change in cognitive function within the experimental
group after the program implementation. Concerning academic
functions there was a non significant difference between the two
groups and non significant change within the experimental group.
In conclusion: a
web-based brain training program was effective in improving
cognitive functions, and
provide some evidence of transfer of this improvement into the
SCD student academic life.
Yassien. Effect of Web-Based Brain Training Program on
Cognitive and Academic Functions of Student Nurses with Sickle
Cell Disease. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1):115-126]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Sickle cell disease – Cognitive impairment – Neuroplasticity –
Brain training |
Full Text |
The Difference between Right
Side and Semi Recumbent Positions after Feeding on Gastric
Residual Volume among Infants
Hewida Ahmed Hussein
Pediatric Nursing Department,
Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University
Gastric residual volume
(GRV) is considered as an objective parameter for gastric
emptying and tolerance of feeding. The effect of infant's
position after feeding on gastric residual has been mostly
conducted in infants. The aim of this study was to assess the
difference between right side and semi recumbent positions after
feeding on gastric residual volume among infants. A quasi
experimental design was utilized. The current study was
conducted in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at New
Pediatric Specialized Hospital, Cairo University. A sample of 35
infants included in the study one day after being admitted to
PICU and fulfilling the inclusion criteria, and two tools
utilized to collect the required data: socio-demographic data
sheet and GRV record sheet. The main results revealed that more
than seventy percent of the infants were male, the mean age of
infants was 6.5 ± 2.2 months and regarding to grade of
respiratory distress more than half of infants with grade II. No
significant difference was detected between infants positioned
at right side and semi recumbent regarding amount of GRV after
feeding. The current study recommended that nurses can place
infants in semi recumbent position or right side after feeding.
Replication of the study in bigger sample with different
Ahmed Hussein. The Difference between Right Side and Semi
Recumbent Positions after Feeding on Gastric Residual Volume
among Infants. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1):127-132]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
GRV; gastric empty; infants; right side; semi recumbent
position; PICU |
Full Text |
Fault diagnosis of Spur gear
using vibration analysis
Ebrahim Ebrahimi
Department of Mechanical
Engineering of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Engineering,
Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah, Iran.
Fault detection in gear train
system is important in order to transmitting power effectively.
Vibration signals extracted from rotating parts of machineries
carries lot many information within them about the condition of
the operating machine. Further processing of these raw vibration
signatures measured at a convenient location of the machine
unravels the condition of the component or assembly under study.
In this paper we study the faults that occur in the spur gear
and compare fault signs of them in the time and frequency domain
Fault diagnosis of Spur gear using vibration analysis.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):133-138]. (ISSN:
fault diagnosis; spur gear; vibration analysis |
Full Text |
Transmission of
Postcolonialism through Translation, Discourse Analysis of
"Heart of Darkness" and Two of its Persian Translations at Micro
and Macro Levels
Dr. Mansour Fahim1,
Mandana Eftekhar Paziraie 2
Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of
Foreign Languages, Department of English Language, Tehran, Iran
Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of Foreign
Languages, Department of English Language, Tehran, Iran.
article mainly focused on transmission of post colonialism
throughout translation, with particular emphasis on literary
translation. For this purpose, the researcher employed the
discourse analysis (DA) model in both micro and macro levels
proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976), and Hatch (1992),
respectively to delve into probable differences of endophoric
references, conjunctions, and reiterations on one hand, and
characters on the other, in the two Persian translations of
"Heart of Darkness." Moreover, the researcher examined footnotes
and translator's judgments to see how the two translators faced
with the issue of post colonialism in their translations. To
carry out this qualitative, quantitative, descriptive
corpus-based research, two translations of the English novel
done by two different Persian translators were examined. The
results clearly showed that the frequency use of characters at
macro level, and endophoric references, conjunctions, and
reiterations as grammatical and lexical cohesive devices at
micro level have visibly affected the translation products and
manifest signs of different manipulations within the micro level
could be observed. Besides, the results showed that the
frequency use of footnotes and prefaces affected the issue of
[Dr. Mansour Fahim, Mandana
Eftekhar Paziraie. Transmission of Postcolonialism
through Translation, Discourse Analysis of "Heart of Darkness"
and Two of its Persian Translations at Micro and Macro Levels.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):139-146].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
translation, post colonialism, discourse analysis at micro and
macro levels, cohesive devices |
Full Text |
Effects of light
curing and remineralization on micro hardness of nano esthetic
restorative materials
Sahar A. M. Abd El Halim
Assistant Professor,
Department of operative dentistry, Qassim University, Saudi
Corresponding Author:
Objectives: The aim of this
study was to investigate the effect of remineralization and
light exposure on microhardness of Nano-composite FiltekTM Z 350
XT, Nano glass ionomer Ketac N100 and Micro-hybrid composite
Filtek Z250.
Materials and Methods:
96 samples were prepared in disc shaped stainless steel molds
with uniform size of (6mm) diameter and (2 mm) thickness.
Samples were divided according to materials used into three
groups and then each group was subdivided into subgroup
according to light of curing. A single operator prepared the
samples. Each subgroup was divided into two groups(eight in
each) according to used remineralizing agent (GC MI Paste
Plus) or not. Two curing units were
used to polymerize the samples halogen Cromalux 7050
[Mega-PHYSIK GmbH & Co KG, Megadenta, Germany]
and LED [Bluephase C5,
IvoclarVivadent] for 40Sec. Samples were stored in a dark
container in distilled water for 24hr and then one group had
Vickers microhardness test and put the other one in the
remineralizing agent for 7 days before microhardness test.
Statistical analysis for all data were analyzed by two
way analysis of ANOVA and Tukey’s tests. Results:
In all the tested materials, LED curing, whether used alone or
in combination with remineralizing mouse, resulted in greater
microhardness, at both the top and bottom surfaces, compared to
halogen light curing alone or in combination with remineralizing
mouse. Glass ionomer N100, whether cured by LED or halogen
light- showed the lowest microhradness compared to Z250 and Z350
Conclusions: LED curing were significantly influenced
the microhardness values for all tested materials. Glass ionomer
showed the lowest micro-hardness compared to Z250 and Z350.
A. M. Abd El Halim. Effects of
light curing and remineralization on micro hardness of nano
esthetic restorative materials.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):147-151]. (ISSN:
Key words:
light cure- remineralization- microhardness - nano-composite |
Full Text |
The Application of Random
Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in the Classification of
Egyptian Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) Cultivars
Mohamed M. Sakr1, Wael
M. Hassan*2, Isam M. Abu Zeid3,
Abdel-Rahman E. Hassan3, Abd-Elghany E. Baz3
of Science, North Jeddah Branch, King Abulaziz University,
2Department of Environmental Science,
Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Omar
Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya, 3Faculty of
Education, King Abulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.4Department
of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal
University, Ismailia, Egypt. *
Abstract: This study aims to classify date palm
(Phoenix dactylifera L)
using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Eight date palm
genotypes; Amhat, Barhy, Bint Aisha, Zaghloul, Hayany, Amry,
Kuboshy and Samany cultivars and one male genotype were
analysed. Twenty random primers were used to screen the
genotypes but five produced reproducible bands. The five primers
yielded 179 bands (with an average of 36 bands per primer),
including eleven polymorphic bands. The primer OPK4 in
particular, produced a large number of strongly amplified and
individual fragments (47 fragments), whereas, primer OPK1
produced the lowest number (21 fragments). Primer OPK1 gave the
highest percentage of polymorphism (9.52), while OPK4 gave the
lowest percentage of polymorphism (4.25). Two primers OPK4 and
OPK5 produced amplification products that were monomorphic
across all the female cultivars. Three primers OPK1, OPK3 and
OPK7 revealed low polymorphisms (6.14%). Analysis of all the
bands recorded showed 93.36% similarity (11 polymorphic
fragments out of a total of 179). The results showed distinct
variation in the profiles within the female cultivars and male
genotype especially with primers OPK1, OPK3 and OPK. RAPD-PCR
showed that the male genotype is different from the female
cultivars and that there is a high degree of similarity among
the female cultivars of the date palm.
M, Sakr, Wael M. Hassan, Isam M. Abu Zeid, Abdel-Rahman, E.
Hassan, and Abd-Elghany E. Baz. The Application of
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in the Classification of
Egyptian Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) Cultivars.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):152-159]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 23
RAPD - Egyptian Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L)
cultivars identification. |
Full Text |
An appropriate pattern to
solving a parallel machine scheduling by a combination of
meta-heuristic and data mining
Mohamadreza Kaviani 1,2,
Majid Aminnayeri 1*,
Seyed Nima Rafienejad 1, Fariborz Jolai 3
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of
Technology, Tehran, Iran,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University,
North Tehran branch, Tehran, Iran
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran
Scheduling problems’ applications in nowadays competitive world
and the rate of their result’s usage in industrial area
demonstrate the importance of this problem. In this article, an
identical parallel machine by the objective function of total
weighted tardiness is considered. As the
nature of these problems, meta-heuristic algorithms are commonly
applied to solve them. These kinds of algorithms are able to
reach the near optimal solution in an acceptable time, but do
not explain how a solution developed. It is tried, by
Attribute-Oriented Induction and Clustering technique, to reveal
proper patterns relied under these problems characteristics and
with that justify the final solution found by Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Moreover, these rules could
applied to similar problems and provide solutions that are
generally better than simple dispatching rules.
[Mohamadreza Kaviani, Majid Aminnayeri, Seyed Nima Rafienejad,
Fariborz Jolai.
An appropriate pattern to solving a parallel machine scheduling
by a combination of meta-heuristic and data mining.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):160-167]. (ISSN:
Parallel Machine Scheduling, Particle Swarm Optimization, Data
Mining, Clustering, Validity Index |
Full Text
English Language Teaching through the Translation Method at
Secondary level Education in Bangladesh
Nitish Kumar Mondal
English Discipline,
University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
Teaching English to non-natives is always regarded as a
difficult task, to which teaching English to Bangladeshi
students especially secondary level learners’ accountants are no
exception. Although English is largely used in Bangladeshi
educational systems from primary to advance level, Bangladeshi
students have to face difficulties in the world of English.
After passing primary education (five years) it is observed that
Bangladeshi students can not learn English well. As their field
of English knowledge is not well-organized, they have to work
hard to improve their English-language skills. Thus, the present
paper aims to find out the merits and demerits of the
translation method and the suitability of this method in context
of Bangladesh for learning English at secondary level education.
Kumar Mondal.
English Language Teaching through the Translation Method at
Secondary level Education in Bangladesh.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):168-173]. (ISSN:
English language; Translation; Secondary; Education; Merits;
Demerits |
Full Text |
of Seasonal Variation of Air Pollutants, No2, So2,
Pm10 and Land Surface Temperature (Lst) of Nile Delta
M. I. El- Gammal1,
R. A. Youssef*2, R.
R. Ali2 and Amany, G. Madkour1
Science Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta Branch,
Mansoura University, Egypt
Soils and Water use Department, National Research Centre, Cairo,
Climate change can be driven by change in the atmospheric
concentrations of a number of radiatively active gases and
aerosols, human activities have affected concentrations,
distributions and life cycles of these gases. Therefore,
the objective of this
study to
the impact of air pollutants (e. g. NO2, SO2,
and PM10) on Land Surface Temperature (LST)
at the Nile Delta
In the
present study, twenty sites located at the southeast of Nile
Delta were selected. A
total of twenty eight Landsat ETM+ images bands 6, of path (176)
and row (39), acquired during the years from 2000 to 2009; are
employed in the current study.
The images were processed in ENVI 4.7 software to estimate the
mean of LST for the warm and cold seasons over the study sites.
The available analytical data of air pollutants (e. g. SO2,
NO2, and PM10) have been collected
from the monthly reports of Environmental Information and
Monitoring Program published during 2006 year.
The correlation between the LST and pollutants was worked out
using SPSS software. The results indicate that the correlation
between NO2, PM10 and LST is positive.
Whereas, the results of SO2 show that the correlation
is negative.
I. El- Gammal, R. A. Youssef,
R. R. Ali and Amany, G. Madkour.
of Seasonal Variation of Air Pollutants, No2, So2,
Pm10 and Land Surface Temperature (Lst) of Nile Delta
J Am Sci. 2012;
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Climate change; Land Surface
Temperature (LST); Pollutants,
NO2, SO2, and PM10, Nile
Delta. |
Full Text |
Ameliorative potential of
Myristica fragrans
extract as hypoglycemic
agent on oxidative stress produced by diabetes mellitus in mice
Ayman A. Farghaly
1*, Zeinab M. Hassan2 and Souria M. Donya3
1, 3
Dept. Genetics and Cytology, National Research Center, Dokki
Tahrir Street, 12622 Giza Egypt.
2Dept. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, National Research Center,
Dokki Tahrir Street, 12622 Giza Egypt.
* Corresponding
author: Ayman A. Farghaly
Diabetes mellitus (DM)
is a common disease affecting several million individuals
worldwide. An increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
insufficient antioxidant activity is known in DM.
Damage has been
reported to occur on all components of biological systems (e.g.,
DNA, RNA, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, low-molecular-mass
species, antioxidants) due to the high reactivity of many
oxidants. Antioxidant
compounds in the human foods or supplementary diets can be used
to counteract several diseases. The
treatment of DM with complementary and alternative medicines
(CAM) such as dietary supplements and plant-based medicines is
increasingly practiced. The myristica fragrans seeds usually
used as spice and commonly known as nutmeg have
anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and hepatoprotective
activities. The present study was designed to evaluate
the antigenotoxic effects of aqueous extract of
M. fragrans on DNA damage
induced by DM using micronucleus assay (MN) in liver cells and
chromosomal aberrations in spermatocyte cells in mice. MN
frequency and chromosomal aberrations was significantly
increased in diabetic mice compared with the normal mice (p <
0.05). Oral administration of aqueous extract of
M. fragrans (0.1ml/mouse) for 5, 10 and 15 days groups treatment
in diabetic mice were significantly decreased MN frequency and
chromosomal aberrations in a time dependent manner. According to
our knowledge this is the first report on the antigenotoxic
capacity of M. fragrans against
DNA damage induced by DM in vivo.
[Ayman A. Farghaly, Zeinab M.
Hassan and Souria M. Donya. Ameliorative potential of
Myristica fragrans
extract as
hypoglycemic agent on oxidative stress produced by diabetes
mellitus in mice. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1):183-189]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 27
Diabetes mellitus, Myristica fragrans water extract,
Antigenotoxicity. |
Full Text |
Protective Effect of
Cinnamomum Camphora Leaves Extract against Atrazine Induced
Genotoxicity and Biochemical Effect on Mice
Asmaa S. Salman. 1*,
Ayman A. Farghaly1,
Souria M. Donya1,
Fawzia Shata2
1- Dept. of Genetics and
Cytology, National Research Center, Dokki Tahrir Street, 12622
Giza, Egypt.
2- Dept. Anim. Reprod. &
A. I., National Research Center, Dokki, Tahrir
Street, 12622 Giza, Egypt.
Corresponding author:
Asmaa S. Salman
E. mail:
Atrazine (AT) is one of the most commonly used herbicides to
control grasses and weeds. The widespread contamination and
persistence of AT residues in the environment has resulted in
human exposure. The present study was undertaken to investigate
protective effect of Cinnamomum Camphora Leaves Extract
(CLE) against AT-induced genotoxicity and biochemical changes in
mice. Mice were given a 2% Cinnamomum Camphora hot water
extract as their sole source of drinking water for 2, 4 and 6
weeks. After consumption of CLE animals were orally treated with
AT at a total dose of 420 mg/kg body weight on 3 consecutive
days. Our results showed that administration of CLE
significantly reduced the percentage of DNA damage and
chromosomal aberrations induced by AT. Also, it regulates
glutathione and lipid peroxidase enzymes. These findings clearly
demonstrated the protective effect of CLE in attenuating
AT-induced genotoxicity and biochemical changes.
S. Salman, Ayman A. Farghaly, Souria M. Donya, Fawzia Shata.
Protective Effect of Cinnamomum Camphora Leaves Extract
against Atrazine Induced Genotoxicity and Biochemical Effect on
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):190-196].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Cinnamomum Camphora, Atrazine, Genotoxicity, DNA
fragmentation, Micronucleus, Glutathione |
Full Text |
Improvement of Self-Organized
Public Key Management for MANET
Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani 1,
Shojaiemehr 2
Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of
Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman,
This paper studies key
management, a fundamental problem in securing Mobile Ad hoc
Networks (MANETs) and presents a description of a self-organized
public key management scheme and a comparison among number of
certificate-based authentication schemes for mobile ad hoc
networks. In this paper we improve self-organized public key
management by combine features of self-organized schemes.
[Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani, Bahador
Shojaiemehr. Improvement of
Self-Organized Public Key Management for MANET. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):197-202].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Authentication; Cryptography; Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET);
Certificate chain; Public key management |
Full Text |
Ali Assari, Erfan Assari
Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan Sciences and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
at the case of protecting heritage, urban spirit assessment
and its value should be considered. In the case of historic
cities, this assessment is more complex, because these areas are
dynamic and evolving over time. This paper has shown existing
problem that most of them have focused mainly on the physical
characteristics of urban conservation and heritage protection in
the context of urban development in Isfahan city. Such as
Climate and environment, Historic cities structure, Formation of
urban spaces and other factors.
It describes the evolution of a conservation program for
the historic centre of Isfahan city and provides an overview of
urban conservation diagram and practices in numeric format.
Finally, conclusions are drawn about the link between
conservation and urban spirit.
Assari, Erfan Assari.
Urban spirit and heritage conservation problems: case study
Isfahan city in Iran.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):203-209]. (ISSN:
Key words:
urban spirit, heritage conservation, heritage protection, urban
development |
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Investigating Related Factors To Women Addiction Of Tehran
According To Agnew‘s strain theory
Habib Ahmadi, Masoumeh Parsa nejad,
Leila Nickpoor Ghanvati ,
Reza Zare
. Professor of
Sociology in Shiraz University, Department of Sociology, Shiraz
University, Tell: +989171114184, Email:
This study has been done as
testing power of Agnew‘s strain theory in specifying women
addiction. Agnew’s idea is that the sources of strain do not
have social class nature. And each person disregards to his
social class base, if faces to strain, negative feelings may be
created by him therefore committed social deviance like
addiction to narcotics. As to answer to the question of “ why
all people under strain do not commit social deviance, he has
pointed to interfering factors such as religiosity and
self-esteem which can reduce negative feelings and decrease
social deviance like addiction. This project has been done by
survey method. 180 of addictive women in quitting turned to
centers of self-reagent of Tehran (Khorshid House, Martyr
family, Martyr Mellat Doost) have been investigated. Research
conclusion shows that addictive women faced to different kinds
of psychological and social stains. By investigating
interfering variables distinguished that self-esteem and
religiosity done as decreasing factors of strain and
consequently decreasing addiction.
