Science Journal

The Journal of American Science
ISSN 1545-1003
Volume 6, Issue 11, Cumulated
No. 32, November 1, 2010
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Boundary Element Method for Calculation of Compressible Flow
past a Symmetric Aerofoil with Linear Element Approach Using
Doublet Distribution Alone
Muhammad Mushtaq* & Nawazish Ali Shah
Keywords: Indirect
boundary element method, Compressible flow, Velocity
distribution, Symmetric aerofoil, linear element.
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Use of Long Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa)
as Soil Amendment for the Growth, Leaf Chemical Composition and
Yield of White Yam (Dioscorea
rotundata L)
Emmanuel Ibikunoluwa Moyin-Jesu1
and Francis Omotayo Adekayode2
1Agronomy Department, Federal
College of Agriculture
Akure, Nigeria
2Department of Crop, Soil and Pest
Management, Federal University
of Technology, Akure,
Abstract: An experiment was carried out
to investigate the use of long yam bean (Sphenostilies
sternocarpa) as soil amendment for the growth and yield of
white yam (Dioscorea rotundata L) between 1999 and 2003 at
Akure in the rain forest zone of Nigeria. There were four
treatment namely; NPK 15 – 15 – 15 fertilizer applied at
250kg/ha, poultry manure at 6 t/ha, long yam beans planted at
two seeds per hole at a spacing of 1m x 0.5m between rows of
yam plots (soil amendment) and a control (no fertilizer). The
treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design
(RCB) and replicated five times. The soil analyses before
planting and after harvesting were carried out. Each plot size is 4m x 4m
(16m2). The
growth parameters measured for the yam were vine length (cm),
leaf population and stem girth (cm). At harvest, yam tuber weight
(kg), tuber length (cm) tuber girth; root length and seed yield
of long yam bean plants were determined. The leaf and soil N,
P, K, Ca, Mg, pH and organic matter contents were also analysed
at end of the experiment. The results showed that there were
significant (p<0.05) increases in the vine length, leaf
population, stem girth, tuber weight, tuber length, tuber
girth, soil and leaf N, P, K, Ca, Mg; pH and organic matter of
white yam cultivated under the different fertilizer treatments
compared to the control treatment. Long yam bean plants used as
soil amendment increased the yam vine length, stem girth, leaf
population, tuber weight, tuber length and tuber girth by 81%
88.4%, 69.5%, 88.97%, 76% and 94% compared to the control. The same treatment (long yam
bean plants) also increased the leaf population, tuber weight,
tuber length and tuber girth of yam by 11%, 31%, 30% and 55%
respectively compared to NPK fertilizer treatment. Long yam
plants also increased the soil pH, O.M, K, Ca and Mg by 29%,
92%, 97%, 86%, 96%, 97% and 89% respectively compared to the
control treatment. It
increased soil pH, organic matter, K Ca and Mg by 31%, 87%,
1.42, 98% and 98.5% compared to NPK fertilizer. Long yam plants
gave seed yield of 2.3 t/ha and produced yam tuber yield of
4900kg/ha amounting to $6,050 compared to $3453.00 and
$3,380.00 estimated on yam yields alone under poultry manure
and NPK fertilizer treatments. Finally, the use of long yam
bean plants as biological fertilizer source for yam production
could substitute for 250kg/ha NPK fertilizer and 6t/ha poultry
manure. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):10-17]. (ISSN:
Long yam bean, soil amendment, white yam performance
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Biochemical and Molecular Profiles of
Gibberellic Acid Exposed Albino Rats
Hanan A.E.Soliman1; Mona M.
Mantawy2 and Hany M. Hassan3
Departement, Biochemistry Branch, Faculty of Science, Beni
suef University, Egypt.
2; Department of Medicinal chemistry, National
Research Center, Dokki, Egypt and 3 Immunobiology
and immunopharmacology unit, Animal Reproduction Research
Inst., Giza, Egypt
The present study casts the light on the influence of the plant growth regulator,
Gibberellic acid (GA3), on antioxidant defense systems
[glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and
catalase (CAT)], lipid peroxidation level (malondialdehyde =
MDA), AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, total
protein, albumin globulin, total lipids, total cholesterol,
calcium and glucose.
Moreover, histopathological examination of kidney and liver was
done. On the molecular level, the DNA damage was determined.
The rats were received 75 ppm of GA3 in drinking water ad libitum for 50 days.
Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatments caused different effects on
the estimated parameters compared to control. Gibberellic acid
exposure induced significant elevations of plasma AST, ALT,
alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and malondialdehyde. However,
Gibberellic acid produced non significant alterations in plasma
total protein, albumin globulin, total lipids, total
cholesterol, calcium and glucose. On the other hand, exposure
elucidate significant reductions of catalase, superoxide
dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in comparison to control
group. The histopathological findings revealed that Kidney
sections of Gibberellic acid treated rats suffered from areas
of interstitial fibrosis which appear as segmental and global
glomerular sclerosis tubulointerstitial injury. On the similar
ground, liver section of Gibberellic acid treated rats revealed
that Gibberellic acid induced liver fibrosis; fatty
metamorphosis and necrosis. The total genomic DNA
electrophoretic pattern of lymphocytes deprived from Gibberellic acid treated rats
revealed strong and obvious DNA damage as represented by a lot
of fragments migrated from the wells. As a conclusion,
Gibberellic acid (75 ppm) produce hepatonephrotoxicity,
subsequently has oxidative stress role and DNA damage in albino
rats 50 days post treatment. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):18-23]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
plant growth regulator; Gibberellic acid
(GA3); antioxidant defense systems; superoxide dismutase (SOD);
catalase (CAT); lipid peroxidation
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Efficient Algorithm for Transforming XML Schema into Relational
1 Abad Shah, 2Amjad
Farooq, 3Syed Ahsan
1,3 Al-Khawarizmi
Institute of Computer Science, University
of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore
2 Department of Computer Science, University
of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore
Web and XML have influenced all walks of life especially those
that involve business activities over the Internet. People like
to do their business activities and transactions from their
homes to save time and money. Many business and commercial
companies such as insurance companies and banks maintain their
records using relational database management systems. But the
traditional relational database technology is unable to provide
all these new facilities to the users. To enable the
traditional relational database technology to cope with the new
challenges of the Web and XML technologies, we need a
transformation between the XML technology and the relational
database technology as a middleware. To achieve this objective,
we already proposed and reported an algorithm. In this paper,
we extend our previous work and present automation details,
testing, and performance report of our proposed algorithm. The
result shows that the implementation of the algorithm is more
efficient than the existing algorithms for the same purpose
[Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):24-37]. (ISSN:
XML, web, rational database, transforming algorithm
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of injector types, irrigation and nitrogen levels on II-Garlic
yield, water and nitrogen use efficiency
M.Y.,*Shaaban, S.M., Ebtisam
I. El-Dardiry and
Sabreen Kh.
Relations and Field Irrigation Dept., National Research Centre,
Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: Field
experiments were conducted during two consecutive growing
seasons in split split plot design on a clay loam soil at Shalaquan, Qalubia
Governorate, Egypt.
Experiments investigated the effect of three injectors types
by-bass pressurized mixing
tank (J1), venturi (J2) and piston
pump (J3); three rates of irrigation 50, 75; 100% of
ETc (I1, I2; I3);
three nitrogen levels 60, 90; 120
kg fed-1 (N1, N2;
N3) on garlic yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and
nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The main results could be
summarized as follows; the maximum and minimum garlic yields
(6.34, 2.38 ton fed-1) were obtained with treatment
J3 I2 N3 and J1 I1
N1, respectively. Maximum value of WUE was 3.29
kg garlic m-3 of irrigation
water as recorded with the treatment J3 I1
N3, while the minimum value was 1.30
kg garlic m-3 of irrigation
water as recorded with the treatment J1 I3
N1. The maximum and minimum values of NUE in kg
garlic kg-1 N were 83.22 and 29.17 for J2
I2 N1 and J1 I1 N3,
respectively. A positive linear relationship was found between
WUE and NUE. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):38-46].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Field experiments; clay loam soil; water use efficiency (WUE);
nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)
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Software Cost
Estimation through Entity Relationship Model
Ali 1, Salman Qadri 2, Syed Shah Muhammad
2, Jalil Abbas 3, Muhammad TariqPervaiz 2,
Awan 2
Department of Computer Science, GCU Faisalabad,
Department of Computer Science, Virtual University
of Pakistan, Lahore,
Department of Computer Science, University
of Central Punjab, Lahore,
Abstract: Software
Cost Estimation is essential for efficient control and
management of the whole software development process. Today,
Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO 11) is very popular for
estimating software cost. In Constructive Cost Model lines of
code and function, points are used to calculate the software
size. Actually, this work represents the implementation stages
but in early stages in software development, it was not easy to
estimate software cost. The entity relationship model (ER
Model) is very useful in requirement analysis for data
concentrated systems. This paper highlights the use of Entity
Relationship Model for software cost estimation. Pathway
Density is ushered in. By using the Pathway Density and other
factors, many regression models are built for estimating the
software cost. So in this paper, Entity Relationship Model is
based on estimated cost of software. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):47-51]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
ER Model, Cost Estimation, Entity
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Web-Ontology Design Quality
Farooq, 2Syed Ahsan, 2Abad Shah
Al-khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science
of Computer Science and Engineering
of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore
Abstract: Semantic
Web is an extension
of current web in which the web resources are equipped with
formal semantics about their interpretation for the
machines. These web
resources are integrated in the form of web information
systems, and their formal semantics are normally represented in
the form of web-ontologies. Using the database
terminology, we can say that web-ontology of a semantic web
system is schema of
that system. Since web-ontology is an
integral element of semantic web systems, therefore, design
quality of a semantic web system can be measured by measuring
the quality of its web-ontology. The key consideration is that
after completing design of a web-ontology, it is appropriate
time to assess its quality so that in case, the design is of
low quality, it can be improved before its instantiation. This
can save a considerable amount of cost and effort for
developing high quality semantic web systems. Metrics are
considered as suitable tools for evaluating quality. In this
paper, we propose certain metrics for web-ontology quality
evaluation. These metrics may contribute in developing a high
quality semantic web system. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):52-58]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Semantic web; Ontology metrics; quality measurement
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Determining Regression Models of Almond
and its Kernel Mass Based on Geometric Properties (Shahrud 12
and Mama'e Varieties)
M.A.Ghazavi2, B.Hosseinzadeh2
1Payame-noor university, Farsan,
2 Department of mechanical farm machinery, University
of Shahrekord,
Shahrekord 115 Iran
Abstract: Almond (Prunus amygdalus) belongs to Rosaceae family and
sub-family of Pronoideae. Physical traits of agricultural
products are main parameters in designing of grading,
conveying, processing, and packing systems. In this study the
physical traits such as dimensions, mass, volume, sphericity,
geometric average of Mama'e and Shahrud 12 almonds and their
kernels were measured and calculated. The average amounts of
length, width, and thickness for both almond varieties were
37.41, 23.21, and 16.63 mm, respectively, and for almonds'
kernel were 28.05, 13.4, and 7.82 mm, respectively. Results
from modeling of almond and its kernel masses based on
dimensions and volume showed that there exists a great
correlation coefficient between the samples actual volumes and
masses, but since determining actual volume of almond and its
kernel is a time-taking task, it was suggested to use
calculated volume and presuming that the cross-sectional area
of the almond is oval. Also the mass model based on the
thickness had the highest determination coefficient and lowest
regression error which was the best option for industrial and
economical applications. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):59-64]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Almonds, Physical Properties, Mass
Modeling, Dimensional Models, Volumetric Models
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assessment of groundwater vulnerability in Tamtsag basin, Mongolia
using drastic model
Hasiniaina1, Jianwei Zhou, Luo Guoyi
of Environmental Studies, China
University of
Geosciences (Wuhan)
Road 388, Wuhan
City, 430074 Hubei
P.R. China.
ABSTRACT: Groundwater is one
of the most valuable natural resources and for that reason, its
protection and management is vital for human evolution,
socio-economic development and ecological diversity. Because of
the known health and economic impacts associated with
groundwater contamination, steps to assess groundwater
vulnerability must be taken. This study aimed to assess
groundwater pollution potentials of the north-eastern part of
the deep confined aquifer of block XIX, Tamtsag basin, Mongolia.
The normal DRASTIC model was applied to the study area with the
help of GIS. DRASTIC parameters were calculated from geological
data, soil and elevation contour maps, and groundwater level
data of the study area. ArcInfo/GIS was used to demarcate
vulnerable zones based on their vulnerability index. Finally, a
sensitivity analysis of the parameters constituting the model
was performed in order to evaluate the relative importance of
the each DRASTIC model parameters. The aquifer vulnerability
map revealed that only 2% of the study area is under moderate
vulnerability to contamination, the remaining zone was
determined to be in a low risk category. GIS greatly
facilitated the implementation of the sensitivity analysis
applied on the DRASTIC vulnerability index which otherwise
could have been impractical. Appropriate methods for keeping
groundwater resource sustainability in the study area have been
suggested. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):65-78]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Groundwater vulnerability / DRASTIC / Tamtsag basin
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Of Whey Protein Concequence For Dairy Industry (Review)
Khorshid, M.A. and Fatma, A.M.
Dairy Department, National
Research Center,
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Milk proteins play a range of roles which make dairy products
and products containing dairy components are valuable. Theses
include nutrition, physical functionality and breakdown under
controlled condition to produce nutritional, functional or
flavour full products. This article reviews the structure of whey protein
concequence for dairy industry. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):79-84]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Milk proteins; dairy components; nutrition; review; dairy industry
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Application Of Micro-Relief Meter For Soil Tillage Studies
M.A. Ghazavi,
A. Yosufvand, B. Hosseinzadeh
Department of mechanical farm
machinery, University
of Shahrekord,
Shahrekord 115 Iran
Measuring the physical properties of soil
provides a good opportunity for careful study of processes such
as evaporation from the soil surface, formation of water
runoff, sediments and erosion.
In this research, the change of some soil hydrological
properties was studied in four kinds of primary soil
cultivation activities by using a mechanical micro-relief
meter. This study was conducted in a randomized complete block
design. Data was collected in frames with 9025 cm2
area and 400 data height were collected for every frame.
Measured soil properties were: Root Mean Square (RMS) of height
data, superficial Profile Length Ratio (RZ) of soil roughness,
Infiltration Recession Factor (RECS), plough depth, the volume of displaced
soil, comparison of the area change in relation to superficial
evaporation of soil. The RMS of height data was higher
(p<0.05) with moldboard plow and modified disk plow than
chisel and traditional ploughshares. The analysis of
height data collected from plots showed that surface
evaporation of soil moisture didn't differ by plowing with
moldboard plow or traditional ploughshares, compared with two
other ploughshares. This statistic was less than the recorded
value of developed dish-like ploughshare (p<0.01). Also
displaced soil mass
by these two ploughshares was much more than chisel and
traditional ones (p<0.01). The developed ploughshare
prevents more evaporation. Therefore, plowing surface with this
instrument provides high pot-hole store and penetration
coefficient compared with other ploughshares. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):85-89]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: RMS of
height data, RZ, plough, height data, surface evaporation,
pot-hole store
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Variations in some heavy metal concentrations in soil
and Manihot esculanta
tuber from the East and North eastern part of Nigeria
S. T. Garba,1* J. T., Barminas, 2 and A. H. Santuraki,1
1Department of
Chemistry, University
of Maiduguri,
Borno state. P. M.
B. 1069. Nigeria.
2Department of
Chemistry, Federal
of Technology Yola (FUTY), P. M. B. 2076. Adamawa state. Nigeria.
Abstract: The levels of the heavy metals: Cr,
Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Mn were determined in Manihot esculanta tubers and the soil used for its
cultivation. This was done to asses the pollution level of the
farmland and hence the safety status of Manihot esculanta tubers produced. Samples were
collected from Konduga local government area of Borno state in
the North East and from Umuahia local government area of Abia
state in the East, all in Nigeria.
These were treated and digested and the heavy metal
concentrations were determined using Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS). The result obtained shows that, the samples
from the North East had the highest levels of the elements Pb
30.14, Zn 88.65, Cd 3.15, Cu 16.00, Cr 6.74, and Mn 13.00 ppm
in the soil sample while 5.47, 9.09, 5.05, 2.60, 3.37 ppm for
the elements Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Mn respectively were observed
in manihot esculanta
tubers sample. All these were found higher than what was
observed in the soil and manihot
esculanta samples collected from the East. Cr, was however,
found below detection limits in manihot esculanta tuber samples from both the
regions. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):90-94]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Health, Safety, Environment,
Development, Borno State,
Abia State,
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of palms wine in the municipality
of Ze (Benin):
socio-economic and physical impacts
Ade Romaric Herman1*,
Bio Bigou Bani Leon2, Luo Zhaohui3
School of Environmental Studies, China University of
Geosciences, Hubei province, 388 lumo Road, 430074 Wuhan,
P.R China,, 008613797056028
University of Benin,
(Abomey-Calavi), General
Secretary of university
Box: 526- Abomey- Calavi- Benin
China University of Geosciences, Department of Environmental
Sciences, 388 Lumo Road,
Wuhan City, Hubei province, 430074, P.R. China
The exploitation of palm wine is one of
activities which many people from southern Benin
particularly the municipality
of Ze have
engaged. This study aims to analyze the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of the exploitation of palm wine in the
municipality. The methodology consisted of collecting
demographic, agricultural, socio economic data, processing and
analysis of data collected in real area based on components of
the Leopold matrix. The exploitation of palm wine has changed
the agricultural landscape of the municipality
of Ze. The soil is becoming
unproductive for food crops after a long fallow palm wine
causing impoverished land due to overuse. The vegetation is
endangered because of the rarity of certain plant species like
Acacia sp (acacia), Antiaris africana, sapadi Blighia (bligia
tasty), Chloroophora excelsa, Cola nitida, etc. But, in other
aspect this activity is contributing to improve the living
conditions of farmers and reduce the production of oil palm in
this area. The production of alcohol provides employment to
about 42% of the active population in the municipality
of Ze, (municipality
of Ze,
2007). At various levels of production that is from felling to
alcohol distillation there are large numbers of people being
employed. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):95-102].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: palm wine; sodabi; socio- economic and
physical impact; municipality
of Ze
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characteristics of copper in some calcareous soils of western Iran
A. R. Hosseinpur1 and F. Dandanmozd2
1.Soil Sci. Dep.
Shahrekord Univ. Shahrekord, Iran
2.Soil Sci. Dep.
Bu-Ali Sina Univ. Hamadan, Iran.
Abstract: The
environmental impact of metal additions to soil depends on its
sorption ability. To evaluate the sorption of copper (Cu) on to
some soils an experiment was conducted with ten calcareous soils of Hamadan
province in the west of Iran.
Half g soil samples were equilibrated at 25±1 and 45±1°C with
25 ml of 0.01 M CaCl2 containing 0 to 30 mgL-1 Cu
as CuSO4. Suspensions were centrifuged, filtered and
concentration of Cu in the clear extract solution was
calculated. The thermodynamic parameters viz. K○,
∆G○, ∆H○ and ∆S○
were determined by using sorption data and concentration of Cu
in equilibrium solution at two different temperature.
Thermodynamic parameters revealed that Cu sorption increased as
the values of K○ and ∆G○
increased with rise in temperature from 25 to 45 °C. The
ΔGo values at 25 and 45°C were negative and
ranged from -18.39 to -24.10 and -21.167 to -26.267 kJ mol-1
respectively. The values of enthalpy (ΔHo) and
antropy (∆S○) were positive and ranged from
8.184 to 42.852 kJ mol-1 and 102.457 to 206.184 J
mol-1 K-1. The results showed that Cu
sorption is a spontaneous process and endothermic reaction. The
results also showed that calcareous soils can sorb high amounts of Cu and
that thermodynamic parameters are useful in describing Cu
sorption. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):103-108].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Sorption isotherm; Calcareous soils; Thermodynamic parameter;
Full Text
between Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Gallinacin genes and
resistance to Marek's disease in White Leghorn
yacoub, H. A*1,
Galal, A2, El Fiky, S.A1 and Fathi, M. M
Biology Department, National
Research Center,
Giza, Egypt
2 Poultry Production
Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain
Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
are antimicrobial peptides that play a significant role in
innate immunity in chicken. The aim of this study was to
determine the relationship between candidate genes of innate
immunity and resistance to Marek's disease and to predict
whether the amino acids substitutions lead to produce new
phenotypes. We used in current study two inbred lines of White
Leghorn chickens, line 6 which selected for resistant to
Marek's disease and line 7 which selected to susceptible to
Marek's disease from ADOL, ARS, USDA. We examined Gal-1 and Gal-2
in current study by sequenced a 1.38 kb
in two directions from two inbred lines (6 and 7). A total of 6
SNPs were identified within the sequenced regions. This equates
to an SNP rate of 4.34 SNPs/kb, nearly to the previously
reported 5 SNPs/kb across the entire chicken genome. The
current study showed that the gallinacin genes are polymorphic
because there are many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
in both inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens and some of
these SNPs are nonsynonymous and others are synonymous and some
of them are located in intronic region and the rest are in
exonic region. All identified SNPs were intronic; except for
Gal-1 was exonic resulting in amino acids changes which have a
non-synonymous SNP resulting in amino acids alterations of
asparagine to serine, histidine to tyrosine and tyrosine to
serine, respectively. From SIFT (Sorting Intolerant from
tolerant) program which used to predict whether an amino acids
substitutions can affect protein function resulting in
phenotypic effect, that is may be made the inbred line 7 of
White Leghorn chickens are susceptible to Marek's disease
rather than line 6. We are concluded that a new chromosomal
region with effects on the response to Marek's disease in
chickens was characterized in this study. Within this region,
the SNPs in the gallinacin candidate genes could potentially be
used in a marker assisted selection program to enhance the
response to Marek's disease. Analysis of the gallinacin genes
in the protective pathways of disease resistance has also
opened the possibilities for therapeutic strategies using
endogenous antimicrobial peptides. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):109-114]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
single nucleotide polymorphisms, Gallinacin,
genes, Marek's disease, resistance
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Endometrial Cytology and
Bacteriological Isolates From Buffaloes With Retained Fetal
Membranes and Their Effects on the Reproductive Efficiency
H. A.1*, AbouZeid N. Z.2 and Barakat T. M.1
of Theriogenology1 and Infectious Diseases2,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt
This study aimed
to determine if the buffaloes with retained fetal membranes
(RFM) and without systemic involvement had an effect on the
subsequent reproductive efficiency. One hundred buffaloes with
or without placental retention were allocated into 4 groups,
including 25 buffaloes at day 15 post-calving had
RFM (1st group),
25 buffaloes at 45 days post-calving had RFM (2nd
group), 25 buffaloes
without RFM at day 15
post-calving as control (3rd group) and 25
buffaloes without RFM at
day 45 post-calving as control (4th group). The
intrauterine perfusion fluid (10ml) was
collected and examined bacteriologically and cytologically to
evaluate the intrauterine environment. The reproductive
parameters were determined in both buffaloes with or without
retained fetal membranes. The detection rate of bacterial spp. was
significantly (P<0.05) higher in buffaloes with RFM
collected at day 15 after parturition than those in other
groups. All 25 buffaloes
with RFM at 15 days post-partum (100.0 %) showed positive
results. From 22 of them (88.0%), more than one bacterial
species was isolated. An Archanobacterium pyogenes (A. pyogenes) was
isolated from 56.0% of buffaloes with RFM after 15 days
post-calving. On the other hand,
5 (20.0%) out of 25 buffaloes with RFM at 45 days post-partum
showed positive results. Nine out of 25 (36.0%) buffaloes
without RFM at 15 days post-partum showed positive results.
Moreover, 4 out of 25 (16.0%) control buffaloes at 45 days
post-partum showed positive results. The bacterial species most
frequently isolated was Lactobacillus spp. The number of buffaloes with ≥70%
PMNs or ≤ 40% lymphocytes cells was higher (24/25, 96%)
in the 1st group (RFM) at 15 days than those in 2nd
group (RFM) at 45 days post-calving. The number of buffaloes
with ≥70% PMNs or ≤ 40% lymphocytes cells was also
significantly (P<0.01) higher in control group (17/25, 65%)
at 15 days than those in control group (6/25, 24%) at 45 days.
There were no significant variations among the groups of the
buffaloes with retained placenta and the control groups at 15
and 45 days post-calving in postpartum uterine involution, the
number of days from parturition to initial insemination, the
number of days to conception and the number of services per
conception. The overall conception rate was 15(60%) and 16(64%)
in the RFM group, meanwhile, it was 19(76%) and 20(80%) in the
control groups. It could be concluded that, in most buffaloes,
the retained fetal membranes without systemic involvement had
no major effect on the postpartum reproductive performance. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(11):115-121]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Buffaloes, Bacteriologically,
Cytologically, Insemination,
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Toxoplasmosis in Naturally and
Experimentally Infected Goats
Abou Zeid N.Z.1,
Amer H.A.2*, T.M. Barakat2, Selim A.M.1 and El-Balkemey F.A.1
of Infectious Diseases1, Theriogenology2,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt
Abstract: One hundred
slaughtered goats (2-3 years old) were used for diagnosis of
toxoplasmosis in naturally infected goats, and 12 healthy
pregnant and nonpregnant goats were used to study the pattern
of toxoplasmosis as experimental study. Prevalence of toxoplasmosis in 100
slaughtered goats revealed that 29 (29%) and 27 (27%) were
seropositive by LAT and IHA tests, respectively. There were
agreement between LAT and IHA 97.3% in seronegative and 93.1%
in seropositive sera in goats. There were complete concordance
between LAT and bioassay in cats and mice. While the agreement
between IHA result and bioassay in cat and mice was 93.1% in
goats. Clinical examination of experimentally infected goats
revealed that all goats had slight rise of body temperature;
depression, anorexia, cough, muscular hyperthesia and diarrhea
by day 5 and returned to normal by day 11. The age of fetus at
the time of T. gondii infection is one of the known
causes for the variability in clinical response. As infection
of goats in early stage of pregnancy result in fetal
reabsorption, while infection in mid pregnancy lead to abortion
in one goat at 28 days post-infection and the other was aborted
at 40 days post-infection. Moreover infections in late
pregnancy resulted in delivery of viable kids. On the other
hand controls goats were clinically normal and pregnant does
were birth viable kids. LAT showed rapid response after 14 days
post-infection, while IHA detected antibodies after 3 weeks
post-infection. The antibody titers of both tests remained high
until the end of experiment (48 weeks), while the titers were
decreased around abortion or parturition and increased again
after one week. Both LAT and IHA tests were insensitive in the
pre-suckling kids from infected goats, whereas PCR gave
positive results. In conclusion, PCR considered the most
reliable tool for diagnosis of prenatal infection of
toxoplasmosis, while LAT and IHA were considered unreliable
tools for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis if they applied one week
before or after kidding. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):122-129]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Prevalence, Toxoplasmosis, Goats,
Abortion, Parturition.
Full Text
Degradation of Monoazo and Diazo Dyes in Wastewater on
Nanometer-Sized TiO2
Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University (Girls),
Naser City, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Advanced
oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved very effective in treatment
of the various hazardous organic pollutants in water. The
photocatalytic degradation of two azo dyes, monoazo dye Acid
Orange 10(AO10) and
diazo dye Acid Red114(AR114) present in wastewater were
studied. Homogeneous photocatalytic degradation of the two azo
dyes with UV/H2O2 process was
investigated. The rates of disappearance of the two azo dyes
were monitored spectrophotometrically at the visible maximum
absorption wavelengths. It was found that the rate of
decolorization rises by increasing the initial dosage of H2O2
up to a “critical” value at which it is maximum and beyond
which it is inhibited. The rates of reactions follow
pseudo-first-order kinetics. Also heterogeneous photocatalytic
degradation of the two azo dyes with UV/TiO2
(titanium dioxide) interface was investigated. The
photocatalytic degradation rate depends on dye structure, dye
concentration, TiO2 concentration and pH of the
medium. The mechanism of the photodegradation process under
UV-visible light illumination involves an electron excitation
into the conduction band of the TiO2 semiconductor
leading to the generation of very active oxygenated species
that attack the dye molecules leading to photodegradation.
Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 was examined by focusing
on its enhancement by electron scavengers in the photocatalytic
decomposition of the two azo dyes. The electron scavengers
employed was inorganic oxidant such as H2O2,
adequate dose of H2O2 led to a faster
degradation of the two azo dyes in the TiO2
photocatalytic system. The fast decolorization of monoazo dye
(AO10) than diazo dye (AR114) is an indication that, the number
of azo and sulphonate groups in the dye molecule may be a
determining factor for increasing the degradation rates.
[Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):130-142]. (ISSN:
Azo dyes; UV/H2O2
oxidation, Titanium dioxide; Photodegradation; Semiconductor.
Full Text
and genetic trends for milk production in Egyptian buffaloes
Fooda, T. A.;
Kawthar A. Mourad and Gebreel, I. A
Production Research
Institute-Buffalo Breeding
Research Department-
Dooki- Giza - Egypt
Abstract: A
total of 3495 records collected from 904 buffalo cows progeny of 174 sires and 470
dams through period from 1990 to 2008 in all Stations
belonging to Animal Production Research Institute, Ministry of
Agriculture were used to estimate the phenotypic and genetic
trends for total milk yield. LSM for total milk at different year
of calving ranged between 1334 kg and 1692 kg, 1028 kg and 1561
kg, 1209 kg and 1633 kg, 1355 kg and 1415 kg and 1137 kg and
1355 kg for El-Nattafe El-Gidid (NG), El-Nattafe El-Kadim (NK),
Mahalet Mousa (MM), Gemiza (G) and Sids (S) stations, respectively.
Estimates of the positive breeding value (BV, %) at different
year of calving ranged between 40 % and 52 %, 31 % and 52 %, 40
% and 56 %, 37 % and 55 % and 45 % and 59 % for NG, NK, MM, G
and S stations, respectively. Annual phenotypic trend for milk
production ranged between -11.7 kg and +36.7 kg for S and NK
stations, respectively. While, the annual genetic trend ranged
between -0.16 kg and +0.6 kg for G and NG stations,
respectively. The results of the present study showed that
there are increased of improvement of phenotypic and genetic
trend in all MM farms from 1990 until now. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):143-147]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
buffalo, phenotypic trend, genetic trend, breeding value and
milk production
Full Text
Aided Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Acridine Derivatives a
Topoisomerase I Inhibitors
Mahmoud El Taliawi1, Enayat Ibrahim Ali1,
Gehan Hegazy Hegazy*1, Nasser
S. M. Ismail2 and Walaa Ramadan1
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy
Cairo University,
2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy
Ain Shams University, Egypt.
A series of novel 9- anilinoacridines was designed and their
molecular docking studies into the active site were examined as
topoisomerase I inhibitor. Several compounds showed significant
high simulation docking score. The designed compounds were
synthesized and biologically evaluated against mammary
carcinoma cell line (MCF-7), where compounds
8,11e,11f,13b,14b,14e and 14f
showed significant inhibitory activity at a concentration
10μg/mL). It appears that the in vitro activity of
compounds 8,11e,11f,13b,14b,14e and 14f
were consistent with their molecular modeling results, and
compound 14b showed the highest activity with IC50
value of 7.8 µg. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):148-158]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Molecular docking, Acridine derivatives, Antitumor
Full Text
of Probiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Adding to Diets
on Intestinal Microflora and Performance of Hy-Line Layers
M. Hassanein1 and Nagla K. Soliman2
Dept, Faculty of Science, 2Poultry Production Dept.,
Faculty of Agriculture, Ain
Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: As
experiment was conducted to evaluate the affect of adding
various levels of a live yeast to laying hen diets on their
laying and feeding performance, egg shell, egg components and
some blood constituents, as well as the intestinal microflora
make-up. This were studied to validate the mode of a live yeast
action in improving laying hens performance. For this purpose
75 Hy line (W-36) white layers were sited from 70 to 79 week of
age in individual cages and randomly distributed into five
experimental groups of 15 layers each. The individual hen was
represented as an experimental unit. The five experimental
groups were fed on five graded levels of a live yeast as 0.0%
(control), 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2% and 1.6%. The main results
indicated an increase in egg production percentage of layers
fed with 0.4% and 0.8% a live yeast which recorded 83.4% and
80.6% respectively compared with 74% of control which was
similar to the groups of layers fed 1.2% (74.9%) and 1.6%
(74.6%). Average egg weight was not influenced by adding yeast
into diets. Egg mass results were parallel to these of egg
production where the values of 46.7, 51.0, 50.2, 48.3 and 46.1
g egg/hen/day were recorded for the group of birds fed with 0%,
0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2% and 1.6% a live yeast respectively. Egg
albumen and egg yolk were affected significantly. There was a
slight improvement in egg shell thickness and percentage. Feed
intake values were approximately similar within the different
treatments. Feed conversion ratios (g feed/g egg) of layers fed
yeast levels of 0.4% (2.08) and 0.8% (2.07) were better than
the control group (2.27). Blood total protein levels of birds
fed 0.4% (3.82), 0.8% (3.65) and 1.2% (3.97) yeast were lower
than the control (4.16), while the value of 1.6% yeast (4.16)
was slightly higher than control. Blood albumen levels were
parallel to those of blood protein while blood globulin values
were not affected. Blood cholesterol levels of layers fed
yeast-supplemented diets were lower than the control. Blood
total lipids were not affected by treatments. Ileal content pH
of layers fed 0.8% and 1.2% yeast levels was lower than the
control. Microbiological examination of ileal content indicated
an obvious reduction in bacterial total count. While
Lactobacilli bacterial count was increased. There were
reductions in bacterial strains of Escherichia coli
(E.coli), Klebsiella sp., Staphylococcus sp., Micrococcus sp.,
Campylobacter sp., and Closterdium perfringers of layers
fed various yeast levels. The results of this study suggest
adding live yeast at 0.4% or 0.8% into laying hen diets can
enhance the productive performance and nutrients utilization
via the inhibitory effect of yeast against pathogenic bacteria.
[Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):159-169]. (ISSN:
Keywords: yeast level,
laying hen, egg production, ileal microflora, blood
Full Text
of enterotoxigenic S. aureus Isolated from mastitic
cattle and buffaloes in Egypt
Kamal Abdel Haleem El-Jakee1, Emad Rizkalla Zaki2,
Randa Samy Farag2
Department Faculty of Vet. Medicine
Cairo University
Diseases Department, Animal Health Research Institute, Doki, Giza.
Abstract: Enterotoxigenic
S. aureus in milk posses a potential health hazard to
consumers. In this paper 106 S. aureus isolated from cow
and buffalo milk samples were investigated for production of
enterotoxins. RPLA results showed high incidence of type C
enterotoxin followed by type A and type B with incidence of 34
(32.1%), 19 (17.9%) and 15 (14.2%) respectively. Toxigenic S.
aureus isolates produced golden yellow, creamy and white
colonies on agar in percent of 69.11%, 27.94% and 2.94%
respectively. Regarding to hemolytic activity on sheep blood
agar, 92.65% of toxigenic S. aureus isolated from bovine
milk samples were hemolytic. A correlation exists between
toxigenic isolates and coagulase and DNase production. On
crystal violet agar medium. 23.53% of the S. aureus
isolates yielded yellow colonies, 64.71% yielded violet
colonies, while 11.76% yielded white colonies from the
toxigenic S. aureus isolates. It is clear that most of
bovine isolates yielded violet colonies on the medium. Out of
68 isolates of toxigenic S. aureus isolates 51 (75%)
showed SpA by agglutination test positive. Results obtained
showed 100% agreement between RPLA and PCR techniques. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(11):170-178]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
S. aureus,
mastitis, enterotoxins, RPLA, PC
Full Text
Hydro-Thermal Safety Control of Karun-1 Dam
under Unusual Reservoir Level Reduction
Mojtaba Labibzadeh 1
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid
Chamran University,
Ahvaz, Iran
Karun-1 dam safety was examined through
carrying over a 3D finite elements analysis. The dam as well as
its foundation and abutments have been modeled in a relatively
exact manner. Furthermore, the vertical contraction joints were
simulated in calculations. Hydrostatic, gravity and thermal
effects have been taken into account as the load collections.
10m reduction of reservoir level from normal water level of the
dam reservoir was applied in the modeling and the possibility
of initiate and development of cracks in dam body was
investigated by means of monitoring of principal stresses. The
obtained results showed that mentioned possibility existed and
the downstream face of the dam in vicinity of the abutments
near to crest level probably experiences the tensile cracks.
[Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):179-184]. (ISSN:
Arch dam, Thermal, Contraction joints,
Cracks, Dam safety
Full Text
of HBV Genotypes in Egypt
among Hepatitis Patients
Iman A. El Aziz Khaled *1, Ola M.
Mahmoud1, Abeya F.Saleh1, and Emad A. Baioumi2
& Blood Bank, 2Tropical Medicine, Theodor Bilharz Research
Institute (TBRI). Cairo, Egypt;
Phylogenetic analysis has led to the classification of
hepatitis B virus into eight genotypes, designated A to H. The
genotypes have differences in biological properties and show
heterogeneity in their global distribution. These attributes of
the genotypes may account not only for differences in the
prevalence of hepatitis B virus mutants in various geographic
regions, but also makes them responsible for differences in the
clinical outcome and response to antiviral treatment in
different population groups. Africa
is one of the highly endemic regions of HBV with five genotypes
(A-E) identified. Almost all patients in the Mediterranean area
are infected with genotype D. However, there is little
information of genotype distribution in Egypt.
A total of 140 Egyptian patients with hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) positive were enrolled in this study. Of the
140 patients, only100 patients were HBV DNA positive and only
these were included in the study. They were classified in to 20
patients with acute hepatitis (AH), 75 patients with chronic
active hepatitis (CAH) and 5 patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC)]. HBV genotypes were determined using INNO-LiPA
methodology which is based on the reversed hybridization
principle. Results: This study showed that genotype D
constituted 87% of the total infections (75% CAH, 7% AH &
5% HCC). The other 13% showed mixed infections of D/F. Conclusion:
These findings show that the most prevalent genotype in Egypt
is genotype D especially in CAH and HCC patients while the
mixed type D/F is mostly encountered in AH. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):185-190]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Phylogenetic,
Genotypes, Hepatocellular
Full Text
Study of the Effect of Schistosoma mansoni Infection on
Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and the Role of β-Carotene
and Vitamin E in Modulating this Effect.
Mervat S. El-Ansary1, Imam
A. Khaled2, Abeya F. Saleh2, Ola M. Mahmoud2,
Emad A. Baioumi3, Heba A.Bakr4
1Immunology (Cairo
University), 2Haematology
(TBRI), 3Hepatology (TBRI), 4Science (Ain
Shams University),
Cairo Egypt,
Aim: This study has been made to determine the potential
genotoxicity of Schistosoma mansoni on lymphocytes of infected
patients using different mutagenic end points. The
protective role of antioxidants pro vitamin β-carotene and
vitamin E in minimizing these genotoxic effect was also
studied. The study focused on the effect of schistosomiasis on
the induction of sister chromatid exchange (SCEs) and other chromosomal
aberrations. Patients and Methods: This work was conducted on
24 Schistosoma mansoni infected patients and 10 healthy adults
as a control group. Lymphocytes from peripheral blood of
patients and control group were used for culture and subsequent
cytogenetic studies. Results: The results indicated that
schistosomiasis was genotoxic in all examined tests. It induced
a significant increase in the percentage of structural
chromosomal aberrations and the frequency of SCEs. It also
inhibited cell division and caused cell cycle delay. Lymphocyte
cultures of S. mansoni patients treated with 10
β-carotene or 20 mg/ml vitamin E showed a significant
decrease in the percentage of structural chromosomal
aberrations and the frequency of SCEs. Conclusion: schistosomiasis
has a genotoxic effect on peripheral blood lymphocytes. The use
of the antioxidants β-carotene and vitamin E can be
considered a promising approach not only toward inhibiting the
genetic damage of schistosomiasis but also as prophylactic agents
against infection with S mansoni. Furthermore, higher doses of
antioxidant drugs, β-carotene and vitamin E, should be
tried as an adjuvants to conventional therapy in a trial to
improve treatment of schistosomiasis. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):191-202]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Schistosomiasis, β-carotene, vitamin E, chromosomal
Full Text
Abulyazid1, I., Mohga S. Abdallah2,
Hayate I. Sharada3 and Sama H. Okasha4
Molecular Biology Department, Atomic Energy
3, 4 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,
Helwan university
experimental work aimed to show role of the molecular biology
in diagnosis of hepatitis C liver disease (HCV) and acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) which occur as a result of the
disturbances of protein and enzymes fractions at the molecular
level. The study carried out using vertical slab gel
electrophoresis for detection of the protein pattern, catalase
and peroxidase. Protein fractionation of the control samples
produced 13 bands with Rf ranged between 0.17 and 0.96 and
(amount, 3.14 - 7.24). Comparing hepatitis C with control one
out of these 13 bands are completely disappeared at Rf 0.86
(amount 9.34). Ten bands appeared to be common bands in all HCV
samples except one sample only nine common bands were produced
while the band number ten was disappeared. The data showed that
5 characteristic bands were produced. One from these five bands
determined at Rf 0.7 in all HCV sera samples except the first
sample. Comparing leukemia samples with control only two were
considered as common bands. These bands completely appeared in
all sera samples. On the other side one band was completely
disappeared in all leukemia samples. The rest bands distributed
between different leukemia samples. 15 bands produced as
characteristic bands. Electrophoresis pattern for catalase
mentioned that six bands were produced in control samples. When
hepatitis C compared with the control showed that two out these
six bands were completely disappeared and other all HCV four
bands considered as common bands. The amount of catalase enzyme
completely decreased in all bands. In leukemia five common
bands were produced with the appearance of one characteristic
band, from the other side one band was disappeared. A
documentation of peroxidase pattern data showed that tow common
bands were appeared with Rf 0.1 and 0.33, the amount of these
two bands were decreased when the amount of HCV compared with
control in the same rows. In leukemia there is only one
common band was produced with appearance of a three
characteristic bands. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(11):203-216]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
HCV, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Protein
electrophoresis, catalase, peroxidase
Full Text
Serum resistin levels and haemostatic changes
in experimentally induced diabetic and high fat fed rats
Mohammad I. Hoseen, Mai M. Hassan, Dalia I. Abd-Alaleem and Eman M. Faragallah.
of physiology, Faculty of medicine, Zagazig University.
Abstract: Adipose
tissue is considered as an active endocrine gland that affects
many aspects of body homeostasis. Adipose tissue derived
molecules ‘‘adipokines” regulate energy homeostasis, dietary
behavior, as well as insulin sensitivity and immunity; it
refers to leptin, adiponectin, resistin, apelin, visfatin and
omentin. Resistin is a cysteine-rich adipokine that is released
by adipocytes and macrophages and has been involved in the
development of insulin resistance in rodents. Moreover a strong
link between diabetes, hypercoagulability and thrombogenesis,
had been recognized for decades. Aim: In a trial to identify
any possible relationship between resistin levels and some
haemostatic changes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic and high
fat diet-fed rats (HFD); the present work had been carried out.
Design: A total number of 40 adult male albino rats were
divided into 2 main groups: Group I (n= 24): To study the
effect of streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes and was
further divided into 3 equal subgroups (n= 8 in each) and survived
for 30 days: Ia: (control group), Ib: (experimental diabetic
non-treated group (by a single i.p. injection of streptozotocin
(65mg/Kg B.W), Ic (experimental diabetic group treated with
insulin). Group II (n= 16): To study the effect of high fat diet
and was further divided into 2 equal subgroups (n= 8 in each)
and survived for 7 weeks: IIa: (control group), IIb (high fat
diet fed (58% fat). In all groups, serum levels of
glucose, insulin, resistin, total cholesterol(TC),
triglycerides (TG), HDL, LDL, BT, WBCT, PT, aPTT, plasma
fibrinogen level, plasma D-dimmers level and platelet count
were measured. Results: The results of this study showed
a significant decrease in serum resistin levels (p<0.001) in
streptozotocin-induced diabetic group in comparison with its
control group and insulin-treated group. Moreover, no
significant correlation could be detected between resistin
levels and any of measured parameters in these groups except
the significant positive correlation with body weight at the
end of experimental period. In addition, our study revealed a
significant increase in serum resistin levels (p<0.001) in
HFD-fed group in comparison with its controls, which was
correlated positively and significantly with body weight,
serum glucose levels, insulin levels and HOMA-IR index
(p<0.001), atherogenic lipid profile and markers of
hyper-coagulability (except for platelet count). Conclusion: No
role for resistin in metabolic and haemostatic changes in type
1 diabetic rats was detected. Although, hyperresistinemia may
represent a link between metabolic signals, atherogenesis, and
hypercoagulability in type 2 diabetic rats. However, further
studies are needed to clarify this relationship in human
cardiovascular diseases. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):217-227].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Resistin, Streptozotocin, high fat,
diabetes, heamostasis
Full Text
Investigation and Numeric Prediction for Biodynamic Response of
the Seated Human Body
A. M. Abdeena, W. Abbasb
Dept. of Eng. Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Eng.
Cairo University, Egypt
msotafa_a_m_abdeen@hotmail.com; wael_abass@hotmail.com
Abstract: The
biodynamic response behaviors of seated human body subject to
whole-body vibration have been widely investigated. The
biodynamic response characteristics of seated human subjects
have been extensively reported in terms of apparent mass and
driving-point mechanical impedance while seat-to-head vibration
transmissibility has been widely used to characterize response
behavior of the seated subjects exposed to vibration. These
functions (apparent mass, driving-point mechanical impedance)
describe “to-the-body”
force–motion relationship at the human–seat interface, while
the transmissibility function describes “through-the-body”
vibration transmission properties. The current study proposed
a 4-DOF analytic
biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting posture
without backrest in vertical vibration direction to investigate
the biodynamic responses
of different masses and stiffness. Following the
analytical approach, numerical technique developed in the
present paper to facilitate and rapid the analysis. The
numerical analysis used here applies one of the artificial
intelligence technique to simulate and predict the response
behaviors of seated
human body for different masses and stiffness without the need
to go through the analytic solution every time. The Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) technique is introduced in the current
study to predict the response behaviors for different masses
and stiffness rather than those used in the analytic solution. The results
of the numerical study showed that the ANN method with less
effort was very efficiently capable of simulating and
predicting the response behaviors of seated human body
subject to whole-body vibration. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):228-239]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
response, Analytic seated human body model, Numerical simulation
model, Artificial Neural Network.
Full Text
Synthesis of New Peptide Derivatives and Evaluated DNA Binding
Activity, Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activity.
Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar
University, Nasr
Abstract: Recently,
sulfonamides have been reported to show significant antitumor
activity in vitro and/or in vivo. There are a variety of
mechanisms for the anticancer activity. The present work
reports the synthesis some novel peptide sulfadiazine
derivatives, this may play a role in their anticancer activity.
All the newly synthesized compounds were evaluated for DNA
binding activity and antimicrobial activity, some synthesized
compounds showed high DNA binding activity and antimicrobial
activity. Some
selected compounds were evaluated for anticancer activity against breast cancer cell line (MCF7) in vitro. All selected compounds
showed interesting cytotoxic activities compared to a reference
drug. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):240-249]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Peptide;
Anticancer; Antimicrobial; DNA Binding
Full Text
Amelioration Productivity of Sandy Soil by
using Amino Acids, Sulphur and Micronutrients for Sesame
Salwa, A.I. Eisa; Mohsen. M. Abass and S.S. Behary
Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, Egypt
A field experiment was carried out at Ismailia Agricultural
Research Station, Ismailia Governorate, Egypt or two successive
summer seasons 2008 and 2009 using sesame (Giza 32) to study
the effect of elemental sulphur as soil application, amino
acids and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn) as foliar spray and their
interactions by concentration (A0) zero and (A1) 2 g/l, for
amino acids, micronutrients Fe, Zn and Mn were added as mixture
at rates of zero (T0) & 450, 225, 225 µg g-1 (T1) and 900,
450, 450 µg g-1 (T2). While elemental sulphur was added at the
ates of zero (S0) & 0.5 Mg S/fed (S1) and 1.0 Mg S/fed
(S2), on sesame yield, its components and seed quality. Data
indicated that, plant height (cm) significantly affected by all
applied treatments. The tallest plant height (213.3 cm) achieved
upon treating by A1 + 1.0 Mg S/fed + 900, 450, 450 µg g-1 Fe,
Zn, Mn by rate of increases 48.0% over control. Data also show
that there were significantly increases in the whole plant
weight with increasing application of sulphur as soil
application and micronutrients as foliar spray. The highest
plant weight were achieved upon reating by A1 + 1.0 Mg S/fed +
900, 450, 450 µg g-1 (Fe, Zn, Mn) by rate of increases 50.04%
over control. A significantly increase in the seed sesame
yields, the highest seed yields were achieved upon treating by
A0 + 1.0 Mg S/fed + 900, 450, 450 µg g-1 (Fe, Zn, Mn) by rate
of increases 89.80% over control. For seed quality data show
that an increases in P and K%, Fe, Zn and Mn µg g-1,oil and
protein%, oil and protein yield upon treating by A1 + 1.0 Mg
S/fed + 900, 450, 450 µg g-1 (Fe, Zn, Mn). Generally, a
combined application of amino acid with micronutrient Fe, Zn,
Mn in the presence of elemental sulphur significantly increased
the sesame yield; improved nutrition and ncreased seed quality;
except the seeds yield whither the highest amount for seeds
yield occurred in absence of amino acids; it was probably
related to the physiological actions of amino acids and
micronutrients. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):250-257]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Amino acids-
sulphur-micronutrients-sesame-sandy soil.
Full Text
Study of Software Engineering Processes in Egyptian Cmmi
El-Din Hamouda and Mohammad Abdrabo Elwahsh
& Systems Engineering Dept., Al-Azhar University Cairo,
Alaa_ham@gega.net, eng.md.elwahsh@gmail.com
Abstract: The Egyptian government has paid special
attention to the software industry as Egypt to provide it with
a competitive advantage that makes this emerging industry
promising. Thus, the State has supported the Egyptian companies
to make use of the Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). Since
2009, more than thirty companies obtained the CMMI at different levels. However, these
companies suffer from lack of a mechanism to exchange experience
and information among themselves although they could be similar
in the culture of their engineers and perhaps in the nature and
size of their software projects. So, we provide in this
research a survey to gauge the quality of methods, tools and processes
used in these Egyptian companies winning the CMMI. Then we
analyzed the results to reach the recommendations aimed at
enriching the software industry in Egypt. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(11):258-263]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 31
Keywords: CMMI in
Egypt, software engineering processes, survey.
Full Text
Assessment and Fracture Resistance of Adhesively Luted Ceramic
Jylan F. ElGuindy1, Dina H.
Mostafa*2 and Mona A. El Agroudi1
Prosthodontics Department and 2Biomaterials
Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo,
Objectives: The aim of
this study was to investigate the effect of different adhesive
systems on the vertical marginal gap distance and the fracture
resistance of lithium disilicate based crowns. Methods: Forty premolars were prepared to receive forty
e-max crowns. The crowns were divided into 4 groups (N=10 each)
according to the adhesive luting systems. Group (U): using
RelyX Unicem resin cement (self-adhesive system). Group (V):
Variolink II (total-etch system). Group (GU) and group (GV):
application of G-bond (self-etch) on dentin preceded previously
used adhesive systems. A stereomicroscope was used to record
the vertical marginal gap distance before and after
cementation. The crowns were subjected to cyclic loading and
fracture resistance test. Data were statistically analyzed
using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) SPSS 15.0. A
scanning electron microscope was used to qualitatively examine
the dentin/resin interface. Results: Groups (GU) (67.6
± 5.8 µm) and (GV) (68
± 6.4 µm) recorded the significantly
lowest vertical marginal gap, followed by group (V) (82
± 6.8 µm). Group (U) showed the
highest marginal inaccuracy (114
± 6.4 µm). Group (GU) recorded the
significantly highest fracture resistance (2840.5
± 3.8 N), followed by group (GV)
± 3.3 N) and group (V) (2365.8
± 3.6 N). Group (U) showed the lowest
results (2270.9
± 3.4 N). Conclusions: Ceramic restorations luted
with total-etch system offer better vertical marginal gap
distance and fracture resistance than restorations luted with
self-adhesive system.
Treatment of the dentin surface prior to the application
of the bonding system is efficient. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(11):264-273]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Adhesives, marginal
gap, fracture resistance, all-ceramics
Full Text
Desensitizers Affect the Retention of Questionable
Jylan F. ElGuindy1, Dina H.
Mostafa*2 and Mona A. El Agroudi1
Prosthodontics Department and 2Biomaterials
Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo,
Abstract: Objectives: This
study aimed to investigate the effect of different
desensitizers on the retention of short and over-converged
preparations. Methods:
Eighty molars were prepared with 3mm occluso-cervical height
and 24 degrees convergence angle. Nickel-chromium copings were
cast with a loop at the occlusal surface for tensile loading
after cementation. The copings were assigned to two groups
(N=40 each) according to the cement used. Group 1: resin cement
(Duolink). Group 2: glass-ionomer (Ketac-Cem). Each group was
assigned to four subgroups (N=10 each) according to
desensitizers used prior each cement. Subgroup I: control
(untreated), subgroup II: Gluma Comfort + Desensitizer,
subgroup III: Oxalate (Bisblock) and subgroup IV: Fluoride
varnish (Flor-Opal). The retention was determined by uniaxial
tensile mode of force. Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
SPSS 16.0 was used to assess cements, desensitizers and their
interactions on copings retention. Results: Resin group: Oxalate (212.10±7.41N)
showed the significant highest mean of retention, followed by
Gluma (201.52±6.93N), then control (177.52±6.14N). Fluoride
(153.80±6.03N) recorded the lowest mean. Glass-ionomer group:
control (135.54±4.58N) and Oxalate (132.62±4.84N) recorded the
significant highest mean, followed by Gluma (126.84±4.75N).
Fluoride (101.96±6.34N) recorded the lowest mean values. Conclusions: With
questionable preparations, fluoride desensitizer drastically
affected the retention of both cements. Oxalate and Gluma
enhanced the retention with resin cement. Oxalate desensitizer
can be efficiently used with glass-ionomer. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):274-283]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
retention; Nickel-chromium coping; occlusal surface; Fluoride
Full Text
of working casts and dies produced by fast-setting polyvinyl
siloxane impressions
Mona El-Agroudi MD
DDS1 and Eman Essam, MD DDS2
Assistant professor of Fixed
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University., Egypt.
Lecturer of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and Dental
Medicine, Al Azhar University., Egypt.
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the
effect of spacer on the accuracy of working casts and dies
produced from fast-setting polyvinyl siloxane impressions.
and Methods: Twenty Impressions of the mandibular arch of a modified
Dentoform master model incorporating a stainless steel circular
crown preparation were made, using a fast-set Polyvinyl
siloxane (Affinis perfect impressions Coltene/Whaladent AG)
using 2/step impression technique with and without a spacer.
Gypsum working casts and dies were produced from the poured
impressions. Measurements of the master model and working casts
were carried out including anteroposterior (AP) and cross-arch
(CA) dimensions. The stainless steel circular crown preparation
incorporated within the master model was also measured in
buccolingual (BL), mesiodistal (MD), and occlusogingival (OG)
dimensions and compared to measurements from recovered gypsum
dies. Linear measurements were made using a measuring
stereomicroscope. Results: Double impression technique without
spacer showed statistically significant higher mean percent
relative change than double impression technique with spacer.
With each technique, the means percent relative change
in die measurements showed statistically significant higher
mean values than cast measurements. There was no statistically
significant difference between means percent relative change in
the BL and MD dimensions which showed the statistically
significant highest mean values. The means percent relative change
in the OG dimension showed the statistically significant lowest
mean value. Conclusion: Accuracy of fast-setting polyvinyl
siloxane impression material was favorably affected with the
use of spacer, as the space resulted from contraction of the putty
material was not enough to produce accurate detail reproduction
by the light material. The working dies; from the fast- setting
polyvinyl siloxane impression material without spacer
demonstrated an increase in (mesio-distal and bucco-lingual)
dimensions, while for cast dimensions, there was no difference
between the two techniques. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):284-292]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
dies; fast-setting; polyvinyl siloxane
Full Text
and Thermodynamics of Oil Extraction from Jatropha Curcas in
Aqueous Acidic Hexane Solutions
Sh. K. Amin, S.
Hawash, G. El Diwani*, and S. El Rafei
Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant
Department, National Research
Center, Cairo,
Jatropha oil curcas
(JOC) extraction was performed in aqueous HCl, H2SO4,
and H3PO4 solutions with n–hexane (C6H14)
at 30, 40, 50, and 60 °C using 10 gm of Jatropha seeds over 1
hours with 10 minutes sampling intervals. The optimum acid
concentration was 15 % by weight for each acid, and the highest
oil yield was obtained in the extraction procedure with
n–hexane containing HCl. The extraction process was observed
with regard to the percent oil yield versus time, and the
reaction order was found to be first–order kinetics by the
differential method. The activation energy for the oil
extraction kinetics of Jatropha seeds with 15 % HCl was Ea =
26.6763 kJ/mol, and the activation thermodynamic parameters at
60 °C were ΔH≠ = 23.908 kJ/mol, ΔS≠
- 239.927 J/mol.K, and ΔG≠ =
103.803 kJ/mol. The enthalpy value was ΔH = 0.1586 kJ/mol,
and the other thermodynamic parameters at 60 °C were calculated
to be ΔS = 15.275 J/mol.K, and ΔG =
- 4.928 kJ/mol. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(11):293-300]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: kinetics, thermodynamics, oil
extraction, Jatropha curcas
Full Text
for Selective Adsorption of Lithium Ions onto Polymeric
Aluminium (III) Hydroxide
Hawash, E. Abd El Kader and G. El Diwani*
Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant
Department, National Research
Center, Cairo,
Egypt. *geldiwani@yahoo.com
Abstract: The recovery
of lithium as lithium aluminate from Egyptian bitterns was
investigated. Studies were performed on synthetic Li+ solution
and on three high – salinity end brines which contain Li+
of concentrations varying between 5.5- 19.5 ppm. Pretreatment
with a mixture of Na2SO4- Na2CO3
is achieved to precipitate BaSO4, SrCO3,
CaCO3 and possibly MgCO3. A
co-precipitation method was employed using aluminum salt as
(AlCl3.6H2O). Lithium ion is adsorbed
onto aluminum hydroxide, which is freshly produced by adding
AlCl3.6H2O and Na OH to the brines at Al3+
/ Li+ molar ratio≈ 5-7. Results obtained
indicate that high Li+ adsorption was performed at pH = 6-7 for
Alexandria-Arish and Emissal salines, even for small
concentration of aluminum salt added. Also, Lithium ions uptake
decreased with increasing adsorption temperature from 10ºC to
30ºC but over 30ºC increase in temperature does not affect
lithium uptake on Al(OH)3, which proved that the
process is physical adsorption. Equilibrium isotherms have been
determined for the adsorption of Li+ onto Al (OH)3
at 30ºC
and pH=
values (5 to 9), the maximum adsorption capacity of Al(OH)3
at 30ºC
and pH
= 9 is 123 mg/gm. The results indicated that applied isotherms
were shown to be "favorable" and were fitted with
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Li+ desorption
from Al(OH)3 was investigated using hydrofluoric
acid (HF) or sulphuric acid (H2SO4) with
different concentrations, and results obtained showed that HF is
more efficient than H2SO4 concerning Li+
desorption. From the obtained results, Li ion can be recovered
successfully from bittern and saline solutions. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):301-309]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
lithium; lithium aluminate; hydrofluoric acid (HF); sulphuric
acid (H2SO4; saline solution
Full Text
The Effects of Dietary Egyptian Propolis and
Bee Pollen Supplementation against Toxicity if Sodium Fluoride
in Rats
Fatma A. Khalil and Nora M. El-Sheikh
Biochemistry and Nutrition Department,
Women's College, Ain Shams
University, Cairo,
Propolis and bee pollen are substances produced by honey bees
its components are strong antioxidant and free radical
scavengers. The present study aimed to study the protective
effects of propolis and bee pollen supplementation against
toxicity of sodium fluoride in rats. After the end of
experimental period, the rats sacrified and biochemical
analysis were carried out. The results showed that the
administration of fluoride (F) alone causes significant
increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) level and significant
decrease of antioxidant system as erythrocyte superoxide
dismutase (SOD) activity and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels
in blood and brain. Also F causes significant increase alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) activity, urea, creatinine, sodium and
potassium levels. And significant decrease total protein,
calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels as compared to control
group (P < 0.05). Whereas administration of propolis or bee
pollen with F led to significant decrease in MDA level and
significant increase in SOD activity, GSH levels in blood and
brain. And significant decrease ALP activity, urea, creatinine,
sodium and potassium levels in serum. The propolis or bee
pollen enhanced total protein, calcium, magnesium and
phosphorus levels in serum as compared to F group alone.
In conclusion; supplementation of natural
antioxidant (propolis or bee pollen) during Fluoride
administration, facilitate reduction of the toxic effects and
enhanced the antioxidant system, the levels of minerals is
serum. [Journal of American Science. 2010;6(11):310-316].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Propolis, bee
pollen, sodium fluoride, rats, antioxidant system minerals.
Full Text
Selection, Feed Intake Capacity and Performance of Growing
Female Camels: Effects
of Type of Roughage and Level of Concentrates Offered
Farid, A.M. Abdel-Wahed, Safinaz M. Shawket* and
N.I. Hassan
Nutrition Department, Desert Research Centre, Al-Matareya, Cairo,
The feeding trials were intended to investigate diet selection,
feed intake capacity (FIC) and animal performance when
concentrates (corn grains and commercial concentrates mixture)
and roughages (Atriplex, clover hay or rice straw) were fed ad
lib free-choice in a cafeteria feeding system, and also the
effect of restricting concentrates offered. The roughages were selected
to represent different grazing conditions prevailing in arid
rangelands. Eighteen
growing she-camels were randomly allotted to three groups. Each
group was assigned one of the three roughages offered ad lib
for the duration of the whole experiment. Results indicated that type
of roughage and concentrate levels, and their interaction,
affected (P<0.05) FIC and diet selection, and consequently
live weight gain.
Average total and roughage DMI were 78.9 and 16.1, 83.9
and 22.5, 96.4 and 33.4 g DM/day/Kg0.75 for straw,
hay and atriplex groups, respectively. Irrespective of the roughage
fed, growing camels consumed three-times as much corn grains as
that from the cottonseed meal.
Limiting concentrates offered to 75% or 50% of ad lib
intake, decreased FIC, while the proportion of roughages in DMI
increased significantly, total OMI and total protein decreased
and crude fibres intake increased, more so in the straw fed
camels. The Atriplex fed camels recorded the higher ADG,
followed by the hay fed ones and the straw fed mates grew the
least, 516, 429 and 240 g/d, respectively. Restricting the
level of concentrates offered decreased significantly
(P<0.05) the ADG (691, 305 and 189 g/d in camels fed 100, 75
and 50% of ad lib concentrate intake. These results tend to
indicate that growing camels having free choice to select their
diets from both concentrates and roughages were capable of
regulating their voluntary food intake predominantly through
physiological mechanisms to satisfy energy requirements. This
was true for the atriplex and hay groups but not for the straw
group or when concentrates offered was limited. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):317-326]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: camels,
diet selection, feed intake capacity, weight gain
Full Text
of Proposed Distribution Network Planning Rules on Fast Developing
M. Elkhodary1, and M. Khafagy2
Faculty of Engineering, Ain
Shams University,,
Cairo, Egypt,2
Saudi Electricity Company, KSA.
Abstract: With the ever increasing need to
electric energy and the fast development of loads in many
countries especially in the fast developing ones such as the
GULF countries, the load growth as well as the forecasted
loads, are highly increased depending on new and arising
factors and conditions. In turn, Electricity Companies build
rapidly generating plants, transmission and distribution
networks to meet the rapid load demand. Usually, power system
expansion follows the load growth which may exist at random
locations. This adds to the absence of prior proper planning,
especially medium and long term planning, resulting in network
configurations that do not match with optimum siting and sizing
planning rules. Operation of such networks faces several
problems that may sacrifice the power quality. Thus, proper
planning of new networks, expansion or rehabilitation of
existing ones should be based on most accurate and proper
planning rules. This calls for the investigation of a new exact
cost function for optimum sizing and siting of network
substations, and hence the H.V. feeds (incoming) and the M.V.
distribution (outgoing) feeders. Therefore, this paper presents
a newly proposed methodology that takes into consideration the
capital costs of all electrical components, losses in these
components, operation and maintenance costs. The inflation rate
can be also taken into consideration. This methodology gives
important results, which conclude that the optimum distance
between substations and hence the optimum number of
substations, greatly depends on different factors that were not
taken into consideration before, for example: the kWh price, cost
of the HV incoming feeders (66-110 kV feeders) besides the cost
of the MV outgoing feeders (6.6-22 kV feeders), cost of the
distribution substations (MV/LV), cost of losses in
transformers, cost of losses in all feeders, incoming and
outgoing, Operation and maintenance costs ….etc. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):327-]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Cost function. Objective function., Distribution network
planning. Optimum siting and sizing of substation
Full Text
Proposed Method of Damping Temporary Overvoltages on Power
System Interconnections
M. Elkhodary1, and Ali S. Abd El-Munem2
Faculty of Engineering, Ain
Shams University, 2 Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, Cairo,
The interconnection between countries links different networks.
