Journal of American Science
Am Sci)
7, Issue 7, Cumulated No. 41,
July 25, 2011
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Knowledge: priorities and necessities
1 Mohammad Abedi, 2 Ali
1, 2 Department of Agricultural Economic, Islamic
Azad University, Marvdasht Branch, Marvdasht, Iran
*Corresponding author:
Abstract: Indigenous
knowledge owners of world in current age (which known as
information age) have valuable experiences from industry age
and from inappropriate exploitation of their natural sources.
These countries have learned that exporting produced goods is
better than selling petroleum. enforcing indigenous productive
system at villages and also encouraging youths and teens to
learn indigenous knowledge at on hand, and preparing suitable
research condition for applied-sciences scholars in order to
identify better and increasing applied aptitude of indigenous
knowledge at the other hand, is equal to protection and
sustainable use of natural resources.
[Mohammad Abedi
and Ali Badragheh. Indigenous Knowledge: priorities and
necessities. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):1-6].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 1
Keywords: indigenous
Full Text
A ga algorithm
for a two–echelon inventory system with space constraint &
compare this with simulated annealing
Seyyed Jamal Hosseini 1,
L. Hojagani 2
of Management, Economics, Accounting,payame noor
unvierstiy,I.R.of IRAN.poBox19395-3697tehran,IRAN.PHD candidat
of.industrial Management in AMEA
university of Qazvin, Iran
One of the key areas of operations and supply chain management
is inventory control. Inventory control determines which
quantity of a product should be ordered when to achieve some
objective, such as minimizing cost. This paper presents a
two-echelon non-repairable spare parts inventory system that
consists of one warehouse with space constraint and m identical
retailers and implements the reorder point, order quantity (R,
Q) inventory policy. We formulate the policy decision problem
in order to minimize the total annual inventory investment
subject to average annual ordering frequency and expected number
of backorder constraints.
[Seyyed Jamal Hosseini and L.Hojagani. A ga algorithm for a
two –echelon inventory system with space constraint & compare
this with simulated annealing. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):7-12]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 2
Two –echelon inventory system, Space constraint, Genetic,
Simulated annealing |
Full Text
An efficient method to improve Information
Recovery on Web
Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz 1, Dr.
Syed Muhammad Ahsen2, Farzeen Abbas3,
Muhammad Shaheen4
Syed Athar Masood5
1,2,3, 4 Department of Computer
Science & Engg, UET Lahore, Pakistan
5Department of Engineering
Management, NUST College of E&ME, Rawalpindi Pakistan
2,,, 5
Abstract: The
information content on Web is very large and number of users is
interacting with it in diverse manner and is growing fast.
Information retrieval on web is concerned to capture precise
and accurate content as requested in real time. To enhance the
performance of Information Retrieval on web quality metrics are
needed to be satisfied. The proposed research deals with
introduction of such quality metrics, which can improve
Information Retrieval systems on web. Different quality matrices
are analyzed that are used for IR system. Information Retrieval
metrics are already defined but they still could not make up
with the relevancy requirement of users. Proposed Subsumption
metrics is based on ontology to improve user query results and enhance
the quality of retrieval. IR systems based on ontology are
already in practise but they are not using any kind of metrics
and they are specific to their respective domain. It is
required to introduce such kind of metrics which is generic to
all the systems and improves relevancy by incorporating
Subsumption metrics. [Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, Dr. Syed Muhammad Ahsan, Farzeen
Abbas, Muhammad Shaheen. An An Efficient Method to Improve
Information Recovery on Web. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):13-23]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Subsumption Metrics,
Information Recovery
Full Text
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
[Ofdm] And Multiple Input Multiple Output [Mimo] as Joint
Transmission Scheme
1Syed Ahsan, 2Muhammad
Shahbaz, 3Syed Athar Masood
1,2Department of Computer
Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
3 Department of Engineering
Management, NUST College of E&ME, Rawalpindi Pakistan
1; 2,
Abstract: Wireless medium is a
hostile propagation medium suffering from multipath fading and
interference from other sources. Time Diversity and Frequency
Diversity provide provides effective methods to mitigate fading
and interference, this improving link robustness. Spatial
Diversity provides link reliability without compromising on
spectral efficiency. Space-time-coding provides potentially
increased robustness and capacity by exploiting the fact that
multiple antennas can be used in both transmitting and
receiving equipments. This spatial multiplexing technique is
termed as Multiple-Input-Multiple-Out [“MIMO”]. Most of the
previous work in the area of “MIMO” wireless has been
restricted to narrowband systems. Orthogonal-Frequency-Division-Multiplexing
[“OFDM”] significantly reduces receiver complexity in wireless
broadband systems. The use of “MIMO” technology in combination
with “OFDM” seems to be an attractive solution for future
broadband wireless systems. This paper is aimed at looking at
possible integration of “MIMO” with “OFDM” and establishing
improvements it has to offer for wireless networks. Various
schemes that employ multiple antennas at the transmitter and
receiver are being considered to improve the range and
performance of communication systems. [Syed Ahsan, Muhammad
Shahbaz, Syed Athar Masood. Integrating Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing and Multiple Input Multiple Output as
Joint Transmission Scheme. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):24-27].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Time Diversity, Frequency
Diversity, OFDM, MIMO
Full Text
Sodium And Potassium Ion
Losses In Rabbits Infected With Strains Of Aeromonas
Hydrophila: Implication For Its Roles In Diarrhoea
1Department of Chemical
pathology, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria 2Department
of Nursing Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State,
Nigeria. 3Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Madonna University Elele, River state, Nigeria.
ABSTRACT: The plasma levels of sodium
and potassium ions were periodically (at 12 hourly intervals)
estimated in rabbits orally infected with clinical and
environmental Isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila. Infections with
clinical isolates resulted in a 54.5% and 32.1% losses in Na+
and K+ ions respectively after 96 hours. Infection
with the environmental isolates was however less severe
resulting in a 42.7% and 16.2% depletion of plasma Na+
and k+ respectively 96 hours post oral challenge. It
is concluded that A. hydrophila isolates from this locality are
capable of causing diarrhoea as evidenced by the results. It is
suggested that patients with diarrhoea require prompt treatment
in order to avoid allowing decrease in plasma electrolytes
which will worsening prognosis thereby increasing morbidity and
mortality associated with diarrhoea diseases.
[Idonije O.B., Okhiai O.,
Asika E.C. Sodium and Potassium ion losses in Rabbits infected
with strains of Aeromonas hydrophila: implication for its roles
in diarrhoea. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):28-33
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Enteropathogecity,
Aeromonas hydrophila, Diarrhoea, immune suppression, infection.
Full Text
and Assessment of Kriging and Cokriging Methods on Groundwater
Level Estimation
Moslemzadeh ,
Meysam Salarijazi ,
Samere Soleymani
of Civil Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Andimeshk, Iran
* Corresponding Author:
of Civil Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University,
of Civil Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Abstract: Due to increasing demand for water using and shortage of
surface water resources, managed use of groundwater has been so
important in recent decades. Understanding spatial and temporal
changes in groundwater has very important role in planning the
use of groundwater as a one of most valuable water resources in
the world. Kriging and cokriging methods are from those
statistical categories methods which use magnitude, distance
and vectorial information of nearby stations for estimation. In
this study, kriging and cokriging methods compared with common
arithmetic averaging methods for calculating the monthly
average level of ground water in “Mian ab” basin and its
changes has been set over the years. Error criteria RMSE and
MEE are used for comparing methods. Results indicate that
cokriging method’s accuracy is higher than kriging in
calculating groundwater level and also the arithmetic averaging
method (which has lower accuracy) has been led to higher level
estimation of groundwater. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):34-39]. (ISSN:
Application and Assessment; Kriging and Cokriging; Groundwater
Full Text
Financial Transmission
Rights and Auction Revenue Rights
Mohammad Sadegh Javadi,
Amin Javadinasab, Faride Ghanavati
Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Shoushtar, Iran
Abstract: This
paper surveys on two important issues in restructured power
systems. One of them is Financial Transmission (FTR). Financial transmission
right is a financial instrument which can improve the liquidity
of operation in power system from point of view of all decision
makers in competitive power systems. Another approach is
Auction Revenue Rights (ARR) which ARR allocation consistent
with congestion as determined by the FTR Auction. Analysis of
these two mechanism and their impacts on long-term operation of
power system are considered in this paper. Suppliers and large
consumer, therefore, desire to contract in FTR to hedge their
long-term risks. The FTR mechanism is based on the after
settling market and determination Locational Marginal Price
(LMP). In this area, delivery of energy (quantity and price)
from the amount of FTRs which supplier is bidding for distinct
path, and the price that the supplier is willing to pay for
each FTR, are determined. This paper
surveys on the
long-term conditions of the FTR and mature one.
Sadegh Javadi, Amin Javadinasab, Faride Ghanavati. Financial
Transmission Rights and Auction Revenue Rights, Journal
of American Science 2011;7(7):40-43]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Restructured
Power System, Financial Transmission Rights, Auction Revenue
Rights, Loacational Marginal Price.
Full Text
Electrochemical degradation
of some pesticides in agricultural wastewater by using modified
Soha A. Abdel-Gawad1,
Kawther A. Omran2, Mohamed M. Mokhatar2
and Amin M. Baraka1
1Chemistry Department,
Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
2Central Laboratory for
Environmental Quality Monitoring (CLEQM), National Water
Research Center (NWRC)
Abstract: This work deals with the
possibility of using Ti/Rh-modified electrode for the
electrocatalytic oxidation process of some pesticides
(malathion, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos). The Ti/Rh-modified
electrode was prepared by brushing of rhodium nitrate solution
on preanodized titanium substrate and annealing. The results of
the electrolytic oxidation were expressed in term of chemical
oxygen demand (COD) removal, which was determined
instrumentally. For the Ti/Rh-modified electrode (anode), the highest
electrocatalytic activity was obtained in the presence of NaCl
as conductive electrolyte. The different operating conditions
of electrocatalytic oxidation process were studied which
include: current density, pH, electrolysis time, initial
pesticide concentration and conductive electrolyte
concentration. The optimum operating conditions for the above
mentioned electrode was determined..
Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):44-50]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Ti/Rh-modified electrode combined
electrochemical oxidation, pesticides, chemical oxygen demand
Full Text
Influences gender on
adjustment and self-esteem among adolescents
Armin Mahmoudi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Studies in Education, Yasouj branch, Islamic Azad
University, Yasouj,Iran
Armin Mahmoudi Assistant
Professor, Department of Studies in Education, Yasouj branch,
Islamic Azad University, Yasouj,Iran. Email:
Abstract: In the present study an
attempt is made to see whether male and female adolescents
studying in standard 9 differ in their level adjustment and
self esteem. A total of 100 adolescent students studying
in Yasouj city were randomly selected. They were
administered Bell’s Adjustment Inventory (1968) (which
measured adjustment of an individual in 4 areas-Home, health,
social and emotional) and Self esteem inventory developed by
Cooper and Smith (1987), which measured self esteem of an
individual in 5 areas-general self, social self, home parents,
lie scale and school academic. Independent samples ‘t’ test was
applied to see the differences between male and female
students. Results revealed that male students found to
have higher levels of self esteem compared to female
students. Further, Gender had no differential influence
over adjustment scores in home, health, emotional, and social
[Armin Mahmoudi. Influences
gender on adjustment and self-esteem among adolescents.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):51-54]. (ISSN:
Key words: Adjustment,
Self-Esteem, Adolescence, Gender, Inventory
Full Text
Effect Of Freezing And Heating On The Infectivity Of Sarcocystis
fusiformis To Cats and Evaluation Of ELISA For Its Diagnosis
In Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
1El-Kelesh, E.A.M., 2Abdel-
Maogood, S. Z., 2Abdel-wahab, A.M.*, 1Radwan,
I.G.H. and 1Ibrahim, O.
1Animal Health Research
Institute, Dokki, Giza. 2Parasitology
Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University.
Abstract: One hundred and thirty oesophageal
muscles of slaughtered water buffaloes (Bubalus
bubalis) were examined macroscopically for detection of Sarcocystis
fusiformis cysts. The prevalence of S. fusiformis
cysts in the examined buffaloes (3-6 years old) was 65 (50%),
their dimensions ranged from 10.0–45.0 mm length & 1.5-7.0
mm width. Cats fed on fresh S. fusiformis cysts or
those exposed to temperature at 50°C for 15 minutes were
infected and shed Sarcocystis oocysts and sporocysts.
Boiling of S. fusiformis cysts for 15 minutes,
refrigeration for 3 days at 4ºC and freezing for 2-3 months at
-18 ºC were effective in inactivating the cysts in buffalo
meat. The antibodies against S. fusiformis were
detected in 77 (59.23%) sera of the examined buffaloes by ELISA
using bradyzoites of the same species. [Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7):55-57]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Adjustment,
Self-Esteem, Adolescence, Gender, Inventory; Sarcocystis fusiformis, heating, freezing, ELISA.
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Effects of 90min Exposure to 8mT
Electromagnetic Fields on Memory in Mice
Elham Foroozandeh
Department of Psychology, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khuzestan, Iran,
Hassan Ahadi
Department of
Psychology, Science and Research, Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
Parviz Askari
Assistant Professor Department of Psychology,
Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, IRAN, *Corresponding Author:
Sattari Naeini
Naein Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran
Abstract: The aim of this
experimental study was to investigate the effect of extremely
low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF EMF) on memory
function in mice. Memory function was evaluated
with passive avoidance learning in a
standard wooden box that despite his natural tendency, mice
learns to stay on a small platform to avoidant electric shock.
24h after learning session, laboratory
animals were placed in a sinusoidal electromagnetic
field created using a round coil, for 90 minutes to exposure to an 8mT,
50Hz. Then animals were placed on small platform again and step-down latency measured as
memory index. The results showed that exposure to a 50 Hz, 8mT
electromagnetic field for 90 minutes has devastating effects on
memory function in male mice. [Parviz Askari. Effects
of 90min Exposure to 8mT Electromagnetic Fields on Memory in
Mice. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):58-61]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: electromagnetic
field; memory;cognition;mice
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The effect of light, tone
and movement interferences on selective association behavior in
laboratory white rats during day and night
Alireza Heydarei1,
*Parviz Askari1, Bahman gorjian2,
Hamdollah2, Jayervand3
1. Assistant
Professor Department of psychology, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad
University, Ahvaz, IRAN,
2. Assistant
Professor Department of psychology, Abadan branch, Islamic Azad
University, Abadan, IRAN, 3. MA in Psychology
*Corresponding Author:
This study investigated the
effect of light, tone and movement interference on selective
association behavior in laboratory white rats during day and
night circle. Subjects included four white laboratory rats
(i.e., 2males and 2 females). They were randomly selected and
divided into two experimental and control pairs. These pairs
were exposed to day and night stimuli such as shock avoidance,
and compound antecedent stimuli (i.e., light, tone and
movement). Both pairs were exposed to shock avoidance
either at nights or during the day to arrive at the level of
asymptote. At the next stage, two pairs were exposed to
antecedent stimuli by deleting shock reinforcement either at
nights or during the daytime to be conditioned during training
and reinforcement. The research method was behavior
experimental analysis. Test results and observations were
analyzed and the findings revealed that there was significant
difference between the frequencies of the associations at night
or during the daytime (p<.05). However, there was not a
significant difference between light, tone, and movement
association frequencies at night and daytime in both pairs
(p<.050). [Parviz Askari.
The effect of light, tone and movement interferences on
selective association behavior in laboratory white rats during
day and night. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(7):62-67].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: light, tone, movement,
interferences, stimuli, rats, avoidance training
Full Text
The study of simple and
multiple relationships between the variables of perfectionism
and imposture feeling with the mental health of MA students
*Parviz Askary, Alireza
Professor Department of psychology, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad
University, Ahvaz, IRAN,
*Corresponding Author:
Abstract: The present research
investigated the simple and multiple relationships between the
variables of perfectionism and imposture feeling with the
mental health of MA students of Science and Research
University, Ahvaz Branch. In this research, perfectionism and
imposture feeling are predictable variables and general mental
health is the criterion variable. The examined sample consists
of 131 male and 130 female students of Ahvaz Science and
Research University who were selected through multi- stage
random sampling method. In order to collect data, four
questionnaires of Ahvaz reality distortion Scale, Clance’s
Imposture Feeling Scale, Ahvaz Perfectionism Scale and SCL 25
Scale were used. The present study is a fundamental research of
correlation method and in order to analyze data, Pearson
Correlation Coefficient and Multi-variable Correlation
Coefficient were utilized. The results indicated that there was
a significant relationship between perfectionism and imposture
feeling with mental health. Moreover, the correlation between
perfectionism and imposture feeling was significantly positive.
[Parviz Asgari. The study of
simple and multiple relationships between the variables of perfectionism
and imposture feeling with the mental health of MA students.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):68-74]. (ISSN:
Key words: perfectionism, imposture
feeling, mental health
Full Text
Evaluation Biochemical of color changes in bean root glands
*Tayeb Saki
Nejad, Alireza Shokoohfar
Department of
Agronomy, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, IRAN
Corresponding Author:,
Abstract: Research project
as a split plot experiment in randomized block design with four
replications in the research farm, Islamic Azad University of
Ahvaz were executed. The main treatments include bean plant
varieties and different levels of secondary treatments were N
fertilizer. about 21-25
knots formed days after sowing on plant roots began in the
nodes, which consists of very small (the highest average
diameter of 0.21 Cm), mostly green and white had a few that
Colors mark the node recently and is also lack of nitrogen
fixation. After 35 days of planting the color pink, reddish
nodules were marked and there was lag, hemoglobin, and nitrogen
fixation was started in the red bean nodules average 10 days
after flowering continued. The different levels of nitrogen in
terms of value increase be white within the gland more time
your showed such treatment 80 kg N fertilizer per hectare,
white inside glands 60 days after planting in 64 percent of the
nodes was observed But in the 40 kg ha treatment 40 days after
planting, only 12 percent of white lumps were observed. Green,
white and non-efficient Nitrogenase enzyme that normally
expresses the growth was achieved during the primary colors
red, pink and biological nitrogen fixation efficiency and the
approximately 35 days after planting continued until after
flowering, and brown or black aging glands shows that 10 days
after flowering, the color nodes showed.[Tayeb Saki Nejad, Alireza Shokoohfar.
Biochemical of color changes in bean root. Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(7):75-78]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Evaluation; Biochemical; color; bean root glands
Full Text
The Importance and the
Necessity of "Studying" and the effective factors on
its reduction from the viewpoint of the people in East
Azarbayjan province, Iran
Kobra Namvaran1*,
Dr. Sadegh Maleki Avarsin2, Rajab Rabavi3
1. Yavaran
Roshd Company Manager, Tabriz, Iran,,
2. Shabestar
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Applied Education Research Center, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract: The number of the
scientific articles and the rate of reading books and magazines
are the most important indicators of scientific, cultural,
social and economical growth and development in any country.
This study was done in order to examine the importance &
necessity of “studying” from the viewpoint of the people in East
Azarbaijan. The design of the research was measurative and
descriptive. The statistical community was “all the people in
East Azarbaijan”(1,846,244 persons); the sample included “660 persons” and the sampling method was multi-phas
clustral sampling. The tools for this study, was
researcher-made questionair with 0/94 reliability. For the
analysis of the datas T-test, Anova, Pierson correlation
coefficient, Multi-variable regression and hierarchial
evaluation, were used. The results indicated that “studyng” is
important in the familial, economic, cultural, social,
political and business awareness growth and the most important
factors on the reduction of the “studying” respectively were:
not having enough opportunity and motivation for studying, the
attractive television progrom. It is suggested that the cheap
and poket-sized books should be published and the mass media
should devote columns or programs for introducing and
criticizing of this printed books; in order to make the people
familiar with the books and make them pick out suitable books
for studying in their short opportunities.
[Kobra Namvaran, Sadegh
Maleki Avarsin, Rajab Rabavi, The Importance and the Necessity
of "Studying" and the effective factors on its
reduction from the viewpoint of the people in East Azarbayjan
province. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):79-85].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: studying, book, biblio
Full Text
Effect of irrigation on the
yield of mungbean cultivars
*Maryam Nabizade1,
Tayeb Saki Nejad2, Mani Mojadam3
of Agriculture. Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Khuzestan, Iran
2- Assistant
Professor Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad
University, Ahvaz, IRAN, (Thesis Supervisor)
3- Assistant
Professor Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad
University, Ahvaz, IRAN
*Corresponding Author:
Abstract: In order to study the
effect of irrigation on yield quality and quantity and
morphological characteristics of mungbean, pilot in the summer
2010 on a farm located in the city HAMIDIH using
factorial design in randomized complete block with four
replications. In this experiment four levels of irrigation 7,
10, 13, and 16-day and three local varieties, and the essence
of radiation were studied and evaluated. During
different stages of plant growth with eight times the level of
field sampling of shoot dry weight, leaf dry weight, and pod
dry weight, seed dry weight and leaf area was measured at
physiological maturity was produced yield. Studies
showed the best yield cultivar associated with the essence of
seven-day irrigation (3328 kg ha) was. And most of the
biological function associated with a 7 day gem varieties and
irrigation amount was 9273 kg ha maximum harvest index to local
varieties and 10 days irrigation amount was 49 percent. The results showed that the
most appropriate gem varieties and cultivars 7 days irrigation
is the most appropriate irrigation. Because the highest grain
yield, biological yield the most won. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7): 86-90].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: mungbean, irrigation, yield
Full Text
Retinol Level in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Mahmoud A. Ashour1;
Ihab Barsoum*1; Amal A. Z. Dewedar1;
Ahmed M. A. El-Fattah1 and Amal F. Gharib2
1Department of Internal
Medicine, 2Department of Biochemistry,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, EGYPT.
Abstract: Chronic hepatitis C virus
(HCV) infection is a major risk factor for hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC). The rate of HCC development among HCV-infected
persons ranges between 1% and 3% after 30 years. Retinoids are
known to possess an anti-tumor role by suppressing tumor
promotion and progression. Retinoid depletion is often observed
during pre-malignant status and cancer development. Loss of
retinoid activity or responsiveness is closely linked to
carcinogenesis in several organs. This work aimed to
investigate serum retinol levels in patients with chronic
hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and HCC and to assess its
importance as a risk factor for the development of HCC. A total
of 90 subjects were included in the study and were assigned to
the following 4 groups. Group I included 15 healthy subjects as
a control group. Group ІI included 15 patients presented
with chronic hepatitis C infection. Group ПI included 45
patients with liver cirrhosis, it was further categorized
according to Child Pugh classification into three groups; Group
ПI a: It included 15 Child grade A patients. Group
ПI b: It included 15 Child grade B patients. Group
ПI c: It included 15 Child grade C patients. Finally
Group IV included 15 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Controls had significantly higher serum retinol level than HCV
and HCC patients. Higher level of serum retinol was found in
Group I, while the lower levels were found in Group IV and
Group III c. Serum retinol mean value was significantly higher
in patients with HCC on top of apparent normal liver than those
on top of cirrhotic liver. Serum retinol was inversely
correlated to age. No significant correlation was found between
duration of interferon therapy, gender and serum retinol level.
A positive correlation was found between serum retinol level
and Hb, platelets count and albumin level, while negative
correlation was found between serum retinol level and other
liver function test parameters & serum creatinine. High
significant difference was found between different
histopathological grades in liver biopsy and serum retinol
level. The highest serum retinol level was associated
with normal liver and the lowest was associated with shrunken
cirrhotic liver with multifocal lesion. Patients receive
interferon therapy had a higher serum retinol level than
patients do not receive interferon therapy. We concluded that
serum retinol levels are lower in patients with chronic liver
disease and is directly related to the severity of liver
disease. Serum retinol levels are significantly lower in
patients with HCC superimposed on liver cirrhosis compared with
patients who have cirrhosis alone. Further studies are needed
to elucidate role of retinol levels in the development of HCC
and if retinol supplementation will be of help.
A. Ashour; Ihab Barsoum; Amal A. Z. Dewedar; Ahmed M. A.
El-Fattah and Amal F. Gharib. Serum Retinol Level in Patients
with Chronic Liver Disease. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7): 91-102].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Serum Retinol; Patient; Chronic Liver
supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids source and its
effects on the native turkey’s liver important beneficial fatty
Ramin Salamatdoustnobar, Abolfazl Ghorbani, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Seyaed Saied Ghaem Maghami
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract:This experiment was
conducted to evaluated canola oil on the some of beneficial
fatty acids of Iranian native turkey liver. Nine male turkey
chicks randomly divided into three experimental treatments
(Three levels of canola oil; 0, 2.5 and 5 percent) with three
replicates were arranged in a completely randomized design.