Ahmadi, Masoumeh Parsa nejad, Leila Nickpoor Ghanvati, Reza
Investigating Related Factors To Women Addiction Of Tehran
According To Agnew‘s strain theory.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):210-215].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key word:
Agnew’s General Strain Theory; Addiction; Self-esteem;
Religiosity |
Full Text |
Biomechanical Studies on
Femoral Fracture Repair Fixed By Different Fixation Methods in
Inas, N.EL-Husseiny1;
M.B.1; El
Habak, A.M2and Harb, H.F3
of Veterinary Surgery, Anaesthesiology and Radiology Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
Cairo University
Veterinary Hospital, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt
This work was carried out to study the influence of mechanical
tension and bending fracture forces on 21 repaired femora in
dogs after fixation with intramedullary pins, bone plates and
screws and transkeletal fixation. Biomechanical evaluation
proved that, in case of intramedullary pinning technique, there
was no significant (P<0.05) difference in mechanical tension and
bending force values compared with the normal values. During
maximum mechanical tension, the site of the fracture lines were
at the supra-condylar region and the shape was transverse and
during bending forces, the fracture occurred at the
mid-diaphysis with oblique fracture line. Repaired femora fixed
with bone plates and screws showed a significant (P<0.05)
decrease in the mean values of tension and bending mechanical
forces compared with the normal values. The shape and site of
the fracture patterns were observed at the sites of the screw
holes either in the proximal or distal segments and the fracture
lines were transverse. Repaired femora fixed with external
transkeletal fixation showed no significant (P<0.05) changes in
the tension force values compared with the normal values, while,
there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the mean bending
force values compared with the normal values. The shape and the
sites of the fracture lines for both mechanical tension and
bending forces were observed at the sites of the pin holes
either at the proximal or distal bone segments and the shape of
the fracture lines was transverse. In conclusion, the present
study indicated that, the maximum mechanical fracture forces of
the repaired femora were significantly influenced by the used
fixation device. Treatment with intramedullary pinning had a
better or minimal mechanical effect on the repaired femora,
meanwhile, with the other two techniques, bone plates and screws
as well as external skeletal fixation, the mechanical strength
of the repaired femora decreased significantly. However,
fixation with external skeletal acrylic fixation was better than
fixation using bone plates and screws regarding the mechanical
bone strength.
N.EL-Husseiny; Mostafa,
M.B.; El Habak, A.M
and Harb, H.F.
Biomechanical Studies on Femoral Fracture Repair Fixed
By Different Fixation Methods in Dogs. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):216-222]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 32
bone,biomechanics, bone fixation,fractures,biomechnical forces |
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Mojtaba Beigzadeh
Abbassi1, Mohamad Hashemi Gahruei2 and
Saeed Vahidi3
Department of
mechanical Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan,
Researchers Club, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Shahrekord, Iran
Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
Biodiesel is a fuel which due to its environmental friendly and
renewability properties has established a proper place among
researchers. There have been several researches on this fuel. But it has not been observed in a certain research on biodiesel
to demonstrate, by using numerical simulators, the behavior of
this fuel in an engine which performs a specific cycle. In this
research it is considered to review the irreversible
Diesel-Atkinson cycle of biodiesel fuel and its compounds by
means of thermodynamics laws and finite time thermodynamics when
the biodiesel fuel is applied as the operative fluid inside the
cycle. The results from numerical simulation showed that
applying biodiesel fuel and its compounds in this cycle proved
to have similar or in some cases even better results from the
traditional diesel fuel.
[Mojtaba Beigzadeh Abbassi, Mohamad Hashemi Gahruei
and Saeed Vahidi. Comparison of the Performances of Biodiesel,
Diesel, and Their Compound in Air Standard Diesel-Atkinson
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):223-229]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 33
Key words: Diesel-Atkinson,
Finite-time thermodynamics, Biodiesel, Fuel |
Full Text |
Sequence analysis of the
glycoprotein envelope gene of duck enteritis virus
S. El-Mahdy;
Y.A. Nermeen Mahmoud And Saher, M. Saber
Central Laboratory for Evaluation
of Veterinary biologics, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt.
Duck enteritis virus ul35 gene
was amplified from two strains and the nucleotide sequence
alignment was done. Many substitutions were seen
between the two sequences which resulted in minimum changes in
the amino acids denoting the silent mutations. Several deletion
mutations also seen in both sequences. The deduced amino acid
sequence showed that the conservative domain belongs to the
fusion _gly_k protein superfamily which is essential in the
viral attachment and assembly. Dot blot analysis of each gene
against itself showed no inverted repeats but analysis of the
genes against each other revealed the presence of difference at
the 3’ end. Antigenicity profile of each protein using Kolaskar
and Tongaonkar revealed some difference at amino acid position
80 – 110 which more antigenic profile of the UL35 antigen of the
local strain. In conclusion the production of a DNA vaccine
against this protein from the local strain would persumply
potentiate the immune system to prevent the virus from
attachment and /or release?
S. El-Mahdy; Soliman,
Y.A. Nermeen, Mahmoud And Saher, M. Saber.
Sequence analysis of the
glycoprotein envelope gene of duck enteritis virus.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):230-239]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 34
Duck enteritis virus, ul35 gene, VP26 antigen |
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From Algae
Nnorom Achara
MDPGA, Ministry of Defence,
Wethersfield Braintree, United Kingdom
The species of algae
suitable for lipids production are the microphyites or
phytoplankton. One of the key reasons why microalgae are
considered for lipids production is the rapid growth rate. Some
algal strains are capable of doubling their mass several times
in the day. There are certain factors that are beneficial for
healthy growth of algae and these include the right nutrients,
light and temperature range. There are two main methods in
algaculture and these are the open and the closed systems. The
prevalent closed system in use is the photobioreactor. Open pond
cultivation is limited to strains that are resistant to
contamination by other micro organisms. When matured, the algae
are harvested by the use of either microscreens,
flocculation or
froth flotation. Oil extraction is accomplished either by
mechanical press or the use of chemical solvents.
Biofuel From Algae.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):240-244].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
lipids, microalgae, microphytes, biofuel, nutrients,
photobioreactor, raceway. |
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Exploring main factors affecting on impulse buying
Meysam Salimi2, Mohsen Nazari3, Masoumeh
Sadat Ardestani4
of Economical Institutes Department, University of Economic
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran,
The increasing growth
in consumption and possibility of credit purchases around the
world has provided
an excellent opportunity to buy spontaneously
(impulsively), however, there was little information about the Impulsive purchase in the eastern and transitional societies.
The purpose of this investigation was to explore some main
factors affecting on
impulse buying
in conjunction with clothing market. In order to examine the offered model after creating a questionnaire,
validity and reality of data have been tested.
Results from SPSS software shows
tools and gender
especially for purchasing cloth. On the other hand, effectiveness of hypotheses ‘seller
‘shopping with the others’ and ‘production’ not
confirmed in this survey. [Hamid
Meysam Salimi, MohsenNazari, Masoumeh Sadat Ardestani.
Exploring main
factors affecting on impulse buying behaviors. Journal
of American
clothing purchase,
management, Impulse
buying. |
Full Text |
The relation between simple
obesity, Asthma and the serum level of interleukin-6 (IL-6) In
Egyptian Children
Ahmed El-Shazly1,
Ahmed Ezzat1, Safya Jlal1, Rania Ibrahim1,
Anas Abdel Rahman2
Departments of 1Pediatric
and 2Clinical Pathology, Benha University Hospital
Objectives: obesity
is considered a risk factor for asthma, in spite of the
mechanism of connection between the two conditions isn't clear.
In this study we investigated the relationship between asthma,
simple obesity and serum level of interleukin 6 (IL6). Patients
and Methods: 51 Egyptian child, attending chest and allergy out
patient Pediatric Clinics Benha University hospital aged from 3
to 15 years old. From June 2010 to June 2011. the studied group
divided into 34 asthmatics (cases) and 17 healthy non asthmatic
(control). Asthmatic and control subjects were divided into 2
main sub groups: obese and non obese. We did for all subjects:
complete history taking, anthropometric measures (weight,
height, calculation of BMI, Mid arm circumference), complete
blood picture (CBC) including eosinophilic%, peak expiratory
flow rate (PEFR) as one of pulmonary function test, measurement
of serum interleukin 6 (IL.6). Results: IL.6 serum level was in
asthmatic patients in general more than its level in controls.
In obese asthmatics the IL.6 level was higher than non obese
asthmatics and the same between obese and non obese controls.
Increase IL-6 level was related to increase BMI percentiles. Increase IL-6 level and BMI percentiles related to increase the
severity of asthma. PEFR is lower in asthmatics than the
controls. PEFR is more lower with the severity of asthma.
Conclusion: there is a relationship between IL.6 serum level and
simple obesity and asthma. We found that obesity may precipitate
asthma and so weight reduction of obese asthmatic patients may
be helpful in the treatment of asthma.
El-Shazly, Ahmed Ezzat, Safya Jlal, Rania Ibrahim, Anas Abdel
Rahman. The
relation between simple obesity, Asthma and the serum level of
interleukin-6 (IL-6) In Egyptian Children.
J Am Sci.
2012; 8(1):252-257]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 37
Key words:
asthma, obesity, IL.6. |
Full Text |
Anxiety level and Difficult
Patients in Prosthodontic Clinic
Amal A. El Sawy
Department of Prosthodontic,
Faculty of Dentistry, Minia University
Background: In recent years, psychological factors such as
anxiety have increased. The psychological status of an
individual is an effective stimulus for unexpected behavior.
Purpose: Evaluate the anxiety level for normal and difficult
patients in prosthodontic clinic, and the relationship between
anxiety level and the difficult patient.
Determine the factors can increase the occurrence of difficult
patients in the clinic. Material and method: One hundred
patients, 65 male and 35 female, in the age range 30-65 years
were randomly selected for the study. The State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI) was used to measure the anxiety level of the
selected sample. The difficult patients were identified and
classified according to Graves’s classification. Result: anxiety
was influenced by the patients’ age, behavior and social
problems. Patients aged less than 50 had higher anxiety levels
than patients aged 50 years or over. The anxiety score for
patients with abnormal behavior was higher than for patients
with normal behavior. The social problems were a factor which
increased the anxiety scores. The anxiety scores for difficult
patients were higher than for normal patients, but this
difference was statistically insignificant.
The patients’ behavior and social problems were the main factors
for creating the difficult patient (P-values < 0.05 were
considered significant). Conclusion:
adult patients (age group less than 50 years) had higher anxiety
levels than the old patients. The anxiety scores for difficult
patients were higher than for normal patients.
The patients’ behavior and social problems were the main factors
for creating the difficult patient.
A. El Sawy. Anxiety
level and Difficult Patients in Prosthodontic Clinic.
J Am Sci.
2012; 8(1):258-263]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 38
Key words:
State-Trait -Anxiety Inventory- Graves’s classification- Anxiety
score- Patients’ age -Patient behavior- Social problem |
Full Text |
The Use of
Technology by University Adolescent Students and Its Relation to
Attention, Sleep, and Academic Achievement
Amal Ahmed Khalil
Morsy1 and Nagat Salah Shalaby2
¹Pediatric Nursing,
Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University
²Obstetric and
gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University
The aim of the study was to investigate the relations between
adolescents' self-reports of technology usage and their sleep
patterns, attention difficulties, and academic achievement.
Background. Many adolescents use the internet, cell phones,
television, computer and video games on a daily basis.
Therefore, an important question how is technology affecting
adolescents sleep pattern, attention difficulties and their
academic performance. Methods. The study was carried out
in all seven faculties in Port Said city using a cross-sectional
analytic design. A convenience sample of 683 students was
recruited from the first and second grades of each faculty. Data
were collected using two tools devised specifically for the
study. Results. 84.5% of adolescents reported having
computers at home and 50.1% in their bedrooms. There was a
statistically significant relation between sleep insufficiency
and nocturnal use of technology, particularly the use of SMS
(p<0.001). Higher attention scores were found among those with
frequent use of educational internet (p=0.040), and with rare
sleep on TV (p=0.003). GPA scores were higher among those with
rare use of educational internet (p=0.025), and those making
calls after 10 pm (p=0.019). The highest attention score was
among those feeling getting enough sleep (p<0.001), and the
attention score had a decreasing trend with the decrease in
scholastic achievement (p<0.001). Conclusion. The
findings point to the importance of giving more emphasis to
research in the area of technology use among adolescents and its
consequences. However, the findings should be interpreted
cautiously given the possible bias associated with
[Amal Ahmed Khalil
Morsy and Nagat Salah Shalaby. The Use of Technology by
University Adolescent Students and Its Relation to Attention,
Sleep, and Academic Achievement.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):264-270]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 39
Key words:
Academic performance, Adolescents, Attention difficulties, Sleep
pattern, Technology use |
Full Text |
Mouth Development of Malaysian River Catfish,
Mystus nemurus (C&V) Larvae
E. Ghada1, M. S. Kamarudin2, C. R. Saad2
and S. K. Daud3
of Fisheries Science, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and
Fisheries Science, University of Alneelain, Khartoum, Sudan
Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Aquaculture, University Putra Malaysia,
Faculty of Sciences Universitiy Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM,
Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia
Ontogenetic morphological development for the mouth of Malaysian
river cat fish Mystus nemerus larvae from hatching to 21
days post-hatch (dph) was studied to facilitate and determine
suitable food and food particle size for the growing larvae. The
eggs began to hatch 2 days after fertilization (daf) and most of
the larve hatched within 2-4 daf. The larval mouth opened at the
end of the 1 dph and the commencement of external feeding began
on 4 dph following the jaw movement. The barbels appeared on the
upper jaw and lower jaw on 3 dph.Tow small barbels appeared
around the olfactory pits by 5 dph. Free neuomasts were observed
below the lower jaw on 7 dph and around the olfactory pits,
eyes,and upper jaw operculum by 9 dph. Linear relationships
between mouth size (at 45˚and 90˚ opening) and total length of
fish were established.
E. Ghada, M. S. Kamarudin, C. R. Saad and S. K. Daud.
Mouth Development of Malaysian River Catfish, Mystus
nemurus (C&V) Larvae. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):271-276]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 40
Key words:
Malaysian river catfish; larvae; mouth development; Mystus
nemerus |
Full Text |
Arthrocentesis with Injection
of Tramadol and Cox-2 Inhibitor for the Management of Internal
Derangements of the Tempromandibular Joint
(A Comparative Study)
Tamer A. Hamed
Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery – Faculty of Dentistry – Suez Canal
Aim of the study: The
aim of this study was to compare arthrocentesis using COX-2
inhibitor versus tramadol in management of internal derangements
of the tempromandibular joint. Patients and Methods:
Twenty four joints with anterior disc displacement with and
without reduction were included in this study, they were
randomly divided into two groups. Group (I) were arthocentesis
was performed on twelve joints followed by intraarticular
injection of COX-2 inhibitor and Group (II) where the other
twelve joints were treated by arthrocentesis followed by
intraarticular injection of tramadol solution. The pain was
assisted by a visual analogue scale (VAS) preoperatively, three
days, one month and six months post operative, the maximum mouth
opening (MMO) and lateral excursion were also recorded
preoperatively and at the same previously mentioned periods.
Results: There was a statistically significant decrease in mean VAS as well as a
significant increase in both the maximum mouth opening and the
lateral excursion through all periods in Groups I and II,
however, Group II showed a significant improvement in VSA,
maximum mouth opening and lateral excursion over those of group
I. Conclusion:
Intraarticular injection of tramadol is effective in management
of clinical symptoms associated with internal derangements of
the tempromandibular joint.
A. Hamed.
Arthrocentesis with Injection of Tramadol and Cox-2 Inhibitor
for the Management of Internal Derangements of the
Tempromandibular Joint (A
Comparative Study).
J Am Sci.
2012; 8(1):277-283]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 41
Arthrocentesis Tramadol, Cox-2 inhibitor |
Full Text |
effects on
T. Hayat1 and F. A.
Hendi 2
of Mathematics, Quaid-I-AzamUniversity, Islamabad, Pakistan
of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, SaudiArabia
paper investigates the effects of thermal-diffusion and
diffusion-thermo on MHD three-dimensional axisymmetric flow of a
viscous fluid between radially stretching sheets in the presence of Hall and ion-slip currents, viscous dissipation,
Joule heating and first order chemical reaction. Governing
partial differential equations are obtained through four laws of
conservation, Maxwell’s equations and generalized Ohm’s law.
Obtained partial differential equations are made dimensionless
by using similarity transformation. The re- sulting problems are
solved byhomotopy analysis method (HAM). Convergence of
analytic solutions is ensured. Effects of emerging parameters
on dimensionless velocities, temperature and concentration
fields are seen through plots. Behavior of different physical
parameters on skin friction coefficients, Nusselt number and
Sherwood number is analyzed.
Hayat and F. A. Hendi.
effects on
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):284-294].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Soret
and Dufour effects, skin friction coefficient, Nusseltnumber andSher-wood numbers |
Full Text |
Improvement of
Voltage Stability in Interconnected Power
Systems Using a Neural Network
Mohamed I. El-Sayed,
El-Said Othman and Amir S. El-Khouly
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar
University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.;
This paper provided a method for improvement of voltage
stability in interconnected power systems using a neural
network, this is because the present power systems is a complex
network consisting of several sub-networks such as generation,
transmission and distribution.
Use of new technologies and the growth in Interconnections are
continuously increasing the complexity of the system. These
highly complex modern power systems operate in severely stressed
conditions due to economical and environmental considerations
rendering them vulnerable to frequent failures. Therefore,
ensuring the stability of these systems has become one of the
major concerns for the power engineers, especially the voltage
stability. In this paper deals with critical buses to calculate
the stability margins and the outputs of this technique are used
to train and test the neural network. The trained NN
architecture is capable of reducing the error values to
acceptable value of about 5%. This method is applied on an
IEEE-14 bus system.
I. El-Sayed, El-Said Othman, and Amir S. El-Khouly.
Improvement of Voltage Stability in
Interconnected Power Systems Using a Neural Network.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):295-301]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 43
Voltage Stability, Voltage Collapse, Neural Network,
Case Study |
Full Text |
Construct validity of
Malcolm Baldrige TQM Questionnaire based on Bohrnstedt Model in
Payame Noor University
1Mohammad Reza
Sarmadi, 2Mohammad Hassan Seif, 3Saeed
Professor, Payame Noor University, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2, 3
Lecturer, Payame Noor University, Iran (Islamic Republic of),,,
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the construct
validity of the TQM in Payame Noor University. The method of
the study was measuring construct validity of Malcolm Baldrige
Questionnaire using Bornstat methodology. A sample of 326
faculty members of Payame Noor university were selected using Morgan and Krejcie ‘s table by stratified categorical sampling
method. The results of item’s factor analysis shows that the TQM
is a 7 dimensional construct with the following dimensions: Leadership, the use of technology, planning, human resources,
education, the results of institute performance, and costumer
centricity. To assess the relationships between latent variables
with the theoretical structure of Baldrige’s TQM, at the first,
using factor analysis the above 7 dimensions were confirmed.