These interconnections may be exposed to several disturbances.
These disturbances (such as transient and temporary
overvoltages phenomena, faults …etc.) threaten the
interconnection security and reliability. This paper presents
actual field measurements of transient and temporary
overvoltages appearing on the Egyptian – Libyan system
interconnection as an example. These overvoltages were recorded
for different cases of operation. These cases were modeled and
simulated using the most recent version of Alternative
Transient Program (ATP) computer package to compare the results
of the computational method with the actual field measurements.
The comparison between the ATP output results and the actual
field measurements were found less than ± 4%. Within the
research activities of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company
(EEHC) temporary overvoltage phenomena on the Egyptian – Libyan
interconnection network were detected. EEHC carried field
measurements of the temporary overvoltage by using a special
transient mobile test laboratory. This detected temporary
overvoltage was due to the generated reactive power along the
line on switching, in spite of this leading reactive power was
compensated by connecting number of reactors at different nodes.
The economical aspect has been taken into consideration to
reduce the number of reactors to the network, which showed the
best effect on damping the temporary overvoltage. This paper,
thus, presents a proposed technique to damp the temporary
overvoltage and keep the system voltage within the permissible
limits by estimating the optimum number and location of
reactors that must be connected to the network. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):336-342]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
interconnection; networks; disturbances;
Alternative Transient Program (ATP); Egyptian Electricity
Holding Company (EEHC)
Full Text
of Corynebacterium
variabilis Sh42 as a degrader for different poly aromatic
Yasser M. Moustafa1, Nour
Sh. El-Gendy1, Salem
A. Habib2, Sherif Ali1*
Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo,
P.O. 11727, Egypt.
University, Faculty of
Science, Damietta,
Abstract: Corynebacterium variabilis sp. Sh42 is used to investigate the
biodegradation potentials and metabolic pathways of different
poly aromatic compounds (PACs) in batch flasks. Effects of PACs
size, molecular weight, alkylation and their presence individually
or in mixture on biodegradation potentials of Sh42 were
studied; Naphthalene (Nap) as a model compound for
di-aromatic ring; Antheracene (Ant) and Phenantherene (Phe) as
model compounds for tri-aromatic ring; while Pyrene (Pyr) as a
model compound for four-aromatic ring compounds were used as
representatives for different PAHs. Dibenzothiophene (DBT),
4-methyldibenzothiophene (4-MDBT) and
4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) were taken as
representative models for PASHs compounds. While, 2-hydroxybiphenyl
(2-HBP) and 2,
2'-bihydroxybiphenyl (2, 2'-BHBP) were taken as models for
phenolic compounds. The experimental results show that
biodegradation rate decrease with increase ring size,
alkylation’s group within homologous series and Sh42 has the highest
capability to biodegradation of toxic phenolic compounds either
in single (BD% ≈
90%) or mixed substrates cultures (BD% ≈ 48%). To ensure
detoxification and mineralization of these toxic PACs;
metabolic pathways of representative model compounds (Pyr, DBT
and 2,2'-BHBP) were elucidated by GC/MS analysis which
confirmed that, Sh42 completely metabolized all representative
compounds to CO2 and H2O. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(11):343-356]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
aromatic compounds, Biodegradation, Metabolic pathways.
Full Text
In vitro assessment
of gastrointestinal viability of potentially probiotic
Kawther, EL-Shafei, N.F. Tawfik, Nadia,
M.A. Dabiza, O.M. Sharaf,
and B.A. Effat
Dairy Science Department, National
Research Center
Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to assess the
potential of four probiotic lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus
bulgaricus, Lactobacillus johnsonii B-2178, Lactobacillus
gasseri B-14168 and Lactobacillus salivarius B-1950
in human upper gastrointestinal tract in vitro and evaluate the
effect of milk proteins addition on viability of these strains
in simulated gastric juices and in yoghurt during storage for
15 days at 4°C. The viability of
lactobacilli strains in simulated gastric transit conditions
(pH 2.0, pH 3.0 and pH 4.0) gastric juices with or without milk
proteins singly or in combination with starch was tested. All
the treatments were determined with three replicates. The
simulated gastric transit tolerance of L. johnsonii, L.
gasseri and L. salivarius strains was pH-dependent
and correspondingly showed lower viability at pH 2.0 after 180
min compared with pH 3.0 and pH 4.0. The addition of milk
proteins singly or in combination with starch enhanced the
survival of probiotic lactobacilli strains in simulated gastric
juices different tested pH values. Results showed that addition
of milk proteins in combination with starch improved the
viability of L.johnsonii B-2178, L. gasseri
B-14168 and L. salivarius B-1950 in yoghurt during
storage. Sensory evaluation showed that yoghurt fortified with
milk proteins plus starch recorded the highest score for and
overall acceptability than the other treatments. However,
yoghurt manufactured with L. johnsonii and L.
gasseri and fortified with sodium caseinate plus starch
showed the highest organoleptic score. It is suggested that the
yoghurt of acceptable quality and high total probiotic
bacterial count during storage can be made from milk
supplemented with 0.5% (w/v) starch plus 0.5% (w/v) sodium
caseinate. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):357-367. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Probiotics, Gastric
tolerance, L. johnsonii, L. gasseri, L.
Full Text
of oil from canola seeds with supercritical carbon dioxide:
Experimental and Modeling
Zarinabadi1*, Riyaz Kharrat2, Ali Vaziri
3-Islamic Azad University-
Science & Research Branch – Tehran,
University of Technology
- Tehran, Iran
1-zarinabadi@yahoo.com, 2-kharrat@put.ac.ir, 3- avy123@behta.com
In this work extraction oil from canola (Brassica Napus)
seed with supercritical CO2 extraction at
pressure of 1500 to 2750 Psi, temperature of 308 to 333 k, and
particles size 0.08 to 0.2 mm in flow rate 5 Lit/hr
was investigated in a bench scale apparatus, The extraction was
modeled by the sovova extended lack’s model. The fluid phase
mass transfer coefficient (kf), solid phase mass
transfer coefficient (ks), and hardly accessible solute (xk)
were a just able parameter of Models. The broken and intact
cells model fit the experimental data, quite well, showing the
applicability of the model to the supercritical extraction
system studied here. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(11):368-373. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: supercritical
fluid extraction, canola oil, mathematical modeling,
sovova model
Full Text
Biochemical Significance of
Proinflammatory Cytokines in Psoriasis vulgaris among Egyptian Patients
Halla M. Ragab*,
Nabila Abd El Maksoud* and Mohamed M. Farid
*Department of Biochemistry, Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology Division, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo,
** Dermatology & Andrology and S. T. D.S, Kasr El Aini
Hospital, Cairo
university. hmragab@yahoo.com
Abstract: Background: Psoriasis has been characterized by hyperproliferation
accompanied by acanthosis and aberrant differentiation of
keratinocytes. Several growth factors and cytokines, are
assumed to be important. Recent studies indicate that various
cytokines including tumor necrosis factor - α (TNF -
α), IL - 2R and IL - 6 play an essential role in the
induction and maintenance of psoriatic lesion. Objectives: To analyse relevant inflammatory
mediators in the serum of patients with active psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris) of mild-to-moderate and severe
psoriasis compared to healthy controls. Patients /
Methods: Forty psoriasis patients were recruited from the dermatology outpatient
clinic of Cairo
University Hospital.
Patients body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and
psoriasis area and severity index. (PASI) were recorded.
Fasting serum samples were obtained on enrolment. All the
patients did not receive any treatment (locally or
systemically), for at least four weeks before enrolment. Age,
sex and (BMI) matched with forty healthy controls were also
recruited. Serum TNF - α, IL - 2R and IL - 6 levels were
estimated using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA)
technique. The patients group were subdivided to two groups
according to the diseases severity, PASI, into,
mild-to-moderate psoriasis group and severe psoriasis group. Results:
Serum TNF - α, IL - 2R and IL - 6 were all
statistically significant elevated in the patients group
compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05). Also they were
all statistically significant increased in severe psoriasis
compared to mild-to-moderate psoriasis (p <0.05). Conclusions:
These data support the view that serum TNF - α, IL -
2R and IL - 6 are involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis,
possibly by induction and maintenance
of psoriatic lesion. We recommend a use of an array of
these cytokines as a useful follow-up marker for monitoring of
psoriatic patients and optimizing therapeutic strategies. Also
we suggest the study of antisense therapy using the antibody of
these cytokines in psoriatic patients. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):374-380]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Psoriasis vulgaris,
Cytokines, TNF - α, IL - 2R and IL - 6
Full Text
Antihepatotoxic Effect of Eruca Sativa
Extracts on Alcohol Induced Liver Injury in Rats
Hussein1, Azza Salah 2, Fatma Oraby 1,
Amany Nour El-Deen 2
and Zakarya El-Khayat1
1 Medical
Biochemistry Department, National
Research Center,Doki,Giza,
12311, Egypt
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain
Shams University,
12311, Egypt
Abstract: Food
derived antioxidants have a strong potential for long term use
as chemopreventive agents in disease states involving oxidative
stress, such as hepatitis and alcoholic liver diseases. This
study aimed to investigate
the effect of different extracts of Eruca Sativa in
ethanol induced liver injury in rats. Eighty eight male
albino rats were divided into 3 main groups included control,
prophylactic and treated groups using different extracts of Eruca
sativa. Serum liver functions tests, lipid profile and
oxidants/antioxidants profile were estimated. The results
showed that Eruca Sativa
extracts improved liver functions, Lipid profile and
antioxidants parameters. We concluded that, Eruca
sativa extracts may exert their prophylactic and treatment
role against oxidative stress produced by ethanol by
increasing/maintaining the levels of antioxidant molecules and
antioxidant enzymes. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):381-389]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Eruca sativa, Ethanol, Liver,
Ethanolic extract, Antioxidants, Oxidative stress
vivo and in vitro studies on Thevetia Species
Growing in Egypt
Isolation, Identification, and Quantification of cardiac
glycosides in in vivo and in vitro cultures of
immature seeds.
H. S.1*, Farag H.S.2, Shams A. K.2,
Abdel-Azim S.N.2, Hanna G. A.3 Ewais E. E.4, Seif
El-Nasr M. M.2
Plant Biotechnology Department, National
Research Centre, Dokki, Giza,
Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza,
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Department,
National Research Centre,
Dokki, Giza,
Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar
Corresponding author hussein.taha2@yahoo.com
In vivo and in
vitro extracted cardiac glycosides of immature seeds (IS)
cultures of Thevetia neriifolia Jussieu. and T.
thevetioides Kunth. were chemically identified.
Calli were grown on modified Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium
supplemented with 1mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) +3mg/l kinetin (Kin).
The content of cardiac glycosides in IS cultures of T.
neriifolia and T. thevetioides were monitored by
HPLC. Two major compounds were detected and isolated from IS
extracts i.e. digitoxigenin and thevetin B. The
different structures of the in vivo and in vitro
isolated compounds were verified by means of MS and NMR
spectral analysis, as well as those compounds were identified
and determined using HPLC technique. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):390-395]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Cardiac glycosides, callus,
Thevetia spp., HPLC,
MS medium,
immature seed cultures
Analysis Of Resource Use Efficiency In Rice Production Systems
In Abia State
Of Nigeria
J. C. and O. R. Iheke
of Agricultural Economics,
Okpara University
of Agriculture, Umudike, PMB
7267 Umuahia, Abia
State, Nigeria
mail: nwaruj@yahoo.com
Arresting the observed low productivity and continued decline
in the output of rice especially in the face of rising
population and the concomitant escalating increases demand has
been a lingering socioeconomic problem. Continued increase in
rice production through a number of options including expansion
into high potential areas especially the inland valleys has
been proposed. This study was designed to examine resource use
efficiency in rice production systems in Abia
State of Nigeria.
Primary data collected from a sample of 142 farmers consisting
of 46 inland valley, 41 upland and 55 swamp rice farmers were
analysed by the ordinary least squares multiple regression
analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results indicate
that the upland rice farmers are technically more efficient
than the swamp and inland rice farmers and that there is no
difference in technical efficiency between the swamp and inland
rice farmers. None of the farmer groups achieved absolute
allocative efficiency. The upland rice farmers achieved least
allocative efficiency (Wij is farther from unity),
underutilized all farm resources (Wij >1) while both the
inland valley and the swamp rice farmers under utilized
farmland, other inputs and capital and over utilised (Wij <
1) family labour and hired labour. There was no significant
difference in the mean output of rice from the production
systems; upland, inland valley and swamp while each operated in
region one on the production surface indicating that overall,
resource levels could be increased to achieve higher levels of
productivity in each system. Economic policies and programmes
that could encourage the reallocation and if possible the
redistribution of farm production inputs for increased farm
productivity and efficiency were recommended. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):396-408]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Resource use
efficiency, rice production systems, Nigeria
Discovery In Al-Hadith Using Text Classification Algorithm
Khitam Jbara
Jordan University, King Abdullah II School for
Information Technology. ktjlc2000@yahoo.com
Machine Learning and Data Mining are applied
to language datasets in order to discover patterns for English
and other European languages, but Arabic language belongs to
the Semitic family of languages, which differs from European
languages in syntax, semantic and morphology. One of the
difficulties in Arabic language is that it has a complex
morphological structure and orthographic variations. This study
is conducted to examine knowledge discovery from AL-Hadith
through classification algorithm in order to classify AL-Hadith
to one of predefined classes (books), where AL-Hadith is the
saying of Prophet Mohammed (Peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him (PBUH)) and the second religious source for all
Muslims, so because of its importance for Muslims all over the
word knowledge discovery from AL-Hadith will make AL-Hadith
more understandable for both muslims and nonmuslims. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):409-419]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: AL-Hadith,
Classification, Stem, feature, Class, Expansion, Training set
Organic amendment effect on soil properties and yield
of potato (Solanum tuberosum) under irrigated condition:
a case study from Kombolcha, Eastern Harergie, Ethiopia
Eyasu Mekkonen1,
Fassil Kebede 2,3, * and Nurhussien Taha2
1Kombolcha Agricultural TVET
College, Kombolcha,
Eastern Harrargie; 2 Department of Land Resource
Management and Environmental Protection, Mekelle
University, Ethiopia
Corresponding Author: Address: E-mail- fyimamu@gmail.com
Field experiment was conducted in 2005/06 cropping season in
Kombolcha to understand the comparative effect of organic and
inorganic sources of soil ameliorant for managing surface soil
crust under basin and furrow irrigation practices to boost
potato production. A factorial experiment was conducted on
plots of 12 m2 (4 m x 3 m) and arranged in RCBD with
three replicates, which combine irrigation methods and soil
amendments. The treatments were the control (no amendment),
FYM, chat residue
(decayed leaves of Chata edulis) and
sediment (sub surface inorganic material locally known as ‘decay dimma’). Results
have, therefore, revealed that FYM and chat made compost significantly (p < 0.05)
improved moisture content, bulk density, porosity and
infiltration rate over the sediment amended plot and the
control. However, yield harvested from plots, which were
amended with chat-made
compost was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than FYM
under furrow irrigation practice. [Journal
of American Science 2010;6(11):420-425]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Chata edulis, decay dimma,
organic amendment, potatoes, soil properties, irrigation
Effect of Women’s Socio-demographic Variables on their
Hedayat Allah Nikkhah
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia,
Ma’rof Redzuan (Corresponding author)
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia.
Asnarulkhadi Abu-Samah
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia.
Social scientists and development agencies have long been
interested in the conditions that empower women. Since the
empowerment could give women freedom of choice, equal access to
domestic and community resources, opportunities and powers,
thus, empowerment of women and the improvement of their status,
particularly in respect of education, health and economic
opportunities (occupation), are highly important ends in
themselves. However, there are many factors which stop women
benefiting from such development and contribute to women’s
powerlessness such as inequality in economic opportunity, lack
of knowledge, skills, and lack of access to education. This
study elucidates the relationship between socio-demographic
variable of women and their empowerment in Shiraz,
Indeed, this study discovered the effect of respondents’
background i.e., age, education, occupation, family income and
marital status on their empowerment. Data was collected from
195 women who participated in empowerment process which
organized by NGOs in the whole city of Shiraz.
The result of study showed that among the socio-demographic
variables, only education and marital status had effect on
empowerment. It can be concluded that access to education and
knowledge play an important role increasing women empowerment.
The result of study also showed that the divorced women have
high level of empowerment compare to married and widow women.
This is might due to that married women couldn’t get their
husband permission to participate in empowerment process.
[Hedayat Allah Nikkhah.
Effect of Women’s Socio-demographic Variables on their
Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):426-434]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: empowerment,
socio-demographic variables, women, Iran
Aspects of Oxalis corniculata L. Used by Tribals of Central
India During Scarcity of Food.
Ashok k. Jain1, Preeti Tiwari
Barua2 and Mudasir Bashir3
School of Studies
in Botany, Jiwaji University
Gwalior -474011, Madhya
Pradesh, India;
E- mail: asokjain2003@yahoo.co.in
Professor, Deptartment of Biotechnology, IPS Academy
Indore-452012, Madhya Pradesh, India; E- mail: preetibarua26@gmail.com;
Scholar, Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, School
of Studies in Botany, Jiwaji
University Gwalior-474011,
Madhya Pradesh,
E-mail: mudasirbot@gmail.com
Reports on ethnobotanical surveys reveal that a good number of
plant species are being used by various tribal communities as
emergency food. The present work deals with some parameters
regarding nutritive value of leaves of Oxalis corniculata.
L. used as alternative vegetable during emergency by some
tribes of central India.
The leaves have been found to be rich in moisture (82.42±0.5%),
total carbohydrate (24.67±0.4%), crude protein (22.28± 0.5%),
crude lipid (23.7±0.5%), sodium (1.12±0.02%), potassium (2.17±
0.31%), calcium (2.5± 0.08%), nitrogen (3.56±0.70 %) and
magnesium (0.25±0.03%). [Ashok k. Jain, Preeti Tiwari
Barua and Mudasir Bashir.
Aspects of Oxalis corniculata L. Used by Tribals of Central
India During Scarcity of Food.
Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):435-437]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Nutritive status;Oxalis
cornicula; Tribes;
Scarcity of food
Effects of
sports participation on psychological stress in female students
in region 3 of Kermanshah
Feyzkhademi1, Saadat Hajipoor1, Shahram
Azimi2, Mehrdad Jalalian3, 4, 5
Member of Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Izeh,
Sama Branch (Kermanshah), Islamic Azad
University, Kermanshah,
Center of Iranian
Blood Transfusion Organization, Khorasan-e
Razavi Blood
Center, Mashhad,
of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Serdang, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
Office, Electronic Physician Journal, Mashhad,
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sports
participation on the psychological stress levels of female
students 15-18 years old. Psychological stress is defined as a
collection of nonspecific reactions against organisms in
reflections and exposure to any factor that should be faced.
Stress control includes several factors, and, in particular,
sports participation is thought to be effective. This
quasi-experimental research was performed using pre-test
plan–test, after-test, and control groups. Research subjects for
the control group were 30 people chosen randomly. The subjects
of stress were tested by a 40-item stress questionnaire and then
tested in step independent variable “Sports participation”
included volleyball education and skills training for three
months and three weekly sessions of 75-90 minutes. This was
carried out to investigate its effect on the dependent variable
"stress." We did not observe any statistically meaningful
difference between the mean scores of stress-control group and
experiment group scores at pre-test in p<0.05; however,
statistically meaningful differences were observed between the
mean scores of stress control group and experiment group scores
on the post test stage (p<0.05) and between the mean scores of
stress in the control group pre-test and post-test in (p<0.05).
In addition, A statistically meaningful difference was observed
statistically meaningful differences were observed between the
mean scores of stress in the experiment group pre-test and
post-test (p<0.05). [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):438-441]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Sports
Participation; Psychological stress; Students
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):442-448].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
and Therapeutic Activity of Origanum syriacum Aqueous
Extract in Paracetmol Induced cell
Damage in Albino Mice
Y. Ibrahim1, Nermeen M. Shaffie2 and
Hemaia M. Motawa3
and Aromatic Plants Dept., Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries
Division, National Research Centre.
2 Pathology
Department, Medical researches Division, National Research
Centre, Egypt.
Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division,
National Research Centre, 12622, Cairo,
Ethnomedically genus Origanum L.
is one of the most commonly used herb in many countries as a stimulant,
analgesic, antitussive, expectorant, sedative,
anti-inflammatory and antihelminthic agent. The hepatoprotective and therapeutic
effects of Origanum syriacum aqueous methanolic extract on
paracetamol induced
liver cell damage in mice with respect to antioxidant status
was investigated. Mice were treated with extract and sylimarin
in recommended dose after or before paracetamol administration
(400mg/ kg/ day). Lipid peroxides concentration was
considerably decreased due to the elevation of reduced
glutathione concentration(GSH) and enhancing of glutathione
reductase(GR), glutathione transferase(GST), glutathione
peroxidase (GPx)and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activities as
compared to paracetamol or sylimarin treated mice. Liver
function parameters are still in the normal levels in extract
treated mice as compared to control. Using
extract as a treating agent after subjecting mice to
paracetamol gave better results, the liver tissue showing a
nearly normal liver tissue except for a little cellular infiltrate
around main blood vessels while sylimarin showing a noticeable
dilatation of blood vessels that are surrounded by fibrosis and
cellular infiltration. Liver tissue from mouse received Origanum
extract and then paracetamol showing mild dilatation of blood
sinusoids and cellular infiltration around main blood vessels
while sylimarin treated mice showed marked dilatation of blood
sinusoids, vacuolar degeneration in many of the hepatocytes and
focal necrotic areas among the hepatocytes. In conclusion, Origanum syriacum extract
has potent therapeutic activity than hepatoprotective activity
and it is more effective than sylimarin in two cases. The plant
extract was screened for its phytochemical constitutions.
Y. Ibrahim, Nermeen M. Shaffie and Hemaia
M. Motawa. Hepatoprotective
and Therapeutic Activity of Origanum syriacum Aqueous
Extract in Paracetmol Induced cell Damage in Albino Mice. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):449-458]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant, Oregano, Paracetamol, Therapeutic
Water quality
status of Golden Key
Lake in Clement
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Chauhan*, Mayank Pawar* and Showkat Ahmad Lone
Department of Applied Sciences, College
of Engineering, Teerthanker
Mahaveer University,
of Environmental Science, Uttaranchal College
of Science
and Technology, Dehradun-248001
An attempt has been made to
understand to provide information on the
physico-chemical characteristics of Golden
Key Lake
which is being used for aquaculture, were studied between Nov
2008 to Feb 2009. All the parameters has been correlated with
each other and each parameters has shown correlation matrix
with different parameters at selected sites.
[Avnish Chauhan,
Mayank Pawar and Showkat Ahmad Lone. Water quality status of Golden
Key Lake
in Clement
Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):459-464]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: TDS, TSS, pH,
DO, COD, Ca, Mg, K, Golden
Key Lake
Influence of
freeze-shocked mesophilic lactic starter bacteria and adjunct
lactobacilli on the rate of ripening Gouda
cheese and flavor development
El-Tanboly, Mahmoud El-Hofi, Y. B. Youssef,*Wahed El-Desoki,
and **Reda A. Jalil
Dairy Science
Department, National Research
Center, Dokki, Cairo,
*Dairy Science
Department, Al-Azhar Univ.,
Agriculture Faculty,
Assuet Branch, **Chamber of Food Industries, 1195 Cornish
El-Nil, Beaulac, Cairo,
Abstract: The objective of
the present study was to determine the effects of Lactobacillus
acidophilus on the sensory attributes, ripening time, and
composition of Gouda
cheese and to investigate the survival of L. acidophilus
during ripening. Five types of Gouda cheeses, control cheese
(Tc), made with with mesophilic lactic starter bacteria, Ta1,
Ta2, Tb1 and Tb2
cheeses made using modified mesophilic lactic starter
bacteria by freeze–shocked at -10oC/-20oC
for 24, 96 hrs and probiotic Lactobacillus,
as adjunct culture. Cheese samples were assessed for
microbiological and compositional properties, proteolysis, and
sensory evaluation at different ripening stages. The
composition and the pH value were almost identical between
control and experimental vats within a single trial cheese.
Characterization of proteolysis of gel electrophoresis of
cheese samples at various stages of ripening showed that the
extent of casein degradation varied between samples in all
cheeses, αS1-Casein was more extensively degraded
than ß-casein. However,
levels of soluble nitrogen (SN/TN) increased with ripening
period for all cheeses, only moderate enhancement of
proteolysis as in amino acid –N in all trials.
The formation of non protein nitrogen (NPN/TN) was slightly
increased compared to control at the end of ripening.
Organoleptic evaluation showed that probiotic cheese had higher
sensory evaluation than control cheese, without probiotic
strain. The population of Lactobacillus survived to numbers
> 107 cfu/g, which is necessary for positive
effects on health. These
results showed that the contribution of modified mesophilic
lactic starter bacteria by freeze–shocked and
probiotic strain as adjunct culture can be successfully used in
production of Gouda
El-Tanboly, Mahmoud El-Hofi, Y. B. Youssef, Wahed El-Desoki,
and Reda A. Jalil. Influence of freeze-shocked mesophilic
lactic starter bacteria and adjunct lactobacilli on the rate of
ripening Gouda
cheese and flavor development. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):465-471]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Physically freeze-shock
mesophilic starter, probiotic bacteria, proteolysis Gouda
Gap Analysis
for Protected Areas of Andhra
Pradesh, India
for conserving biodiversity
C. Sudhakar Reddy
and Ecology Division, National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian
Space Research Organisation, Balanagar, Hyderabad
-500 625, India.
Abstract: A
gap analysis was carried out to assess the Protected Area (PA)
network system in Andhra
Pradesh, India.
The decisive factors of vegetation type distribution, elevation
and endemism was used to determine the representativeness of PA
system. In Andhra Pradesh, vegetation cover occupies 23.03% of
geographical area and distributed in Coastal Plains, Deccan
Plateau and Eastern Ghats.
There are 27 PAs for conservation in Andhra Pradesh. The total
area protected for biodiversity is about 12,555 km2
or 4.56% of geographical area of Andhra Pradesh. Of the three
physiographic regions, Eastern Ghats represents very high area
under PAs which was estimated as 7811.38 km2 followed
by Deccan plateau of 3526.89
km2. Three main forest types (semi evergreen
forests, thorn forests and dry evergreen forests) missing in
the existing PA network were identified. Moist deciduous
forests of Eastern Ghats of
northern Andhra Pradesh were under-represented in PAs. The land
area in an elevation range of 900m-1527m was not included in PA network.
Of the 103 species of endemics, 64 species were not included in
PA system. Many PAs are experiencing threat from invasive
species, forest fires, grazing pressure etc. There is a need to
consider for possible ways for effective conservation and to
extend the present PA network system in India.
[C. Sudhakar Reddy.
Gap Analysis
for Protected Areas of Andhra
Pradesh, India
for conserving biodiversity.
of American Science 2010;6(11):472-484]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: gap area; vegetation; protected area; semi
evergreen forests; Andhra Pradesh; India
Discovery in Al-Hadith Using Text Classification Algorithm
Khitam Jbara
Department of Computer
Science, King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, The University Of Jordan, P.O. Box 710481 Amman
11171 Jordan. ktjlc2000@yahoo.com
Abstract: Machine Learning and Data
Mining are applied to language datasets in order to discover
patterns for English and other European languages, Arabic
language belongs to the Semitic family of languages, which
differs from European languages in syntax, semantic and
morphology. One of the difficulties in Arabic language is that
it has a complex morphological structure and orthographic
variations. This study is conducted to examine knowledge
discovery from AL-Hadith through classification algorithm in
order to classify AL-Hadith to one of predefined classes
(books), where AL-Hadith is the saying of Prophet Mohammed
(Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (PBUH)) and the second
religious source for all Muslims, and because of its importance
for Muslims all over the word knowledge discovery from
AL-Hadith will make AL-Hadith more understandable for both
Muslims and nonmuslims.
[Khitam Jbara. Knowledge Discovery in Al-Hadith Using Text
Classification Algorithm. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):485-494]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
AL-Hadith, classification, stem, feature,
class, expansion, training set
of some Biocontrol Agents on Reproduction and Development of Meloidogyne
incognita Infecting Tomato
Lobna* and Hanaa Zawam**
Water & Environment Research Institute, Agricultural
Research Centre (ARC), Giza,
Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research
Centre (ARC), Giza,
Three rhizobacteria and two yeasts isolates were used as
biocontrol agents against Meloidogyne incognita in laboratory
and greenhouse. The used biocontrol agents were identified as Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens, Brevibacterium otitidis, Sanguibacter
inulinus, Candida incommunis and Wicherhamiella domercqiae.
They inhibited the egg-masses hatching in vitro and
exhibited strong nematicidal activity by killing the second
stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita to various
degrees in greenhouse. The most effective treatment was the
complete culture of the four biocontrol agents (propagules and
filterate) suppressed galls and egg-masses formation by 100% Br.
otitidis reduced galls and egg-masses by 43.7 and 52.19 %,
respectivily compared with the untreated control. The
microorganisms used in greenhouse test reduced nematode
populations in the rhizosphere and promoted the growth of
tomato plants over the control treatment.
Lobna and Hanaa Zawam. Efficacy of some Biocontrol Agents on Reproduction and
Development of Meloidogyne incognita Infecting Tomato.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):495-509]. (ISSN:
words: Biocontrol; Meloidogyne incognita;
tomato; Rhizobacteria; yeast
and Elemental Analysis of Acalypha
wilkesiana Leaf
H. A.1, Sanni S.2 and Sandabe U. K.1
of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Biochemistry,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
2Department of Veterinary Pharmacology, University
of Abuja, Nigeria.
ABSTRACT: Phytochemical
and Elemental determination of Acalyphy wilkesiana was conducted. The result of
the Phytochemical analysis of the aqueous leaf extract of A. wilkesiana revealed a
high presence of carbohydrates, Tannins and Flavonoid, a
moderate presence of
Phlobatannins, Saponins. Alkaloids and Cardiac glycosides and
minute quanity of Terpenes and Steroids. Anthraquinone
derivatives was not present. The Elemental analysis showed
presence of chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron,
magnesium, zinc copper and mangenese in moderate quantity while
cadmium and lead were not detected. It is therefore concluded
that the aqueous leaf extract of A. wilkesiana contains Pharmacologically useful
active principles elements. Thus the aqueous leaf extract of
the plant could play a vital roles in health and disease.
H. A., Sanni S. and Sandabe U. K. Phytochemical and Elemental
Analysis of Acalypha
wilkesiana Leaf. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):510-514]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Acalyphy wilkesiana,
aqueous leaf extract, Phytochemical analysis, Elemental
studies on some different sources of iodine on productive
performance, ruminal fermentation and blood constituents of Buffalo. 1 – Effect of two different iodine
levels on productive and reproductive
performance of buffalo cows.
Kh. I. I. Zeedan1, O. M. El-Malky2, Kh. M. M. Mousa1, A. A. El.Giziry1 and K. E.I. Etman1
Department of Animal Nutrition Research.
Department of Buffalo
Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre,
Dokki, Giza,
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding
buffalo cows on ration supplemented with two levels from iodine
(I) during late pregnancy (three months before parturition) and
postpartum period (six months after parturition) on nutrients
digestibility, some blood constituent, birth weight of their
offspring, Concentrations of immunoglobulin in colostrums, milk
(yield and composition) and reproductive parameters. Eighteen
buffalo cows (2-4 lactations) in late pregnancy period were
selected to carry out the experimental work. The animals were
divided into three similar groups (6 female buffaloes in each).
Concentrate feed mixture (CFM), berseem hay (BH) and rice straw
(RS) were given to animals as a control ration (I0)
without supplementation, while the other groups I1
and I2 received the control ration with iodine at levels of 0.3 and 0.5 mg I per kg DM intake /h/d, respectively. Results
indicated that supplementation ration of buffalo cows with
different levels of I had improved the digestibility of all nutrients,
TDN, DCP at pre and post partum, feed efficiency, increased
milk yield, 7% fat correct milk yield and its composition.
Birth and weaning weight of calves in treated groups were
higher than that control group. Immunoglobulin concentration in
colostrums indicated higher values with animals feed
supplemented rations than those fed the control. Moreover,
addition of I improved RBC, WBC, Hb, PCV, plasma total protein,
globulin, glucose, T3 and T4.
Supplemented rations of buffalo cows with 0. 5 mg I/ h/ d tend
to significantly (P< 0.05) higher in actual milk yield, 7%
FCM yield, fat %, protein %, lactose %, SNF % and TS %, while
supplemented with 0. 3 mg I/ h/ d appeared to the same higher
trend with no significantly differences. Moreover, better feed
efficiency was observed with animals fed supplemented rations.