Experimental diets consisted of: Basal diet with 0, 2.5 and 5
percent of canola oil. adrenic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and
α-linolenic acid significantly affect canola oil and this
status show that canola oil could improved liver fatty acids
[Ramin Salamatdoustnobar, Abolfazl Ghorbani, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Seyaed Saied Ghaem Maghami.
Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids source
and its effects on the native turkey’s liver important
beneficial fatty acids. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):103-106]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Canola oil, Iranian native
turkey, n-3 fatty acids, liver
Physico-chemical properties
of tempeh produced from chickpea seeds
Ferial. M. Abu-Salem and
Esmat A. Abou-Arab
Department of Food
Technology, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Chickpea seeds are rich source of protein
(24.63 %), fat (5.62 %), carbohydrates (64.60 %), ash (3.30 %)
and fiber (1.85 %). The ant-nutritional factors of raw
chickpeas were 7.98, 4.64, 10.96 and 269.38 mg /g dry matter,
phytic acid, tannins, trypsin and total phenols, respectively.
These seeds are a good source of K (771.77), Ca (156.13), Na
(107.34), Mg (152.58), Cu (0.98), Fe (6.85) and Zn (3.83 mg
/100 mg). Tempeh was produced from chickpea flour after
soaking, blanching (whole seeds), blanching (dehulled) and
inoculated with a suspension of Rizophus oligospours. The
product was evaluated for nutritional quality. Protein in
tempeh (28.85 %) was higher than that recorded in raw seeds.
However, fat (2.84), ash (2.10) and fiber (1.68 %) were
affected due to soaking, blanching and fermentation.
Carbohydrates content (64.53 %) was not affected due to the
previous treatments. Anti-nutritional factors of tempeh were
reduced by 71.18, 73.22, 89.78 and 67.84 % with phytic acid,
tannins, trypsin and phenols, respectively compared with this
content in raw chickpeas. Protein solubility, water solubility
index and water absorption index. In-vitro protein
digestibility, in tempeh was higher compared with raw
chickpeas. Determination of color showed that ∆E (color
difference) of tempeh was high (18.79). Also, essential amino
acids reached to their high values in tempeh.
M. Abu-Salem and Esmat A. Abou-Arab. Physico-chemical
properties of tempeh produced from chickpea seeds. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7):107-118].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Tempeh – blanching –
anti-nutritional factors - chickpeas
Effect of Zataria
Multiflora Extract on Degradability Kinetics, of
Sunflower Meal
Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipour
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract: The aim of the present
study was conducted to survey effect of adding different levels (0, 0.15, 0.3 ml/30ml buffered
rumen fluid) of Zataria multiflora
water extract (ZMWE) on sunflower meal (SM)
degradability were studied by in vitro gas producing
techniques. Gas production test with mixtures of filtered rumen
liquid of three Taleshi native male cattle rumen in times
of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours were performed.
Chemical composition for dry matter, crude protein, and Non-Fibrous Carbohydrate 95.88,
30, and 12.73 percent, respectively. The results showed that
gas volume at 24 h incubation (for 200 mg dry samples), were
42.40, 41.41 and 40.52 ml/200 mg DM for SM, levels 0.15 ZMWE
and 0.3 ZMWE, respectively. the gas production from soluble
fraction (a), the gas production from insoluble fraction (b),
rate constant of gas production during incubation (c) and the
potential gas production (a + b) contents of SM were 3.607
(ml/200 mg DM), 49.32 (ml/200 mg DM), 0.135 (ml/h) and 52.92
(ml/200 mg DM), while for level 0.3 ZMWE were 4.655 (ml/200mg
DM), 48.66 (ml/200 mg DM), 0.134 (ml/h) and 53.321 (ml/200mg
[Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipur. Effect
of Zataria Multiflora Extract on Degradability Kinetics,
of Sunflower Meal. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):119-122].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Non-Fibrous Carbohydrate; zataria
multiflora; sunflower meal; gas production technique; crude
protein; Taleshi native male cattle
The study canola meal
degradability with Zataria Multiflora Extract
Using in Vitro Gas Production Technique
Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiyani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipur
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract: This experiment was
conducted to survey effect of adding different levels (0,
0.15, 0.3 ml/30ml buffered rumen fluid) of Zataria
multiflora water extract (ZMWE) on canola meal (CM)
degradability were studied by in vitro gas producing
techniques. Gas production test with mixtures of filtered rumen
liquid of three Taleshi native male cattle rumen in times
of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours were performed.
Chemical composition for dry matter, crude protein, were and
Non-Fibrous Carbohydrate 93.7, 35, and 21.46 percent,
respectively. The results showed that gas volume at 24 h
incubation (for 200 mg dry samples), were 47.32, 47.30 and
47.12 ml/200 mg DM for CM, levels 0.15 ZMWE and 0.3 ZMWE,
respectively. the gas production from soluble fraction (a), the
gas production from insoluble fraction (b), rate constant of
gas production during incubation (c) and the potential gas
production (a + b) contents of CM were 2.15 (ml/200 mg DM),
54.96 (ml/200 mg DM), 0.113 (ml/h) and 57.12 (ml/200mg DM),
while for level 0.3 ZMWE were 1.73 (ml/200mg DM), 54.64
(ml/200 mg DM), 0.112 (ml/h) and 56.37 (ml/200 mg
[Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipur. The
study canola meal degradability with Zataria Multiflora
Extract Using in Vitro Gas Production Technique. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):123-126]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: crude protein; Zataria
multiflora; canola meal; gas production technique; dry
matter; water extract; rumen liquid
The study Zataria Multiflora Water
Extract effects On the Short Chain Fatty Acid, Net Energy,
Metobolizable Energy and Organic Matter Digestibility Of
Sunflower Meal Using In Vitro Gas Production Technique
Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipour
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract: This experiment was
conducted to survey effect of adding different levels (0, 0.15, 0.3 ml/30ml buffered rumen fluid) of Zataria multiflora water extract
(ZMWE) on sunflower meal (SM) degradability were studied
by in vitro gas producing techniques. Gas production test
with mixtures of filtered rumen liquid of three Taleshi native
male cattle rumen in times of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96
hours were performed. Chemical composition for ether extract,
ash, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber
were 5.97, 5.5, 45.8 and 30.6 percent, respectively. The
results showed The organic matter digestibility (OMD),
metabolizable energy (ME), short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and
net energy for lactation (NEl) contents of SM were
8.36 MJ/kg DM, 0.937 mmol and 4.533 MJ/kg DM, while for level
0.3 ZMWE were 64.76 g/kg DM, 8.04 MJ/kg DM, 0.895 mmol and
4.664 MJ/kg DM.
[Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipur. The
study Zataria Multiflora Water Extract effects On the Short
Chain Fatty Acid, Net Energy, Metobolizable Energy and Organic
Matter Digestibility Of Sunflower Meal Using In Vitro Gas
Production Technique. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):127-130]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: metabolizable energy; zataria
multiflora; sunflower meal; gas production
technique; neutral detergent fiber; organic matter
Full Text
Zataria Multiflora Extract could
affect Metobolizable Energy and Organic Matter Digestibility of
Canola Meal?
Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipour
Department of Animal Science,
Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Abstract: This experiment was
conducted to survey effect of adding different levels (0, 0.15, 0.3 ml/30ml buffered rumen fluid) of Zataria multiflora water extract
(ZMWE) on canola meal (CM) degradability were studied by in
vitro gas producing techniques. Gas production test with
mixtures of filtered rumen liquid of three Taleshi native
male cattle rumen in times of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96
hours were performed. Chemical composition for ether extract,
ash, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were
3.4, 7.14, 33 and 22 percent, respectively. The results showed
The organic matter digestibility (OMD), metabolizable energy
(ME), short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and net energy for
lactation (NEl) contents of CM were 79.46 g/kg DM,
10.27 MJ/kg DM, 1.046 mmol and 5.28 MJ/kg DM, while for level
0.3 ZMWE were 41.85 g/kg DM, 3.63 MJ/kg DM, 1.047 mmol and 1.22
MJ/kg DM.
[Mohammad Salamat Azar,
Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Yahya Asadi, Morteza Kiani Nahand,
Saeid Najafyar, Bakhshali Khodaparast, Hamed Aminipur. Zataria
Multiflora Extract could affect Metobolizable Energy and
Organic Matter Digestibility of Canola Meal?. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):131-134]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Zataria multiflora; Canola
Meal; gas production technique; neutral detergent fiber;
organic matter digestibility
Integrating Evidence Based
Nursing into the Critical Care Nursing Course: Challenges from
Students’ Perspectives
*1Eman Mohamed Zahran and
2Eman El-Sayed Taha
1Emergency and
Critical Care Nursing Dept., 2Nursing Education
Dept., Faculty of Nursing, University of Alexandria, Egypt
Abstract: In critical
care settings, there is a considerable need for highly
experienced and knowledgeable nurses making efficient clinical
decisions. Utilization of evidence based nursing (EBN) guides
clinical decisions and practices. Therefore, it is important
for critical care nurses to receive the necessary education to
practice EBN. This begins with the ability to ask a clinical
question and search for evidence answering it properly, which
were the focus of teaching in this study. Therefore, this study
aims to identify challenges to integrating EBN into the
critical care nursing (CCN) course from students’ perspectives.
Undergraduate students who were enrolled into the CCN course on
January 2010, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alexandria,
were included in the study. Different teaching/learning
strategies fostering adult learning were utilized to teach EBN
related activities. A questionnaire was developed to identify
challenges to integrating EBN into the course. Study findings
indicated that about two thirds of total students have a
moderate level of negative attitude to integrating EBN in the
critical care practice. Most of students have moderate
challenges to integrating activities of EBN into the CCN
course. Two thirds of the students indicated that challenges
related to course coordination are moderate. In relation to
practicing EBN related activities, formulating a focused
clinical question was moderately or highly challenging to the
students. Searching for research evidence was moderately
challenging to more than half of students. Time constraint
while searching the internet was the highest top reported
challenge. In conclusion, integrating EBN into the CCN course
was challenging to students in different levels. Most of
challenges were related to a lack in background research
knowledge and skills and time constraints. So, the current
study recommended that students have to receive their research
course as one of the fundamental courses. In addition, more
time management is required, in which an arrangement between
different courses schedules and adequate time to practice free
learning activities should be provided.
[Eman Mohamed Zahran and Eman El-Sayed
Taha. Integrating
Evidence Based Nursing into the Critical Care Nursing Course:
Challenges from Students’ Perspectives. Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(7):135-144].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:evidence based
nursing (EBN)–critical care nursing (CCN)–teaching/learning
Full Text
Barriers and facilitators to research utilization in
critical care settings
1Anas Ezz, 2Eman
Mohamed Zahran, and 2*Azza Hamdi El-Soussi
1Ministry of health, Syrian
Arab Republic.
2Emergency and Critical
Care Nursing Dept., Faculty of Nursing, University of
Alexandria, Egypt
Abstract: Basing
critical care nursing practice on best research evidence is a key
issue for the high standard quality care in critical care
settings. However, it has been identified that there is a
research -practice gap. Thus, the current study
aims to identify barriers and facilitators to research
utilization (RU) in critical care settings as perceived by the
critical care nurses. This study was conducted at eight
intensive care units (ICUs), Main University Hospital,
University of Alexandria. Two hundred nurses who were working
in these ICUs over the period from 6/
12/ 2009 to 10/ 1/ 2010 were included in the
study. Barriers and facilitators to research utilization
questionnaire was used to identify barriers and facilitators to
RU in critical care settings. Study findings shows that RU is challenged in critical care setting by
several barriers. A number of facilitators to RU are suggested
by the research findings to overcome these barriers. RU is
affected by several factors, such as; nurses’ age, experience,
residence, and level of English language. Therefore, improving
nurses’ research related knowledge and skills, and adequate
organizational support from the critical care setting to RU are
the main to strategies recommended to overcome barriers to RU
in ICUs.
[Anas Ezz, Eman Mohamed Zahran, and Azza Hamdi
El-Soussi. Barriers and facilitators to research utilization in
critical care settings. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):145-154].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Barriers
and facilitators to research utilization, critical care
practice, critical care nursing
Full Text
Diet manipulation could
influence liver Polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated fatty
acids of Azerbaijan native turkeys?
Ramin Salamatdoustnobar, Abolfazl Ghorbani, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Seyaed Saied Ghaem Maghami
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract: An experiment was performed
to study canola oil on the Polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated
fatty acids of Iranian native turkey liver. Nine male turkey
chicks randomly divided into three experimental treatments
(Three levels of canola oil; 0, 2.5 and 5 percent) with three
replicates were arranged in a completely randomized design.
Experimental diets consisted of: Basal diet with 0, 2.5 and 5
percent of canola oil. Application of canola oil could decresed
mono unsaturated fatty acids and increased Polyunsaturated
fatty acids content and usage vegetable oils one of the ways to
increased animal tissue quality and this status has direct
effects on the human health.
[Ramin Salamatdoustnobar,
Abolfazl Ghorbani, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Seyaed Saied Ghaem
Maghami. Diet manipulation could influence liver Polyunsaturated
and mono unsaturated fatty acids of Azerbaijan native turkeys?
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):155-157]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Canola oil, Iranian native
turkey, PUFA, MUFA, liver
Accountability in public
Farhad Nejadirani
Assistance Professor of Management,
Faculty of Social Science, Department of Management, Bonab
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran. E-mail:,
Abstract: Nowadays, one of the basic
subjects of plans of development in various countries is the
development of the Administrative system structure and behavior
for performance improvement and the increasing of
accountability in public administration. In the recent citizen
– oriented world the creation of accountable and efficient
government is one of the modern approaches and strategies in
public administration. Considering strategic importance of
creation and developing accountable government, the present
paper at the framework of fundamentals and theories of
accountability in public administration, first it presents the
Necessity and the importance of developing accountable
government and then Explains the definition, the proposes, the
approaches, the types, the equipments and the dimensions of
accountability in public administration respectively, then
accountability in public sector with private sector and also
have been compared to accountability in traditional model with
new model of public administration and finally the correlation
of government accountability with the process of making
administrative system democratized and client’s satisfaction
has been studied.
[Farhad Nejadirani.
Accountability in public Administration. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):158-163]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Accountability, Citizen
Focus, Development of Administrative system, Performance
Management, Client’s satisfaction, Public Organizations.
of Abrasion Behaviour of Knitted Fabrics under Different Paths of
Martindale Tester
N. A. Kotb1,
Z. M. Abdel Megeid2
1. Faculty of
Education, Department of Technical education, Helwan,
University, Egypt
2. National Research Center, Textile
Research Division, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The Martindale tester is used for both
the abrasion, pilling resistance of fabrics, and straight line
test by adjusting three moving parts, each one has three
setting levels; making twenty seven paths possibilities.
According to the standards there are only three types of motion
to perform different tests. Therefore the aim of this study is
to evaluate the effect of other setting possibilities on
abrasion behaviour. The Lissajous patterns which consist of the
Path traced by the fabric over the abradent in Martindale
tester have been drawn in continuously changing directions at
different setting. The total numbers of working conditions are sixteen patterns, since some
adjustments did not work or gave the same path or lines. Then
the areas of all patterns have been calculated and analyzed.
Three samples of knitted fabrics produced from three counts
have been tested at the combinations of different path of the
Martindale tester. Therefore forty eight results of abrasion
resistance for all fabrics at different settings have been
measured and analyzed. Using Martindale standard testing
setting is not enough to determine the actual abrasion
behaviour of knitted fabrics. Other probabilities of setting,
producing other different patterns in area and shape, could be
simulated to the actual abrasion behaviour of fabrics during
the end use. It could help the textile designer and producer to
understand and improve their products according to the actual
performance requirements.
[N. A. Kotb, Z. M. Abdel
Megeid. Evaluation of Abrasion Behaviour of
Knitted Fabrics under Different Paths of Martindale
Tester. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):164-169]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Lissajous curve figures – Abrasion resistance-
Martindale-weft knitted fabric
of Bacteremia in Splenectomised Cirrhotic Patients after
Elective Oesophageal Injection Sclerotherapy
A. Wahab*1, Mahmoud A. Ashoor 1and Hanan
S. Ahmad 2
Medicine Department, 2Clinical pathology Department,
Zagazig Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt, *
Abstract: Injection
sclerotherapy still predominant in many Egyptian endoscopic
units and is usually associated with transient bacteremia in up
to 30 % of upper GI endoscopies. The risk of bacteremia is more
common in cirrhotic patients scheduled for injection
sclerotherapy. The splenectomised cirrhotic patients are more
susceptible to this risk. We aimed to estimate the prevalence
of bacteremia in splenectomised cirrhotic patients who
underwent injection sclerotherapy in our unit. Patient and
Methods: A prospective observation study was
conducted in our endoscopy unit, Internal Medicine department,
Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt, over a period of six months
from December 2009 to May 2010. One hundred and forty cirrhotic
patient (78 male and 62 female were included in this study and
were classified into two groups (according to absence or
presence of the spleen); patient group; included 80
splenectomised cirrhotic patient and control group that
included 60 non-splenectomised cirrhotic patient (35 male and
25 female). All patients were cirrhotic (Child A and B), and
they were referred for scheduled elective endoscopic injection
sclerotherapy. High sensitive CRP (HsCRP) and blood
culture 10 minutes before and 20 minute post-endoscopy were
taken for all patients. Presence or absence of bacteremia was
detected and recorded. Results: No positive blood cultures were
detected before the endoscopy for all patients. 20
patients (14.3%) of the
whole participants had positive blood culture after injection
sclerotherapy; 3 of them (5%) were in non-splenectomised
patients (control group) and 17 (21.25%) were in splenctomised
patients (patients group). Positive blood cultures were more
frequent in Child B patients compared to Child A (13 vs. 7) in
both splenctomised and non-splenectomised patients with
statistically significant difference. HsCRP was
significantly elevated in Child B patient compared to Child A
patients (P=0.018), moreover, HsCRP was highly
elevated in positive culture cases regardless the Child status
of the patients. Six types of micro-organisms were isolated in
our study: Actinomyces (3), Candida Albican (2), Salmonella
typhi (3), alpha haemolytic Streptococci (4) and coagulase
negative Staphylococci (4) and Streptococcus Viridian (4).
Conclusion: Prevalence of bacteremia was higher in the
injection sclerotherapy splenectomised cirrhotic group compared
to non- splenectomised cirrhotic group, and in Child B patients
more than Child A ones.
[Essam A.Wahab, Mahmoud
A.Ashoor and Hanan S.Ahmad. Risk of Bacteremia in
Splenectomised Cirrhotic Patients after Elective Oesophageal
Injection Sclerotherapy. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):170-174].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Risk;
Bacteremia; Cirrhosis; Endoscopy; Splenectomy
Moisture-dependent physical properties
of paddy grains
Zareiforoush*, B.Hosseinzadeh,
M.E.Adabi1 A.Motavali
Azad University, Shahreh Qods Branch, Dِepartment of Engineering,
Shahreh Qods, Iran
Abstract: In order to design of
harvesting, conveying and processing equipments, it is
necessary to determination of physical properties of grains and
agricultural commodities. This study was carried out to
evaluate the effect of moisture content on some physical
properties of paddy grains. Six levels of moisture content
ranging from 8 to 24% (d.b.) were used. The average length,
width, thickness, equivalent diameter,
surface area, sphericity, thousand grain mass, angle of repose
and aspect ratio increased from 10.20 to 10.28 mm, 2.31 to 2.42
mm, 1.85 to 1.94 mm, 3.53 to 3.66 mm, 36.87 to 39.16 mm2,
34.53 to 35.46 %, 24.43 to 28.27 g, 38.27° to 46.13° and 0.226
to 0.236, respectively, as the moisture content increased from
8 to 24 % (d.b.). As the moisture content of paddy grains
increased from 8 to 24% (d.b.), the bulk density and true
density were found to increase from 381.77 to 428.5 kg/m3,
and 1328.65 to 1372.41 kg/m3 respectively, while the
porosity was found to decrease from 71.27 to 68.78%. The static coefficient of friction of
paddy increased linearly against various surfaces, namely,
glass (0.3577-0.4973), galvanized iron sheet (0.4629-0.5295),
and plywood (0.4856-0.5830) as the moisture content increased
from 8 to 24% (d.b.).
[H. Zareiforoush,
B.Hosseinzadeh, M.E.Adabi A.Motavali. Moisture-dependent
physical properties of paddy grains. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(7):175-182].(ISSN:
Keywords: Agricultural equipment, design,
Moisture content, Paddy grain, Physical properties
Counseling for Mothers to
Cope with their Autistic Children
Hanan, T.
Elbahnasawy*1 and Naglaa, M. Girgis2
Nursing & 2Community Health Departments, Faculty
of Nursing, 1Menoufya University &2Banha
Abstract: This study is an experimental research
aiming to evaluate the effect of counseling for mothers to cope
with their autistic children (AC), through: 1) Identifying
mothers' needs according to physical, social, motor, and
emotional coping patterns for their autistic children, and 2)
Developing counseling program according to mothers' needs and
evaluating the effect of counseling on physical, social, motor,
and emotional coping patterns of mothers. This study was
conducted at the Special Needs Care Center in the Institute of
Post-graduate Childhood Studies, Autistic and Psychiatric
Clinics affiliated to Ain Shams University and Egypt Autistic
Society. The sample of convenience consisted of 90 mothers
providing care for their children suffering from autism. Data
were collected through three tools: 1) Interviewing
questionnaire to assess children's and their mothers’
socio-demographic characteristics and mothers practices.
2) Family Impact of Childhood Disability (FICD) Scale, to
assess subjective interpretation or primary appraisal of parent
regarding to child with developmental disabilities into family
systems and its impact on the family as an entity. 3) Medical
records of the studied autistic children to determine the
degree of disability. The main results revealed that the
children were completely dependent on their mothers in basic
daily activities also were prone to moderate and substantial
degree of impact. There were statistically significant
improvements in mothers' coping with needs of their autistic
children. The study recommended that media
focuses to increase people awareness with the aid of health
team professionals in prompting tolerance and understanding of
autism with a clear explanation, so individuals with autism
will be better integrated in the society.
[Hanan, T. Elbahnasawy and Naglaa, M. Girgis.
Counseling for Mothers to Cope with their Autistic Children. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):183-192].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Autism, Counseling,
Mothers, Coping.
Impact Of An
Steroidogenesis Inhibitor Drug On Structure And Ultrastructure
Of Mammalian Testis
Waslat W. Elshennawy* and
Hanaa R. Aboelwafa
Department of Biology and
Geology, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: ketoconazole, an imidazole
derivative is currently used in the medical fields as an
anti-fungal and steroidogenesis inhibitor drug. The present
study aimed to investigate the effect of ketoconazole on the
structural and ultrastructural characteristics of mammalian
testis. So, twenty adult male rats weighing 150-200 g. were
divided into two groups; group I were i.p. injected with
10mg/100g.b.wt. of ketoconazole dissolved in
1ml physiological saline solution
daily for 15 days. Whereas, group II
was injected with 1ml saline solution in the same
manner. Histologically, testes of treated rats were
surrounded by thickened tunica albuginea, and consisted of
deformed seminiferous tubules ensheathed by irregular basal
lamina and having deformed Sertoli cells, necrotic
spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and rounded spermatids, in
addition to, deformed elongated spermatids exhibiting unusual
amounts of residual cytoplasm extending from them into the
lumen of the tubules. Deformed spermatozoa may be seen in the
lumens of some of these affected tubules. Also, the
interstitial tissue displayed vacuolation, necrotic Leydig
cells and vasodilatation of the blood vessels engorged with
stagnant blood cells are seen. Ultrastructurally, treated
testes showed thickening and irregularity of the surrounding
basal lamina, necrotic spermatogonia detached from the basal
lamina and having pyknotic nuclei separated from the
surrounding cytoplasm leaving clear zones. Primary
spermatocytes and rounded spermatids exhibiting signs of
necrosis, deformed elongated spermatids and malformed
spermatozoa, in addition to, necrotic Leydig cells were
frequently observed. In conclusion, the obtained results
suggested that the testicular structural and ultrastructural
alterations observed following ketoconazole administration may
be responsible for the inhibition of the steroidogenesis. This
decrease in steroidogenic activity has been suggested as the
primary cause of spermatic production failure. Therefore, these
destructive impacts of ketoconazole on the rat testes indicates that it should be
used under strict medical care.