Then for assessing the fit of the model, Jorskag and soriom
statistics and indexes were used. From 60 items of the
questionnaire, 9 items were deleted due to their low levels of
factor loadings and 51items confirmed.
[Mohammad Reza Sarmadi, Mohammad Hassan Seif, Saeed
Talebi. Construct validity of Malcolm Baldrige TQM Questionnaire
based on Bohrnstedt Model in Payame Noor University. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):302-304].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 44
Keywords: Baldrige, Construct Validity, Payame Noor University, Total
Quality Management |
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Cyanoacrylate versus Vasoactive
in Control of Post-Banding
Ulcer Bleeding
Mohamed Akl Rady1,
Ashraf El-jaky1, Hisham Samy Abdel-Fatah2
Departments of Hepatology 1,
National Liver Institute, Menoufiya University, Menoufiya, Egypt
Internal Medicine Department
2, Misr University for Science and Technology,
Cairo, Egypt.
Background: Bleeding related to post-banding ulcer is a rare,
but severe complication. Aim of the work: We aimed to compare
cyanoacrylate injection with octreotide vasoactive drug in
controlling of postbanding ulcer bleeding. Patients&methods:
This study was performed on fifty patients, with liver cirrhosis
either bilharzial, post viral or mixed based on histopatholgy
done at initial work up diagnosis before bleeding. Patients were
presenting with upper GI bleeding caused by post-banding ulcer
diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal endoscoy. Patients were
subjected to history taking, thorough clinical examination,
laboratory, radiological investigations, Child Pugh
classification to assess the severity of liver disease and
endoscopic intervention in the form of banding ligation for
varices or cyanoacrylate injection for post-banding ulcer
bleeding. After resuscitative measures, 25 patients were treated
with 0.5 ml cyanoacrylate diluted with 0.5 ml lipiodol injected
in the esophageal varix just below bleeding post-banding ulcer
(group 1), 25 patients were treated with octreotide 50 microgram
IV bolus and then 50 microgram IV infusion hourly for 48 hours
(group 2). Results: The bleeding control was 88% in the group1
compared with 56% in the group 2 (P<0.05). The recorded
complications: pyrexia, bacteremia, dysphagia were found more in
cyanoacrylate (group 1) (P<0.05), nausea and diahrrea were more
in octreotide (group 2) but not statistically significant
(>0.05). All patients with uncontrolled bleeding in both groups
were managed with TIPS. Conclusion: Endoscopic management with
cyanoacrylate injection for bleeding post-banding variceal
ulcers is more effective, but associated with more
complications. Further studies on larger scale of patients is
recommended to compare cyanoacrylate injection with other
modalities of treatment of postbanding ulcer bleeding to
determine the optimum way to stop bleeding with least
Akl Rady, Ashraf El-jaky, Hisham Samy Abdel-Fatah.
Cyanoacrylate versus Vasoactive
Therapy in Control of
Post-Banding Ulcer Bleeding.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):305-312]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 45
Key words:
oesophageal varices, portal hypertension,variceal bleeding,
endoscopic variceal ligation, postbanding ulcer bleeding,
cyanoacrylate and vasoactive drugs. |
Full Text |
GA-Based Fuzzy State Feedback
Controller applied to a Nonlinear Power System
Alireza Alfi1,
*S.Ehsan Razavi2,
Amir Hassannia1
University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Robotic
Engineering, Shahrood 36199-95 2Department of
Electrical Engineering, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
In this paper, a pole placement problem in a nonlinear system is
investigated. Changing the operating point of nonlinear system
is effective on its linear model and leads to difficult
performance of state feedback that is designed only for one
operating point. In this paper, an optimal fuzzy state feedback
controller is provided for a special nonlinear power system
which aims to improve the performance of state feedback. In the
core of this controller, to overcome the key drawback of fuzzy
logic controller, i.e., the lack of systematic methods to define
fuzzy rules and fuzzy membership functions, the fuzzy state
feedback controller are optimised by GA. Simulation results
illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed optimal fuzzy
state feedback controller.
S.Ehsan Razavi, Amir Hassannia.
GA-Based Fuzzy State Feedback Controller applied to a Nonlinear
Power System.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):313-320]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 46
State Feedback, Pole Placement, Fuzzy Control, Genetic
Algorithm, Nonlinear Power System |
Full Text |
Effect of personality characteristics on organizational
commitment and job performance
Sayed Aliakbar Ahmadi 1, Somayyeh Zarei Baba Arabi
2, Reza Zare 3, Ali Reza Fathizadeh4
Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, PO BOX
19395-3697, Tehran, IRAN
Department of Educational Science,
Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395-3697, Tehran, IRAN
Department of Public Administration,
Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395-3697, Tehran, IRAN,
Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, PO BOX
19395-3697, Tehran, IRAN
This survey is mainly aimed to explore the relationship between
personality characteristics and the employees' organizational
commitment and job performance. In order to do so, the employees
of Fars Agricultural Organization were selected as the
population. The questionnaires used in this survey included some
multiple-choice questions related to the personality
characteristics, organizational commitment and job performance.
The questionnaires were randomly distributed among the
employees. Results show that there is a direct
relationship between personality characteristics, such as being
conscientious, and the organizational commitment and job
performance. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between
being agreeableness and organizational commitment of the
employees, but there is no direct relationship between being
agreeableness and job performance. As expected, there is a
negative relationship between characteristics such as being
neurosis and organizational commitment. According to the
results, there is a positive relationship between extroversion
and organizational commitment. On the other hand, there is no
direct relationship between extroversion and job performance.
Moreover, there is a direct relationship between organizational
commitment and job performance.
Aliakbar Ahmadi, Somayyeh Zarei Baba Arabi, Reza Zare, Ali Reza
Effect of personality characteristics on organizational
commitment and job performance.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):321-326]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 47
Key words:
Personality Characteristics;
Conscientiousness; Agreeableness; Neuroticism;
Organizational Commitment; Job Performance |
Full Text |
Nocturnal Enuresis among School Children in Menoufia
Governorate: a Hidden Problem
Mohammad Al-Kot1 and
Mohsen Deeb2
Medicine Department, Menoufia University Hospital, Shebien
Elkoum, Egypt.
Department, Menoufia University Hospital, Shebien Elkoum, Egypt.
Background: Nocturnal enuresis is a hidden problem that is
crucial to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, as it
can result in many psychological consequences and poor
scholastic achievements. Objectives: The main objective was
health promotion of school children with better scholastic
achievements. However the specific objectives were to: determine
the prevalence and risk factors of enuresis nocturna (EN) among
school children in Menoufia governorate, and to examine its
associations with behavioral and emotional problems. Subjects
and Methods: The study was a cross-sectional comparative study
that conducted during the academic year 2009/2010 on 723
students aged 6-18 years in Menoufia governorate. A brief
questionnaire was distributed to screen the primary enuretic
children (No.83) who invited and their mothers, together with a
matched control group (No.144) after their consent to fill a
well designed questionnaire and Child Behavior Chick List
(CBCL). Teacher Report Form (TRF) will be also filled by their
teachers. Results: Prevalence of primary EN was 11.5 %, however
secondary type was 2.3%. Bivariate logistic regression analysis
showed that primary EN was significantly associated with
positive family history (Odds ratio
history of urinary tract infection (Odds ratio
and an increased risk of
internalizing, externalizing, total behavioral problems and
academic problems (Odds
ratio were 3.05, 3.63,
4.47 and 2.37
respectively). Out of enuretics, 57.8% of them and 61.4% of their parents were
concerned about the impact of enuresis. Only 15.7% of the
parents preferred medical treatment modalities, others preferred
awaking the child for voiding, water restriction, diapering,
alarm and bladder exercises in decreasing order. Conclusions:
The family physician is in a prime position to screen, early
detect and treat enuresis nocturna among school children as soon
as possible to prevent its consequences as low self-esteem,
psychological and behavioral problems and low school success.
[Mohammad Al-Kot
and Mohsen Deeb.
Nocturnal Enuresis among School Children in Menoufia
Governorate: a Hidden Problem.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):327-334]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 48
Enuresis nocturna, risk factors,
internalizing; externalizing
psycho-behavioral problems |
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Protective Effect of Vitamin C
against Carbofuran-Induced Testicular Toxicity in Albino Mice
Wael M. Al-Amoudi
Department of Biology, Faculty of
Applied Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: The effect of the
carbamate insecticide "carbofuran" on testes of male albino mice
and the possible protective role of vitamin C against the
insecticide toxicity was assessed. Treating mice with carbofuran
for 8 weeks induced a significant decrease in the diameters and
germinal epithelial heights of the seminiferous tubules. The
histological evidence showed inhibition of spermatogenesis.
There was also a decline in sperm count. Histochemical results
revealed that animals given carbofuran had decreased contents of
carbohydrates and total proteins in the testicular tissue.
Treating mice with carbofuran and vitamin C showed an
improvement in the testicular damage. The seminiferous tubules
appeared normal and the different stages of spermatogenic cells
showed an advanced degree of activation.
M. Al-Amoudi. Protective Effect of Vitamin C against
Carbofuran-Induced Testicular Toxicity in Albino Mice. J Am
Sci. 2012; 8(1):335-341]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 49
Key words:
Carbofuran- mice- testis- vitamin C |
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Histomorphometric Analysis of
the Postnatal Development and Growth of Rat Submandibular Glands
in Offsprings of Diabetic Mothers
H. Ali and 1&2Rabab Mubarak
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Nahda
University, Beni suef, Egypt;
Abstract: Background:
Disturbances of the in utero environment may program for disease
in later life. Exposure to a diabetic
environment in utero is associated with a high risk of obesity
and glucose intolerance. Aim: The purpose of this study
was to determine whether diabetes during pregnancy can adversely
affect the development and growth of submandibular salivary
gland in the offspring. Material and Methods Sixteen adult
female rats were divided into two equal groups. Diabetes was
induced in one group by alloxan and the other
group was control. Both groups become pregnant by mating
with four adult male rats. Submandibular salivary glands of 2 &
6 weeks old male offsprings from the two groups were examined by
light microscope and morphometric analysis. Results:The
submandibular glands of the offsprings of diabetic mothers
revealed remarkable changes in serous acini and duct system
throughout the experimental periods compared to the offspring of
the control group. There was a significant increase in the total
surface area of acini and ducts of the rat submandibular gland
during the two and six weeks of postnatal life in comparison to
the corresponding values of the control group. Conclusion:
Maternal hyperglycemia revealed histomorphological changes in
submandibular glands during postnatal period and hence maternal
diabetes can be considered a very important risk factor to the
development and growth of submandibular glands.
H. Ali and Rabab Mubarak. Histomorphometric Analysis of the
Postnatal Development and Growth of Rat Submandibular Glands in
Offsprings of Diabetic Mothers. J Am Sci.
2012; 8(1):342-349]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 50
maternal diabetes; development; histomorphometric changes;
submandibular glands. |
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Appraisal of Degradation
Resistance at OptiBond All.In.One /Affected Dentin Interface
Moanes M. Abdelhameed1,
Mohamed A. Ezzat2, Randa M. Hafez 3, Amal
Sakr 4 and Heba A. Shalaby H5
of Oral and Dental Surgery Misr University for Science and
Technology, Cairo, Egypt, And Dean of Faculty of Oral and Dental
Medicine Nahda University, Bani Sweif, Egypt.
of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
of Operative Dentistry Faculty of Oral and Dental Surgery Misr
University for Science and Technology, Egypt
Department of Dental Biomaterials, Faculty of Oral and Dental
Medicine Nahda University Bani Sweif, Egypt
This study was aimed to assess
degradation resistance of glycerol phosphate dimethacrylate GPDM
based adhesive system (OptiBond All. In.One) with normal and
affected dentin substrates at different storage period.
Method: A forty orthodontically extracted caries-free human
permanent third molars were used in this study. Buccal surfaces
of teeth were ground to expose dentin at the maximum convexity
using a grinding wheel under water coolant. Dentin depth was
standardized using depth grooves and periodontal probe. The
prepared teeth were divided into two groups (20 for each); group
I: the prepared teeth were stored in distilled water while group
II: the prepared specimens were subjected to pH-cycling
(Demineralization and Remineralization cycling) to produce
artificially affected dentin. The selected adhesive system was
applied to the dentin surface according to the manufacturer's
instructions followed by a light cured composite resin
restoration. All specimens were stored in distilled water at
37°C for different storage periods; one day, one, three and six
months. The specimens were subjected to µ-shear bond test. The
degraded dentin adhesive interface was chemically analyzed using
Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR). Data was
calculated and statistically analyzed. Result: At one day the
µ-shear bond strength to normal dentin with adhesive was found
to be significantly higher than to that of affected dentin. Over
the storage period µ-shear bond strength of normal dentin
revealed a significant reduction while it was non-significant
with affected dentin. On the other hand, affected dentin
revealed significant improvement of degree of hybridization
after six months rather than that of normal dentin. Conclusions:
1.The degradation
resistance and the adhesive performance is a material and time
defendant. 2. Using contemporary self -etch phosphorous
containing adhesive improved the quality of the affected dentin
and its degree of hybridization.
M. Abdelhameed, Mohamed A. Ezzat, Randa M. Hafez, Amal Sakr and
Heba A. Shalaby H. Appraisal of Degradation Resistance at
OptiBond All.In.One /Affected Dentin Interface. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):350-359]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
degradation resistance, affected dentin, self etching adhesives |
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Cytotoxic and Apoptotic
effects of Chronic Amitriptyline Administration on Rat Parotid
Salivary Glands
Rabab Mubarak1&2
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Nahda
University, Beni sueif, Egypt
Background: Depression is
a chronic disorder that requires long-term treatment.
Amitriptyline is one of the more commonly used tricyclic
antidepressant drugs. Chronic administration of tricyclic
antidepressants has been associated with numerous complains as
tremors, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, blurred vision, urinary
retention and dry mouth.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the histological
changes (cytotoxic and apoptotic) resulted from chronic
amitriptyline administration for 9 weeks on rat parotid salivary
glands. Methods:
Twenty male albino rats (190 ±10
g) were divided equally into group I (control) and group II
(Amitriptyline). The rats of group II received a daily single
oral dose of
amitriptyline (Tryptizol®)
equivalent to the
therapeutic dose (10mg/kg b.wt.) using an oro-pharyngeal
metallic tube for 9 weeks.
At the end of the experimental
period, all rats were sacrificed. The parotid salivary glands
were dissected out and prepared for histological and Fas
immunohistochemical examinations. Results: Light microscopic
examination of amitriptyline treated group revealed
disfigurement, coalescence and shredding of the secretory
portions. Some of the serous acini were completely missed
leaving large vacuoles. The striated as well as excretory ducts
appeared dilated with retained secretion. Widening of the
connective tissue septa with numerous vacuolization was also
detected. Immunohistochemical examination of experimental group
showed increased Fas positive immunoreactivity indicating
apoptotic changes. Conclusion: chronic administration of
amitriptyline produced cytotoxication and apoptosis of parotid
salivary glands.
Mubarak. Cytotoxic and Apoptotic effects of Chronic
Amitriptyline Administration on Rat Parotid Salivary Glands.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):360-365]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 52
Amitriptyline; parotid
salivary glands; histological changes; apoptosis.
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Effect of Red Bull energy
drink on Rats’ Submandibular salivary glands
(Light and
Electron microscopic Study)
Rabab Mubarak1&2
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,
Nahda University, Beni Sueif, Egypt,
Background: Energy drink
consumption has continued to gain wide popularity. These
drinks are marketed for young people as natural alternatives
that improve physical and mental performance such as
concentration, attention, and alertness. Aim: The purpose
of this study was to determine the histological and ultra
structural changes in rat submandibular salivary glands
induced by Red Bull energy drink. Material and Methods:
Twenty male albino
rats (170 ±10 g) were divided
equally into group I (control) and group II (Red Bull). The
rats of group II received a daily single dose (3.57 ml/kg
b.wt.) of Red Bull energy
drink using an
oro-pharyngeal metallic curved tube
for 8 weeks. At the end of
the experimental period, all rats were sacrificed. The
submandibular salivary glands were dissected out and
prepared for light and transmission electron microscopic
examinations. Results: Histological examination of
submandibular glands of Red Bull group revealed swelling of
the secretory portions with numerous intracytoplasmic
vacuoles. The connective tissue capsule and septa showed
extensive fibrosis and congested blood vessels. Nuclear
atypism, pleomorphism, hyperchromatism as well as numerous
mitotic figures were detected. The excretory ducts appeared
dilated with retained secretion. The granular convoluted
ducts appeared dilated with reduced granular eosinophilic
content. Electron microscopic examination revealed abnormal
divided nuclei and large coalescing electron lucent
secretory granules in the secretory cells. Numerous vacuoles
and electron lucent granules were detected also in the
granular convoluted ducts. There were numerous dilated
blood vessels with electron dense erythrocytes.
Mubarak. Effect of Red Bull energy drink on Rats’
Submandibular salivary glands
(Light and
Electron microscopic Study).
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):366-372].(ISSN:
1545-1003). 53
drinks; Red Bull; salivary glands; histological changes.
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The Effect of Loss of P27 and Cdk2 on Cell
Cycle Progression in Response to Ultraviolet Irradiation in
Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts
Eiman Aleem
Department of Zoology, Division
of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University,
Moharram Bey 21511, Alexandria, Egypt.
It has been previously reported that ultraviolet (UV) radiation
results in cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase, which may or may
not be p53-dependent. Other proteins involved in DNA damage
pathways induced by UV radiation include AKT and ERK. The aim of
the present study was to investigate the effect of loss of
cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) and p27 on cell cycle
progression in response to UV irradiation. To achieve this goal
genetically modified mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking
Cdk2 or p27 were exposed to UV and the following parameters were
investigated (1) the cell cycle kinetics of unsynchronized MEFs,
(2) the cell cycle progression after first synchronization by
serum starvation then UV treatment, and (3) the protein
expression and activity after UV irradiation of unsynchronized
MEFs. It was found that p27 and Cdk2 were required for apoptosis
induced by UV. Increased expression, phosphorylation and
activation of AKT in the p27-/- and cdk2-/- MEFs
in comparison to wild type (WT) MEFs were observed. Similarly,
the inhibitory tyrosine 15 phosphorylation of Cdk1 was increased
in the p27-/- and cdk2-/- MEFs in comparison to
wild type (WT) MEFs. The overall data from the present study
provide clues towards understanding the role of p27 and Cdk2 in
cellular response to UV radiation.
Aleem. The Effect of Loss of P27 and
Cdk2 on Cell Cycle Progression in Response to Ultraviolet
Irradiation in Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts.
J Am Sci.