The periods required for fetal membrane expulsion was
significantly reduced in I2 group when compared to I1
or control groups. Moreover, only control group showed a case
of abortion and still birth, while treated dams
delivered 100% healthy calves. Buffaloes of group I2
had the least (P < 0.05) calving interval due to the shorter
intervals for uterine involution, onset of the 1st
postpartum heat and days open. Iodine supplementation showed
significant differences among groups in studied parameters such
as NSPC and CI. Mean period elapsed from calving until placenta
drop significantly decreased I2 than the control
group. Generally, it concluded that I supplementation for
ration of buffalo cows
improved immunity, nutrients digestibility, calves birth weight
and increased milk (yield and composition) and showed better
feed efficiency as well as higher some traits of reproductive
[Kh. I. I. Zeedan, O. M. El-Malky, Kh. M. M. Mousa, A. A. El. Giziry and K. E.I. Etman.
Nutritional studies on
some different sources of iodine on productive performance,
ruminal fermentation and blood constituents of Buffalo. 1 – Effect of two different iodine levels on productive and reproductive performance of
buffalo cows. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):515-530]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: buffalo cows, iodine,
performance, reproductive parameters, blood components, milk
yield, digestibility, immunity
theoretical model to enhance neonatal screening for sickle
hemoglobinopathies in
the wake of predictive, preventive, personalized and
participatory medicine
William Ebomoyi, Ph.D., Professor
of Health Studies, College of Health Sciences, Chicago State
University, Chicago Illinois and he serves as a Consultant in
International Health for the American Public Health
Association, 9501 South King Drive, Douglas Hall 127, Chicago,
Illinois 60628-1598, USA
study utilized the integrated theoretical model (ITM) to assess
strategies to ameliorate screening for sickle
hemoglobinopathies in the age of genomic medicine. Also discussed, is the
relevance of predictive, preventive, personalized and
participatory interventions. Comparison was made between
universal and targeted screening. The international guidelines
for neonatal screening were reiterated. The self-efficacy and
empowerment of mothers is crucial in ensuring that they
effectively participate in the treatment and follow-up of their
new-born babies. We emphasized the compliance with the ethical,
legal and social implications of newborn screening for genetic
[E. William Ebomoyi. Integrated theoretical model
to enhance neonatal screening for sickle hemoglobinopathies in
the wake of predictive, preventive, personalized and
participatory medicine. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):531-537]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: integrated
theoretical model (ITM); ameliorate; sickle hemoglobinopathies;
genomic medicine; neonatal screening; ethical; legal; social;
genetic diseases
Infection of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Mycoplasma Species and Mannheimia Haemolytica in Calves Showed Chronic
Pneumonia with Reference to the Histopathological Findings of
the Affected Lungs
Hanaa, A. Ghoneim*,
Naglaa, I. Hassan, Hanaa, A.
Elhalawany and A.M.Nabih
Animal Reproduction Research institute (ARRI) Giza,
Abstract: A total of 100 nasal swabs as well as blood
samples were collected from 75 diseased calves suffered from
respiratory manifestations and 25 apparently healthy calves of
ages ranges from 2-12 month old from three herds. Also 80
clinically pneumonic lung specimens of slaughtered calves were
collected from El-warak and El- moneeb abattoir. All were examined to
establish the extent of involvement of Bovine Viral Diarrheia (BVDV),
Mycoplasma species (M. spp.) and Mannheimia. haemolytica
(M. haemolytica) in cases of chronic calf pneumonia. On virological studies, AGPT and commercial
ELISA kits were rapid and accurate tests for detection of BVDV antigen. BVDV was
isolated on MDBK cell line from Buffy coat, nasal swabs
collected from diseased calves and lung specimens. The isolated virus was identified by IFAT using reference
antisera. Also 100 serum samples collected from diseased and
apparently healthy calves were tested by VNT for the detection
of neutralizing antibodies against BVDV. Moreover, on
bacteriological investigation. M. haemolytica were
recovered from lung specimens of slaughtered calves as well as
nasal swabs of diseased ones and apparently healthy ones. The
isolated strains were biotyped as biotype A (56 isolates, 80
%) and biotype T (14
isolates, 20 %). The resistance of the isolates to most
antimicrobial agents was high to ceftiofur, nalidixic acid,
gentamicin, oxyteteracycline, and cephalexin. While they were
highly sensitive to norfloxacin, ampicillin and erythromycin.
Athough, Mycoplasma
species recovery rate from the examined nasal swabs of
pneumonic calves was (46.67%) relatively higher than that
recovered from apparently healthy calves (32.00%), the
isolation rate from the examined lung tissues reached to
(25.0%). The most prevalent isolated species was M.bovis
followed by M.dispar, then glucose positive, arginine
negative species. Considering the mixed infection, results
showed that, simultaneous isolation of the three pathogens from
nasopharyngeal swabs of the examined pneumonic calves was
relatively high (12.00%), followed by simultaneous isolation of
BVDV& Mycoplasma sp as well as M.haemolytica &
Mycoplasma sp. (9.33%). On the other hand, there was
simultaneous isolation of both BVDV and M.haemolytica from
nasopharyngeal swabs of (8.00%) out of the examined pneumonic
calves. Examination of 80 clinically pneumonic lung tissues of
slaughtered calves that were collected from abattoirs revealed
that, a high percentage (17.50%) of examined lung tissues
colonized both Mycoplasma sp. and M.haemolytica
together. On the other hand, simultaneous isolation of the
three pathogens was detected in (3.75%). However, simultaneous
isolation of both BVDV and Mycoplasma sp. as well as BVDV
and M.haemolytica was recorded in (2.50%) of examined
lung tissues. Regarding histological studies of
lung tissue specimens,,there were five types
of pneumonia distinguished
according to types of necrosis, and cellular infiltrations in
relation to microbial isolation, Caseonecrotic
bronchopneumonia, 3.75%, Fibrino-necrotizing bronchopneumonia12.5%,Acute
and chronic fibrinosuppurative bronchopneumonia 13.75%. In conclusion M. bovis showed two
necrotic patterns, where an original focus of coagulative
necrosis evolves with time into caseous necrosis ended by
[Hanaa, A.
Ghoneim, Naglaa, I. Hassan,
Hanaa, A. Elhalawany and A.M. Nabih. Mixed Infection of Bovine
Viral Diarrhea Virus, Mycoplasma
Species and Mannheimia Haemolytica
in Calves Showed Chronic Pneumonia with Reference to the
Histopathological Findings of the Affected Lungs.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):538-555]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Infection; Bovine Viral Diarrhea
Virus; Mycoplasma Species; Mannheimia Haemolytica;
Calves; Chronic Pneumonia; Lungs
Study between Different Denture Adhesives in Improving
Phonation in Complete Denture Wearers
Essam Adel Aziz, Azza Adel AzizDina Essam Eldeen
Ibrahim and Ali Eldeen Mohammed Ahmed
Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Unit, ENT Department, Cairo
University, Cairo
Objectives: the aim of this study was to evaluate the
efficiency of denture adhesives in improving phonation in
complete denture wearers and to compare the efficacy of three
different types of denture adhesives. Methodology: Fifteen
completely edentulous patients with flat mandibular ridge
shared in this study, complete denture was constructed for each
patient according to the conventional method. Phonetic analysis
was performed in the Phoniatric Unit via both Perceptual and
Acoustic techniques to compare the efficacy of three chemically
different denture adhesives (Super corega, Fittydent and
Fixodent) on Arabic phonemic production. Results: a marked improvement in
patients' articulation after application of the denture
adhesives was reported, perceptually and acoustically, where
the Fixodent denture adhesive gave the highest values.
Conclusion: Whenever possible, denture adhesives should be used
to improve retention and articulation. The polymethylvinyl
ether malate-based adhesives (Fixodent) are strongly
recommended as a highly reliable type of denture adhesives.
[Essam Adel Aziz, Azza Adel AzizDina Essam Eldeen Ibrahim and Ali
Eldeen Mohammed Ahmed. Comparative Study between
Different Denture Adhesives in Improving Phonation in Complete
Denture Wearers. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):556-561]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Different Denture; Adhesives; Improving Phonation;
Complete Denture Wearer
of Working Memory in Normal
Children and Children Who Stutter
Aboul Oyoun1; Hossam El Dessouky2; Sahar
Shohdi*2 and Aisha Fawzy2
ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
Phoniatric Unit, ENT Department, Faculty of medicine, Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
The aim of this study
is to assess working memory (WM) abilities in normal children
and Children Who Stutter (CWS) then to compare the results in
order to detect if WM deficits have a role in the development
of stuttering. 30 normal children and 30 children who stutter
were subjected to WM recall abilities tests and nonword
repetition tasks. The WM recall tests included recall of word
sets different in length and rhyming, digit span, letter
sequences and picture-number test. The nonword repetition test
was used to assess phonological encoding through measuring
number of phonological errors produced on repeating the task,
and to measure the reaction time. The children who stutter
(CWS) had performed poorly on some working memory tests
compared to the control group. Conclusion: Children who stutter
may have diminished ability to recall nonwords and some of
working memory abilities and that further investigation into
this possibility may shed light on the emergence and
characteristics of childhood stuttering.
[Hazem Aboul Oyoun; Hossam El
Dessouky; Sahar Shohdi and Aisha Fawzy. Assessment of Working
Memory in Normal Children and
Children Who Stutter. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):562-569]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: working memory; children; stutter
nonword repetition; phonological encoding, phonological errors,
reaction time
studies on 3,6-dichloropyridazine
Mohamed H. Sherif, Gamal A. Ahmed, Adel A.
Elbahnasawy and Eman O. Helal
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Zagazig
University, Egypt. meahsherif@hotmail.com
ABSTRACT: Reaction of 3,6-dichloropyridazine (1)
with acid hydrazides, p-toluene sulfonylhydrazine, anthranilic
acid derivatives and ammonium hydroxide afforded the compounds (2a,b),
(3), (4a,b) and (5) respectively. Compound (5) reacted
with aromatic aldehydes yielded the Shiff's bases (6)
and (7). Compound (6) reacted with anthranilic
acid derivatives and gave (8). Also, compound (1)
easily reacted with 2-chlorobenzylamine, sodium azide and
thiosemicarbazide afforded the compounds (9), (10) and
(11) respectively.
H. Sherif, Gamal A. Ahmed, Adel A. Elbahnasawy and Eman O.
Helal. Chemical studies on
3,6-dichloropyridazine. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):570-574]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: 3,6-dichloropyridazine; acid hydrazides; p-toluene
sulfonylhydrazine; anthranilic acid derivative; ammonium
Attitude toward’s Local Government and Citizen’s Participation
in Local Government
Seyed Hamid Mohammadi
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Putra University, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-17-2118806; Email: hmd_mohamadi@yahoo.com
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Putra University, Malaysia.
Email: sharifah@putra.upm.edu.my
Department of Social and Development
Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Putra University, Malaysia.
Email: nobaya@putra.upm.edu.my
The purpose of this paper is to describe the
citizen’s attitude toward local government and its relationship
with level of participation. Participation in local government
issues, requires a favorable attitude towards local government,
councilors and councils’ performance in terms of efficiency.
The paper is based on the study of citizens' attitude towards
local government, which was carried out in Torbat Hedarieh
city, Iran.
The analysis of data uses Pearson correlation to determine the
relationship between variables involved. The findings revealed
that two level of ladder
participation (Tokenism and Citizen-power) have positive and significant
relationship with attitude, while Non-participation level of
ladder participation has negatively significant relationship
with attitude. The findings of the study imply that those
respondents who have positive attitude toward local government,
councilors and council performance, would have the higher
tendency to be actively involved in higher levels of
participation, whereas who have negative attitude toward local
government, would put less effort in higher levels of
Hamid Mohammadi. Citizens’
Attitude toward’s Local Government and Citizen’s Participation
in Local Government. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):575-583]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Citizen attitude, Citizen participation,
Local government, social exchange
Algal Abundances and Growth
Performances of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) as Affected by Different Fertilizer Sources
M.A. Elnady*, H.A.
Hassanien, M.A. Salem and H. Marian Samir
Department of Animal Production,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt.
Abstract: The experiment was designed to study
the effect of different fertilizer sources (chemical
fertilizer, organic fertilizer or combined chemical +organic
fertilization) on plankton abundances, growth performances of
Nile tilapia juveniles and water quality parameters in concrete
tanks compared to feeding fish at satiation. The average secchi
disk readings were shallower in the chemical and combined
fertilizer treatments compared to those of the ration and
organic fertilizer treatments as a result of increased algal
density and abundances. Ammonia and orthophosphate
concentrations in the chemical and combined fertilizer
treatments were higher with an increase in algal growth,
abundance. Within fertilizer treatments, the daily
weight gains of Nile tilapia
reared in the chemical and combined fertilizer treatments (0.43
and 0.5 g/fish/day, respectively) were significantly higher than
those reared in the organic fertilizer treatment (0.32g/ fish/
day). This indicated that the use of chemical fertilizer in a
fertilization program is superior in increasing fish growth
compared to that of the organic fertilizer. It can be
concluded that Nile tilapia juveniles can obtain major
nutritional requirements for growth(48% of its total feed
requirements) from feeding only on algae during this stage of
growth. Results of the current
experiment recommended that organic fertilizer should not be
used as sole source in fertilizer programs and should be
combined with chemical fertilizer in order to produce good
algal growth necessary for the nourishment of farmed fish.
[M.A. Elnady, H.A. Hassanien,
M.A. Salem and H. Marian Samir. Algal
Abundances and Growth Performances of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) as Affected by Different Fertilizer Sources.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):584-393]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Fertilizers, manure, algae, plankton, Nile
as Moderated Influence on the Link of Spiritual and Emotional
Intelligence with Mental Health in High School Students
Shabani*, Siti Aishah Hassan, Aminah Ahmad, Maznah
of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
Abstract: This
study examined whether, spiritual intelligence (SI) and
emotional intelligence (EI) can be considered as predictor for
mental health. The present investigation was also to test the
moderating effects of age on the relationship of SI and EI with
mental health among high school students. The participants in
the study were 247 High school students (124 male and 123
female) in
the age range of 14-17 years old, at the Gorgan
City, north of Iran.
Three valid and reliable instruments were used to assess SI, EI
and mental health. Descriptive statistics, multiple and
moderated regression analysis were used to analyses the data.
The result demonstrated that mental health can be influences by
SI and EI. In addition, the moderated effect of age on the
relationship of SI and EI with mental health was not
[Jafar Shabani,
Siti Aishah Hassan, Aminah Ahmad, Maznah Baba. Age as Moderated Influence on
the Link of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence with Mental
Health in High School Students. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):394-400]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Psychology, education, high school students,
spiritual and emotional intelligence, mental health
Histopathological, and Cytogenetical ameliorating Effects of
Green tea Extract on Nicotine Toxicity of the Testis of Rats
¹*Azza M. Gawish, 2Aliaa M. Issa, ³Aziza M. A., and Sherin Ramadan
1Department of Zoology, Faculty of
Science, Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
2 Cell biology Department, National Research
Centre,. Dokki, Cairo,
3 National
Organization for Drug control and Research Dokki – Giza, Cairo,
Nicotine is a major toxic component of cigarette smoke and it
is a major risk factor in the development of functional
disorder of several organ systems. The
natural diet contains a variety of compounds that exhibit
protective effects towards different toxicities of nicotine as
green tea. Four groups of male Swiss albino mice were
divided: untreated
control group; Nicotine–treated group (2.5 mg/kg/day); Green
tea-treated group (40 mg/kg./day); and Nicotine and green tea
treated group interperitoneal administration for successive 28
days. Results showed that disorganization of the seminiferous tubules
associated with reduction of spermatogenic cells, leading to
widening of lumen of tubules upon nicotine toxicity. Many of
seminiferous tubules exhibited degenerative phases of
spermatocytes and spermatides as well as missing of sperms and
hypo-spermatogenesis. The recorded data in nicotine intoxicated
group showed significant and gradual decrease of number of
leydig cells throughout all intervals of experiment.
In the last, cytogenetically examination demonstrated
significant increased in the number of nucleated polychromatic
erythrocytes (MnPCE) and decreased in number of polychromatic
erythrocytes (PCE) in bone marrow of nicotine-treated animals
using micronucleus assay.
Green tea treatment reduced number of nucleated
polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCE) and restored number of
polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) to nearly normal. In
conclusions, intake of green tea might suppress the toxicity
and mutagenic activity of nicotine.
M. Gawish, Aliaa M. Issa, Aziza M. A., and Sherin Ramadan.
Morphometrical, Histopathological, and Cytogenetical
ameliorating Effects of Green tea Extract on Nicotine Toxicity
of the Testis of Rats. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):401-411]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Smoking
- Nicotine – Fertility – Antioxidants – Green tea
Tourism as an
Economic Development Tool
Mohammad Taleghani
Assistant professor,
Islamic Azad University - Rasht Branch,
ABSTRACT - Probably, the greatest single deterrent
to tourism development is the lack of appreciation and
enthusiasm for tourism by civic and business leaders. When
tourism is not understood and its benefits are unclear,
planning and implementation of measures to improve the industry
are often lacking. Notably, global tourism has become the
largest industry in the world, with nearly 500 million
consumers of tourism services per year spending hundreds of
billions of dollars. The industry provides employment to over
100 million people worldwide. Thus, in view of tourism's
increasing role in economic activity, the factors affecting its
performance should be analyzed. An understanding of these
factors is crucial to determine the ways in which national and
international financial institutions, NGOs and other entities
can play the most value-adding role. This paper provides a
brief profile of key factors and trends in tourism and their
economic effects at the global, national and regional levels.
Taleghani.Tourism as an Economic
Development Tool. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):412-416]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Tourism, Economic Development, Supply
and Demand, GDP
of Metformin on Immunity and Male Fertility in Rabbits with
Alloxan- Induced Diabetes
Naglaa, Z.H. Eleiwa*;
Hesham, A.M.; Hosny Abdel Fadil and Abdel Motal, S.M.
Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt.
A study was designed to explore the possible side effects of
metformin on immunity and fertility of male rabbits with
alloxan- induced diabetes. Sixteen
adult male rabbits were used in this study, they were
classified into four equal groups as follows: the first group
received neither alloxan nor metformin and remained as control
group. Rabbits in the 2nd group were orally treated
with metformin at a dose of 120 mg/kg b.wt once a day for 3
months. Rabbits in the 3rd group were
administered alloxan, I/V,
at a single dose
of 100 mg/kg b.wt.Rabbits in the 4th group were
administered alloxan (100 mg/kg b.wt, single I/Vdose) then
treated orally with
metformin (120 mg/kg b.wt.) once daily for 3 months. Rabbits in
all groups were subcutaneously injected with 2 ml polyvalent
rabbit pasteurellosis vaccine after two months from the
beginning of experiment for studying the immunological profile
of the drug. Treatment of diabetic and non-diabetic
rabbits with metformin evoked a significant decrease (P<
0.05) in nitric oxide production on the 1st and the
2nd day post vaccination. In response to treatment with metformin,
rabbits demonstrated a
significant decrease (P< 0.05) in serum lysozyme activity on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd day and in the 1st
week post vaccination while diabetic rabbits treated with
metformin showed a significant decrease (P<
0.05) in serum lysozyme
activity on the 3rd day and on the 1st, 3rd and 4th
week post vaccination.
In addition, treatment with metformin of diabetic and
non-diabetic rabbits resulted in a significant decrease(P<
0.05) in testicular weight, sperm cell count, sperm motility
and serum testosterone with a significant increase in sperm
abnormalities and dead sperm %. Summing up our observations,
the present study calls into question the justification for the
use of metformin in a frame of a therapeutic strategy for diabetes
due to its resulting negative impact on immunity and male
[Naglaa, Z.H. Eleiwa; Hesham,
A.M.; Hosny Abdel Fadil and Abdel Motal, S.M. Impact of Metformin on Immunity and
Male Fertility in Rabbits with Alloxan- Induced Diabetes.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):417-426]. (ISSN:
Metformin –
alloxan –
diabetes -
Membrane Extract for Acute Ocular Chemical Burns
Sheha, Hisham Hashem,
Lingyi Liang, Mohamed Ramzy,, Ahmed ZaKi
Background: Ocular chemical burns
induce devastating and permanent damage to the ocular surface.
Rapid intervention is required for maximal visual
rehabilitation. Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) may
save the ocular surface, however it introduces a potentially
unnecessary surgical trauma in such compromised eyes. Amniotic
membrane extracts (AME) could be a practical substitute of AMT
in acute chemical burn. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of topical AME in
the management of acute ocular
chemical burn. Methods: Non-comparative interventional case
series. Six eyes of 4 consecutive
patients with mild to moderate
acute chemical burn, exhibiting
persistent epithelial defect, inflammation and haze
despite extensive conventional therapy were recruited. Topical AME was prepared and added to the
conventional treatment within 2 days of the injury. Pain relief, inflammation, haze, and
corneal epithelial healing were monitored. Results: Pain
was significantly relieved, and inflammation was markedly
reduced in all cases. The corneal epithelial defects rapidly
healed while visual acuity improved within 11 (range 4-23)
days. During an average
follow-up period of 6 months (range, 3-8 months), all eyes
retained stable surface with improved corneal
clarity without neovascularization or symblepharon.
Conclusions: Topical application of AME could be an effective
adjunct in the treatment of mild to moderate cases of acute
chemical burns. It allows non-traumatic and economic early intervention to promote
epithelialization, reduce pain, haze and inflammation in acute
phase, and prevent cicatricial
complications in chronic phase. This
result justifies additional large series controlled
studies in the future.
[Hosam Sheha, Hisham Hashem,
Lingyi Liang, Mohamed Ramzy, Ahmed ZaKi. Amniotic Membrane
Extract for Acute Ocular Chemical Burns. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):427-433]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Acute
chemical burn, amniotic membrane extract, corneal epithelial
Phylogenetic Diversity and
Relationships of Some Tomato Varieties by Electrophoretic
Protein and RAPD analysis
Elham A. A. Abd El-Hady*,
Atef A. A. Haiba, Nagwa R. Abd El-Hamid, and Aida A. Rizkalla
Department of Genetics and
Cytology, National Research
Center, Dokki, Giza,
Abstract: Biochemical and molecular characterization
of eight tomato varieties were carried out based on seed
storage proteins electrophoresis and RAPD markers. The
electrophoretic pattern of water soluble protein produced 4
monomorphic bands, 6 polymorphic band and 3 unique bands. The
pattern of non soluble protein produced 9 bands, one band is
unique and considered a positive specific band of tomaten
cartago variety and the others are polymorphic bands. RAPD
results revealed a high level of polymorphism among the studied
genotypes. All of the seven randome primers screened gave
reproducible polymorphic DNA bands. A total number of 81
amplified DNA bands were generated across the studied genotypes
with average of 11.57 bands /primer. 37 bands out of the total
number were polymorphic and 19 were unique. Combination of the
all data derived from the SDS-protein markers of both water
soluble and non soluble proteins produced a dendrogram almost
similar to that obtained by the RAPD analysis. It could be concluded that,
both of SDS-Protein and RAPD markers are equally important for
genetic analysis and indicate a considerable amount of genetic
diversity between the different studied varieties of Lycopersicon esculentum L.
[Elham A. A.
Abd El-Hady*, Atef A. A. Haiba, Nagwa R. Abd
El-Hamid, and Aida A. Rizkalla. Phylogenetic Diversity and
Relationships of Some Tomato Varieties by Electrophoretic
Protein and RAPD analysis. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):434-441]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Tomato, Genetic diversity,
SDS-protein, RAPD-PCR
effect of three different fluoride treatments on dental erosion
in primary and permanent teeth
Sherine B Y
Badr1, Mohamed A Ibrahim2
Pediatric dentistry Dept., Cairo
Restorative Dentistry Dept., Misr
for Science and Technology
To assess the effect of acidulated phosphate fluoride gel
(APF), sodium fluoride varnish (NaF) and casein
phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride paste
(CPP-ACPF) on the dental erosion produced by coca cola in
primary and permanent teeth. Design: Sixty extracted
human primary molars (n = 30) and young permanent premolars (n
= 30) were used in this study. The coronal portion of each
tooth was removed and transversely sectioned from the mesial to
distal surface using a diamond coated saw blade. The crown
sections were embedded in acrylic resin blocks leaving the
enamel surfaces exposed. The enamel surfaces were ground and
polished. Test specimens were randomly assigned to one of three
groups each of 10 according to the protective agent used: APF gel
(1.23% F), NaF varnish (2.26%F), and CPP-ACPF paste (0.2%F).
Half of the exposed enamel surface was protected with adhesive
tape during the treatment of the remaining surface according to
their group. Fluoride gel and CPP-ACPF paste were applied for 4
minutes and fluoride varnish for 24 hours. Six daily
demineralisation–remineralization cycles of 5 minutes of
immersion in a cola drink (pH 2.3) and 30 minutes in artificial
saliva were conducted for 14 days. All specimens were stored in
artificial saliva between and after cycles. Surface Vickers
Micro-hardness readings were recorded at baseline and 14 days
later for both halves. Percentage surface microhardness
reduction (%SMHR) was then calculated. Data were analyzed using
ANOVA and Duncan’s
post-hoc test (p < 0.05). Results: For primary
enamel, the mean (+SD) % surface microhardness reduction
(SMHR) for treated and untreated half was, respectively: gel
(18.6 +3.3 and 29.6 + 6.7), varnish (29.3 +9.6
and 33.9 +12.2), and CPP-ACPF paste (29.8 + 15.4
and 34.8+12.2. For permanent enamel, such values were:
gel (28.7+16.3 and 35+ 16), varnish (42.9 +2and
49.6+ 1.6) and
CPP-ACPF paste (23.6 +8.8 and 36.7+16.3).
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare between means
of the three groups at P ≤ 0.05. Conclusions: All
of the tested fluoride treatments were able to reduce erosive
enamel loss in both primary and permanent groups but both CPP-ACPF
paste and APF gel showed significantly higher protective
anti-erosive effect in permanent teeth. In primary teeth only
APF gel showed significantly higher anti-erosive effect.
Primary and permanent enamel substrates reacted differently to
different fluoridated compounds.
[Sherine B Y Badr1, Mohamed A
Ibrahim. Protective
effect of three different fluoride treatments on dental erosion
in primary and permanent teeth. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):442-451]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: dental
erosion, fluoride, CPP-ACPF paste, microhardness, Primary,
of Tropical Eutrophic Lagoon
Chuks. Onuoha, 2Dike Ikeagwu Nwankwo and 3Vyverman, Wim
of Fisheries and Marine Biology, Federal College of Fisheries
and Marine Technology, Bar-beach Victoria Island, Lagos
2Department of Marine
Sciences University
of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos,
and Aquatic Ecology Research Laboratory, University
of Ghent, Belgium
Abstract: The
diatoms of Ologe lagoon for the first time were studied at
monthly intervals for two years (February 2002-January 2004). A
total of forty-eight species belonging to eighteen genera was
found in diatoms, with pennate forms being more diverse and
less abundance than the centric forms. Aulacoseira granulata, A. granulata var.angustissima, A. granulata
var. angustissima f.spiralis, A.granulata var.
angustissima f. curvata), A. granulata var. muzzaensis, A.
islandica and Cyclotella meneghiniana were the more
abundant and frequently occurring centric species throughout
the study period. More frequently occurring pennate diatoms
include: Synedra ulna, Nitzschia closterium, Pinnularia
major, Navicula oblonga, Cymbella minuta, Nitzschia
palea, Surirella elegans and Gomphonema parvulum.
Rarely occurring diatoms at this station included Biddulphia
laevis, Melosira varians, Nitzschia accicularis,
Pinnularia laevis, Cocconeis placentula and Eunotia
gracilis. In this study, six new diatoms species were
recorded for Lagos
lagoon complex. Community structure analysis shows a highly
diverse environment.
[Paul Chuks Onuoha, Dike Ikeagwu
Nwankwo and Vyverman, Wim. Diatoms of Tropical Eutrophic
Lagoon. Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):452-456]. (ISSN:
Keywords: diatom; Ologe lagoon; genera; Lagos
lagoon complex; diverse environment
Can Dermatoglyphics be used as an Anatomical
Marker in Egyptian Rheumatoid Patients?
Hanan M. Elsaadany1,
Elham Kassem 1, Mervat El-Sergany*1 and
Abdel -Razek A. Sheta2,
& Rehabilitation, 2Anatomy Departments, Faculty
of Medicine, Tanta University,
Tanta, Egypt.
Background/aim: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is supposed to be
influenced by genetic and environmental factors and so also
dermatoglyphics. Therefore, the
present study was undertaken to find out a possible correlation
of some quantitative and qualitative dermatoglyphic variables
with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its radiological grading.
Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 60
clinically confirmed RA patients and an equal number of controls. Different qualitative
dermatoglyphic patterns (ulnar& radial loops, whorls and
arches) and quantitative dermatoglyphic measures (total finger
ridge count, pattern intensity and a-b ridge count) in addition
to palmar creases were studied on rheumatoid arthritis patients
and controls. Comparison between patients and controls in both
sexes was done and recorded. Also, correlation between
significant dermatoglyphic changes in RA patients and
radiological changes were studied. Results: Loops
were the most common type of the
qualitative dermatoglyphic patterns of the fingers,
followed by whorls then arches. In both male and female
patients, there was significant marked decrease in ulnar loops
and significant increase
in arches. Total ridge count and pattern
intensity of patients were decreased in both hands of both
sexes; however, this decrease was significant in the left hand of males
and right hand of females. Moreover, the a-b ridge count was significantly
decreased in both hands of female and left hand of male
patients. Regarding the unusual palmer flexion
creases, there was significant increase only in the Sydney
line in female right hands. Significant inverse
correlation was noted between total ridge
count of the fingers and the radiological erosion in both males and females. Conclusion:
The findings of the present work demonstrate the association
between some dermatoglyphic patterns and RA suggesting that
dermatoglyphics can represent an anatomical, non-invasive,
inexpensive tool for screening high-risk population, and thus
facilitate early detection and management. Also the
relationship between total ridge count and the aggressive type
of RA indicate that this dermatoglyphic variable might play a
significant role not only for screening but also for studying
the behavior of the disease.
[Hanan M. Elsaadany, Elham
Kassem, Mervat El-Sergany and Abdel-Razek A. Sheta. Can
Dermatoglyphics be used as an Anatomical Marker in Egyptian
Rheumatoid Patients. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):457-466]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: dermatoglyphics,
fingerprints, rheumatoid arthritis
Efficiency Production of Mosquitocidal Toxin by a novel Bacillus
sphaericus isolate from Egyptian Soils on Local
Agroindustrial Byproducts
Fawkia M. El-Beih,2
Maysa E. Moharam.1 Nora N.A.El-Gamal1
Microbial Chemistry Department, National
Research Center,
Dokki, Giza,
Faculty of Science, Ain
Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Eighty six
cultures were isolated from soil of different Egyptian
Governorates including Quina, El-Menofeya, El-Gharbia,
El-Sharkia, El-Behera and Kafr EL-Sheikh Governorates.
Investigations on the mosquitocidal Egyptian isolates have
revealed that isolate No.1 have the ability to form more toxin
than the international reference strain Bacillus sphaericus
2362(Bs 2362). The selected isolate No.1 exhibited a
lower LC50 and LC 90values than the
International strain B.s 2362 upon bioassay against
second instars’ larvae of Culex pipiens. The Egyptian
isolate No.1was identified morphologically and biochemically as
Bacillus sphaericus. Physiological factors affecting
growth and toxin formation in B. sphaericus No 1 in
comparison to B.s 2362 were carried out. THE organism
grown on modified Nutrient broth medium yielded the highest
larval toxicity against the second instars’ of Culex pipiens
for both Bacillus sphaericus isolate No 1 and the
international strain Bacillus sphaericus. The Optimum
air: medium ratio were 9:1 and 4:1 of the flask volume for 4
and 3 days incubation periods using 2%and 3% sizes of inocula for B.
sphaericus 2362 and the Egyptian isolate B. sphaericusNo.1,
respectively. Sodium acetate was the suitable carbon source for
the isolate B. sphaericus No.1, while B.s 2362 was capable
to utilize both sodium acetate and sodium succinate as carbon
sources.The Egyptian isolate B. sphaericus No.1exhibited the highest mosquitocidal
activity upon growth on
kidney beans seeds and sesame meal as nutrient
substrates at 3% final
concentration, while B.s 2362 exhibited the highest mosquitocidal
activity by utilizing soy beans, lentils and sesame meal as complete
media for growth and mosquitocidal toxin production.
Foda, Fawkia M. El-Beih, Maysa E.
