The Journal of American Science
ISSN 1545-1003
Volume 6, Issue 9, Cumulated
No. 30, September 25, 2010
Page, Introduction, Contents, Call
for Papers, am0609
Welcome to send your
manuscript(s) to:
Titles / Authors
Comparative Analysis of ATC Probabilistic
Mojgan Hojabri 1, Hashim Hizam1,
Norman Mariun1, Senan Mahmood Abdullah 1
1Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract -
The price of power transfer between two areas is a key issue
between buyers and sellers in the power market which is
directly related to the ATC deal and security. ATC deal is
computed by Deterministic methods and ATC security presented by
probabilistic methods. Since the ATC is used for operation or
planning of power system, ATC can be determined by Deterministic
or Probabilistic methods. In this paper, existing probabilistic
methods which could predict ATC for power system planning are
reviewed and compared. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):1-4]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Available transfer capability (ATC), Transmission capability
margins, Power market, Power system planning
Using Some
Growth Retardants for Inhibition of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus
Mohamed, E.F.
Department, Faculty of Agriculture,
Fayoum University
Abstract: The
current study was carried out to evaluate the effect of some
growth retardants such as alar, ethrel, cycocel and
paclobutrazol with different concentrations (50, 100, 150 and
200 ppm.) on maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) in vitro and in
vivo. In vitro experiment, growth retardants reduced the
occurrence of mosaic symptoms on maize plants. These
percentages were reduced to 40%. Paclobutrazol was the most
effective treatment giving mosaic symptoms percentages reached
to 48, 44, 44 and 40 % when used with concentrations of 50,
100, 150 and 200 ppm respectively. On a statistical basis,
Paclobutrazol caused a significant reduction in the mosaic
symptoms percentages when used with a concentration of 50, 100,
150 and 200 ppm. While cycocel caused a significant reduction
in the mosaic symptoms percentages, only, when used with a
concentration of 200 ppm. So, Paclobutrazol and cycocel was
more effective in reducing the mosaic symptoms produced by MDMV
on maize plants than other treatments. In pre-inoculation
experiment, all tested growth retardants reduced the mosaic
symptoms percentages. These percentages were reduced to 32%.
Paclobutrazol was the most effective treatment giving mosaic
symptoms percentages reached to 40, 36, 36 and 32 % when used
with concentrations of 50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm respectively.
On a statistical basis, Paclobutrazol and cycocel caused a
significant reduction in the mosaic symptoms percentages when
used with a concentration of 50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm. While
ethrel caused a significant reduction in the mosaic symptoms
percentages, only, when used with a concentration of 200 ppm.
In post-inoculation experiment, all tested growth retardants
reduced the mosaic symptoms percentages (infectivity of MDMV).
These percentages were reduced to 40%. Paclobutrazol was the
most effective treatment giving mosaic symptoms percentages
reached to 56, 52, 52 and 40 % when used with concentrations of
50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm respectively. On a statistical basis,
Paclobutrazol caused a significant reduction in the mosaic
symptoms percentages, only, when used with a concentration of
200 ppm. Pre-inoculation treatment was more effective in
reducing virus infectivity than post-inoculation treatment.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):5-13]. (ISSN:
Key words: Maize dwarf mosaic
virus (MDMV), potyviruses, alar, ethrel, cycocel, paclobutrazol
and growth retardants
Response of
Wheat to Foliar Spray with Urea and Micronutrients
A.*1.; Abou El-Nour, E.A.A.2.; and Shedeed. S.1
Nutrition Department 1, Technology fertilization Dep. 2
National Research Centre, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt
Wheat (Triticm aestivum L.) plants were cultivated during two
successive seasons (2007/2008 and 2008/2009). The experiments
were conducting at Qualubia
Governorate, Egypt.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of
foliar spraying urea (1%) and different treatment of
micronutrients (Fe, Zn ,Mn ) on growth and chemical
constituents of wheat yield . Results showed that additional
nitrogen foliar spray (1% urea) gave significant increase in
1000-grain weight, nitrogen concentration and uptake in both
grain and straw and protein yield as compared with the control.