W. Elshennawy and Hanaa R. Aboelwafa. IMPACT OF AN
OF MAMMALIAN TESTIS. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):193-203].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: histology,
imidazole, ketoconazole, rat, steroidogenesis, testis,
Modeling of drying Lavandula
officinalis L. leaves
AhmadiChenarbon1*, Seyedeh Masoomeh Hasheminia2
Sama technical and
vocational training college, Islamic Azad University,
Varamin-Pishva Branch, Varamin-Pishva, Iran.
of Agronomy, Rodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rodehen, Iran.
*Corresponding author:
Storage of
agricultural crops after harvesting is important to keep
quality and quantity of the dried materials in a good level,
particularly for medicinal plants and herbs because of
reduction of essential oils and changes of qualitative
properties such as color, which both of them influence on the
economical value of the products. Drying process of Lavandula
officinalis L. leaves was studied and modeled
in this investigation. Independent variables were temperature
at three levels (40, 50 and 60◦C), air
velocity at two levels (0.5 and 1 m/s) and product depth at
three levels (1, 2, and 3cm). The experiments were performed as
factorial with complete random design in three replications.
Seven drying models, namely Yagcioglu, modified Page, Page,
Henderson and Pabis, Lewis, two-term and Verma, were examined
to fit the data. The Page model was found as the best model
with highest R2 and lowest χ2, RMSE
and P-values.
[Hossein AhmadiChenarbon. Modeling of drying Lavandula
officinalis L. leaves. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):204-208]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
modeling; Lavandula officinalis L.
of Egyptian buffaloes crossing with Italian buffaloes for
reproductive traits
T. A.; Elbeltagi, A. R.; Laila R. Hassan and SetEl-habaeib S. Awad
Animal Production Research
Institute-Buffalo Breeding Research Department- Dooki- Giza -
Abstract: In 2003, MoA (Ministry of
Agriculture) approved the commercial importation and
utilization of Italian buffaloes (IT) semen, which is being
uncontrollably spread around the country; a practice needs
prior performance and genetic assessment for both milk
production and reproduction traits. In a previous
publication (Fooda et. al., 2011) the milk productivity
was studied, and the current one handles the reproductive
traits. Two of the private dairy buffalo farms that utilize
Italian semen for obtaining the crossbred along with the native
buffalo were selected from two different ecological zones to be
included in this study being "Ganat Elreda" farm in
Ismaeleia governorate (Newly reclaimed desert area) and
"United Group" farm in Qaliobeia governorate
(old delta). This study aims to evaluate the Egyptian Italian
buffalo crosses (1/2EG.1/2IT) for some reproductive traits, in
comparison to their Egyptian contemporaries (EG), to assess the
crossing trial. The traits included age at first calving (AFC),
number of service per conception (NS), gestation period (GP),
calving interval (CI), days open (DO) and service period
(SP). A total 177 records, 102 record from Ganat Elreda
farm (57 record EG and 46 record ½EG.½IT; and 74 records from
United Group farm (26 record EG and 48 record ½EG.½IT) was
utilized, covering the period from 2007 to 2009. Results
obtained indicate that the Egyptian buffaloes performed better
than the crossbreed for (NS), (CI), (DO) and (SP) traits. Since
the results for NS, CI, DO and SP were 1.2, 395, 71 and 38
days, respectively for EG, while for crossbred, the results
were 1.87, 429, 118 and 76 days, respectively in farm1. And in
farm 2, the results were 1.82, 418, 104 and 77 days for EG,
but, the results were 2, 433, 119 and 85 days, respectively for
[Fooda, T. A.; Elbeltagi, A. R.; Laila R. Hassan and
Set El-habaeib S. Awad.
Evaluated of Egyptian buffaloes crossing with Italian buffaloes
for reproductive traits.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):209-213].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Egyptian and Italian
buffaloes, crossing, reproduction traits.
Genetic Diversity of Some
Egyptian Durum Wheat Cultivars
Fouda, A.
H.*1; Gad, Khaled. I. M.2; Diab, A. A.
1,3; Safwat, G. 1,4 and Hussein, M. H5.
1 Faculty of Biotechnology,
October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, (MSA), Egypt
2Wheat Department, Field
Crops Research Institute (ARC), Egypt
3 Agricultural Genetic
Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), Egypt
4 Horticulture Research
Institute, Agriculture Research Centre, Egypt
5Department of Genetics,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt
Abstract: The objective of this
investigation was to assess the genetic diversity among three
Egyptian durum wheat i.e. Beni Suif 4, Beni Suif 5 and Beni
Suif 6 and one bread wheat i.e. Sids 12 cultivars using sodium dodecyle sulfate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and randomly amplified
polymorphic (RAPD)
markers. Protein electrophoreses showed that Beni Suif 4
was characterized by the absence of band-3 with 41.56 kDa. RAPD analysis showed
that the number of polymorphic amplicons was 56 out of a total
of 93 amplicons, thus revealing a level of 60.0 % polymorphism.
The highest genetic similarity revealed by RAPD analysis
(95.0%) was between Beni Suif 5 and Beni suif 6. While, lowest
similarity (65 %) was found between Beni Suif 4 and Beni Suif
5. The dendrogram separated Sids 12 from all the other
genotypes, thus demonstrating the distinctiveness of the
genetic background of this genotype from all the other
genotypes. The three genotypes constituted a subcluster divided
into two groups, one group composed of Beni Suif 5 and Beni
Suif 6, while the second group comprised Beni Suif 4.
[Fouda, A. H.; Gad, Khaled. I. M.; Diab, A. A.; Safwat,
G. and Hussein, M. H. Genetic Diversity of Some Egyptian Durum
Wheat Cultivars. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):214-221].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Durum
Wheat, RAPD, Dendrogram, Dice coefficient, Polymorphism,
design metrics to measure real time environment application
Ahmed, Dr. M. Shoaib
Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, University of Engineering &
Technology Lahore Pakistan,
Abstract: In this paper we have
defined a set of novel design metrics for measuring the design
of specially real time environment applications. The aim of the
defined new metrics set is to measure the design before handing
over to the implementation team. The errors in the design can
cost you money and time. Majority of the methodologies
leave the task of managing the issue of task deadlines for
software programmers in the implementation phase at the coding
language stage. LCSF is measured for various methodologies. A
non real time system design is also measured for design
metrics. Results are plotted and discussed.
[Mahmood Ahmed, M. Shoaib.
Novel design metrics to measure real time environment
application design. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):222-226]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Design Metrics, Teal Time Systems, Design Measurement.
repair and maintenance projects of large bridges in Kurdestan
province using fuzzy TOPSIS method
SoltanPanah1 Hiwa Farughi2, Seiran
author, Department of Management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Sanandaj, Iran.
2Faculty of
Engineering, University of Kurdistan, 66177-15175, Sanandaj,
3Faculty of
Humanities, Islamic Azad University-Sanandaj branch,
66179-87811, Sanandaj, Iran,
Abstract: In this paper multi
criteria decision making tools have been used for bridge risk
assessment and for planning the investigation, repair and
maintenance of bridges. For this purpose, at first, risks that
influence bridges have been recognized and they have been
classified in six groups as risks arising from earthquake and
their effect on the sphere, design and traffic insufficiency,
flood, structural system, structural resistance against
earthquake and different design, building or maintenance
problems. The risks have been assessed based on their
consequence on four criteria as safety, functionality, cost and
environment. Finally, a method has been proposed for planning
the bridges repair and maintenance projects using multi
criteria decision making tools. In a case study, large bridges
in kurdestan province have been ranked based on the intensity
of recognized risks using fuzzy TOPSIS method.
[Heresh SoltanPanah Hiwa
Farughi, Seiran Heshami. Ranking repair and maintenance
projects of large bridges in Kurdestan province using fuzzy
TOPSIS method. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):227-233]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: bridge, risk sources, risk assessment,
repair and maintenance, Fuzzy TOPSIS
Evaluation of soil erosion
and sediment yield using semi quantitative models: FSM and
MPSIAC in Eivaneki watershed and
the sub basins (Southeast of Tehran/Iran)
*Shirin Mohamadiha1,
Hamid Reza Peyrowan2, Reza Mousavi Harami3,
Sadat Feiznia4
1- PhD student of
sedimentology, Department of geology, research and science
branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran/Iran
2-Associate Professor of
soil conservation and management Institute,
3-Professor Department of
geology, Mashhad Ferdowsi University,
4-Professor Department of
agriculture Tehran University
*Corresponding author:;
Abstract: Soil erosion and sediment
yield are the most important environmental problems that should
be considered. Erosion is not only cause of soil degradation
but also fills dam reservoirs; irrigation structures and
decreases their capacity. Because of no sediment reservoir
(check dams) at the Eivaneki watershed outlet that can show the
yearly sediment yield, both of the semi-quantitative models
(FMS and MPSIAC) are used to evaluate the annual rate of
sediment in five Eivaneki watershed sub basins. In modified FSM
model five factors: topography, vegetation, gully erosion,
lithology and watershed shape with the score range of 1 to 3
were studied and scored. The nine MPSIAC model factors consist
of: lithology, soil, climate, run off, topography, vegetation
cover, land use, surface erosion and channel erosion. The
specific sediment yields that were evaluated by using FSM model
are 0.91 ton/ha/y and 3.21ton/ha/y with MPSIAC. Also rainfall
simulator was used in order to classify the erodible formation
in Eivaneki watershed. After evaluating the rate of sediment in
Eivaneki watershed, these quantitative values compared with
each other and the result of Eivaneki gauging station (0.93
t/ha/y). Results showed that FSM evaluation was nearer to
[Shirin Mohamadiha, Hamid
Reza Peyrowan, Reza Mousavi Harami, Sadat Feiznia. Evaluation
of soil erosion and sediment yield using semi quantitative
models: FSM and MPSIAC in Eivaneki watershed and
the sub basins(Southeast of Tehran/Iran). Journal
of American Science 2011;7(7):234-239]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Sedimentyield, FSM,
MPSIAC, Rainfall simulator, Eivaneki watershed
[Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(7):240-251]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Full Text
of American Science 2011; 7(7):252-261]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Full Text
comparative investigation of the customer's and manager's views
of the Non-profit employment agencies about the relationship of
the mixed factors of marketing of the services with customer
Department of Management,
Islamic Azad University, Central Shushtar Branch, Shushtar,
Abstract: Today, paying deep attention
to customers and customer-centered centers is the secret of
employment market. The purpose of this investigation is to do a
comparative investigation about the customers' views and
managers of the non-profit employment offices about the
relationship between the mixed factors of the marketing of
services in order to improve the performance of non-profit
employment offices to satisfy customers and attract them more.
The investigation sample includes managers and customers of the
non-profit employment offices of Khuzestan province
(N=260).According to the resources existing in the special
quarries, the effect of the mixed factors of the marketing of
services with customers attraction and the characteristics of
non-profit employment offices, the researcher-made quarry has
been used. Two tests have been used in this research. The test
of the total ranks and that of Fredman, according to the fact
that there are two types of independent statistic societies
(statistic society of managers and customers) exist, these
tests have been used to test these tests. The results show that
there is a meaningful disagreement between the viewpoints of
customers and managers of non-profit employment offices about
the mixed factors of marketing of the services.
Omidi. The comparative investigation of the customer's and
manager's views of the Non-profit employment agencies about the
relationship of the mixed factors of marketing of the services
with customer attraction. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):262-265]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Mixed marketing of the
services; customer; marketing of the services; Employment
The role of soft power in
foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Department of Law and
Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: Since the ideological
elements entered into Iranian’s orientation and guideline, the
Islamic revolution of Iran brought Iran's foreign policy to a
paradigmatic shift. After this revolution, the secular and
west-driven Iran changed into an ideologic and independent
player, so that it has defined its orientations, aims, and national
benefits in an Islamic ideological framework to a great extent.
As far as religion is concerned, Islamic revelation of Iran has
a lot in common with many countries in the Middle East, and
these common aspects have made Iran more influential among Shiites
and Islamic movements. This article intends to study and
examine the effect of ideology on foreign policy of Iran and
that how this ideology has formed the frame of Iran's foreign
policy as a source of soft power.
[Ebrahim Anousheh. The
role of soft power in foreign policy of Islamic Republic of
Iran. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):266-270].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran;
Ideology; Shiism; Middle East; Soft power
the behavior of reinforced HSC beams with AFRP bars and
confined HSC beams with AFRP sheets under bending
R. Rahgozar 1,
M. Ghalehnovi 2, E. Adili 3
1. University of Shahid
Bahonar, Kerman, Iran
2. University of Sistan and
Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
3. Department of Civil
Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Zahedan,
Abstract: By increasing the use of
FRP composites in civil engineering, they seem highly essential
to be studied. The purpose of the study is comparison of the
behavior of AFRP reinforced HSC beams (reinforced with AFRP
bars) and steel reinforced HSC beams which confined with AFRP
sheets under bending. Eighteen beams have been modeled with
ANSYS. Three beams are HSC which reinforced with AFRP bars.
After modeling, the results have been compared with
experimental results and then software has been calibrated.
Then twelve steel reinforced HSC beams which confined with AFRP
sheets (with different number of laminates) have been modeled.
In addition three simple steel reinforced HSC beams have been
modeled as the base of comparison. At the end behavior of
aforementioned beams has been compared and corresponding graphs
have been sketched.
[R. Rahgozar, M.
Ghalehnovi, E. Adili. Comparing the behavior of reinforced
HSC beams with AFRP bars and confined HSC beams with AFRP
sheets under bending. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):271-275]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: HSC beams; AFRP bars;
bending; modeling; ANSYS
Environmental Factors in
Iranian Architecture
Abdolbaghi Moradchelleh
Kyiv National University
of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Abstract: Evolution of architecture
is influenced by many external factors including environmental,
ethnical, demographical, cultural, and religious factors. Among
these, we consider environmental factor as the most active and
powerful factor considering its objectivity and remaining
constant. This article deals with the environmental conditions
of Iran by zoning its territory and considering that the
traditional principles in Iranian architecture and urbanism is
directly connected with the country’s nature, as well as
regional characteristics of individual regions. Moreover,
problems of construction design zoning, and also traditional
designs and materials in architecture of civil buildings
depending on climatic, seismic, wind conditions and other
objective factors are discussed. Predominant influence of the
spiritual Islamic culture on traditions of Iranian architecture
is addressed. The author concludes that the coincident use of
modern Iranian architecture, just like other countries, and the
traditional principles and the forms is not anachronism, and
the organic continuity of architecture development is
historically justified, functionally useful, and
compositionally effective. Naturally, this provision does not
preclude the active search for improvement of these guidelines
and forms, while maintaining their unity with the natural and
climatic conditions.
Moradchelleh. Environmental Factors in Iranian Architecture.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):276-287]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Climate and environment of
Iran; Construction design zone; Traditional architecture
The effect of yoga training
with different sessions on mental health and some blood factors
in non-athlete women
Department of Physical
Education, Islamic Azad University, Shushtar Branch, Shushtar,
Abstract: This research was done to
investigate the effect of 6 weeks yoga training with different
sessions on mental health and some blood factors (Glucose,
Cholesterol, LDL, HDL and Triglycerides) of female teachers in
Avaz. 100 female non-athlete and healthy teachers with the mean
age of (35±2.5) were divided into 4 groups randomly. The first
group was session yoga training in a week group, the second
were 2 sessions yoga training in a week, the third group were 3
sessions’ yoga trainings in a week and the forth group was the
people without yoga training or control group. Every yoga
session is taking 90 minutes (including Asana, Pranayama and
Shavasana training). The survey instruments were international
questionnaire of SF36 used for measuring mental health, related
components and the required equipments for blood test to
measure blood factors measured as pre-test and post-test. In
the statistical analysis at first one-way ANCOVA and Sequential
Bonferroni test were used and for all the hypotheses
significance level was used 0.05. The results showed a
significant difference between the studied blood factors and
mental health eight components in the third group with the
control group. The current data can be effective in the design
of yoga trainings programs to improve mental health and life
quality and improving blood factors for different people.
[Zahra Mojirzadeh. The
effect of yoga training with different sessions on mental
health and some blood factors in non-athlete women. Journal
of American Science 2011;7(7):288-294]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Mental health; Yoga
trainings; Glucose; Cholesterol; HDL; LDL
of honey bee venom on Lewis rats with experimental allergic
encephalomyelitis as regards changes of GABA and glutamate
Karimi 1, Kazem Parivar 2, Mohammad
Nabiuni 1, Saied Haghighi 1, Sohrab Imani
1, Hosein Afrozi 1
1. Department of Biology,
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran,
2. Tarbiat Moallem
University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is
a progressive, neurodegenerative disease of central nervous
system (CNS). Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is
a widely accepted animal model for MS. Honey bee venom (Apis
mellifera) contains a variety of different low and high
molecular weight peptides and proteins including melittin,
apamin, adolapin, mast cell degranulating peptide and
phospholipase A2. Bee venom (BV) also could exert
anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects on the
inflammatory reactions. Glotamic acid and γ-aminobutyric
acid (GABA) are among neurotransmitters of central nervous
system and participated in excitatory and inhibitory processes.
In EAE the amount of GABA reduces and the level of glutamate
will increase. Tracing them in brain could useful in monitoring
the influences of drugs. In this research, hematoxylin and
eosin methods for inflammation, ELISA to study tumor necrosis
factor-alpha (TNF-α) and HPLC, to study the amount of GABA
and glutamate were used for assessment. In this study, we
showed that in EAE level of GABA has reduced and the amount of
glutamate has increased and bee venom decreases pathological
changes and the level of serum TNF-α, and level of
glutamate and increases the level of GABA in EAE rats induced
by spinal cord of guinea pig.
Karimi, Kazem Parivar, Mohammad Nabiuni, Saied Haghighi, Sohrab
Imani 1, Hosein Afrozi. Effect of honey bee venom
on Lewis rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis as
regards changes of GABA and glutamate. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):295-300]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Bee venom; Experimental
allergic encephalomyelitis; GABA; glutamate
Relations of serum
aldosterone and microalbuminuria to left ventricular
hypertrophy in patients with essential hypertension
Sh Abd El Gawad, Mohamed A Helaly*, Ayman Ahmed Abd-Elaziz**,
Ahmed W Soliman**, Nader Elshahat**, Wael R Rifaie**, Eid M
Daoud**, and Amal Kamel Selim***
of Clinical Pathology, Internal Medicine*, Cardiology** and
Biochemistry***, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University
Abstract: Background:
identification of risk factors for the initiation of left
ventricle hypertrophy (LVH), which is an independent risk
factor for cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in
hypertensive patients, is very important. The present study examined
the role of aldosterone and microalbuminuria in LVH and
geometry in patients with essential hypertension (EHT), and
investigated the contribution of myocardial fibrosis to the
process of LVH. Methods: The relationship of the
plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) to LVH and left
ventricular (LV) geometry was investigated in 57 patients with
EHT; mean age, 51 ± 10.2 years. Twenty-five had LVH. When
evaluated according to the geometrical patterns of LVH, 14
patients had concentric LVH (CH), 11 had eccentric LVH (EH),
and 12 had concentric remodeling. Twenty patients had normal
left ventricle geometry. Two weeks after the cessation of
antihypertensive medications, sodium, potassium, total protein
and microalbumin in 24-hour urine samples and plasma aldosterone
levels, plasma renin activity and serum procollagen type III
amino-terminal peptide (PIIINP) were measured. Results:
PAC of the patients with LVH was found to be significantly
higher (23.0±5.6 versus 12.9±3.72 ng/dl, p=0.0001) than those
without LVH. The difference between plasma renin activities was
not statistically significant. Linear regression analysis
revealed that plasma aldosterone level and age were independent
parameters increasing left ventricle mass index (LVMI). PAC
correlated with both LVMI (r=0.913, P=0.0001) and relative wall
thickness (RWT: r=0.744, P=0.0001). In patients with LVH (LVMI ≥134
g/m2), the serum concentration of PIIINP, a marker
of myocardial fibrosis, correlated with RWT (r=0.422, p=0.001)
and LVMI (r= 0.664, P=0.0001). The serum PIIINP concentration
was significantly higher in the CH group than in the EH group
(0.74±0.11 vs 0.66±0.19 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.05).
Twenty-four hour urine microalbumin concentrations of the
patients with LVH were found to be significantly higher
(P=0.003) and positively correlated with LVMI and PAC
(P=0.0001). Conclusions: Aldosterone may be
involved in LVH and LV geometry, particularly in the
development of CH. Myocardial fibrosis seems more strongly
involved in the hypertrophic geometry of CH than with EH. A
strong relation between microalbuminuria with aldosterone and
LVMI was detected. The value of selective aldosterone blockers
in preventing target organ damage awaits further
[Soma Sh Abd El Gawad,
Mohamed A Helaly, Ayman Ahmed Abd-Elaziz, Ahmed W Soliman,
Nader Elshahat, Wael R Rifaie, Eid M Daoud, and Amal Kamel
Selim: Relations of serum aldosterone and microalbuminuria to
left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with essential
hypertension. [Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):301-312].
Aldosterone; Essential hypertension; Left ventricular
hypertrophy; Left ventricular geometry; Procollagen type III
amino-terminal peptide; Microalbuminuria.
Correlates of Physical and
Psychosocial Functioning Among Burn Patients
Salwa A.
Mohamed*1 and Hanan
Surgical Department, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University
2Adult Nursing
Department, Faculty of
Nursing, Mansoura University
Abstract: The burn injury can one of
the most serious and devastating injuries among people of all
ages. The aim of the study was to identify correlates of
physical and psychosocial functioning among burn patients. The
study was conducted at the burn units of El-Mansoura University
Hospital. Design: descriptive correlational design was used.
Tools which were used for data collection: 1) Sociodemographic
data and clinical data. 2) Brief Burn Specific Health Scale is
adopted from (Kildal et al., 2001), to assess
physical and psychosocial function in individual suffering from
burn injury. The results of this study showed a statistically
significant improvement in the physical and psychological
functioning scores among patients from admission to discharge
from hospital. This study concluded that Patients with burn injury
suffer from a multitude of physical problems that alter their
physical and psychosocial functional. Consequently, regular and
comprehensive nursing intervention for follow up of these
patients is necessary for life saving. Burn patients experience
low functional outcome on the admission of hospital, which
slightly improves during, by the discharge from hospital. This
study recommended replication of the study on a larger
probability sample from different geographical areas, to
achieve more generalizable results.
[Salwa A. Mohamed and Hanan Soliman. Correlates of Physical and
Psychosocial Functioning Among Burn Patients. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7): 313-318].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Burn injury, Physical, Psychological functioning
Effect of Soybean on Bone
Health of Male and Female Albino Rats
Serag El
Din, O. S; *Batta, H. Abd El Azim; Abd El
Fattah, N.
Zoology Department, College
for Women’S College, Ain Shams University.
Abstract: Litanies of health benefits
are frequently attributed to soy but it's also considered as
endocrine disruptors, indicating that it has the potential to
cause adverse health effects as well. Consequently the present
study investigated whether consumption of soybean has health
benefits or adverse effects on bone health. Each sex was
randomly divided into 4 groups, control group fed on the basal
diet (AIN93 G),and three treated groups given 30, 60 and
90 g cooked
soybeans/70 kg human body weight (b.w.) for three months. Female and Male rats showed that
soybean increased serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) and decreased
calcium (Ca) level in bone and serum. In the present study
found that soybean have adverse effects on bone of male and
[Serag El Din, O. S; Batta, H. Abd
El Azim; Abd El Fattah, N.Effect of Soybean on Bone Health of
Male and Female Albino Rats. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7): 319-324].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Soybean, bone PTH, Ca,
Institutional Governance
Effect on the Shadow Economy in Asia
Arash Jamalmanesh1, Noor
Aini Khalifah2
of Management, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar,
2Associate Professor of
Economics, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Faculty of Economics and
This paper
analyses how institutional governance, affect the shadow
economy, using an Asian country data. The literature strongly
emphasizes the quantitative importance of these factors to
understand the level and changes of shadow economy. However,
the limited number of studies uses cross-sectional country
data with a relatively few number of observations, and hardly
any paper has
investigated governance and provides evidence using
within country data. Using more than 35 proxies that measure
institutional governance factors and political behavior we find
strong support that its increase leads to a smaller shadow economy.
Furthermore, an increase in poverty and political stability
increases the
size of the shadow economy.