Moharam, Nora N.A.El-Gamal. High Efficiency
Production of Mosquitocidal Toxin by a novel Bacillus
sphaericus isolate from Egyptian Soils on Local Agroindustrial
Byproducts. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):467-475]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Bacillus sphaericus, isolation,
characterization, mosquitocidal toxin, physiology,
agroindustrial byproducts
Validated Chromatographic Method for Determination of Some
Anti-hypertensive Drugs
Farouk1, O. Abd ELAziz1, A. Hemdan*2,
M. Shehata2
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Ain Shams
University, Cairo,
2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department. Faculty of
Pharmacy, Ahram Canadian
University, 6th
October, Egypt.
Abstract: Accurate,
precise and reproducible isocratic RP-HPLC method was developed
and subsequent validated for the
analysis of Torasemide (I), Irbesartan (II) and
Olmesartan medoxomil (III) at ambient temperature, using
Atlantis 4.6
mm x 250
mm RP-C18 Column, with a flow rate of 1.5
ml.min-1, and UV. detector at 288 nm and 260 nm for
(I) and (II and III), respectively. By adopting the mentioned
chromatographic technique, (I) and (III) were determined in the
presence of their acidic and alkaline-degradates separately as
stability-indicating methods utilizing phosphate buffer pH =
3:acetonitrile (60:40, v/v), phosphate buffer pH =
3.2:acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) as a mobile phase, respectively,
while (II) was determined
in presence of
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), using phosphate buffer pH =
4:acetonitrile (70:30, v/v). All the proposed methods were
validated according to the International Conference on
Harmonization (ICH) guidelines and successfully applied to
determine the mentioned studied drugs in pure form, in
laboratory prepared mixtures and in pharmaceutical
preparations. The obtained results were statistically compared
to the reference methods of
analysis [for I and "II and III", respectively] and
no significant differences were found.
Farouk, O. Abd EL Aziz, A. Hemdan, M. Shehata. Novel Validated Chromatographic Method for
Determination of Some Anti-hypertensive Drugs.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):476-486]. (ISSN:
Torasemide, Irbesartan, Olmesartan medoxomil, High Performance
Liquid Chromatography, Stability Indicating method
Diversity of Staphylococcus aureus
Isolated from Human and Bovine Estimated by PCR - Gene Analysis
2Ata S. Nagwa,
1 Gad El-Said, W.A., 2Bakry,M.A., 2Samy,
A.A., 2Khairy E.A., 2 Elgabry, E.A.
Department of Microbiology Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine
Department of Microbiology
& Immunology National
Research Center,
Cairo Egypt
The present investigation studied the
diversity of 19 S. aureus isolates (9 from bovine and 10
from human sources) in comparison with the standard Cowan I
strain by conventional methods and by PCR technology. The
latter uses primers targeted to species-specific parts of genes
encoding coagulase (coa), enterotoxin A (sea) and
B (seb), mec A gene encoding mecthillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and
Staphylococcus protein A
(spa) gene. S. aureus isolates (19) as
well as the Cowan 1 strain were tested for antimicrobial
sensitivity with 15 antibiotics by disk diffusion method and
classified as susceptible, intermediate and resistant. 57.9% of
isolates had a relatively high molecular weight plasmid. The mec
A gene among the chosen MRSA S. aureus isolates
recovered from human and bovine sources was discussed.
Polymorphisms of coa and spa genes were detected
among S. aureus
isolates. The examined isolates had coagulase gene ranging from
423 bp to 658 bp and the Cowan -1 strain had amplified fragment
at 642 bp. All examined S. aureus isolates gave an
amplified spa gene product at approximately from 396-464
bp. The prevalence of enterotoxin genes sea and seb
were determined and the diversity among the chosen isolates was
[J.El-Jakee, Ata S.
Nagwa, Gad El-Said, W.A., Bakry, M.A.,
Samy, A.A., Khairy E.A., Elgabry, E.A. Diversity
of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Human and Bovine
Estimated by PCR - Gene Analysis. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):487-498]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: S.
aureus, antibiogram sensitivity, MRSA, Enterotoxins,
coagulase gene, spa gene
of a rapid procedure for distinguishing enterotoxigenic
Clostridium perfringens
El-Jakee, 2Ata S. Nagwa,
2Bakry,M.A., 2Sohier, M. Syame, 2Samy
A.A., 2Khairy E.A.
of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo,
of Microbiology and Immunology
National Research
Center, Cairo,
Abstract: The objective of the
present study is to develop an easy method for detection of
toxigenic C. perfringens isolates. 4
C. perfringens isolates (type A,
B, C & D) were collected from chickens and reconfirmed on
the basis of conventional tests and multiplex PCR.
Antisera were prepared from C. perfringens types A, B, C
& D separately in different groups of rabbits. The titres
of the prepared hyperimmune sera were estimated by ELISA & staphylococci protein A (SpA)
agglutination test. An attempt was carried out to detect C.
perfringens toxins in infected fecal samples. The fecal samples were
infected by 20 &40 µg /ml C. perfringens toxins (A, B, C & D) and examined by double sandwich
ELISA & SpA agglutination
methods. In addition the sensitivity of PCR for
detection of C. perfringens types were compared with
conventional culture technique among fecal samples contaminated
with C. perfringens types and the results were
[J. El-Jakee, Ata S. Nagwa,
Bakry, M.A., Sohier, M. Syame, Samy A.A., Khairy E.A.
Implementation of a rapid procedure for distinguishing
enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):499-508]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: C. perfringens, ELISA, SpA agglutination, PCR
Study of Software Engineering Processes in Egyptian Cmmi
El-Din Hamouda and Mohammad Abdrabo Elwahsh
& Systems Engineering Dept.,Al-Azhar
University Cairo,
Alaa_ham@gega.net, eng.md.elwahsh@gmail.com; www.elwahsh.com
Abstract: The Egyptian
government has paid special attention to the software industry
as Egypt to provide it with a competitive advantage that makes
this emerging industry promising. Thus, the State has supported
the Egyptian companies to make use of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). Since
2009, more than thirty companies obtained the CMMI at different levels. However, these
companies suffer from lack of a mechanism to exchange
experience and information among themselves although they could
be similar in the culture of their engineers and perhaps in the
nature and size of their software projects. So, we provide in
this research a survey to gauge the quality of methods, tools and
processes used in these Egyptian companies winning the CMMI.
Then we analyzed the results to reach the recommendations aimed
at enriching the software industry in Egypt.
[Alaa El-Din Hamouda and Mohammad Abdrabo
Elwahsh. Comparative
Study of Software Engineering Processes in Egyptian Cmmi
Companies. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):509-514]. (ISSN:1545-1003).
CMMI in Egypt,
software engineering processes, survey
Prevalence of
S. aureus and S. epidermidis among
patients with indwelling catheters and their antibiogram using
some commonly used antibiotics.
N. and Godlove, M.
of Microbiology, Federal
University of
Technology, Yola, Adamawa
State, Nigeria
nanditamicrobio@yahoo.com; *corresponding author
Abstract: The
objectives of this study were to find the prevalence of S. aureus and S. epidermidis in urine
samples of patients placed on catheter in Federal Medical
Centre, Yola (FMCY) and State Specialist hospital, Yola (SSHY)
and the efficacy of some commonly used antibiotics against the
isolates of S. aureus
and S. epidermidis. A
total of one hundred and five samples (60 from SHHY and 45 from
FMCY) were collected and inoculated into Cystine lactose
electrolyte deficient (CLED) agar for isolation of
Staphylococcal species.
A total of seventy six presumptive Staphylococcal
isolates were obtained on CLED agar and these isolates were
identified using gram staining, morphological characteristics
and standard biochemical tests. Serological studies revealed
that out of 76 isolates, 56 were S. epidermidis (coagulase negative) and 20 were S. aureus (coagulase
positive). Fifty one point eight percent (51.8%) of the
isolates of S.
epidermidis were sensitive to ceftazidime followed by
ciprofloxacin (46.4 %)
whereas 45% of the isolates of S. aureus were sensitive to ceftriaxone followed by
cefotaxime and ciprofloxacin (40%).
N. and Godlove, M. Prevalence of S. aureus and S.
epidermidis among patients with indwelling catheters and
their antibiogram using some commonly used antibiotics. Journal
of American Science 2010;6(11):515-520]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: ciprofloxacin;
coagulase; CLED agar, catheters, S. aureus, S.
and Molecular Genetic Studies on Rice Tolerance to Salinity
El-Mouhamady, A. A.; I.
S. El-Demardash and K. A. Aboud*
*Genetics Department, National Research
Centre, Cairo,
The present investigation was carried under
green house conditions during 2009 and 2010 seasons included
two conditions (normal irrigation and salinity) using model of
half diallel analysis by five cultivars of rice “Gz1368-s-5-4,
Hybrid1, Sakha102, Giza 181 an IE1444”. Five parents and ten
crosses were grown under two conditions and the results showed
that: (1) The most desirable mean value and positive and highly
significant for
heterosis, general and specific combining ability effects for
all genotypes under normal and salinity conditions were
observed from the genotypes.; Gz1368-s-5-4, hybrid1, IET1444,
Gz1368-s-5-4 x hybrid 1, Gz1368-s-5-4 x IET1444, Hybrid 1 x
I”ET1444, Sakha 102 x IET1444 and Giza 181 x IET 1444 for all
traits studied. (2) From the foreign discussion, it could be
concluded that the crosses Gz1368-s-5-4 x Hybrid 1,
G21368-s-5-4 x IET1444, Hybrid 1 x IET1444 and Giza 181 x
IET1444 were contained of 1, 5, 1 and 56 and 5 using PM15
primer, 6, 3, 6 and 6 bands using AY334988 and 6, 2, 4 and 5
bands using HL-17 primer, which indicated that these bands were
found to be index and marker for salinity tolerance in rice by
increasing K+ content and decreasing of Na+
[El-Mouhamady, A. A.; I.
S. El-Demardash and K. A. Aboud. Biochemical and Molecular
Genetic Studies on Rice Tolerance to Salinity. Journal
of American Science 2010;6(11):521-535]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: heterosis,,
half diallel analysis, salinity tolerance, RAPD
Effect of Adding Urea or Ammonium
Sulphate on some Herbicides Efficiency in Controlling Weeds in
Onion Plants
1El-Metwally, I.
M.; *1Kowthar G. El-Rokiek; 1Salah A.
Ahmed; 1Ebrahim R. El–Desoki and
2Emad E. H.
1Botany Dept., National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo,Egypt.
2Vegetable Crops Research Dept., National Research
Centre, Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted
during two successive seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 at the
Agricultural Experiments Station of the National Research
Centre at Nobariya, Behaira Governorate, Egypt, to study the
effect of adding urea or ammonium sulphate at 2% to herbicide
solution on weed control efficiency in onion fields. Weed
control treatments were as follows: Metosulam at 20 ml/fed or
Clodinafop-propargyl at 70g/fed with or without addition of urea or ammonium sulphate (AMS) at 2%
of herbicide solution in comparison to Metosulam at 40
ml/fed, Clodinafop-
propargyl at 140g/ fed, Metosulam at 20 ml + Clodinafop-
propargyl at 70 g / fed, two hand hoeing and unweeded check. All weed
control treatments significantly depressed weed growth when
compared to the unweeded one. Two hand hoeing showed the best
control of broadleaved weeds in both seasons, followed by that
of Metosulam at 40 ml, Metosulam + urea and Metosulam + AMS
treatments, respectively. Clodinafop – propargyl at 140 g,
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g, Clodinafop – propargyl + urea,
Clodinafop – propargyl + AMS and Metosulam + Clodinafop –
propargyl were very effective in controlling most grass weeds.
Meanwhile, hand hoeing, Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl,
Metosulam at 40 ml and Clodinafop – propargyl at 140 g /fed
were the most effective in controlling onion weeds. All
herbicidal treatments as well as hand hoeing markedly increased
onion yield in both seasons. Maximum values of bulb length,
diameter, weight and bulb yield (t/fed) were recorded from
Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl, Metosulam at 20 ml and hand
hoeing twice.
[El-Metwally, I. M.; Kowthar
G. El-Rokiek; Salah A. Ahmed; Ebrahim R. El–Desoki
and Emad E. H. Abd-Elsamad. Effect of Adding Urea or Ammonium
Sulphate on some Herbicides Efficiency in Controlling Weeds in
Onion Plants. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):536-543]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Onion, Urea,
Ammonium sulphate, Metosulam, Clodinafop-propargyl, weeds
Prevalence of
gastrointestinal parasites infections in sheep in the Zoo
garden and Sinai district and study the efficacy of
anthelmintic drugs in the treatment of these parasites.
N.Z.1; Selim. A. M.1 and El-Hady K. M.2
of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt.
Clinic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt.
A survey of the prevalence of gastro-intestinal tract
(GIT) parasites in 240 sheep was conducted in different area in
the zoo garden (110) and in Sinai district (130) during the period
of March 2009 to February 2010. The overall prevalence of
infections with nematodes; fasciola and coccidiosis in sheep in
Sinai and zoo garden were 66/240 (27.5%); 24/240 (10.0%) and
16/240 (6.7%) respectively. Of the 240 examined sheep, 12.5%;
0.0% and 8.6 % young lambs (1-6 month), 37.7%; 6.9 % and 9.2 %
immature sheep (>6-12 months) and 17.1 %; 21.4 % and 1.4 %
adult sheep (>one yr) were infested with nematodes, fasciola
and coccidia respectively. Most of the animals examined during
the present survey had low to moderate infestation. Serum biochemical parameters
revealed that serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium,
copper and iron levels were significantly decreased in all
parasitic infested animals. All treated sheep showed
significant improvement & disappearance of most clinical
signs and significant decrease of egg per gram (EPG) with
complete disappearance of eggs in 5th day; 4th
day and 6th day post treatment with albendazole
(valbazine); doramectin (dectomax)
and trichlabendazole (fasinex) respectively. There were gradual increases in the levels
of biochemical parameters in 3 groups after one and two weeks
post treatment and their levels reached nearly similar to
standard levels after 3 week post treatment. Study
surveys suggest, appropriate parasitic control approach be
explored and tried in order to alleviate the problem of worm
N.Z.; Selim. A. M. and El-Hady K. M. Prevalence of gastrointestinal
parasites infections in sheep in the Zoo garden and Sinai
district and study the efficacy of anthelmintic drugs in the
treatment of these parasites. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):544-551]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: gastro intestinal parasites,
sheep, Zoo garden, Sinai, anthelmintics
& biochemical parameters
quality in Egyptian Obese Children and Adolescents
El-morsi Hassan*1, Safaa,T, Zaki 2,
Azza,Gabr2 and Hala El gindi 2
Anthropology Department 1, Child Health Department2, National
Research Center,
Cairo, Egypt
The epidemic increase in the prevalence of obesity is now seen
in most countries Dietary composition, the
relative proportions of calories coming from fats,
carbohydrates, protein and intake of fiber has been suspected
of playing a role in obesity.
So, the aim of the present study was to analyze the diet
quality and also to determine if an association exists between
obesity and the relative percentage of fats, carbohydrates,
protein and fiber in the diets of children and adolescent. A
cross-sectional survey, comprised 5760 children (2638 boys and
3122 girls) was recruited from 6 public schools. Each child
underwent a complete physical examination, including
anthropometric measures. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated
as weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared.
Only one thousand and one hundred children of the total sample
(19.1%), (417 boys and 683 girls, aged 13.43+2.65 years),
with the complaint of obesity, were included. Repeated
Twenty-four hour recall method, record food intake for three
scattered days (3 recalls), includes one day as a holiday was
done to assess the nutritional status of obese children.
Nutrient intake were calculated using the computer program
World Food Dietary Assessment System (1) compared
with National Research Council USA1989 (2), while
vitamins and minerals were compared with USDA,
2005(3). This study highlights the importance of
nutritional data that it is not what you eat but rather how
much the total number of calories consumed which contributes to
obesity. Success in obesity prevention is most likely to be
achieved when preventive measures are initiated early and
sustained throughout childhood and adolescence. More researches
must be done for more evaluation, also, to achieve physical
activity and life style for obese children and adolescence.
[Nayera El-morsi Hassan,
Safaa,T, Zaki, Azza,Gabr and Hala El gindi. Diet quality in
Egyptian Obese Children and Adolescents. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):552-558]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Diet
quality, obese, children, adolescents
Improvement Growth, and Yield of Wheat
Plants Grown Under Salinity Stress by Using Silicon
Abd El-Monem M. Sharaf
Botany and Microbiology Dept. Faculty of
Science, Al-Azhar Univ.
Cairo, Egypt, sharaf5858@yahoo.com
Abstract: The
present study aims to improvement of wheat production under
saline conditions using silicon (Si) treatment. Salinity caused
significant reduction in the growth parameters, photosynthetic
pigments and yield components of wheat plants. The magnitude of
reduction increased by increasing salinity level. Significant
increases were observed in activities of superoxide dismutase
(SOD), peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT) and glutathione
reductase (GR) in shoots of salt stressed plants. Silicon
treatment in absence and presence of NaCl had great changes on
most of the assayed parameters. The adverse effects of salinity
as regards the growth characters, photosynthetic pigments and
yield components were significantly mitigated by Si supplement.
Application of Si caused great variations in the activities of
antioxidant enzymes. Under normal (Non-saline) condition,
addition of Si, especially at 1 mM, markedly increased the
activity of both SOD and CAT, however activity of both POX and
GR was significantly decreased. Addition of Si markedly reduced
the increases in the activities of SOD, POX, CAT and GR were
observed in salt stressed plants. Great variations were also
observed as regards the contents of endogenous phytohormones in
response to Si, NaCl and their interactions. Generally, it could
be concluded that Si have (to more extent) a beneficial
regulatory role in plants grown under salt stress conditions.
[Abd El-Monem M. Sharaf. Improvement Growth
and Yield of Wheat Plants Grown Under Salinity Stress by Using
Silicon. Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):559-566].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Triticum aestivum; NaCl; Silicon; Photosynthetic
pigments; Antioxidant enzymes
of Elephant’s Infant into Wild Group: First Attempt and Case
Study from North-West India
Ritesh Joshi
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Shyampur, Rishikesh,
Dehradun, 249 204, Uttarakhand, India. E-mail: ritesh_joshi2325@yahoo.com
Elephant’s infant is considered extremely
difficult to re-introduce into the wild. On 21st of
November 2009, an eight day old elephant’s infant was found
strayed from its group at Shyampur forest of the Haridwar
forest division. For the first time in the history of
Uttarakhand, attempts had been made by forest officials to
re-introduce the orphaned baby elephant into the wild. It is
noteworthy that during the introduction attempts, group of
seven elephants had taken the baby within group, but left her
behind after a while. They had responded from all directions to
the cries of the baby elephant but the attempts were in vain.
Radha – the domesticated elephant at Chilla forest of the Rajaji
National Park
nurtured the infant for 10 days before infant’s death and
Radha’s behaviour always illuminated something new about
elephant’s life. It was the first attempt to re-introduce the
infant to wild in north-west India
in which some lessons came forward and could be helpful in
management of elephants and in documentation of
conservation-oriented action plan. Additionally, studies on the
behaviour of wild elephants are highly required and recommended
so that we can ensure the future survival of this endangered
[Ritesh Joshi. Re-introduction of Elephant’s
Infant into Wild Group: First Attempt and Case Study from
North-West India.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):567-570]. (ISSN:
Asian elephants, infant, re-introduction, conservation,
north-west India
Approach To Partially Import The Ontologies On Semantic Web
Based Upon User Choice
Kiren1, Muhammad Shoaib1, Muhammad Tariq
Pervez2, Sonia Majid3, Qazi Mudassar
of CS & E, University
of Engineering &
Technology, Lahore Pakistan
of CS, Virtual University
of Pakistan, Shadman
Campus, Shadman Market, Lahore,
College for Women
University, Lahore
Institute of Information
Technology, Abbottabad,
With the increase
in applications using ontologies to represent semantic
information, the issue of partially reusing the ontologies is
getting more focus of researchers. Ontology construction from
scratch is protracted and labor intensive job. Therefore, it is
good to fabricate the ontologies by reusing the existing
ontologies. Existing techniques for partially importing the
ontology do not consider the user choice while selecting the
most relevant ontologies for reusing. Most of the approaches
have restriction on the size of ontology that is to be
modularized. An approach for partially importing the ontologies
has been presented in this paper. The proposed technique
selects important keywords from a document by calculating term
frequency, IR measure and precision along with class match
measure to rank the most relevant ontologies. An algorithm to
extract ontology fragments has been presented. This algorithm
is independent of the size of ontology being reused.
[Tayybah Kiren, Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad
Tariq Pervez, Sonia Majid, Qazi Mudassar Illyas. An Approach To
Partially Import The Ontologies On Semantic Web Based Upon User
Choice. Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):571-581]. (ISSN:
semantic web; ontology; partial import;
knowledge management; user choice; term frequency
The Use of Lemongrass Extracts
as Antimicrobial and Food Additive Potential in Yoghurt
M. Abd-El Fattah*1; Abo sree, Yahia Hassan1;
Hala M. Bayoum2 and Hesham A. Eissa3
Food Toxins and
contaminants Department1, Dairy Department 2, Food Technology Department 3, National Research
Centre, Cairo, Egypt. *shaabanmostafa@yahoo.com
The following study was conducted to investigate the antifungal
and food additive potential of medicinal plants. herbal
decoction and essential oil (EO) extracts of Cymbopogon
flexuosus (lemongrass)
leaves and stems were tested for their inhibitory action
against spoilage organisms and mycotoxins formation in two
separated experiments. In the first experiment, yeast- extract
sucrose medium (YES) was used as a basal medium to examine the
mold growth and mycotoxin production by three pathogenic fungi:
Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus), Aspergillus parasiticus (A.
parasiticus) and Aspergillus ochraceus (A. ochraceus). The YES medium was
supplemented with four different concentrations of Lemongrass
oil, inoculated with 1-mL of a spore suspension containing 105-106
conidia of each test mold and then incubated at 28º C for
14 days. After
incubation period, cultures were analyzed for mycelial dry
weight and mycotoxin accumulation. In the second experiment,
yoghurt medium was used as a basal medium and the same system
of study was applied in two different degrees of temperature
(5ºC and 28ºC) for 4 weeks. Evaluation of the Lemongrass oil
activity in yoghurt samples focused on the microbial stability
of yoghurt, sensory evaluation as well as mold growth and
mycotoxin formation. In the 1st experiment, the
level of 0.1% of the EO
extract was effective in inhibition both mold growth and
mycotoxin production for all tested molds, and 0.3 % extract
completely prevented the growth and toxin production. whereas,
1% of the decoction extract was effective. So, the EO
extract was the suitable agent in the second experiment. It is of interest to note that while reduction
in mold growth due to increasing extract concentrations was
observed, the most
striking effect was the reduction of mycotoxin production. The
obtained data from the second experiment showed that the
EO extract (0.1% concentration) inhibited viable yeasts
and preserved yoghurt for over 28 days at 5ºC. Also, the inhibitory
action of the EO extract against yeasts was concentration
dependent. The maximum inhibitory effect of was found when the
extract level increased above 0.1%. Incubation temperature had an important role in growth
and mycotoxin production in yoghurt medium. During cold
storage for 28 days at 5°C, the different concentrations of the
EO extract added to yoghurt samples displayed different
titratable acidity and total bacterial cells and pH than the
control yoghurt (p < 0.05). Overall sensory
acceptability of yoghurt supplemented with the EO extract was
higher than that of the control yoghurt prepared without the EO
extract. The results indicate that the addition of the
appropriate the EO concentration (0.1%, w/v) improved the
physicochemical properties as well as sensory characteristics
of yoghurt, could be used
for decontamination of dairy products such as yoghurt from mycotoxigenic
fungi and mycotoxins formation, beside its beneficial
properties as a functional
[Shaaban, M. Abd-El Fattah; Abo sree,
Yahia Hassan; Hala M. Bayoum and Hesham A. Eissa. The Use of Lemongrass Extracts as Antimicrobial and Food Additive
Potential in Yoghurt. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):582-594]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Yoghurt, lemongrass, molds, yeasts, mycotoxins, aflatoxins,
ochratoxin A, food
Assessment Of Mycotic Settlement Of Freshwater Fishes In Egypt
M.K.1, Laila, A. Mohamed2, Amany, M.
Kenawy2, and Shimaa, El-S.M.A*.2
Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Vet.Medicine, Cairo
University, Giza,
Hydrobiology Dept., National
Research Center.
Dokki, Giza,
study was carried out on 360 freshwater fishes (240 Oreochromis
species and 120 Clarias gariepinus). They were
collected from different governorates and during different
seasons. Naturally infected fishes showed clinical
abnormalities such as skin darkening, exophthalmia, corneal
opacity, abdominal distention, ulceration of the skin and
cotton wool like growths on various parts of the body. Fishes
were then subjected to post mortem examination which revealed
many abnormalities. Mycological examination revealed the
isolation of 2081 fungal isolates from 150 diseased and 210
apparently healthy fish samples (1658 mould and 423 yeast
isolates), of which 1334 were isolated from Oreochromis species
and 747 isolates from Clarias gariepinus. Isolated moulds
belonged to the following genera: Saprolegnia (4.2%),
Aspergillus (43.0%), Fusarium (14.1%), Mucor (14), Penicillium
(17.2), Rhizopus (4.8%), Scopulariopsis (1.2%), Paeciliomyces
(1%) and Curvularia (0.4%). Yeasts isolated also from both fish
species had the following incidence: Candida albicans (35.9 %),
other Candida species (19.1%), Rhodotorula species (31.4%) and
Torulopsis species (13.5%). Experimental infection with the
most predominant fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium species
and Candida albicans) was conducted to evaluate the
pathogenicity of these isolates. Clinical pictures of
experimentally infected fish were similar to those of natural
infection. Inoculated fungi were re-isolated from different organs.
Results were confirmed with histopathological examination,
which revealed the presence of fungal hyphae and spores in
different organs.
[Refai, M.K., Laila, A. Mohamed, Amany, M.
Kenawy, and Shimaa, El-S.M.A. The Assessment Of Mycotic Settlement Of Freshwater
Fishes In Egypt.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):595-602]. (ISSN:
Mycotic infection, Oreochromis species,
Clarias gariepinus, Moulds, Yeasts, Aspergillus, Fusarium,
Candida, Penicillium
Infections Affecting Marine Fishes In Egypt
Moustafa 1, Laila. A. Mohamed2, M.A.
Mahmoud3, W.S, Soliman2, A.E. Eissa 1
and M.Y. El-gendy*2
1 Department of Fish Diseases
and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
Giza, Egypt; 2 Department of Hydrobiology,
National Research Center, Dokki, Egypt; 3 Department of Pathology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. Giza,
Marine fishes are suffering from continuous depletion due to
bacterial pathogens infections triggered by devastating
environmental changes at their native aquatic environment. Qarun
Lake and Suez
Gulf are
among the most vulnerable areas. 600 fish samples of Six
different fish species; Epinephelus tuvina, Sisganus rivulatus, and Dedlechilus
labiosus native to Suez-gulf at Suez governorate; Mugil capito, Solea
vulgaris and Tilapia zilli native to Qarun Lake at El-Fayoum
governorate were examined throughout the different year
seasons. Gram positive
and negative fish pathogenic bacteria were isolated from a
total of 245 fish sample. Among those samples, the following
bacteria were retrieved in the following percentages
respectively, 17.55% (Vibrio. anguillarum), 16.73% (Vibrio. alginolyticus), 15.51% (Pasteurella. piscicida), 15.91% (Pseudomonas. fluorescens),
13.46% (Streptococus. fecalis), 11.02%
(Aeromans. hydrophila), 6.12% (Aeromans. sobria) and 3.67% were
infected with Staph. aureus.
The Siganus rivulatus was the highest infected fish
species with a prevalence of 8.33%, while Mugil capito
was the lowest infected species (5.67 %). The highest
total prevalence of bacterial infection was recorded in summer
season (40.81%) while the lowest
was recorded in
winter (15.91%). The aforementioned
bacterial isolates were successfully re-isolated from
experimentally infected fish. The retrieved isolates were
confirmed by semi-automated (API 20 E) and conventional
biochemical tests.
[M. Moustafa, Laila. A.
Mohamed, M.A. Mahmoud, W.S, Soliman, A.E. Eissa and M.Y.
El-gendy. Bacterial Infections Affecting Marine Fishes In Egypt.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):603-612]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Marine
fishes, Bacterial diseases, Diagnosis, seasonal variation
Effect of Antioxidant on Lead-Induced
Oxidative Damage and Reproductive Dysfunction in Male Rabbits
*El-Tohamy, M.M., and El-Nattat, W.S.
Department of Animal Reproduction and
A.I., National Research Centre, Cairo,
Abstract: The objective of this study was to characterize the Lead
toxicity syndrome, to asses' biomarkers that may be most useful
for detecting toxicant-induced reproductive dysfunction, and to
determine whether supplemental vitamin C would tend to
alleviate the lead toxicity in rabbits. To test the hypothesis
that the level of lead exposure is associated with an adverse
effect on semen quality, in terms of sperm concentration,
morphology, motility to asses' antioxidant as important markers
of disease using total antioxidant status. Adverse effects of
lead on the testes may be mediated by oxidative damage and
subsequent lipid peroxidation. The effect of lead acetate
administration on testicular, hepatic and renal functions and
the biomarker of effect for them were investigated in the
present study with a trial of treatment by vitamin C. 35 male
rabbits were divided into five groups. One control group and
four groups received orally low and high doses of lead acetate
(10.8 and 15 mg/kg b.wt., respectively). One low and one high
received, in addition, 1 g vitamin C / L in drinking water.
SOD, g-GT, AST, ALT, cholinesterase, acid
phosphatase, and LDH activities were measured in both serum and
semen. Also semen characteristics were measured. Results
concerning all the enzymes were promising. SOD, LDH, ALT and
acid phosphatase activities in serum and semen were obviously
affected by lead. Vitamin C was a good antioxidant that
recuperates from the normal enzymatic status in both serum and
semen. In conclusion, lead levels led to testicular hypo
function, which is supported by the results of semen picture.
The hazardous effect of lead led to disturbance in the
activities of enzymes under investigation such as SOD, g-GT, LDH, AST, ALT, Cholinesterase, Acid phosphatase.
Vitamin C proved its antioxidant effect on recuperating from
the normal status of enzymes in semen and serum. LDH and
prostatic acid phosphatase are shown to be biomarkers of
testicular dysfunction, while LDH, ALT may be used as
biomarkers for hepatic and renal dysfunction. This study
established the principle that lead toxicity can be prevented
and makes it worthwhile to establish an acceptable treatment or
preventive regimen in the light of the present results.
M.M., and El-Nattat, W.S. Effect of Antioxidant
on Lead-Induced Oxidative Damage and Reproductive Dysfunction
in Male Rabbits. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):613-622]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Effect; Antioxidant; Lead; Oxidative Damage; Reproductive
Dysfunction; Male; Rabbit
Tara Gum Carbamate:
A New Thickening System for Cotton Printing Using Vat Dyes
A. Hebeish 1, A.A. Ragheb 1,
S.H.Nassar 1, E.Allam2 and J.I. Abd El -Thalouth2
Research Division, National
Research Center
Dokki, Cairo Egypt
2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan
University, Cairo,
Abstract: Green
technology-based textile thickeners, namely, glactomannan was isolated from tara
seeds and harnessed to vat printing of cotton fabrics before
and after being carbamated. Carbamation was effected through
reaction with urea at 160 oC for 15 and 90 min. to
produce tara carbamate
derivatives having 1% N and 3.12 % N respectively. These
derivatives are soluble in water at room temperature and characterized
by non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behaviour. However, for a given
rate of shear, tara carbamate
derivative having 1% N exhibits lower apparent viscosity than
the derivative with 3.12 % N. On the other hand the apparent
viscosity of pastes prepared from these two derivatives
increases by storing for 24 or 48 hours before commence
measuring. Prints could successfully be achieved using either
of the two new tara carbamate
derivatives in single use or in admixture with conventional
thickener viz. Lameprint A6. Colour strength (K/S) values of
prints prepared using the new tara
carbmate –based thickeners are higher than those obtained with
the conventional thickener, meanwhile the overall fastness
properties of all prints are equal, irrespective of the thickener
Hebeish, A.A. Ragheb, S.H.Nassar, E.Allam and J.I. Abd El
–Thalouth. Tara Gum Carbamate: A New Thickening System for Cotton
Printing Using Vat Dyes. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):623-631]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Tara Gum Carbamate; System;
Print; Vat Dye
of GIS and Remote Sensing for Environmental Sensitivity
Assessment of North Coastal Part, Egypt.
Ahmed A. Afifi *1; Gad, A2.
and Refat, A. 1
Soils and water use dept., National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza,
2 National
Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt.
Desertification is considered as an important problem facing
arid and semi-arid regions, as Egypt.