2012; 8(1): 373-382].(ISSN: 1545-1003). 54
cyclin-dependent kinase 2, p27KIP1, UVC, cell cycle,
Checkpoint kinase 1, AKT, Cdc25C
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Optimization of
quality parameters affecting changes in concentration of iron
and manganese in water treatment plant
Reza Pirtaj Hamedany1*, Mohammad Manshouri1, Hossein Banejad2,
Hossein Sedghi1
Department of Water Science, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2. Department of
Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina
University, Hamedan, Iran
The aim
of raw water treatment is supplying without any harmful chemical
and pathogen agents, which can transfer via water. Each of raw
water sources has its own contamination pattern. Therefore,
water treatment should relate to desire standard of product. The
existence of iron and manganese in water can cause considerable
problem. Iron and manganese cause laundry and pipe become
rusted, formation of sediment in water distribution system,
dechlorination of water, interference in water treatment process
such as disinfection, change the taste of water and also
increase the growth of bacteria. In this study the temporal
changes of concentration of iron and manganese during water
treatment process in Ekbatan dam water treatment plant, has
survived. By using Multiple Stepwise Regression, the
relation between the concentration of iron and manganese in
water treatment plant output and manageable water quality
parameters that can have effect on the concentration of iron and
manganese have been calculated. Sum of iron and manganese
concentration in output of water treatment plant as objective
function, minimized by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) method.
Results show that temporal changes of iron and manganese during
treatment process, with 95% probability are significant. The
effective processes in decreasing the concentration of iron are
axilator and gravity rapid sand filter. While only gravity rapid
sand filter have had significant effect on decreasing of
manganese. The effective parameters on concentration of iron and
manganese concentration changes in output were changes of
Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Turbidity (NTU) in input of
treatment plant. However, changes of pH in below the filter and
turbidity in input had effect on changes in concentration of
manganese in output of treatment plant. Optimization by GA shows
that if EC and turbidity in input and pH in below the filter
were 333 ,
117 NTU, and 6.8 respectively, Sum of concentration of iron and
manganese in output will be minimized. So, with suitable
technical operation in special step in water treatment plant,
occur of impermissible iron and manganese concentration in
output, can be avoided.
Pirtaj Hamedany, Mohammad Manshouri, Hossein
Banejad, Hossein Sedghi.
Optimization of quality parameters affecting changes in
concentration of iron and manganese in water treatment plant.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 383-391].(ISSN:
1545-1003). 55
treatment plant, Iron and Manganese, Multiple Stepwise
Regression, Genetic Algorithm
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A Stepwise Guide for Easy,
Rapid and Accurate Oral Impression Taking for Newborn Cleft
Lip/Palate Infants
Noha I. Abdel-Rahman*, Islam T.
Abbas ** and Marwa AW. El-Kassaby ***
In developing countries, awareness for proper management of
newborn cleft lip/palate (CL/P) is not widely spread. Many CL/P
infants arrive to clinic few weeks or sometimes months after
birth and may need naso-alveolar moulding (NAM) therapy. NAM is
an important treatment modality that should be initiated as
early as possible after birth. Intraoral impressions are
required for the fabrication of NAM devices. Therefore, rapid
un-stressful cost effective intervention is crucial. Aim:
To present an efficient and cost-effective method of impression
taking to CLP infants. Material and methods: Cost of
each impression of the three materials used, rubber base,
alginate and impression compound was calculated in USD.
Effectiveness was evaluated on the basis of the total number of
impressions needed, by each type of material all through
treatment and the number of dental models produced by each
impression material. Statistical analysis:
and the
One-Way ANOVA Post
Hoc Tests were used to calculate difference between study groups
and significance between study groups’ means. Results:
Rubber base
showed the least cost-effectiveness ratio (6.2), compared to
alginate (23.41) and impression compound (23.36). Although all
three materials produced similar number of dental models, yet
the use of rubber base required the least number of impressions
thus saving time and total cost. Conclusion: Intraoral
impressions taken for CLP infants could be less stressful,
rapid, accurate and cost effective using the described procedure
and material.
[Noha I. Abdel-Rahman, Islam T. Abbas and Marwa AW. El-Kassaby.
A Stepwise Guide for Easy, Rapid and Accurate Oral Impression
Taking for Newborn Cleft Lip/Palate Infants.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 392-397]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 56
Key words:
Oral impression technique, Cleft lip and palate, naso-alveolar
moulding therapy.
Full Text |
Evaluation of the Mineralized
Tissue in the Pulp of
Retained Human Deciduous Teeth (Histological
and Immunohistochemical Study)
Zoba H. Ali
Biology Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt
Retention of primary teeth beyond their expected exfoliation
date in human is encountered relatively frequently. Little
information is known about the apposition of mineralized tissue
in the resorped dentine surface of the retained deciduous teeth.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate and investigate
the histological structure of the mineralized tissue deposited
on previous resorped coronal and radicular dentine surface in
human retained deciduous teeth.
Study design:
Sixteen sound upper maxillary
deciduous canines and
second molars extracted for orthodontic reason used in this
work, eight teeth were
demineralized, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with
haematoxylin and eosin. Some demineralized sections from each
tooth were photographed and morphometric analysis was measured.
Moreover other sections were stained with the primary antibody
osteonectin for immunohistochemical examination. Ground sections
of eight teeth were prepared and all
sections were viewed in a light
Dentin resorption of the retained deciduous teeth was often
followed by deposition of various amounts of cementum-like
repair tissue. The cells responsible for the formation of
cementum-like tissue are believed to be undifferentiated
ectomesenchymal cells of the vital pulp. Mineralized tissue with
a varied morphology and thickness was observed. Mineralization
seemed to start in the incisal region or at the pulp horns of
canines and molars and the central part of the pulp appeared the
last part to be obliterated. The
whole pulp chamber was sometimes completely obliterated by the
calcified tissue especially in case of retained canine.
Cementum-like tissue was
composed of multiple alternating and irregular light and dark
bands. Immunohistochemical
examination revealed positive osteonectin immunoreactivity in
the deposited hard tissue that indicate this hard tissue is
cementum-like tissue.
In the pulp chambers and in
the root canals of retained deciduous teeth resorption had often
occurred, indicating that signals giving rise to odontoclasts
were present in the pulp tissue. Cementum-like tissue can be
deposited within these resorped areas. Also a longer retention
time generated more cementum-like tissue deposition in the pulp
of the retained deciduous teeth.
H. AliEvaluation of
the Mineralized Tissue in
the Pulp of Retained Human Deciduous Teeth (Histological
and Immunohistochemical Study).
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):398-407]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 57
Retained deciduous teeth;
Cementum-like tissue; Osteonectin;
Light microscope.\
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Fuzzy Logic Support System for
Predicting Building Damage Due to the Association of Three
Parameters of Pipeline Failure
Dina A. Emarah1;
Manar, M. Hussein1*;
Hamdy M. Mousa2 and Adel Y.
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Science Department, Faculty of Computer and Information, Menofia
In this study, a fuzzy logic decision support tool (FLDST) was
constructed for three parameters of sewer pipeline failure to
get the total influence of these parameters on building damage.
The effect of the shape and number of membership functions was
investigated. The well-known computer program “ANSYS+ CivilFEM”
is used to investigate the influence of pipeline settlement,
settlement location, building location with respect to pipeline,
soil stiffness and burial depth on the building damage category.
The results were implemented in a fuzzy based assessment system
for reinforced concrete building structures to evaluate the
damage category of buildings due to the association of three
parameters of pipeline failure. A criterion to define membership
functions, their shape and their number, for each parameter as
well as the rule base covering the whole range of all parameters
was described. Several examples were run by MATLAB and were
validated by ANSYS to evaluate the FLDST in predicting the
damage category of building. The category of damage based on FLDST was consistent with that obtained from ANSYS calculations
with great efficiency and time saving.
A. Emarah;
Manar, M. Hussein;
Hamdy M. Mousa and Adel Y.
Akl. Fuzzy Logic Support System for Predicting
Building Damage Due to the Association of Three Parameters of
Pipeline Failure. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1):408-417]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 58
Fuzzy logic support system; damage category; pipeline failure;
settlement; membership functions and fuzzy assessment system |
Full Text |
Toxicological and Biochemical
Studies on Development of Resistance in Spodoptera littoralis
(Boisd.) During Selection with Bacillus thuringiensis
Abd El-Aziz, S. Hanan1;
El-Gohary, E.E.2; Mansy, M.S3. Desuky,
W.M.1 and Hamed, M.S.2
Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center,
Cairo, Egypt
Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt
& Immunology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar Univ.,
Cairo, Egypt
The present investigation studied the toxicity of five bacterial
formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki
(Btk) (MVPII, Dipel -2X, Ecotech-Bio and Dipel Es) and
B. thuringiensis var. aizawai (Bta) (Xentari)
to the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis. The LC50s
for such formulations were measured as 0.08, 0.11, 0.22, 0.27
and 0.00045 %, respectively. The larvae were selected for
resistance to MVPII for twelve generations and the resistance
increased to12.5 folds higher than the susceptible parent
strain. No correlation (cross resistance) between
MVPII-resistant strain and the other Bt formulations was
indicated. The levels of resistance fell in the range of vigour
tolerance to be 1.82, 1.3, 1.67 and 3.78 fold for Dipel-2X,
Echotech-Bio, Dipel Es and Xentari, respectively. The
possibility of using protein as biochemical parameters to detect
the development of resistance was also studied. The effect of
different bacterial formulations was studied at 2nd,
4th, 6th and 9th day post
treatment of 4th larval instar. Most of bacterial
formulations were reduced the total protein contents
particularly Dipel–2X showed none increasing in protein for any
different days post treatment comparing with untreated control.
The 9th day post treatment showed not only highly significant
increase in total protein contents for the rest four treatments
(MVPII, Ecotech-Bio, Dipel Es and Xentari) but also with MVPII
treatment on different generations during selection. The
electrophoretic analysis of proteins by SDS-PAGE was carried out
for untreated normal strain and different days post treatment
with LC50 of MVPII during selection. Twenty four
bands were separated and their molecular weight ranged between
5.9 and 187.96 KDa. The number of separated bands varied among
different generations according to the tested strain. The
appearance of new protein might be due to increasing of protein
synthesis while the disappearance of other could be attributed
to their breakdown as a result of Bt infection or the
[Abd El-Aziz, S. Hanan;
El-Gohary, E.E.; Mansy, M.S. Desuky, W.M. and Hamed, M.S. Toxicological
and biochemical studies on development of resistance in
Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) during selection with
Bacillus thuringiensis MVPII.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):418-426]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 59
Key Words:
Spodoptera littoralis
– total protein – SDS-PAGE – Bacillus thuringiensis |
Full Text |
Experimental Study
for the Behaviour of Footings
on Reinforced Sand Beds
Overlying Soft Clay Zone
Nagy A. El Mahallawy and Ahmad
S. Rashed
Department of Soil Mechanics and
Foundations, El Shorouk Academy.
The aim of the work was to study the
efficiency of using reinforcement layers in order to enhance the
bearing capacity of soils that are characterized by the
existence of localized soft clay zone. Small-scale model
experiments using tank were conducted with beds created from
well graded sand prepared with different dry densities. Soft
clay was embedded at predetermined locations within the sand
beds so as to represent localized soft clay zone. Various
arrangements of soil reinforcement were tested and compared
against comparable tests but without reinforcement. Tests were
carried out in order to study the effect of the width and depth
of the soft clay zone, the depth of reinforcing layers, the
length, number and of reinforcing layers on the soil bearing
capacity also,the spacing between reinforcement layers. The
results show clearly that the ultimate bearing capacity reduces
by up to 70% due to the presence of a soft clay zone. It was
also noted that the proximity of the soft clay zone also
influenced the bearing capacity. Reinforcing the soil with two
layers or increasing the length of reinforcement is not as
effective as was anticipated based on previous studies. However,
bearing capacity increased significantly (up to 3 times) to that
of unreinforced sand when four layers of reinforcement were
A. El Mahallawy and Ahmad S. Rashed.
Experimental Study
for the Behaviour of Footings
on Reinforced Sand Beds
Overlying Soft Clay Zone.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):427-434]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 60
Key words:
Bearing capacity, Ground variability, Soft clay zone, Soil
reinforcement; Bearing capacity ratio; Geogrid reinforcement;
Reinforced sand; |
Full Text |
Effects of Curcumin on Early Retinal Neuro-Degenerative Changes
in Diabetic Albino Rats
Noha A. Salem1, Gamal
M. Abdel-Rahman1, Mohamed Ewias2,
and Amanuel Tesfay Tsegay1
Departments of 1
Anatomy and 2, Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,
Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of blindness in
working age adults and it remains a major cause of morbidity in
diabetic patients. The gradual loss of neurons in diabetic
retina suggests that the progression of the disease is
ultimately irreversible, since these cells cannot be replaced.
A single large dose of Streptozotocin can produce diabetes in
rodents or alternatively, multiple small doses can be used,
curcumin administration prevents the decrease in the
antioxidant capacity that is induced by diabetes and It has
been considered to have beneficial effects on the antioxidant
defense system.
To assess the effect of curcumin in early retinal neurodegenerative changes in diabetic
albino rats. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawely albino rats
were divided into 3 groups
(16 rats in each group). (1)Control group,
(2) Diabetic group, (3)
Diabetic and curcumin treated group.
Each group was re-divided into 2
subgroups according to the duration of diabetes (4th
and 8th weeks).Diabetes were induced in rats by a
single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (65
mg/kg/b.wt) and after three days, fasting blood glucose level
was measured. These rats with blood glucose level greater than
250mg/dl were confirmed as diabetic rats. Third group
were received only powdered diet supplemented with curcumin 0.5
g/kg. This type of diet was initiated after establishment of
diabetes till the scarification day. Eight rats from each group
were randomly sacrificed in the 4th week and the rest
were sacrificed in the 8th week. Their eyes were
enucleated, fixed, processed for Heamatoxylin and Eosin (H&E)
and immunohistochemical staining for (glial fibrillary acidic
protein) GFAP.
Diabetic rats showed a
significant reduction in the thickness
of the inner retinal
layers, decrease in the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), reduction
was increased in relation to the duration of diabetes. In
group (3) there was a significant improvement in the thickness
and in (RGC) numbers. The
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive processes
in the diabetic groups
were observed in the entire neural retina, while in the same curcumin
treated group there was a significant reduction in the
reactivity in the affected layers.
Curcumin can inhibit diabetes-induced retinal abnormalities that
are postulated in the development of early diabetic retinopathy.
Thus, curcumin appears to be a useful therapy that may inhibit
the development and progression of retinopathy, the main
complication faced by diabetic patients.
A. Salem, Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman, Mohamed Ewias, and
Amanuel Tesfay Tsegay. Effects of Curcumin on Early
Retinal Neuro-Degenerative Changes in Diabetic Albino Rats.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):435-443].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 61
Diabetic retinopathy, diabetes mellitus, Curcumin, rats |
Full Text |
Directional Extension of the Domain of Attraction to Increase
Critical clearing time of nonlinear systems
Haghighatnia, Reihaneh Kardehi moghaddam
Department of Electrical
engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad,
Corresponding Author E-mail,*
In this paper a new approach for directional enlargement of
domain of attraction based on design of the operating
equilibrium of nonlinear dynamic systems and determining optimal
values of controlling parameters is proposed. The method
estimates domain of attraction with parameter dependant ellipses
using quadratic Lyapunov
functions, and finds these
parameters such that they enlarge
the estimated attraction region along the direction of interest.
The problem of attraction region enlargement is defined in the
form of a novel bi level optimization problem that focuses on
extending elliptic area along fault running vector. In addition
we show that the proposed method can effectively be applied for
increasing critical clearing time of nonlinear systems. This
application leads to the increase the maximum allowable time for
removing the fault of nonlinear systems and the reduction the
control cost. The efficiency of the proposed method is shown in
the simulation part by some examples.
Haghighatnia, Reihaneh Kardehi moghaddam.
Directional Extension of the Domain of Attraction to Increase
Critical clearing time of nonlinear systems.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):444-449]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 62
Domain of attraction, Directional enlargement, Designing
controlling parameters, Lyapunov stability |
Full Text |
A Vision of New
Cairo Districts as a Model of Sustainable, Walkable Urban
Baher Ismail
Farahat and Ola M. Emad Bakry
Misr International
University, Cairo, Egypt,
The concept of
carbon footprint and the increasing awareness of green energy
alternatives and the call to conserve resources has advocated
walkable communities and planning for liveable communities to
strengthen sustainability. Land use patterns, transport systems,
public facilities, housing and design features of the built
environment, all contribute to the planning process. A major
concern is to consider the neighborhood framework and how the
buildings within the territory form housing groups and
communicate with the space they sit in. Planning should consider
improved walkability and the critical factors enabling
independence and autonomy in walking. A core principle
recognizes transportation as integral to this vision leading to
a greater community connectivity and liveability. This paper
discusses how the planning framework could be used to enhance
the sustainability of the built environment, an example is
captured from New Cairo districts where sustainable issues are
implemented. Guided by LEED for Neighborhood Development, this
paper attempts to focus on the sustainable issues incorporated
in the urban design of the captured example. The physical design
issues are examined represented in the well connected system of
streets and paths, the incorporation of a range of pedestrian
oriented amenities, and the emphasis on the sense of community
by providing a mixed housing type and the integration of common
open spaces in the form of plazas and green spaces. A special
focus is set on the integration of public transport and the
accessibility to downtown as well as the incorporation of other
alternative means of transport. Other sustainable urban design
issues, such as water sensitive design, xeriscaping, the steep
slope protection and respect of site topography, are presented.
By the demonstration
of this example, planners and decision makers could visualize
how to incorporate the principles of sustainability in planning
urban communities.
Ismail Farahat and Ola M. Emad Bakry. A Vision of New Cairo
Districts as a Model of Sustainable, Walkable Urban Liveability.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):450-460]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 63
New Urbanism; Pedestrianism; Liveability; Alternative Transport. |
Full Text |
Risk Factors for the
Development of Ventilator – Associated Pneumonia in
Critically-Ill Neonates
Mona Afify*, Salha
AI-Zahrani* and Maha A Nouh**
Department of Biology and
Microbiology, Science College for Girls, King Abd-Elaziz
University* and Pediatrics Department, Royal Commission Hospital
in Yunbu**- Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), viewed as an inevitable
consequence of critical illness, is increasingly accepted as an
avoidable adverse health care incident. Whereas morbidity and
mortality from VAP is well-documented in adults, it is poorly
studied in children.This investigation was conducted to
determine characteristics and possible risk factors for VAP, in
critically ill neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care
unit (NICU). According to clinical pulmonary infection score
(CPIS), 33 neonates were selected as having VAP and 24 neonates
who did not develop VAP were assigned as non-VAP group. All
neonates were subjected to case history, clinical examination,
ABG, chest X-ray, and laboratory investigations (CBC, serum
albumin, serum CRP, and blood culture). Neonates with VAP were
subjected to broncheo-alveolar lavage (BAL) sampling. The BAL
samples were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic
examination, as well as quantitative cultures. Obtained results
revealed that indications for mechanical ventilation (MV)
included respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), congenital
pneumonia, meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), and hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), with nonsignificant differences
between VAP group and non-VAP group. VAP rates were
significantly increased with decreased body weight and
gestational age and with increased duration of NICU admission,
duration of MV and use of invasive maneuvers. VAP was
significantly associated with hypothermia, mucopurulent endotracheal tube (ETT) secretions, and radiological findings.