Results also revealed that Spraying wheat plant with (1% urea)
showed marked increment in micronutrients concentration and
uptake. Concerning the effect of spraying micronutrients foliar
spray and the interaction, results showed positive marked
effects on all the aforementioned parameters in addition to the
significant increment of grain and straw yields. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):14-22]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Wheat plant – foliar urea – micronutrients –
yield – content - uptake
Geopedological Mapping of Some Study Areas in
Western Desert, Egypt
M. A. Rasheed
1, M. A. Wahab 2 and R. A. Youssef 3
Soils &
Water Use Dept. National Research Centre, El Buhouth St., 12311, Giza, Egypt
Updated soil surveys are considered quite helpful for planning,
developing monitoring and for the sustainable management of the
limited agricultural soils available. Information about soil
properties and behavior over tracts of land is vital for making
decisions on proper land use and management, environmental
protection, and land use planning. This has been the motivation
for systematic soil surveys, soil survey interpretations, and
maps of soil properties required by empirical or process
models. Egypt
has directed major efforts to explore the natural resources in
the Western Desert Oases. Thus, storing data files in a digital
geographically correlated format is considered of prime
importance for the successful management of the natural
resources in the study area of Bahariya oasis and for a better
land use planning. Some previous studies were done on it, but
they have not been integrated or applied by the decision
makers. One of the main aims of this study is to identify,
characterize and map the major soils in the study area(s)
following a geopedologic approach. Therefore, all mapping units
were digitized in vector mode, and then those digitized maps
were loaded into ArcView GIS system for the followed
geo-reference spatial analysis. In this research, based on US
Soil Taxonomy and the manifested information about morphological
features together with the relevant soil properties, soils of
the studied areas fit into two main orders: Entisols and
Aridisols and nine taxonomic units (at sub group level) were
identified. Nevertheless, the relation between the different
soils taxonomic and the physiographic mapping units for each
area is obviously occurred. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):23-29]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
physiographic maps, GIS, geomorphologic approach, geopedologic
RAPD and
Protein Markers for Resistance to PVY in Potato Cultivars
Jamal Sabir
Department, Faculty of Science, King
Jeddah, Saudi
Nine potato cultivars were cultivated over three successive
seasons and were systemically infected with potato virus y
(PVY). DAS-ELISA detected the presence of the virus in the nine
inoculated cultivars infected plants were categorized according
to their degree of infection. SDS-PAGE protein analysis was
performed to characterize the resistant cultivars and to detect
the markers linked to PVY resistance. Consequently, three
markers for PVY resistance were detected in Baraka, Pecasso,
Provento, Ditta and Gygant. RAPD analysis of five cultivars
showed a total of 55 amplified fragments ranging in size from
99 to 1320 bp using four random primers, B-01, B-07, B-09 and
C-20 whereas 36 fragments were polymorphic and the other amplified
fragments were commonly detected. The four primers showed mean
polymorphic percentage with 65%, whereas the polymorphic
percentage of primer B-01 recorded the highest percentage (77%)
and primer 2 displayed the lowest percentage (55%). Among the
36 polymorphic bands, 17 were specific markers to the
resistance of PVY with a total average of 31%. The five potato
cultivars were varied considerably in their PVY-resistant
markers, whereas Gygant and Mondial revealed the highest number
with six markers, followed by Baraka and Pecasso with five
markers, while Slaney revealed four markers. The results
confirmed that protein and RAPD analyses could be used as
marker assisted selection (MAS) in potato breeding programs to
predict for the most resistant cultivars which can be used in
breeding programs. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):30-42]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Potato cultivars, PVY, SDS-PAGE and RAPD-markers
Effects of Interferon and Ribavirin in Albino Mice
*Hanaa M.
Roshdy and Ekram S. Ahmed
Cell Biology
Department, National Research Centre,
Dokki, Egypt.