These processes are resulted either from human activities or
adverse natural conditions. However, the combination of both is
often applicable. The aim of this study is the identification
of areas sensitive to desertification in the north coast of Egypt.
Based on the MEDALUS approach and the characteristics of the
study area regional model developed using GIS. Three main
indicators of desertification, including: soil, vegetation and
climate were considered. The several sub-indicators affecting
the quality of each main indicator were identified. Based on
the MEDALUS approach, each sub-indicator was quantified
according to its quality and given a weighting of between 1 and
2. Arc-GIS 9.2 was used to analyze and prepare the layers of
quality maps using the geometric mean to integrate the
individual sub-indicator. ETM and SRTM satellite images,
geologic and soil maps were used as main sources for
calculating the Environmental Sensitivity Areas Index (ESAI)
for desertification. The results show that the soil of the
north coast is characterized mainly by high sensitive areas for
desertification (44.01 % of the total area), distributed mostly
in the north western coast and the northern part of Sinai,
where the soil quality, climatic quality and vegetation quality
are low, while, 9.37 % of the total area exhibit are sensitive.
The areas of moderate sensitive to desertification revealed in
the studied area, representing an area of 3834.577 Km2 (11.04
%) of the total area. The low sensitivity areas for
desertification exhibit the whole area of the Nile Delta, as
they represent 27.17 % of the total area (i.e. 9434.928 Km2).
The low sensitivity for desertification is due to the good
vegetation cover and soil quality. It can be concluded that
implementing the maps of sensitivity to desertification is
rather useful in the arid and semi arid areas as they give a
more likely quantitative trend for frequency of sensitive
areas. The integration of different factors contributing to
desertification sensitivity may lead to plan a successful
combating. The usage of space data and GIS proved to be
suitable tools to rely on estimation and to fulfill the needed
large computational requirements. They are also useful in
visualizing the sensitivity situation of different
desertification parameters.
[Ahmed A. Afifi; Gad, A. and
Refat, A. Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for
Environmental Sensitivity Assessment of North Coastal Part, Egypt.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):632-646]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Remote sensing, GIS, Environment, Desertification,
of Natural Minerals in Presence of Different Nitrogen Forms and
Potassium Dissolving Bacteria on Peanut and Sesame Yields
H. Youssef, Wafaa M. A. Seddik and Mona A. Osman
Water and Environ. Research Institute, agricultural Research
Center (ARC), Giza,
Abstract: A field
experiment was carried out for two summer seasons at Ismailia
Agric. Res. Station to study the effect of some natural
minerals combined with
potassium dissolving bacteria inoculation in the presence of
different nitrogen forms on chemical properties of soil,
nutritional status and yield of peanut-sesame. Each experiment
was designed in a split-split design with three replications.
Three forms of nitrogen fertilizer were included along with two
natural minerals, in a presence of potassium dissolving
bacteria inoculation, as well as one mineral fertilizer as
source potassium fertilizer. Furthermore, data show high
significant increases in available N due to the application of
ammonium nitrate in combination with feldspar, and calcium
nitrate in combination with potassium sulfate in a presence of
inoculation for peanut and sesame, respectively. However,
application of calcium nitrate combined with potassium sulfate,
and ammonium nitrate in combination with feldspar, in a
presence of inoculation, led to significant increases in
K available in soil for peanut and sesame, respectively.
Oppositely, the pH values, different to those of EC, decreased either for
inoculation or non-inoculation as compared to control. In spite
of that, the values of EC and pH of soil were higher with
application of either bentonite or bentonite + feldspar in a
presence of all nitrogen fertilizer forms. Generally, the
highest EC values in soil, after the two studied seasons were
encountered with calcium nitrate fertilizer as well as
bentonite mineral. Moreover, applying feldspar mineral and
ammonium nitrate treatments had recorded the highest values of
yield components as well as nutrient (N and K) uptake by either
peanut or sesame crops, particularly in the presence of inoculation
as compared to those given by other treatments.
H. Youssef, Wafaa M. A. Seddik and Mona A. Osman. Efficiency of
Natural Minerals in Presence of Different Nitrogen Forms and
Potassium Dissolving Bacteria on Peanut and Sesame Yields.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):647-660]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Efficiency; Natural Mineral; Nitrogen; Potassium;
Prespective of Repeat Breeding Syndrome in Buffaloes
Ahmed W.M.*,
El-khadrawy H.H., Emtenan M. Hanafi, Amal H. Ali, Shalaby S.A.
Department of Animal
Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, National Research
Centre Dokki,Cairo,
Local meat production in Egypt
is in continuous decrease and can not meet the local market
requirement. So this study was designed to throw light on true
repeat breeding syndrome (RBS) as one of the reproductive
disorders that hinders the buffalo meat and milk production. A
field survey was carried out on 1358 female buffaloes which
were subjected to clinical and gynecological examination, and
blood samples were collected for carrying out some relevant
analyses. Treatment trials were practiced using different ways
to control the condition and the economic impact of this
syndrome has been studied. Results revealed that the incidence
of clinical repeat breeding (RB) in the examined buffalo cows
was 4.34 %. Typical repeat breeders represented 7.25 % of total
reproductive disorders in female buffaloes. Serum progesterone
level was 1.44 ± 0.39 and 3.66±0.84 in RB and normal buffaloes
(NB), respectively. Oxidant/antioxidant markers in RB
buffalo-cows showed increased malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric
oxide (NO) and decreased catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase
(SOD), ascorbic acid (ASCA), reduced glutathione (R-GSH) and
total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Serum zinc, copper, iron and
selenium values were lower in repeat breeder cows compared to
normal animals. Repeat breeder buffalo-cows responded to the
treatments with mineral mixture, GnRH and Lugol‘s solution with
recovery rates; 63.64, 61.54 and 60.00%, respectively. The
study concluded that special care should be paid for food
additives to control this syndrome.
[Ahmed W.M., El-khadrawy H.H.,
Emtenan M. Hanafi, Amal H. Ali, Shalaby S.A. Clinical
Prespective of Repeat Breeding Syndrome in Buffaloes.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):661-666]. (ISSN:
Repeat breeding buffaloes - progesterone -
oxidant/antioxidants and trace elements
evaluation of pan bread supplemented with vital gluten, lupin, fenugreek and
turmeric flour blends
M. H*; El Nikeety, M. M*; Saleh, M. A. M**. and Abd El-Hak, N.
A. M.* **
Faculty of Agric., Food Science & Technology Dept.
** Food Technology Research
Institute, Special Food &Nutrition Dept.
***Food Technology
Research Institute, Experimental Kitchen Unit.
ABSTRACT: The current study was carried out to
utilize each of whole meal wheat flour (control), some legumes
(lupin and fenugreek), turmeric and vital gluten flour in blends for
preparation of pan bread more nutrients and healthy in order to
enhance the dietary fiber and amino acids contents. The
biological parameters of rats (non and induced diabetic) fed on such pan
bread was also estimated. A significant higher
amount of soluble, insoluble and total dietary fiber contents
was found in the turmeric, fenugreek and lupin, pan bread
compared to that found in control once(whole wheat flour).
Normal rats (nondiabetic and fed on basal diet) exhibited an
insignificant decrement in blood glucose. However, in the
diabetic rats a significantly lowered blood glucose trend was
found. The tested pan bread samples were more slightly
effective in lowering liver and kidney function in the diabetic
rats in a relation to diabetic rats, when compared with the
positive control. Finally, it is recommended to utilize whole
meal flour to prepare healthy diets to deal with diabetic
status and control of some biological parameters.
[Aly, M. H; El Nikeety, M. M;
Saleh, M. A. M. and Abd El-Hak, N. A. M. Biologically
evaluation of pan bread supplemented with vital gluten, lupin, fenugreek and
turmeric flour blends. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):667-79]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Whole meal wheat, Vital gluten, Fenugreek
seeds, Legumes, Turmeric, Diabetes
Fixation Intraocular lenses
Shouman, 1Mohamed Marzouk, 1 Hesham
Ali and 1Ehab
Department, Research Institute of Ophthalmology, Giza
Abstract: Background:
The 1ry indication for scleral fixation of intraocular
lenses (IOL) is dislocation as a principal complication of
cataract surgery. Inadequate capsular support is the most
common cause of IOL dislocation. Other indications include
traumatic phakic lens dislocation (cataractous or clear),
surgically aphakic eyes or anterior chamber IOL with complications
(persistent hyphema, uveitis). Methods: 20 eyes of 20 patients were done,
surgery was done only when the IOL was dislocated peripheral to
the visual axis and was causing symptoms of visual loss
sufficient to interfere with the patient’s activities of daily
living, or patients who were left aphakic for a 2ry
implantation procedure. A modification of the technique was
done which made the procedure faster and preserved the
surrounding conjunctiva. Results: Best corrected visual acuity
(BCVA) preoperatively ranged from 1/60 -6/60 and
postoperatively between 6/60 – 6/6. Statistical analysis of the
logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) between
the preoperative and postoperative visual acuity revealed significant
improvement (p≤0.05). Intraoperative complications
included one case of accidental iris injury, two cases of mild
vitreous hemorrhage, two cases of moderate vitreous hemorrhage.
Early postoperative complications included pupillary block.
Midterm post operative complications occurred in one case with
the occurrence of cystoid macular edema. Conclusion: Scleral fixation of IOL is a safe
procedure with minimal complications, but needs surgical skills
to be managed optimally.
[Ayman Shouman,
Mohamed Marzouk, Hesham Ali and Ehab Zakzook. Scleral
Fixation Intraocular lenses. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):680-687]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Scleral fixation, Intraocular lenses,
Aphakia, IOL dislocation
Properties of some Egyptian New Wheat Varieties
Ahmed M. S. Hussein, Mohie M. Kamil and Gamal H.
National Research
Centre, Food Technology Department, Dokki, Cairo,
email: ResearchTeamMMK@yahoo.com
Whole meal and flour
72% of Gemmeiza 7, Gize 168, Sohage 3 and Sakha 93 wheat
varieties were evaluated to produce pan bread, pasta and
biscuits. Pan bread of
whole meal wheat varieties had higher
contents of moisture, protein, fat, ash and fiber than wheat
flour 72% of the same varieties. Pan bread of Sakha 93
characterized with its higher baking quality (weight, volume
and specific volume) than pan breads of other varieties. Crust
color of pan bread slightly affected with whole-meal wheat
varieties, where its color score maximized in Sakha 93 (7.7)
and Sohage 3 (6.7). This result agreed with the obtained color
parameter of Hunter, where lightness (L) maximized to 55.95 and
49.79 in pan bread crust of Sohage 3 and Sakha 93,
respectively. Pasta
characterized with its higher protein (13.12%), fat (2.59%) and crude fiber (2.82%) in
case of using whole meal of Sohage 3, Giza 168 and
Gemmeiza 7 varieties, respectively. Pasta cooking quality ranked first in
case of using Sohage 3 whole meal, where its weight increase,
volume increase and cooking loss reached to 265%, 305.3% and
8.3%, respectively. Pasta color parameter showed that,
wheat flour 72% and whole meal of Sakha 93 characterized with
its higher lightness (L). Sensory evaluation showed that, pasta
of wheat flour 72% accepted slightly in appearance and color if
compared with whole meal pasta of the same variety. In
addition, there were no significant difference between pasta of
wheat flour 72% and whole meal in flavor, tenderness and
stickiness. Biscuit of whole meal
characterized with its higher content of protein, fat, ash and
crude fiber than wheat flour 72%. Whole meal biscuit of Sohage
3 characterized with its higher protein (12.13%), fat (31.0%)
and ash (2.51%) contents; and lowest carbohydrate content
(52.18%). Biscuit of Sakha 93 variety
(whole meal or flour 72%) was higher in baking quality. Hunter
color parameter and sensory evaluation showed that, biscuit of
whole meal varieties was slightly darker than biscuit of wheat
flour 72% varieties. In addition, biscuits flavor, taste,
texture, appearance and overall acceptability of wheat flour
72% not affected significantly in case of using whole meal
flour of the same variety.
[Ahmed M. S.
Hussein, Mohie M. Kamil and Gamal H. Ragab. Technological Properties of
some Egyptian New Wheat Varieties. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):688-699]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Egyptian wheat varieties – technological properties - Pan bread
– Pasta – Biscuit - whole meal – wheat flour 72%
Endothelial Cells And Cardiovascular Risk In Systemic Lupus
Elham Kassem
1, Mervat El-Sergany 2, Hanan
El-Saadany3 Abeer Shahba4 and Wesam Salah5
of Rheumatology & Rehabilitation 1,2,3, Internal
Medicine4 and Clinical Pathology5
of Medicine, Tanta
University, Egypt.
Premature atherosclerosis seen in systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients is not explained by
traditional risk factors. Circulating endothelial cells (CECs)
have been shown to be a surrogate marker of endothelial
dysfunction. The aim of this study was to assess the number of
CECs in SLE patients and to determine any potential correlation
between CEC count and endothelial function (FMD%), disease
activity, organ involvement and therapy used. Also, to
investigate VCAM-1and ICAM-1 levels as
markers of vascular inflammation and injury. This
study was performed on 30 premenopausal female SLE patients and
20 age and sex matched healthy controls (HC). Patients were
subjected to full history taking, complete clinical examination
and assessment of disease activity using (SLAM) score. For both
patients and controls, endothelial function (FMD%), laboratory
estimation of CEC count, and serum level of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1
were performed. CEC count was significantly elevated in SLE
patients comparing to HC (P<0.001). CEC count was positively
correlated with SLAM score, while negatively correlated with
FMD%. Serum levels of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were significantly
increased in SLE patients than controls. Moreover, VCAM-1
correlated significantly with disease activity and CEC count
while ICAM-1 did not correlate with any of them. There was
significant correlation between CEC count and skin vasculitis,
renal involvement and anti-malarial medications. In conclusion,
increased number of CEC may be a biomarker of disease activity
and disseminated vasculopathy occurring in the course of SLE
and may represent one of the first specific cellular markers to
provide a direct link with the pathophysiology of
cardiovascular disease (CVD).VCAM-1 is considered a marker of
activation of endothelial cells. Taking together, this may predict
patients at increased risk of CVD complications, lupus
nephritis or vasculitic skin affection.
[Elham Kassem, Mervat
El-Sergany, Hanan El-Saadany Abeer Shahba and Wesam Salah. Circulating Endothelial Cells
And Cardiovascular Risk In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):700-707]. (ISSN:
words: Circulating endothelial cells (CEC), SLE,
adhesion molecules
Degradation Of
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons As Affected By Some Lactic
Acid Bacteria
Abou-Arab, A.A.K*;
Abou-Bakr Salim*; Maher,R.A.; El-Hendawy, H.H.
** and Awad, A.A.**
*Food Toxicology and
Contaminants, National
Research Center.
**Botany and
Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Helwan
ABSTRACT: Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of chemicals composed
of two or more fused aromatic rings that are formed from the
incomplete combustion or high-temperature pyrolysis of coal,
oil, gas, wood, fossil fuel, garbage or other organic
substances, such as tobacco, charbroiled meat and exhaust from
automobile and trucks. They enter the environment and release
to air, soil, water and food. Some PAHs have shown to have
toxicological, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on animals
and humans.
Biodegradation of PAHs in the presence of the three
types of lactic acid bacteria
(Bifidobacterium bifidium, Streptococcus thermophilus
and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) were studied during the
different incubation periods (2, 4, 6,8,10,12,24,48 and 72 h)
at 37˚C. The reduction of PAHs concentration proved that
these compounds were affected by the previous lactic acid
bacteria. At the end of incubation period (72 h), the reduction
percent were 46.6, 87.7 and 91.5% with Bifidobacterium
bifidium, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus
bulgaricus, respectively. These results could be explained
as the bacterial cell is a high proteinous material and so may
adsorbs PAHs which could interfere with cellular metabolism.
Also, the variation of pH values during the incubation periods
may control in the adsorbed PAHs on the cells. The
biodegradation of PAHs by yoghurt starter during yoghurt
manufacture were studied. Slightly reduction was observed
during the incubation periods (1, 2 and 3 h). The reduction
percent was 3.46 at the final product. It could be revealing
that the persistence of PAHs depend on a number of factors such as the type
of microorganism, the interaction between microorganisms, the
microbial concentration, the composition of the medium, and the
microbial growth conditions of temperature and pH.
The foregoing information reveal that extra care must be taken
when comparing the results since in-vitro studies are not
always relevant to real situation in food products.
[Abou-Arab, A.A.K; Abou-Bakr
Salim; Maher, R.A.; El-Hendawy, H.H. and Awad, A.A.
Degradation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons As Affected By
Some Lactic Acid Bacteria. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):708-715]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: PAHs, Lactic acid bacteria, Degradation,
MRS, Milk, Yoghurt
of The Antiapoptotic Gene Survivin in Acute Leukemias
Sadek,1 Shadia Ragab,2 Hanaa Rasmy,2*
Nancy M. El Guindy,1 Wafaa Ezzat,3 Mona
Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department, Faculty of
Medicine, Cairo
University, Egypt
Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department, National
Research Center, Egypt
Internal Medicine Department, National
Research Center, Egypt
Objectives: To assess
the level of expression of the antiapoptotic signal
"Survivin" in Egyptian patients with acute leukemias
and to delineate any significant correlation between the level
of Survivin with the clinical and haematological findings in
those patients. Patients and Methods: Survivin
expression was quantitatively determined by a real-time PCR
technique in 30 acute leukemia patients; ALL and AML in two age groups; pediatric group
(<18 years) and adult group (³18 years)
and in age and sex matched control healthy subjects. Results: Statistically significant higher
expression was noted in both ALL and AML groups when compared
to the control group (p-value = 0.0001).
A statistically significant negative correlation was detected
between Survivin expression and RBCs count, HB level and Platelet
count with p-values = 0.01, 0.01 and 0.0001 respectively.
Positive correlations were found with T.L.C, peripheral blood
blasts, bone marrow malignant cells, LDH, ALP and uric acid
levels with p-values = 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.03, 0.0001, 0.006 and
0.001 respectively. During the post-induction phase, Survivin
expression showed a statistically insignificant difference
between patients achieving complete remission and those showing
unfavorable response with a p-value = 0.7. After follow up, the
expression change between patients achieving complete remission
and those showing unfavorable response was statistically
insignificant with a p-value = 0.6. In summary, The
previous data emphasized important correlations between
Survivin expression and established risk factors in acute
leukemia patients. Thus Survivin could be used as a marker for
assessment of bone marrow infiltration that in future could be
used to refine treatment stratification.
Sadek, Shadia Ragab, Hanaa Rasmy, Nancy M. El Guindy, Wafaa Ezzat,
Mona Hamed. Expression
of The Antiapoptotic Gene Survivin in Acute Leukemias.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):716-725]. (ISSN:
Key words: Survivin - Antiapoptosis
function - Hematological
Biochemical and molecular characterization of three colored types of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Refaei M. Husseina, Yasser E. Shaheinb,
Amr E. El Hakimb and Hanem M. Awadc,*
aGenetics and Cytology Department; bMolecular
Biology Department and cDepartment of
Tanning Materials and Leather Technology, National Research
Centre, El-Behouth
St., Dokki; P. Box; 12622; Cairo; Egypt. hanem_awad@yahoo.com
(Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) has a considerable industrial,
pharmaceutical and economic values in Egypt
and many other countries around the world, mainly for its
pleasant sepals. There are many colored types of Roselle
depends on sepals color. The biochemical and molecular
characterization of three roselle types, green (G), light red (LR) and dark red (DR), were studied.
RAPD-PCR patterns for their genomic-DNA were significantly
different. The total protein electrophoretic profile of their
seeds was similar except for some inter-individual variation in band density. Their
total protein contents were 46.0, 66.5 and 68.1 mg/g seed,
respectively. In addition to the water-soluble
antioxidant capacity, the
total polyphenolic-content and the antioxidant activity of 12
roselle extracts, three colored types in 2 solvent systems
(aqueous, A and 30% ethanolic, E) and 2 extraction temperatures
(hot, H and cold, C), were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods, respectively. The ability of these roselle extracts to inhibit the
formation of nitrous acid-induced tyrosine nitration decreases
in the order of LREC > DREC > LREH > GEC >
[Refaei M.
Hussein, Yasser E. Shahein, Amr E. El Hakim and Hanem M. Awad.
Biochemical and molecular characterization of three colored types of roselle (Hibiscus
sabdariffa L.). Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):726-733]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Antioxidant activity; DPPH; HPLC; molecular
characterization; polyphenol content; reactive
nitrogen species (RNS); sepals, Roselle (Hibiscus
sabdariffa L.)
of obstructive sleep apnea using oral appliance with magnetic
versus increase vertical dimension
Mohamed. A.
Saad-Eldeen1, Shawky M. Elmorsy2, Shaza.
M. Hammad3
1 Ass. Prof.,
Prosthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura
2 Ass. Prof, ENT
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura
Orthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura
of Problem: Oral
devices may be helpful in the management of obstructive
sleep apnea by improving upper airway potency. Purpose:
Management of obstructive sleep apnea using oral appliance with
magnetic versus oral appliance with increased vertical
dimension. Material and Methods: 12 patients with mild to
moderate obstructive sleep apnea were evaluated in this study
before and after wearing devices for six months. The patients randomly divided
into two equal groups(A and B). Group A used oral appliances with
magnetic for six month Patients in group B wear oral
appliances with increased vertical dimension, Evaluation was done by
Polysomnograph, clinical findings and cephalometric x-rays. Results: The
results of this study revealed that improvement of clinical
finding, symptoms and apnea index for patients wearing two
types of oral appliance. Conclusions: It can
be concluded that oral appliance, with magnetic and
increase vertical dimension,
make improvement
for OSA patients
oral appliances with magnets are more effective in management
of mild and moderate obstructive sleep apnea in comparison to
appliances with increased vertical dimension.
A. Saad-Eldeen, Shawky M. Elmorsy, Shaza. M. Hammad. Management of obstructive
sleep apnea using oral appliance with magnetic versus increase
vertical dimension. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):734-741]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Management; obstructive; sleep; apnea; oral appliance;
magnetic; dimension
Changes in Glutathione Redox System and Glucose Regulation in
Late Pregnant Ossimi Ewes
Hafez El-Far1, Mohamed K. Mahfouz2,
Hussein A. Abdel maksoud2
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Alexandria
University, Damanhour
Branch (Al-Bostan), Egypt.
of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Moshtohor, Banha
University, Egypt.
Pregnancy is the more prevalent stress in
under feeding small ruminant with multiple bearing. Fifty Ossimi ewes of two years old and
their body weight ranging between 35 and 50 kg were allotted
into three groups; Group I: contains ten non pregnant
non lactating ewes were used as control group. Group II:
contains twenty single pregnant ewes* and Group III: contains
twenty twin pregnant ewes used as experimental animals.
Our study focused on the comparison between single and twin
bearing ossimi ewes in the last three weeks of pregnancy and
the day of parturition by measurement of reduced glutathione (GSH) level and
the activities glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px); glutathione
reductase (GR-ase); glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and total
superoxide dismutase (t-SOD) in erythrocytic haemolysate. In
addition, glucose, non esterfied fatty acid (NEFA), Beta hydroxyl butyric
acid (BHBA), cortisol, insulin and protein electrophoric
patterns were measured in serum. Our results concluded that, In
erythrocytic haemolysate the mean values of GSH-Px and GST in
group II and III during the period of 2nd and one
week before parturition and at the day of parturition were high
significantly increased. While, GSH and t-SOD were high
significantly decreased (P<0.01) and GR-ase activities were
significantly decreased. While serum insulin level decreased
while serum NEFA, BHBA and cortisol were increased in single
and twin but in twin the values is more significant. The data
showed that twin bearing ewes are more susceptible to pregnancy
toxemia than single bearing that may be decrease the
productivity and performance of those animals.
Hafez El-Far, Mohamed K. Mahfouz, Hussein A. Abdel maksoud.
Biochemical Changes in Glutathione Redox System and Glucose
Regulation in Late Pregnant Ossimi Ewes. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):742-748]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywordsــ pregnancy,
glutathione, single bearing, twin bearing, ewes
Study the Efficiency of Investment and its
Determinants in the Agricultural Sector
Hamed Eleshmawy, Enaam Abd elFattah Mohamed, Laila Mustafa
ELShrif, Haitham
Bauomy Hassan
Department of Agricultural Economics - National
Research Center
Abstract: The promotion of increased
rates of the investment growth is the main priority of the
economic development, where there can be no development without
adequate levels of investment. The problem has been narrowed to
study in lower volume of investment goes to agriculture in
spite of the importance of this sector to increase the rate of
economic growth, the study aims to identify the relative
importance of the investment total agricultural and
agricultural domestic and foreign farm, as well as identify the
most important factors affecting each. In addition to, identify
the efficiency of agricultural investment. The results
indicated that, overall agricultural investment and
agricultural domestic and foreign farm represented about 9.38%,
7.98%, 1.4% of the total investments, and investments amounted
to local agriculture, and foreign to 84.88%, 15.12% of the
total agricultural investment. Estimating the efficiency
indicators of agricultural investments shows that, there is
efficiency in agricultural investment despite lower
Kimpalasttmarat directed to the agriculture sector during the
study period. The
results showed that, the agriculture sector capital intensive,
in addition to increasing the coverage of agricultural savings
to agricultural investment as much as about 46% in 2008. While
the share of one acre of agricultural investment from 283.65
pounds in 1999 to about 194
pounds in 2008. The results showed that, the most important factors
affecting the local agricultural investments are in value-added
farm income and saving agricultural and domestic liquidity and
interest rate on farm loans. While the GDP and the budget
deficit and non-agricultural investments, the most important
factors affecting foreign investments in agriculture.
Therefore, the study recommends the need to increase
investments directed to the agricultural sector given the
importance of this sector and its contribution to economic
growth. You need to follow monetary policies that reduce the
interest rate on agricultural loans to encourage investment in
agricultural projects, in addition to the need to reduce taxes
on agricultural projects as a means to stimulate the
agricultural investor.
[Khairy Hamed Eleshmawy, Enaam Abd
elFattah Mohamed, Laila Mustafa EL Shrif, Haitham Bauomy
Hassan. Study
the Efficiency of Investment and its Determinants in the
Agricultural Sector. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):749-755]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Agricultural.
Investments, Domestic Agricultural. Investments, Foreign Agr.
Investments. Gross Investments
of Family Economic Status
Yadollahi & 2Laily
Hj Paim
1 Faculty of Human Ecolog, Putra
University, Malaysia
& Dept. of Management, University
of Payam e
Noor, Sirjan
Dept. of Resources Management & Consumer
Studies, Putra
University, Malaysia
Abstract: The concept of family economic has
become important around the world. It has been realized that
communities based family economic can play a fundamental role
in poverty alleviation. Measuring
of family economic status is an important step in developing
family economic strategies to achieve poverty reduction. This
paper used qualitative approaches to illustrated family
economic status. The
purpose of this study is to explore the concept and indictors
of family economic. The literature derived from my study in
family economic management.
[Mehdi Yadollahi & Laily Hj Paim. Measurement
of Family Economic Status. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):756-760]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Family Economic, Income, Physical Assets,
High Efficiency Production of Mosquitocidal
Toxin by a novel Bacillus sphaericusisolate from Egyptian Soils
on Local Agroindustrial Byproducts
M.S. Foda., 1 *Fawkia M. El-Beih., 2Maysa E. Moharam., 3Nora
N.A. El-Gamal4
Microbial Chemistry Department, Genetic Engineering
&Biotechnology Division, National Research Center, Dokki,
Giza, Egypt. 1,3,4 Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt.2
Abstract: Eighty six cultures were isolated from soil of
different Egyptian Governorates including Quina, El-Menofeya,
El-Gharbia, El-Sharkia, El-Behera and Kafr EL-Sheikh
Governorates. Investigations of the mosquitocidal Egyptian
isolates have revealed that isolate No.1 have the ability to
form more toxin than the international reference strain
Bs2362.The selected isolate No.1 exhibited a lower LC50 and LC
90values than the International strain B. sphaericus 2362
uponbioassay against secondinstars’ larvae of Culexpipiens. The
Egyptian isolate No.1was identified morphologically and
biochemically as Bacillussphaericus. Physiological factors
affecting growth and toxin formation in B. sphaericus No 1 in
comparison to B.s 2362 were carried out. THE organism grown on
modified Nutrient broth medium yielded the highest larval
toxicity against the second instars’ of Culexpipiens for both
Bacillus sphaericusisolate No 1 and the international strain
Bacillus sphaericus. The Optimum air: medium ratio were 9:1
and 4:1 of the flask volume for 4 and 3 days incubation periods
using 2% and 3% sizes of inocula for B. sphaericus 2362 and the
Egyptian isolate B. sphaericus No.1, respectively. Sodium
acetate was the suitable carbon source for the isolate B.
sphaericus No.1, while B. sphaericus 2362 was capable to
utilize both sodium acetate and sodium succinate as carbon
sources.The Egyptian isolate B. sphaericus No.1exhibited the
highest mosquitocidal activity upon growth on kidney beans
seeds and sesame meal as nutrient substrates at 3% final
concentration, while B. sphaericus2362 exhibited the highest
mosquitocidal activity by utilizing soy beans, lentils and
sesame meal as complete media for growth and mosquitocidal
toxin production.
[M.S. Foda., Fawkia M. El-Beih., Maysa E. Moharam., Nora
N.A. El-Gamal. High Efficiency Production of Mosquitocidal Toxin
by a novel Bacillus sphaericus isolate from Egyptian Soils on
Local Agroindustrial Byproducts. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):761-769]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Bacillus sphaericus, isolation,
characterization, mosquitocidal toxin, physiology,
agroindustrial byproducts
Global Analysis of an Epidemic Model with
General Incidence Rate
M. M. A. El-Sheikh and S. A. A. El-Marouf 
(1) Department of
Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Taibah
University, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
(2) Permanent
Adress: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
University, Shebin
El-Koom, Egypt.
Abstract: A general four-dimensional SIQR epidemic
model is considered. Threshold, equilibria and their stability
are established. The dynamics of the system is discussed in the
case of this general form of incidence rate. The global
stability of both free-deisease and endemic equilibria are
deduced. Hopf bifurcation, boundedness, dissipativity and
persistence are studied.
[M. M. A.
El-Sheikh and S. A. A. El-Marouf. Global Analysis of an
Epidemic Model with General Incidence Rate. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):770-783]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Epidemic model; Nonlinear
incidence rate; quarantine; uniformaly persistence; global
stability; Hopf bifurcation
The Effect of Combining Herbal Therapy
with Conventional Chemotherapy on the Incidence of Chemotherapy
Side Effects in 2nd Stage Breast Cancer Patients
Hamdi Kamal Khalil, Sanaa Alaa El- Din, Maha Adel
Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ahmed
Adel Seif El-Din, Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of pharmacy, Waleed
Osman Arafat, Oncology department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria
Abstract: The purpose of this study is
to identify the effect of the combination of herbal mixture and
conventional chemotherapy on minimizing the incidence of
chemotherapeutic side effects for 2nd stage breast
cancer. Forty adult female patients aging 20 to 65 years old
diagnosed with breast cancer stage (II), receiving chemotherapy
for at least one month and will continue to receive it for 3
months- were selected randomly and divided equally into study
and control groups. They were free from any associated
co-morbid diseases as diabetes, renal, cardiac. The patients
were interviewed in the oncology outpatient clinic. Study group
patients were instructed about the importance of taking herbal
capsules regularly with chemotherapeutic cycles, on a scheduled
dose of 1 capsule three times per day for 3months. Complete
assessment for both groups as baseline data to assess the
chemotherapeutic side effects, laboratory investigations and
the nutritional status of the patients were done, and then
after 45days and after 3 months. The results revealed that
(45%) of cancer breast women were in age group 49-65 years. The
greater proportion of the sample (62.5%) breast fed and
lactated for three times and more through their life. The least
affected systems with chemotherapeutic side effects and the
most affected systems when combined herbal to conventional
therapy were: liver functions and endocrine studies, renal
functions, reproductive system, urinary system, and weight
changes. While psychological status, nervous system, and skin,
hair, and nails were the most affected systems with the side
effects of chemotherapy, and they were the least affected
systems when combined herbal to conventional chemotherapy. Also it was found that there was
significant difference between the study and control groups in
relation to second and third assessments related to
all body systems. It is recommended that herbal education
should be introduced in nursing and medical curriculum. Further
researches related to these herbal components to measure its
efficacy on minimizing the side effects of chemotherapy for
breast cancer and/ or other types of cancer. Further researches
are also needed on larger number of sample. Clinical studies
should be done to identify the effect of these herbals on
different cancer therapies, different chemotherapeutic
protocols, specifically pre or post mastectomy.