The use of inotrops and corticosteroids was significantly noted
among neonates with VAP than that among non-VAP neonates. Raised
serum C-reactive protein (CRP), hypoalbuminemia and positive
blood cultures were significantly associated with increased VAP
rates. Cultures of BAL samples revealed Klebsiella
pneumoniae (in 33%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(in 21%), Staphylococcus aureus (in 15%), Escherichia
coli (in 15%), Pneumococci (in 6%) and Candida
albicans (in 9%). There was nonsignificant similarity in
the type of organisms cultivated from either blood or BAL. In
conclusion risk factors for the development of VAP include; 1)
decreased body weight and gestational age, 2) increased duration
of NICU admission, MV, and use of invasive maneuvers, 3)
hypothermia, mucopurulent ETT secretions and the use of
inotrops/ corticosteroids, 4) raised serum CRP, hypoalbuminemia
and positive blood cultures and 5) nosocomial infection by
Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staph aureus, E
coli and Candida.
Afify, Salha AI-Zahrani and Maha A Nouh. Risk Factors for the
Development of Ventilator – Associated Pneumonia in
Critically-Ill Neonates. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):461-466].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
nosocomial infection-neonatal pneumonia-mechanical ventilation. |
Full Text |
Herbal Remedy used by Rural
Adolescent girls with Menstrual
Shadia A.T. Yassin
Obstetric and Gynecological
Nursing Dept., Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt
Abstract: The study aimed to determine the herbal remedy used by rural
adolescent girls with menstrual disorders.
The study comprised 900 adolescent students (aged 12-18years
old) from preparatory and secondary schools in rural village in
Elbehira governorate, Egypt. An interview schedule was developed
and used to collect the necessary data. The results revealed
that 89.9% of the adolescent girls had suffered from
dysmenorrhea. 78% of them had used herbal remedy for treatment. Premenstrual syndrome
(PMS) was experienced by 77.7% of the study subjects
72.7% of them had used herbal remedy for treatment.
The type of herbs used in
management of PMS and dysmenorrhea were fenugreek, peppermint
and aniseed which were effective among almost all of the study
Green tea, cinnamon and basil
were moderately effective. Fenugreek, chamomile and cinnamon
were effective in the management of amenorrhea. In spite of its
high prevalence and enormous impact on their lives girls
believed that dysmenorrhea is a normal part of the female
menstrual cycle and only 16.1% sought medical treatment. A great
number of adolescents obtained information from their mothers
(62.7%) and peers (46.7%).These findings imply the need for
educating adolescent girls on effective management of
dysmenorrhea. Education should be extended to parents and school
peer leaders to address the reproductive health needs of
[Shadia A.T. Yassin. Herbal
Remedy used by Rural Adolescent girls with Menstrual
Disorders. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):467-473]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 65
Key words:
Herbal remedy, adolescent girls, menstrual disorders |
Full Text |
Potato Chips and Roasted Bread
Induced Chromosomal Aberrations and Micronuclei Formation in
Albino Rats
Ramadan A.M. Ali*, Nadia H.M. Sayed and
Dalia D. Abd
Zoology Dept, Girls Collage for
Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams Univ.
Detection of high concentrations of
acrylamide (AA) in heated starch rich foodstuffs raises
health concerns, particularly for children, because AA is
relatively high in child-favoured foods such as
potato chips, French fries,
roasted bread and cereals. So, we
investigated the genotoxic
and cytotoxic potentials of
potato chips (FP) and
roasted bread
(RB) and the possible protective
effect of curcumin (Cur) in
albino rat bone-marrow cells, using chromosomal aberrations
(CAs) and micronucleus (Mn-PCEs) assays.Animals
feed on diet contained 15 % or 30 % of fried potato chips and/or
fried bread and supplemented with/without 1%curcumin addition
for 2 months. Results showed that,
treatment with Cur alone did not induce significant increases in
CAs and Mn-PCEs in comparison to the control level.
supplemented with 30 % of FP and/orb
and 8.33 damaged cell / 100 metaphase spreads and
18.67, 21.16 and 12.83 Mn-PCEs /
2500 PCEs, respectively. All the above increases were highly
significant (P<0.001).
fried potato chips and/or fried bread
caused cytotoxic action in the form of a significant reduction
in the proportion between polychromatic erythrocytes to
normochromatic erythrocytes.
addition of 1% Cur powder induced significant decrease in CAs
and Mn-PCEs frequencies in comparison to those induced by FP
and/or RB alone. The decreaseswere dose dependent.It
is concluded that, curcumin exhibited antimutagenic properties
against the mutagenicity induced by FP and/or RB which make it a
promising chemopreventive agents.
A.M. Ali Nadia H.M. Sayed and
Dalia D. Abd
El-Monem. Potato
Chips and Roasted Bread Induced Chromosomal Aberrations and
Micronuclei Formation in Albino Rats.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 474-480]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 66
wards: Acrylamide,
Curcumen, Chromosomes, Micronucleus, Rat, Potatoes chips,
Roaster bread. |
Full Text |
chemistry 1: Simple and Efficient Synthesis -in Water- and
Antibacterial Activity of 5-Arylidene Derivatives of
Thiobarbituric and Barbituric acids.
Faida H. Ali Bamanie1,
A. S. Shehata2, M. A. Moustafa1, 3, M. M.
of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, KSA.
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at (New) Damietta, Mansoura
University, Egypt.
of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura
University, Mansoura, Egypt.
An efficient Knovenagel
condensation of thiobarbituric and barbituric acids 1a, b
with aromatic aldehydes 2a-f, in water, using
ethanolamine as catalyst, afforded 5-arylidene derivatives
3a-f of 1a, b in 10-15 minutes reaction times, with
88-95% isolated yields and high purity. Derivatives 3b-f
showed reasonable activity against gram (+ve) and gram
(-ve) bacteria.
H. Ali Bamanie, A. S. Shehata, M. A. Moustafa, M. M. Mashaly. Green chemistry 1: Simple and Efficient Synthesis -in Water- and
Antibacterial Activity of 5-Arylidene Derivatives of
Thiobarbituric and Barbituric acids.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):481-485]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 67
Thiobarbituric, barbituric acids, 5-arylidenes, green
chemistry, antibacteria. |
Full Text |
Optimal Location of Facts
Devices to Enhance the Voltage Stability and Power Transfer
Mahmoud H. M; M. A. Mehanna2 and S. K. Elsayed2
Managing Director of Information System with the Egyptian
Electricity Holding Company
Electrical Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, AL-Azhar University
This paper focuses on increasing
stability and maximum loadability of a system by considering the
optimal location of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
devices in multimachine power system. Identification of a
suitable location for installation of (FACTS) costly device is a
vital task; several criteria are to be satisfied before
selecting the best location. Two types of (FACTS) devices,
static var compensator (SVC) and thyristor controlled series
compensator (TCSC) can be installed on buses and transmission
lines respectively. Improving the system's reactive Power
handling capacity via (FACTS) devices is a remedy for prevention
of voltage instability and hence voltage collapse using
continuation power flow
(CPF) method to find the
best location of shunt (FACTS) device then evaluate the effect
of this device on the system. Also the continuous change in
power demand and supply altered the power flow patterns in
transmission networks which raise serious challenge in operating
the power system, to prevent this problem series (FACTS) is
used, using optimal power flow (OPF) method to find best
location then evaluate the effect of this device on the system
by using (CPF) method. It will perform the control of power flow
with (FACTS) devices on the test system and also the time domain
simulation for three phase fault applied, the simulation is made
without and with (FACTS) devices. The effectiveness of the
method is tested and illustrated on IEEE 14-bus system. Power
System Analysis Toolset (PSAT), a computational tool under
Matlab program for effective simulation and monitoring is used.
[Mahmoud H. M.; M. A. Mehanna
and S. K. Elsayed.
Optimal Location of Facts Devices to Enhance the Voltage
Stability and Power Transfer Capability.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):486-492]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 68
Hopf Bifurcations, Lodability Margin |
Full Text |
Using Simulated Patients to Develop Nursing Students
Communication Skills
Safaa Mohamed El-Demerdash and
Reda Abd El-Fatah SaidAhmed Abo Gad
Nursing Administration
Department, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt,
Abstract: Background:
Having an effective communication skills and being able to
employ them in communicating to the patients is very essential
for every nurse, including nursing students. Preparing nursing
students to interact and create constructive communicative
relationships with clients is essential to nursing practice.
Effective communication trainings should equip (future) nurses
with fundamental abilities for life-long professional
development that help them in dealing with a diversity of
patients having a wide range and constantly changing set of
communicative needs. Objective: present study was carried
out to use simulated patients to develop nursing students
communication skills. Design: an experimental design was
used. Methods the study was conducted at Faculty of
Nursing at Tanta University. The sample consisted of 25
undergraduate female students in the last academic year in the
above mentioned setting and willing to participate in the study.
All nursing students had previously dealing with patient in real
clinical setting. To achieve the aim of the present study three
tools were used: (1) Knowledge questionnaire sheet (40)
questions to collect data from undergraduate students for the
purpose of assessing their knowledge about communication. (2)
Communication Skills Attitude Scale was used to collect data
from the subjects for the purpose of assessing their attitude
toward communication skills. The (CSAS) consists of 26 items.
(3) Observation checklist: was developed by the researcher
based on reviewing recent literature for the purpose of
assessing the studied group communication skills. The checklist
was included 45 items divided on five parts namely: good
starting, monitor body language, effective listening skills,
ask questions, and give answers. Results: A
statistical significant improvement (P ≤0.05) was found in
student nurses level of knowledge, attitude about communication,
and performance of communication skills on post program. Pre
program, all nurses student were at low level in body language,
active listening, give answers, and total communication skills,
Post program, 92%, 88%, 68%, and 64% of nurses student level of
communication skills were improved to be high level in body
language, get start communication, ask questions, and all items
of practicing effective listening skills, respectively.
Conclusion: At pre program, the majority of student nurses
level of knowledge and attitude on communication were low. Most
of student nurses had low level in performing communication
skills and were in need for training. Post implementation of a
educational program student nurses' knowledge, attitude about
communication and their performance of communication skills were
improved. Recommendation: Based on the finding of this
study it is recommended that, using of simulation as a teaching
strategy to reinforce educational training activities and
supplying the nursing staff specially new graduates with needed
orientation knowledge and performance skills is needed.
Mohamed El-Demerdash and Reda Abd El-Fatah SaidAhmed Abo Gad.
Using Simulated Patients to Develop Nursing Students
Communication Skills. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):493-503].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 69
communication skills, nurse-patient communication |
Full Text |
A Modified Decision Templates
Method for Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition
Mohammad Masoud
Javidi 1, Fatemeh Sharifizadeh 2
Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of
Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Department of Computer
Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
In this paper a new method to
combine multiple classifiers based on a static structure is
presented. We establish our model based on decision templates
(DT), as we do not only rely on similarity between a test sample QUOTE and c
decision template matrices, moreover to make a decision about
pattern QUOTE we
construct QUOTE wrong
decision templates, and compute likeness between pattern QUOTE
these matrices. We call this novel method Wrong Decision
Templates (WDT). To evaluate our proposed model we use a very
large dataset of Persian handwritten digit (HODA). The
experimental results support our claim that constructing WDT
matrices besides DT matrices, improves the performance of the
conventional DT for Farsi handwritten digit recognition, such
that the recognition rate of 98.16% is achieved, which has 60%
decline of error rate with regard to DT method. Furthermore,
Comparison other static combination methods indicates that the
proposed model yields excellent recognition rate in handwritten
digit recognition. Finally, the generalization capability of our
proposed method is considered on two benchmark datasets from the
UCI repository.
Masoud Javidi,
A Modified
Decision Templates Method for Persian Handwritten Digit
Recognition. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):504-512].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Decision Templates; Handwritten Digit Recognition; Combining
Classifiers; Wrong Decision Templates; Classifier Fusion |
Full Text |
Using Hybrid Method for Strategic Planning of Construction
Contractor Companies
Mostafa Khanzadi1,
Reza Taheriattar3
Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
PHD Student in Construction
Engineering and Management, Iran University of Science and
M.Sc. Student in Construction
Engineering and Management, Iran University of Science and
Construction contractor companies are affected by internal and
external environments, an important part of strategic Planning
process. Strategic environment analysis indicates SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis has some deficiencies in measurement and
evaluation steps. Analytic hierarchy process dispels these
deficiencies but does not consider the possible dependencies
between factors. Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a new tool
for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) assuming relationships
associated together, in this way it improves the analytic
hierarchy process.
In this paper, the
hybrid method has been developed. Therefore, ANP has been
applied in SWOT to consider interdependencies among factors
rather than AHP which is based on independent factors in
different groups. Finally, dependency measurement possibility
among strategic factors becomes feasible. The research used a
case study to validate Hybrid method and illustrate how the
contractors and decision makers in construction companies can
apply SWOT analysis as a main tool in strategic Planning
process, make a decision and find the best alternative among the
strategies. In this study, it has been concluded that
dependencies among the SWOT factors have effect on sub factors
weights; they can also change the strategy priorities.
[Mostafa Khanzadi,
Shahin Dabirian,
Reza Taheriattar.
Using Hybrid Method for Strategic
Planning of Construction Contractor Companies. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):513-524].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 71
Key words: Construction Contractor Company, SWOT Analysis, Analytic Network
Process, Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Full Text |
A Study on the
Relationship between Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Diabetic
Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Khodeir, S. A.1;
Abd E l Raouf, Y. M1; Farouk, G.2and
Allam, W. A.3
Departments of
Internal Medicine1 Clinical Pathology2
and Ophthalmology3
Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt.
Diabetic retinopathy
is one of the most common microvascular complications and the
leading cause of blindness in adults between 30 and 65 years of
age worldwide. Also, unrecognized thyroid dysfunction may impair
metabolic control and add to
cardiovascular, and other chronic complication risk in diabetic
patients. This
study aimed to investigate the
relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and the
development of retinopathy.
The study was carried on 75
patients of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus,
normotensive, without any apparent vascular complications. Our patients were divided into two groups. Group Ι included 48
patients who were euthyroid (futher divided int sub-groups Ιa
with TSH level ≥2<4 µIu/ml and Ιb with TSH ≥0.4<2 µIu/ml.,
while group ΙΙ included 27 patients who were found to have
subclinical hypothyroidism. Fasting and postprandial plasma
glucose, lipid profile, HBA1c, free T4, TSH and fundus
examination were done to all patients. The obtained results
revealed that diabetic retinopathy was associated with
sub-clinical hypothyroidism, with statistical significant
difference between group Ι and group ΙΙ. When group Ι and group
ΙΙ compared, it was found that there had been significant
difference in TSH level in different stages of diabetic
In conclusion subclinical
hypothyroidism is associated with diabetic retinopathy in type 2
diabetic patients. There is a positive correlation between level
of TSH and stage of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetics
with subclinical hypothyroidism.
S. A; Abd E l Raouf, Y. M; Farouk, G. and
Allam, W. A.
A Study on the
Relationship between Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Diabetic
Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):525-530]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 72
Key words: Diabetic retinopathy, subclinical hypothyroidism,
endothelial dysfunction |
Full Text |
Paraoxonase Gene Polymorphism
and Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Microvascular
Khodeir, S. A.1;
Abd El Raouf, Y. M 1; Amer, A. EMAN2;
El Fadaly, N. H. 2and Abd El Latif, E. Aml3
Medicine Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University. 2Biochemistry
Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Alahram Canadian University (acu),
6th October City and
3Clinical Pathology
Faculty of Medicine, Tanta
University, Egypt.
Paraoxonase (PON1) is an
antioxidant enzyme closely associated with HDL – cholesterol
that protects LDL – cholesterol against oxidation. Less
protection may therefore be supposed by decreased PON1 activity
in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. This study was undertaken to
evaluate the association of PON1 gene polymorphism with diabetic
nephropathy and the relationship of allelic polymorphism with
PON1 activity in DM patients.
The study was conducted on
36 patients with type 2 DM complicated with nephropathy, 24
patients without nephropathy, and 20 healthy subjects of matched
age and sex to serve as control. Eight ml over night fasting
venous blood were collected from every patient and control,
distributed as such; 5 ml in plain tube to separate serum for
estimation of total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL,
glucose and PON1 activity, and 3 ml on EDTA vacutainer tube for
estimation of glycated Hb (HbA1c) and PON1genotyping. Obtained
Results revealed that no gender or age influence was
found on PON1 activity. Serum PON1 activity was significantly
decreased in diabetic patients as compared with control. Also
PON1 activity was significantly decreased in diabetic patients
with nephropathy as compared with diabetic patients without
nephropathy. The PON1 (55) LL genotype was the most frequent in
healthy subjects, followed by the MM genotype, and then the LM
genotype. In diabetic patients with nephropathy, the MM genotype
was the most common, followed by the LL genotype, and then the
LM genotype. In diabetic patients without nephropathy, the LL,
MM, LM genotypes frequencies were 37.5%, 37.5%, and 25%
respectively. The PON1 (192) QQ genotype was the most frequent
in healthy subjects, followed by the RR genotype, and then the
QR genotype. In diabetic patients with nephropathy, the RR
genotype was the most common, followed by the QR genotype, and
lastly the QQ genotype. In diabetic patients without
nephropathy, the RR genotype was the most common, followed by
the QQ genotype, and lastly the QR genotype.
The PON1 activity in
relation to genotyping showed insignificant difference in
genotype LL, MM, LM, QQ, QR, and RR. Higher PON1 activity was
found in diabetic patients with nephropathy, genotype LL than
LM, and MM. In diabetic patients without nephropathy, the
PON1(55)LL genotype showed significant increase in PON1 activity
than MM and LM genotype. In diabetic patients without
nephropathy, PON1 (192) higher activity was found in QQ,
followed by RR, and lastly QR genotypes. In diabetic patients
with nephropathy significant higher activity of PON1 was found
in genotypes RR as compared with QQ, and QR genotypes.
S. A.; Abd E l Raouf, Y. M; Amer, A. EMAN; El Fadaly, N.
H.and Abd El Latif, E. Aml. Paraoxonase Gene Polymorphism and
Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Microvascular
Complications. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):531-537].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 73
Key words: Paraoxonase, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
microangiopathy |
Full Text |
Comparative analysis of brain executive functions in girls and
boys and determination the relationship of executive functions
with depression disorder
Shahabi ziba 1،
Mehrinejad Abolghasem 2
، Yazdi Monavare 3
، Khosravi Zohreh 4
، Ameri Farideh 5
1.Alzahra University،
faculty of psychology
، Tehran
، vanak Sq.
faculty of psychology
، Tehran
، vanak Sq.
faculty of psychology
، Tehran
، vanak Sq.
faculty of psychology
، Tehran
، vanak Sq.
faculty of psychology
، Tehran
، vanak Sq.,
The aim of
current study is comparative analyzing of executive functions in
girls and boys and also determination the relationship of
executive functions with depression disorder. Method: the sample
includes 1200 students (600 girls, 600 boys) of elementary
school who were selected through multi step cluster sampling
from all of students of Tehran. Sample group of depression
disorder includes 45 students (24 girls and 21 boys) who were
selected through a questionnaire. Gathered Data were analyzed by
behavioral ranking inventory of executive functions and the
questionnaire of morbid symptoms of children through statistical
descriptive and inferential methods. Results: in comparison of
executive functions of girls and boys by behavioral ranking
inventory of executive functions (Brief), girls were better than
boys in all of functions except emotional control. The results
of analysis of relationship between executive functions with
depression disorder showed that there were a negative
relationship between preventive functions, emotional control,
directing in behavior regulating dimension, functions of
starting and supervision in meta-cognitive dimension depression
disorder. Discussion: It seems that brain executive functions
are different in girls and boys because of shared activity of
this region with cortical and sub cortical regions, anatomical
substructures and dissimilar growth processes of the brain in
girls and boys. Since we can trace some cognitive emotional
disorders in depression, most of executive functions are
associated with depression.
