The Journal of American Science
(J Am Sci)
ISSN 1545-1003
Volume 7, Issue 2, Cumulated
No. 36, February 25, 2011
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Theoretical Study of
Family Resource Management
Yadollahi & 2Laily
Hj Paim
of Resources Management& Consumer Studies, Putra University,
Malaysia & University of Payame Noor, Sirjan, Iran; E-mail:
of Resources Management & Consumer Studies, Putra Universiti,
Abstract: Family
resource management has a fundamental role in helping meet and
alter the increasing complexities faced by the families. In this
way, this article attempts to describe the theories of family
economic management.
To solve the
economic problems we need to improve the economic status of
families who fail to manage their budget, which results in high
debt levels and a lack of personal savings. The implication of
this study arises from the fact that there has been little
research carried out on the family economic status.
Theoretically, the findings of this study enrich the knowledge
concerning family economic and management functions.
Yadollahi & Laily Hj Paim.
A Theoretical Study of
Family Resource
Management. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(2):1-6]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Family resource, Economic function, Economic organization |
Investigation of
Persian Gulf blue
swimmer crab (portunus pelagicus) In Khuzestan coasts
Ashraf Jazayeri1*, Forough papan1, Ahmad
savari2, Tayeb Saki Nejad3
1. Shahid
Chamran University of Ahwaz 2. Khoramshahr University of Marine
Science and technology
3. Islamic Azad
University, Ahwaz branch
A bout 361 Million
square kilometers (70.8 percent) of the totol area of the earth
is covered by seas and oceans. Although this huge ecosystems
always make the human curious about them, but the need for
advanced equipments for approaching deep and semi-deep areas is
the reason for shortage of information about these ecosystems
and their inhabitants comparing to the lands. So during recent
years extensive researches have performed about marine
ecosystems with emphasis on recognition of biological variations
and make use of aquatics in several new applications such as
nutrition, health, medical and industry. Although Persian Gulf
have unique specifications such as different ecosystems and
different varieties but it is less investigated accurately.
Certainly for protecting such a valuable ecosystem, at first we
must have comprehensive information of its structure. This
emphasizes the necessity of exact study in all the parts.
Therefore current study, investigates blue swimmer crab (one of
the valuable Persian Gulf crustaceans) in hunting zones of
Khuzestan province. This variety which is spreader globally has
a high economic value and is considered in growing aquatics in
many countries. The results of this research show that in width
parts of some carapace, male blue swimmer crabs are always
heavier than female ones. Also there is a positive and
meaningful correlation between weight and the parameters of
carapace's length, carapace's width, propodus length of male's
claws and the width of 6th band of abdomen. Sex ratio during a
year of study was F: M = 56%: 44% which should be the relative
frequency of females. In the investigation of females maturation
during a years it is found that although there were mature
female crabs at all of the month in a year but the climax of
their maturation in a year and in the place of study, were march
and April. Indeed according to the factor of mature carapace
width, the mature width was 88 mm carapace width in females. In
male crabs, the mean gonad weight in immature was 0.15g and in
matures was 1.2g. Also gonad index (GSI) in male crabs was
observed with minimum amount of 0.480 during Feb and maximum of
0.807 in Dec.
[Ashraf Jazayeri,
Forough papan, Ahmad savari, Tayeb Saki Nejad. Biological
Investigation of
Persian Gulf blue
swimmer crab (portunus pelagicus) In Khuzestan coasts.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):7-13]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Biology, blue swimmer crab, Persian Gulf, portunus pelagicus |
and phytochemical studies on Sabal yapa Becc. growing in
Nagwa M. Ammar
(1), Hussein S. Taha (2), Mohammed S. Hefnawy
(3) and Ahmed H. Afifi (1)
1-Pharmacognosy Department, National Research Center, El Tahreer
Street, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
Biotechnology Department, National Research Center, El Tahreer
Street, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
3- Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.
study aim to production of the biologically active lipoidal
fraction from Sabal yapa Becc., Family Palmae, using
tissue culture technique, which previously proved its remarkable
and significant antiandrogenic activity. Immature embryos of
S.yapa unripe fruits were cultured on fortified of MS media
with different type of growth regulators, and incubated under
light or dark conditions. Calli growth and lipoidal content were
evaluated. MS medium augmented with 10 mg/l 2,4-D and 3mg/l of
both 2iP and BAp showed the best modified medium for calli
production under light or dark conditions. The highest mass
calli production was recorded after the 5th
week of cultivation. However, the significant growth rates
(mg/day) were recorded during the 3rd week of
cultivation. Moreover, fractionation of lipoidal calli, was
analyzed by GLC and compared with that of the in vivo
fruit. The obtained results revealed that the lipoidal content
was 0.85% in in vivo fruit while it recorded 0.64 and
0.68 (%) with calli resulted under light or dark conditions,
respectively. The maximum percentage of unsaponifiable fraction
(59.6 %) was recorded in fruit, however, it recorded 20.83 and
17.53 (%) with calli produced under light or dark conditions,
respectively. Although, the highest percentage of the total
fatty acids fraction 70.8 and 74.1 (%) were recorded with calli
which governed under light or dark conditions, respectively, it
was 32.3 (%) in fruit. Further, we recommend the exploitation of
plant tissue culture technique for the preparation and
production of the biologically active non-polar fraction of
S. yapa fruit at semi-industrial scale using bioreactors.
[Nagwa M. Ammar,
Hussein S. Taha, Mohammed S. Hefnawy and Ahmed H. Afifi.
Biotechnological and phytochemical studies on Sabal yapa
Becc. growing in
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):14-20]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Sabal yapa, Palmae, non-polar extract, callus, lipoidal
fraction |
The Role of
Natural Antioxidants and Snacks on the Weanling Rats Health
Heba Ezz El-Din
Yossef* and Abeer A.Khedr
Nutrition and Food
Sciences Department, Faculty of Home Economics Minufiya
University, Shibin El-Kom, Egypt *
The effect of processed snacks, commercial snacks and commercial
snacks + orange juice on the lipid profile, haematogenic
characteristics, liver and kidney functions, glucose and
malonlialdehyde (MDA) in weanling rats were evaluated. Weight
gain and histological examination of liver and kidney tissues
were also evaluated. The results showed that there were no
significant (P>0.05) in hemoglobin, haematocrit, red blood cell,
glucose and creatinine between control and other snacks groups.
Rats fed commercial snacks resulted in a significant (P≤0.05)
increase in total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density
lipoprotein (LDL), very low lipoprotein (VLDL), alanine amino
transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), urea,
creatinine and malonlialdehyde compared to rats fed basal diet.
However, supplementation commercial snacks diet with orange
juice as a source of antioxidant resulted in significant
(P≤0.05) decrease in the previous parameters and improves the
liver and kidney tissues as compared with commercial snacks
[Heba Ezz
El-Din Yossef and Abeer A.Khedr. The Role of Natural
Antioxidants and Snacks on the Weanling Rats Health. Journal
of American Science 2011;7(2):21-27]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Snacks foods, hemoglobin, lipid profile, liver function,
malonlialdehyde |
Devising an
instrument to assess human resources productivity in an Iranian
Amir Ashkan Nasiripour1, Fardin Mehrabian2,
Pouran Raeissi3, Jamaledin Tabibi4
1. Associate Professor, Department of Health Services
Management, - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author).
2. PhD student of Health Services Management, - Science and
Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, School Of Management and medical
information services, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,Iran,
4- Professor, Department of Health Services Management, Science
and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Email:; Tel: 00982144869701
There are various factors affecting human resources
productivity. Moreover, it is a necessity to identify the most
important and efficient ones. Therefore, there should be an
appropriate instrument to determine the factors in the most
comprehensive way. Accordingly, this study has employed Factor
Analysis to devise a locally-based instrument to assess human
resources productivity in Guilan University of Medical sciences.
Materials and Methods: To achieve the mentioned goal, two
stages have been taken during the fall of 2009. One was
qualitative and the other was cross-sectional. In the former
step 45 expert managers were included as the sample of the
research to determine productivity factors and in the latter 321
staff members of scientific society, training and human
resources departments of Guilan University were selected to
establish the productivity variables. Results: To
enclose, One questionnaire with 5 headings and 42 questions has
been obtained as follows: Organizational culture with 18
questions / Environmental conditions with 7 questions /
Motivation factors with 10 questions / Empowerment with 4
questions / Method of leadership with 3 questions.
Discussion: The invented device, regarding to it
reliability, validity, relevance and indigenousness in assessing
of human resource productivity, could be useful for all the
universities of medical science. Using of this device could
improve the effectiveness of educational activities which are
performed for the faculty members and experts of education
(Amir Ashkan
Nasiripour, Fardin Mehrabian, Pouran Raeissi, Jamaledin Tabibi.
Devising an instrument to assess human resources productivity in
an Iranian context.
Journal of American
Science 2011;7(2):28-35]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
human resources productivity, Factor Analysis, locally-based
instrument, productivity factors, productivity variables |
Production and application of
Spirulina platensis rich in fatty acids, and vitamins
Aly, M.S I, Amber S. Gad*2. El Sayed M.
Microbiology Dept,2 Chemistry of Natural and
Microbial Products Dept.,
National Research Center, Egypt..Faculty. of medicine, Pharmcology. Dept. Zagazig Univ
Spirulina platensis
is a microscopic blue-green
alga in the shape of a spiral coil, living both in sea and
fresh water. It is widely used as health food due to its protein
content, vitamins and active substances for immune system.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids amount to 46.548 %(w/w) of total lipids.Among the essential fatty acids detected in El Khadra
lake water body in Waadi El Natroun micro- alga, cholesterol
decreasing γ-linolenic acid with 0.986%(w/w). Vitamin A amounts
to 120.13 µg/100g, vitamin C amounts to 540.34 µg/100g and
vitamin D amounts to 105.6 µg/100g were found. Vivo studies
revealed Spirulina effectiveness on Triglycerides(TG). Total cholesterol(TC),High density lipoprotein-chloestero(HDL-ch),
body weight, serum calcium., serum iron, and serum ferritin
after treatment of the experimental rabbits for 30 days.
[Aly, M.S, Amber.S. Gad. El Sayed M. Kamel. Production and
application of Spirulina platensis rich in fatty acids, and
vitamins. Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):36-45].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Spirulina platensis, γ-linolenic acid, vitamins,
hypercholesterolemia, serum calcium, prothrombin., serum iron,
serum ferritin |
Efficacy of
Inspiratory Muscle Training on Ventilatory Functions in
Postmenopausal Asthmatic Women
Soheir Mahmoud Ali
Khadyga Said Abd El-Aziz1,
Nagwa Mohamed
Adel Farouk El-
and Randa Osama Mohamed1
of Physical Therapy for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of
Physical Therapy, Cairo University. Cairo, Egypt
of Physical Therapy
for Cardiovascular/
Respiratory Disorders and Geriatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine,
Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
This study was conducted to determine
the effect of inspiratory muscles training in improving
ventilatory functions in postmenopausal asthmatic women. Fourty
postmenopausal women, complaining from bronchial asthma, one
year ago, were participated in this study. They were divided
randomly into two equal groups (A and B).Both groups received
traditional medical treatment which was consisted of theophyline,
salbutamol sulphate(bronchodilator), dexamethasone,
carbocisteine (muco-regulator) & antibiotic for six weeks. In
addition to traditional medical treatment, Group “A” received
inspiratory muscles training
using inspiratory muscle trainer. Assessment was performed by measuring weight and height then the
body mass index was calculated for each woman in both groups
(A&B) before treatment. Also, Electronic Spirometer was used to
measure ventilatory functions (Forced Vital Capacity, Forced
Expiratory Volume, Forced Vital Capacity /Forced Expiratory
Volume and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation) before and after 6
weeks of treatment. Results showed a statistically highly
significant improvement (P<0.001)
in all
ventilatory functions in group (A) than group (B) after end of
treatment. So, it could be concluded that inspiratory muscle
training with traditional medical treatment were more effective
than traditional medical treatment only for these cases as it
was effective, safe, easy to perform and led to reducing
symptoms of asthma.
[Soheir Mahmoud Ali
El-Kosery, Khadyga Said Abd El-Aziz,
Nagwa Mohamed
Badr, Adel
Farouk El- Begawy and Randa Osama Mohamed. Efficacy of
Inspiratory Muscle Training on Ventilatory Functions in
Postmenopausal Asthmatic Women.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):46-53]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Inspiratory Muscle Trainer - Ventilatory Functions -
Postmenopausal Asthmatic women |
Efficiency of Agricultural Extension Programs by Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) (Illustrate: Wheat Farmers of Khouzestan
Province, Iran)
Ahmad Reza Ommani
Assistant Professor
Islamic Azad University Shoushtar Branch, Iran
The purpose of
research is analyzing efficiency of agricultural extension
programs by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). The method of
research was qualitative. The research carried out by 4
analytical loops in rural area of Shoushtar township of
Khouzestan province, Iran. Each
analytical loop consist 6 to 9 rural people and one
outsider as facilitator. According to results extension programs
based on efficiency was ranked. This ranking respectively
include: Farmer Filed School (FFS), Meeting in Farm (MF),
Results Farm Demonstration (RFD), Method Farm Demonstration (MFD),
Extension classes, Bulletin and Posters, Radio and TV program.
Also ranking of
educational needs
respectively include: productivity indicators, sustainability,
farm management, water management, pest and disease, west
[Ahmad Reza Ommani.
Analyzing Efficiency of Agricultural Extension Programs by
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) (Illustrate: Wheat Farmers
Khouzestan Province, Iran).
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):54-58]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
PRA, Extension program, Shoushtar |
Bio-Oil From
Rice Straw By Pyrolysis: Experimental And Techno -Economic
Shadia R. Tewfik*,
Mohamed H. Sorour, Abdelghani M.G. Abulnour, Hala A. Talaat,
Nihal M. El Defrawy, Joseph Y. Farah and Ismail K. Abdou
Engineering and Pilot Plant Department, Engineering Research
Division, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
The use of biomass as a source of energy is gaining increasing
interest in both developed and developing countries as a
renewable source of energy and to avoid the environmental
hazards associated with open burning of ligno-cellulosic
materials. This work is concerned with the fast pyrolysis of
rice straw which is generated seasonally in enormous quantities
to produce biooil which could replace fuel oil #2. Experimental
investigations on a pilot-scale in an entrained flow reactor
demonstrated that the biooil produced is of acceptable
characteristics and has a calorific value of about 29kJ/kg. Process design has been developed for a 200 ton/day commercial
facility. Material and energy balance and basic engineering have
been accomplished using ASPEN PLUS. Techno-economic
investigations have been conducted and financial analysis has
been performed using ASPEN ICARUS. Results indicated that for a
Base Case, the Fixed Capital Cost is about US $ Million 7.6 and
for a pessimistic selling price of US $ 0.13/kg, the Internal
Return of Return (IRR), exceeds 43%. Sensitivity analysis
indicates that even for increase of the Fixed Capital to about
US $ Million 10.9 the IRR still exceeds 30%. Further work is
needed for technological development and for ensuring processing
over the year round using other ligno-cellulosic materials.