Hamdi Kamal Khalil, Sanaa Alaa El- Din, Maha Adel
Salem. The Effect of Combining Herbal
Therapy with Conventional Chemotherapy on the Incidence of
Chemotherapy Side Effects in 2nd Stage Breast Cancer Patients.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):784-801]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Herbal
Therapy; Conventional Chemotherapy; Chemotherapy; Side Effect;
Breast Cancer
Awareness of Danger Signs of Obstetrics Complications
A. Rashad *, Rasha M. Essa **
Assistant Professor of Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing,
Faculty of Nursing, University
of Alexandria, Alexandria,
Lecturer of Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of
Nursing, University of Alexandria, Damnhour Branch, Alexandria, Egypt
An exploratory descriptive study was
conducted at two Maternal and Child Health Centers (MCH)
selected randomly in Albeheira Governorate to assess women’s
awareness of danger signs of obstetric complications. The study
subjects consisted of 200 pregnant women attending the
previously mentioned setting for tetanus toxiod immunization
during pregnancy was enrolled in the study. (100 from each) A
structured interview schedule was developed by the researcher
after reviewing of the relevant literature and used to collect
the necessary data. It comprised the following parts: Part I:
Socio-demographic data such as age, level of education,
occupation and number of family members…etc Part II: Obstetric
characteristics such as gravidity, parity, abortions, antenatal
follow up and presence of any complications. etc. Part III:
questions related to knowledge about signs of obstetric
complications, complaining of any obstetric complication, what
to do if the woman has any of these signs. The study revealed
that slightly more than one quarter of the study subjects (26.5
%) were unaware of obstetric danger signs compared to almost
the same proportion (26.0 %) that had good awareness about such
signs, while 47.5 % of the study subjects exhibited fair
awareness. Lack of awareness about obstetric danger signs was
related younger age, low level of education, gravidity and
parity, previous experiences with any obstetric complications
and lack of antenatal care. This study reflects the need for
strategic plane to increase the awareness to shape health
seeking behavior of the public related to signs of obstetric
A. Rashad, Rasha M. Essa, Women’s Awareness of Danger Signs
of Obstetrics Complications. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):802-]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
obstetric danger signs, awareness, signs of
obstetric complications
The Use of
lemongrass extracts as Antimicrobial and food additive
potential in yoghurt
Abd-El fattah1; Abo sree, Yahia
Hassan1; Hala M. Bayoum2 and Hesham A.
Food Toxins and
contaminants Department1, Dairy Department 2, Food Technology Department 3, National Research
Centre, Cairo, Egypt. shaabanmostafa@ yahoo.com
ABSTRACT: The following
study was conducted to investigate the antifungal and food
additive potential of medicinal plants. herbal decoction and
essential oil (EO) extracts of Cymbopogon flexuosus
(lemongrass) leaves and stems were tested for their inhibitory
action against spoilage organisms and mycotoxins formation in
two separated experiments. In the first experiment, yeast-
extract sucrose medium (YES) was used as a basal medium to
examine the mold growth and mycotoxin production by three
pathogenic fungi: Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus),
Aspergillus parasiticus (A. parasiticus) and Aspergillus
ochraceus (A. ochraceus). The YES medium was supplemented with four
different concentrations of Lemongrass oil, inoculated with
1-mL of a spore suspension containing 105-106 conidia
of each test mold and then incubated at 28º C for 14 days. After incubation period,
cultures were analyzed for mycelial dry weight and mycotoxin
accumulation. In the second experiment, yoghurt medium was used
as a basal medium and the same system of study was applied in
two different degrees of temperature (5ºC and 28ºC) for 4
weeks. Evaluation of the Lemongrass oil activity in yoghurt
samples focused on the microbial stability of yoghurt, sensory
evaluation as well as mold growth and mycotoxin formation. In
the 1st experiment, the level of 0.1% of the EO extract was
effective in inhibition both mold growth and mycotoxin
production for all tested molds, and 0.3 % extract completely
prevented the growth and toxin production. whereas, 1% of the
decoction extract was effective. So, the EO extract was
the suitable agent in the second experiment. It is of interest to note that while reduction
in mold growth due to increasing extract concentrations was
observed, the most
striking effect was the reduction of mycotoxin production. The
obtained data from the second experiment showed that the
EO extract (0.1% concentration) inhibited viable yeasts
and preserved yoghurt for over 28 days at 5ºC. Also, the inhibitory
action of the EO extract against yeasts was concentration
dependent. The maximum inhibitory effect of was found when the
extract level increased above 0.1%. Incubation temperature had an important role in growth
and mycotoxin production in yoghurt medium. During cold
storage for 28 days at 5°C, the different concentrations of the
EO extract added to the yoghurt samples displayed different
titratable acidity and total bacterial cells and pH than the
control yoghurt (p < 0.05). Overall sensory
acceptability of yoghurt supplemented with the EO extract was
higher than that of the control yoghurt prepared without the EO
extract. Total sensory evaluation of experimental yoghurt used
as a control was up to 4.3 scores lower compared to yoghurt
samples treated with the EO extract. The results indicate that
the addition of the appropriate the EO concentrations (0.1%,
w/v) improved the physicochemical properties as well as sensory
characteristics of yoghurt, could
be used for decontamination of dairy products such as yoghurt
from mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins formation,
beside its beneficial properties as a functional food.
[Abd-El fattah; Abo sree, Yahia Hassan; Hala
M. Bayoum and Hesham A. Eissa. The Use of lemongrass
extracts as Antimicrobial and food additive potential in
yoghurt. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):810-822]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Yoghurt, lemongrass, molds, yeasts, mycotoxins, aflatoxins,
ochratoxin A, food additives.
Assessment Of Mycotic Settlement Of Freshwater Fishes In Egypt
M.K.1, Laila, A. Mohamed2, Amany, M.
Kenawy2, and Shimaa, El-S.M.A*.2
Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Vet.Medicine, Cairo
University, Giza,
Hydrobiology Dept., National
Research Center.
Dokki, Giza,
This study was
carried out on 360 freshwater fishes (240 Oreochromis species
and 120 Clarias gariepinus). They were collected from
different governorates and during different seasons. Naturally
infected fishes showed clinical abnormalities such as skin
darkening, exophthalmia, corneal opacity, abdominal distention,
ulceration of the skin and cotton wool like growths on various
parts of the body. Fishes were then subjected to post mortem
examination which revealed many abnormalities. Mycological
examination revealed the isolation of 2081 fungal isolates from
150 diseased and 210 apparently healthy fish samples (1658
mould and 423 yeast isolates), of which 1334 were isolated from
Oreochromis species and 747 isolates from Clarias gariepinus.
Isolated moulds belonged to the following genera: Saprolegnia
(4.2%), Aspergillus (43.0%), Fusarium (14.1%), Mucor (14),
Penicillium (17.2), Rhizopus (4.8%), Scopulariopsis (1.2%),
Paeciliomyces (1%) and Curvularia (0.4%). Yeasts isolated also
from both fish species had the following incidence: Candida
albicans (35.9 %), other Candida species (19.1%), Rhodotorula
species (31.4%) and Torulopsis species (13.5%). Experimental
infection with the most predominant fungi (Aspergillus flavus,
Fusarium species and Candida albicans) was conducted to
evaluate the pathogenicity of these isolates. Clinical pictures
of experimentally infected fish were similar to those of natural
infection. Inoculated fungi were re-isolated from different
organs. Results were confirmed with histopathological
examination, which revealed the presence of fungal hyphae and
spores in different organs.
[Refai, M.K., Laila, A.
Mohamed, Amany, M. Kenawy, Shimaa, El-S.M.A. The Assessment Of
Mycotic Settlement Of Freshwater Fishes In Egypt.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):823-831]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Mycotic
infection, Oreochromis species, Clarias gariepinus, Moulds,
Yeasts, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Candida, Penicillium.
Impact of Balanced Caloric Diet and Physical
activity on Body Composition and Fat Distribution of Obese
Egyptian Adolescent Girls
*Nayera El-morsi Hassan,
**Safaa T. Zaki, *Sahar El-masry, **Manal A. Mohsen, **Eman
Anthropology, ** Child Health Depts., National Research Centre,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to
evaluate the effects of 6 months of
balanced caloric moderately deficit diet
program combined with individualized moderate Physical exercise
on the body weight, body composition and fat distribution of
adolescent girls. Subjects & methods: It was a longitudinal
survey comprised 1244 adolescent girls, aged from 14 to 18
years. Their body weight and height were measured, and the BMI
was calculated. Of the
total sample, only one hundred and eleven girls (8.9%), with
mean age was 15.82+ 0.75 years, were suffering from
obesity based on their body mass index; which is greater than
the 95th percentile for age and gender based
Egyptian Growth Reference Charts. These obese girls were
undergoing nutritional intervention (specific dietary program,
nutritional education and exercise) for 6 months. At the start
of this program, the obese girls were assessed for their
anthropometric measures: the body weight, body height (or
stature), body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences,
waist/hip ratio, skin folds thickness at 5 sites and, according
to BIA, their body composition. This assessment was repeated
after 6 months. Only thirty eight girls completely finished the program till the end. Results:
The current study showed that after following the dietary
program and physical activity, there were highly significant
reduction in waist circumference, the skin fold thickness at the 5 sites (triceps,
biceps, sub scapular, suprailiac and abdominal), peripheral and
central adiposity, and fat mass, and significant reduction in
body weight, hip circumference and fat%. The change in BMI was not
significant. On the other hand, there was a highly significant
increase of the total body water and Basal metabolic rate after
following the dietary program and physical activity. Conclusion:
The nutritional intervention
program was succeeded in 38 obese adolescent girls. These girls
show highly significant reduction in body composition and body
fat distribution.This
revealed that the combined program of diet restriction and
exercise is necessary.
El-morsi Hassan, Safaa T. Zaki, Sahar El-masry, Manal A.
Mohsen, Eman Elashmawy. Impact of Balanced Caloric Diet and
Physical activity on Body Composition and Fat Distribution of
Obese Egyptian Adolescent Girls. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):832-842]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Egyptian adolescents, obese girls,
diet restriction, exercise training, body composition,
and Molecular Evidences Among Four Heteroforms of Avicennia
marina (Forssk) Vierh.
Wafaa M. Said and Nahla O. M. Ehsan*
Botany Department,
Women's College for Arts, Science, and Education, Ain
Shams University.
Morphological characteristics and random amplified polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) marker were used to assess inter-specific
relationships among four heteroforms of gray mangrove (Avicennia
marina (Forssk) Vierh.) grown in Al-Sharm Al-Bahari site,
33Km south Al-Qussier, Red Sea Coast, Egypt. The four
heteroforms viz. I, II, III and IV were detected in two
distinct habitats (marine and desert). The morphological and
molecular data indicated high variation between form I&III
and II&IV. On the other hand, low variation between form
I&II and III&IV. Dendrogram based on morphological,
anatomical and genetic data supported the segregation of the
four heteroforms of Avicennia marina into two groups;
one includes form 1 & III and the second include form II
& IV. The study concluded that the four heteroforms can be
classified as two subspecies, A. marina subsp. eucalyptifolia
(form I) and the A. marina subsp. marina (form II). In addition, forms
III and IV considered as phenotypes from I and II,
[Wafaa M.
Said and Nahla O. M. Ehsan. Morphological and Molecular Evidences Among Four
Heteroforms of Avicennia marina (Forssk) Vierh.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):843-856]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Mangrove; Avicennia marina; Morphology, RAPD; Red
High Temperature Sensitive Micro-Planes Damage Model for Plane
Labibzadeh 1, Ali Edalatbehbahani 1, Hamid Reza Ghafouri
of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid
Chamran University,
Ahvaz, Iran
A computational model simulating the behavior of the concrete
subjected to the high temperature environment has been
presented here by means of micro-planes framework. The
constitutive equations using damage formulations developed
earlier by (Labibzadeh and Sadrnejad, 2006) have been adapted here
to account for the effects of elevated temperatures. These
damage formulations have been founded upon five fundamental
damage functions which are directly related to the loading
history of each micro-plane. The characteristic features of the
proposed model have been verified through making comparison
with published experimental results for uniaxial compression
and tension tests in the literatures. This suggested model
could be easily implemented into a 3D finite elements code to
detect damages of concrete structures subjected to fire events.
[Mojtaba Labibzadeh, Ali Edalatbehbahani,
Hamid Reza Ghafouri. A
High Temperature Sensitive Micro-Planes Damage Model for Plane
Concrete. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):857-864]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Constitutive equations, Micro-planes,
Damage, High temperatures, Plane concrete
Impact of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) In Male Albino
Rats with Special Reference to its Effect on Reproductive
I., EL- Sharkawy*,
Salah, M. Hamza and
Ehsan, H., Abou-Zeid
of Forensic Medicine & Toxiciology. Fac. of Vet. Med.
Zagazig University,
Zagazig, Egypt.
The present study was
directed to explore
the toxic effects of orally administered TiO2
in mature male albino rats. Eighteen mature male albino rats
were classified into three equal groups. The first group was
used as control and fed on TiO2 free ration (C), the
second and the third
groups (T1) and (T2)
were fed on ration containing 1% and 2% TiO2
respectively for 65days. The body weight of male albino rats
fed 1% and 2% TiO2 showed a significant decrease along the
experimental period. Animals were scarified after termination
of the experimental period. The sera were separated for
estimation of nitric oxide and testosterone levels. Liver
samples were preserved for antioxidants enzyme activities
determination. Liver, testes and seminal vesicle samples were
preserved in formalin for histopathological study. The results
indicated that TiO2 resulted in a significant
decrease in body weight gain, sperm motility
%, sperm cell concentration, sperm viability and serum testosterone
level. While, a significant increase in sperm abnormalities,
serum nitric oxide (NO), hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD),
glutathione reductase (GR) enzyme activities and
malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration were recorded.
Histopathological findings revealed reduction in the number and
size of the epithelial lining of the tubuloalveolar gland and hyperplastic glandular epithelium
of seminal vesicle. Testes showed mild spermatogenesis besides
congested testicular blood vessels. Liver showing vacuolar, hydropic
degeneration and cell death of some hepatic cells
and steatosis. The present study concluded that, TiO2
elicited a marked ruinous effect on male fertility and
biochemical parameters as well as histopathological picture.
[Nabela, I.,
EL- Sharkawy, Salah, M. Hamza
and Ehsan, H., Abou-Zeid. Toxic Impact of Titanium
Dioxide (TiO2) In Male Albino Rats with Special
Reference to its Effect on Reproductive System. Journal
of American Science 2010;6(11):865-872]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Toxic; Titanium Dioxide
(TiO2); Rat; Reproductive System
Protective Effect of
Lepidium sativum L.
Seeds Powder and Extract on Hypercholesterolemic
Abdulah Al Hamedan
of Nutrition and Food Science, Home Economic, Collage, Princess
Nora Bent abdul – rahman -University, Riyadh, Saud Arabia
The present study was designed to investigate the effects of Lepidium
sativum L (LS) on the
nutritional status and some biochemical analyses of serum and liver
in hypercholesterolemic rats. Forty-two adult albino male rats
Sprague Dawley strain were classified into six groups. One was
fed on standard diet and kept as control (-ve) group. The other
five hypercholesterolemic rat groups were control (+ve), drug,
LS extract, 5 % or 10 % LS powder rat groups. In comparison to
control (- ve) group, the control (+ve) group showed a
significant higher value of weight gain, feed efficiency ratio
(FER), serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c, VLDL-c,
cholesterol/ HDL-c and
LDL-c/ HDL-c, serum (AST& ALT), creatinine,urea,
liver cholesterol and total lipids but significant decrease in
HDL-c, globulin and liver triglycerides. Also, LS extract and
5% LS powder rat groups showed a significant increase in weight
gain, cholesterol/ HDL-c and LDL-c/ HDL-c, serum (AST& ALT)
however, drug and 10% LS powder rat groups showed a significant
increase in cholesterol/ HDL-c. On the other hand, The drug, LS
extract, 5% and 10% LS powder rat groups showed a significant increase
in serum cholesterol, triglycerides VLDL-c, LDL-c, serum creatinine and
urea level when compared
to control (- ve)
group. In comparing with control (+ ve) group, The drug,
LS extract, 5% and 10% LS powder rat groups showed a significant lower
value of weight gain, feed efficiency ratio, serum cholesterol, triglycerides VLDL-c, LDL-c level, cholesterol/ HDL-c, LDL-c/ HDL-c, serum (AST& ALT), serum creatinine, urea,
liver cholesterol and total lipids with a significant increase
in both serum globulin and liver triglycerides.
[Wafeka Abdulah Al Hamedan. Protective
Effect of Lepidium
sativum L. Seeds Powder and Extract on
Hypercholesterolemic Rats. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):873-879]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key wards: Lepidium sativum – aqua extract-
cholesterol and rats
of MLSB and tetracycline resistance in
coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from the skin of
Egyptian acne patients and controls
El-Mahdy, T.S. *1,2; Abdalla, S.3;
El-Domany, R.2 and Snelling, A.M.1
of Biomedical Sciences, University of
Bradford, UK
2Faculty of Pharmacy, University
of Helwan, Egypt
of Pharmacy, University
of Suez-Canal, Egypt;
Abstract: A total of
335 antibiotic-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS)
were isolated from face of 53 Egyptian acne patients, 13
dermatology staff and 36 controls. Prevalence of tetracycline resistant
CNS was the most common with a rate of 87.3% of total
population sampled. Acne patients treated with antibiotics were
found to have significant higher risk of carrying erythromycin
and clindamycin resistant CNS than patients not under treatment.
Staff group was the most common cohort to carry multi-resistant
CNS strains with a prevalence of 81.2%. Four
erythromycin-resistance genes were screened for 43 CNS strains
from patients. The most widely distributed determinants were
msr(A) alone (48.8%),
followed by erm(C)
alone (39.6% strains)
while both determinants together were accounted in 11.6% of the
isolates. In addition, 48 non-duplicate tetracycline
resistant CNS strains from patients were screened for the
presence of four tetracycline resistance genes. Forty-seven of
the isolates (97.9%) had
tet(K) gene. Tet(L)
gene was only found in four isolates (8.3%),
from which three isolates were found to carry also tet(K)
gene. This study revealed that the high carriage rate of msr(A)
in our isolates suggests the effective therapy with clindamycin
for most of erythromycin resistant CNS infections. In addition,
the mechanism of tetracycline resistance in our isolates is
mainly by active efflux and we might expect the success of
treatment with minocycline in most of tetracycline resistant
CNS from Egypt.
[El-Mahdy, T.S.; Abdalla, S.; El-Domany, R.
and Snelling, A.M. Investigation
of MLSB and tetracycline resistance in
coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from the skin of
Egyptian acne patients and controls. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):880-888]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
acne, coagulase-negative staphylococci, MLSB,
resistance, tetracycline. Running title: Antibiotic
resistance of Egyptian CNS.
of Rural Development in Guilan
Province, Iran
Alipour1 and Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari2
1,2 Department of Agricultural
Management, College of Agriculture, Islamic Azad
University, Rasht
Branch, Iran;
The main purpose of this study was to measure the development
level of Guilan rural districts based on Morris Inequality
Index. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The
statistical population of this study was all Guilan rural
districts consisting of 109 rural districts in 2006. In order
to investigate and to determine the key indexes of development
or backwardness in each region, some variables in five groups (agricultural,
health, infrastructure and social) had been used. For data
analysis and assessment of development level, Morris Inequality
Index was used. Findings revealed that out of the total Guilan
rural districts in developmental situation, six rural districts
were underdeveloped and more percent of villages were in less
developed situation.
Alipour and Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari. Evaluation of Rural
Development in Guilan
Province, Iran.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):889-893]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Development,
Rural, coefficient of variation, Morris Inequality Index
Diagnosis and Epidemiological Studies of
Bovine Trypanosomiasis in Kaliobia Governorate
Mervat E.I. Radwan*1 and
Reham El Madawy2
Department of Infectious Diseases,
Vet. Hospital1, Department of Parasitology2,
Benha-University, Benha,
This investigation
was performed on 131 animals (cattle and buffaloes) from farms located in different
places in kaliobia aged from 1.5-5 years the samples were collected from
clinically infected animals that suffer from "surra"
disease and animals apparently healthy in contact with infected
animals (subacute or
chronic) Infected animals. This investigation reported that
51 animals showed the Clinical signs of illness as pyrexia, parasitaemia, progressive emaciation, generalized edema and
recurrent episodes of fever occur during course of disease. The microscopic
examination of blood film revealed (Trypanosoma evansi) in 5 out
of 80 apparently healthy
animals (7.8%) while PCR examination found that 35 out of
75animals positive (46.7) so PCR is the most suitable diagnosis
for early diagnosis and
consequently controlling programs and consider the confirmatory
[Mervat E.I.
Radwan and Reham El Madawy. Diagnosis and Epidemiological Studies of Bovine
Trypanosomiasis in Kaliobia Governorate.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):894-898]. (ISSN:
Epidemiological; Bovine Trypanosomiasis; Kaliobia Governorate
Prediction for Outdoor Cooling Systems; Case Study
A. Medhat A. Fahim1 and Hoda S. Seddeq**
Consultant & Fire Engineering Auditor in Electro-Mechanical
Research Institute at Housing and Building National Research
Center, HBRC, Cairo,
Egypt, P.O. Box 1770 Giza,
Acoustic laboratories in Building Physics research Institute at
Housing and Building National
Research Center,
HBRC, Cairo,
P.O. Box 1770
luukki@live.com hodasoliman@yahoo.com
Outdoor noise analyses are commonly required
to estimate the sound levels at the property line of adjacent
buildings. Outdoor
cooling units, such as cooling towers, air-cooled chillers and
rooftop units, all create noises at different levels that can
disturb neighbors or occupants inside the building itself. Creating a comfortable
acoustic environment in most of Heating, Ventilating and
Air-Conditioning, HVAC, applications falls on the mechanical
engineering disciplines because most background noise sources
are generated by the mechanical apparatuses and cooling
devices. This
paper investigates the prediction of sound pressure levels
emitted from outdoor HVAC systems. The sound level of outdoor units in various
applications is dependent upon several significant factors.
These factors include equipment location, directivity of the source,
barrier shielding, sound path, and attenuation due to distance, atmospheric sound absorption and
ground attenuation. A developed
simplified model called “Outdoor Modeling Acoustic Code, OMAC” has been utilized taking into
consideration the influences of previously mentioned
parameters. This OMAC code has been used to analyze and predict
the noise level emitted from roof-top air-cooled
chillers located on office building as a case study. Predicted noise regimes were
compared with the collected field measurements for the
validation and verification purposes. Detailed analyses and
comparisons between predicted and measured noise spectrums were
carried out based on the local and international standards.
These comparisons show a good agreement among predicted noise
criterions, measured data and dedicated standard thresholds. It
was concluded that it is mandatory to utilize such prediction
“modeling” tool during the early stages of HVAC design process
to allow the authority having jurisdictions to predict the
impact outdoor noises within the new development urban.
[Ahmed A. Medhat A. Fahim and
Hoda S. Seddeq. Noise Prediction for Outdoor Cooling Systems;
Case Study. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):898-905]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key wards:
outdoor sound propagation, HVAC, sound power, directivity, barrier, atmospheric sound absorption,
ground attenuation
Seed Exomorphic Characters of some
Taxa from Saudi
M.S.A.*, Al-Tarras. A. and Al-Awady, M.
Biotech. & Genet. Eng.
Res. Unit, Taif
Taif, KSA
Seed exomorphic characters of seven
species collected from Taif province, Saudi
Arabia, were investigated by
the aid of Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM). The seed
exomorphic characters that are diagnostic at the generic and
specific level are seed shape, dimensions, epidermal cells,
seed surface sculpture and aspects of anticlinal and periclinal
walls. The seed coat of the studied taxa exhibit a wide
range of morphological characters. Seed shapes varied from
globoid, elliptic, oblong and kidney shaped. They showed either smooth or papilate surface.
SEM investigation at higher magnifications revealed different
types of seed surface pattern viz, is tuberculate, reticulate, scalariform and tenicostate. Seeds of Cloeme
droserifolia and Fagonia schweinfurthia showed a deposition of wax on their surface. The
present study is a modest contribution to previous studies on
the flora of Saudi
[Soliman, M.S.A. Al-Tarras. A.
and Al-Awady, M. Seed
Exomorphic Characters of some Taxa from Saudi
Arabia. Journal of
American Science 2010;6(11):906-910]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: SEM, seed coat, exomorphic characters, Cloeme
droserifoli, Fagonia schweinfurthia, flora, Saudi
Characteristics of Crude Oils from some Oilfields in the Gulf
of Suez, Egypt.
I. Roushdy, M. M. El
Nady, Y. M. Mostafa, N.Sh. El Gendy and *H. R. Ali
Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr
City, Cairo,
Seven representative crude oil
samples from the Gulf of Suez
were chosen for this study. The studied crude oils are Ras
Badran, Belayim marine, Belayim
Land, Rahmi, West
Bakr, Esh El Mellaha and Geisum. The oils were fractionated by medium
pressure liquid chromatography into saturated hydrocarbons,
aromatic hydrocarbons and polar compounds. The saturated
hydrocarbons were determined by gas chromatography and gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Ratios of certain
biomarkers, (Pristane/phytane, isoprenoids/n-alkanes,
CPI, Homohopane, Diasteranes, Gammacerane index, C29
20S/20S+20R, C29/C30 hopanes and
Ts/Tm) referred to as source
correlation indices, are sensitive to the geological source of
oil. The results of evaluation suggest
that two types of oils could be recognized as marine oils.
These oils are characterized by high level of maturation and
sourced mainly from source rocks rich in marine organic matters
with few inputs from terrestrial origin.
[M. I. Roushdy, M. M. El Nady, Y. M.
Mostafa, N.Sh. El Gendy and
*H. R. Ali. Biomarkers Characteristics of Crude Oils from some
Oilfields in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):911-925]. (ISSN:
words: Egypt,
Gulf of Suez, Homohopanes,
Diasteranes, Gammacerane index, C29 20S/20S+20R, C29/C30
hopanes and Ts/Tm, Crude oils
Drug resistance and recent therapeutic
measures in controlling of fascioliasis
A. Z. Mahmoud1; Mokhtar M.
Taha1; Salah M. H. Afifi1; Khaled M. A.
Hassanein1 and Amal Mohamed Abdo*2
of Pathology & Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, * Parasitology department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut
University, Assiut,
Fascioliasis is a
widely distributed disease affecting herbivorous animals. As a
result of drug resistance a mixture of two antifasciola drugs (Triclobendazole
and Superivomec) was used in trial to overcome this drug
resistance. Twenty eight newly weaned white Boskat rabbit aging
1.5 month were divided into 7 groups, six of them were experimentally infected with
metacercaria of Fasciola gigantica and one kept as –ve
control group. Faecal egg count during the clinical course of
the disease, counting the worm and its morphological studies
and lesion score after postmortem examination were the
parameters used to evaluate the effect of different drug
mixtures. It had been concluded that the mixture of
triclabendazole and superivomec was the mixture of choice.
[A. Z. Mahmoud; Mokhtar M.
Taha; Salah M. H. Afifi; Khaled M. A. Hassanein and
Amal Mohamed Abdo. Drug resistance and recent therapeutic
measures in controlling of fascioliasis.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):926-933]. (ISSN:
Key words: Fascioliasis, Metacercaria, Triclabendazole,
Rabbit and Superivomec
Effect of Green, Roasted and Decaffeinated Coffee on Serum
Glucose, Insulin and Serum Lipid Profile in Diabetic
Experimental Animals
A. Sadeek*1, Hala, A. Abd El;-Rahman2 and Waffa, Sh. Ali3
of Biochemistry & Nutrition -Women's College –Ain –Shams
2 Food Tech. Res. Ins. Agric. Res. Center. 3College of Home
Economics, Helwan
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Aim of the
work: Assessing the Effect of green, roasted and decaffeinated
coffee on serum glucose, insulin and serum lipid profile in
diabetic rat models. Methods: Design of the Study: Thirty
female wistar rats weighing 124.5 ±5.41g (mean ±S.D) were
divided into 5 groups. The first group served as a control and
consumed a standard diet according to (AIN – 93). The other 4 groups were
injected intraperitoneally with 105 mg / kg body weight of
alloxan. One group was kept without further treatment and
served as a positive diabetic control. Groups 3, 4, 5 consumed
5% green, roasted and decaffeinated coffee in drinking water,
respectively. The feeding trial continued for four weeks. At
the end of the experiments, the animals were sacrificed, blood
samples were collected, and the liver, kidney, spleen and heart
were separated, washed, dried and weighed. Laboratory
investigations Consisted of serum glucose, insulin, calcium,
phosphorus and complete lipid profile was determined to
test the magnitude of
antioxidant potential green, roasted and decaffeinated coffee.
Results: The present study show a significant difference (p > 0.05) in body weight gain and
food intake between all treatment
groups, with non significant difference in water intake,
relative weight of organs including liver, kidney, spleen and
heart. the study also shows significant elevation (p >
0.05) in serum glucose and
insulin in diabetic control group as compared to normal control
group. This indicates uncontrolled hyperglycemia in alloxan
diabetic rats. While consumption of green, roasted and
decaffeinated coffee resulted in a decrease in serum glucose
and insulin (p >
0.05). There is a significant
decrease (p > 0.05) in serum calcium and serum
phosphorus in groups 3,4 and 5 fed green, roasted and
decaffeinated coffee respectively indicating an association
between coffee consumption and bone health. our results also
shows that alloxan injection produced a significant increase (p >
0.05) in serum total-
cholesterol (TC); triacylglycerol (TAG); LDL-C; VLDL-C and in
LDL\ HDL ratio and TC \ HDL ratio however a significant decrease (p >
0.05) in serum HDL-C is observed; In diabetic rats compared to
normal control green, roasted and decaffeinated coffee
resulted in a significant decrease (p > 0.05) in triacylglycerol
(TAG); LDL-C; VLDL-C and in LDL\ HDL ratio and TC \ HDL ratio
on the other hand a
significant increase (p > 0.05) in
serum HDL-C is observed in green, roasted and
decaffeinated coffee groups compared to diabetic rats compared
to normal control with the
highest value for green coffee. Non significant effect on serum
total- cholesterol(TC) reported in this study.
Conclusion: The observed improvement in
glucose, insulin profile, triacylglycerol and HDL-C confirm the
potent biological action of green, roasted and decaffeinated
coffee and suggest that chlorogenic acid (a component in
coffee) might have an antagonistic effect on glucose transport.
Suggesting a novel function of coffee on lowering the risk
factors of diabetes and delaying the progress of diabetes
complications as well.
[Eman A.Sadeek, Hala, A. Abd
El;-Rahman and Waffa,
Sh. Ali. The Effect of Green, Roasted and Decaffeinated Coffee
on Serum Glucose, Insulin and Serum Lipid Profile in Diabetic
Experimental Animals. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):934-943]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Green, roasted, decaffeinated coffee,
glucose, insulin and lipid profile
The Impact of Obesity and Weight
Reduction Program with Xenical Drug Treatment on Health Status
of Obese Adolescent Girls in Saudi
Hassan Ali Ganbi
and Food Science Dept., Faculty of Education for Home Economics
and Art Education, King Abd – Elaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The present investigation aimed to assess the health problems
and diseases associated with obesity in Saudi Arabian
adolescent girls, and to evaluate the impact of obesity and
weight reduction program with xenical (Orlistat) drug treatment
on health status of tested obese adolescent patients. This
study was performed on a group of 160 obese adolescent girls,
aged 15 – 20 years, attending Physical Rehabilitation and Obesity
Treatment Centers
at Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia. The obese patients
group, under investigation, was selected from the adolescent
girls who want in the treatment of obesity after obtaining
their consent to participate in this study. The present results
revealed that most tested obese adolescent girls suffered with
a lot of health problems and diseases. The obesity was
associated with deterioration of health status for obese
subjects. Also, the weight reduction program with xenical
(Orlistat) drug treatment caused a significant loss (≤
0.01) in body weight of obese adolescent girls by 7.42 and
11.35 % after 30 and 60 days respectively. In addition that
tested weight reduction program with orlistat treatment
exhibited a significant enhancing impact (≤ 0.01) on all
tested health status parameters of obese patients; especially
when obese patients engaged with tested weight – reduction
program based upon being on a nutritionally balanced, reduced
– calorie dietary regimen and practicing the physical
activities regularly at least 6 hours a day, as showing by its
enhancing effect on liver functions, serum lipid profile,
liver and renal functions and by its lowering effect on blood
glucose, insulin and LDL - cholesterol levels; within the
reference reported range of all health status items for health
individual adolescent girls. Therefore, it is recommended that
the obese adolescent girls and women should be orally treated
with xenical drug capsules with their obligation by being on a
dietary regimen; a nutritionally balanced, reduced – calorie
diet (800 – 1200 calorie), and practicing the physical
activities regularly at least 6 hours a day.