Abolghasem, Yazdi Monavare, Khosravi Zohreh, Ameri Farideh.
Comparative analysis of brain executive functions in girls and
boys and determination the relationship of executive functions
with depression disorder.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):538-543]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 74
executive functions,
depression disorder, gender |
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Effect of Phytogenic
Biosurfactant on the Microbial Community and on the
Bioremediation of Highly Oil-Polluted Desert Soil
Ali Diab* and Maram Sandouka
Faculty of Biotechnology, October
University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Egypt.
The effect of a phytogenic surfactant on the microbial community
and on the biodegradation of crude oil in a highy polluted
desert soil (8%) were investigated. The addition of this
biosurfactant increased total heterotrophie bacteria (THB) to
reach the range of 4.3 – 20.3 CFUx108g dried soil,
with increased factor of 7.18 – 10.38. Oil-degraders were in the
range of 2.48-30.2 CFUx107 in presence of the
biosurfactant, this in a range of 27.2-143.8 increased factor
Higher percentages of 5.7-17.6% of the oil degraders were
recorded in presence of biosurfactant. In presence of
biosurfactant the biodegradation rate of the oil increased to
reach 23.8-30.0% after 90 days, this is in contrast to 3.8-10%
in the absence of this biosurfactant. The maximum biodegradation
of the saturates and the aromatic fraction were 92.8% and 41.8%
respectively in presence of the biosurfactant. Based on these
results it is advisable to use this cost-effective phytogenic
surfactant for cleaning the highly oil-polluted sites especially
in the absence of NP fertilizer.
Diab and Maram Sandouka.
Effect of Phytogenic Biosurfactant on the Microbial Community
and on the Bioremediation of Highly Oil-Polluted Desert Soil.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):544-550].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 75
Key Words:
Phytogenic, surfactant, biodegradation, heavily polluted soil,
microbials communit
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The Impact of Collaborative Work
Climate on Knowledge Sharing Intention
Reyhane Mosalla Nejad[i],
Mahdi Saber[ii]
of Public Administration, Shiraz Payam-e-Noor University, Iran
of Accounting, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
The current study investigated the relationship between
collaborative work climate and intention to share knowledge in
Fars Regional Power Distribution Company (FRPDC), Iran. Using
stratified random sampling method, a sample of 214 employees
selected for further analysis. The analysis of the data showed
that the relationship between the perception of collaborative
work climate and intention to share knowledge is significant and
positive. The results also indicated that there are significant
relationships between dimensions of collaborative work climate
(work group support, immediate supervisor support, business unit
culture and employees attitude) and intention to share
knowledge. The values of R square also indicated that workgroup
support, business unit culture, immediate supervisor and
employees’ attitudes have moderate, moderate to high, low and
moderate impact on intention to share knowledge respectively.
[Reyhane Mosalla Nejad, Mahdi Saber. The Impact of
collaborative work climate on knowledge sharing intention.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):551-553]. (ISSN:
Collaborative work climate, Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing,
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Information Adjustment Using Unsharp Masking and Bayesian
Classifier for Automatic Building Extraction from Urban
Satellite Imagery
Seyed Mostafa
Mirhassani1, Bardia Yousefi1, Alireza
of Electrical and Robotic Engineering, Shahrood University of
Technology, Shahrood, IRAN
of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology,
Tehran, IRAN
extraction in remote sensing images of urban areas is based on
various classification techniques, demands development of
various image processing and pattern recognition algorithms.
Current techniques have poor performances in low local contrast
conditions and require preprocessing methods for improving local
contrast. In this novel approach, Unsharp Masking [USM] and
Motion based Unsharp Masking [MUSM] methods are introduced to
increase the local contrast in class images. In the proposed
classification techniques, wherever spatial relationships drawn
from buildings are imperative, the structural pattern
recognition is properly utilized. In very high resolution
remote sensing images where, the Bayesian classifier performs
recognition of very small building and other cluttered areas, USM techniques are essential in amplifying the high frequency
components of the original image which is used for building
discrimination. The novelty of this paper is performing
preprocessing technique which modifies frequency components of
satellite image. In order to benchmark the algorithm, some of
the Google Earth three bands (RGB) images were used. It is
comprehend able from the results that the accuracy of small and
large building classification using unsharp masking technique
increases as compared with the methods without any preprocessing
Mostafa Mirhassani, Bardia Yousefi, Alireza Moghaddamjoo.
Automatic Building Extraction from Urban Satellite Imagery
Using Bayesian Classifier and Unsharp Masking as Spectral
Information. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):554-564].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Building Extraction; Classification of Urban Areas; Motion Based
Unsharp Masking [MUSM]; Unsharp Masking [USM]; Bayesian
Classifier |
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Garment Appearance Quality from Fundamental Measures of Fabric
Saied Ebrahim¹’²
of Specific Studies, Worker University
Economic Dept., Faculty of Science &Education, Taif University,
Kingdom Saudi Arabia
The appearance of a garment is affected by the quality of the
fabrics used in its manufacture, as well as a number of factors
determined by the technology of the garment manufacturing
process. Since fabric quality, as the most important element of
garment appearance, is determined by its mechanical properties,
it is obvious that these properties directly impact fabric
processing properties. It can be seen through various forms of
fabric behavior under the loads that occur in sewing.
Investigations of the correlations of the stress and fabric
behavior are aimed at constructing a method to predict fabric
behavior in garment manufacturing processes, as well as to
predict the appearance of the garment to be manufactured. The
investigation presented here deals with the impact of fabric
mechanical properties on the quality of garment appearance, as
defined by seam puckering and work-piece flotation.
A group of semi-skilled evaluators and experts in the field of
garment engineering were evaluating appearance quality. This
system of evaluation and comparison of the grades obtained are
key factors in the development of the predicting models using
the algorithms. It is founded on previous knowledge of
correlations among the quality grade of a particular factor of
garment appearance quality and the parameters of mechanical
properties of the analyzed fabrics, incorporated into the
garments. The workings of the method designed result in a
prediction of garment appearance quality grade, presented
separately for each individual factor of appearance quality
[F. Fathy, Saied Ebrahim.
Predicting Garment Appearance Quality from Fundamental Measures
of Fabric Tailorability.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):565-569]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 78
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Reviewing the
communicative variables between university students and the
members of Scientific Board in Marv dash Azad University
Reza Zarei1,
Davood Kianoosh2, Seyed Vafa meshkat3
1-Department of Educational management,Islamic Azad
University Marvdasht branch Marvdasht, Iran.
2- Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad
University Natanz branch, Natanz, Iran.
3-Sama technical and vocational training college, Islamic Azad
University, Shiraz Branch,Shiraz, Iran.
The influential
elements in relations between students and Professors and
educational effecting have been studied. Through stratified
sampling, 5100 students were selected from Marv Dasht Azad
University and they were given a questionnaire as a data
colleting with the survey method. The instrumentation is
questionnaire which has been given to 5100 students as a sample.
The sample has been chosen through stratified sampling.
Variables in the case for improving relations between students
and professors are: age, gender, nativity, marital status,
family earning rate, social stance of the family, total average,
parent's level of education and career, professor's openness,
trust toward students, empathy toward students, positivism,
professor's supportiveness, forbearance and scientific
knowledge. After analyzing the data according to experimental or
inferential method, it was proved that student's tendency toward
professors' openness was at the average level, but their
tendency toward professor's empathy was at a very high level.
Whereas their tendency about professor's trust and
supportiveness toward students was at medium level, they show a
high level of tendency toward professor's forbearance and
[Reza Zarei,
Davood Kianoosh, Seyed Vafa meshkat.
Taxonomic Diversity of Understorey Vegetation in Kumaun
Himalayan Forests. J Am Sci.
2012;8(1):570-576]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Educational effectiveness, human interaction, students,
supportiveness, empathy, equality, possessiveness, Marv Dasht |
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Research and
technology, prerequisite for economic growth and improvement
(Iran Case Study)
Kianoosh1, Reza
Zarei2, Arvin Tavakoli3,
Seyed Vafa meshkat4
Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University Natanz branch,
Natanz, Iran.
Department of Educational management, Islamic Azad University
Marvdasht branch Marvdasht,Iran.
Department of Educational management, Islamic Azad University
Marvdasht branch Marvdasht,Iran.
technical and vocational training college, Islamic Azad
University, Shiraz Branch,Shiraz, Iran.
Today, the role and position of research and technology in
countries development and especially in less developed countries
is evident to everybody. It can be said that, one of the main
factors of development, self-sufficiency, independency and
comprehensive security of each country relates to the rate of
its technology and searching, in such a way that policy makers
of 4th and 5th economic, social and
cultural Development Plan, have stressed on an approach based on
knowledge –based improvement. According to Iranian Documents of
20 years, Iran should reach to a higher position in searching
and technology in the Middle East up to 2025. It is evident that
this can be achieved just by investment and especial attention
to research and technology in the future. So, with regarding to
the fast change in the competitive and globalization world, in
this article the comparison and statistical analysis of the
influential factors on technologies of the 8 Asian selected
countries to level of income (high - upper medium - under medium
- low) were studied and also Turkey because of the neighborhood
situation and similar development Index and France and America
in 2008 were also noticed, and finally the empirical procedures
for gaining the 1404 goals were presented.
[Davood Kianoosh,
Reza Zarei, Arvin Tavakoli, Seyed Vafa meshkat. Research and
technology, prerequisite for economic growth and
improvement(Iran Case Study). J Am Sci.
2012;8(1):577-580]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Searching, Technology, Development, GERD, FTE |
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Impairment of
Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreatic Functions in
Copper-Deficient Rats and the Amelioration Role of
Aminoguanidine or/and N-Acetylcysteine
Mona, I.M. Shahin
Zoology Department,
Women's College for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams
Copper (Cu) is
an essential trace element that is found in a wide variety of
tissues in the human and animal bodies. Copper is essential for
several variety of biochemical processes in the body to operate
normally, so it must be a part of the diet. Moreover, copper is
involved in numerous enzyme systems that break down or build up
body tissues. A deficiency of this element can cause a variety
of disorders. This study was conducted on male albino rats to
elucidate the harmful effects of copper deficiency on some
biochemical variables of blood and liver tissues of rats which
fed on a copper deficient diet. The same measurements were also
measured in rats fed the same diet and supplemented with copper
with or without AG or NAC separately or in combination for one
month in order to assess their effectiveness for treatment the
impacts of copper deficiency. The obtained results revealed that
a significant decrease(p<0.05) in the body weight, the
pancreatic weight, DNA and RNA levels with a considerable
decrease in the activities of pancreatic enzymes (amylase,
lipase and trypsin) associated with a remarkable decrease in
insulin level in copper-deficient rats group compared with those
fed a copper sufficient diet. On the other hand, induced copper
deficiency caused a significant (p <0.05) elevation in the
protein content and glucose and HbA1C levels. When copper
deficient rats group treated with copper alone, copper with
aminoguanidine (AG), copper with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or
copper with a mixture of AG and NAC led to a considerable
amelioration in all previous studied parameters dependent on
certain mechanisms which were discussed according to available
references. The highest effectiveness in correcting the
copper-deficiency induced perturbations was noticed when mixture
was supplemented concomitantly with copper.
I.M. Shahin.
Impairment of Endocrine and
Exocrine Pancreatic Functions in Copper-Deficient Rats and the
Amelioration Role of Aminoguanidine or/and N-Acetylcysteine.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):581-590]. (ISSN:
Key wards:
Copper deficiency – Pancreas –Aminoguanidine – N-Acetylcystein |
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Islam and Democracy
Jafar kabiri Sarmazdeh
Islamic Azad University-Mashhad Branch.
In the past the link between Islam and Democracy was very much
of questionable; because the main element in democracy was its
anti tyrannical and popular nature. No government could gain
people’s satisfaction unless they could respect their cultures,
customs, and believes and try to gratify their religious needs
along with other requirements. Today, some thinkers try to
present the above mentioned elements, they instead try to
emphasize on secularism as an important basis of democracy. They
face the problem of the incompatibility between Islam and
democracy; such thinkers usually come to the conclusion that a
religious government cannot be democratic. This article tries to
show that such a problem is quite non scientific and artificial,
also secularism is not basic foundation of democracy nor is
religion incompatible with democracy.
[Jafar kabiri Sarmazdeh. Islam and Democracy. J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):591-595]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Islam, Democracy, Secularism, compatibility,
incompatibility |
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Patterns of Adrenal Masses among Patients with Adrenal Diseases
Saleh M. Aldaqal
Departments of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Abstract: Objective, to
determine the clinic-pathological patterns of adrenal masses
among patients having adrenal diseases in our patients. Methods:
This is a retrospective review of 30 patients having adrenal
masses at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia from October 2004 to April 2010. The patient`s
medical records were reviewed for demographic details, clinical
presentations, and histopathological diagnoses and management.
Results: Thirty patients were presented with different adrenal
lesions. Nine (30%) were Pheochromocytoma (5 males and 4
females) with mean age was 29.5 years (range 14-45 years), and
mean tumor size was 6.18 cm. Seven (23.3%) were Incidentiloma (3
males and 4 females) with mean age was 48 years (range
31-65years), and mean tumor size was 9.5 cm. Five (16.7%) were
Cushing`s disease (4 males and 1 females) with mean age was 33.5
years (range 23-44), and mean tumor size was 8.5 cm. five
(16.7%) were Conn`s disease (2 male and 3 females) with mean age
was 50.5 years (range 36-65), and mean tumor size was 4.1 cm.
four (13.3%) were non-functioning adenoma with mean age was 43
years (range 17-69) and mean tumor size was 2.3 cm.Conclusion:
Pheochromocytoma is the most common adrenal disease in patients
with adrenal lesions in the studied area. It present in younger
age group when compared with other adrenal diseases. Testing for
pheochromocytoma is recommended for all patients with adrenal
[Saleh M. Aldaqal.
Patterns of Adrenal Masses among Patients with Adrenal Diseases.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 596-599].(ISSN:
1545-1003). 83
Adrenal mass, Pheochromocytoma, Incidentiloma, Adenoma, Conn’s
disease, Cushing’s syndrome
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Comparative study of Quercetin or/and Urate Oxidase against
Gentamicin -induced Nephrotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Rat
Abdel-Lattif Ibrahim1 and Afaf Abbass Sayed Saleh
Laboratories Department, Faculty of Science, Majmaah University,
Saudi Arabia Kingdom.
Department, Women's Colleage, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
This study was
conducted to show whether quercetin and urate oxidase would
offer ameliorating effects against abnormal alterations in
kidney function tests in gentamicin induced nephrotoxic rats.
Two experiments were carried out, the first one showed that
daily injection of 80 mg gentamicin /kg b. wt interaperitonealy
(I.P) for two weeks induced acute renal failure indicated by
significant elevation in serum levels of urea, creatinine, uric
acid, potassium, inorganic phosphorus and Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
and a significant decline in serum sodium, total and ionized
calcium associated with a remarkable decrease in the content of
glutathione (GSH) and in the activities glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and catalase (CAT) and in the concentration of thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the kidney of nephrotoxic
rats when compared with their corresponding values in saline
injected rats (Normal animals group).
In the
second experiment, four comparisons were made between gentamicin
induced nephrotoxic rats and other nephrotoxic groups received
daily i.p. injection of quercetin (50mg/kg b.wt) and urate
oxidase (10mg/kg b. wt) for 2 & 4 weeks after the incidence of
nephrotoxicity. A remarkable correction was occurred in the
levels of serum urea, creatinine, uric acid, potassium, sodium,
total and ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus and PTH in
quercetin or urate oxidase treated groups exhibited significant
reduction than nephrotoxic untreated rats dependent on the time
of treatment (2 & 4 weeks).
In the kidney
tissues, a considerable amelioration effect was occurred in the
content of the levels of GSH and in the activities Gpx and CAT
and in the concentration of TBARS after the nephrotoxic rats
treated with quercetin or urate oxidase. These corrections were
dependent on the time of treatment (2 & 4 weeks).
Thus, it may
be concluded that quercetin or urate oxidase can be applicable
as therapeutic agent with gentamicin therapy. The best
beneficial effect was more prominent when nephrotoxic rats
treated with both agents (quercetin or urate oxidase) at last
interval (4 weeks). The obtained data were discussed according
to available obtained researches.
Abdel-Lattif Ibrahim and Afaf Abbass. Comparative study of Quercetin or/and Urate Oxidase
against Gentamicin -induced Nephrotoxicity and Oxidative Stress
in Rat kidneys.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):
600-607].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Quercetin, urate
oxidase, Oxidative Stress, Nephrotoxicity, Rats.
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histological and histochemical studies on the effect of
gibberllin A3 in albino rats
A. Nassar, *Fawzya Ab.Zayed, ***Ahmed M.
Hegab, **Mohamed N. Mossaad and ***Asmaa
S. Harfoush
* Zoology Dept.,
Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt.
** Zoology Dept.,
Faculty of Science, Benha University, Egypt.
*** Harmful Animals
Dept., Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural
Research Center, Egypt.
Gibberllic acid (GA3) is an endogenous plant growth
regulator used worldwide (particularly in Egypt) in agriculture.
The goal of this work was to screen the possible genotoxic and
cytotoxic effects of GA3 in adult male albino rats.
The frequency of chromosome aberrations (CA), micronuclei (MN)
and sperm abnormalities were used as endpoints for genotoxicity.
In addition, bone marrow activity has been investigated. Kidney
histological and histochemical studies were performed to detect
the cytotoxic effect of GA3. Image analysis was used
to quantify the histochemical detection of protein as a
bioindicator for GA3 toxicity in the renal tissue. A
single daily close of 500 mg GA3 (⅓LD50)/kg
body weight was orally administrated in male albino rats for 6
continuous days. An increase in the frequency of chromosomal
aberrations (structural & numerical), micronuclei production and
sperm abnormalities was observed in most treatments with GA3
with a comparable increase in bone marrow activity. Also,
administration of GA3 induced many histopathological
alterations in the kidney such as glomerular vacuolization,
shrinkage and degeneration, necrosis and atrophy in the
epithelia of the renal tubules leading to increased intertubular
spaces. Congested and damaged blood vessels leading to
concomitant hemorrhage were also observed. Histochemical
observations supported by image analysis revealed a significant
decrease in the total protein content of the renal epithelia as
compared to controls. Therefore, kidney histological and
histochemical studies confirmed the cytogenetical parameters to
conclude that the exposure of rats to GA3 has a
genotoxic and cytotoxic effects. The increase in the genotoxic
effect corresponds to a decrease in the mitotic activity of bone
marrow cells.