[Arash Jamalmanesh, Noor
Aini Khalifah. Institutional Governance Effect on the Shadow
Economy in Developing Countries: A Panel Data Analysis. Journal
of American Science 2011; 7(7):325-333] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Institutional Governance,
Shadow Economy, Poverty, Asian Countries, Political Stability,
Panel Data Analysis
Clinical utility of plasma
NT-proBNP in ruling out heart failure among Egyptian patients
Magda S. Mahmoud1,
Mie A. Mohammed1, Abeer A. khayyal1,
Olfat M. Fawzy1, Amer Elhammdy2
1 Biochemical Department,
National Research Center, Dokki, Egypt.
Internal Medicine Department, Banha University.
Abstract: Natriuretic peptides (BNP
and NT-pro-BNP) represent useful biomarkers in heart failure
diagnosis. So the aim of the present study was designed to
assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of serum
concentrations of NT-proBNP relative to cardiac troponin T
(cTnT) and creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) determined on
admission in patients with acute heart failure and with chronic
heart failure at different clinical stages of severity. The
mean levels of CK-MB, ctn-1and plasma concentration of NT-
proBNP were significantly increased (p<0.05) in chronic
heart failure group as compared to the acute heart failure
group. The mean levels of CK-MB, ctn-1and plasma concentration
of NT- proBNP were significantly increased (p<0.05) in
chronic heart failure group as compared to the acute heart
failure group. Plasma NT-pro-BNP levels are related with
chronic heart failure severity; they are particularly increased
in more advanced New York Heart Association (NYHA) classes
(stage II, III, IV), these increments were matched with the increased
serum levels of CK-MB and ctn-1 with the advance of disease
severity. In conclusion in heart failure, measurement of NT-proBNP
is among the diagnostic biomarkers of all relevant clinical
diagnostic aids and is useful across the whole spectrum of heart
failure disease severity. High NT-proBNP levels are
related to chronic heart failure stages, their increase is
directly related to more advanced NYHA classes and to poor
prognosis. So NT-proBNP can facilitate diagnosis and can
be used as a guide for heart failure therapy.
S. Mahmoud, Mie A. Mohammed, Abeer A. khayyal, Olfat M. Fawzy,
Amer Elhammdy. Clinical utility of plasma NT-proBNP in
ruling out heart failure among Egyptian patients. Journal of American Science, 2011;7(7):334-342]. (ISSN:1545-0740).
Keywords: heart failure, diagnosis,
echocardiography, NT-proBNP
Neopterin Level in Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis
Samia Boseila1,
Iman Seoud2, Gamal Samy3, Hanan El-Gamal3,
Tarek S. Ibrahim*1, Amira Ahmed4, Mona R. El Kafoury5
and Ahmed Fathy1
1Child Health Dep., National
Research Center, 2 Pediatric Dep., Cairo University,
3Childhood Studies Dep., Ain Shams
University, 4Neonatology Dep., El-Galaa Teaching
5 Clinical&Chemical
Pathology Dep. National Research Center.
Abstract: Background: Sepsis is the commonest cause of
neonatal mortality and is probably responsible for 30-50% of
the total neonatal deaths each year in developing countries. Diagnosis of neonatal sepsis remains a
major challenge, as early signs of sepsis are often
non-specific and the laboratory criteria are also not fully
reliable. This leads to unnecessary exposure to
antibiotics before the presence of sepsis has been proven with
potentially poor outcomes. Several attempts have been made to
use physiologic parameters, hematologic indices, and cytokine
profiles, at the time of onset of the suspected sepsis episode
to identify accurately neonates with sepsis. Elevated serum
level of neopterin has been shown to be an early specific and
sensitive marker responsible for activation of the cellular
immune system and has also been
proposed to aid in the diagnosis of bacterial infection. Objective: To
evaluate the
usefulness of serum neopterin level as an accurate diagnostic
tool for neonatal sepsis and compare it with Rodwell’s
hematological sepsis score and C-reactive protein for
predicting infection and outcome in neonates with sepsis.
Methods: The
study comprised 20 neonates with a clinical proven sepsis, 20
neonates with a clinical suspicion of sepsis and 20 healthy
neonates of matched gestational age who were considered as the
normal control group. All groups were subjected to full history
taking and clinical examination. Laboratory investigations done
were complete blood count, total and differential leucocytic
count, blood culture, serum levels of CRP and neopterin. Results: Serum
neopterin levels were significantly higher in the infected and
suspected groups compared with the control group (p =0.0001)
and correlated positively with both CRP levels (r=0.8, p
=0.0001) and the Hematological
Sepsis Score (r=0.5, p=0.04). Significant positive correlations
were detected between serum neopterin level, maternal age
(r=0.5, p=0.02), gravidity(r= 0.5, p = 0.01),
respiratory distress (r= -0.5, p=0.03), and
lethargy (r= 0.2, p=0.05) in septic neonates. Conclusion:
neopterin may be used as an early diagnostic tool with high
sensitivity (78.09%), specificity (85%), positive predictive
value (93.8%), negative predictive value (82.6%) in neonates
with suspicion of sepsis especially when combined with routine
hematological sepsis score and C-reactive protein.
Boseila, Iman Seoud, Gamal Samy, Hanan El-Gamal, Tarek S.
Ibrahim, Amira Ahmed, Mona R. El Kafoury and Ahmed Fathy. Serum
Neopterin Level in Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):343-352].(ISSN:
Key word: Neonatal sepsis –
neopterin level – hematological sepsis
Contourlet Features Extraction and
AdaBoost Classification for Palmprint Verification
Eisa Rezazadeh Ardabili †,
Keivan Maghooli †, Emad Fatemizadeh †
† Biomedical Engineering Department, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Authors e-mail:,,
Abstract: Biometrics-based personal
verification is a powerful security features in technology era.
Palmprint is an important complement and reliable biometric
that can be used for identity verification because it is stable
and unique for every individual. This paper presents a new palmprint
verification method by using the contourlet features and
Ada Boost classification. The contourlet transform is a new two
dimensional extension of the wavelet transform using
multi-scale and directional filter banks. It can effectively
capture smooth contours that are the dominant features in
palmprint images. AdaBoost is used as a classifier in the
experiments. Experimental results shows that the contourlet
features when classify by using AdaBoost (α-Type)
classifier are very suitable for invariant palmprint
verification. The experimental results illustrate the
effectiveness of the method proposed.
[Eisa Rezazadeh Ardabili,
Keivan Maghooli, Emad Fatemizadeh. Contourlet features
extraction and Ada Boost classification for palmprint
verification. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):353-362].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Palmprint, verification,
Contourlet, AdaBoost, Biometrics.
Spectrophotometric Studies
on Antioxidants-Doped Liposomes
Samaa M. Elfaramawy*,
Rizk A. Rizk
Physics Department, Faculty
of science, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Antioxidants
are the effective modulators of physical properties of model
and natural membranes as a scavenger of what called free
radical. To demonstrate the relationship between the structure
of antioxidants and their effect on the molecular dynamics of
membranes, UV spectroscopy is applied to investigate the
influence of three structurally different antioxidants:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin E and Zinc, on the behavior
of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) multilamellar
vesicles. The
results obtained indicate that positively charged liposomes
doped with each of vitamin C and vitamin E or negatively
charged liposomes doped with zinc contribute to membrane
fluidity changes as they have been shown to decrease membrane
fluidity. The results suggest that the hydrophobic core of the
membrane is poorly affected by these three
structurally different antioxidants molecules and,
consequently, they cannot insert deeply into the bilayer and
the interaction is mainly localized at the polar head level
which strongly influences membrane stability and lipid
[Samaa M. Elfaramawy1*,
Rizk A. Rizk Spectrophotometric Studies on Antioxidants-Doped Liposomes.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(7):363-369].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Antioxidant; Liposome; UV
Eastern nations in Ferdowsi thoughts
Omid Shiva
College of History,
National University of Tajikistan
Abstract: The western culture has always kept a
close eye on eastern civilization throughout the history.
Toward making a survey and getting an understanding of the
eastern knowledge, customs, and conventions, a new field of
study was created called orientalistic. The dawn of eastern
civilization was much sooner than the western one. The oldest
city of the ancient world in Mesopotamia in Iraq, Jiroft in
Iran, and Mohenjo-Daro in India were of incredible
civilization. Formation of great empires in Iran, China and
India were concomitant to stating of city dwelling in other
parts of the world, so it puts us to shame to look into
ourselves from western outlook.
Shiva: Eastern nations in Ferdowsi thoughts; Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):370-375]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Eastern nations; Ferdowsi; history;
Detection of red ripe
tomatoes on stem using Image Processing Techniques
Hosna Mohamadi Monavar1*,
Reza Alimardani2, Mahmoud Omid2
Department of Agricultural Machinery
Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and
Technology, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 4111, Karaj
31587-77871, Iran.
2. Professor, Department of
Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural
Engineering and Technology, University of Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: Image Processing Techniques are being used increasingly
in the field of agricultural and food products for quality
assurance purpose. The system offers the generation of precise
descriptive data and reduction of tedious human involvement.
Image segmentation based on color difference between mature
fruits and backgrounds under natural illumination condition is
a difficult task. By
processing images in three color space of RGB, HSI and YCbCr
from CCD camera, tomato fruit, stems, leaves and a
stem-supporting pole were recognized. Then the processed images
were compared in three color spaces in order to identify ripe
tomatoes with more than 50% redness. The average of error
between actual number of red tomatoes and estimated number in 3
images of each 28 tomato trees was 3.85%.
[H. Mohamadi M.,R. Alimardani, M. Omid. Detection of red
ripe tomatoes on stem using Image Processing Techniques.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):376-379].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Image processing; ripe tomato;
natural illumination.
Study of the relationship between
parenting style, and children’s emotional intelligence and
Mojtaba Aghili 1,
Mojtaba Kashani 2
1. Department of Psychology,
University of Payam-Noor, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran
2. Gonbad Higher Education
Center, Gonbad, Iran
Abstract: This project is performed with the aim
of studying the relationships between the parenting style on the one hand, and children’s
emotional intelligence and self-efficacy on the other hand.
Regarding the importance of parenting style and its influence
on children the question that arises that; what is the effect
of the type of parenting style on children’s emotional
intelligence and self-efficacy? This study aims to find the
answer. The statistical samples of the study were 110 students
of middle school (62 boys and 48 girls) and their parents in
Gonbad-Kavoos city, Golestan Province, Iran. They were chosen
by cluster sampling method. To evaluate the parenting style,
children’s emotional intelligence, and children’s
self-efficacy, Baumrind parenting styles questionnaire, the
32-item Shrink’s questionnaire, and the 10-item Schwarzer &
Jerusalem Generalized Self-Efficacy scale questionnaire were
used, respectively. The results obtained indicated that there
is a significant statistical relationship between parenting
style and emotional intelligence. However, there was not any
significant statistical relationship between parenting style
and children’s self-efficacy.
Aghili, Mojtaba Kashani;Study of the relationship between
parenting style, and children’s emotional intelligence and
self-efficacy;Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):380-384].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Parenting style; emotional
intelligence; self-efficacy
The new approach to study of
relationship between Tughrul and Caliph Alqayem (in in the
second half of the forth Hijri century)
Abolhasan Shahvari
Department of History,
University of Payam-Noor, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran
Abstract: In the second half of the forth Hijra
century, the Seljuks government was recognized. It was
historically the most important and valid Turkmen tribes. With
the emergence of Seljuk dynasty, a new era began in the history
of Islam. For the first time, the Turkish tribes dominated
southwest of Asia and possessed the political power of
Caliphate system. At the same time, it was the source of
happiness for Abbasids that Saljuks were devout Sunnis and
remained Sunni. Thus, they were the pioneers of a proactive
cooperation with Caliphs and forcefully prevented the Ismaili
conspirators. The military expedition of Tughrul to Iraq not
only saved the Caliph from his enemies, but also caused a new
division of power and brought a definitive shape of influence
in the central territories of Darulislam. In the present study,
we have tried to depict the relations of Tughrul, as the first
king of Seljuks, and Caliph Alqayem. We also addressed the ups
and downs of Caliph and Sultan relations and the formation of
these relationships.
Shahvari; The new
approach to study of relationship between Tughrul and Caliph
Alqayem (in in the second half of the forth Hijri century);
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):385-391].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Call; Alqayem; Basasyry;
Shahneh; Naan pareh; Marriage; Minister
Aghil Taghavi
Department of Iranian
Studies, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Abstract: Undoubtedly, the most basic needs of
human being for survival or comfortable life are food, clothing
and house. After providing good food, cloth, and house, he can
have a higher quality of life. Nowadays the house matter is one
of the most basic discussions of nations and governments. From
some people’s point of view, house is prior to other needs of
human beings, because with the house one can dispense with
eating good food and wearing good cloth and spending his day.
In history different tribes have used various architectural
methods and houses. Iranian Turkmen tribe, who constantly
migrate to find better pastures, because of their tribal life
style, use an especial kind of house that is unique; called
Turkmen language “Bower”. These Turkmen houses have attracted
many people including anthropologists. So, in the current
article it is tried to completely describe the bower.
Taghavi; Bower;Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):392-396]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Turkmen; Iran; Bower
Turkmens’ History
Aghil Taghavi
Department of Iranian
Studies, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Abstract: Getting acquaintance with background
and history of different tribes is so attractive and can learn
some lessons from it to achieve life aims. Turkmen tribe has
one of the most attractive historical background that in this
assay it is tried to investigate about this by reference to the
books and works that describe Turkmen’s history, generally
Turkmens’ history is divided to two parts. One is the mythical
and fabulous period of Turkmens that considered the pedigree of
this tribe from Adam to Oghuz Khan, who is the common ancestor
of all Turkmens, and the second historical period is divided to
three periods of nomadism, migration to Turkmenistan and Iran’s
Turkmen Sahara and the period after formal delimitation between
Iran and Russia, Turkmens’ condition in each of these periods
is considered and turned into the today geographical condition.
Generally Turkmens don’t have a very unsuitable condition
during the history and they were migrating constantly.
Taghavi; Turkmens’
History; Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):397-401]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Turk; Turkmen; Oghuz Khan;
history; period; migration
Biology of the Hairy Mangrove Crab,
Sersema Huzardii (Decapoda: Graspidae) from a Tropical
Estuarine Lagoon.
Aderonke Omolara Lawal-Are*
and Hilary Nwankwo
Department of Marine
University of Lagos, Akoka,
Lagos –Nigeria.
*Corresponding author:
Abstract: The size composition, growth
pattern, food habits, reproductive biology and feedstuff
preferences of the mangrove crab, Sesarma huzardii in a tropical estuarine lagoon
were investigated. The carapace length ranged from 1.5cm to
4.7cm and weight from 4.5g to 27.8g. The crab exhibited
negative allometric growth. The condition factor ranged between
3.6 and 13.5 and decreased with size. The crabs fed mainly on
diatoms, algae, higher plants and insect parts. The sex ratio
was 1: 0.6 (male/female) which was significantly different from
the expected 1:1 ratio.
The fecundity ranged between 1.2 and 3.5 million eggs.
The average fecundity was 2.5million eggs. Egg diameter ranged
from 0.21 to 0.33mm with a mean diameter of 0.24mm. The crab
had the highest gain in weight when fed with white mangrove
leaves and least with animal food.
Omolara Lawal-Are and Hilary Nwankwo; Biology of the Hairy
Mangrove Crab, Sersema
Huzardii (Decapoda: Graspidae) from a Tropical Estuarine
Lagoon.Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):402-408].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Mangrove crab, growth,
feeding habits, reproductive biology
A qualitative study of
effectiveness of clinical teaching
Hayam I. Asfour*
and Azza H.
Department of Critical Care
and Emergency Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of
Alexandria, Egypt
Abstract: Clinical experience has been
always an integral part of nursing education. It prepares
student nurses to be able of "doing" as well as
"knowing" the clinical principles in practice.
Clinical experience is one of the most anxiety producing
components of the nursing program which has been identified by
nursing students. The educational process is unique in
the practice professions because being able to perform the
activities of the profession in live situations as opposed to
simply being able to express understanding of principles is a
requisite competency of graduation. Despite a wealth of research on
clinical teaching, the criteria for determining what
constitutes effective clinical teaching remain poorly defined.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the nursing
students' and instructors' perception of clinical teaching
effectiveness in critical care nursing courses. Material and
Method; A descriptive qualitative research
design was used.
Setting: The
study was conducted at the Critical Care & Emergency
Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. Subjects: consisted of
two groups. The first group included nursing students and the
second group consisted of critical care clinical instructors. Clinical
Teaching opinionnaire tool was developed to elicit the nursing
student's / clinical instructors' perception of clinical
teaching effectiveness in critical care nursing courses.
Results; Students had enough orientation. Students are under stress because
of a lot of work and duties. The ratio of
instructors to students (1:6) is adequate. The instructors' agreed with the students
on the duration of clinical training is not enough. Students are
well oriented with the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of
their clinical training. Students and instructors enjoyed OSCE. Students and
instructors don't like portfolio and log book. Students like
their clinical instructors they see them role models Conclusion; the
findings of this study and the literature support the need to
rethink about the clinical skills training in nursing
education. Recommendation; Longitudinal studies to
investigate the nursing students' and instructors' perception
of clinical teaching effectiveness in randomly selected
multiple faculties are recommended.
I. Asfour and
Azza H.
El-Soussi. A qualitative study of effectiveness
of clinical teaching; Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):409-420].(ISSN:
Keywords: qualitative;
study; effectiveness;
clinical; teaching.
The Effect of Consuming a
Cake Containing Propolis on Gut Micro flora and Toxicity.
F.A. El-Shobaki*; Omnia G.
Refaat**; Zeinab A. Saleh*; Abou-Bakr S. Abd-Elfatah* and Eman
F. El-Hagar*
National Research Centre*,
Dokki Giza and Faculty of Home Economics** Helwan University
Abstract: This work was done to
study the effect of crude propolis and its extracts (water and
ethanol) on modulation of micro flora in the gut and protection
against toxicity with aflatoxin. Experiment was done on Sprague
Dawley white Albino rats that were divided into 9 groups. Group
1 was fed on basal diet, group 2 was fed on a cake, groups 3, 4
& 5 each was fed on either cake fortified with crude, water
or ethanol extract of propolis. Group 6 was fed on the cake but
contaminated with aflatoxins, then, groups 7, 8 &9 each was
fed on cake contaminated with aflatoxins and either crude,
water or ethanol extract of propolis. All groups continued for
eight weeks. Feces were collected during the experiment and the
secum was isolated at the end of the feeding period for
assaying the pattern of micro flora either the beneficial
bacteria or the harmful ones. The Results showed that the
microbial count of the Bifidobacterum increased by
addition of propolis to the cake. The value obtained in case of
control rats was 50 x 104,
this value was 77 x 104, in case of rats fed on the
cake. Addition of propolis crude, the water or ethanol extract
raised the count of bifidobacterium. The value obtained for
ethanol extract was 30 x 106. Addition of aflatoxin
to the cake markedly increased the count of coilform in feces.
Adding propolis to aflatoxins contaminated cake caused a
reduction in enumerated colony of coliform. The values obtained
were 25 X 104, 48 x 104 and 33 x 104
for crude, water, and ethanol extract of propolis respectively.
The activities of the liver enzymes, namely AST and ALT were
markedly increased in rats fed on the aflatoxin contaminated
cake. Adding propolis to the cake caused a return to normal
values of the activities of these enzymes. Conclusion is that
supplementation of food with propolis can promote growth of the
beneficial bifidobacterium and inhibit that of the harmful
coliorm type present in the gastrointestinal tract. In
addition, it can protect against toxicit.
[F.A. El-Shobaki; Omnia G. Refaat;
Zeinab A. Saleh; Abou-Bakr S. Abd-Elfatah and Eman F. El-Hagar.The Effect of Consuming a
Cake Containing Propolis on Gut Micro flora and Toxicity.Journal of American Science,
2011;7(7):421-429]. (ISSN:1545-0740).
Keywords: Propolis, Aflatoxins,
Bifidobacteria, Coilform, Toxicity
A nucleotide sequencing of
foot-and-mouth disease virus Egyptian strains
EL-Shehawy, Abu-Elnaga H, Talat A, El-Garf E, Zakria A and Azab
Department of Foot and
Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute,
Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt.
Foot and
mouth disease virus (FMDV) has been annually isolated during
the recent years in Egypt. There is no sufficient local data
about the genetic changes occurred in the virus, which makes
tracing its origin difficult. In this work, FMDV serotype O and
A were isolated from bovine clinical samples, collected from Ismailia,
Dakhlia, Monoufia and Sharkia during 2010. RNA extracted from
either clinical or cell culture grown virus was subjected to
RT-PCR. Nucleotide sequencing of FMDV 1D gene was determined
using standard automated sequencing technique. Phylogenetic analysis
revealed that the isolated serotype O viruses were closely
related to O1/Sharquia/EGY/72 and
had same lineage with the O Turkish Manisa strains. Deduced
amino acids of 2009 and 2010 Egyptian A
isolates in relation to the Egyptian A 2006 strains showed
several replacement (I42V, N43S, S44N, L45Q, P141S and A156P).
From the obtained result, it was clear that FMDV serotypes O
and A isolated in 2010 were closely
related to the Egyptian FMDV vaccinal strains and they emerged
from the same ancestor.
[Laila EL-Shehawy,
Abu-Elnaga H, Talat A, El-Garf E, Zakria A and Azab A. A nucleotide sequencing of
foot-and-mouth disease virus Egyptian strains. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):430-435].(ISSN:
Keywords: nucleotide; sequence
foot-and-mouth disease; virus; Egyptian
Effect of fringing filed on the
internal stress field of nano cantilever beams in the presence
of van der waals attractions
Amir Vosoogh
Young researcher club, Mahshahr
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.
Abstract: In this paper, effect of fringing
filed on the internal stress field of nano cantilever beams is
studied using Adomian decomposition method. The nano cantilever
beam is considered as a distributed parameter model including
intermolecular forces, electrostatic forces and fringing filed
effects. In the modelling of intermolecular forces the van der
Waals force and in the modelling of electrostatic forces, the
fringing field effect is taken into account. By using the
obtained polynomial solution, bending moment and shear force
are calculated, for narrow and wide nano beam types.
[Amir Vosoogh.
Effect of fringing filed on the internal stress field of nano
cantilever beams in the presence of van der waals attractions.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):436-439].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Nano, Cantilever, Adomian, Stress,
Van der Waals.
Optimising Client
Side Data Entry Process
Nkechi ACHARA1, BSc. and Nnorom
Suisse, Fixed income 2L Support, KVFS62, Uetlibergstrasse 231, 8070
2MDPGA, Ministry of Defence, Wethersfield,
Braintree, United Kingdom
Loss of data during data entry either by crashing or
freezing is a common problem encountered in database data
insert especially when there are many rows and columns of data
to deal with and also when it is not appropriate to bind the
data directly to the database.
Techniques used in inserting data to the database
include bulk load, row by row looping and the use of dataset
together with data adapter.
The dataset and looping techniques have been studied by
comparing the time for data insertion. From the results it is
concluded that the dataset technique should be used when the
number of rows and columns grow beyond a threshold and below
this threshold the row by row data insertion method marginally
performs better.
[Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):440-444]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Dataset, Data adapter,
AJAX, OPENXML, Bulk load, Constraint, Data integrity, Primary
Physico- chemical
properties of natural pigments (anthocyanin) extracted from
calyces (Hibiscus subdariffa)
Azza A. Abou-Arab, Ferial
M. Abu-Salem and Esmat A. Abou-Arab
of Food Technology, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: Physico-chemical
properties of Roselle calyces (Hibiscus subdariffa)
indicated that moisture content, protein, fat, fiber and
ash were 12.81 %, 7.51%, 0.46 %, 11.17 % and 11.24 %,
respectively. Mineral contents of K, P, Na Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu
and Mn were detected at different levels. The results showed
that the Roselle
calyces powder more the red color. Besides, contained ascorbic
acid (140.13 mg/100g), total anthocyanins (622.91 mg/100g) and
total phenolics (37.42 mg/g dry weight). The DPPH scavenging
capacity obtained from raw dried Roselle was 36.53 µ/ml. The extraction of natural
pigments (anthocyanins) from Roselle calyces by different
solvents (ethanol acidified with 1.5N/L HCl (85:15, v/v),
ethanol acidified with 1% citric acid, citric acid. solution
of 2% concentration and distilled water) were applied and
pigments were analyzed for color, pH, total acidity, total
soluble solids (T.S.S), total
anthocyanins, total phenolic and antioxidants activity. The obtained results
indicated that the highest yield of pigment
recovered is considered the main goal in the extraction
process. In addition to economic considerations, safety should
be considered. Accordingly, water acidified with citric acid 2
% indicating anthocyanins yield of 1063 mg/100 g might be the
best choice and the more preferable solvent compared with
ethanol acidified with HCl which showed the highest yield i.e.