Tewfik, Mohamed Sorour, Abdelghani Abulnour, Hala Talaat, Nihal
El Defrawy, Joseph Farah and Ismail Abdou. Bio-Oil From Rice
Straw By Pyrolysis: Experimental And Techno-Economic
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):59-67]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
biomass, fast pyrolysis, bio-oil, entrained reactor, process
design, techno-economics |
Effect of
Stitch Geometry on
Particle Bypass in Air Filter Bags
M. A. Saad and R.
F. El-newashy*
Department of
clothing and knitting Industry Research, National Research
Center, Giza, Egypt*
Fabrics used
as a filter media in dust control may have satisfactory
efficiency. However, the sewn areas of the filter fabric sleeves
may cause a bypass of fine particle size dust through needles
holes or bent areas of fabric layers. The present study focuses
on the filtration and cleaning efficiency of the sewn areas of
filter fabrics using different particle size of solid material.
Four types of stitch formation type EFa-1, SSa-1, LSc-1 and
BSa-1 according to British Standard BS 3870 were used.
A. Saad and R. F. El-newashy.
Effect of
Stitch Geometry on Particle Bypass in Air Filter Bags. Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):68-74]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Filter Bag – sewing stitch – sewing machines- sewing threads |
Diagnostic Value
of Serum Cystatin C as an Early Indicator of Renal Impairment in
Chronic HCV Egyptian Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
El –Shazly1, Ayman El Shayeb*1, Pacint
Moez2, Mohamed Samy3, Mariam Zaghloul
Tropical Medicine1,
Clinical Pathology2
and Radiodiagnosis
Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt, *
Background and aim: Diagnosis of moderately impaired renal
function is of great importance in patients with liver
cirrhosis. Patients with a markedly impaired glomerular
filtration rate can be diagnosed easily by elevated serum
creatinine concentrations but, moderately reduced renal function
may be missed. Cystatin C (CysC) has been suggested as a
sensitive marker of renal function, independent of sex or muscle
mass. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the
value of serum cystatin C concentrations for the detection of
moderately impaired renal function in chronic HCV Egyptian
patients with liver cirrhosis as well as its correlation with
Child-Pugh score and renal resistive index (RRI). Patients and
Methods: This study was conducted on seventy subjects; group I
fifty non azotemic chronic HCV patients with liver cirrhosis (furtherly
subdivided according to the Child-Pugh score into group Ia,
Ib, Ic) and group II twenty healthy
subjects with matching age and sex as control group. Liver
function tests, renal function tests, CysC levels and RRI were
measured on the same day for all patients. CysC levels were
measured using the automated latex-enhanced immunonephelometric
method. Results: Mean serum levels of serum Cystatin C were
and 0.65±0.10
mg/dl in groups Ia, Ib, Ic and
II respectively. Serum cystatin C was significantly higher in
cirrhotic patients than in controls. Moreover, It was
significantly higher in Child C cirrhotic patients than in those
with Child B and A (F=19.14 and P=0.001). Significant positive
correlations were found between serum cystatin C and each of
blood urea (BU), serum creatinine, RRI and Child-Pugh score in
patients with HCV induced liver cirrhosis.(r=0.454,0.781,0.508
and 0.412respectively) (p£0.01).
On the other hand, significant negative correlation was found
between serum cystatin C and creatinine clearance. (r= -0.746
and p£0.01).
Conclusion: Determination of serum cystatin C is advantagous
over serum creatinine particularly in early detection of mild
renal impairment in patients with liver cirrhosis.
El –Shazly, Ayman El Shayeb, Pacint Moez, Mohamed Samy, Mariam
Diagnostic Value of Serum Cystatin C as an Early Indicator of
Renal Impairment in Chronic HCV Egyptian Patients with Liver
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):75-81]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Chronic Hepatitis C, Liver cirrhosis, serum markers of GFR and
serum cystatin C |
Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Brca 1) Mutation in Female Patients with or
without Family History in Qalubia Governorate
Fouad El-said
El-Debaky1, Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*1, Naglaa
Fathy Alhusseini1, Sanya khairy Eliwa1 and
Hamed Rashsad Musalam2
Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Benha,
Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Benha, Egypt.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and its impact
on morbidity and mortality is significant and well documented. BRCA
genes mutation account for most of the cases of familial breast
cancer. Female BRCA1 mutation carriers have an 80% to 85% risk
of developing breast cancer over their life-time. This study
aims to detect 5382insC, 185delAG and C61G mutations in
BRCA1 gene in healthy females and breast cancer female
patients in Qalubia Governorate and correlate them with the presence or absence of family history of breast &/ or ovarian
cancer to allow identification of individuals at high risk.
Materials and methods: 50 females divided into 20 healthy
females and 30 breast cancer patients with or without family
history of breast &/or ovarian cancers were included in the
study.185delAG and 5382insC mutation were detected by multiplex mutagenically separated PCR (MS - PCR) and C61G mutation was
detected using the RFLP method. Results: It was found that the
incidence of BRCA1 gene mutation in the breast cancer group was
higher than its incidence in the control group Also the
incidence of BRCA1 gene mutation in the groups with family
history was higher than in the groups without family history. In
addition, multiple exons mutation frequency was higher than one
exon mutation in the breast cancer group with family history. Moreover, 5382insC mutation was found to be the most frequent BRCA 1 gene mutation among the females of Qalubia governorate
followed by C61G mutation and 185 delAG mutation. Conclusion: In
conclusion, BRCA1 gene mutation and multiple BRCA1 exons
mutations play an important role in the pathogenesis of familial
breast cancer in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt.
[Fouad El-said El-Debaky,
Naglaa Ibrahim Azab, Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini, Sanya khairy Eliwa
and Hamed Rashsad Musalam. Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Brca
1) Mutation in Female Patients with or without Family History in
Qalubia Governorate. Journal of American Science
2011;7(2):82-93]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
familial breast cancer, BRCA1 gene, 5382insC mutation, 185delAG
mutation, C61G mutation |
Serum Visfatin in
patients with chronic hepatitis C
Abd El Fattah Hano1,
Akram Deghady2, Sahar Shaaban*1 and Marwa
Abd El Rahman1
Tropical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria
University, Alexandria, Egypt
Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine. Alexandria
University, Alexandria, Egypt *
Background: The role of visfatin in non alcoholic fatty liver
diseases (NAFLD) is now well known accordingly, the aim of this
work was to study the serum level of
in patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) and their relations
to the nutritional state of patients as well as the biochemical
markers of liver disease. Subjects: This study was carried out
on 75 male subjects classified into five groups all of them were
subjected to measurement of body mass index (BMI), lipid
profile, liver function tests, PCR for HCV, serum visfatin level
& liver biopsy when ever possible was done. Results: Mean serum
Visfatin level was significantly elevated in group II (HCV &
cirrhosis) and group IV (HCV & steatosis) than in group V. (P <
0.05). Significant positive correlation was found between serum
visfatin & BMI, degree of inflammation & fibrosis. (P<0.05) On
the other hand, significant negative correlation was noted
between serum visfatin & apolipoprotein A1. (P<0.05).
Conclusion: High levels of visfatin in patients with HCV and
steatosis than other patients' groups suggest its involvement in
the process of steatosis and its progression. Furthermore, high
levels of visfatin in patients with HCV-induced cirrhosis and
schistosomiasis suggest its role in liver fibrogenesis.
[Abd El Fattah Hano, Akram
Deghady, Sahar Shaaban and Marwa Abd El Rahman. Serum
Visfatin in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(2):94-101]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Serum; Visfatin; patient; chronic hepatitis C |
of Poly-isoprene Rubber Layer Backed with Porous Material as
Sound Absorber and Vibration Damper
Abd-elfattah A.
Mahmoud* and Mohamed Abd-elbasseer
National Institute
for Standards. Geiza, Egypt.*
There are
several methods to decrease acoustic noise. Sound absorption is
one of the noise control methods, commonly, multi-layer sound
absorbers are applied to absorb broad band noise, the
sound absorption coefficient of different materials are measured
in impedance tube using two-microphone transfer-function method
according to ISO 10534-2 and ASTM E1050-98 international
Multi-layers sound absorbers effectiveness depends on their
construction. The effects of different porous materials (R, S
&F), and layers backing on the sound absorption and of poly
isoprene rubber will be studied.
The treatment for
Multi-layered with sponge and rubber
increasing the sound absorption coefficient value at
about 0.9 and shifted towards a lower frequency range
315-800 Hz.
A. Mahmoud and Mohamed Abd-elbasseer.
Characterization of Poly-isoprene Rubber Layer Backed with
Porous Material as Sound Absorber and Vibration Damper.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):102-109]. (ISSN:
Characterization; Poly-isoprene; Rubber Porous; Material;
Vibration Damper |
The Effect of
Boiling on Milk Microbial Contents and Quality
Ahmed M.M. Metwally1,
Nadia M.A.Dabiza*2, Wagih I.El-Kholy2 and
Zeinab I.Sadek2
Technol.Dept. Faculty of Agric. Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt
Science Department, National Research Center Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Though milk boiling is a widespread heat treatment in number of
countries, the process was not thoroughly studied. In this
study, the effect of boiling buffaloes´
and cow's
milk samples for different periods on their microbiological
contents, keeping quality and bacterial ecology contents and
chemical changes were determined. Lethality rate of 6.53, 6.77,
7.301 and 7.44 in buffaloes` and 6.76, 7.059, 7.012, 7.15 and
7.159 log10 cfu/ml in cows´
milk were
obtained on boiling the samples for 0.5, 1,2 and 5min.,
respectively. Boiling milk for 0.5 and 1min decreased the
bacterial count from 3.6×109 in cow's milk into
6.3×102 and 3.2 ×102 and from 7.8×109
in buffaloes
‘milk into 2.26×103 and 1.3×103
respectively. On cold storage, the microbial content of boiled
milk, not only did not increase but also declined on the first
week. Boiling destroyed bacterial vegetative cell leaving behind
spores of the sporeformer which were dominated with
and Micrococcus leteus.
Boiling affected milk quality far less than the effect occurred
in UHT milk as determined by O.D- value measurements.
[Ahmed M.M. Metwally, Nadia
M.A. Dabiza, Wagih I.El-Kholy and
Zeinab I. Sadek.
The Effect of Boiling on Milk Microbial Contents and Quality.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):110-114]. (ISSN:
Boiling period, Bacillus cereus, Buffaloes` and Cows`
milk, UHT milk |
Evaluation of the
Effects of Bagasse on Tensile and Compressive Strength of
Lightweight Concrete
Mojtaba Labibzadeh
1, Mehdi Nasirifar 1, Amin Khajehdezfuly
of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Chamran
University, Ahvaz, Iran
characteristics of lightweight concrete contained bagasse,
including splitting tensile and compressive strength have been
examined. Bagasse as an agricultural waste was obtaining in the
form of small wood chips after extracting cane sugar in the
Khouzestan state of Iran. In this research, at first a fixed mix
design was considered according to ACI-21. Then some samples
were prepared corresponding to the above mentioned design code
and by inserting 20,30,40 and 50% bagasse as a replacement for
aggregates in concrete mixture and consequently these samples
were tested. The results showed that by increasing of the
content percentage of bagasse, compressive strength decreased
and this decrease for concrete containing 20% bagasse is about
to 36%.The concrete containing 20% bagasse has more splitting
tensile strength in compared to normal concrete approximately up
to 13%. Finally, based on the obtained findings, it can be
concluded that concrete with 20% bagasse could be introduced as
an alternative lightweight concrete regarding to its lower unit
weight and higher splitting tensile strength.
[Mojtaba Labibzadeh,
Mehdi Nasirifar, Amin Khajehdezfuly. Department of Civil
Engineering,Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran. Journal of
American Science 2011;7(2):115-120]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Bagasse; Lightweight concrete; Compressive strength; splitting
tensile strength |
Sulphur efficiency
in rising of pollution soil by heavy metals qualification under
conditions of lettuce plant cultivation
Abd El Fattah, M.S.
Khaled, S.M. and Safaa. A.M.
National Research
Centre, Plant Nutrition Department, Cairo, Egypt.
Pot experiment was established in green house at National
Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt, in polluted soil from industrial
wastes by heavy metals.
Sulphur elemental
was used at different rates (100, 200 and 300 ppm). Lettuce
plant of class (lactuca sativa var. Capitata). Loamy sand soil
type from Helwan region at south of Egypt. Some parameters in
fresh plant were performed. From plant analysis showed existence
positive relationships between sulphur concentrations were added
and chlorophyll concentrations, (N,P and K ) and (Fe, Mn, Zn and
Co) while a negative contact between sulphur rates were added
and (Cd, Ni, Pb and (Cu) contents by comparison with control.
Water filtering from water irrigation was analyzed and shown
that heavy metals were leached from soil. Soil was analyzed at
experiment end shown that nonexistence heavy metals in soil
except slight traces. All the differences between treatments
were significantly.
[Abd El Fattah, M.S. Khaled, S.M.
and Safaa. A.M. Sulphur efficiency in rising of pollution soil
by heavy metals qualification under conditions of lettuce plant
cultivation. Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):121-128].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Sulphur. Loamy sand soil. Lettuce plant. Heavy metals.
Macro-micro nutrients-chlorophyll |
Jatropha Curcas Meal on Lambs Ration and It’s Effect on
Lambs Performance
Abo El-Fadel M.H.,
Hussein, A.M. and Mohamed, A.H.
Animal Production
Research Instiute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
This study
was conducted to determine the effect of heat (HJM), or
biologically with lactobacillus bacteria (BJM), treatments of
meal with on
concentrate ion of anti-nutritive compounds. In order to
replacement of costly imported soybean meal and find out their
effects on rumen fermentation characteristics degradability and
consequently lambs performance. Seven concentrates feed mixtures
(CFM), contained soybean meal was replaced with untreated
Jatropha meal (UJM)
by 0%, JMU (CFM0), 25% JMU (CFM1),
50% JMU (CFM2), or heated
Jatropha meal (JMH) by 25% (CFM4) and 50% JMH
(CFM5) or biological
Jatropha meal (JMB) by 25% (CFM10) and 50% JMI
(CFM11), were formulated to study their degradation
kinetics in the rumen, concentration of anti-nutritive compounds
and performance of lambs fed tested rations. Biological treated
(BJM) was more effective in decreasing anti-nutritive compounds
than heat treatment. These were reflecting on the degradation
kinetics, where DM and OM and their effective degradability (ED)
were higher in (BJM) than (HJM). No significant differences were
detected for daily gain of lambs fed rations contained Basel or
that contained 50% BJM. Economic cash return was more profit for
BJM ration than the Basel ration.
the conditions of the present experiment,
could be
concluded that the bacterial treated JCMB could be replaced up
to 50% JMB with Soybean meal at CFM.