[Hend Hassan Ali Ganbi. The Impact
of Obesity and Weight Reduction Program with Xenical Drug
Treatment on Health Status of Obese Adolescent Girls in Saudi
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):944-958]. (ISSN:
Key words: Obesity; Weight reduction program; Obese
adolescent girls; Liver functions; lipid profile; Renal
functions; Health status; Xenical drug; Physical activity;
Dietary regimen
Characterization of Egyptian Isolates of Lactobacillus and
S.1; H. H. Sabit 2; M. Amin3;
W. Tawakkol 4; and A. F. Shamseldin 4
Dept., College of Medicine,
Assiut University,
Assiut, Egypt
Genetics Dept., College
of Biotechnology, Misr
University for Science
and Technology, Cairo,
Dept., College of Pharmacy,
Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
Dept., College of Pharmacy,
Misr University
for Science and Technology, Cairo,
Strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
were isolated from processed milk collected in Cairo,
Lactobacilli was isolated on Acetate media (SL) of
Rogosa and Mitchell-Weisman. While Bifidobacterium was
isolated on DSM medium
(Difco Sporulation Medium).
The isolates were characterized microscopically,
morphologically and by some biochemical tests. DNA was
extracted from the specified isolates using (Qiagen,
Cat #51306) and species-specific primers for Lactobacillus
and Bifidobacterium were designed to amplify the 16s
rDNA gene as a conserved region in the bacterial DNA. Elution of the target band
from the gel was performed efficiently and the 16S rDNA region
was subjected to sequencing using Sequencer ABI PRISM 3730XL
Analyzer. The sequencing data obtained suggested that the two
studied isolates were (at the genus level) designated as Lactobacillus
and uncultured Bifidobacterium. When the
sequencing data was aligned on http://www.ncbi.nlh.nih.gov,
it shows 88% homology and expected value of 7e-164 to Lactobacillus
kiranofaceins but dendogram tree shows more homology to Lactobacillus
plantarum family. While the other sample showed 91% homology
and expected value of 3e-113
with Uncultured Bifidobacterium Clone R333 16S
rRNA gene.
[Hashem S.; H. H. Sabit; M.
Amin; W. Tawakkol; and A. F. Shamseldin. Molecular
Characterization of Egyptian Isolates of Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):959-964]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Characterization of Egyptian Isolates of Lactobacillus and
and Histological characteristics of ovaries in Mudskipper, Periophthalmus
papilio from Lagos lagoon, Nigeria
LAWSON, Emmanuel Olugbenga
Department Of Fisheries, Faculty of Science,
State University,
Box 001, LASU Post Office Box, Lagos,
Maturation and histological characteristics
of female gonads in mudskipper, Periophthalmus papilio from Lagos
lagoon, Nigeria
were investigated between July 2004 and July 2006. This species is found in
abundance in the mud flats of the mangrove swamps of Lagos
lagoon where it forms part of its fisheries. Its importance
lies on its availability as food for man and as baits for artisanal
and offshore fisheries. Diurnal collections were made with non
return valve traps. Biometric data were recorded and sexes
separated. Ovaries were
carefully removed from 1390 individual specimens that were with
no abnormalities or pathological changes. The histological
structure of the ovaries was based on a temporal scale after
intensive sampling. The ovaries were observed macroscopically
and processed by standard histological technique. ICES, BITS
and IBTS scales and Bucholtz manuals were employed in the
classifications of its maturity and gonadal stages. Seven
stages of maturity which included: immature (stage I), immature
and developing (stage II), ripening (stage III), ripe (stage
IV), ripe running (Stage V), spent (stage VI) and recovering-spent
(stage VII) were observed among the specimens. These
constituted 1.15, 47.99, 15.32, 9.86, 19.50, 4.68 and 1.51% of
the specimens examined in the study respectively. The
pre-spawning phase was represented by I, II and III; the
spawning by IV and V; and post-spawning by VI and VII.
Histological development of the species indicated six (6)
developmental stages of oocytes development viz: oogonium,
primary oocyte, primary, secondary, and tertiary vitellogenic
and hyaline oocytes. Specimens
were found with oocytes which had developed over the migratory
nucleus stage, indicating maturation can still proceed in the
fish on the mudflats before migrating to spawning nests in the
burrows. Stages V and VI ovaries contained all stages of
oocyte. The GSI of the species increased at initial phase and
then became stable at the later period. The species was a
multiple and synchronous spawner, spawning in February, March,
and October. The mean GSI varied from 1.03± 0.09% in May to
8.40±1.67 % in February 2006. Less than 8.40±1.67 % of the body
biomass was converted by the species to development of ovaries.
The minimum size of spawning females was 110 mm TL. Therefore,
this study provides the necessary information on maturation and
histological development of oocytes as an appropriate strategy
for optimum utilization and conservation of this commercially
valued fish species in Lagos
lagoon, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Olugbenga. Maturation and Histological characteristics
of ovaries in Mudskipper, Periophthalmus papilio from Lagos
lagoon, Nigeria.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):965-976]. (ISSN:
Key words: Chromatin, zona radiata interna, externa, maturation,
nucleolar, vitellogenic
Available Copper and Boron in Soil as Affected by Zinc sulfate
and Boric acid in a Zinc and Boron Deficient Soil
Farshid Aref
Department of Soil Science, Firouzabad
Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Iran
+989173383896, farshidaref@yahoo.com
Abstract: Micronutrients
such as copper (Cu) and boron (B) are needed in small amounts,
and there are also likely to be residual effects for some years
after their application. A field experiment with maize plant
grown on Zn and B deficient soil was conducted to evaluate the
effect of Zn and B interaction on the residual available Cu and
B content in the soil during 2009 at Fars
Province, Iran.
Treatments including five levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg ha-1
and Zn foliar spray) and four levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg ha-1
and B foliar spray) in a completely randomized block design
were set up. The findings showed that the in all treatments,
the residual available Cu and B in the soil increased compared
to its initial levels (before culture). The main effect of Zn
and B on the residual Cu was insignificant relative to the no
Zn and B level. No treatments, showed a significant difference
on the residual Cu in the soil as compared with the control and
also the effect of Zn-B interaction on the residual Cu was
insignificant. In most treatments, the residual B in the soil
decreased compared to its initial level levels (before
culture). The Zn-B interaction was significant on the residual
available B content in the soil. The presence of Zn prevented
from increase of the available B remaining in the soil by B use
relative to the soil B content before culture. Application of a
high amount of Zn in the soil decreased residual available B in
the soil relative to the no Zn level.
[Farshid Aref. Residual
Available Copper and Boron in Soil as Affected by Zinc sulfate
and Boric acid in a Zinc and Boron Deficient
Soil. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):977-984]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Interaction, Zinc, Boron, Copper, Residual available nutrients
of spherical silica
A.M. Ibrahim*, A.A.F.
Mohamed A.
Faculty of science, Helwan
University, 11795 Egypt
of silica
is affected
by the
processes. Therefore, it is affected
by TEOS and
we have
effect of
on particle
of silica
of silica
increases with
rate of
on the
of intermediate
the supersaturation
for the
process. Also
by hexamethyldisilazane
was studied
to prevent
the particles
and to give good dispersion
of silica nanoparticles
in hydrophobic
Amina Zikry,
Faculty of
of American
Science 2010;6(11):985:989].
hydrolysis; condensation;
surface modification |
postpartum dietary practices among a group of Saudi women
k. Hafez 1&2 and Sahar M. Yakout 1&3
and Gynecologic Nursing Dep., Alexandria
University Alexandria,
Taif University,
Sudia Arabian
Dep. King
Sa’ud University,
Saudi Arabian
This work aimed to study the early postpartum dietary practices
among a group of Saudi women. A retrospective study was carried
out on a convenient sample of 300 women during their
post-partum period who attended seven primary health centers in
and Taif, KSA. The subjects were interviewed individually
throughout a period of four months from September 2009 to
January 2010.An interview questionnaire and a dietary scale of
King and Jakobson were used for data collection. The results
showed that73.3%of
the study subjects had incomplete knowledge about post-partum
nutrition and an equal proportion of them (28.3%) had either excellent or
borderline dietary practices during their early post-partum
period and about one-fifth of them (19.3%) had dangerous dietary practices.
The study concluded that Saudi women’s post-partum dietary practices were
significantly associated with their general characteristics
such as age, education, employment and number of family member
as well as with their obstetrical characteristics including
their gravidity and parity.
k. Hafez and Sahar M. Yakout. Early postpartum dietary
practices among a group of Saudi women.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):990-998]. (ISSN:
Keywords: postpartum; dietary; Saudi; women
This article has been withdrawn.
Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):999-1012]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Available Zn
Distribution, Response and Uptake of Rice (Oriza sativa) to Applied
Zn Along a Toposequence of Lake
Gerio Fadama Soils at
Yola, North-eastern Nigeria.
E. Shehu and G. Y. Jamala
of Crop Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, P. M. B 25
Mubi, 650001, Adamawa State, Nigeria. harushe2003@gmail.com
Abstract: A
screen house pot experiment was conducted at FAO/TCP farm of
the Adamawa State
University, Mubi
north-eastern Nigeria,
to study the response of rice to Zn fertilizer application and
the distribution of Zn along toposequence of the Lake Gerio
Fadama soils of North-eastern Nigeria
which was used for the study. The experiment consisted of four
Zn rates of 0, 5, 7.5 and 10 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSO4.7H2O.
The effect of treatment on Zn concentration and dry matter
yields response were determined. The 0.1N HCl and DTPA
extractable Zn ranged from 8.5 to 9.5 mg kg-1 soil,
2.2 to 2.7 mg kg-1 soil with mean values of 9.08 and
2.35 mg kg-1 soil respectively. Available Zn soil
status is therefore assessed as medium. Dry matter yields and
Zn uptake were optimum at 5 kg ha-1 with
corresponding values of 2.04 and 11.86 mg kg-1
E. Shehu and G. Y. Jamala.
Available Zn Distribution, Response and Uptake of Rice (Oriza sativa) to Applied
Zn Along a Toposequence of Lake Gerio Fadama Soils at Yola,
North-eastern Nigeria.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1013-1016]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org)
Key words: Zinc
uptake; Toposequence; Fadama soils; Rice
Optimal Control for a Class of Nonlinear Volterra Integral
H. Borzabadi, Akram Abbasi and Omid S. Fard
of Applied Mathematics, Damghan
University, Damghan,
Abstract: In
this study an iterative approach to extract approximate solutions
of optimal control problems which are governed by a class of
nonlinear Volterra integral equations is presented. The
structure of approach is based on the parametrization of the
control and state functions. Considering some conditions on the
problem, the convergence of the given approach is studied.
Numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of the given
H. Borzabadi, Akram Abbasi and Omid S. Fard. Approximate
Optimal Control for a Class of Nonlinear Volterra Integral
Equations. Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1017-1021].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: Optimal
control; Volterra integral equations; iterative schemes;
Factors, Plasmid Profiling and Curing analysis of Multi-drug
Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus and Coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. isolated from Patients with
Acute Otitis Media.
a Akinjogunla
O. J. and b Enabulele, I.
a Department
of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Uyo, P.M.B 1017, Uyo,
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
b Department
of Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University
of Benin,
P.M.B.1154. Benin City, Edo
State, Nigeria.
Microbiological and molecular techniques were used to determine
the virulence factors, plasmid profile and antibiotic susceptibility
spectrum of Staphylococcus aureus and CON-Staphylococcus spp
isolated from patients with acute otitis media attending University
of Uyo Teaching Hospital,
General Hospital,
Ikot-Ekpene and Nekede
Paediatric Hospital
between January, 2009 and January, 2010. 42 (30.9%)
Staphylococcus aureus and 21 (15.4%) CON Staphylococcus spp
were isolated from the aural swab samples collected.
Staphylococcus aureus produced 16 (38.1%), 22 (52.4%) and 4
(9.5%) of alpha, beta and gamma haemolysis, respectively, while
CON-Staphylococcus spp. produced more of beta haemolysis than
both alpha and gamma. The results showed that 14 (33.3%)
Staphylococcus aureus and 9 (42.9%) of
CON-Staphylococcus spp are beta-lactamase producer. The
antibiotics susceptibility testing showed that 29 (69.0%),
26 (61.9%), 27 (64.3%), 28 (66.7%) and 29 (69.0%) of Staphylococcus aureus were sensitive
to peni-cillin, ceftriazidime, cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin, respectively.
12 (28.6%) of Staphylococcus aureus were resistant to
streptomycin and iminipen, while about 45.2% -50.0% were
resistant to cephalothin and amoxicillin. CON-Staphylococcus
spp also showed varied percentages of sensitivity ranging
between 42.9% for streptomycin and 71.4% for moxifloxacin. The
result also showed that 19.2 % of Staphylococcus aureus and
9.6% of CON-Staphylococcus spp. were resistant to more than
eight antibiotics with (MAR) index ranging from 0.25 to 1.00
and 0.25 to 0.75 for Staphylococcus aureus and
CON-Staphylococcus spp. respectively. The results obtained in
this study are statistically significant (p≤0.05). Most
of the Staphylococcus aureus and CON-Staphylococcus spp were
cured of their plasmids showing that they are plasmid borne.
Large molecular weight plasmids ranging from 23.13kbp to 50.0kbp
were harboured by both Staphylococcus aureus and
CON-Staphylococcus spp obtained from acute otitis media.
However, continuous surveillance to monitor antimicrobial
resistance and guide the antibacterial therapy is
overwhelmingly necessary.
Olajide Joseph, Enabulele Idahosa Onaiwu. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):1022-1033]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org)
Barriers of
Agricultural Development in Iran: A Case study of Fars Province
Farshid Aref
Department of Soil Science,
Firouzabad Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Iran
Tel: +989173383896
Abstract: This article attempts to illustrate
the barriers of agricultural development in Fars,
Agriculture is certainly a major contributor to rural
development in many countries. It is one of
the most important economic sectors in Iran.
But, there are a
significant number of barriers to effectively using agriculture
industry as a tool for rural development. The findings through
focus group discussion indicated that there are some
organizational barriers in agricultural development in some villages
in Fars. The finding can
assist the local agriculture organizations for remove this
problem in face of agriculture for rural development.
[Farshid Aref. Barriers
of Agricultural Development in Iran:
A Case study of Fars
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1034-1037]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: agriculture development, rural area, barriers
Immunostimulatory and Protective Properties of Lactobacillus brevis Used as a Biocontrol Agent
in Vivo
Agarry, O. O.
Department of Biological Sciences, Microbiology
Unit, University of Abuja, P. M. B. 117,Abuja, Nigeria
E-mail: oluagarry@yahoo.com
The immunostimulatory and
protective properties of Lactobacillus brevis isolated from
cassava starch were studied
in vitro and in vivo. Antagonism was measured by the zone of inhibition between the bacterium
streak/ring and fungus plug. Subsequent increases in inhibition
were observed and complemented by a small but progressive
decrease in the distance between the bacterium
and the fungus. L. brevis
significantly (>74%) inhibited the growth rate of Fusarium moniliforme after 168 h. Biochemical indices of albino rat plasma
showed that the bacterium had liver improvement functions.
Plasma aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity of the rats
dosed with L. brevis alone was lower (8.33 IU/L) than the control. A mild elevation of AST and alanine aminotransferase
(ALT) activities
was observed in rats
administered with L. brevis and F. moniliforme implying that the
bacterium possesses antimycotic properties capable of reducing
the severity of pathogen attack on the host. However, there was
a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the plasma globulin and
protein levels. There was a reduction in the count of F.
moniliforme in rats dosed with both organisms during feeding
trials. The weight gain by rats in the treatment group compared favourably with the control.
Further pathological investigation confirmed a pale and friable liver while the small intestine
was inflamed. The administration of L. brevis had and
immunostimulatory effect. Lactobacillus brevis has not only
potent in vitro antifungal activity against F. moniliforme but
also in vivo control efficacy against Fusarium infection.
Further evaluation of its effectiveness for disease control and
applications should be done
[Agarry, O. O.
Immunostimulatory and Protective Properties of Lactobacillus
brevis Used as a
Agent in Vivo.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1038-1045]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: Immunostimulatory
properties, Fusarium
moniliforme, Lactobacillus
Vector Quantization Based Speaker Identification
Muhammad Afzal1,
Shaiq A. Haq2
of Computer Science and Engineering,
of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore-54890, Pakistan
Faculty of Engineering, Wah
Engineering College,
of Wah, Wah
Cantt., Pakistan
E-mails: shmafzal@yahoo.com,
Abstract: Matching
of feature vectors extracted from speech sample of an unknown
speaker, with models of registered speakers is the most time
consuming component of real-time speaker identification systems.
Time controlling parameters are size and count of extracted
test feature vectors as well as size, complexity and count of
models of registered speakers. We studied vector quantization
(VQ) for accelerating the bottlenecking component of speaker identification
which is less investigated than Gaussian mixture model (GMM).
Already reported acceleration techniques in VQ approach reduce
test feature vector count by pre-quantization and reduce
candidate registered speakers by pruning unlikely ones, thereby,
introducing risk of accuracy degradation. The speedup technique
used in this paper partially prunes VQ codebook mean vectors
using partial distortion elimination (PDE). Acceleration factor
of up to 3.29 on 630 registered speakers of TIMIT 8kHz speech data
and 4 on 91 registered speakers of CSLU speech data is achieved
Afzal, Shaiq A. Haq. Accelerating Vector Quantization Based
Speaker Identification, Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):1046-1050]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.americanscience.org.
Keywords: Speaker
identification, vector quantization, partial distortion
elimination, speaker pruning
Combination Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Ameliorates Serum
Pro-inflammatory Cytokines levels in Diabetes Rat model
Khaled Mohamed. Mahfouz
of Biochemistry, Faculty of Vet Medicine, Benha
University, Banha, Al Qalyubiyah,
Abstract: To evaluate the impact of chronic
administration of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist
(Irbesartan) and/or curcumin on fasting blood glucose level
(FBG), insulin sensitivity, and proinflammatory cytokines in
experimentally-induced diabetes in albino rats. Materials and
Methods: The study included 80 (20 as control group) male
albino rats; diabetes mellitus (DM) was induced using
intraperitoneal injection of a single dose of 50 mg/kg of
streptozotocin (STZ) after animals were maintained on high-fat
diet for 2-weeks (30 rats) for induction of non-insulin
dependent DM (NIDDM) or without dieting regimen (30 rats) for
induction of IDDM. One-week later, rats received oral
irbesartan (2.5 mg/kg/day), oral curcumin (200 mg/kg) or both
lines for 6 weeks. Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin
Resistance (HOMA-IR) and rapid insulin sensitivity test (RIST)
were used for clinical assessment. Two fasting venous blood
samples were obtained prior to initiation and at 6-wks after
treatment for estimation of FBG and ELISA estimation of fasting
plasma insulin (FPI), serum interleukin (IL)-1β and -6 and
tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Results: Both lines
of treatment induced significant reduction of FBG and FPI
levels compared to pre-treatment levels with significant reduction
of FBG on using curcumin compared to irbesartan, but
combination therapy significantly lowered FPI levels compared
to either drug alone. Post-treatment serum levels of studied
cytokines in all groups were significantly lower compared to
pre-treatment levels, but curcumin alone significantly reduced
serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α compared to irbesartan
alone. Post-treatment HOMA-IR and RIST indices were
significantly improved compared to pre-treatment levels.
Conclusion: Chronic administration of irbesartan/curcumin
combination showed anti-diabetic effect manifested as decreased
FBG and FPI levels and ameliorated the increased serum levels
of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The use of such combination
could be recommended for clinical trials so as to document its
use for control of both types diabetes.
[Mohamed Khaled Mohamed. Mahfouz.
Curcumin/Irbesartan Combination Improves Insulin Sensitivity
and Ameliorates Serum Pro-inflammatory Cytokines levels in
Diabetes Rat model. Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1051-1059].
(ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: Curcumin, Irbesartan, Proinflammatory
Evaluation of some
Inflammatory Cytokines in Children with Type1 Diabetes Mellitus
Azza A.A*1, Mohga S. A2,
Wafaa GH. SH2, Karam AM 3, Enas R.A1,
Tarek AS.
H4, Salwa M E5
Child Health Department, National Research Centre, Cairo,
2 Biochemistry Department,
Faculty of Science Helwan
University, Helwan,
Biochemistry Department, National Research Centre, Cairo,
4 Biology Department, Animal Reproduction Research
Institute, Agriculture Research centre,
5 Biochemistry Department,
Faculty. of Science, Ain shams University, Cairo,
Abstract: Objectives:
Recent evidence favors primary role of cellular autoimmunity
and its humoral mediators in pathogenesis and following Type I
diabetes mellitus (IDDM) The present study is carried out to
investigate serum concentration of TNF-a,
IL-6 and sIL-2 R
in children with IDDM. Potential role of glycemic control, body
mass index and disease duration were evaluated. Design and
Methods: Thirty five children with IDDM and 30 age and sex
matched non diabetic healthy subjects were recruited for this
study from the out patients Clinic of diabetes of National
Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology. Results: Circulating
level of TNF-a
IL-6 and sIL-2R were elevated in children with type I DM (39.91±17.46
pg/ml, 14.89
10.69 pg/ml and 779.0
± 467.06 pg/ml
respectively). Compared with nondiabetic controls (5.67
1.88 pg/ml, 6.23
± 2.78 pg/ml and
173.6 pg/ml respectively). These differences were statistically
highly significant (<0.0001). Glycemic control, Insulin dose
and disease duration were not significant predictors of
cytokine concentration in children with IDDM. A significant negative correlation
was obtained between TNF -a with age, weight, BMI and sIL-2R in
diabetic patients. However there was a significant positive
correlation between IL-6 with weight and BMI in those children.
Conclusion: Circulating levels of
inflammatory cytokines were elevated in patients with IDDM
suggesting activation of the inflammatory immune response
system. Their levels were not affected by glucose level,
insulin dose or duration of the disease.
[Azza A.A, Mohga S. A, Wafaa GH. SH, Karam
AM, Enas R.A, Tarek
AS. H, Salwa M E.
Evaluation of some Inflammatory Cytokines in Children with
Type1 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):1060-1067]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: Inflammatory;
Cytokines; children; Diabetes Mellitus
Postoperative Pain
Control in Patients after Lower Third Molar Extraction
El Shenawy; **Neveen Helmy Aboelsoud; ***Ahmed Abbass Zaki;;***Mohamed El Zawahry; *Amr Shaibeta
Surgery and Medicine,
National Research Centre
Medicine, National Research Centre
Fixed and Removable Prothedontics Departments –National
Research Centre –
Oral Surgery Departments -National Institute of Laser Enhanced
Sciences- Cairo-Egypt.
author: Name: Prof. Dr. Neveen Helmy Aboelsoud.
of Complementary Medicine/ Complementary Medicine Department
Research Centre – 33
El Bohouth Street – Dokki- Cairo-
+202 0124359509; E-mail: neveenster@gmail.com
The most valuable treatment
objective in dental practice is to afford the patient a
pain-free treatment. The aim of this study was to
compare the use of low-power laser irradiation and the
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac sodium, as
dental analgesic postoperative tools. Materials and Methods:
Ninety patients undergoing non- surgical extraction of lower
third molar with local anaesthesia (2% lidocaine with
epinephrine 1:80.000) were enrolled in this study. Sixty
received a preoperative single dose of 100 mg diclofenac
sodium; thirty patients of them had postoperative low power
laser irradiation in addition. They were compared to a third
group with only regular postoperative recommendations (30
patients). Results showed that low-power laser
irradiation significantly reduced postoperative pain intensity
than in patients pre-medicated with diclofenac alone, or depend
only on regular recommendations (controls). In conclusion:
We suggested that the use of low-power laser irradiation
enables the best postoperative analgesic effect and the most
comfortable postoperative course after non surgical extraction
of lower third molar than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
or regular postoperative treatment.
[Hanaa El Shenawy; Neveen
Helmy Aboelsoud; Ahmed
Abbass Zaki; Mohamed El Zawahry; Amr Shaibeta. Postoperative
Pain Control in Patients after Lower Third Molar Extraction.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1068-1072]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
words: Post operative pain- laser therapy-
Diclofenac sodium - VAS
Operational and Interactional Processes of People's
Participation in Community Activities in Malaysia
A. S & 2Fariborz Aref
Dept. of Social and Development Science, Faculty of Human
Ecology, Putra University, Malaysia
School of Management and Economics, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran; fariborz.aref@gmail.com
Abstract: This
study focuses particularly on how people living as one community
organize themselves to fulfill their needs and expectations
through various groups, as revealed and directed by respondents
in the research process. Therefore, the analysis and
interpretation of the data is based on the people's expressed
experiences of participating in such processes by treating
those experiences as one entity, regardless of the type of
groups they represented.
[Asnarulkhadi A. S & Fariborz Aref. Organizational,
Operational and Interactional Processes of People's Participation
in Community Activities in Malaysia. Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(11):1073-1077]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: participation,
community activities, planning
of Organic Matter and Different Rates of Sulphur
and Nitrogen on Dry Matter and Mineral Composition of Wheat
Plant in New Reclaimed Sandy Soil
M.S. and Khaled, S.M.
Nutrition Dept., National Research Centre. Dokki, Cairo,
Abstract: A pot
experiment was carried out in greenhouse on reclamation sandy
soil from (Abu-Rwash) region north of Egypt to evaluation
effect of organic matter at rate 2% of soil weight and
different rates of elemental sulphur at a rate, i.e. (100 and
200) ppm (S1 and S2) respectively and
nitrogen, i.e. (50, 100 and 150) ppm (N1, N2
and N3) respectively at from ammonium sulphate (NH4)
SO4. Dihydrogen potassium phosphate H2KPO4
was added as at a rate 200 ppm as sources to phosphorus and
potassium. All treatments were added before the culture of a
week at one dose. The growth stages were divided to three
stages (planting, elongation and maturity) each stage for two
months about. The determination was performed each stage to
soil and plant (whole plant). The results can be summarized as
follows: (1) Soil pH decreasing at significantly especially at
rates, i.e. 200 ppm S and 150 ppm N treatment in each of
planting and elongation stages then began a gradual return to
initial in maturity stage.
(2) Electric conductivity (E.C) is rising at
significantly especially with S2 –N3
treatment then starting the gradual return to initial in
maturity stage. (3)
Thiosulphate S2O3 was found in soil as a
result sulphur oxidation as it affects inhibition on the
nitrification process.
(4) Available nitrogen (NH and
NO ) continued a long experiment
period. (5) Dry weight was more significantly with S2-N3
treatment in comparison to other treatments. (6) Mineral
contents were more significantly with S2-N3
treatment along of time experiment except potassium and zinc
elements as decreasing in maturity stage.
[El-Fatah., M.S. and Khaled, S.M.
Influence of Organic Matter and Different Rates of Sulphur
and Nitrogen on Dry Matter and Mineral Composition of Wheat
Plant in New Reclaimed Sandy Soil. Journal of American
Science 2010;6(11):1078-1084]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Words: organic matter-Sulphur-Nitrogen-wheat plant
reclamation sandy soil-mineral composition-dry matter
Presumed Chronological,
Developmental and Clinical Classification of Human Dentitions
Mahmoud Hani
Biology Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Al-Azher
University, Cairo,
Diphyodont, including man, have
traditionally two dentitions the deciduous and permanent. The
significances of the presence of two dentition may lie behind
the fact that once the teeth have been developed, they are
unable to grow, by the common sense of the word. Since the
individual organs and tissues grow by time and the jaws also
do, therefore, other generation of dentition is needed to match
the new situation, that is, the permanent dentition. However,
this typing of dentition into two sets is oversimplified and
nonindcative for the condition in which the teeth are variably
represented. It also, does not exhibit the different and
definite cases by which the teeth are expressed. Taking these
drawbacks into consideration, a presumed classification has
been presented indicating the developmental, clinical and
chronological situations of the different sets of dentitions.
The presumed classification may be valuable not only for
pedagogic purposes but also for the developmental and clinical
Mahmoud Hani.
Presumed Chronological,
Developmental and Clinical Classification of Human Dentitions. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):1085-1090]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Classification, Dentitions, Human
Prognostic and
Predictive Significance of Haemostatic and Angiogenic
Parameters in Cancer Bladder Patients
Madkour B. S.; Bekheet I.W.*, El
Baz A.G.*, Ghobashy S.; El-Ganzory H. and, Essawy F.M.
Haematology and Urology Department,
Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Imbaba, Giza,
Abstract: Recent studies demonstrated a key role
of angiogenesis, thrombosis and fibrinolysis in tumour invasion
and metastasis. We aimed to clarify the potential link between
angiogenic factor {vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)},
prothrombotic factor {von Willebrand factor (vWF)} and
fibrinolytic markers {tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA),
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and D-dimer} with
disease progression and metastatic dissemination in bladder
cancer patients. The study enrolled forty five bladder cancer
patients classified into three groups: 20 patients with locally
invasive tumours, 15 patients with regional lymph nodes
involvement and 10 patients with distant metastasis. In
addition to 15 subjects served as a control group. Enzyme
linked immunoassay method was used for measurement of VEGF,
vWF, t-PA, PAI-1 and D-dimer. Enhanced angiogenesis was evident
by high level of VEGF with subsequent high release of
endothelial vWF. Also activation of fibrinolytic system was
pronounced by elevated t-PA, PAI-1 and D-dimer. In addition,
highest values of these factors were associated with relatively
advanced tumour stage, as they showed a significant direct
correlation with the stage of bladder cancer. Regression
analysis proved that VEGF, vWF, t-PA and D-imer are independent
determinant for the stage of bladder cancer. Conclusion: These
results suggest that VEGF, t-PA, PAI-1 and D-dimer are
potential prognostic markers in bladder cancer patients. These
findings may have future implications for the treatment of
patients with metastastatic disease.
[Madkour B. S.; Bekheet I.W., El Baz A.G., Ghobashy S.; El-Ganzory H. and, Essawy F.M. Prognostic and
Predictive Significance of Haemostatic and Angiogenic
Parameters in Cancer Bladder Patients.
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1091-1097]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Key words: cancer bladder; vWF; VEGF; t-PA;
PAI-1; D-dimer.
Oil content
and yield of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. cv. Soroksary
seeds as affected by different plant cultivation densities
Khorshidi, Seyed Fazel Mirahmadi, Mohammad Fakhr Tabatabaei
of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science and
Engineering, University
of Tehran, Karaj,
Abstract: In
this study, the effect of different plant cultivation densities
on the oil content and yield of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
Cv. Soroksary seeds was studied at the Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences and Engineering, Karaj,
(Latitude 35° 47´ N and Longitude 50° 59´ E) in 2008. Five
plant spaces studied were 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cm and the
distance between rows in all treatments was 40 cm using a
complete randomized block design with three replicates.
According to results, the effect of plant density on oil
content and yield was significant (P<0.01). The highest oil
content (3.33%) and yield per hectare (116.73 liter) was
obtained with the lowest plant density.
Khorshidi, Seyed Fazel Mirahmadi, Mohammad Fakhr Tabatabaei. Oil content and yield of Foeniculum
vulgare Mill. cv. Soroksary seeds as affected by different
plant cultivation densities. Journal of American Science
2010;6(11):1098-1100]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Keywords: Foeniculum
vulgare Mill. cv. Soroksary; Plant density; Oil
content; Oil yield
of a Tropical Lagoon,
Taofikat Abosede 1,
Nwankwo, Dike Ikegwu.2
of Botany and Microbiology, University
of Lagos, Nigeria.
of Marine sciences, University
of Lagos, Nigeria.
Investigations for the first time into the blue green algae of
Lekki lagoon were carried out for 24 months (June 2003- May
2005) at monthly intervals using standard plankton net of mesh
size 55µm. One hundred and seventy nine species belonging to
thirty genera were
observed. The filamentous blue green algae Oscillatoria formed the most abundant genus making
up twenty three species followed by Phormidium eighteen species. Anabaena and Chroococcus
recorded thirteen species each while the genera, Gleocapsa, Merismopedia and Microcystis recorded
ten, eight and twelve species respectively. Only one genus each
of Cyanosarcina, Calothrix and Scytonema were
encountered. Bloom forming species identified were Microcystis aeruginosa, M. flos-aquae, M.
wesenbergii and Anabaena
flos-aquae. In this study, thirty-nine new species were
recorded for Lagos lagoon
complex in which Lekki lagoon is one of it while Cyanosarcina hueberliorum is
new record for Nigeria.
Taofikat Abosede,
Nwankwo, Dike Ikegwu. Cyanobacteria of a Tropical Lagoon,
Journal of American Science 2010;6(11):1101-1107]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). (http://www.americanscience.org).
Key words: Cyanophytes,
tropical, bloom, Lagos
lagoon complex
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doi:10.7537/marsjas061110.150 |