1386 mg/100 g dry weight. The
results from this study showed that the greater the Roselle
extracted by 2 % citric acid solution the more the red color
intensity observed (a* 5.25). Results of these studies can be used
to determine application of Roselle anthocyanins in a variety
of food products as food colourants such as confectionery
products, gelatin desserts, snacks, cake, pudding, ice cream and
[Azza A. Abou-Arab, Ferial M. Abu-Salem
and Esmat A. Abou-Arab. Physico- chemical properties of
natural pigments (anthocyanin) extracted from
calyces (Hibiscus subdariffa). Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):445-456].(ISSN:
Keywords: Roselle calyces, extraction,
anthocyanins, Physical properties, chemical properties.
Can the freshwater crayfish
eradicate schistosomiasis in Egypt and Africa?
Magdy T. Khalil &
Setaita H. Sleem
Zoology Dept., Faculty of
Science, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
Abstract: Schistosomiasis is a
chronic, parasitic disease, infecting more than 207 million
people, mostly from Africa, with an estimated 700 million
people at risk in 74 endemic countries. One of strategies to
eradicate this disease is biocontrol of its vector snail. Lab
experiments and field survey have been carried out to
investigate the impact and the relationship between the exotic
crayfish; Procambarus clarkii and Schistosoma
vector snails in Egypt. In the Lab, several species of
freshwater snails, fish and aquatic plants were reported to
serve as food for the freshwater crayfish. In the field, a
survey for the crayfish and freshwater snails has been
conducted at several irrigation channels in Qalyobiya, Ismailia
and Behera governorates, which had been previously surveyed
during 1990s. The results of the experimental Lab
indicated that the vector snails; Biomphalaria alexandrina,
Bulinus truncatus and Limnaea natalensis
were the preys of first choice for the crayfish. The fields
surveys showed high reduction and sometimes complete
disappearance of vector snails in irrigation channels, which
have been invaded by Procambarus clarkii,
while in water courses which do not harbor the crayfish, such
as El Manayef drain and Fayed canal (West of Suez Canal), high
densities of these vector snails were recorded.The present study is
providing encouraging indication of the possible overcoming
schistosomiasis and fascioliasis in Egypt and whole Africa by
the freshwater crayfish Procombarus clarkii. New
estimates of the Egyptian Ministry of Health indicated that the
percent of infected people decreased significantly to only 4%
comparing to 45% during 1960s.
[Magdy T. Khalil &
Setaita H. Sleem. Can the freshwater crayfish eradicate
schistosomiasis in Egypt
and Africa?.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):457-462]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Procambarus clarkii,
Biomphalaria alexandrina, Bulinus truncatus, Limnaea
natalensis, crayfish, schistosomiasis, fascioliasis, Egypt,
Designing Customer Loyalty
Model in Insurance Industry (A study of insurance sector in
Mohsen Moradi 1,
Mohammad Mousavi 2, Rasoul Amirzadeh3,
Behnaz Alimardani4
Faculty of Management, Imam
Reza University, Mashhad, Iran
Faculty of Management,
Payame Noor University of Mashhad, Iran
Department of management,
Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur Branch, Neyshabur, Iran
Imam Reza University,
Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: This study explores
customer loyalty model at the level of specific dimensions
drawing from insurance of Iran. The purpose of this article is
to explain the customer loyalty model at the level of
constructs, drawing from the insurance industry of Iran. A
SERVQUAL type service-quality instruments is developed for
insurance of Iran. Path analysis is utilized to examine a model
linking service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty at
the level of individual insurance. It is found that the quality
of services and customer's satisfaction, are highly correlated.
Furthermore the relationship between quality of tangible or
intangible services with the customer's satisfaction is
approved. Insurance managers must improve both tangible and
intangible elements of services to have loyal customers. The
proposed model can be used to provide comparable findings
across sectors, countries and similar service industries. This
study suffers the limitation that it tests the fit of the model
within the limits of a single service industry. Another
limitation is availability sampling, however the appropriated
fit of the estimated model allows for the study to be a reliable
comparison basis for further research.
[Mohsen Moradi, Mohammad
Mousavi, Rasoul Amirzadeh. Designing Customer
Loyalty Model in Insurance Industry (A study of insurance
sector in Iran). Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):463-469].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Customer loyalty; Customer satisfaction;
Insurance; SERVQUAL
The chaotic
є-constraint approach
F. El-Santawy and A. N. Ahmed
Departement of Mathematical
Statistics, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research
(ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt.
Abstract: in this paper, we try to
tackle the drawbacks of the well-known Multi-Objective
technique є-constraint method, namely the computational
difficulties and obtaining proper efficient solutions. We
incorporate a well-known chaotic function, so-called the
logistic map to the classical є-constraint method for
improving its results. A well known bench-mark test function is
adopted for validation of the new approach, showing its ability
to explore various areas of the pareto-optimal front in an
efficient way. The chaotic є-constraint approach obtains
diversified as well as well representative solutions.
[Mohamed F. El-Santawy and A. N. Ahmed. The chaotic
є-constraint approach. Journal
of American Science 2011;7(7):470-472].(ISSN:
Chaos, є-constraint
method, Logistic Map, Multi-Objective Optimization
Effect of Tramadol and
Ropivacaine Infiltration on Plasma Catecholamine and
Postoperative Pain
Galal Mostafa1, Mohamad F. Mohamad1,
Ranya M. Bakry2 and Waleed S.H. Farrag*3
Department of Anesthesia,
Intensive Care and pain management1 Department of
Clinical Pathology2 South Egypt Cancer Institute,
Assiut University, 3Department of Anesthesia and
Intensive Care, Medical college, Assiut University. *
Abstract: A long acting local
anesthetic; ropivacaine and a synthetic opioid; tramadol were
used to improve pain relief and decrease postoperative systemic
analgesic requirement after total thyroidectomy in patients
with thyroid cancer. The study also assesses the effect of
local infiltration with ropivacaine and tramadol on plasma
catecholamine levels. Methods: Ninety six patients underwent
thyroid surgery were randomly assigned to 3 groups. Before skin
closure, tissues were infiltrated 10 ml of ropivacaine 0.75%
plus 5 ml saline in Group R, with 1.5 mg/kg of tramadol in 15
ml saline in Group T, and with 15 ml containing 10 mL
ropivacaine 0.75% plus tramadol 1.5mg/kg in Group RT. Plasma
epinephrine and nor-epinephrine were recorded at preoperative
(0), 1, 5, 15, 30min, 1, 2 and 4 h postoperative. Pain scores
at min, 0.1/2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, and 24 hr post-operatively; time
to first analgesic, number and % of patients requiring rescue
analgesia, number of rescue analgesia and total dose of
analgesic were recorded. Results; The pain scores in group RT
were significantly lower in the first 24 hours than in groups R
and T. Time to first analgesic (hrs) in group RT
was significantly more
than in either group R or group T. The
percentage of patients in group RT requiring rescue analgesia
was significantly less than the percentage of patients in other
groups. Also, the numbers of rescue analgesia requests and the
cumulative 24 h analgesic consumption were significantly
smaller in group RT than other groups. The plasma epinephrine and
nor-epinephrine increased significantly in three groups at 5 and 15 min when compared
with the baseline then returned to near baseline value at 30
min 1,2 and 4 hrs. There was significant decrease in plasma
concentration of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine in group RT
than R or T groups. The aim of this study is to evaluate wound
infiltration with ropivacaine, tramadol or their combination on
plasma catecholamine levels and post-operative pain following
thyroid surgery.
[Mostafa Galal Mostafa,
Mohamad F. Mohamad, Ranya M.Bakry and Waleed
S.H.Farrag. Effect of Tramadol and Ropivacaine Infiltration on
Plasma Catecholamine and Postoperative Pain. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7): 473-479]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Tramadol, Ropivacaine, local infiltration, catecholamine.
Which Has Greater Analgesic
Effect: Intrathecal Nalbuphine or Intrathecal Tramadol?
Mostafa Galal Mostafa1, Mohamad
F. Mohamad1 and Waleed S.H. Farrag*2
Department of Anesthesia,
Intensive Care and pain management, South Egypt Cancer
Institute, Assiut University1. Department of
Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Medical college, Assiut
Abstract: Nalbuphine
and tramadol administered epidurally has been demonstrated to
decrease postoperative analgesic requirements. However, its
effect on postoperative analgesia after intrathecal
administration has not will be established. In this double-blind,
the effect of intrathecal tramadol and nalbuphine
administration on pain control after gynecological surgery was
studied. Sixty patients undergoing Transurethral resection of
the bladder tumor were studied and randomized to receive
bupivacaine 0.5% 3 ml intrathecally premixed with either
tramadol 50mg [1ml],or nalbuphine 2mg[1ml].After operation,
paracetamol IV (1gm) was administered as needed for analgesia.
Postoperative analgesic requirements, visual analogue scale for
pain (VAS) and sedation scores, times to first analgesic,
haemodynamic parameters
and side effects were recorded by a blinded observe.
There were no differences between the groups with regard to
postoperative requirements in the first 24hours. Also there
were no significant differences as regard sensory level,
duration of motor block in hours and time to receive first
analgesic between the two groups. Sedation scores in tramadol
group were significantly
higher than nalbuphine group. The homodynamic
changes were similar in both groups and the incidence of nausea
and vomiting was higher in tramadol group. On conclusion, the
intrathecal administration of 50 mg tramadol and intrathecal 2
mg nalbuphine when used with 0.5% bupivacaine had a similar the
postoperative analgesia in the patients without producing
significant related side effects like nausea, vomiting,
pruritus and respiratory depression.
[Mostafa Galal Mostafa, Mohamad F.
Mohamad and Waleed S.H. Farrag. Which Has Greater Analgesic
Effect: Intrathecal Nalbuphine or Intrathecal Tramadol?. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):480-484].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Analgesic Effect; Intrathecal Nalbuphine; Intrathecal
Possible Synergistic
Therapeutic Role of Taurine and Curcumin on Cerulein-Induced Acute
Pancreatitis in Rats
A. M. El-Nahrawy1 and Mohamed Islam A. H.2
1Zoology Department, Women's Collage for Arts, Education
& Science, Ain Shams University
2Biological Applications Department, Nuclear Research
Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt.
Abstract: Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory
condition of the pancreas characterized clinically by abdominal
pain and elevated levels of pancreatic enzymes in the blood. A
number of conditions are known to induce this disorder with
varying degrees of certainty. However, the pathogenesis of this
disorder is not fully understood. The current study comprised
two experiments; the first was carried out to compare the
levels of pancreas tumor markers and pancreas function as a
result of cerulein treatment which experimentally induced acute
pancreatitis. In the second experiment, pancreatitis rats
groups were treated with taruine or curcumin and their mixture.
A significant elevation in pancreatic tumor markers profile
(CEA, CA19.9, CA72.4 and CA242) was occurred as a result of
cerulein treatment which experimentally induced acute
pancreatitis. Also, a significant increment in the activities
of α-amylase and lipase accompanied with a significant
elevation in the concentration of TAP was pronounced in pancreatitis
rats group. On the other hand, a significant reduce in the
content of glutathione (GSH) and in the activity of glutathione
peroxidase (GpX) occurred. The concentration of thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) and MOP in pancreatic tissue
was elevated as a result of cerulean treatment. In the second
experiment, all pervious parameters
were corrected as a result of taruine or curcumine
administration dependent on time of treatment. The best
ameliorating effect occurred in all previous parameters in rats
group which treated with both antioxidants (taruine &
curcumin) dependent on time of administration. These findings
are consistent with the concept that taruine, curcumin or their
mixture is an antipancreatitis agent. The underlying mechanisms
of these effects were discussed according to variable
A. M. El-Nahrawy and
Mohamed Islam A. H.Possible Synergistic
Therapeutic Role of Taurine and Curcumin on Cerulein-Induced Acute
Pancreatitis in Rats. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):485-495].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
word: Cerulein, Acute
Pancreatitis, Curcumin, Taurine, pancreatic tumor marker.
The Curative Role of
Taurine or Zinc and their Mixture on the Harmful Effects of
Genistein Administration in Male Rats
Sayed Hassannin
Zoology Department, Women's
Collage for Arts, Science & Education - Ain Shams
Abstract: The current study was
designed to reveal the curative effects of taurine or zinc and
their mixture against hazardous effects of genistein. Sixty
male albino rats (160 ±10g) were divided into two main groups,
the first group of rats (n=15 rats) acts as normal control. The
second group of animals (n =45 rats) was daily injected
with 500 mg genistein/ kg b.wt. for
one month of injection. The last group (G. gr.) was divided
into 3 subgroups each one 15 rats. The first subgroup of rats
(genistein) was treated with 500 mg taurine while the second
one was received 200 mg of ZnSO4 was added to each for 60 days and the third subgroup was treated with
both antioxidant agents for 30 and 60 days after one month of
genistein administration. The blood samples and parts of testis
were collected after 0, 30 and 60 days of treatment to estimate
the physiological and biochemical parameters. Treatment animals
with genistein led to a significantly elevation in the total
number of abnormal sperms, sperm malformed head & tail,
serum LH and FSH and serum malondialdehyde levels. On the other
hand, the obtained data recorded a numerical decrease in total
number of sperms associated with
a remarkable reduction in the serum testosterone level.
Moreover, significant decreases were pronounced in serum TAC
level, testes GSH content and testes GPx activity. Treatment
of the rats with taurine or zinc showed a significant
amelioration in all previous biochemical parameters which
estimated in this study. The maximum correction was reached in
rats which received the both antioxidants dependent on the time
of treatment. These results my be due
to the synergistic effects of both taurine and zinc.
[Magda Sayed
Hassannin. The
Curative Role of Taurine or Zinc and their Mixture on the
Harmful Effects of Genistein Administration in Male Rats.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):496-503].(ISSN:
Words: Genistein
– Taurine – Zinc –Male Rats - Antioxidants- Phytoestrogens
Evaluating Management
Effectiveness of in-service Training Programs in Human
Resources Development Office at
Ministry Of Road and
Sadeghi, Z.¹(MA); Mohtashami, R.²(MD)
¹Department of Educational
Administration, Faculty of Educational Science& Psychology,
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran;
² Religions & Medicine
Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Science,
Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The main purpose of this
study was to evaluate of effectiveness of management of
in-service training programs in Human Resources Development
Office (HRDO) at Ministry of Road and Transportation. The
target population includes: 1) Total number of Chief Executive
Officers (CEO`s) was 116, 2) Total number of personnel include
290 personnel members. To conduct the study two measurement
scales were designed: (a) Task Performance Quality Scale, (b)
Organizational Effectiveness Scale. The validity and
reliability of each scale was tested and approved. A random
sample of 86 CEO`s and personnel participated in the study by
fill out both scales. The collected data was analyzed through
descriptive statistics, t-test and multi-variate regression
procedures. The following results were concluded: Both group,
the CEO`s and personnel evaluated the quality of the
performance of HRDO personnel at median level. The personnel
evaluated the effectiveness of HRDO personnel at median level.
The CEO’s evaluated the effectiveness of HRDO personnel at low
level. No meaningful difference was observed between the
viewpoints of CEO`s and personnel about the quality of task
performance of HRDO personnel. A meaningful difference was
observed between the viewpoints of CEO`s and personnel on the
effectiveness of the HRDO. The CEO`s participants evaluated the
effectiveness of the HRDO lower than personnel
participants. Both variables “Organizational Effectiveness” and
“Task Performance Quality” of personnel can be predicted by the
“training evaluation” variable.
[Sadeghi, Z.; Mohtashami, R.
Evaluating Management Effectiveness of in-service Training
Programs in Human Resources Development Office at
Ministry Of Road and Transportation. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):504-512] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Evaluation, Program Evaluation, Human Resource Development
Office, Ministry of Road and Transportation
Study of different
concentration of sodium alginate as a coating film on the
shelf- life of frozen dressed kilka (Clupeonella
Nasrin Khanehdan, Department of
Fisheries, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University
(IAU), Tehran, IRAN.
Abstract: The aim of the present
study was to investigate the impact of sodium alginate coating
on quality and shelf life of frozen dressed kilka fish. Sodium
alginate edible coating was prepared in four different
concentrations, including 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75 %. Then
dressed kilka were coated for 1h, packed in polyethylene dishes
with cellophane blanket and stored at -18 °C. Percentage of
moisture and protein, Peroxide value and total microbial count
were performed within 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 months (sample size: 120
packs of 250 g). SPSS Statistical Software, One Way ANOVA test,
Turkey test with the 5% significant level (significance level
of 5%) have been used as for data analysis. Significant
reduction was found in moisture value with increase of Sodiume
Alginate concentration during the study (P<0.05). There were
no significant differences in protein content (P<0.05).
Results showed that there was significant difference
between peroxide and total microbial count samples (P<0.05).
Use of sodium alginate due to decrease peroxide production and
slowing microbial growth speed, can increase shelf life of
kilka in storage of freezing up to 4 months.
[Nasrin Khanehdan. Study of different
concentration of sodium alginate as an
coating film on the shelf- life of frozen dressed kilka
(Clupeonella cultriventiris). Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):513-518] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Kilka,
edible coatings, sodium alginate, shelf life
Active contours in Brain
tumor segmentation
Ali Elyasi*1,
Mehdi Hosseini2, Marzieh Esfanyari2
1. Department of electronic
Engineering, Young Researchers Club, Central Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2. Department of electronic
Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh,
*Corresponding author.
Tel.:+98 9126550731. E-mail address:
Abstract: Image segmentation plays a
central role in biomedical imageprocessing. Tumor segmentation
from MRI data is an important but time consuming task performed
manually by medical experts. Automating this process is
challenging due to the high diversity in appearance of tumor
tissue, among different patients and in many cases, similarity
between tumor and normal tissue.Parametric active contour
method is one of many segmentation approaches. In this paper we
used four type of parametric active contour (snake) for Brain
tumor segmentation.
[Ali Elyasi, Mehdi
Hosseini, Marzieh Esfanyari. Active contours in Brain tumor
segmentation. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):519-524]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Image segmentation; Brain
tumor; snake; GVF.
Fault Detection using ANFIS
for the Magnetically Saturated Induction Motor
Mohamed Mahmoud Ismail
Electrical Power and
Machine Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The
problem of fault detection of the π-model induction
motor with magnetic saturation is considered in this paper. In
this paper we use a new technique which is the Adaptive Neuro
Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) technique for online
identification of the different motor fault conditions. A
simulation study is illustrated using MATLAB simulink depending
on stator currents measurement only for online detection of the
motor faults. The proposed technique shows promising results
using the simulation model.
[Mohamed Mahmoud Ismail. Fault
Detection using ANFIS for the Magnetically Saturated Induction Motor
Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):530-537]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Fault detection, ANFIS,
saturated model and induction motor
Effect of Adding Green Tea
Extract, Thyme Oil and/or their Combination to Luncheon Roll
Meat during Refrigerate Storage
*Ferial M. Abu-Salem, Esmat
A. Abou-Arab, Hayam M. Ibrahim and Azza A. Abou-Arab
of Food Technology, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: Green
tea extract (GTE) and thyme oil extract (TOE) were added
individually and/or in combination during the preparation of
luncheon roll meat. Some chemical and sensory attributes of the
prepared luncheon were investigated during storage at 4 ºC for
4 months. Luncheon samples with (GTE) and (TOE) realized
significant reduction towards lowering biogenic amines (BAs)
formation, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels,
volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and total acidity % relative to
control sample. Reduction effect was ranked as: combination of
GTE and TOE > GTE > TOE.
Phenolic content in green tea extract was significantly
higher than in thyme oil extract. Antioxidant activities of
(GTE) and (TOE) were evaluated using DPPH radical scavenging
assay. Sensory evaluation was acceptable with good scores for
luncheon samples. This study indicated that the addition of
natural antioxidant extracts (GTE and TOE) during luncheon meat
processing could enhance quality and provide safer product.
[Ferial M. Abu-Salem, Esmat A.
Abou-Arab, Hayam M. Ibrahim and Azza A. Abou-Arab. Effect of
Adding Green Tea Extract, Thyme Oil and/or their Combination to
Luncheon Roll Meat during Refrigerate Storage. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(7):538-548]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Green tea extract-thyme oil
extract-antioxidant-luncheon roll meat-chemical
and sensory attributes-refrigerated storage.
Onshore and Offshore Pile
Installation in Dense Soils
Yasser E. Mostafa
Dept. of Irrigation and
Hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Open-ended
pipe piles are often used for the foundations of both on-land
and offshore structures because of their relatively low driving
resistance. Piles are usually subjected to the highest level of
stresses during installation. Three case histories for
overwater bridge pile damage during installation are presented
in detail. Also, several case studies for onshore and offshore
piles installed in dense soils are compiled and analyzed in an
attempt to improve the available guidelines. Based on field
data analyses for many case studies of piles installed in dense
soils, a limitation for pile diameter to thickness ratio
adjusted for driving energy is proposed. A maximum driving
stress at the pile head and toe of about 50% of the steel yield
stress should be considered for piles installed into very dense
soils. Also, general guidelines and recommendations from a
design and construction prospective are provided.
[Yasser E. Mostafa. Onshore and
Offshore Pile Installation in Dense Soils. Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(7):549-563]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
driving; dense soils; pile damage; pile installation
Effect of Osmo-Dehydration
on the Rehydration Properties Structural Aspects and Antioxidant
Activity of Banana and Tomato Rings
Gamal. H. Ragab, Mostafa T.
Ramadan, Hesham. A. Moharram* and Hatem. S. Ali
Food Technology, Dept.,
National Research Centre Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The objectives of this
research were mainly directed towards microstructure and the
influence of different osmotic solutions on the rehydration
capacity. In banana rings, it is indicated that using sucrose:
glucose as an osmotic solution with different concentration
gave the highest rehydration ratio. Regarding tomato, the
osmosed solutions were different concentrations of NaCl and
NaCl: Sucrose; they gave an inversely proportional relationship
with rehydration capacity. Antioxidant activity was measured by
conjugated diene method, and it is strongly affected by the
type of pre-treatments applied. Regarding the microstructure,
this study showed important changes in the cell wall cytoplasm
and the intercellular spaces
[Gamal. H. Ragab, Mostafa T. Ramadan,
Hesham. A. Moharram and Hatem. S. Ali. Effect of
Osmo-Dehydration on the Rehydration Properties Structural
Aspects and Antioxidant Activity of Banana and Tomato
Rings. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):564-568]. (ISSN:
rings – Tomato halves – Osmotic dehydration solutions –
Antioxidant activity – Conjugated diene method.
El-Din E. Hegazy, Hanan A. Fouad, and Ahmed M. Hassanain
Abstract: The work done in this
study was devoted to the development of a procedure to produce
brick from water treatment plant sludge and silica fume as a
modern way for sludge reuse. Disposing the sludge to the
nearest watercourse is the common practice all over the world,
which accumulatively rise the aluminum concentrations in water
and consequently in human bodies. This practice has been linked
to occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. Landfill disposal of the
sludge is impractical because of the high cost of
transportation and it depletes the capacity of the landfill.
The use of sludge in construction industry is considered to be
the most economic and environmentally sound option. Due to the
similar mineralogical composition of brick clay and water
treatment plant sludge, this study focused on the reuse of
sludge incorporated with silica fume in brick making through
the sintering process. The study investigated the complete
substitution of brick clay by water treatment plant sludge
incorporated with silica fume (SF). In this study, three
different series of sludge to silica fume (SF) proportions were
studied, which exclusively involved the addition of sludge with
ratios 25, 50, and 75% of the total weight of sludge-SF
mixture. Each brick series was fired at 900, 1000, 1100, and
1200 oC. The physical and mechanical properties of
the produced bricks were then determined and evaluated
according to Egyptian Standard Specifications (E.S.S.) and
compared to control brick made entirely from clay. From the
obtained results, it was concluded that by operating at the
temperature commonly practiced in the brick kiln, 50 % was the
optimum sludge addition to produce brick from sludge-SF
mixture. The produced bricks properties were obviously superior
to the 100 % clay control-brick and to those available in the
Egyptian market.
[Badr El-Din E. Hegazy, Hanan A. Fouad, and Ahmed M.
of American Science, 2011;7(7):569-576]. (ISSN:1545-0740).
Keywords: Water treatment sludge –
sludge disposal – clay – brick –silica fume
Effect of Nigella
Sativa Supplementation in Diet on Metabolic Syndrome in
Aged Rats
Nehal M. B.