A. Nassar, Fawzya Ab.Zayed, Ahmed M. Hegab, Mohamed N. Mossaad
and Asmaa S. Harfoush. Cytogenetic, histological and
histochemical studies on the effect of gibberllin A3
on albino rats. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):
608-622].(ISSN: 1545-1003). 85
Key words:
Gibberllin A3,
Cytotoxic, Genotoxic, Albino rats.
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A Comparative study
between National Innovation System in
Switzerland and Iran
Seyedreza Haghi1,
Dr. Ahmad Sabahi
Hejazi 3, Fahimeh Fallahzadeh Tafti 4
Department of Management, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Economy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Department of English Language, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Management, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mashhad, Iran
In this
article, the innovation policy of one OECD country will be
studied. This country has got a successful National Innovation
system in Europe. This study focuses on the existing National
Innovation System of Iran to analyze the conditions of Iran's
NIS with paying attention to the classification based on
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development related to
the national innovation system. Finally some policies for
solving the problems of national innovation system of Iran will
be recommended. In this research, a field research investigation
through designed questionnaires, and a series of interviews with
policymakers, officials, executives in the network of
institutions in Iran have been implemented.
Ahmad Sabahi,
Hejazi, Fahimeh Fallahzadeh Tafti.
A Comparative study between National Innovation System in
Switzerland and Iran.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):623-627].(ISSN:
1545-1003). 86
Innovation policy,
SWOT Analysis, OECD Countries
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Role of
Testosterone in Glucose
Homeostasis in Immobilization Stressed Rats
Mona A. Ahmed
Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of
testosterone in glycemic responses induced by immobilization
stress. The study was conducted on male Wistar albino
rats divided into 4 groups: control group, testosterone-treated
control (unstressed) group,
group and testosterone-treated immobilization-stressed group.
Chronic immobilization stress caused significant decrease in
plasma testosterone levels, significant increase in plasma
glucose, glucose output by kidneys and significant decrease in
glucose uptake by diaphragm. Plasma insulin was significantly
decreased and G/I ratio significantly increased. This was
associated with impaired β-cell function as indicated by low
HOMA-β but absence of insulin resistance as shown by
insignificant differences in HOMA-IR. Plasma MDA was
significantly increased. Testosterone treatment in
immobilization-stressed rats resulted in significant
amelioration of β-cell dysfunction as shown by the high HOMA-β
together with significant decrease in plasma glucose, glucose
output and significant elevation in glucose uptake. Plasma
insulin increased significantly and G/I ratio decreased
significantly. Plasma MDA decreased significantly. Correlation
studies showed that plasma testosterone levels were
negatively correlated with plasma glucose levels (r=-0.536,
P<0.005), glucose output by kidneys (r=-0.451, P<0.05) and
plasma MDA levels (r=-0.383, P<0.05) and positively correlated
with plasma insulin levels (r=0.524, P<0.05), glucose uptake by
diaphragm (r=0.380, P<0.05) and HOMA-β (r=0.437, P<0.05).
Histological examination of pancreas from
immobilization-stressed rats
revealed degeneration, edema, mononuclear cellular infiltration
and cytoplasmic vacuolations. Also, significant increase in
caspase-3 immunoreactivity, an apoptotic marker, was observed in
pancreatic islets of Langerhans and acinar cells. Testosterone
treatment prevented the pancreatic histological damage and
attenuated cellular apoptosis. In conclusion, testosterone
treatment prevented the development of a diabetes mellitus-like
metabolic syndrome associated with immobilization stress. Also,
testosterone treatment protected the pancreas against damage and
β-cell dysfunction, enhanced insulin secretion and nullified
oxidative insult induced by stress. Hence, testosterone could be
potentially considered as an adjunct in the treatment of
diabetic state in males exposed to
stressful situations.
A. Ahmed. Role of Testosterone in Glucose Homeostasis
in Immobilization Stressed Rats.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):628-638]. (ISSN:
Key Words:
immobilization, testosterone, glucose, insulin and rats.
(glucose to insulin), MDA (malondialdehyde), HOMA (Homeostasis
model assessment), IR (insulin resistance).
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Historical and
Social psychology of Iranian people Social factors of Iranians'
special temperament
Habib Ahmadi,
Ali Ruhani,
Somaye Hashemi,
Mohsen Zohri,
Leila Nikpoor Ghanavati
The main concern
of this study is a transition from the stage of questioning and
theoretical analysis toward the domain of delineating the
cultural dimensions as well as the socio-historical and
psychological constitution in Iran, and in doing so it tries to
analyze the cultural dimensions as well as psychological,
socio-historical structures in Iran. Moreover it reinvestigates
various relationships between the cultural system and political
geography in socio-historical contexts and historically
collective psychology of Iran. To this end, first, a theoretical
approach is taken to have a critical analysis of scientists'
opinions and arguments. Second, Iran's territorial strategy and
politics theory, which are regarded as having a stronger
explanatory power among the existing theories, was selected to
investigate Iranian individual's social psychological structure.
Finally, the study makes a brief review of Iranian individuals'
socio-psychological characteristics which indicates that Iranian
individuals' properties result from the dialectic from micro,
mid, and macro levels of historical changes in Iran's territory.
Ali Ruhani,
Somaye Hashemi,
Mohsen Zohri,
Leila Nikpoor Ghanavati.
Historical and Social psychology of Iranian people Social
factors of Iranians' special temperament.
J Am
Sci. 2012; 8(1):639-647]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 88
Key words:
Iranians' special temperament; historical sociological theories;
Iranian individual's social psychology; Iran's territorial
strategy and politics theory |
Full Text |
[Journal of American Science 2012; 8(1):648-654].(ISSN:
1545-1003). 89
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Sense of
Community and Citizen Participation in Neighborhood Council in
Zinab Barati1,
Bahaman Abu Samah2, Nobaya Ahmad2
Institute for Social Science Studies, Putra University, Serdang
Selangor 43400, Malaysia
Institute for Social Science Studies, Putra University, Serdang
Selangor 43400, Malaysia
Department of Social and Development Sciences, Putra University,
Serdang Selangor 43400, Malaysia
This paper was
explored to understand the effects of sense of community on
citizen participation in Neighborhood Councils of Tehran city,
Iran. There is a variation in study results regarding citizen
participation, therefore understanding the effective factors
(e.g. sense of community) can help to make citizen participation
efforts successful in neighborhood organization. The analysis of
data uses SEM to determine the effects of sense of community on
citizen Participation in neighborhood organization. The findings
revealed that 66% variance in citizen participation explained by
sense of community. The findings of the study imply that
residents who have a sense of community with their neighbors are
more likely to participate in neighborhood associations.
[Zinab Barati,
Bahaman Abu Samah, Nobaya Ahmad. Sense of Community and
Citizen Participation in Neighborhood Council in Iran.
Am Sci. 2012;655-661].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 90
Participation, Sense of Community, Neighborhood Council |
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Diagnosis of
Acute Pulmonary Embolism With Multidetector Row CT in Clinically
Suspected Patients
Manal Hamisa and
Raghda Ghonimy*
Radio-diagnosis and
Medical imaging unit and Cardiology Tanta University
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life threating disease. Objective
testing for PE is crucial, because clinical assessment alone is
unreliable and the consequences of misdiagnosis are serious.
The aim of this study is: To evaluate the role of
multi-detector row helical CT in diagnosis of PE in clinical
suspected patients. Subjects& Methods: 64 patients were
clinically suspected of having acute PE. patients underwent:
Full clinical study, ECG and echocardiography study. Duplex for
lower limbs, Chest X- ray, ventilation/perfusion (V/P) scintigraphy, CT pulmonary angiography and pulmonary angiography
(for 3 patients). Results:
The presence
of PE was confirmed with concordance of positive results of CT
pulmonary angiography and a high or moderate probability V/P
scintigram this found in 31.2%patients. The absence of PE was
confirmed with the concordance of negative results D-dimer test,
negative CT pulmonary angiography, a normal or very low
probability V/P scintigram that found in 53% patients.
Discordant interpretation of V/P and CT pulmonary angiography
made pulmonary angiogram necessary in 4.6 % patients. Pulmonary
angiography was done in three cases as there is disconcordant
interpretation of V/P and CT pulmonary angiogram. Conclusion:
collimation multidetector row CT is an excellent imaging
technique in detection of PE.
Hamisa and Raghda Ghonimy.
Diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism with multidetector row CT
in clinically suspected patients.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 662-670]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 91
Key wards:
pulmonary embolism, Multidetector CT, pulmonary
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The Impact of
Peak Flow Meter Training in Enhancing Self-Efficacy of Asthmatic
Sahar Mahmood
of pediatric nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University,
Tanta, Egypt
Department of
Nursing, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm Al-Qura
University, Makkah, KSA.
a common lung disease of childhood throughout the world.
Children and parents education about asthma management including
Peak Flow Meter enable them to cope adequately with disease and
make asthma controllable.
is defined as the people's beliefs about their capabilities to produce
designated levels of performance. The best way to help children
feel good about themselves is to provide them with opportunities
to learn what their strengths are and to help them to cultivate
the belief that they can rely on their strengths when facing a
challenge. The aim
of this study is to examine the impact of peak flow meter
training in enhancing self-efficacy of asthmatic children.
This study was conducted at In-patient Pediatric Chest Unit
at Tanta University Hospital. Patients were followed up in the
Outpatient Pediatric Chest Clinic of the same hospital. A
convenient sample of 60 asthmatic children and their mothers,
were admitted to the study. The results showed that, The
mean age of children was 11.47 + 1.66 years. Slightly
less than half of the children (48.33%) were aged from 12- >14
years,46.67 % of the samples were males and 53.33 % were
females. The mean age of the mothers were 36.33 + 4.64
years. Thirty five percent of the mothers were secondary
education, 20 % were university level and only 8.33 were
illiterate. Slightly more than half of the children (55.0 %) had
the onset of asthma since 6- >8 years. Mothers' knowledge
regarding asthma and peak flow meter showed statistical
significant differences pretest and two months post test. Equal
percentage of 75 % of children were satisfactory, one month post
test and, good two months post test. There were statistical
significant differences. As regards to self efficacy, the
majority of the sample (78%) were not at all, and 3.33% were
moderately true pre test. Exactly true response was occurred in
6.67% of children one month post test and, in 35 % two months
post test. There were statistical significant differences
regarding self efficacy,
pre test, one month, and two months post test. It can be concluded from this study that, Peak flow meter
training enhance self efficacy of asthmatic children. The
ability to manage health problems and practice proper technique
children confidence in their own capabilities. It is recommended
to foster a training program for teachers to enforce
self-efficacy of asthmatic children.
Mahmood El-Khedr. The Impact of Peak Flow Meter Training in
Enhancing Self-Efficacy of Asthmatic Children. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):
671-682]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 92
Key words:
Self-efficacy, Peak flow meter and Asthma |
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Ventricular Apical versus Septal Pacing Impact on Left
Ventricular Synchrony and Function
Attia, Abdo Azab; Khaled Hussein; Nashwa Abed and Hassan Khaled
Care Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt,
Right ventricular (RV) pacing
alters left ventricular (LV) mechanical activation, resulting in
adverse impacts on LV function. Alternative RV septal pacing
results in narrower QRS duration and may be more physiologic
than RV apical pacing. This study was aimed to investigate the
effect of RV apical (RVA) and septal pacing (RVS) on LV
synchrony and function. Patients and methods: 40 patients
clinically indicated for dual chamber pacing were included,
subjected to conventional M-mode and 2-D echocardiography
with following parameters looked for: left ventricular end
diastolic diameter (LVEDD), left ventricular end systolic
diameter (LVESD), ejection fraction (EF%), fractional shortening
(FS%), cardiac output (CO L/m) and tissue Doppler imaging to
assess LV dyssynchrony baseline
study on temporary RV apical pacing. Then patients were divided
randomly into two groups: GroupI: 20
patients underwent permanent RV apical pacing. GroupII:
20 patients underwent permanent
RV septal pacing. QRS duration, Electrical parameters including
RV stimulation threshold, R wave, and ventricular lead impedance
together with fluoroscopic time were measured in every patient.
Both groups were followed up within one week and at least 6
months after implantation by echocardiography, and tissue
Doppler imaging. Results:
QRS duration was significantly narrower in pts with septal
pacing compared to RV apical pacing (148.85+6.89 Vs 162.1+5.98,
< 0.001).
Electrical parameters at implant were satisfactory for all
patients and no patients required lead repositioning. There were
no significant differences in the RV mean stimulation threshold,
R-wave sensing, lead impedance and fluoroscopic time between the
RV apical and RV septal lead
positioning. Within
one week following implantation there was no significant
difference in LVEDD, LVESD, LVEF, CO and LV mechanical delay. On
follow up, in RV septal paced patients compared to RV apical
paced patients LVEDD(cm) was lower (4.73±0.59 Vs 4.94±0.61, P
value= 0.27), LVESD(cm) was significantly lower (3.02±0.37 Vs
3.42±0.45, P value= 0.004), LVEF(%) was significantly higher
(69±8Vs 62±7, P value= 0.006), CO (L/min) was significantly
higher (4.88±0.29 Vs 4.5±0.62, P value= 0.019),LV lateral to
septal delay was significantly lower (72±5 Vs 83±6, P value<
0.001). Conclusion: Long term RV septal pacing is feasible,
reliable and efficient associated with less adverse effects on
LV synchrony and function compared to long term RV apical
Attia, Abdo Azab; Khaled Hussein; Nashwa Abed and Hassan Khaled.
Ventricular Apical versus Septal Pacing Impact on Left
Ventricular Synchrony and Function.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1): 683-690]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 93
Key words:
septal pacing, RV apical pacing, LV dyssynchrony. |
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A critical review of
financial reporting standards in European companies-
Differences and Similarities with GAAP in UK
1Abbas Sadeghi,
2Moosa Rahimi, 3Vahid Gholipoor
1,2Sama Technical and Vocational Training
College, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch,Shiraz,
3Islamic Azad
University, Larestan Branch, Larestan, Fars, Iran,,,
The adoption of international financial reporting standards
across the European Union from 1st January 2005 is one of the
biggest events in the accounting history. This is especially
important after the capital markets were rocked by some big
accounting frauds in recent years. In the first phase, 7000-plus
listed European companies had to implement new financial
reporting standards from January 2005. This paper discusses
this reporting system, its capabilities, opportunities and
challenges and the main differences between this system and
United Kingdom GAAP (as an optimized system).
Sadeghi, Moosa Rahimi, Vahid Gholipoor. A critical review of
financial reporting standards in European companies- Differences
and Similarities with GAAP in UK. J Am Sci.
2012;8(1):691-700]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Reporting, Financial, Accounting, System, Europe, EU |
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Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient with Huge Focal Nodular
(Case Report and Review of Literature)
Saleh M. Aldaqal1,
Salim Bazara2, Hanaa M.Tashkandi 1 and
Osama A. Samargandi1
Departments of
1Surgery and
Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH) is a
benign hepatic tumor usually affecting reproductive age of
females and also has association with oral contraceptive. A few
cases have been reported of co-existent FNH and Hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) of the liver in the literature. We are dealing
with a case of a 72-year-old, male patient, diagnosed HCC
shortly after resection of a huge focal nodular hyperplasia of
the liver.
[Saleh M. Aldaqal, Salim Bazara, Hanaa M. Tashkandi, Osama A.
Samargandi. Hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient
with huge focal nodular hyperplasia (Case report and review of literature).
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):701
-704]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 95
Hepatic tumor; liver mass;
hepatocellular carcinoma; focal nodular hyperplasia. |
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Impact of
Proposed Nursing Rehabilitation Program on Self management of
Selected Side Effects of Chemotherapy for Elderly Patients with
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Heba Ahmed Mohammed1*;
Khairia Abo Baker Elsawi1; Magdi Mohammed Saber2
and Manal Mohammed
Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Cairo,
oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Cairo,
Elderly cancer patients that are receiving chemotherapy may face
many challenges as co morbidity, polypharmacy and chemotherapy
toxicity that may affect their nutritional and functional
status; so nursing rehabilitation program is crucial to overcome
these complications and improve quality of life. Therefore, the
aim of this study was to examine the impact of proposed nursing
rehabilitation program on self management of selected side
effects of chemotherapy for elderly patients with
gastrointestinal cancer. To fulfill the aim of this study the
following research hypotheses were tested: H1: The study group
will have a decreased intensity of chemotherapy adverse effects
as compared to control group. H2: The post test mean knowledge
scores of the study group will be higher than that of a control
group. H3: The post test mean self management scores of the
study group will be higher than that of a control group.
Quasi-experimental design was utilized in this study. A
convenience sample of 60 elderly male and female patients.
Patients were randomly divided into two equal and matched groups
(study and control). Four tools were utilized for data
collections; 1) Socio- demographic and medical profile data
tool, 2) Chemotherapy induced toxicities tool, 3) Oral care
assessment tool, 4) Pre- post knowledge assessment and self
management tool. The study results revealed the followings:
there was statistical significant difference between study and
control group in relation to incidence of chemotherapy´s adverse
effects as nausea and vomiting, mucositis and diarrhea after the
last chemotherapeutic cycles. Post test mean knowledge scores
related to chemotherapy, functions, adverse effects,
elimination, mucositis, oral care and balanced diet and post
test mean self management scores related to elimination,
mucositis, nausea and vomiting, oral care practice were higher
in the study group than control group. In conclusion nursing
rehabilitation program seemed to have a positive impact on
gastrointestinal elderly patient's outcomes.
Ahmed Mohammed; Khairia Abo Baker Elsawi; Magdi Mohammed Saber
and Manal Mohammed Mostafa. Impact of Proposed
Nursing Rehabilitation Program on Self management of Selected
Side Effects of Chemotherapy for Elderly Patients with
Gastrointestinal Cancer. J Am Sci. 2012;
8(1): 705-714].(ISSN: 1545-1003). 96
Key words:
gastrointestinal elderly patients, chemotherapy toxicity,
nursing rehabilitation program, self management and patient's
outcomes. |
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Assessment the Role of L-Carnitine in Improving Hepatic
Encephalopathy Using MR Spectroscopy
Hanan H. Soliman1, Dina H. Ziada1, Mohamed
Hefeda2, Manal Hamisa2 and Samy A. Khodeir3
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases1, Radiology2,
Internal Medicine3,
Faculty of Medicine
Tanta University-Egypt
Background and aim: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is related to
abnormal cerebral metabolites. MR Spectroscopy (MRS) can
demonstrate neurometabolites changes associated with therapy.