[Abo El-Fadel M.H.,
Hussein A.M. and Mohamed A.H.
Incorporation Jatropha Curcas Meal on Lambs Ration and It’s
Effect on Lambs Performance.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):129-132]. (ISSN:
meal, biological treated heated treated, degradability and daily
gain. |
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):133-138]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 19
Influence of Glyphosate in Between Increasing Growth, Yield and
Controlling Weeds in Faba Bean
El-Shahawy, T.A.
and Faida A.A. Sharara
Botany Dept.,
National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
This study investigates the response of faba bean and associated
weeds to the low rates of glyphosate (1.4, 2.8, 5.6, 11.2, 22.4,
44.8, and 89.6 g a.i./feddan) corresponding to 0.3, 0.6, 1.2,
2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2% of the usage rate (0.467 kg/feddan),
respectively. Two field experiments were conducted in this
regard during two successive seasons (2008/2009-2009/2010). The
plants were sprayed once and twice, 5 and 15 weeks after sowing.
Generally, the one foliar application treatments were more
effective in increasing faba bean growth than the two foliar
application treatments. The best results obtained were for the
concentration 11.2 g/feddan, especially sprayed as once. Plant
height, fresh and dry weight as well as yield and its components
were significantly increased in response. Total protein and
carbohydrate contents were unaffected by the treatments. Weeds
in converse were negatively affected recording the highest
inhibition rate at the concentration 11.2 g sprayed also as
once. It has been suggested that the low doses of glyphosate can
induce faba bean growth, and this could indirectly affect weeds
[El-Shahawy, T.A. and Faida A.A. Sharara. Hormesis Influence of
Glyphosate in Between Increasing Growth, Yield and Controlling
Weeds in Faba Bean. Journal of American Science
2011;7(2):139-144]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: faba bean, glyphosate, herbicides, hormesis, weeds |
Disorders In Shoe-Makers And The Role Of Some Trace Elements
Salwa F. Hafez1,
Yasser H. Ibrahim2, Amal
S. Hussein1 and
Mahmoud A. Hassanien2
Departments of 1Environmental
& Occupational Medicine and 2Air Pollution Research,
National Research Centre, Egypt
Workers in
shoemaking industry are exposed to various risk factors which
can result in many health hazards. They include CNS affection,
other system abnormalities and biochemical derangements.
The aim of this study is to
investigate the possible neurological disorders among
shoe makers, determinate the levels of Cu, Zn and Se in the
workers, and correlate the environmental concentrations of
respirable dust, heavy metals, and organic solvents contents in
the workplaces with the detected neurological disorders. The
study included 62 shoe makers and 72 control subjects who were
matched for age, sex and socioeconomic status. Questionnaire and
clinical neurological examination were done for all subjects.
Serum trace
elements (Cu, Se and Zn) were determined.
Air samples were
collected for environmental monitoring of
volatile organic
compounds (VOCs),
respirable dust and its heavy metal content such as (Cu, Pb, Cr
and Ni). Results showed that
level in the ambient air of the workplaces were found to be
lower than the OSHA standard.
Respirable dust and
heavy metal concentrations were found to be significantly lower
than the Egyptian standard. The results of neurological
examination revealed that 61% of the shoe makers had
neurological disorders,
while all the
control subjects were normal. Nearly half the shoe makers with
neurological abnormality had combined cranial and spinal
neurological disorders (47.4%). Olfactory and auditory nerves
recorded the highest frequency of affection. Among motor
abnormalities, sensory abnormalities and disturbances in
micturation reported in workers, muscular weakness had the
highest frequency of occurrence.
Duration of
exposure in shoe makers with combined cranial and spinal
abnormalities, and spinal alone were significantly longer than
that in normal shoe makers and those with cranial problems while
there was no significant effect of the age on the incidence of
neurological abnormalities. On comparing levels of the trace
elements between the shoe makers and controls, Se was
significantly lower in the shoe makers, while levels of Cu and
Zn levels were not significantly different between the two
groups. No significant difference in levels of Cu, Se, and Zn
between neurologically normal and abnormal shoe makers. In
Occupational exposure to organic solvents and other chemicals in
shoemaking industry was found to have hazardous effects on
nervous system both cranial and spinal. The protective role of
trace elements has been suggested. Levels of Se were decreased
in shoe workers, while, the exact role of Zn and Cu are not
clarified in the development of neurological abnormalities and
needs further study.
[Salwa F. Hafez,
Yasser H. Ibrahim, Amal S. Hussein and Mahmoud A. Hassanien.
ELEMENTS. Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):145-153].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Cranial Neurological Disorders, Spinal Neurological Disorders,
shoemakers, Organic Solvents, Zinc, Selenium |
Studies On The Effect Of Electromagnetic Field On The Liver Of
Albino Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)
Mohamed El-Hady
El-desoky and Marwa Mohamady
of Zoology - Faculty of Science - Benha University
The aim of the
present study was to study the effect of long-term exposure of
rats (1 hour per day, 3 days weekly for 4 weeks) to either
static or time varying magnetic fields of induced flux densities
2 mT (millitesla) =20G (Gauss), on the ultrastructure of liver
tissue. One hundred and ten male rats were divided into three
main groups. Animals of the first group (10 rats) were not
exposed to the magnetic field and represented the control group.
The second group (50 rats) was exposed to static magnetic field
(direct current) at strength of 2 mT. The third group (50 rats)
was exposed to alternating magnetic field (alternating current)
at strength 2 mT.
The results revealed structural irregularity in hepatocyte
nuclei as the most prominent ultrastructural change in the liver
of treated groups. This was manifested as irregularity of
nuclear membranes, widening of the nuclear pores and
heterogeneous distribution of the chromatin material.
Furthermore, swelling and clumping and deformation of
mitochondria were observed in the groups exposed to the magnetic field. In addition, the rough endoplasmic reticulum
appeared with marked dilation and the lysosomes appeared
[Mohamed El-Hady El-desoky and Marwa Mohamady.
Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):154-165]. (ISSN:
Electromagnetic Field; Ultrastructural Studies; Liver; Albino
Rats |
Morphology and Seed Coat Sculpturing
of 32 Taxa of Family Brassicaceae
Wael Taha kasem
l, Ghareeb, A2
and Marwa, E.2
and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar
University, Cairo, Egypt
Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University,
Cairo, Egypt
The seed exomorphic characters of 32 taxa were investigated by
the aid of LM and SEM. The seed exomorphic characters that is
diagnostic at the generic and specific level are, seed shape,
dimensions, colour, epidermal cells, and seed coat surface,
aspect of anticlinal and periclinal walls.
The seed shape
among the taxa showed wide range of variations.
LM revealed
most of the seeds vary from globose to
or elongate.
seed shape as observed in the present study seems to be
diagnostic at the generic level. Also, most of the investigated
seeds have no wings except Farsetia aegyptia.
The SEM investigation at higher magnifications revealed main six
types of seed surface sculpture; reticulate, ocellate, foveate,
stellate and domate.
The seed
exomorphic criteria extracted from LM and SEM
were analyzed by the STATISCA program package using the UPGMA
clustering method.
Produced data
facilitate the construction of an dendrogam between the studied
Taha kasem, Ghareeb, A and Marwa, E.
Seed Morphology and Seed Coat Sculpturing of 32 Taxa of Family
Brassicaceae. Journal of American Science 2011;7(2):166-178].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae); Seed coat sculpture; LM; SEM |
Evaluation of the
Reaction of Major Weeds and Some Rice Cultivars to
Colletotrichum graminicola
Mohammad Reza
Safari Motlagh1 and Armin Javadzadeh2
Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic
Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Guilan Province
41335-3516, Iran. Tel:00989111384168
Department of Plant Breeding and Agronomy, Faculty of
Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz,
Azerbaijan Province Iran
author’s email:
Alisma plantago-aquatica,
Sagitaria trifolia and Echinochloa spp. are among
the most important damaging weeds of rice paddies. In this
research, Colletotrichum graminicola was isolated from
these weeds and studied as a biological agent for controlling
weeds. To do so, at first, reactions of five rice cultivars
including three indigenous cultivars such as Hashemi, Ali Kazemi
and Binam and two bred ones, i.e. Sepidroud and Khazar to
Colletotrichum graminicola were evaluated. Thus, a
complete random design with three replications and five
treatments was used at a greenhouse. Then, Colletotrichum
graminicola was inoculated on these weeds. The experimental
design was a randomized completed with three replications.
Inoculation was done at the 3-4-leaf stage using a spore
suspension consisting of 10 conidia/mL distilled water to which Tween-20
1% was added. Results showed that Colletotrichum graminicola
caused high disease ratings in Alisma plantago-aquatica,
Sagitaria trifolia, E. crus-galli and E. oryzicola,
respectively. In addition, the studied rice cultivars showed a
significant reaction in terms of the disease rating among which
bred cultivars were less tolerant. Moreover, the fungus reduced
fresh weight, dry weight and height in the studied weeds and
rice cultivars. Therefore, C. graminicola can be used as
a mycoherbicide for the biological control of these weeds only
when other cultivars except the above-mentioned rice cultivars
are planted. This issue particularly requires producing new
tolerant cultivars with a combination of the desired traits.
Reza Safari Motlagh and Armin Javadzadeh.
Evaluation of the Reaction of Major Weeds and Some Rice
Cultivars to Colletotrichum graminicola Journal of
American Science 2011;7(2):179-185]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
weeds, Colletotrichum graminicola, rice, biological
control. |
Full Text
The Theoretical and Conceptual Framework and
Application of Community Empowerment and Participation in
Processes of Community Development in Malaysia
1Asnarulkhadi A Samah &
1Dept. of Social and Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology,
Putra University, Malaysia
2Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fars, Iran,
This study defines and discusses the concept of participation in
the context of social development in general, and in terms of
community development and community work specifically. Community
development could not be achieved without community
participation. The principles and techniques underlying the
empowering process are also elaborated. The study describes the
application of the concepts defined in some of the community
work and community development activities in Malaysia.
[Asnarulkhadi A Samah & Fariborz Aref, The Theoretical and
Conceptual Framework and Application of Community Empowerment
and Participation in Processes of Community Development in
Malaysia, Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):186-195].
(ISSN: 1545-1003)”
community, community participation, empowerment |
Full Text |
Level set segmentation method in cancer's cells
Ali Elyasi*†, Yousef
Ganjdanesh**, Kave Kangarloo*, Mehdi Hossini**, Marzie
*Department of Electrical Engineering,
Islamic Azad University،
Central Tehran Branch, poonak Sq. Tehran, Iran
**Department of Electrical Engineering,
Islamic Azad University،
Saveh Branch, Felestin Sq. Saveh, Iran
†Corresponding Author:
Tel:+98 21 66423022, E-mail:
For early detection in
cancer, it is necessary that cells be monitored on time. One of
the first steps in the monitoring process is segmenting the
cancer's cells. In this paper, we focused on the level set
method and compared with snake active contour that use in image
segmentation. Level set method is a fast and accurate approach
that can be used in segmentation and reduce human interaction as
possible. A set of cancer cells images is selected to serve as
the representative test set. The selections are different sizes
and resolutions.
[Ali Elyasi, Yousef Ganjdanesh, Kave Kangarloo, Mehdi Hossini.
Level set segmentation method in cancer's cells images. Journal
of American Science 2011;7(2):196-204]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Level set; GVF snake; cancer’s cell; Image
segmentation |
Full Text |
Thermo-Statically Safety
Control of Dez Dam under Unexpected Lake Level Reduction
Mojtaba Labibzadeh,
Amin Khajehdezfuly
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid
Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Dez dam stability was examined due to unexpected decrease in its
reservoir level by performing a 3D finite elements analysis. The
dam as well as its foundation and abutments have been modeled in
a relatively exact manner. Moreover, the vertical contraction
joints were simulated in the analysis. Hydrostatic, gravity and
thermal forces have been taken into account as the main load
combinations. 10m reduction of reservoir level from normal water
level of the dam reservoir was considered in the modeling and
the possibility of initiate and development of cracks in dam
body was investigated by means of monitoring of principal
stresses. The obtained results revealed that no serious
instability would occur in Dez arch concrete dam.
[Mojtaba Labibzadeh
and Amin Khajehdezfuly. Department of Civil Engineering, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran. Journal of American Science
2011;7(2):205-212]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Arch dam, Concrete dam, Thermal, Hydrostatic,
Gravity, Contraction joints, Dam safety |
Full Text |
Determinants of
urban Land Price in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Victor Tamba Simbay
KABBA1, 2 and Jiangfeng Li3
of Land Resources Management, Faculty of Economy and Management,
China University of
Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430074, China; 0086-15827480592
of Geography and Development Studies, School of Environmental
Njala University,
Republic of Sierra Leone
of Land Resources Management, Faculty of Earth Resources,
China University of
Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Internal migration has over the last two decades increased
demand for residential land in Freetown. Unfortunately, access
to land via the government functionary has not kept pace with
demands. The majority of the population therefore depends on the
unofficial land market. This study addressed two objectives. The
first attempted to identify the most important variables that
determine urban land price. The second compared the east, and
west sections of the city, in terms of which factors are
significant in determining land price in each area. Taking eight
settlements, four on either side of the city centre, 160
residents were interviewed for objective one. A model was
developed using 10 variables, and a regression equation, based
on land maximization theory was ran. The obtained parameters-r2=0.81,
P=0.000, α=0.05, indicated a strong overall positive correlation
between the dependent and explanatory variables, and the
regression model highly significant. Positive correlation
coefficients were shown by income, population, infrastructure,
social status, environmental concerns and neighbourhood. These
indeed explained the factors that influenced residential land
use in Freetown, especially in the western half of the city. For
objective 2, a total of 40 land traders and 40 land buyers were
interviewed, and the results presented in percentages. These
showed that the two sides agreed only on income, and population
as significant in determining land price. We concluded that this
had to do with class division, as the west houses the three arms
of government, diplomats, and wealthy, as against the middle and
low class in the east.
Tamba Simbay KABBA and Jiangfeng Li. Determinants of urban
Land Price in
Freetown, Sierra
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):213-223]. (ISSN:
Keywords: residential land; urban land market; land
price; model; east/west ends |
Full Text |
Determination of the Appropriate Time of Relaying Cassava into
Pepper in Intercropping System in Nigeria
Adeola, R. G. 1, Tijani-Eniola, H. 2 And
Kolawole, G. O. 3
of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Ladoke Akintola
University of Technology, P.M.B. 4000 Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
of Agronomy, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B.