Gamil1* and Ghada Z. A. Soliman2
1Physiology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2National Nutrition
Institute (NNI), Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Metabolic
syndrome is a serious health problem that is increasing
worldwide particularly in aged people due to increased fructose
intake in processed foods as well as physical inactivity. The
present study was conducted to investigate the effect of
dietary supplementation with ground seeds of Nigella sativa on the criteria of metabolic syndrome in
aged rats. The present study was carried out on 52 aged Wistar albino
rats (18-20 months). Rats were
allocated into the following 3 groups: Control rats C (n=20)
fed standard rat diet; metabolic syndrome group M (n=14) fed
high fructose diet comprised of 60 % of energy pure fructose
and metabolic syndrome/Nigella sativa group M/NS (n=18) fed high fructose diet as M
group but mixed with ground seeds of Nigella sativa
to achieve daily intake of Nigella
sativa 180 mg /Kg b.w. After 4
weeks, rats were subjected to estimation of the following
parameters; initial and final body weights, body mass index
(BMI), daily food intake and serum levels of glucose, insulin,
total cholesterol, HDL-c, LDL-c,
VLDL-c and adiponectin. Insulin resistance was estimated by
calculating HOMA-R. Histopathological examination of rat livers,
kidneys and brains was also done. Obtained results revealed
that visceral fat weight increased significantly in M group
compared to C group and decreased significantly in NS/M group
compared to M group. Both M and M/NS groups had significant
increase in serum levels of fasting glucose, insulin, total
cholesterol, LDL- c. VLDL-c and HOMA-R as well as significant
decrease in serum adiponectin compared to C group. However M/NS
group showed significant decrease of serum levels of fasting
glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL-c and HOMA-R as well
as significant increase of serum adiponectin compared to M
group. Histopathological examination revealed vascular
congestion in the liver and kidneys, necrosis of hepatocytes
and renal tubular cells as well as focal cerebral hemorrhage in
M group and almost normal histological picture in M/NS group.
In conclusion; Nigella sativa seeds co-feeding with high fructose diet improved
some criteria of metabolic syndrome in aged rats.
[Nehal M. B. Gamil and Ghada
Z.A. Soliman. Effect of Nigella Sativa
Supplementation in Diet on Metabolic Syndrome in Aged Rats. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):577-583]. (ISSN:
Key words: HOMA-R, metabolic
syndrome, dyslipidemia, fatty liver, adiponectin, visceral
A Critical Analysis of the Existing
Ontology Evolution Approaches
Khadim H. Asif, Syed
Muhammad Ahsan
Department of CS &
Engg, U. E. T., Lahore, Pakistan,
Abstract: Because of the rapid improvements
occurring in the dynamic environment of web applications,
ontologies have to be modified to reflect the changes made to
the applications. Management of the changes within ontologies
is one of the most crucial tasks that needs
to be resolved. Various approaches and frameworks have been
devised by the researchers to handle it. Despite all the
efforts made in this direction, the problem still requires to
be researched. To address the problem, we have critically
analyzed a number of existing ontology evolution approaches against
a criterion we have defined in this paper. Having identified
the limitations and weaknesses along with their strengths, we
have proposed some requirements that must be incorporated in
the design of ontology management approaches.
[Khadim H. Asif, Syed
Muhammad Ahsan. A Critical Analysis of the Existing Ontology
Evolution Approaches. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):584-588]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Ontology, Semantic Web,
Evolution, management.
Broadcast Story Genre
Survey in Television
Maryam Alidaei
Ph.D., Department of
Journalist T.V., Faculty of Journalistica, Doushanbe-International
University, Doushanbe, Tajikestan.
Abstract: Present article is taken
away of a research about practical analysis of Genres of
journalism that has made don by relying on Post-consultative
science, in this research because of closeness of some Genres
with literary text, researcher particularly, has tried to pay
surveying Genre of broadcast story writing which is named
Ucherck. Investigating model of this research is chronological
order of events model and in this angle it is paid to influence
of literary Genres on mind of viewers and their memorization.
On this basis of texts of some broadcast story in visual angle
of an individual (individual-based) and on the basis of
occurrence time (time-based) has been written and then into
rate of perception and memorizing information issued in news,
the addresses were assessed. Results of this research is
showing the matter that story news writing by observance of
sequence of occurrence in news stories in comparison with
non-time-based does not result to perception and understanding
and better memorizing of realities information existent in
broadcast story.
[Maryam Alidaei. Broadcast Story genre
Survey in Television. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):589-596] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Publicity
Genres, Ucherk Genre, chronological story structure,
non-chronological story structure, individual story structure,
non-individual story structure.
Television, Election,
Political Impartiality
Reza Hadi
Ph.D., Department of
Journalist T.V., Faculty of Journalistica,
Doushanbe-International University, Doushanbe, Tajikestan.
Abstract: Interviews and television
debates among political faces has important rule in manner of
audiences taking of candidates and finally is influenced on
voting of audiences. With regard to placement of medias as
public and operation of television in the form of special and
it important on elections, present article by utilization of
performed research texture about role of television (visual
media) in trend of elections has paid to impartial survey of
media in current of presidential election from people insight
and intend to find response to this question that: In covering
of television, 10th Period of Election Campaign program whether
any support is seen on behalf of television? In order to
impartial weighing of media on behalf of people, we pay to
survey media trust index in 10th Period of
Presidential Election debates and for this purpose behavior of
television and speaker of debates in regard to accurate,
justice and balance in transfer of message to audience is being
assessed and analyzed. Results of this research is explanatory
of lack of television bias in 10th period of
presidential election program and being index of media credit
higher than average in both political group.
[Reza Hadi. Television, Election,
Political Impartiality.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):597-608]
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Fundamentalist,
reformist, index of television validity, accurate, equity,
election bias
Effect of Ultrafiltration
Permeate on the Quality of Chocolate Milk
Hala M. Bayoumy1,
A. G. Mohamed*1, M. M. El-Sheikh1, A. F.
Farrag1 and Hesham A. Eissa2
1Dairy Department, 2Food
Technology Department, National Research Centre, 12622 Ciaro,
Abstract: The present study
provides a new version of chocolate milk from a dairy liquid
originated from skim milk and ultrafiltration (UF) milk
permeate. The mixtures of chocolate milk containing milk
permeate at different levels, were manufactured and stored at
4ºC for 2 weeks. Physico-chemical, color characteristics,
viscosity and sensory properties of various formulations were
evaluated. Most of physico-chemical analysis did not change
before and after storage of chocolate milk with milk permeate. Results showed that the highest
score of color was recorded for the (B4-B6) sample followed by
(C7-C9) then (A1-A3) samples. The highest score of appearance
was recorded for the (B4-B6) followed by (C7-C9) then (A1-A3)
samples. Also, the highest score of viscosity were recorded for
the (B4-B6) followed by (C7-C9) then (A1-A3) samples. From the previous results, it
is obvious that results showed a decrease at the following
order B6 > B5 > C9 > C8 > C7 > B4 > A3 >
A2 > A1 regarding to L*, a*, b*, C*, H*, BI-values,
physicochemical, viscosity and sensory evaluation. Finally,
using milk permeate was able to produce a good quality
chocolate milk.
[Hala M. Bayoumy, A. G. Mohamed, M. M.
El-Sheikh, A. F. Farrag and Hesham A. Eissa. Effect of
Ultrafiltration Permeate on the Quality of Chocolate Milk.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):609-615].(ISSN:
Key words: Skim milk, Chocolate milk, milk
permeate, ultrafiltration, viscosity and color.
of Goats Milk in Manufacture of Processed Cheese
Mohamed, A.G.; Fatma, A.M.Hassan; Hala M. Bayoumi and Ali. K.
Science Dept. National Research Center, Dokki, Giza Egypt
Abstract: Two
Formulas Of Different Blends Are Used For Manufacture Processed
Cheesed. First Formula, F1; (Cow. Processed Cheese)
Consist Of 38.44% Ras Cheese, 12.80% Cheddar Cheese, 10.26%
Butter, 5.12% Skim Milk Powder, 2.50% Emulsifying Salts And
30.88% Water. Second Formula; F2 (Goats Processed
Cheese) Consist Of Goats Cheese Base 66.40%, 19.92% Butter,
6.64% Skim Milk Powder, 2.00% Emulsifying Salts And 5.04%
Water. Both Processed Cheeses Were Storage At 7°C For 3 Months.
Organoleptical, Chemical And Physical Properties Were Studied.
Obtained Results Showed That Processed Cheese That Made From
Goats Base (F2) Had Gained A
Higher Scores For The Breakdown Properties, Spreading
Quality And Free From Gumminess Than Control (F1)
And Had Lower Soluble Nitrogen As Well As TVFA Than Control
Either Fresh Or During Storage.
Also F2 Had A Higher Values
In Penterometer Reading And Meltability While Lower In Oil Separation. The Colour Of Treatment
(F2) Is Prefer
Than F1.
[Mohamed, A.
G.; Fatma, A. M. Hassan; Hala M. Bayoumi and Ali. K.
Enab. Utilization of Goats Milk in Manufacture of Processed
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):616-621].(ISSN:
Keywords: Cheese;
Milk; Powder; Salt; Water; Nitrogen; Storage.
Utilization Of
Microcrystalline Cellulose Prepared From Rice Straw In
Manufacture Of Low Fat Soft White Cheese.
Abdelfatah Mohamed
Hassan,*Galal A.M. Nawar, Ali Kamal Enab, Faten Lotfi
Seleet, Ashraf Gaber Mohamed
Dairy Science Department
and *Green Chemistry Department, National Research Center,
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Micro crystalline
cellulose was prepared from rice straw. Different concentration of resultant Micro crystalline
cellulose (% 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1) were used in
manufacture of low fat soft white cheese. Organo lepticall and
chemical properties of resultant cheese were studied fresh and
during storage 5°c± 1° for 45 days. Results showed that low soft
cheese manufactured by using 0.1 % microcrystalline cellulose
had a good flavour, body and texture and appearance than
control and gained higher score fresh and during storage 5°c±
1° than control. Treatment had a higher content of tyrosine
and tryptophan and total volatile fatty acids and total
carbonyl compounds than control. Treatment had a higher content
of alanine acid whereas control had a higher content of
aspartic acid. Glutamic acid recorded a high percentage either
control or treatment than other acids. Microcrystalline
cellulose at 0.1 % lead to increase
cheese yield, improving body, texture, appearance and flavor.
Abdelfatah Mohamed Hassan, Galal A.M.
Nawar, Ali Kamal Enab, Faten Lotfi Seleet and Ashraf Gaber
Mohamed. Utilization Of Microcrystalline Cellulose Prepared
From Rice Straw In Manufacture Of Low Fat Soft White Cheese. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):622-625]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Cheese,
Stabilizer, Microcrystalline cellulose.
Modeling Underground Water
Abstract: In this
paper a simple model for underground water is constructed. The
supply to the reservoir is from one side with variable water
level from rain and flood, in the meantime water escapes
outside from the other side. The soil forming the reservoir is
porous and water movement inside is according to Darcy's flow.
The bottom of the reservoir is impermeable to water, whereas,
the top of the rectangular reservoir is exposed to a steady
pressure depending on the atmospheric pressure. The
differential equation of the flow in the model is solved by the
method of Green's function. Inlet and exit velocity distribution
is obtained and is integrated to give the capacity as a
function of time.
El-Naggar and I. A.Kholief. Modeling Underground Water
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):626-630] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: water reservoir, pressure
gradient, porosity, compressibility, green function, Darcy's
Processed Cheese Spreads
Fortified With Oat
A. G. Mohamed, Hayam M.
Abbas, Hala M. Bayoumi, Jihan M. Kassem and Ali K. Enab
Dept. of Dairy Science,
National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Abstract: Processed cheese spreads
(PCSs) were prepared by fortification with different ratios of
oat (0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5%). Three batches were produced. Control
and tested PCSc were freshly analyzed for TS, protein, fat,
total carbohydrate contents and pH values. Potassium, Sodium,
Zinc, Iron and Selenium were also determined. Penetrometer
reading, oiling off and melting index were estimated as well as
color properties (L, A and B). Another batch from each treatment
was stored at room temperature (20-22°C) for 3 months to study
the changes in penetrometer reading, oil separation, melting
index and color properties as a result of oat fortification.
Sensory evaluation of all batches was also performed. Processed
cheese produced by adding oat had slightly high content of TS,
protein contents and pH value, while it had a pronounced high
content of total carbohydrates, K+, zinc,
Iron and Selenium. Oat fortification improved the physical
properties of the cheese spreads as well as their organoleptic
properties. During storage, oat enhanced the physical
properties of cheese spreads, especially their color
[A. G. Mohamed, Hayam M. Abbas, Hala
M. Bayoumi, Jihan M. Kassem and Ali K. Enab Processed Cheese Spreads
Fortified With Oat. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):631-637]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: cheese; spread; oat;
protein; fat; carbohydrate; Potassium; Sodium; Zinc;
Iron; Selenium
Investigating the Ghaznavid
Relations with Abbasian's Succession (Caliphate)
Iraj Jalali
PhD student, Department of
History of Iran in Islamic Period, Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad
University (IAU), Tehran, IRAN
Abstract: Ghaznavides (582-351 A.H.)
were the first Turk Race Government who appeared in eastern
part of Iran and for a period had ruled in greater part of
Iran. They were pioneer of Turk families who about next
thousand years more and less ruled on Iran. In the time of
existence of this government, in the scope of their changeable
territory historical, historical fait making events in process
of their relation with adjacent governments and system of
Abbasi Caliphate appeared. Ghaznavides in their governance
period in eastern part of Islam World specially first periods
of this government since 351 up to 431 A.H. they had very
effort for making close relation with Abbasi's Caliphate
System. These efforts also in second period of this government
(since 431 up to 582 A.H.) were continued. This article intend
by research relation between institute of monarchy (Ghaznavian
and Abbassi Caliphate) pay to cause and factors of making this
relations and investigate about manner of process of these
relations in between connection clear role of these relations
in continuation of Ghaznavides life and Abbasian.
[Iraj Jalali. Investigating
the Ghaznavid Relations with Abbasian's Succession (Caliphate).
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):638-645] (ISSN:
Keywords: Ghaznavides, Abbassides,
foreign relations, the Caliphs, Sultans, Fatemiyan religious
The effects of
applying different levels of nitrogen and the plant growth
regulator Pix on the morphological features of the cotton
cultivar Sahel
Abed vahedi
Department of
Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agricultural and
Natural Resources, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Qaemshahr, Iran. Email:
Abstract: In order to
study the effects of the application of various amounts of
nitrogen fertilizers and Pix 35% growth regulator on the
morphological features of the Sahel cultivar of cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.), and on the unginned cotton yield of this
cultivar, an experiment was carried out in the factorial design
in the randomized complete block format with three replications
at the Bayekola Agronomical Research Station in 2009. The
factors studied included the amounts of nitrogen fertilizers
and of the cotton growth regulator Pix 35% used in the
experiment. Results obtained showed that the minimum plant
height was obtained in the control treatment (72.93 cm), and
that plant height increased with nitrogen application and
reached its maximum (77.59 cm) when 225 Kg.h of nitrogen was
used. The analysis of the variance of the data indicated that
the effects of applying various levels of Pix were very
significantly different, so that the greatest plant height was
observed in the Pix control treatment (90.94 cm), and it
significantly decreased by Pix application and reached 65 cm
when 300 g.h of Pix was applied (which was an almost 40%
reduction). Furthermore, when nitrogen fertilizers were
applied, the unginned cotton yield significantly went up, and
this increase in yield continued up to the level of using 150
Kg.h nitrogen; however, when the level of nitrogen application
reached 225 Kg.h, the yield started to go down. As a whole, the
lowest yield was obtained when nitrogen was not applied (which
was the control with a yield of 1469 Kg of unginned cotton per
hectare), and the maximum yield (2825 Kg.h of unginned cotton
per hectare) was achieved when 150 Kg of nitrogen per hectare
was used _ i.e., the unginned cotton yield went up by 14% when
150 Kg of nitrogen per hectare was applied. In our study, it
was observed that Pix did not have much influence on increasing
yield: the minimum yield (2529 Kg of unginned cotton per
hectare) was observed in the treatment of applying 100 g.h of
Pix, and the maximum yield (2669 K.g of unginned cotton per
hectare) by using 200 g.h of Pix. Comparison of the interaction
effects of the level of Pix and nitrogen application indicated
that, among all the treatments, the maximum yield of unginned
cotton (3010 K.h) was achieved when 150 Kg.h of nitrogen and
200 g.h Pix were applied. These results also showed that in the
treatments of using 150 K.g nitrogen per hectare, and applying
150 Kg. nitrogen plus 300 g Pix per hectare also, high yield
potentials (close to 3 tons per hectare) were created. The
minimum yield of unginned cotton (2230 Kg.h) belonged to the
treatment of using 200 grams of Pix per
[Abed vahedi.
The effects of applying different levels of nitrogen and the
plant growth regulator Pix on the morphological features of the
cotton cultivar Sahel. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):646-650]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Cotton,
Nitrogen, Pix, Morphological Features
Operational planning Role
in Organizations Based on Strategy (Case Study: Saipa Co.)
Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand,
Mohammad Zare
Department of Management,
Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran;
Abstract: Mission-driven
organizations plan and implement the projects in order to
achieve strategic objectives. Thus the effectiveness of project
implementation in different levels should be reviewed. This
research intends to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing
operational planning system which is one of the strategic
projects in Saipa Co. by evaluating two strategic goals of
achieving production plan and cost reduction. In this context
regarding the aim of achieving production plan, the impacts of
this system on the total volume and production models and also
in cost reduction target, the costs due to stopping route, late
delivery penalties and cost of product warehousing will be
investigated and the accuracy of assumptions by using
organization documentary / real data - descriptive inferential
analysis and statistics will be tested. The findings suggest
the significant effect of implementing the system on production
plan increase and cost reduction achievement, so in mission-
based organizations which are acting based on customer needs
and flexible mass production system, the implementation of this
system will have significant impact on achieving strategic
[Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand,
Mohammad Zare. Operational planning Role in Organizations
Based on Strategy (Case Study: Saipa Co.). Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):651-658]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Operational planning;
strategic objectives; production management; delays
Viability model and effect
of two drying procedures on seed longevity of Secale
montanum seeds
Marzieh Dehghan, Farzad
Department of Agronomy and
Plant Breeding, Crop and Animal Science College, University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran;,
Abstract: This experiment was conducted to
evaluate the ability of the Ellis and Roberts seed
deterioration model to predict the longevity of Secale
montanum seeds under different storage conditions. Seed
lots used in this investigation were dried in two different
methods including sun and shade drying, immediately after
harvest. The seed moisture content of both seed lots was
adjusted to 11, 13 and 15% by humidification above water in a
closed container at 20OC. After equilibrium
had been achieved for 3 days at 5 OC in a sealed
container, seed moisture content was determined. In each
seed lot and moisture level, sub samples of about 200 seeds
were sealed hermetically in aluminum packets. Storage
temperatures were 25, 35 and 45. The interval of sampling
depended on the storage conditions. Seed survival curves were
then fitted to the observations by probit analysis. In each
seed lot dried seed survival curves conformed to cumulative
negative normal distributions and the results showed that
survival curves could be constrained to a common origin.
The results of this research showed that the standard deviation
of the subsequent survival curves was unaffected by drying
treatments. Seed viability constants to predict seed longevity
in this species was estimated.
[Marzieh Dehghan, Farzad Sharif-Zadeh.
Viability model and effect of two drying procedures on seed
longevity of Secale montanum seeds. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):659-663]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: drying, Secale
montanum, seed longevity, seed viability constants,
viability model
The role of tourist
attractions on change of the traditional dwellings of mountain
and mountainside villages (Dohezaar rural district, Tonekabon
Masoumeh Hasannezhad 1,
Nasrollah Molaei Hashjin 2, Karine Danielyan 3
1. Department of Geographical
Planning Tourism, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
2. Department of Human
Geography, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran
3. Department of Biology,
Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Abstract: In this article, the
researcher does her best to study the impacts and outcomes of
this industry on the development of local and traditional
dwellings from various dimensions and aspects, including form,
architecture, function, etc. The data collected for this study
are based on information, statistics, and also experts’
opinions. The results of the present study can help us to
evaluate, plan, and fulfill the development of rural tourism on
the area under study, so it will provide a good background to
reach the goals of tourism in the process of rural tourism
[Masoumeh Hasannezhad,
Nasrollah Molaei Hashjin, Karine Danielyan. The role of
tourist attractions on change of the traditional dwellings of
mountain and mountainside villages (Dohezaar rural district,
Tonekabon Township). Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):664-673]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Rural tourism; Dohezaar
rural district; Traditional dwellings; Mountainous and
mountainside villages; Sustainable development
Evaluating Competition of
the Phalaric minor in Wheat
Einallah Hesammi
Faculty member,
Department of Agronomy, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar
Branch. Iran
Abstract: to competitive effects of
wheat and p minor in densities and different use values
of Nitrogen in plan frame of random blocks repeating 4 times
perfectly. The test factorials included Nitrogen value in level
(100,150 and 225 kg/ha) and p minor density in 5 levels
(0, 20, 40, 80 and 160 bones per square meter). Results of the
test showed that height of p minor per three values of
Nitrogen was less in initial processes of growth and more than
wheat in final processes of growth. Increasing Nitrogen value
has caused to increase leaf and biomass of p minor and
increasing p minor density causes area of leaf and
biomass of wheat to decrease. Time of closing canopy in p
minor is more rapidly than in wheat. The most value of
decreasing operation of wheat seed was about 48 percent while
was observed in density of 160 bones of p minor in 225
kg/ha of Nitrogen. Average relative growth velocities of wheat
and p minor were 0.073 and 0.028 g/dag during growth
cycle, respectively. Little use value of Nitrogen fertilizer,
reason of more decrease of wheat operation was existence of p
minor grass.
[Einallah Hesammi Faculty member,
Department of Agronomy, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar
Branch. Iran. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(7):674-678].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Wheat, p minor,
Competition, Nitrogen, Density
The effect of Urea fertilizer
drilling on yield of sugar beet
Yazdanpanah A.R. 1,
A. Norouzi2,A. M. Jafari3 and
M. Hagihadi4 member of agricultural
and natural
resources Research center of Hamedan. Hamedan. Iran. member of Agricultural
and Natural resources Research center of Hamedan. Hamedan.Iran. member of Agricultural
and Natural resources Research center of Hamedan. Hamedan.Iran. of analytical
chemistery.Bu Ali Sina University. Hamedan.Iran.
determine the optimum level of nitrogen intake, assessment
methods and nitrogen fertilizer application partitioning, a
randomized complete block design with three replications in
Agricultural Research Center of Hamedan in 1999 for two years
was carried out. Fertilizer levels were (0 kg) as control,120,180 and 240 kg/ha N for fertilizer drilling method in
both sides of seedlings, and 240 kg/ha for fertilizer drilling
in rills and surface broadcasting of 240 kg/ha. All treatments
had two partitioning of 3 and 4 which were used. In 2001 the
method of fertilizer falling in rills and consumption rate
of 204.07 kg Urea per ha created the highest income.
Results of ANOVA and Duncan mean comparison method showed that
during two years of project implementation, the effect of N
fertilizer level on root yield, sugar and sugar can be obtained,at 5 percent level were significant and levels of N
application as non-linear increased These components. Effect of
method of fertilizer application on the above components is
significant and by using the equipment of fertilizer drilling
machine nitrogen consumption can be reduced and that and by
creasing levels of fertilizer, yield of sugar beet increased
compared to broadcast method to the surface. Effect of number of fertilizing stages (3 and 4
times) on root yield, income, gross and white sugar is not
Kharkwal, Poonam Mehrotra, Yaswant Singh Rawat. Taxonomic
Diversity of Understorey Vegetation in Kumaun Himalayan
Forests. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):679-683]. (ISSN:
Keywords: optimization, nitrogen, economic evaluation, fertilizer drilling, sugar beet
Improving the Wetability
and Oxidation Resistance of Graphite by Coating
Rastegar 1, M. Khoeini 1, H.R. Hafizpour 1,
A.Nemati 2
of Materials Science, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University,
P.O.Box: 39187-366, Saveh, Iran
2. Department of Materials
Science, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
In this
research, the graphite powders were coated with Al2O3
by hydrolysis of an Aluminum nitrate aqueous solution. The
surface of the graphite particles coated with Al2O3
was investigated by XRD and the quality of Al2O3
coating on the surface of graphite was observed by SEM and
investigated by EDS. For detail investigation on the surface of
coated graphite TEM was used and then wetability and oxidation
resistance were investigated. To compare the effect of coating
and antioxidant on oxidation resistance of graphite, Al and SiC
were used as antioxidant. The results showed that the surface
of graphite flakes was successfully coated and modified so that
wetability and oxidation resistance of graphite greatly
improved and the amount of antioxidant needed for application of
graphite in the refractory decreased.