The aim was to evaluate the influence of L-carnitine on mental
Conditions, serum ammonia and neurometabolites on patients with
HE using MRS. Patients
and methods: Ten control subjects and 54 patients with grades II
to III HE, were randomized into (GI) receiving lactulose 30ml/t.d.s
as standard therapy and(GII) receiving L-Carnitine1000mg/twice
in addition. Clinical assessment, fasting Ammonia level, and nuerometabolites using proton MRS were calculated and compared
at base line and after one week. RESULTS:
After one week,
25% of HE patients were reversed in group I versus 42.3% in
group II. fasting ammonia levels were significantly decreased in
both groups compared to pretreatment levels and significantly
lower in L-carnitine group compared to lactulose group(P=0.041).
neurometabolites mI/Cre, Cho/Cre, Gx/Cre, and (Cho+mI)/Gx ratios
were significantly improved in both groups compared to pre
treatment levels, but L Carnitine added group(II), showed a
significant increase in mI/Cre, and (Cho+mI)/Glx ratios and
decrease in Glx/Cre ratio in comparison to lactulose group(p=0.002-p=0.003-p=0.002
respectively). CONCLUSION:
Adding L Carnitine to (lactulose) therapy for treatment HE
hastened the clinical improvement and was associated with
significant improvement in serum ammonia and neurometabolites
specially mI/Cre, and (Cho+ mI)/Glx and Glx/Cre ratios.
[Hanan H. Soliman, Dina H. Ziada, Mohamed Hefeda, Manal Hamisa
and Samy A. Khodeir.
Assessment the Role of L-Carnitine in Improving Hepatic
Encephalopathy Using MR Spectroscopy]J ournal of American Science 2012; 8(1):
715-721].(ISSN: 1545-1003). 97
Key words: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), L-Carnitine,
hepatic encephalopathy (HE), neurometabolite. |
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Detection of
Genotoxicity of Phenolic Antioxidants, Butylated hydroxyanisole
andtert-Butylhydroquinonein Multiple Mouse Organs by the
Alkaline Comet Assay
Ramadan, A.M. Ali1,
2 and Takayoshi Suzuki3
Dept., College for Girls for Science, Arts and Education, Ain-Shams
Univ., Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
of Genetics and Mutagenesis,
of Cellular and Gene Therapy Products,
National Institute
of Health Sciences, 1-18-1, Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158,
this study we tested the genotoxicity of two widely used
phenolic antioxidants, butylatedhydroxyanisole (BHA) andtert-butylhydroquinone
(t-BHQ) in multiple mouse organs using the alkaline comet assay.
Tissue samples from four organs (stomach, liver, kidney and bone
marrow) were collected from male mice at 3 and 24 h post
treatment with BHA (800 mg/kg) or t-BHQ (400 mg/kg) and examined
for genotoxicity. The two compounds induced significant increase
in DNA migration in a time dependant manner in specific organs.
Extensive DNA damage was observed in stomach cells at 24 h post
treatment in treatment groups. In addition to stomach, t-BHQ
treatment induced significant increase in DNA migration in liver
and kidney cells. Although increased DNA damage was found in
kidney cells of treatment groups at 3 h time point, at later
time point it was persistent only in mice treated with t-BHQ and
in other treatment group (BHA) it appeared to be recovered with
time. Evidently, bone marrow cells did not show genotoxicity in
response to treatment with t-BHQ and BHA.Considering
these findings, although t-BHQ and BHA are generally considered
non-genotoxic, the DNA damage observed in this experiment may be
related to their indirect action on DNA via ROS mechanism. Since
toxicity of these compounds are often ascribed to their
metabolic products such as quinonethioethers and hence
differences in the metabolism of these compounds may play an
important role in determining the target organ of toxicity. The
present work draws our attention to revising the genotoxicity of
the widely used antioxidants and accepted as safe artificial
[Ramadan, A.M.
Aliand Takayoshi Suzuki. Detection
of Genotoxicity of Phenolic Antioxidants, Butylated
hydroxyanisole and tert-butylhydroquinonein Multiple
Mouse Organs by the Alkaline Comet Assay.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):722-727
] (ISSN:
1545-1003). 98 98
Key wards:
BHA; t-BHQ; comet assay; mice; bone marrow; liver; kidney;
stomach; ENU. |
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Studies for Women and Men with Sexual Dysfunction
Nemati 1*, Soori H. 2, Seyedreza Haghi3,
Fahimeh Fallahzadeh
Tafti 4
Department of Psychology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University,Mashhad, Iran
Department of Epidemiology Safety Promotion and Injury
Prevention Research Center-Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran,
of Management, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University,Mashhad,
Department of Psychology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mashhad, Iran
The prevalence
of female and male sexual dysfunction is high and it may
significantly affect self-esteem and quality of life. Even
sexual dysfunction of short duration can create frustration and
anguish. When chronic, it may lead to anxiety and depression,
harm relationships, and cause problems in other aspects of life.
The goal of the present research is to study the effect of
cognitive-behavioral counseling on the level of anxiety in women
and men with sexual dysfunction. In this research, Cognitive
behavior therapy during 8 individual weekly sessions and 4 group
therapy weekly sessions used for subjects group and it focused
on cognitive restructuring, modification of cognitive
distortions and training of behavioral techniques. Spilburger’s
Anxiety questionnaire was used as the pre-test and post- test
for subject group. Finally data analysis will be shown that the
cognitive behavior therapy has significantly effect on reduction
of anxiety. The mean scores of anxiety in post-test of subject
group were significantly lower than mean scores in pre-test.
Cognitive counseling as a therapeutic method can have a
significant role in improvement of women and men suffering from
anxiety which is resulted from sexual dysfunction.
Nemati, Soori H., Seyedreza
Haghi, Fahimeh Fallahzadeh Taft.
Psychological Studies for Women and Men with Sexual Dysfunction.
J Am Sci. 2012;8(1):728-733]
Keywords: Sexual
Dysfunction, Anxiety, Cognitive Behavior Counseling |
Full Text |
Prevalence of Gall Stones in
Egyptian Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Eljaky, M. A.1, M S.
Hashem1, Osama El-Bahr1, Hossam Abd
El-Latif1, Hassan El-Shennawy1 and Samira
Abo El-Kher2
Hepatology Dept.1 and
Community Medicine Dept.2, National Liver Institute,
Menoufiya University, Egypt.
Liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis are risk factors for
inflammation of gall bladder. Aim of the work: The
primary aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of
gallstone disease (GSD) in Egyptian patients with chronic liver
disease. The secondary aim was to study the risk factors and the
association of GSD with the severity and underlying aetiology of
liver disease. The prevalence of gallstones in Egypt with high
rate of hepatic infection especially HCV was studied.
Methods: 1260 patients included in this study with liver
cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis based on histological diagnosis
or compatible clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic
findings. All patients underwent ultrasound abdominal scanning.
The presence of gallstones, its number and size were noted. Results:
There was highly significant difference regarding the presence
of gallstones in chornic HCV group (5%), in chronic HBV group
(1%), in HCV-induced cirrhosis group (33.7%) and in HBV-induced
cirrhosis group (15.7%). Conclusion: Our study suggests
that chronic HCV infection is an important risk factor for the
development of GSD in Egyptian patients with chronic liver
[Eljaky, M. A., M S. Hashem,
Osama El-Bahr, Hossam Abd El-Latif, Hassan El-Shennawy and
Samira Abo El-Kher. Prevalence of Gall Stones in Egyptian
Patients with Chronic Liver Disease.
J Am Sci. 2012; 8(1):734-737]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Chronic liver disease, Gallstones, HCV, HBV |
Full Text |
101 |
Mothers’ Satisfaction with the
quality of Maternal and Child Services (out patient Pediatric
unit) in Assiut and Beni-Suef Governorates
Mervat A. Elkader
Ahmed Mohamed
Community Health Nursing
Department, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suif University
Nowadays, quality of life
is one of the important aspects in promotion, prevention, and
referral of at risk infancy is the major component of MCH
services. Primary
health-care centers provide outpatient health care and primary
preventive activities for people in general and for mothers and
children in particular. Medical care aims not only to improve
health status, but also to respond to patients’ needs and wishes
and to ensure their satisfaction with care. The
patient-clinician relationship is a central feature of primary
care. Health services and
health education are the basic services provide to babies and
mothers to achieve many objectives for example; protect our
children, prevent any complication during life and maintain
normal growth and development. Primary health care have many
elements which facilities are established to provide communities
with basic diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitate health services
and medical outcomes, and are greatly influenced by client
satisfaction with health care services. Client satisfaction has
become a specific organizational goal and is used as an
indicator of provider performance. This study aimed to
assess mother' satisfactions regarding services in pediatric
outpatient clinic and recommended how improve its quality.
Subject and Methodology: the studied clients were 240
mothers, 126 mothers of them were from MCH centers at Assiut
governorate (Kolta and El-Walidia) and 114 mothers from MCH
centers at Beni-Seuf governorate (El Reiadi and El-Shorafa). The
total sample were selected randomly which they attendant to
these centers (Mothers attendant for seeking medical care or
follow up of vaccinations for their children). Descriptive cross
sectional research design was used in this study.
This study is divided to two tools;
was consists of demographic data of services health
providers' team in the four studied centers, and observation
checklist: of the place and persons that give services to the
child. A cross sectional study was conducted during six months
from January to June 2010. Was used in collecting data for this
study, a descriptive study has been chosen, and the Maternal and
Child Health Units selected randomly.
The Results revealed that. The most of health care
providers spent many years working in this facility (OPD). The
majority of the clients were satisfying from follow up service,
regarding geographic accessibility; most of interviewed clients
in the studied were about the time reach to the center, the
major number from them needs less than 15 minute (47% in Kolta,
49% in El Reiadi, 38% in El-Walidia and 41% in El-Shorafa). And
they were satisfying from the waiting time tell see the doctors,
it was short time for most of the interviewed clients as follow
(82. 4%, 82. 8%, 93.8% & 75.5%) in Kolta, El Reiadi,
El-Walidia and El-Shorafa). And there is no satisfaction
significant difference between the MCH and RHCs as P.value =
>0.05. And all of them satisfying from "doctors and nurses
listen in good way" as follow (91%, 61.5%, and 86 % and 94%) in
(Kolta, El Reiadi, El-Walidia, and El-Shorafa).
It’s concluded OPD services in MCH have high
quality and large number of the clients receive the services are
more satisfactory, this is probably due to increase the health
awareness and educational status among clients in urban areas.
Still low/ lack of training courses of the health care
providers. Increase the price of the service after renovation of
this centers, lack of health education, especially in rural
area. Until now the worker personnel lost motivating development
factors. Recommendation; Health education sessions
should be planned for increase awareness of the mothers about
ideal baby care methods, available a new trends /follow up
training program for health care providers and should be
suitable to the duty, supervision system should be adequately
[Mervat A. Elkader
Ahmed Mohamed. Mothers’ Satisfaction with the quality of
Maternal and Child Services (out patient Pediatric unit) in
Assiut and Beni-Suef Governorates.
J Am Sci
2012; 8(1):738-747].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Assess, mother, satisfactions, pediatric, outpatient clinic,
services, improve, quality |
Full Text |
101 |
102 |
Patient Safety: Assessing
Nurses' Compliance
M. Hassan and 2Soheir T. Ahmed
Administration Department, 2Medical-Surgical Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.;
Patient safety is a major challenge for quality improvement and
enhancing provider’s performance. Protecting patients and staff
members from harm is fundamental responsibility of all
hospitals, which must devote their attention to manage the
safety of patients. Sometimes unintentional harm comes to
patient during a clinical procedure, this harm can lead to
death. Aim:
The study aims to
assess nurses' compliance
to patient safety parameters at intensive care unit
examine socioeconomic factors
affecting it. Subjects
and Methods: This
study was conducted at ICU in the Ain-shams
University hospital using a
descriptive design. 30 nurses were included in the study. Tools
of the study included 1) Interview questionnaire sheet to
collect the study subjects characteristics data. 2) An
observational checklists that developed based upon review of
International Patient Safety Goals accredited by Joint
commission International Standards for Hospitals (2008).
Results: The mean score of nurses' compliance to parameter
related to reducing the risk of health care associated infection
has the highest score, while safety of high alert medication has
the lowest score. There was statistically significant relation
between nurses' compliance to most parameters of patient safety
and their age, qualification, years of experience and attending
training courses. Conclusion: nurse's compliance
score in reducing the risk of healthcare associated infection,
the second highest mean scores was improve effective
communication parameter and the parameter of correct patient
identification was third high mean score. While, the parameter
of reducing the risk of patient harm from falls had low mean
score, and the lowest score in improving the safety of high
alert medication. In
there are clear
discrepancy in relation between total means scores of nurses'
compliance toward patients' safety parameters and their
socio-demographic characteristics.
programs for nurses working in ICU related to patient safety
parameters improve and
support a blame-free and forgiveness environment enhance patient
safety culture. Further studies are needed for testing the
influence of safe work environment on nurses' performance and
[Rabab M. Hassan and Soheir T.
Ahmed Patient Safety: Assessing Nurses' Compliance.
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 102
Keywords: Patient safety, Nurses' compliance.
Text |
102 |
103 |
The Effect of Educational
Program on Caregivers (Knowledge and Practicing) Toward Their
Autistic Children
S. Abd El Hameed, 1Eman N. Ramadan, 2Inas
H. Elshair and 3Hanan E. Abd El Aziz
Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Benha University
Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Cairo University
Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Cairo University
Autism is a developmental disorder that causes severe impairment
in the areas of language development, communication, and social
interaction, the diagnosis of autism and other pervasive
developmental disorders in early childhood has increased
drastically in recent years. Aim: Evaluate effect of
educational program on caregivers (knowledge and practices)
toward caring of their autistic children. Subject and
methods: A quasi-experimental research design was
used,The presents study included 100 caregivers and their 100 autistic children aged
between 4-12 years, they were recruited from two different
settings El – Abasia mental health hospital and
social & preventive centre,Cairo University
Tools of study, socio-demographic data sheet for
caregivers and their children.
an interviewing questionnaire to assess the caregivers knowledge
and an observational checklist for assessing the caregivers
practices for their autistic children as basic self –
care, fin and gross motor skills social and emotional skills
speech and language skills. By Grejory,(2007)
Results: Caregivers in the present study demonstrated a
significant improvement in knowledge and practices that reflect
on their children's skills in motor, emotional and language
skills, before
and after program implementation as regard
(35.5±12.1), (46.1 ± 15.0) for knowledge and (30.6+ 16.3),
(39.3 ± 11.4) for skills Conclusions.
The study concluded that,
educational program was effective for caregivers to improve
their knowledge and practice regarding their autistic children
Recommendation: Continuous educational program is needed specially for
illiteracy caregivers to raise their awareness toward their
autistic children regarding knowledge and practice through home
visits, mass media should play a significant role to disseminate
the needed information about caring for autistic children.,
nurses should receive adequate training programs, in autistic
children care (physically, emotionally and socially). In order
to provide comprehensive care for those children and their
S. Abd El Hameed, Eman N. Ramadan, Inas H. Elshair and Hanan
E. Abd El Aziz. The Effect of Educational Program on
Caregivers (Knowledge and Practicing) Toward Their Autistic
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Educational program Autistic Children, Caregivers Knowledge and
practice |
Full Text |
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Incidence and Risk Factors of HCV Recurrence
after Living Donor Liver
Mohsen M. Maher1, Mahmoud S. El-Meteini2,
Mohamed F. Abd Al-Ghaffar2, Tark M. Yousef, Maha M.
Hussein1, Ahmed I. El-Shafie1,
¹Department of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Ain Shams University.
²Department of Liver Surgery- Ain Shams University, Egypt
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common indication for liver
transplantation worldwide. Recurrence of HCV post
transplantation is one of the major challenges which is
associated with poor graft and patient survival. The aim of this
study was to assess the frequency of clinical HCV recurrence
after liver transplantation (LT) and identify possible factors
affecting it. The study was conducted on 122 recipients of
living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) due to HCV related
liver cirrhosis. Clinical HCV recurrence was diagnosed by
elevated liver enzymes, increased viral load and confirmed by
histopathology of liver biopsy. Several factors related to
recipients, donors, operative and postoperative period were
analyzed for their relation to recurrent HCV. Our results showed
that the clinical HCV recurrence was diagnosed in 22.7 % (28
patients) of LDLT recipients with 75% of them (21 patients)
diagnosed in the first year post transplantation. Less graft
recipient weight ratio (GRWR) and rejection episodes following
surgery were the only factors significantly related to the
development of recurrent disease.
M. Maher, Mahmoud S. El-Meteini, Mohamed F. Abd Al-Ghaffar,
Tark M. Yousef, Maha M. Hussein, Ahmed
I. El-Shafie. Incidence and Risk Factors of HCV
after Living
Donor Liver Transplantation.
J Am
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Recurrent HCV, Incidence, Risk factors, Egypt |
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Spinal aneurismal Bone Cyst, surgical Treatment and follow up (A
Study of 8 Cases)
Hazem Abul-Nasr1,
Magdy Samra1, Basem Ayoub2 and Mohamed
Heshame Ghoname3
and Orthopedic2 Departments; Faculty of Medicine,
Cairo University
Departement3, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar
Eight cases of
primary spinal aneurysmal bone cyst were analyzed with regard to
sex, age, site, clinical pictures and radiographic findings.
Surgery in the form of radical curettage was performed for all
lesions without need for fixation. Patients with neurological
deficits improved after surgery with no mortalities. No
recurrence was detected along 1-2 years follow up period, and
radiological healing and ossification was found in 75% of cases.
Abul-Nasr, Magdy Samra, Basem Ayoub and Mohamed Heshame Ghoname.
aneurismal Bone Cyst, surgical Treatment and follow up (A Study
of 8 Cases).
J Am Sci
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
spinal aneurismal; bone cyst; sex; age; site; clinical picture |
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Spinal aneurysmal
Bone Cyst, surgical Treatment and Imaging (A Study of 8 Cases)
Hazem Abul-Nasr1,
Magdy Samra1, Basem Ayoub2 and Mohamed
Heshame Ghoname3
Neurosurgery1 and
Orthopedic2 Departments; Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
Radiology Departement3,
Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University
Patient with primary spinal aneurismal bone cyst was selected as
regard to clinical presentation and radiographic findings.
Surgical treatment with spinal radical bone curettage was
performed for all patients without fixation. Neurological
deficits marked improved after surgery in all paient. No
radiological recurrence was detected along two years follow up
period. Healing and ossification was found in 75% of cases.
Abul-Nasr, Magdy Samra, Basem Ayoub and Mohamed Heshame Ghoname.
Spinal aneurismal Bone Cyst, surgical Treatment and Imaging (A
Study of 8 Cases).
Am Sci
2012;8(1):780-786]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Bone cyst. Surgical treatment |
Full Text |
106 |
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September 27, 2011.
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doi:10.7537/marsjas080112.106 |