Ogbomoso, Nigeria;
Relay intercropping of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
into pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is a common practice
among farmers in Nigeria. However, there is high variation in
the time of the relay thus leading to variability in yields of
cassava and pepper. Field experiments were conducted to
determine the appropriate time to introduce cassava into pepper
in a relay intercrop. The experiment was a randomized complete
block design replicated three times. Five different planting
dates of relaying cassava into pepper were evaluated. Pepper
and two cassava varieties were the test crops. Sole pepper was
included for comparison. Delayed
relay planting of cassava into pepper beyond 1 MAT (Months after
transplanting) adversely affected the yield of both cassava
varieties while simultaneous planting of pepper and cassava
delayed flowering and maturity of pepper with a resultant effect
of significant
reduction in fruit yield of pepper. The most appropriate time to introduce cassava into pepper
in a relay intercrop was 1 MAT.
R. G., Tijani-Eniola, H. And Kolawole, G. O.
Determination of the Appropriate Time of Relaying Cassava into
Pepper in Intercropping System in Nigeria. Journal
of American Science 2011; 7(2):224-231]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Capsicum annuum, cropping pattern, Manihot esculenta,
relay intercrop, sole crop |
Full Text |
Enhancement the teaching and learning methods of some zoological
courses (invertebrate, parasitology and animal physiology) in
Taif University, KSA
Ismail Shalaby1,2, Nahla S. El-Shenawy1,2,
Mahi Ghobashy1,2 and Amaal Mohammadein1,3
Department, Faculty of science, Taif
Saudi Arabia.
2Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal
3Zoology department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig
The main objective of this study is to outline specific manners
by which learning and teaching processes can be enhanced in the
university campuses for the sake of superior learning
capabilities and experiences.
This paper describes the advantages of various approaches of
improving the teaching of some biological courses (invertebrate,
parasitology and animal physiology), including the disciplinary,
the problem-oriented and combined approaches. In the
disciplinary approach, the previous courses are taught in the
classical manner as a coherent subject, covering classification
of invertebrate, biology of invertebrate and parasites,
molecular biology, pathology and immunology, as well as clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, therapy, control and prevention of
parasitic diseases. Animal physiological course included the
description of different systems in the human body and compared
with the other animals. Problem-oriented teaching approaches the
subject, starting from diseases in animal species or from organ
systems; it also tackles training of skills for problem solving
and self-learning. Combined approaches include elements of the
disciplinary approach and those of other methods. A list of the
developed courses and the way of presentation has been
The course syllabus put in student guide to be given to the
student in the beginning of the semester.
Improving the practical courses has
been done by recording them in video.
The strategy in the lectures has been changed with the students
to minimize the distance with them.
Moreover, three workshops have been hold during improving the
courses to enhance the efficacy of the technician in the using
the computer and modern equipments. Based on the observations
and experiences regarding teaching biological courses (branch of
zoology), some suggestions have been made which may be helpful
in the development of curriculum of zoology in Taif university,
KSA to approach to online biological programs (E-learning) at
leading research universities.
Shalaby, Nahla S. El-Shenawy, Mahi Ghobashy and Amaal
Enhancement the teaching and learning methods of some zoological
courses (invertebrate, parasitology and animal physiology) in
Taif University, KSA.
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):232-238]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Zoology; teaching, disciplinary, problem-oriented, combined and
Region-specific approaches; E-learning, preparation of
syllabus, evaluation of courses. |
Full Text |
31 |
Water use
efficiency in rice hybrid under different water intervals and
nitrogen levels
Ashouri, M and E,
Islamic azad
university Roudsar & Amlash branch, Iran.
E-mail: and
Tel: +981426212910;
Fax: +981426212911
Author: Ashouri, M.
Shortage of
water in rice cultivation area of
Iran is going to be
a major problem in near future therefore water use in rice
production systems has to be reduced and water use efficiency
increased. Experiment was conducted in a
split plot based on
completely randomized block design with 3 replications during
2007-2008. Four levels of nitrogen (N1=0, N2= 90, N3= 120 and
N4= 150 kg/ha) were splited on 4 different irrigation
managements (I1=continuous submergence, I2= 5, I3= 8 and I4= 11
days interval). Grain yield was 7342, 7079, 7159 and 5168 kg/ha
in I1 to I4 and 5303, 6628, 7398 and 7418 kg/ha in N1 to N4
respectively. Water use efficiency was 1.41, 1.53, 1.68 and
1.31kg m3 in I1 to I4 and 1.16, 1.48, 1.67 and 1.63 kg/m3in N1
to N4 respectively. Water used was 5190, 4630, 4270 and 3950 m3
in I1 to I4 and 4590, 4470, 4440 and 4540 m3 in N1 to N4
The results clearly showed that continuous submergence
irrigation is not essential for rice production and we can use
irrigation interval 8 days. The application of 120 and 150 kg/ha
nitrogen produce same grain yield, therefore consumption of 120
kg/ha nitrogen for rice hybrid advised.
M and E, Amiri. Water use efficiency in rice hybrid under
different water intervals and nitrogen levels.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):239-243]. (ISSN:
irrigation, nitrogen, water use efficiency, rice, Iran |
Full Text |
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Evaluation of Probiotic, Bacillus Subtilis, against
Flavobacterium columnare in Tilapia Nilotica (Oreochromis
Niloticus) Fish in
Sharkia Governorate,
Mohamed H Mohamed
and Nahla AG Ahmed Refat
Dept of Vet. Pathology, Fac Vet Medicine,
Zagazig University, 44519 Zagazig City, Egypt.
Abstract: Fifteen out-of eighty-five
of collected Tilapia nilotica fish (17.64%) showing skin
lesions, were positive for Flavobacterium columnare with
cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics. These
skin lesions were large erosions with loss of scales and
red-grayish patches, particularly at the frontal head region and
abdomen. All of the positive isolates (Flavobacterium
columnare) were molecularly tested by means of PCR. With
consistent with F. columnare standard ATCC 49512 strain,
these isolates produced a 675 bp band. One hundred apparently
healthy Tilapia nilotica fingerlings (30±5 gm)
were used to evaluate the effectiveness of probiotic,
Bacillus subtilis, in water or diet against the
intramuscular challenge with Flavobacterium columnare
infection. They were equally divided into 10 groups (10 fish for
each group). Five groups were experimental control {placebo (gp
1), intramuscularly infected with 0.2 x108 F.
columnare CFU (gp 2), received 0.1 gm/L probiotic in water (gp
3), 0.2 gm /L probiotic in fish diet (gp 4), or 1 gm/L
oxytetracycline (gp 5)}; two were prophylactic experiment
{received 0.1 (gp 6) or 0.2 (gp 7) gm of probiotic in water and
diet, respectively 2 months before bacterial infection and
continued for a week later}; and three were treated experiment
{intramuscularly infected with 0.2 x108 F.
columnare CFU and then received the probiotic in water (gp
8), diet (gp 9) or 1 gm/L oxytetracycline for a week (gp 10)}.
Specimens from the skin, gills, liver, kidney and intestine were
collected, fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin solution and
were routinely processed for pathological examination. Exposure
of the fish to F. columnare infection produced focal
coagulative necrosis, ulcerations besides severe hydropic and
spongiosis in the epidermis, particularly at the necrotic areas
of the fins and heavily infiltrated with granulocytes and few
lymphocytes. The dermis was infiltrated with neutrophils and the
underlying muscles were necrotic. The
showed coagulative necrosis in the gill-filaments
with neutrophils infiltration and few extravasated erythrocytes.
Focal proliferation of the respiratory epithelium was noticed
particularly those covering the secondary lamellae which
frequently sloughed. The probiotic (prophylactic experiment) in
water or diet was alleviated the lesions of the
Flavobacterium columnare infected fish with an increase of
water quality, while such changes were still similar to those
described with infected fish in probiotic treated experiment.
The oxytetracycline-treated group showed significant reduction
of these lesions and the treated fish appeared normal.
Collectively, it could be concluded that
the probiotic, B. subtilis, in water or diet (as
prophylaxis) are effective in amelioration the lesions of F.
columnare infections that have wide spread among Egyptian
freshwater fish. Oxytetracycline is the drug of choice to treat
such disease and minimize the lesions of F. columnare.
H Mohamed and Nahla AG Ahmed Refat. Pathological Evaluation
of Probiotic, Bacillus Subtilis, against Flavobacterium
columnare in Tilapia Nilotica (Oreochromis
Niloticus) Fish in
Sharkia Governorate,
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):244-256]. (ISSN:
Flavobacterium columnare,
Probiotic B. subtilis, Tilapia nilotica,
PCR and Oxytetracycline |
Full Text |
32 |
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):257-269]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Withdrawn |
Full Text |
34 |
of Lumbo-Pelvic Stabilizing Exercises in the Treatment of Backache after
Normal Labour.
Hala M. Hanfy1*,
Fayiz F. Elshamy1, Mohamed A. Awad1,
Hossam Gad.2
of physical therapy for Obstetric and Gynaecology, Faculty of
physical therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.
of Orthopedic surgery, Faculty of medicine, Tanta University,
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Lumbo-pelvic
stabilizing exercises in the treatment of post partum backache.
Twenty volunteers women diagnosed with post partum backache,
their ages ranged from 25-35years, they were delivered normally
and received stabilizing exercises for lumbo-pelvic muscles (24
sessions), 3 sessions per week for 8 week. All women were
evaluated before and after the end of the treatment progrmme
using visual analogue scale for pain assessment and Oswestry
disability questionnaire for the assessment of functional
disability The obtained results showed highly statistically
significant decrease in pain intensity.(p<0.001), and improve
the functional disability (p<0.01) at the end of the study
Accordingly, it could be concluded that lumbo-pelvic stabilizing
exercises appears to be effective in the management of post
partum backache.
M. Hanfy, Fayiz F. Elshamy, Mohamed A. Awad, Hossam Gad..Evaluation
of Lumbo-Pelvic Stabilizing Exercises in the Treatment of Backache after Normal Labour.
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):270-276]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
post partum – backache – lumbo-pelvic stabilizing exercise
-visual analogue scale – Oswestery disability questionnaire |
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34 |
The Association
between Lichen Planus and Hepatitis C Virus
Hasnaa A.
Abo-Elwafa*1, Esam-Eldeen Abdel-Aziz Nada2,
Reham Ezz- Eldawla El-Sharkawy2,
Nesreen Ali Ahmed Abdel-Rahman2
Pathology Department1, Dermatology and Venereology
Department2, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University,
Egypt. *
Hepatitis C
virus, has been associated with a wide variety of extrah- epatic
manifestations (EHM) in the natural history of the
disease. Lichen planus LP has also been reported in association
with the hepatitis C virus.
Objective is
to determine the frequency of HCV in patients with LP in Sohag
University Hospital.
Patients and
The study
was carried out at Sohag University Hospital in Clinical
Pathology Department and Dermatology Venereology Department from
October 2009 to April 2010, on 70 patients with LP (34 males, 36
females) their age ranged from 25 to 80 years old, and 20
patients (11 males, 9 females) their age ranged from 22 to 70
years old as a control group with other dermatological
manifestations. Patients were recruited from the out patient
clinic of dermatology department, full history, clinical
examination, biopsy in some cases to confirm the diagnosis of LP
and laboratory investigations for anti-HCV detection, liver
function tests were done.
There is
no significant difference between LP group and control group
regarding the age or the sex (p = 0.176). There is highly
significant increase in HCV infection between LP group (p =
0.000), there is a significant increase in HCV infection among
the old age patients (p = 0.008), HCV infection and duration of
LP showed a significant correlation (p = 0.022). There was an
increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in actenic LP
patients and mucous LP patients compared with those of classic
type (p = 0.028).
A possible relationship between LP and HCV, thus, it seems that
the HCV antibody test is necessarily required for LP patients.
A. Abo-Elwafa, Esam-Eldeen Abdel-Aziz Nada, Reham Ezz- Eldawla
El-Sharkawy, Nesreen Ali Ahmed Abdel-Rahman. The Association
between Lichen Planus and Hepatitis C Virus. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(2):277-282]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Lichen Planus- HCV Infection; dermatological manifestation |
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Protective Effect
of some Antioxidants against CCl4-Induced Toxicity in
Liver Cells from BRL3A Cell Line.
Kamel, H.H.1,
Azza, H. Abd-El-Rahman1, Walaa, M.S. Ahmed1
and Amira, H. Mohamed2
Pathology Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med. Beni-Suef University,
Beni-Suef, Egypt
Pathology Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med. Cairo University, Giza,
An in vitro experiment was conducted to investigate the
protective effect of ascorbic acid, mannitol and aminoguanidine
at different concentrations against carbon tetrachloride induced
toxicity and oxidative stress in hepatocytes cell line (BRL3A)
from buffalo rats. Results were compared with those of vitamin E
as standard hepatoprotective agent.
Treatment of BRL3A
lead to generation of free radicals detected after two hours
incubation using ESR technique and produced cell injury
demonstrated by increased leakage of LDH, ALT and AST to the
media. Exposure to
caused apoptosis to cells but did not induce lipid peroxidation
as tested by the TBARS technique. Treatment with vitamin E has
significant hepatoprotective effect by lowering the leakage of
intracellular enzymes, reducing the oxidation of proteins and
decrease incidence of apoptosis.
Ascorbic acid,
mannitol and aminoguanidine were ineffective against
CcL4 toxicity.
H.H., Azza, H. Abd-El-Rahman, Walaa, M.S. Ahmed and Amira, H.
Mohamed. Protective Effect of some Antioxidants against Ccl4-Induced
Toxicity in Liver Cells from BRL3A Cell Line.
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):283-296]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Protective Effect; antioxidants; CCl4-Induced
Toxicity; Liver; Cell; BRL3A Cell Line |
Full Text |
Recognition of
Geographical diffusion Esophagus Cancer in Southwestern of
Caspian Sea
Bahman Ramezani
Associate Professor
of Physical Geography
Islamic Azad
University, Rasht branch,
Esophagus Cancer is
an important disease in Iran and has second rank of death after
heart disease, in north of Iran this disease has maximum
diffusion and has arrangement of Iran in Asian belt of this
disease.Environmental and climatically conditions in each area
could be helpful toward diffusion and out breaking diseases,
like as Esophagus Cancer. Rate of appearing this disease in
recent years in Iran and especially in Gilan province
(Southwestern of Caspian Sea) has increased that this problem
could be very importance by cost ill and its problems.The aim of
this paper is recognition of geographically diffusion of
Esophagus Cancer in Gilan and presents it by map.The research
method of this paper has used from medical documents diseases
from hospital, library document studies (Soil, Geology and
climate) and field work from 2001-2005 years.Results of this
paper has showed that Esophagus Cancer (most rate) rather than
on mans,and it has more diffusions in central area in province
of Gilan(Talesh,Lahijan,Someh sara and Rasht) and environmental
factors such as, soil factor (Lithosel and Brown forest,
climatically factors (season and cold course) and has
relationship effectives on Esophagus Cancer diffusions and its
presenting by map. This paper has written in framework at
Geography of Health (Medical geography) that Geographical
scattering an important of this paper, than this essay must be
complete by other specialists (Environmental and medicines).