[H. Rastegar, M. Khoeini,
H.R. Hafizpour, A. Nemati. Improving the Wetability and
Oxidation Resistance of Graphite by Coating. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):684-688]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: coated graphite,
wetability, oxidation resistance, aluminum-nitrate.
and morphological characterization of various Artemia
strains from tropical saltpans in South East Coast of India
Manavalan Vetriselvan and
Natesan Munuswamy
Unit of Aquaculture and Cryobiology,
Department of Zoology, University of Madras, Guindy Campus,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Abstract: The present
study documents
the morphological and molecular characteristics of Artemia
strains in
four main ecological regions
from South East Coast of India. Samples from tropical saltpans
such as Kelambakkam (KBM), Vedaranyam (VDM), Tuticorin (TCN)
and Thamaraikulam (TKM) and reference samples from GSL strain
(Great Salt Lake, Utah) were analysed. Biometry of cysts,
furcal morphology and molecular genetic relatedness analysed
the technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR)
finger printing analysis were done with four Artemia
strains. The biometry results
revealed that the KBM
cyst diameter
was similar to GSL cyst and compared to other strains. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of
hydrated Artemia cysts showed a smooth outer membrane
with granular surface topography without much variation.
However, the SEM structures of fractured cysts showed variation
in the inner architecture patterns and includes egg membranes. The discrimination
on furcal
fin shape
and its
numbers of
setae were
more evident
to distinguish
Artemia strains studied. The TKM
strain showed
wide furcal
groove compared to
other strains. RAPD-PCR analysis showed consistent
genetic differences between the VDM and TKM strains. The DNA
polymorphisms were evident in all the Artemia strains
examined and the highest percentage of polymorphic bands was
found in TKM and TCN Artemia strains. The obtained
results obviously showed that,
within the collection of South Indian Artemia cyst
samples examined, the two different groups seem to exist. The morphological and molecular analysis revealed a
greatest genetic difference between the Artemia strains in
order to
provide the genetic
relatedness and the specific
status of
Artemia strains confined
to South
[Manavalan Vetriselvan and
Natesan Munuswamy. Molecular and morphological
characterization of various Artemia strains from
tropical saltpans in South East Coast of India. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):689-695] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Artemia strains, Cyst biometry,
Cyst SEM structure, furcal morphology and RAPD-PCR analysis
Application of Protein Engineering
Strategies in Structural Biology for Enhancing Protein
Xiaoli Gao1a#,
Yanfeng Zhang1a#*, Yixiao Shen2, Xiangqun
1Department of Genetics,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
2College of Food Science,
and 3College of Horticulture, Shenyang
Agricultural University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China
aPresent address: Biological
Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Richland, WA, USA
#These authors contributed
equally to this work; *Corresponding author:
biology is one of the most important areas in biological
sciences since detailed 3-D atomic protein structure not only
gives direct information on protein function, but also provides
useful knowledge on protein engineering and drug design.
X-ray crystallography is one of the most powerful tools for
high-resolution protein structure determination. It
requires growth of protein crystals, which is extremely
challenging for some proteins and usually pose it the most
rate-limiting step for protein structure determination.
However, protein engineering methods improving the entropy of
crystallization sometimes enhance protein
crystallization. In this review, we summarized the most
commonly used protein engineering strategies for improve the
chance of protein crystallization.
Gao, Yanfeng Zhang, Yixiao Shen, Xiangqun Shen. Application
of Protein Engineering Strategies in Structural Biology for
Enhancing Protein Crystallization. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):696-699] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Protein engineering,
crystallization, X-ray crystallography, limited proteolysis,
MBP, surface entropy reduction
Taxonomic Diversity of
Understorey Vegetation in Kumaun Himalayan Forests
Geeta Kharkwal 1,
Poonam Mehrotra 2, Yaswant Singh Rawat 1
1. Department of Botany, DSB
Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand 263002, India
2. Department of Botany,
Bundelkhand University, Jhasi, Uttarakhand 263002, India
Abstract: Taxonomic diversity of
understorey vegetation (herb species) was studied in two
evergreen forests, viz. oak and pine in the Kumaun Himalaya. In
terms of taxonomic diversity, Asteraceae and Lamiaceae were the
two dominant families in the sampling forest types. Maximum number
of species was found at hill base and minimum at hill top in
both the forests. The number of families, genera and species
ratio observed for pine forest was of course higher with
compared to the oak forest showed about the higher taxonomic
diversity. Perennials form had higher contribution as compared
to annuals forms indicated better ability to store up soil.
Very few species (9 species) were found to be common indicates
higher dissimilarity in both type of forests. Species richness
(per m2) was higher in the pine forest than the oak forest. A
high value of beta-diversity in the oak forest point out that
the species composition varied from one stand to another.
However, low concentration of dominance value in the pine
forest with compare to the oak forest point towards the
dominance, which is shared by many species.
[Geeta Kharkwal, Poonam
Mehrotra, Yaswant Singh Rawat. Taxonomic Diversity of
Understorey Vegetation in Kumaun Himalayan Forests. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):700-704]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Species richness;
beta-diversity; taxonomic diversity; forest
Reham S. Saleh¹,
Omaima H. Gallab ², Mohamed H.Zaazou¹, Hanan A. Niazi2
of Restorative Dentistry and Dental Material, National research
2- Department of
Operative Dentistry,Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect
of surface pretreatment protocols and different aging periods
on the shear bond strength of the repaired composite. One
hundred and fifty specimens were prepared from Silorane Filtek
P90 (3M, USA) resin composite material. The specimens were
divided into five main groups (thirty each) according to the
followed surface pretreatment protocols. The surface of the
first group was pretreated with acid etching by 37% phosphoric
acid etching, in the second group the surface was pretreated
with carbide finishing bur. while in the third group the
surface was pretreated with air abrasion of Al2O3
powder. A thin of Silorane Filtek P90 bond (3M, USA) was
applied over the treated surface then the repaired composite
resin material was packed. The remaining two groups were
considered as two different control groups, either cohesive or
incremental control. Both of the control groups were prepared
without addition of the bonding agent. Each of the previously
mentioned groups was divided into three subgroups, ten each,
according to the aging period (24 hours, one month and three
months). All the specimens were subjected to shear bond
strength using a universal testing machine at a cross head
speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data were analyzed with three-way
ANOVA and the means were compared by Tukey’s post-hoc
test and the significance level was set at P≤0.05
(=0.05). The results showed air abrasion provided higher
composite–composite repair bond strength followed by adhesive
resin applications while acid etching of the substrate Silorane
composite resin material failed to improve the repaired shear
bond strength; meanwhile it had a cleansing effect. Aging the
repaired composite for three months significantly reduced the
shear bond strength.
Saleh, Omaima. H. Gallab, Mohamed. H. Zaazou, Hanan. A. Niazi.
Science 2011;7(7):705-711] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Silorane
Filtek P90 composite, air abrasion, acid etching, carbide bur,
bonding agent
Effect of Inoculant Composition on
Grain Refining Process in Aluminum Casting Alloys
Najmeddin Arab
Department of Engineering, Saveh
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Abstract. Grain refinement plays a
crucial role in improving characteristics and properties of
cast and wrought aluminum alloys. Generally Al–Ti and Al–Ti–B
master alloys are added to the aluminum alloys to grain refine
the solidified product. The mechanism of grain refinement is of
considerable controversy in the scientific literatures and has
been the subject of intensive research. There is common
question for all producer of aluminum castings that how they
can be sure about the quality of nucleation. Thermal analysis
is an important tool to answer this question. In this research,
different types of inoculants were used to investigation of nucleation
in A356 aluminum alloy. The cooling curve of each sample was
recorded and by using a special computer program, the first
derivative was calculated. By calculating zero curve and
analyzing the cooling curve, it is possible to predict the
quality of nucleation and calculation fraction of solids,
latent heat and other information. The result of this research
have shown that if maximum undercooling of nucleation was
approximately 3.8 C, the quality of nucleation process will be
more reliable.
[Najmeddin Arab. Effect
of Inoculant Composition on Grain Refining Process in Aluminum
Casting Alloys. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):712-716] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Thermal Analysis, Grain
Refining, Nucleation, A-356 Aluminum.
of Magnesium and Nickel on the Wear and Mechanical Properties
of Casting Bronzes
M. Moradlou1
N. Arab2, R. Emadi3, M. Meratian3
1Faculty of
Mechanics,Work instruction center- khoramdareh, Zanjan, Iran
2Department of Engineering,
Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
3Department of Materials
Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
Abstract: Investigation on
tribological properties of cast metals is a most attractive
research subject in recent years. Aluminum-Bronze cast alloys
demonstrate proper mechanical and wear properties for this
application. In this research, the effects of magnesium and
nickel on tribological properties of cast Aluminum-Bronzes have
been investigated. After the casting, the samples were heat
treated, quenching and aging. The wear test conducted by
pin-on-disk apparatus and wear mechanisms and microstructure of
the specimens were studied by a scanning electron microscopy.
It was shown that addition of magnesium and nickel reduces the
size of α and phases.
Increasing the amount of magnesium and nickel to 10%, improves
the mechanical and tribological properties of the alloys.
When the alloying elements are low, the wear mechanism are
lamination and abrasive. Increase alloying elements decrease
these wear mechanisms.
[M. Moradlou N. Arab, R.
Emadi, M. Meratian. Effect of Magnesium and Nickel on the
Wear and Mechanical Properties of Casting Bronzes. Journal
of American Science 2011;7(7):717-722] (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Aluminum-Bronze alloy,
Tribology, Wear test, Wear mechanisms, Mechanical properties
Potential Impact of Zinc
Hazardous Effect of Pesticides In Male Rats
Magda Sayed
Zoology Department, Women's
College for Art, Science & Education, Ain Shams University
Abstract: In the present study,
fifty male rats (weighted 150 – 170 g) were divided into
five groups(n=10), the first group served as control, the
second group was received acute dose of Azinphos methyl (4
mg/kg. b.wt./orally) and the fourth group was treated with
Caprolin at dose of 100 mg / kg b. wt./orally. The third and
fifth groups were treated orally with Zn So4 (400 µ
mol / kg b. wt.) daily for 6 weeks before pesticides treatment.
Blood samples were collected at fixed time intervals of 72 hrs,
7, 15 and 21 days after treatment with pesticides. The results
of the current study showed deleterious damage due to Azinphos
methyl and Caprolin administration,represented in a
significant decrease in serum zinc concentration, total proteins
and albumin and significant increases in copper, iron,
γ-glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
and alanin aminotransferase (ALT) levels, while the data
revealed imbalance in thyroid function as a result of both
pesticides administrations, which was showed in the
enhancement of free T4 level and significant
decrease in free T3 activity at 1 week (day 7)
post-administration. Treatment of zinc sulphate (Zn So4)
pre-administration with Azinphos methyl or Caprolin attenuates
to a great extent the damaging effects of two previous doses of
pesticides on the assayed parameters except the thyroid
hormones. Accordingly, Zinc treatment at the used dose may
have indirect physiological effect on thyroid
Sayed Hassanin. Potential Impact of Zinc Hazardous Effect of
Pesticides In Male Rats. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):723-732]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Zinc supplementation,
Pesticides toxicity, Azinphos methyl toxicity, Caprolin
Defensive Effect of Garlic
as revealed by Molecular, Biochemical and Ultra Structure Print
after Toluene Stress on Mice
Sahar A. Mosallam1*
and Hussein Sabit2
Faculty of Girls, Ain
Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.1
Faculty of
Biotechnology, Misr University for Science & Technology, 6th
Oct. City. Egypt.2
Abstract: The present study
represents a trial for using the natural garlic extract (Tomox)
as a treatment for the asthma caused by the organic chemical (Toluene).
Twenty four mice were divided into four groups; group I kept as
control, untreated animals, group II included animals treated
daily with 2.5 mg/kg b.w. garlic for one week via oral gavage,
group III included animals treated daily with toluene as a
spray all over the body for 10 min 3 times/day for one week and
group IV included animals treated with toluene followed by
garlic. IgE levels were measured as an indicator for the
immune response. Toluene increased the level of IgE (4.2
μg/ml), while treatment with garlic decreased its level
to 3.7 μg/ml compared with 3.2 μg/ml in control
animals. Transmission electron microscopic examinations
were performed to reveal the effect of toluene on lung
tissues. A marked changes has been observed after the
treatment with toluene.These changes were represented by
vacuolations, ill-defined mitochondria, fragmented rough
endoplasmic reticulum and pyknotic nuclei of type I and II.
Macrophage with pyknotic nuclei and condensed heterochromatin
on the inner surface of the nuclear envelope and rupture
nuclear envelope in some spaces. Molecular genetic analysis
has been performed for the F1 to assess the genetic changes
occurred in the offspring due to the treatments. There was no
an observable variation on the RAPD-PCR level using 5 random
primers O6 (5'- CCC AGT CAC T-3'), O10 (5'- TCA GCG CCA C-3'),
C5 (5'- CCG CAT CTA C-3'), C10 (5'- TGT CTG GGT G
-3') and C 14 (5'- AAG CCT CGT C-3'). The results
showed that, toluene induced damage in lung tissue and
immunosuppressive effects in adult animals. In spite of
that, toluene did not induce genetic variation in DNA of babies
of treated females as revealed by RAPD-PCR.
A. Mosallam and Hussein Sabit. Defensive Effect of Garlic
as revealed by Molecular, Ultra Structure and Immunological
Changes after Toluene Stress on Mice.Journal of American
Science 2011:7(7):733-740]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Asthma, Garlic, Genetic
fingerprint, IgE, Toluene.
The Protective effect of
Ginger and N- Acetyl Cysteine on Ciprofloxacin-Induced
Reproductive Toxicity in Male Rats
Nashwa, A.
Abu-Aita1*, Kawkab, A. Ahmed2
and Samar M Mouneir3
1Department of
Clinical Pathology, 2Department of Pathology and 3Department
of Pharmacology,
Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
Abstract: This study was conducted to
evaluate the possible reproductive toxicity induced by ciprofloxacin
antibiotic and the protective effect of ginger and/or N-acetyl
cysteine. For this purpose, forty- nine rats were divided into
7 groups (7 rats/group). Group (1) was orally given distilled
water (solvent of the used drugs) and kept as a control. Group
(2) was daily administered ginger at a dose of 100 mg∕kg.b.wt.
by a stomach tube for 65 days (5 days/week). Group (3) was
daily administered N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) at a dose of 50 mg∕kg.b.wt.,
by a stomach tube for 65 days (5 days/week). Group (4) was
orally administered ciprofloxacin (CPX) at a dose of 12.5 mg∕kg.
b.wt. for 65 days (5 days/week). Group (5) was concurrently
administered ciprofloxacin (12.5 mg∕kg. b.wt) with ginger
(100 mg∕kg. b.wt.) by a stomach tube for 65 days (5
days/week). Group (6) was concurrently administered
ciprofloxacin (12.5 mg∕kg.b.wt) with N-acetyl cysteine
(50 mg∕kg.b.wt) by a stomach tube for 65 days. Group (7)
was concurrently administered ciprofloxacin (12.5 mg∕kg.b.wt.)
with ginger (100mg∕kg.b.wt.) and N- acetyl cysteine (50
mg∕kg.b.wt) by a stomach tube for 65 days. Semen samples
were collected and used for sperm functions analysis. Blood
samples were collected to separate serum for biochemical and
hormonal studies. Testes homogenate was used for oxidative
stress biomarkers (lipid peroxidation (TBARS), reduced
glutathione (GSH) and DNA fragmentation test). Testes,
epididymis and seminal vesicles were collected for
histopathological study. The obtained data revealed that CPX
promotes reproductive toxicity in rats through generating
oxidative damage. It induces an adverse effect on reproductive
organs weight, sperm parameters (sperm count, sperm motility
and viability), reproductive hormones (testosterone, LH, and
FSH) and histopathological alterations. Ginger and/or NAC have an
important role in ameliorating reproductive toxicity induced by
CPX through restoring the oxidant-antioxidant balance.
[Nashwa, A. Abu-Aita, Kawkab, A. Ahmed and Samar M
Mouneir. The
protective effect of Ginger and N- Acetyl Cysteine on
Ciprofloxacin-Induced Reproductive Toxicity in Male Rats.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):741-752]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Ciprofloxacin;
Reproductive Dysfunction; Oxidative stress; Ginger; N-acetyl
cysteine; Antioxidant
effect; Rat
Compaction Behavior of
Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced with nano/micro Scale SiC
H.R. Hafizpour, M. Khoeini
Department of
Materials Science, Saveh Branch, Islamic AZAD University, P.O.
Box 39187-366, Saveh – Iran.
compressibility behavior of particulate reinforced aluminum
matrix composite powders was examined under uniaxial cold
compaction. The effect of SiC volume fraction (up to 20%) with
varying particle size (ranging from 50 nm to 40 μm) on the
plastic deformation capacity of aluminum matrix was analyzed by
using linear compaction equations. It was found that with
increasing the volume fraction or decreasing the particle size
of reinforcement, the densification coefficient decreases that
means the less ability of material to deformation. Particularly,
nano scaled inclusions impose higher influence on yield
pressure of composite compacts. It was also shown that the
effect of reinforcement size ratio on densification coefficient
is more profound up to 10 vol.%. This article addresses the mechanisms
involve in the densification of aluminum matrix nano-micro
composites by using linear and non linear compaction equations.
Hafizpour, M. Khoeini. Compaction Behavior of Aluminum Matrix
Composites Reinforced with nano/micro Scale SiC Particulates.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):753-759]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Composite powder;
Densification coefficient; Al-SiC; Linear Compaction equation
Gastroprotective effect of simvastatin against
experimentally induced gastric ulcers in rats: Role of
ATP-sensitive K+ channels
Dalia M. Abd El Motteleb¹,
Mai M. Hasan ²
¹Department of
pharmacology, ² Department of physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Zagazig University
Abstract: Simvastatin
appeared to have additional benefits beyond their lipid
lowering effects, which has led to interest in the use of this
class of drugs outside the field of cardiovascular disease. Aim:
This study aimed to investigate the possible gastroprotective
effect of simvastatin against both indomethacin and cold
restraint stress (CRS) induced gastric ulcers in rats and
to study its effect on gastric mucosal malonaldehyde
(MDA), nitric oxide (NO)and prostaglandin E2(PGE2)
levels in both ulcer models. Exploration of the possible
contribution of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in this
action. Design: 72 healthy, adult male albino rats were
used. The rats were randomly assigned to vehicle (distilled
water or carboxymethylcellulose (0.5%), simvastatin,
simvastatin +glibenclamide (ATP-sensitive K+ channels
blocker), pretreated groups for 7 days then ulcers were induced
using oral indomethacin or cold restraint stress. Assessment of
gastric lesions was done, gastric juice parameters (total acid
output, pepsin activity and mucin content) were determined
for each group using pyloric ligation method. Rats
from simvastatin pretreated groups in both ulcer models were
used for determination of gastric mucosal level of MDA
(as indicator of lipid peroxidation), nitrite (as indicator of
NO) and PGE2 levels. Results: Simvastatin
displayed significant (P< 0.05) protection against gastric
lesions induced by either indomethacin or exposure to cold
restraint stress by correction of both ulcer score and the
measured gastric juice parameters. This effect was partially
blocked by coadministration of glibenclamide. Simvastatin
significantly (P< 0.05) reduced gastric mucosal MDA;
significantly (P< 0.05) increased in PGE2 levels
and corrected nitrite to near normal levels in both ulcer
models. Conclusion: This study confirmed the
gastroprotective effect of simvastatin in indomethacin induced
ulcer in rats and proved it in CRS induced ulcer. The gastroprotective effect of simvastatin is mediated through
opening of ATP sensitive K+ channels, free radical
scavenging, increase in gastric mucosal PGE2 and
normalization of gastric mucosal NO in both ulcer models.
[Dalia M. Abd El Motteleb,
Mai M. Hasan. Gastroprotective effect of simvastatin
against experimentally induced gastric ulcers in rats: Role of
ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):760-768]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: indomethacin; cold
restraint stress; NO; simvastatin; ATP-sensitive K+ channels
and ulcer
Evaluation Of Teachers Performance
Mehran.Frajolahi1 and Ardavan.Mirzaie1
of Education, Payame Noor University,19395-4697,I.R.of IRAN
Abstract: One of the most important functions of
management is to evaluate the performance of the organizations’
employees (Stoner and Freeman, 1992). For increase
efficiency and effectiveness education performance we must
assessment it. Article purpose is determine and identified instructor's
performance dimensions and indicator's performance. In
this study,we
have aggregated and identified five instructor's performance
dimensions and 19 indicators of that performance. we
use fuzzy logic for the measurement of performance and apply
Analytical Hierarchy
Process(AHP) in criteria weight and TOPSIS in ranking. A
FMCDM(Fuzzy multi criteria decision making) is an
approach for evaluating decision obtaining alternatives
involving subjective judgments made by a group of decision
makers. A pair wise comparison process is used to help
individual decision makers make comparative judgments, and a
linguistic rating method is used for making absolute judgments.
An empirical study of instructors Performance evaluation in one
of the branches of PNU (Payame Noor University)
that is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the
[Mohamad. R. Sarmady,
Mehran. Fr ajolahi and Ardavan. Mirzaie. Fmcdm Evaluation Of Teachers Performance
of American Science 2011;7(7):769-782]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
evaluation-Fuzzy multi criteria decision making (FMCDM) -AHP-
of Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I Gene of Mitochondrial DNA
from Chelonia mydas in Qatar.
Elmeer, Paul McCormick and Ameenah Almalki.
Centre, Ministry of Environment, Doha Qatar.
[Khaled Elmeer, Paul
McCormick and Ameenah Almalki. Sequencing of Cytochrome C
Oxidase Subunit I Gene of Mitochondrial DNA from Chelonia
mydas in Qatar.Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):783-788]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key word: DNA Barcoding, Green sea
turtle, Cytochrome Oxidase, and COI sequencing.
of degradability of whole seeds Safflower and its proteins
Hamed Amini Pour, Naser
Maheri Sis, Ramin Salamatdust Nobar, Saeid Najafyar Razlighi,
Mohammad Salamatazar, Mohammad Hasan Babazadeh, Mohammad Taher
Department of Animal
Science, Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Abstract: This study was carried out
to determine whole seed Safflower (WSS) crud protein (CP)
degradation characteristics by using nylon bags. The rumen
degradability of WSS CP at ruminal outflow rate of 0.02/h,
0.05/h and 0.08/h were 84.8, 77.5 and 71.7, respectively. Crud
protein degradability of WSS at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 h
incubation were 16.87, 42.62, 58.1, 83.79, 85.8, 88.21 and
92.58 percent.
[Hamed Amini Pour, Naser
Maheri Sis, Ramin Salamatdust Nobar, Saeid Najafyar Razlighi,
Mohammad Salamatazar, Mohammad Hasan Babazadeh, Mohammad Taher
Maddah. Determination of degradability of whole seeds Safflower
and its proteins fractions. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):789-791]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Whole seed Safflower,
Protein degradation, in situ, crud protein
model of E-learning for higher education
Golzari, A.R. Kiamanesh, N.G. Ghourchian, P. Jaafari
Department of Botany, DSB
Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand 263002, India
Abstract: In this article, to
evaluate the effective factors on the quality of E-learning, some
researches are carried out on assessment of E-learning during
2001-2009 and the effective factors on the quality of
E-learning are identified and extracted. Human factor,
infrastructural, cultural, legal, economical and political,
management and leadership, support and international factors as
the effective factors on the quality of education, evaluate the
quality of E-learning by 85 codes. Also, in this quality
research, the important degree, influence of each factor and
the effect of factors on E-learning quality are defined. The
results of this research define the quality of the university
E-learning quality and determine the merits and demerits of
each part separately.
[Z. Golzari, A.R.