[Bahman Ramezani
Recognition of Geographical diffusion Esophagus Cancer in
Southwestern of Caspian Sea.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):297-302]. (ISSN:
Esophagus Cancer, Geography of health, Caspian Sea |
Full Text |
Development of
ELISA Method for primary Detection of HCV using core Antigen
Shirin Nourollahi1,
Seyed Mehdi Boutorabi2, Ali Mirjalili3,
Mahmoud Mahmoudian Shooshtari4, Maryam Razaghi1,
Masoomeh Hashemi5, Mehrdad Jalalian6, 7
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of basic Sciences, Islamic
Azad University-Zanjan branch.Iran
Director of
Research Lab., Pishtaz Teb Inc. Tehran, Iran.
Department of
Biotechnology, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute,
Tehran, Iran.
Center of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Tehran, Iran.
Department of
Biochemistry, Payamenour University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Razavi Blood Center, Mashhad, Iran.
Department of
Community Health, faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor D.E., Malaysia.
Studies show
that Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antigens appear before antibody
while the early days of infection. Therefore detecting antigens
could lead us to diagnosing the infection on time. The aim of
this study was to develop a simple and sensitive enzyme
immunoassay for the detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core
antigen in order to evaluate the role of core antigen as a
marker of HCV infection. A total of 280 samples was tested by
third generation anti-HCV, and the reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed only when the
anti-HCV enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was positive. All samples were
tested with HCV core antigen using Elisa kits. Among the 280
samples, 95 samples were anti-HCV positive. Among those 95
samples, 75 samples were RT-PCR-positive. The cut-off value was
set at 0.15 unit of optical density (equivalent to 2.5 pg/ml of
core antigen based on the distribution of healthy subjects
(anti-HCV-negative subjects). The difference between the mean
optical density values of HCV-ribonucleic acid-positive (HCV-RNA-positive)
samples and HCV-RNA-negative samples in the HCV core antigen
assay was highly significant (1.4 us 0.08, p < 0.005). The
sensitivity and specificity of the core antigen assay were 88%
and 96%, respectively. The pretreatment of the anti-HCV-positive
samples with a solution that contained 1.5 M glycin buffer (pH =
2) increased the sensitivity of the assay (from 57.3% to 88%).
This assay is a simple, sensitive, and useful method for use as
a screening strategy for HCV infection in anti-HCV-positive or
anti-HCV-negative individuals.
Nourollahi, Seyed Mehdi Boutorabi, Ali Mirjalili, Mahmoud
Mahmoudian Shooshtari, Maryam Razaghi, Masoomeh Hashemi, Mehrdad
Jalalian. Development of ELISA Method for primary Detection
of HCV using core Antigen. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(2):303-307]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Hepatitis C virus (HCV); Core antigen; ELISA; Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) |
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Diversity of Medicinal Plants in the Biospherical Reservation
Areas of Iran
(A Case Study of the protected area of Miankaleh)
Abed Vahedi1, Esmaeil Yasari2
author: Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of
Agricultural and Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University,
Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Mazandaran, 48148-35497. Cell:
+98-09356211306. Iran.
Prof, Payame Noor University, Sari, Mazandaran, 48189-35455.
Cell: +98-9113511510, Iran.
Awareness of people concerning the side
effects of chemical drugs has caused an increasing interest in
traditional medicine. This study was carried out to gather and
identify medicinal plants, their curative effects and the part
of them which is used from the reservation area of Miankaleh.
The region under study has an area of 68800 hectares situated 12
kilometers north of the city of Behshahr and northwest of the
city of Gorgan. During numerous visits to the area, plants were
gathered and, after their identification using specialized
references of medicinal plants, the part used and the curative
effects of the plants were determined. Results obtained showed
that out of a total of 43 families, 125 genera, and 155 species
found in the region, 33 families, 52 genera, and 61 species (39%
of all the species) belonged to medicinal plants, among which
the class Asteraceae with 6 species and the class Chenopodiaceae
with 5 species had the most medicinal species. The most used
parts of the plants were the leaves with 31%, the whole plants
with 19%, and the roots with 15%.
[Abed Vahedi, Esmaeil Yasari.
Diversity of Medicinal Plants in the Biospherical Reservation
Areas of Iran (A Case Study of the protected area of Miankaleh).
Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(2):308-312]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Miankaleh, Medicinal plants, Boispherical reservation area,
traditional medicine |
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Effective Use Of
Teaching Methodologies At Secondary Level In Pakistan
Tariq Mehmood 1,
Zahoor-ur-Rehman 2
Author Tariq Mehmood is Principal at Benevolent Public School,
Kohat Road Peshawar and Ph.D. Scholar at Preston University,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science University of
Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, Lahore Pakistan.,
The objective of
the study was to investigate the effective use of teaching
methodologies at Secondary level in Pakistan. All the
participants i.e.100% of Fourth Six week training workshop on
“Educational Leadership and Institutional Management” for
educational managers at Academy of Educational Planning and
Management, Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan were
included in the sample. For the purpose of data collection, a
questionnaire was prepared. Data collected through the
questionnaire was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by
applying percentage. Major findings of the study reveal that (1)
teacher’s presents a brief overview of the contents; (2)
teacher’s uses A.V. aids to enhance the student’s comprehension
of the concepts; (3) teacher speaks at a rate which allows
students time to take notes; (4) teacher evaluates the success
of his teaching by asking questions about the topic at the end
of the session and; (5) teacher assigns homework and checks it
regularly. It was concluded that teachers probe questions answer
is incomplete, repeats questions when necessary and also
responds students queries politely and carefully; teacher
establishes and maintains vigilant contact with the student’s
body movements do not contradict the speech and takes notes to
respond students curiosity and the teachers voice can be heard
easily, he raises and lowers his voice for variety and emphasis.
It has been recommended that A.V. materials should be used more
vigilantly by teachers to make their teaching effective, teacher
must pay attention to remove sign of puzzlement to make students
learned better and teacher should pay more attention to his own
personality and manners and be cooperative with student’s words.
Mehmood, Zahoor-ur-Rehman. Effective Use Of Teaching
Methodologies At Secondary Level In
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):313-320]. (ISSN:
Teacher, teaching methods, strategies, tactics, secondary level |
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Importance of Credits for Rural Women
Mohammad Abedi1, Seyed Mehdi Mirdamadi2,
Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini3, Iraj Saleh4
1, 2 3Department
of Agricultural Extension Education, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
of Agricultural Extension Education, Faculty of Agricultural
Economics and Development, University, College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and
Development, University, College of Agriculture & Natural
Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
One of important
factor for production and occupation is capital. In developing
societies that most of their exploiters are novice, lending and
credit projects is suitable tool for accessing purposes such as
increasing efficiency and obliterating deprivation from rural
society. But at one side, we need credits to make technological
changes in productive activities and at the other hand we need
suitable technical technologies to use credits with optimum
efficiency. Supplying credits and analyzing credits approaches
cause opportunity to activate poor men’s working power,
establishing field for sustainable production and income,
prevent usurers and pre shoppers of agriculture productions to
plunder poor rural men and finally empowering poor people
especially women who can work but were deprived to have capital
and work tools, and extension accordance to their activities
such as needs assessment, identifying target group, organizing
poor people, giving needed specialized and public training etc.
have important role on effectiveness and make effective
activities of these credits.
[Mohammad Abedi,
Mehdi Mirdamadi, Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini and Iraj Saleh.
Importance of Credits for Rural Women.
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):321-329]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
women, rural, credit, empowerment
Full Text |
Journal of American Science
2011; 7(2):330-337]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Full Text |
The variational
iteration method for exact solutions of fuzzy heat-like
equations with variable coefficients
Hamid Rouhparvar , Saeid Abbasbandy , Tofigh Allahviranloo
Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad
University Saveh Branch, Saveh 39187/366, Iran
Department of Mathematics, Science and
Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran 14778, Iran;
In this paper,
the variational iteration method (VIM) and Buckley-Feuring
method (BFM) are applied to find the exact fuzzy solution of the
fuzzy heat-like equations in one and two dimensions with
variable coefficients. Further a comparison between VIM-BFM and
Seikkala solutions is provided.
[Hamid Rouhparvar,
Saeid Abbasbandy, Tofigh Allahviranloo. Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):338-345]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Fuzzy functions; Fuzzy heat-like equations; Iterative method;
Variational iteration method |
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The Zoning of
Drought with SIAP model in Sapeedroud valley, Gilan-Iran, South
western of Caspian Sea
Bahman Ramezani
professor in Physical Geography,Islamic Azad University,Rasht
Drought is a
natural disaster and its repeatable in all climates. In each
year more than half of earth is prone to drought occurrence, in
Iran also, many times drought condition has happened, such as in
25 years occurred and has influenced on crop yield and water
resources. The aim of this paper is recognition of drought with
Standard Index Annual Precipitation ( SIAP model ) in framework
of research project. The results of research paper has shown in Sapeedrud valley drought has occurred in upland and lowland
area( 12-19% from total frequency) and the other area is 5-12 %
drought from total frequency and also the focuses of drought
years has located in south area in all research period.
Ramezani Gourabi. The Zoning of Drought with SIAP model in
Sapeedroud valley, Gilan-Iran, South western of Caspian Sea.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):346-350]. (ISSN:
Caspian Sea,Drought,Gilan,SIAP model |
Full Text |
information and communication technology (ICT)
in education
Sharareh Khodamoradi1 and Mohammad Abedi2
of Agricultural Extension Education, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
of Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr
Branch, Iran
*Corresponding author:
There are Fundamental challenges about the role of information
and communication technology (ICT) in education. This has led to
serious skills shortages in many countries. In turn this has put
increasing pressure on policy makers, universities and other
training institutions to come up with approaches to inspire
young students to choose ICT for their studies. There is also a
strong argument for retraining many people who already have
pre-service and in-survive education, whether in the workforce
or not, to overcome to looming ICT skills crises. This paper
reports on the examination of these points. It will also explore
appropriate ways to combat this problem through analysis and
identification of real prospects for ICT education.
Khodamoradi and Mohammad Abedi. Fundamental challenges of information and communication technology (ICT)
in education.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):351-355]. (ISSN:
ICT, education |
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Comparison of
Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Light Weight Concrete Prepared
with Bagassese between Cubic and Cylindrical Specimens
Hassan Tanoursaz
1, Mojtaba Labibzadeh 2,*
Civil Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Dezful
Bearnch, Iran
Civil Department, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Chamran
University, Ahvaz, Iran
author: Tel: +98-0916-311-7745, E-mail:
Sugar cane had
been one of the most important agricultural products in the
province of Khuzestan in Iran Country. Because of that since a
long time ago this region has been called "The sugar Cane
Region" or "Khoozestan ". In the process of sugar cane refinery,
yellow fibers called Bagasse are generated which are known as
the wastes of this product. About one million tons of Bagasse is
produced in the province of Khuzestan each year, which could be
a source of bioenvironmental problems and environmental
pollutants. In this study, this tributary product which had been
used before by the author and his co-workers (labibzadeh, et.
al., 2011) to generate a kind of Light Weight Concrete (LWC)
was more examined in order to investigate its effect on the
relationship between the compressive bearing of the proposed LWC
with different shape samples ( cubic and cylindrical ) including
Bagasse. To perform this work, at the first a constant mixing
plan was considered according to ACI-211.2 standard code, then
some samples were prepared according to this strategy, without
adding Bagasse and after curing, they were tested. Then, samples
with the mentioned mixing plan and 10,20,30,40 &50 percents of
including Bagasse were designed to substitute the aggregates in
the mixture and after curing these samples according to standard
code manual ACI-211.2, the corresponding tests conducted and
the results have been deduced and interpreted. The results
showed that the ratio of compressive strength of cylindrical
samples to cubic ones of the normal concrete for mass concrete
is 0.89 which can be increased to 1 for 20% including Bagasse
light weight concrete. Here, the point which should be
considered is the noticeable reduction of this ratio for 30%
Bagasse concrete which is equal to 0.988 to 0.404 for 40%
Bagasse concrete.
Tanoursaz, Mojtaba Labibzadeh, Amin Khajehdezfuly. Comparison
of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Light Weight Concrete
Prepared with Bagassese between Cubic and Cylindrical Specimens.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):356-360]. (ISSN:
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Prevalence of
fascioliasis among slaughter sheep in selected abattoirs in Imo
State, Nigeria
Njoku-Tony, R.F and
Okoli, G.C
Department of
Environmental Technology, School of Engineering and Engineering
Technology, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri,
Imo State, Nigeria.
author: Njoku-Tony, R.F, Email-
A 12 months
study on fascioliasis in sokoto gudali sheep of Hausa origin
(northern part of Nigeria) was carried out in five different
abattoirs in Imo State, Nigeria between 2004 and 2005.The
abattoirs were Obinze, Okigwe, Afor-Enyiogugu, Afor-Ogbe, and
Orlu. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence
of fascioliasis among slaughter sheep in selected abattoirs in
Imo state. Five grams of feces and liver from freshly
slaughtered sheep of both sexes, and from different locations
and ages were collected, taken to the laboratory and analyzed
for fasciola eggs and adult flukes. Direct smear, formol ether
concentration and sodium chloride floatation methods were used
to harvest the eggs and adult parasites. Out of 367 sheep
examined, 64 (17.2%0) were infected. Infection was highest in
Obinze abattoir (29.6%) followed by Afor Enyiogugu abattoir with
(29.0%) Okigwe (15.6%), Orlu (12.5%) and Afor Ogbe (12.4%).
Infection was highest in females than in males and was also sex
dependent. Among adult sheep (>2yrs) examined, 59 (14.9%) were
infected while out of 38 young goats (<2yrs), 5 (13.2%) were
infected. Infection level rose with increased rainfall with the
highest level observed at the peak of the rainy season and
dropping during the dry season months. The number of parasites
were 180, and mean worm load 281. Intensity was higher in males
than in females. This result therefore calls for an improved
disease control and adequate sanitation programme for sheep
rearers in the study area.
R.F and Okoli, G.C. Prevalence of fascioliasis among
slaughter sheep in selected abattoirs in
Imo State, Nigeria.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):361-366]. (ISSN:
worms, slaughter sheep, abattoirs, tropics, Nigeria |
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Study Of Groundwater Contamination In A Dual Aquifer Environment
Using Earth Resistivity Imaging
Idowu Jegede, 2Isaac Babatunde Osazuwa, 3Nasir
Khalid Abdullahi
of Physics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. Edo State,
Department of Physics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Kaduna
State, Nigeria..
Science Department, College of Science & Technology, Kaduna
Polytechnic Kaduna State, Nigeria.,
The variation of
electrical resistivity as a function of soil properties was used
as a vital tool to study groundwater contamination in the
vicinity of some selected solid waste disposal sites in the
municipal town of Zaria. The Abem Lund Imaging system with
Terrameter SAS 4000 was used for the resistivity data
measurements and the Res2dinv software was used for the
processing and interpretations of the data. Due to the high
conductivity of the contaminant plumes it was possible to
delineate their pathways into the regolith and fractured aquifer
environments. Resistivity data from inverted models obtained
from profiles near monitoring wells, correlated well with
electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solid (TDS)
values of water samples taken from theses wells. The inferred
water resistivity and the soil resistivity obtained from the
resistivity tomosections at depths of water table revealed that
the samples, which were collected from
hand dug wells whose depths are within the overburden (regolith
aquifer), are more polluted than the samples which were
collected at deeper levels corresponding to the borehole samples
(fractured aquifer). The findings of this study suggest
the potentiality of the resistivity imaging technique as a
pre-characterization tool for mapping subsurface contamination
in the vicinity of waste disposal sites.
[Samson Idowu Jegede,
Isaac Babatunde Osazuwa, Nasir Khalid Abdullahi.
Geoenvironmental Study Of Groundwater Contamination In A Dual
Aquifer Environment Using Earth Resistivity Imaging. Journal
of American Science 2011; 7(2):367-377]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Resistivity
imaging ∙ Groundwater ∙ Contamination ∙ Dual-Aquifer ∙
Environment |
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Characterization and Biological Studies on some Derivatives
of N-(4-Aminobenzenesulphonyl)Morpholine
Carrying Amino Acid, Alkoxy and Triazole
M. M.Abdelall1, A.M.El-Naggar1, M.E.Tamer1
and R.A.Bayoumi2
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo,
of Botony, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
The reaction of N-[4-(chloroacetyl)aminobenzenesulphonyl]morpholine
(IV) in acetone or dimethyl-formamide with amine derivatives,
4-aminotriazoles (I,II) or sulpha drugs yielded the
corresponding N-[4-(substituted
glycyl)aminobenzenesulphonyl]-morpholine derivatives (V-XV).
Moreover, some derivatives of N-[4-(alkoxyacetyl)aminobenzenesulphonyl]morpholine
(XVI-XXI) were synthesized. The reaction of XI with the
requisite aromatic aldehydes in methanol gave Schiff bases (XXII,XXIII).
Coupling reaction between (III) and Pht- or Tos-amino acids
using the phosphorus oxychloride method furnished the
corresponding N-[4-(pht- or
Tos-aminoacyl)aminobenzenesulphonyl]morpholines (XXIV-XXIX). All
the synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H-NMR,
MS spectral data and elemental analyses and investigated their
antibacterial and antifungal activities.
M. M.Abdelall, A.M.El-Naggar, M.E.Tamer and R.A.Bayoumi.
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies on some
Derivatives of N-(4-Aminobenzenesulphonyl)Morpholine
Carrying Amino Acid, Alkoxy and Triazole
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):378-384]. (ISSN:
Synthesis; Derivative;
Amino Acid; Alkoxy; Triazole Moieties |
Full Text |
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):385-388]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 4
Full Text |
Modelling for Radon Prediction and Ventilation Air Cleaning
System Requirements in Underground Mines
M.M.El - Fawal
National Center for
Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic Energy Authority,
Naser City-P.O. Box 7551,Cairo,Egypt,
As a part of a comprehensive study concerned with control
workplace short-lived radon daughter concentration in
underground uranium mines to safe levels, a computer program has
been developed to calculate ventilation parameters e.g.: local
pressures, flow rates and radon daughter concentration levels.
The computer program (actually two parts, one for mine
ventilation and other for radon daughter levels calculations)
has been validated in an actual case study to calculate radon
concentration levels, pressure and flow rates required to
maintain the acceptable levels of radon concentrations in each
point of the mine. The required fan static pressure and the
approximate energy consumption were also estimated. The results
of the calculations have been evaluated and compared with
similar investigation. It was found that the calculated values
are in good agreement with the corresponding values obtained
using "REDES" standard ventilation modelling software. The
developed computer model can be used as an available tool to
help in the evaluation of ventilation systems proposed by mining
authority, to assist the uranium mining industry in maintaining
the health and safety of the workers underground while
efficiently achieving economic production targets. It could be
used also for regulatory inspection and radiation protection
assessments of workers in the underground mining.. Also with
using this model, it could be effectively design, asses and
manage underground mine ventilation systems. Values of radon
decay products concentration in units of working level,
pressures drop and flow rates required to reach the acceptable
radon concentration relative to the recommended levels, at
different extraction points in the mine and fan static pressure
could be estimated which are not available using others
– Fawal. Mathematical Modelling for Radon Prediction and
Ventilation Air Cleaning System Requirements in Underground
Mines. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):389-402]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Mathematical Modelling / Radiation Doses / Radon and Radon
Daughters/Ventilation System /Underground Mines. |
Full Text |
Impact of
Structured Nursing Measures Pre and Post Epidural Lumbar
Anesthesia on the Occurrence of Post-Epidural Anesthetic
1Zeinab Hussain Ali and *2Nadia Mohamed
Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Helwan, Helwan,
Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of
puncture is a frequently performed procedure in medical
emergencies and anesthesia. Headache after lumbar puncture is a
common occurrence (32%) and carries a considerable morbidity,
with symptoms lasting for several days, at times severe enough
to immobilize. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of
structured nursing measures on the occurrence of post-epidural
anesthetic headache. This quasi-experimental study was conducted
in El-naser Health Insurance Hospital; in Helwan city in Egypt
on of 60 adult patients admitted for
lower abdominal surgery using epidural anesthesia was recruited.
The only exclusion criterion was pregnancy in female patients.
Participants were alternatively assigned to either the
intervention or control groups, ending with 30 patients in each
group. The data collection tools consisted of two tools. Tool
(1) was concerned with characterization of the pain and
patient’s personal data. The second tool was a Visual analog
scale (VAS). The researchers designed a structured
pre-spinal anesthetic nursing intervention to be applied to the
study group. The control group received the routine nursing
intervention only. The results revealed that the incidence of
headache became significantly lower in the study group, reaching
its lowest rate (3.3%) by the end of the third day, compared to
76.7% in the control group (p<0.001). the mean duration of
headache was shorter in the study (22.1±34.0 hours) than in the
control (111.2±55.9 hours) group, p<0.001. as well Patients in
the study and control groups also demonstrated statistically
significant differences in the experience of symptoms associated
with headache (p<0.001). In conclusion, the structured nursing
measures before and after the procedure was successful in
decreasing the incidence and duration of this headache and its
associated symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to generalize
these structured nursing measures in hospitals to be included in
the routine pre-operative and post-operative nursing care for
patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery with spinal
Hussain Ali and Nadia Mohamed Taha. Impact of
Structured Nursing Measures Pre and Post Epidural Lumbar
Anesthesia on the Occurrence of Post-Epidural Anesthetic
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):403-411]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Lumber puncture, post lumber puncture headache |
Full Text |
Evaluation of
Some Quality Aspects in Pediatric Intensive Care Services at
Benha University Hospital
Abdelshakour Abdelkader Hamed1, Ahmed Nabih El-Shazly
1; Mahmoud Abdullah Al-Azzouny 2; Doaa
Refaey Soliman1
Faculty of Medicine - Benha University, pediatric department, 2
Faculty of Medicine - Benha University, Clinical and Chemical
Pathology Department
Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the quality practice of some aspects of pediatric intensive care services
in Benha University Hospital through systematic surveillance approach for situation and gap analysis at PICU. Methods: The surveillance procedures were based on observational
scoring meeting with staff and data collection
by questionnaires. The surveillance activities were repeated for 9 times (from November, 2009 to March,
2010) for assurance of accuracy of collected data. Results:
In the current study the overall assessment of infection control standards in all surveillance
cycles (nine cycles) revealed that 6 audits were
interpreted as "moderate compliance" (66.7 %) and 3
audits were interpreted as low compliance (33.3 %). As regards total sterilization standards, surveillances
revealed, moderate compliance was achieved in 6 audits (66.7%)
and high compliance was achieved in 3 audits (33.3%). The
repeated nine audits were interpreted for personnel and
structure as having moderate compliance (100%). The
current study assessment of mechanical ventilation standards revealed variation through
different audits that could be summarized as follows; high compliance of 6 audits (66.7%) and moderate compliance of 3 audits (33.3%). Conclusion: There
are variable degrees of compliance with the national and international standards of infection control,
sterilization and personnel and mechanical ventilation in Benha University Hospital PICU.
Abdelshakour Abdelkader Hamed Ahmed Nabih El-Shazly; Mahmoud
Abdullah Al-Azzouny; Doaa Refaey Soliman.
Evaluation of Some Quality Aspects in Pediatric Intensive Care
Services at Benha University Hospital.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):412-422]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Quality Aspects, Intensive Care Services, systematic
surveillance, mechanical ventilation. |
Full Text |
Detection of
Community Acquired Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus
among Staphylococcus aureus isolates.
Abeer Ghazal 1,
Ola Kader 1, Samia Ebid 2, Nancy Mostafa
2 and Shimaa El Sayed 2
Microbiology Department and 2Applied Medical
Chemistry Department, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria
University, Alexandria, Egypt.
The rates of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) infections in the hospital, as well as the disease in the
community, have continued to rise. Staphylococcal cassette
chromosome mec (SCCmec) is a variable genetic
element that contains the methicillin resistance determinant,
mecA. SCCmec typing is one of the most
important molecular tools available for distinction between
community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) and hospital-associated MRSA
(HA-MRSA) occurring on a worldwide basis. CA-MRSA has been
reported to carry the loci for Panton Valentin leukocidin (PVL)
in high frequency in association with the type IV SCCmec.
The present study aimed to differentiate between HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA
by detection of SCCmec and determination the prevalence
of PVL gene among MRSA isolates. A total of 34 Staphylococcus
aureus isolates were included in this study. Susceptibility
of Staphylococci was determined by, Disc diffusion method
including methicillin, oxacillin and cefoxitin discs. Penicillin
Binding Protein
Latex Agglutination test was done to detect the presence of PBP2a
responsible for methicillin resistance. In addition genotypic
identification of MRSA was carried out by detecting mec
gene by real time PCR. Conventional PCR was carried using
different set of primers for the amplification of SCC mec
for differentiating the HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA; moreover detection
of PVL as virulence factor was also done. The antibiotic
sensitivity of CA-MRSA ranged from 11.76% for ceftazidime to
47.06% for Imipenem, Erythromycin and Gentamycin; while the
sensitivity of HA-MRSA ranged from 2.94% for Amoxicillin
and Ampicillin/sulbactam to 29.41% for Amikin. Out of 34 S.
aureus strains; 26(76.47%)
isolates were found to be resistant to oxacillin disc, 30(88.24%)
isolates were resistant to methicillin; and all strains were
resistant to cefoxcitin disc. All MRSA strains were confirmed to
be methicillin resistant by detection of mecA gene using
real time PCR. Out of 34 MRSA strains 32
were PBP2a producer. In the present study, though,
the majority (25out of 34) of our strains were not SCC mec
typable, yet among the nine typable strains the six hospital
strains belonged to type II and III as reported in the
literature and the three CA-MRSA belonged to the novel type V
reported by other workers to be associated with CA-MRSA and the
only PVL positive CA MRSA strain was untypable.
Ghazal, Ola Kader, Samia Ebid, Nancy Mostafa and Shimaa El Sayed.
Detection of Community Acquired Methicillin Resistance
Staphylococcus aureus among Staphylococcus aureus isolates.
Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(2):423-431]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Detection; Community; Methicillin Resistance; Staphylococcus;
aureus; Staphylococcus; aureus |
Full Text |
Metabolic Effects
of Estrogen and / or Insulin in
Ovariectomized Experimentally Diabetic Rats
Aziza S. El-Nasr,
Faten M.A. Diab, Nihal M. Bahgat,
Mona A. Ahmed,
Sahar S. Thabet and Soha M.Y. El-Dakkak
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
Postmenopausal adverse metabolic changes increase cardiovascular
risk and impair quality of life. This study was planned to
evaluate the benefits gained by estradiol treatment alone and
insulin treatment alone versus combination of these two hormonal
therapies on the metabolic derangements accompanying estrogen
deficiency with diabetes. Rats were divided into five groups:
control sham-operated group,
ovariectomized streptozotocin diabetic group
estradiol-treated OVX–STZ
diabetic group that received daily subcutaneous injection of
estradiol (50μg/kg) for 4 weeks, insulin-treated OVX–STZ
diabetic group that received daily subcutaneous injection of
insulin (10 or 20 IU/kg) for 2 weeks
combined estradiol-treated, insulin-treated
diabetic group.
Rats in all
groups were subjected to determination
of body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood glucose, plasma
levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-c, insulin,
estradiol, leptin and malondialdehyde (MDA). In addition, in
vitro glucose uptake by the diaphragm and glucose output by
both kidneys were measured.
Insulin treatment alone increased peripheral glucose uptake,
reduced renal gluconeogenesis, normalized blood glucose and
plasma total cholesterol, decreased triglycerides, LDL-c
and atherogenic index and
increased HDL-c. Plasma MDA was
reduced however, still higher than controls. Estrogen therapy
alone lowered blood glucose although not fully normalized,
increased peripheral glucose uptake and decreased renal
gluconeogenesis, reduced plasma triglycerides, total
cholesterol, LDL-c and MDA and elevated HDL-c as compared to
untreated groups, yet, not completely normalized. Combined
estradiol and insulin therapy returned all measured parameters
towards control values with complete normalization of peripheral
glucose uptake and blood glucose levels as well as plasma
triglycerides, HDL-c, atherogenic index and MDA, while BMI,
gluconeogenesis, total cholesterol and LDL-c approached control
values although still not fully normalized.
It is concluded
insulin or estrogen therapy
provided only partial improvement of the
metabolic error of estrogen deficiency with diabetes while the
best cure was found with combined estradiol and insulin therapy
achieved successful optimization of weight gain, reduced
adiposity, tight glycemic control, alleviated dyslipidemia and
normal oxidative state. Thus,
insulin therapy together with hormonal replacement therapy as a
coadjuvant might be the most advisable line of treatment in
postmenopausal diabetic women.
S. El-Nasr, Faten M. A. Diab, Nihal M. Bahgat,
Mona A. Ahmed, Sahar S. Thabet and Soha M.Y. El-Dakkak.
Metabolic Effects of Estrogen and / or Insulin in
Ovariectomized Experimentally
Diabetic Rats.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):432-444]. (ISSN:
Metabolic Effect; Estrogen; Insulin;
Ovariectomize; Diabetic; Rat |
Full Text |
The Investigation
perception of Agricultural Extension Agents about affective
factors on effectiveness of Agricultural Advisory Services
Companies in Iran
Solieman Rasouliazar1,
Seyed Mahmood Hosseini2,
Seyed Jamal
Farajallah Hosseini3 and Seyed Mahdi Mirdamadi3
1 Department of
Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad
Branch, Mahabad, Iran
2 Department of
Agricultural Extension and Education, Tehran University, Karaj,
3 Department of
Agricultural Extension and Education, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
The main
purpose of this study was to investigation perception of
extension agents about problems that
Advisory Services Companies
(AASC) faced with them and reduced their effectiveness.