Kiamanesh, N.G. Ghourchian, P. Jaafari. Assessment model of
E-learning for higher education. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):792-799]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Higher education; the
quality of E-learning; assessment model; the effective factors
on quality
in Ontologies
Farooq1, M. Junaid Arshad2, Aslam
Muhamamd3, Saba Sana4
1,2,3, 4Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, UET Lahore-Pakistan
1,2,3{maslam, junaidarshad,
Abstract: Ontologies are the
building blocks of semantic web. In recent year’s further
advancements in the area of semantic web has led to refinement
and specialization of the existing frameworks for ontological
development. These advancements include merging, alignment,
unification, mapping etc. of ontologies usually belonging to
similar domains. These operations are useful in their own
respect but also bring along many inconsistencies in the
ontological information. The removal of these inconsistencies
is in itself an open horizon for researchers of semantic web
and ontologies. In this paper, we review the different issues
causing inconsistencies and some frameworks used for handling
[Amjad Farooq, M. Junaid Arshad, Aslam
Muhamamd, Saba Sana. Inconsistencies in Ontologies
of American Science 2011;7(7):800-803]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Ontologies, inconsistency,
Mapping and Merging.
Metrics for Multiagent Systems
Muhammad1, M. Junaid Arshad2, Amjad
Farooq3, Rubab Fatima4, Khair-ul-Nisa5
1,2,3,4,5 Department of CS & E, U. E. T.
Lahore, Pakistan
junaidarshad, amjadfarooq},,
Multi agent systems (MAS) bring about a
change in the globe by making agents work together in a group
achieving common goals and casting away monolithic paradigm.
Proper understanding of the metrics that impact performance of
MAS can help in employing the distinctive abilities of agents
to its maximum. In this paper, we discuss various performance
metrics that target an agents’ role and environment and can
help in accomplishing goals in optimum time. We also present
an example that takes these performance metrics to account. We
then move to case studies and draw attention to the best and
worst cases for agents’ performance against the metrics we
Muhammad, M. Junaid Arshad, Amjad Farooq, Rubab Fatima, Khair-ul-Nisa.
Performance Metrics for Multiagent Systems. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):804-810].(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Multiagents, Metrics,
Performance, Response time.
GUI-Based Easy Web Hosting System
Junaid Arshad1, Amjad Farooq2, M. Aslam3,
Nasir Ahmad4
1,2,3 Department of CS & E, UET,
amjadfarooq, maslam}
This project is to design and development of
a web host that can facilitate remote users to build, host,
monitor and manage their website. Different tools like
interactive file and folder managers, website statistic
analyzer, web site builder and user administration. The
administrator of the site can also create user to share work
load by assigning directories among different users.
Administrator can manage their database online by running
online queries and can also view user log files to get
information about total logs, to see how many users are
currently online and how many users are not yet logged-in.
[M. Junaid Arshad, Amjad
Farooq, M. Aslam, Nasir Ahmad. A GUI-Based Easy Web Hosting
System. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):811-817].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Web Host, Easy Host, File
Manager, Web site Builder, Web site Statistics.
Two Robust Meta-Heuristic
Approaches for a New Modeling of Single Machine Scheduling
Problem with Multiple Criteria
Kiarash Poursalik 1,
Sina Miri-Nargesi 2
1. Department of Industrial
Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad branch,
Najafabad, Iran
2. Faculty of Industrial and
Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin branch,
Qazvin, Iran
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to
propose a new model for a single machine-scheduling problem.
According to just in time (JIT) approach, production managers
should consider more than one criterion in scheduling problems.
However, three criteria, including minimizing the number of
tardy jobs, total weighted earliness and total weighted
tardiness, are considered in this proposed model. To solve the
model, firstly, branch and bound (BBA) method is applied,
because it can solve the small size problems. Furthermore, the
results obtained from this algorithm, are good measurement to
test effectiveness of proposed meta-heuristic algorithms. In
the literature, this problem is classified in the NP-hard
class. Hence, two well-known meta-heuristic methods, including
genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), are applied
to tackle large scale problems. Finally, heuristic solutions
were compared with the global optimum which is obtained by (BBA)
method. Computational results showed that both the heuristic
algorithms yield good quality solutions using reasonable
computation time.
[Kiarash Poursalik, Sina
Miri-Nargesi. Two Robust Meta-Heuristic Approaches for New
Modeling of Single Machine Scheduling With Multiple Criteria.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):818-825]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Single machine; branch and
bound algorithm; genetic algorithm; simulated annealing
Comprehensive Evaluation of
Probabilistic Seismic Risk Methodology for Port Structures
Rouhollah Amirabadi 1,
Prof. Khosrow Bargi2, Dr. Moharam Dolatshahi Piroz3
and Payam Amirian4
1Ph.D. student in Marine
Structures, Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Tehran
2, 3Member of Civil Engineering
Faculty, University of Tehran
4M.Sc. student in Earthquake
Engineering, Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Tehran
*Corresponding author:
Abstract: Ports have long been the
gateway for commodities and people to transport into cities and
countries. In fact, ports are very important link in the total maritime
transportation chain. Past experience has shown that ports are
often susceptible to severe damage during earthquakes. So
evaluation of direct and indirect consequence of earthquake in
ports and harbors is an essential problem. Probabilistic method
for this problem is introduced briefly to be used in
comprehensive seismic risk management. At first, reliability of
ports is evaluated in this methodology through estimation of
component direct and induced damage probability. Afterwards
direct economic loss of earthquake estimate with damage
probability from direct and followed by sequence and
consequence analysis for assessment of induced damages. Finally
indirect economic impacts of direct loss are estimated using
economic links between the harbor and society. Outputs of the
methodology can be used in different stages of seismic risk
management from risk financing to proposing mitigation
measures. Effects of rehabilitation of equipments and
structures, prevention and suppression systems as well as management
type of mitigation actions can be estimated by this methodology
in preparedness, emergency response and recovery phases.
[Rouhollah Amirabadi, Prof.
Khosrow Bargi, Dr. Moharam Dolatshahi Piroz and Payam Amirian.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Probabilistic Seismic Risk
Methodology for Port Structures. Journal of American
Science 2011;7(7):826-834]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: seismic risk, direct
economic loss, indirect economic loss, port structures,
Genetic relation of the Zagros thrust and Sanandaj-Sirjan zone
Mostafa Yousefirad
Department of Geology, Payame
Noor University, Arak Center, Arak, Iran
Abstract: The
Zagros thrust (crush zone) and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone separate
the Zagros Fold belt from Central Iran. The Zagros passive
continental margin setting of the Jurassic–Middle Cretaceous was
followed in the Upper Cretaceous by arc collision linked to the
closing of the Neo-Tethys and the collision of the Arabian and
Iranian plates. The northwest–southeast trending Sanandaj–Sirjan
Zone consists of several elongate sub-zones and much of the orogenic
activity in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone is now related to closing
of Tethys. Therefore the Zagros thrust and the Sanandaj-Sirjan
zone provide a unique opportunity within the Alpine system to
evaluate the interplay between a young Tertiary collision,
volcanism, metamorphism and earlier subduction/obduction
processes. This article detects genetic relation of The Zagros
Thrusting System and properties of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone.
Investigations show two area have related evolutionary history
from cretaceous to recent.
[Mostafa Yousefirad. Genetic
relation of the Zagros thrust and Sanandaj-Sirjan zone.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):835-841].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). 120
Key word:
Zagros thrust, Sanandaj-sirjan
zone, Collision, Crush zone. |
Trade Organization (WTO) and its challenges with OPEC
Rasoul Abafat 1,
Ali Abbasi Abkhareh2, Nader FuladPanjeh3
1Affiliation Member and
chancellor of legal division Payame Noor University of Tehran
2 Graduate student, Aras International Campus, University of Tabriz
3 Legal Advisor;
Abstract: Crude oil is the
stimulating engine of world industry and has directly or
indirectly dedicated a big deal of international trades to
itself. The Group of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC) is in
charge of the control of the main portion of the production and
export of this product. On the other hand through its
regulations and multi-aspect rules, the WTO supervises the
trade of this product as well as the services between the OPEC
members. However, the role of this organization in world trade
of crude oil and its relations with OPEC is unclear. Today,
both OPEC and WTO are eminent international financial
organizations. WTO and OPEC each play a completely distinct
role in the global financial stage. The former plays this role
through its harsh and rigid regulations and the latter by its
constant change in the oil price. Things which develop the
complex issues of international laws and their related policies
are the major position of OPEC in making negotiations regarding
the production and procurement of crude oil and finally
appraising it on one hand and the position of WTO in making
rules of international trades regarding all trading goods on
the other. This will raise questions such as: What is the
effect of WTO on oil?, Can OPEC and WTO coexist?, is it
possible that a country be satisfied of its simultaneous
membership of both organizations?
[Rasoul Abafat, Ali
Abbasi Abkhareh and Nader FuladPanjeh. World Trade
Organization (WTO) and its challenges with OPEC. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(7):842-847]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: World trade organization;
Antiy Dumping; Agreement; Privilege; Global Market; Consigne
Full Text
Recognizing Operative
Factors on Agroforestry Effective Extension in Guilan Province,
Rezvan Enshieyeh1,
Seyed Mahdi Mirdamadi2, Maryam Omidi Najafabadi3
1,2. Department of Natural
Resources Extension and Education, Science and Research branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3. Department of Agricultural
Extension and Education, Science and Research branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: Making
economic, environmental and social benefits along with
preservation, revival, development and appropriate exploiting
from renewing natural resources is the main subject for a sustainable
development in 3rd millennium that Agroforestry is trying to
reach. While inhabitants of forests and its outskirts
inhabitant's way of life is in contrast with natural resources
improvement. The general aim of research is recognizing
affective factors in presenting Agroforestry effective
extension. This research in aspect of an applying proposes and
correlation way is based on collecting non-experimental data's.
Validity of questionnaire as a research tool confirmed by
experts panel and its reliability of α= 0.885 is
emphasized. Statistic society of existing research includes 230
people of extension experts in Guilan. For analyzing the data,
deductive statistic is used. Results from stepwise regression
shows 7 factors include extension agent's personal
characteristics, way of presenting the service, economical
characteristics, requirement, personal characteristics of
clientele, cultural and social features of the area and policy
making particulars, explained 86% variance of Agroforestry
effective extension.
[Rezvan Enshieyeh, Seyed
Mahdi Mirdamadi, Maryam Omidi Najafabadi. Recognizing Operative
Factors on Agroforestry Effective Extension in Guilan province,
Iran. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):848-853]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Operative factors;
Agroforestry extension;
Inhabitants of forests;
Extension agents
Full Text
Destruction Efficacy on the
Change of Dynamic Behavior in Structural Elements Using Finite
Elements Method
Mahdi Koohdaragh1,
Farid Hosseini Mansoub2
1Islamic Azad University,
Malekan Branch, Iran
2Islamic Azad University,
Maragheh Branch, Iran
Structures are exposed to main threats
such as structure efficiency decrease and its destruction.
These problems are intensified along natural or man-made
threats like earthquake and sever explosion. Since the earthquake is
implemented dynamically and in small distance in terms of time
on the structure dynamic analyses is of high importance. In
this paper, the structure is put under modal analyses via
ANSYS5.4 finite elements software and natural and mode-shaped
frequencies of healthy and damage samples are resulted. The
results show that frequency is decreased in damage samples. As
following by utilizing impact load of structure is put under
dynamic nonlinear analyses and through investigating
displacement-time, velocity-time, acceleration-time and
moment-time graphs destruction effect on acceleration and
moment-time graphs can be identified as the form of amplitude
Koohdaragh, Farid Hosseini Mansoub. Destruction Efficacy on
the Change of Dynamic Behavior in Structural Elements Using
Finite Elements Method. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):854-857]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Modal Analyses, Dynamic
Analyses, Crack and Frequency
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Utilizing Dynamical Loading
Nondestructive Identification of Structural Damages via Wavelet
Mahdi Koohdaragh1,
Farid Hosseini Mansoub2
1Islamic Azad University,
Malekan Branch, Iran
2Islamic Azad University,
Maragheh Branch, Iran
methods are represented in order to investigate and
identification of damages that each one has some advantages and
disadvantages. For example, Fourier Transform which represents
related information over frequencies of a signal while no
information is in access about the time of a frequency‘s
creation. For identifying the place of damage, knowing the time
of frequency creation is of high importance. On this base
Fourier Transform encounters problem. Modern and efficient
methods which are placed in signal analyses field and are in
favor of researchers are wavelet transforms. The most important
advantage of using wavelet is its ability in analyzing a signal
place in every time or place domain. In this paper, a method
for identification of damage in a beam via wavelet transform is
represented. In this method beam identification is possible
without dynamic parameters of healthy structure. At first, the
structure is put under harmonic analyses through Finite Element
Software (ANSYS5.4) and then it is put under wavelet analyses
in wavelet box by (MATLAB7.1) Software and at the end the
results are observable on two dimensional coefficient-location
graphs which indicate high ability of wavelet theory in
response analyses of a structure and disharmonic identifications
in structural systems.
Koohdaragh, Farid Hosseini Mansoub. Utilizing Dynamical
Loading Nondestructive Identification of Structural Damages via
Wavelet Transform. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):858-862]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Wavelet Transform, Harmonic
Analyses, Signal and Damage
Full Text
of an On-demand Routing Protocol for MANET
Seyed Hossein Hosseini
Department of Computer Engineering, Payam-Noor
University, Iran
Abstract: An ad-hoc network
consists of a set of mobile nodes which are connected with each
other by using radio waves. These networks do not need any
predetermined structure or central management system and all
nodes work as routers. These days the scalability of ad-hoc
networks has interested some scholars. Scalability of most of
on-demand routing protocols has become limited because of
increasing the nodes' population and movement in network. In
this paper an on-demand routing algorithm for MANET networks
will be presented which aims at creating an algorithm with a
high scalability. The effect of network size (number of nodes),
nodes' movement, and data traffic on the efficiency of the
proposed algorithm and other principal algorithms which have
been utilized to create the present algorithm will be studied
and their simulation results will be compared. The simulation
results show that the proposed algorithm has more efficiency
than the present standard algorithms.
[Seyed Hossein Hosseini
Nazhad. Design of an On-demand Routeing Protocol for MANET
Networks. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):863-869]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: MANET network,
Routeing Protocol, Scalability, Simulation
Full Text
review of functioning of industries' privatization policy in
Iran from 2003
to 2008
Seyyed Jamal Hosseini 1,
L. Hojagani 2
of Management, Economics, Accounting, payame noor
unvierstiy, I.R. of IRAN. po Box 19395-3697 tehran, IRAN. PHD candidat
of industrial Management in AMEA
university of Qazvin, Iran
Privatization is a necessary and inevitable issue for efficient
and optimum allocation of productive resources of the society.
With a glance at its approach in Iran, it seems essential to
observe a number of things like; opting for sound ways of
transferring owing to non-productive properties and costs and
profitable enterprises with providing conditions like supplying
complete information, freedom of admission to and exit from
markets, establishing a discipline and security and lawful
ownership, clarity of investments, removing discriminating
behaviors resulting from information abuse, approving
facilitating rules for foreign investments and giving an
assurance for not sudden change in regulations and public
availability for information formats and providing timely
information where needed.
[Seyyed Jamal Hosseini and
L. Hojagani. The review of functioning of industries'
privatization policy in Iran from 2003 to 2008.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):870-875]. (ISSN:
Allocation of resources – information abuse – lawful ownership –
ways of transferring – timely information |
Full Text
A Comparison
between Initial and Effective Fundamental Period of RC Frames
with Steel Eccentric Bracing
Reza Hoseinzadeh1, Ali Edalatbehbahani2, Mojtaba
1Department of Civil
Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Behbahan, Behbahan
Branch, Iran
2Department of Civil
Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Shooshtar, Shooshtar
Branch, Iran
3Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Chamran University,
Ahvaz, Iran.
Abstract: In earthquake resistant
designs the value of fundamental period needs to be set close
to reality. Special emphasis can be placed on designs which are
based either on static equivalent method or performance level.
The static equivalent method employs the seismic factor which
is strongly dependant on fundamental period. Also during the
later design, target displacement is directly connected with
square of fundamental period. In this connection most of
seismic codes (including Iranian National Seismic Standard)
offer an experimental equation distributed for different
structural systems to present fundamental period. To make sure
for required modifications on seismic design codes, one hundred
eighty concrete moment resisting frames with steel eccentric
braces has been considered to capture vibration period by
performing two-dimensional nonlinear pushover analyses. Pushover Analyses have been
conducted using SAP-2000 program, which can consider material
nonlinearities almost near reality. In this case the applied
forces have been considered as the lateral forces of the
Seismic Standard. At the end, fundamental period and effective
fundamental period both derived by analysis and the
experimental has been discussed concerning bracing kind of
spans, length of link beam and height of structure. Analytical results confirm the
validity of the experimental equation for presenting
fundamental period in the case of reminded frames.
[Mohammad Reza Hoseinzadeh, Ali
Edalatbehbahani, Mojtaba Labibzadeh. A Comparison between
Initial and Effective Fundamental Period of RC Frames with
Steel Eccentric Bracing. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):876-881]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Vibration, Fundamental
period, Reflection factor, Earthquake
Full Text
Influence of Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School
Teachers on Classroom Discipline Strategies
Soleiman Yahyazadeh Jeloudar1, Aida Suraya Md Yunus2,
Samsilah Roslan2, Sharifah Md. Nor2.
1Department of Educational
Studies, Universiti of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
2Faculty of Educational
Studies, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract: The purpose of the study
is to analyze level of emotional intelligence among teachers
employed in government secondary schools based on selected
demographic variable. The sample of the study comprised 203
teachers. The findings of the study showed that there was a
significant difference in the teachers’ races (Malay, Indian
and Chinese) and their emotional intelligence. The study also
revealed that there were significant differences between
teachers with high and moderate level of emotional intelligence
in five strategies of classroom discipline used i.e. teachers
with high level of emotional intelligence scored higher in the
classroom discipline strategies of discussion, recognition,
involvement, and hinting, whereas teachers with moderate level
of emotional intelligence scored higher in the use of
aggression and no significant relationship with one strategy
(punishment) of classroom discipline.
[Soleiman Yahyazadeh
Jeloudar, Aida Suraya Md Yunus, Samsilah Roslan,
Sharifah Md. Nor. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence of
Secondary School Teachers on Classroom Discipline Strategies. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(7):882-889]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Emotional intelligence,
classroom discipline, race.
Full Text
Review and Discussion of
Theories related to Dynamic Model of World Class Manufacturing
Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini1,
Alireza Soloukdar2*
1, 2*Department of Industrial
Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: World Class Manufacturing
(WCM) has attracted so many manufacturing industries and
operation strategists' attention. The expansion of this issue
gets back to using "Best Techniques" of the companies
with "Best Performance". In this study through
provision of a definition for WCM we have addressed the lack of
identifying WCM factors by using several different criteria and
experimental of the relations between techniques and WCM
performance. Studying different perspectives for
acquiring a dynamic model which is capable of covering all the
aspects and primary/secondary factors including the internal
and external ones, strategies, objectives and policies is
highly important. Therefore, determining the relations between
mentioned factors can bring about a systemic motivation which
helps specify the World Class Manufacturing level of
performance status and devising an appropriate
mental/conceptual model in a way that it involves the effective
key causes and factors is in fact the preliminary stage of
implementation and institutionalization of a dynamic model.In
this paper by reviewing sources, viewpoints, definitions,
attitudes, and WCM causes and factors, the research carried out
in this regard, the conceptual model and WCM dynamic elements
and the relations between them have been discussed. Finally,
the dynamic model conceptual paradigm of WCM strategy is
Seyedhoseini, Alireza Soloukdar. Review and Discussion of
Theories related to Dynamic Model of World Class Manufacturing
Strategy, Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):890-896].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Dynamic Model, World
Class Manufacturing, Strategy, Conceptual Paradigm.
Full Text
Studying role of
Organizational justice and Organizational health personality in
Deputy of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and
Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
S. Motevallizadeh 1,
S.H. Zakiani 2
1. Department of human
resource management, Undersecretary for Research and
Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran,
2. Department of Development
and Coordination Medical Informatics, Undersecretary for
Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical
Education, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: This study has been done in
Iranian Deputy of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health
and Medical Education to gather information about the MS degree
of Public Management that describes a Psychological Problem
between staff of case. This study is case study/descriptive in
the field of research and is of correlation type. In this study
the five aspects of an Organizational Citizenship Behavior
through an organization’s point of view has been assessed.
Then, organizational justice was assessed in 3 aspects and
finally the effects of the Health of an Organization or
Organizational Healthy Personality with an emphasis from the 11
branches from the point of views of Lynden and Klingle's were
analyzes with personnel's concept in the case study. Data were
based on using a structural questionnaire that contained 3
standard questionnaires. Then we have analyzed data by SPSS.
Results from data analysis showed that there exist a 95%
relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior and as a result, the more the personnel
have positive concept about the organization’s justice, the
more the Organizational Citizenship Behavior increases. And
with the same confidence coefficient between Organizational
Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with the
intervention of the Organizational Health Behavior, a relationship
exists; meaning that, in each organization, there is an
Organizational Health Personality. Effects of the personnel’s
positive concept of an Organization’s Justice through
Organizational Citizenship Behavior will be more increased.
Research findings showed that strengthening the Organizational
Citizenship Behavior of which is the goal of an organization is
dependent on the Organization’s Justice with the mediation of
the Organization’s Health Personality.
[S. Motevallizadeh, S.H.
Zakiani. Studying role of Organizational justice and
Organizational health personality in Deputy of Research and
Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran,
Iran. Journal of American Science
2011;7(7):897-905]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Iranian Ministry of Health
and Medical Education; Organizational Citizenship Behavior;
Organizational Justice; Organizational Health Personality
Full Text
Pattern of Breast Cancer Metastasis at
the Radiotherapy Clinic, Ibadan - A Ten
Year Review.
*T.N. Elumelu, *A.A. Adenipekun,
*A.A. Abdus-salam, **A.D. Bojude
of Radiotherapy, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.
of Radiotherapy, University College Hospital, Ibadan.
Introduction: - Breast cancer is the commonest
cancer among Nigerian women. In Nigeria and indeed Africa and most
underdeveloped countries, majority of patients with breast
cancer present to the Hospital late with advanced disease. At
this stage, the cancer involves the axillary nodes, it may be
attached to the underlying muscles and distant metastases are
almost certainly present. The primary treatment intent
therefore is palliative. Objective: The aim of
this study is to determine the pattern of metastasis of breast
cancer among patients treated at Radiotherapy Department,
University College Hospital, Ibadan. Methodology: Five
hundred and eighteen patients with histological
diagnosis of breast cancer seen between 2000 and 2009 were
studied. Results: There 5 were Males and 513
Females. The mean age was 48.15 years and 63.5% were between
the ages of 30 and 50 years. Fifty eight percent of the women
were premenopausal while 42% were postmenopausal. The
percentage of patients that presented with stages 1, 11, 111
& 1V diseases were 6.2%, 24.7%, 38.8% and 30.3%
respectively. The overall incidence of metastasis to
distant organs were lung 25.7%, bone 24.1%, liver 7.7%, brain
5.8%, contra lateral breast 0.6% and kidney 0.2%. Conclusion:
Based on the data obtained from this study, breast cancer
mostly occurred among young women. Compared to earlier studies
in Nigeria, breast cancer patients still present late with
advanced stage disease with distant metastasis. Baseline bone
scan, chest X-ray and abdominopelvic ultrasound scan are
recommended for breast cancer patients before commencing
treatment to enhance early detection of metastasis. Efforts
should be increased towards early detection and treatment.
[T.N. Elumelu, A.A. Adenipekun,
A.A. Abdus-salam, A.D. Bojude. Pattern of Breast
Cancer Metastasis at the Radiotherapy Clinic, Ibadan - A Ten
Year Review. Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(7):906-912]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Breast cancer, ten years review,
advanced disease, distant metastasis, pattern of metastasis
Full Text
The Effect of CO2 Emission
on Agricultural Sector Value Added; Evidence from G8 Countries
Esmaiel Abounoori1,
Younes Nademi2, Hanieh Sedaghat Kalmarzi3
1. Department of Economics,
University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
2. Department of Management,
Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
3. Department of Management,
Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Abstract: In this paper, we
investigate the relationship between carbon emissions and
Agricultural Sector Value Added in G8 countries for the period
of 2000–2007. Employing the panel regression approach, we
find that the effect of CO2 emissions on
Agricultural Sector Value Added is negative. So, the G8 group
should decrease CO2 Emission by necessary policies.
[Esmaiel Abounoori, Younes
Nademi, Hanieh Sedaghat Kalmarzi. The Effect of CO2
Emission on Agricultural Sector Value Added; Evidence from G8
Countries. Journal of American Science 2011;7(7):913-915].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: CO2 Emission,
Agricultural Sector, Value Added, G8 Countries
Full Text
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from April 3, 2011.
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doi:10.7537/marsjas070711.132 |