Statistical population of the study consisted of Agricultural
extension agents (N=381). By using the formula Cochrane, sample
size was determined at 179. Questionnaire was the data
instrument. The appearance and content validity of questionnaire
was obtained by comments of extension experts. Reliability
coefficient of the questionnaire 0.83 was obtained by Cronbach
alpha. The results showed that AASC
Increasing farm
management skills of farmers.
AASC also
increasing the specialty of extension services to farmers.
By using exploratory factor analysis barriers are classified in
four factors, including Policy-making, Socio – cultural,
Infrastructural and economical factors. These factors could
explain 61% of variance in reduced effectiveness of AASC
Services among farmers.
Rasouliazar, Seyed Mahmood Hosseini,Seyed Jamal Farajallah
Hosseini and Seyed Mahdi Mirdamadi. The Investigation
perception of Agricultural Extension Agents about affective
factors on effectiveness of Agricultural Advisory Services
Companies in
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):445-451]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Agricultural extension agents, AASC, Effectiveness, Iran |
Full Text |
Punjab Land use Classification,
Reclassification and Redevelopment Rules: A predicament or new
approach to urban management?
Rizwan Hameed1, Obaidullah Nadeem2
Department of City and Regional
University of Engineering and Technology,
Disorganized and unsustainable patterns of land use change have
seriously affected the spatial structure of cities in
and Lahore is no exception to this phenomenon. Realizing the
consequent problems of parking, traffic congestion and
unfavourable environmental impacts, the Government of Punjab has
recently enacted the new set of Rules to regulate
commercialization and change of land use. This paper critically
reviews the contents of the Punjab Land Use (Classification,
Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules 2009 applicable to
Tehsil/Town Municipal Administrations (TMAs) and City District
Governments (CDGs) since these Rules embody a system of
classification of land uses for the first time in Pakistan. The
study involves interviews with the architects of said Rules and
a short survey of selected Town Planners working in TMAs and
CDGs. The review shows that despite some of the shortcomings,
these Rules provide a new approach to mapping and regulating the
land use development and conversion activities in urban areas
for the benefits of inhabitants. Moreover, the need to prepare
Master Plans in future in the light of these Rules appears to be
an attempt to introduce bottom-up approach to plan making, which
also can contribute to facilitating not only their preparation
but also enforcement on ground. However, results of brief survey
of Town Planners show that effective implementation is likely to
be constrained by lack of political will and inadequate
technical and financial resources. The circumstances indicate
for adoption of facilitative and motivational approach to
implementation and enforcement of the said Rules.
Hameed, Obaidullah Nadeem. Punjab Land use Classification,
Reclassification and Redevelopment Rules: A predicament or new
approach to urban management?
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):452-461]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Land Use Classification; Urban Management; Punjab, Pakistan |
Full Text |
Quality of
Supervision of Ph.D. Program among Public Universities in
Malaysia: A Rasch Model Analysis
Mikail Ibrahim[i],
Siti Aishah Hassan[ii]
Faculty of Major Language Studies, Universiti Sains Islam
Malaysia, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan,
Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
This study
examines Ph.D. students’ satisfaction with the supervision
process at four selected universities in Malaysia. In addition,
the study also investigated the psychometric properties of
Quality Supervision Scale (QSS); specifically the scale
dimensionality, construct validity, endorsibility, and
estimation of item and person score reliability of the scales. The participants were 153 Ph.D. students of these universities. The QSS includes many qualities of effective supervision such as
supervisor academic competency, research methods competency,
attitude towards supervisee, faculty academic and moral supports
and supervisees’ personal traits was distributed to the
respondents. The Rasch model analysis was employed to analyze
the data for reliability, fit to the model, estimation of
satisfaction levels and possibility of scale to function
differentially across gender. Results suggested that generally
students were satisfied with the supervision processes at these
universities. In addition to that, the scale satisfied
psychometrics properties by maintaining unidimensionality,
reliability, and internal consistency. Furthermore, Rasch
analysis revealed that, for gender, differences in overall
satisfaction levels between males and females were marginal. The
differential item functioning showed that only 6 of 49
calibrated items function differently. This suggested that
students’ levels of satisfaction were constant across gender.
However, the study recommended that future studies should
examine the satisfaction level across different disciplines
since previous studies suggested that satisfaction differs
across different domains.
[Mikail Ibrahim;
Siti Aishah Hassan. Faculty of Major Language Studies,
Universiti Sains Islam
Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra
Malaysia. Journal
of American Science 2011; 7(2):562-575]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
supervision, post-graduate studies, Ph.D. students, Rasch model
Full Text |
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):576-583]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). 59
Withdrawn |
Full Text |
Factors on Discontinuance of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems among
Farmers in West Azerbaijan Province of Iran
Solieman Rasouliazar1,
Saeid Fe'li2
1 Department of
Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad
Branch, Mahabad, Iran
Ph.D Student of Agriculture Extension and Education, and Member
of Youth Research Club-Garmsar Branch, Iran
The purpose of
this study was to determine effective factors on discontinuance
of sprinkler irrigation systems (SIS) among farmers in West
Azerbaijan Province of Iran. A causal-comparative design was
used and data was collected by means of questionnaire and
interview with farmers who had
used SIS and at least produced and harvested one agricultural
crop in West Azerbaijan
Province, as the target population. The sample was obtained
through proportional stratified sampling (n=124). Instrument
validity was established by a panel of experts and reliability
analysis yielded an alpha value of 0.81. Study results showed
that approximately 30% (n=36) of farmers discontinued use of
SIS. The findings indicated that there was a statistically
significant difference between adopters who continued SIS
regarding some dependent variables including
respondents' personal and farming characteristics and
respondents' viewpoints about installing and keeping SIS). The
result of discriminate analysis showed that "use of river as
water source", "use of Gun system to farm irrigation", and
"system design", were identified as the most discriminative
factors (99.20% of population), affecting discontinuance
of SIS.
Saeid Fe'li.
Effective Factors on Discontinuance of Sprinkler Irrigation
Systems among Farmers in West Azerbaijan Province of Iran.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):584-590]. (ISSN:
Sprinkler Irrigation System (SIS), Farmers, West Azerbaijan
Province, Iran |
Full Text |
of Alfatoxin in Clarious lazara Catfish By Ginseng Extract and
Nigella sativa Oil
Mona S. Zaki1, Olfat M. Fawzi2 and Iman M.
Department of
Hydrobiology, National Research Center
Department of
Biochemistry, National Research Center
3. Department of Microbiology, Zagazig University.
Aflatoxine the major toxic metabolites of fungi which are able
to induce chronic liver damages. The antioxidant and
hepatoprotective effects of Ginseng extract and Nigella sativa
Oil 1% on Alfatoxin was investigated. Alfatoxicosis causes
significant increase in liver enzyme SGOT and SGPT, Alkaline
phosphatase activity and an increase in the level of cholesterol
total lipid, decrease the level of total protein and hemoglobin
and P.C.V. Moreover the liver exhibited some clinicopathological
changes and decreased body weight. Both Ginseng extract and
Nigella sativa Oil 1% reduced the development of hepatotoxicity
by Aflatoxin. Nigella sativa showed more improvement of all
enzymes of kidney and liver, and also total lipid and
cholesterol were reduced and dody weight increased.
[Mona S. Zaki, Olfat M. Fawzi and Iman M. Zytuun. Reduction
of Alfatoxin in Clarious lazara Catfish By Ginseng Extract and
Nigella sativa Oil. Journal of American Science 2011;
7(2):591-596]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Aflatoxin toxicity. Nigella sativa oil effect. Ginseng extract
effect. Clarious lazara Catfish |
Full Text |
Of Gender And Self-Esteem On The Organisational Commitment Of
Civil Servants In Ekiti-State, Nigeria
Adebayo Sulaiman
Olanrewaju 1, Olowookere Funmilola Kansola 1
Department of Psychology, University of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State,
5363, Nigeria,,
This study
examined the influence of gender and self-esteem on the
organizational commitment of civil servants in
Ekiti State. Two
hundred civil servants drawn from five ministries in Ekiti State
responded to a battery of instruments (Self- Esteem Scale, Index
of Self-Esteem and Organizational Commitment Scale). Four
hypotheses were tested in the study. Results showed that there
was no significant gender difference in employees’ level of
self-esteem in ministries in Ekiti State [t (198) = 0.41;
p>.05], significant gender difference in employees’ level of
perceived organizational commitment was also observed [t (198) =
2.18; p<.05]. Further revealed was a significant main effect of
gender [F (1, 199) = 3.99; p <.05] and self-esteem [F (1, 199) =
101.96; p <.05] on organizational commitment among civil
servants in Ekiti State. Findings from hypothesis four showed
that gender [B = 0.18, t = 2.78; p<.05] and self-esteem [B =
0.60, t = 10.49; p <.05] had significant independent prediction
on perceived organizational commitment of civil servants. The
implications of these findings were discussed in light of the
Sulaiman Olanrewaju 1, Olowookere Funmilola Kansola.
Influence Of Gender And Self-Esteem On The Organisational
Commitment Of Civil Servants In
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):597-603]. (ISSN:
Gender, Self-esteem, Organisational commitment, Civil Servants,
Ekiti State, Nigeria |
Full Text |
and detection of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in sea water
E. A. Ghazy1, M.G. Mahmoud1, M. S. Asker1,
M. N. Mahmoud1, M. M. Abo elsoud1 and M.
E. Abdel Samie1
Biotechnology Department, National Research center, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt
Corresponding author: Eman A. Ghazy
Microbial Biotechnology Department, National Research center,
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Telephone: +20233335982, Fax: +20233370931, E-mail
Abstract: Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
represent a class of anaerobic microorganisms that conduct
dissimulatory sulfate reduction to obtain energy. This study is
an attempt to isolate SRB from sea water by rapid and sensitive
culture media and to control their effect using eight commercial
biocides (Aldehydes and quaternaries). The present work studies
the effective of composition of four recommended culture media (Postgate
medium B, Starkey’s, Bars' and API media), besides, the presence
of metal coupons in these media to enhance the growth of sessile
SRB. Furthermore, the present study evaluates the efficiency of
filtration of these culture media on the growth of SRB. The
results revealed that modified Postgate medium B was the
recommended medium for SRB growth. In addition, the results
showed that rapid and abundant growth of SRB when the metal
coupons were immersed in the culture media which were deficient
in iron. Furthermore, the unfiltered culture media improved the
SRB growth. The growth of SRB was depressed by 15 ppm of the
commercial quaternaries rather than 20 ppm of the aldehydes.The
present study aimed to detect and control SRB activities using a
very rapid detectable culture medium. Besides reduction of
their the economic loss in the petroleum sector.
A. Ghazy, M.G. Mahmoud, M. S. Asker, M. N. Mahmoud, M. M. Abo
elsoud and M. E. Abdel Samie. Cultivation and
detection of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in sea water.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):604-608]. (ISSN:
Key words:
SRB, Culture media, Biocides, Minimal inhibitory concentration |
Full Text |
of Cryptosporidium species infecting camels (Camelus
dromedarius) in Egypt.
Abdel- Wahab,
A., Abdel -Maogood, S.
Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University,
12211 Giza, Egypt
Cryptosporidium sp was investigated among 145 camels (5-8 years
old) from Egypt. The prevalence of infection was 19.3%. The
detected oocysts were ellipsoidal in shape with a mean length
and width 7.5 × 5.6 um. Ten Cryptosporidium free mice were
orally inoculated each with 350.000 oocysts (camel isolate). The
prepatent period in mice was 2 days and the patent period could
not be determined since they were still shedding oocysts until
day 100 post- infection. The camel isolate of Cryptosporidium
and the same isolate propagated in mice was non infective for
lambs during an examination period of 3 months. Molecular
characterization of the camel isolate indicated that the target
gene (18SrRNA) gave positive result for C. muris at 435bp.
Wahab, A., Abdel -Maogood, S. Identification of
Cryptosporidium species infecting camels (Camelus
dromedarius) in
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):609-612]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Camels, Cryptosporidium muris,
prevalence, morphology, PCR. |
Full Text |
Effect of
Ultrasound Radiation on the Aqueous Humor of Rabbits' Eye
S. Elabrak* and Eman M. Aly
Basic Science
Department, Biophysics Unit, Research Institute of
Ophthalmology, Giza, Egypt.
The present work aimed to evaluate the protein rabbit aqueous
humor changes after exposure to ultrasound. Sixteen New
Zealand rabbits (male and female) weighing 2.0-2.5 Kg, divided
into four groups, group I served as control and the other three
groups exposed to ultrasound of power intensity 3W/cm2
at frequency 10.8MHz for 10, 20 and 40 minutes exposure time.
Estimation of protein content, gel filtration chromatography and
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
were carried out to aqueous humor for all the studied groups.
The results showed a significant decrease of protein content of
rabbits aqueous humor of all groups reached to maximum decrease
(-41.3%) at 40 minutes of exposure. A change in the molecular
structure of aqueous humor protein was observed in the shift of
the protein fractions to high molecular weight and decrease in
the mobility of all peaks in the electrophoretic pattern. It is
concluded that aqueous humor protein is sensitive to the
ultrasound exposure as a function of time of exposure and may
lead to denaturation of proteins.
S. Elabrak and Eman M. Aly.
Effect of Ultrasound Radiation on the Aqueous Humor of Rabbits'
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):613-619]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Ultrasound, Aqueous humor, Column chromatography,
Electrophoresis, rabbits |
Full Text |
New Pool Market Method for Generation Expansion Planning in
Restructured Power System
Morteza Thaerkhani
1, Mohammad Sadegh Javadi 2, Amin
Javadinasab 2
Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, 2139643711, Iran
Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar,
6138663849, Iran
The issue of
generation expansion planning (GEP) is more complicated in the
restructured and modern power systems rather than traditional
and monopoly systems. In Modern power systems, each Generation
Company (Genco) invests in the section of generation in order to
get to his own maximum profit. This paper presents a new mixed
method to solve the GEP problem in Power Pool Market. This
method is formed of two levels: local level and national level.
In local level, each of Gencos declares his own generation level
to Independent System Operator (ISO) aiming maximize the profit
just with respect to local constraints. In national level, first
the competition between Gencos will be modeled by game theory
and Nash-Cournot equilibrium. Then, due to the generation level
of each of Gencos, the system national constraints will be
checked. If these constraints would be satisfied,
problem-solving would be completed but if each of these
constraints won’t be satisfied, their relevant coefficients will
be changed in problem and this procedure would be repeated again
and again until problem was converged to accepted solutions
which satisfy local and national constraints.
[Morteza Taherkhani, Mohammad
Sadegh Javadi, Amin Javadinasab, A New Pool Market Method for
Generation Expansion Planning in Restructured Power System.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):620-624]. (ISSN:
Generation Expansion Planning, Pool Market, Game Theory,
Uncertainty |
Full Text |
Empirical Study of Awareness in Web Based Cooperative Writing
Aslam Muhammad1, Muhammad Yasir2,
Martinez Enriquez A. M.3, G. Escalada-Imaz4
of CS & E, U. E. T. Lahore, Pakistan
Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA-CSIC, Spain,,,
As part of any groupware that supports people achieving a common
goal, it is required to provide information about structured
shared objects and the activities of participants, as well as an
efficient communication service and effective coordination
mechanism. Thus, this paper presents an empirical study of the
trade-off concerning awareness functionality with in fifteenth
well know cooperative writing applications (CWAs), evaluated on
the basis of present and past awareness elements, these
applications are classified taking into account time and work
place parameters.
[Aslam Muhammad, Muhammad Yasir, Martinez Enriquez A. M., G.
Escalada-Imaz. An Empirical Study of Awareness in Web Based
Cooperative Writing Applications.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):625-633]. (ISSN:
Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Groupware; Cooperative
Writing Applications; Awareness |
Full Text |
Measures to Reduce
Post - spinal Anesthesia Hypotension for Elective Cesarean
Nahed F., Khedr.
Maternity and
Gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University
Aim: To
explore the effect of wrapping and/or raising of the legs as a
Measures to Reduce Post - spinal Anesthesia Hypotension for
Elective Cesarean Delivery.Setting:
The study was conducted
the operating room
(cesarean section) at Ain Shams maternity hospital. Study
design: An
experimental design. Type of Sample: - purposive sample.
Methods: 120
parturients were undergoing elective Caesarean section randomly
scheduled to four groups:
Group (I) (n=30)
parturients legs wrapped immediately before injection
anaesthesia and elevated immediately after anesthesia
administration. Group (II) (n=30) parturients legs wrapped,
tightly wrapping was achieved after leg elevated to 45 degree
for 2 minutes, with an elastic bandage applied from ankle to mid
– thigh, immediately before anesthesia administration. Group
(III) (n=30) parturients legs elevated to 20 degree immediately
after anesthesia administration. Group (IV) (n=30)
no intervention.
Tools of data collection consisted of 1) Demographic
data,2)Automated monitors for measurement of blood
pressure,3)Graphic flow sheet to record blood pressure, and 4)
neonate assessment sheet to record Apgar score at 1and
5minutes.Results : The findings revealed that, This study showed
that, there is no inter group’s differences regarding their age,
body mass index & baseline. Mean systolic arterial pressure MSAP.
Meanwhile, a significant difference was noticed among the
groups, whereas GI (wrapping & elevation) had a higher MSAP,
lower percent of hypotension women late onset time of
hypotension and a lower percent of babies with bad outcome the
Neonatal outcome was excellent and similar in both groups.
Conclusion: wrapping and elevation of the legs for parturients
at spinal block for Cs had more effective measures to prevent
hypotension. Recommendations: wrapping and elevation of the legs
should be used in addition to traditional measures to prevent
post-spinal hypotension as a non-pharmacological technique.
F., Khedr. Preventive
Measures to Reduce
Post - spinal Anesthesia Hypotension for Elective Cesarean
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):634-640]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Lower limbs, hypotension, cesarean section, spinal anesthesia,
wrapping, elevation |
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Horticultural Studies To Describe And Identify Of Two New
Egyptian Mango Strains Using DNA Fingerprint.
T. Wahdan1, A. Z.
A. A. El-Naggar3 and M. A. Hussein3
of horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University,
Ismailia, Egypt.
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Department of Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal
University, Ismailia, Egypt.
of some strains is considered the first step in improving mango
production. So, this study was done for a three successive
seasons (2003 – 2005) on two Egyptian mango strains "Hania" and
"Aml" to describe them, horticulturally and identification those
genetically utilizing DNA fingerprint. The vegetative characters
(leaf shape, length, width, etc) and histological
characteristics (number of stomata per mm (stomatal density),
stomata length and width) showed great variation between the two
studied strains. The fruit weight was 581 gm for Hania strain
and 1020 gm for Aml strain. The two strains fruits had good
characters as shape, net weight ratio, firmness, SSC, TA, Vit. C
and total sugars. In generally, physical and chemical properties
of Aml strain fruits were better than Hania strain. These
differences of horticultural aspects due to genetic variances,
which were determined by using SSR markers, of the 42 primers
screened, 36 primers gave reproducible polymorphic DNA
amplification patterns. 60.7 % of the scored fragments are
considered putative genotypes-specific markers in both strains.
The polymorphic information content (PIC values) ranged from
0.25 to 0.75, with a mean value 0.51 for all loci. The
heterozygosity level was 0.68 and 0.53 for Hania and Aml
strains, respectively. By banding patterns obtained from these
36 primers, each strain in this study could be distinguished
from the other, indicating that, PCR by using SSR primers was an
efficient method for genotype identification.
T. Wahdan, A. Z.
A. A. El-Naggar and M. A. Hussein. Preliminary Horticultural
Studies To Describe And Identify Of Two New Egyptian Mango
Strains Using DNA Fingerprint.
Journal of American
Science 2011; 7(2):641-650]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Mango, Histological, Morphological, fruit, DNA, Fingerprint, SSR |
Full Text |
of some chemicals on growth, fruiting, yield and fruit quality
of "Succary Abiad" mango cv.
Wahdan, M. T.,
Habib, S. E., Bassal, M. A. And Qaoud, E. M.
of horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University,
Ismailia, Egypt.
Abstract :
The present
investigation was carried out in two successive seasons of 2007
and 2008 on mango cv. "Succary Abiad", at Abou Swear region,
Ismailia Governorate, Egypt in a sandy soil and irrigated with
immerged irrigation system, to study the effect of some
chemicals and growth regulators on growth, leaf mineral
contents, flowering, fruiting, yield and fruit quality. The
trees were subjected to eleven treatments using urea 2%, NAA 40
and 60 ppm, Ca Cl2 2%, GA3 20 and 40 ppm
and water spraying as control. The results revealed that,
spraying with urea, NAA and GA3 at all concentrations
significantly increased shoot length, number of leaves per shoot
and leaf area higher than control while urea showed the
superiority effect. Nitrogen and Potassium content in leaves
significantly increased within urea, NAA and GA3higher
than control. Calcium content in the leaves showed fluctuated
values during the two seasons within the different treatments
although Ca Cl2 2% sprayed at two months after full
bloom showed the highest values in the two seasons of study. All
treatments had significantly higher yield than control in the
two seasons. The fruit weight and volume were the highest within
all treatments compared with control. Fruit firmness and SSC
were increased within all treatments with significantly
increments than control. Vitamin C was significantly increased
in fruits harvested from trees sprayed with GA3 40
ppm at two months after full bloom. Total sugars in the fruits
significantly increased higher than control within all
treatments except GA3 20 ppm added at one month after
full bloom.
M. T., Habib, S. E., Bassal, M. A. And Qaoud, E. M. Effect of
some chemicals on growth, fruiting, yield and fruit quality of "Succary
Abiad" mango cv.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):651-658]. (ISSN:
Mango, Urea, NAA, CaCl2, GA3, yield,
fruit quality |
Full Text |
effects of rural women's financial self-reliance
Mohammad Abedi1 and Sharareh Khodamoradi2
1Department of Agricultural Management, Islamic
Qaemshahr Branch,
2Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Science and
Research Branch, Islamic
*Corresponding author:
Since, village is suitable place for farming and additional
activities, so it can be said that women’s role at villages, has
been toward this point and by developing agriculture sector and
possibility to institutionalized appropriate infrastructure, we
would have suitable attitude toward development process.
Agriculture sector has critical responsibility, as one of the
productive part of country for supplying needed food security,
that it can assist this sector to access this main goal up to
proper level, in accordance with workforce efficiency. To
achieve this goal, women play main role, too. In spite of that,
they couldn’t represent their abilities in this field, because
of limitations that they face.
Abedi and Sharareh Khodamoradi.
Economic effects of rural women's financial self-reliance.
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):659-663]. (ISSN:
rural women, financial self-reliance |
Full Text |
of radio protective effects of wheat germ oil in male rats
Ibrahim A.H. Barakat, 2 Osama A. Abbas, 2
Samia Ayad and 3Aziza M. Hassan
Zoology Department, College of
Saudi Arabia,
Radiation Research Department, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo,
Cell Biology Department, National
author: e-mail:
Wheat germ oil posses various biological properties as an
anticancer and antioxidant agent. Present study was undertaken
to evaluate the radio protective ability of wheat germ (WG) oil
against whole body irradiation rat. Wheat germ oil was given to rats by oral injection in a concentration of
1 ml/kg and 3 ml/kg body weight/dose for 3 successive days, last
dose administered 24 h pre-irradiation exposure with
an acute single dose level of 2 Gry delivered at a dose rate of
0.564 Gry/ min at the time of experiment.
With regard to cellular system,
the results clearly indicated that pre-treatment with 3ml oil is
more potent than 1ml and there are no significant differences
between control group and groups that received oil only at
either 1ml or 3ml in comparison to the control.
Prior administration of WG oil to rats, significantly
countered radiation induced biochemical disorder (liver enzymes
and kidney function analysis, as well as, cholesterol level in
the serum) and DNA damage (evaluated by DNA fragmentation assay
and chromosomal aberration in bone marrow) in a dose dependent
manner maximally at a concentration of 3 ml/kg.
The results clearly indicated that wheat germ oil has
significant potential to protect cellular system from radiation
induced damage and ability to scavenge free radicals might be
playing an important role in its radio protective manifestation
without any toxicity
A.H. Barakat, Osama A. Abbas, Samia Ayad and Aziza M. Hassan.
Evaluation of radio protective effects of wheat germ oil in male
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):664-673]. (ISSN:
Key words:
wheat germ oil, DNA fragmentation, radioprotection, chromosome
aberrations |
Full Text |
Replacement age of agricultural tractor
(MF285) in Varamin region (case study)
Hossein Ahmadi Chenarbon1, Saeid Minaei2, Akbar
of Agriculture, Varamin Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University –
Varamin Pishva - Iran 2.Associate professor,
Agricultural Machinery Eng. Dept., Tarbiat Modarres university,
Tehran, Iran
Associate professor, Agrotechnology Dept., College of Abouraihan,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
One of the main
aims in the management of farm equipment and tractors is
deciding about their replacement, based on technical and
economic conditions. The objective of this research was to
determine the economic life time for common used tractor in
Varamin region, Iran, namely Massey- Fergusen 285. First the
annual depreciation and interest were calculated considering the
initial purchase price of tractor, and then the economic life
was calculated based on repair and maintenance costs. The
results showed that the most suitable replacement age is nine
years for Massey- Fergusen 285.
[Hossein Ahmadi
Chenarbon, Saeid Minaei, Akbar Arabhosseini. Replacement age
of agricultural tractor (MF285) in Varamin region (case
study). Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):674-679].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Economic life; replacement age; MF285 |
Full Text |
Weighted Usability Measure for E-learning Systems
Aslam Muhammad1,
Aksam M. Iftikhar2, Saqib Ubaid3,
Martinez-Enriquez A. M.4
of CS & E, U. E. T. Lahore, Pakistan
of CS & IT, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
of CS, CINVESTAV-IPN, D.F. Mexico,,,
Currently learning paradigms have been overcome, using
information and communication technologies (ICT) to give rise to
e-learning domain. Thus, classical classrooms based training has
been substituted by online systems working on Internet. The aim
of an e-learning system is to fulfill requirements of
instructors as well as learners. However, institutions offering
courses online have a lack of applying efficient evaluation
methods to both teachers and students. Frequent preoccupation
concerns with functionalities and interface that a system must
satisfy for users needs. In our studied case, learners need to
face up to functionality of e-learning infrastructure rather
than to acquire knowledge. When users spend more time, resources
(software, hardware) unnecessarily, consequently they spend more
costs, instead quenching academic thirst. Thus, this research
aims to evaluate the usability of e-learning systems, a pondered
measure of usability evaluation is proposed as a result of the
analysis of the inquiry applied to the system users. We study,
evaluate, and compare the usability of two applications, to
highlight recommendations for improvement.
[Aslam Muhammad, Aksam M.
Iftikhar, Saqib Ubaid, Martinez-Enriquez A. M. A Weighted
Usability Measure for E-learning Systems. Journal of
American Science 2011; 7(2):680-686]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
e-learning; Usability; Evaluation; Assessment |
Full Text |
75 |
Relationship between the Quality of Work Life and Employees’
2Mehdi Yadollahi,
4Atefeh Ghayoomi
University, Kerman Branch, Iran
Dept of Management, Payame Noor University, (PNU), Sirjan, I, R,
Iran E-mail
M.A. of Governmental Management, Islamic Azad University, Kerman
Branch, Iran
M.A. of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University
People working in organizations have a lot of needs, all of
which are regularly in competition to guide their behaviors; if
these needs aren’t met, they result in frustration, and failure
in meeting the needs doesn’t necessarily cause the quick death
of organizations. One of the most common reactions against
failure is aggression which is harmful and affects soul and
spirit, working relations and performance of employees even
though it doesn’t cause physical damages. Thus, conditions of
working environment which result in meeting the material and
spiritual needs of people, represents the quality of work life;
it is in such an environment that employees can feel possession,
self-direction, responsibility and self-respect. The aim of the
present research is to study the relationship between the
quality of work life and employees’ aggression. This research
was carried out using correlation method in statistical universe
of employees working in Kerman Bahonar Copper and Sarcheshmeh
Copper Industries (approximately 5190 employees in 2007); the
sample volume was 384 people. To gather and collect information,
two closed-ended questionnaires of “quality of work life and
aggression” were used. Data was analyzed using Kendal’s Tau b
Tests, Spearman Correlation Test and linear logarithm by means
of SPSS Software. Results revealed that there is a relationship
between quality of work life (and components of job security,
justice and equality, received material salaries and allowances,
skills improvement field and opportunity and employees’
participation in decision making) and aggression. Gender, age,
education level, marital status, working record, employment
status and job title are of those intermediate variables that
were studied in relation to the research main variables.
Statistical results showed that two variables of quality of
working life and aggression are independent concerning sex,
marital status, age, education level, working record and
employment status and are related regarding job title.
Porkiani, Mehdi Yadollahi, Zahra Sardini, Atefeh Ghayoomi.
Relationship between the Quality of Work Life and Employees’
Journal of American Science 2011; 7(2):687-706]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Quality of Work Life, Aggression, Job Security, Justice and
Equality, Material Salaries |
Full Text |
75 |
manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for
peer-review, starting from January 1, 2011.
comments are welcome:;
For back issues of the Journal of American Science, click here.
doi:10.7537/marsjas070211.75 |