Abstract: The
resent study was conducted to investigate the effects of
interferon alfa-2a or -2b separately and in combination with
ribavirin in albino mice. Adult male mice were divided into
nine groups, the 1st and 2nd groups were administered
subcutaneously with interferon alfa-2a (0.03 and 0.05
respectively), the 3rd and 4th groups were administered
subcutaneously with interferon alfa-2b (0.03 and 0.05 IU
/kg/week, respectively), the 5th and 6lh groups were
administered subcutaneously with interferon alfa-2a (0.03 and
0.05 IU/kg/week, respectively) plus administered orally with
ribavirin (0.35 mg/kg/day), the 7th and 8th groups were
administered subcutaneously with interferon alfa-2b (0.03and
0.05 IU/kg/week, respectively) plus ribavirin (0.35 mg/kg/day)
and the 9th group was
considered as a control group. The treated males with
interferons for three months were mated with untreated females.
On day 18 of gestation, the pregnant females and treated males
were sacrificed and examined for sperm abnormalities,
chromosomal aberrations and embryonic malformations. It was
found that the separately treatments with interferon alfa-2a
and -2b increased significantly the sperm abnormalities and
chromosomal aberrations as well as the embryo-toxic effect;
that was evident by total number of implantations, dead and
live embryos; comparing with the control group. While in the
combined treatments with interferon alfa-2a or -2b plus
ribavirin, there was a highly significant increase in the sperm
abnormalities, chromosomal aberrations, number of implantation,
dead and live embryos when compared with the control. From this
finding, it was shown that interferon alfa-2a and -2b have
significant effects in treated mice and their fetuses. Also,
the results of this work indicated that the combination between
interferon alfa-2a or -2b plus ribavirin had a highly
significant increase in sperm abnormalities, chromosomal
aberrations and embryo toxic effects in treated mice and their
embryos. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):43-51]. (ISSN:
Key words:
Interferon alfa-2a and -2b, ribavirin, sperm abnormality, mice,
1C.S. Mesike,
2R.N. Okoh, and 2O.E. Inoni
Research Institute of Nigeria,
PMB 1049, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
of Agricultural Economics and Extension,
Asaba Campus, Nigeria
Abstract: The
supply response of rubber farmers to prices and other factors
in Nigeria
was analyze using co-integration and vector error correction
technique. The analysis was carried out on time series data
collected from 1970 to 2008. The data where however tested for
their time series characteristics using ADF tests. Preliminary
analysis suggested that estimations based on their levels might
be spurious as the results indicated that all the variables in
the model were not stationary at their levels. Further results
indicated that producers prices and the structural break
significantly affected the supply of rubber. Response of rubber
farmers to price were low with an estimated elasticity of 0.373
in the short-run and 0.204 in the long-run due to price
sustainability and the emergence of other supply determinants
indicating significant production adjustments based on expected
prices. Policy efforts in promoting sustainable marketing
outlets and promoting high value and high quality products for
export were suggested in understanding farmers’ responses
to incentive changes. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):52-56]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
supply response, vector error correction, rubber, price
elasticities, Nigeria
Prevalence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Outbreaks in Some
Chicken Farms. I. Spotlight on
the Status of IB Outbraks in Some Chicken Flocks.
K.M.; **A.A. Bassiouni; **Manal A.Afify and **Nagwa Rabie, S.
Research Center,
** Fac. of Vet. Medicine,
Cairo University
Twenty five isolates of IBV were isolated from 36 broiler,
layer and breeder chicken farms collected from 13 governorates
during 2 years started from January 2003. Sixteen farms were
vaccinated against IB, and nine farms were not vaccinated. The
cardinal signs of the disease in layers were drop in egg
production, with watery albumen, inferior (pale-misshape shell)
eggs, un-noticed respiratory distress and pectoral myopathy,
and those in broilers were respiratory distress, renal urate
deposition and death beyond four weeks of age (late mortality).
The viruses were isolated and identified by chicken embryo, and
CEK cell culture inoculation. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):57-70]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Infectious Bronchitis (IB); Chicken; Farms; Flocks
Prevalence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Outbreaks in Some
Chicken Farms. II. Molecular Characterisation of Field Isolates
IB Virus.
K.M.; **Khaphagy, A ***A.A. Bassiouni; **Manal A.Afify and
**Nagwa Rabie, S.
Res. Center,
** Animal Research Institute*** Fac. of Vet. Med., Cairo
Twenty five isolates of IBV were isolated from 36 broiler,
layer and breeder chicken farms collected from 13 governorates
during 2 years started from January 2003. The viruses were
isolated and identified previously by chicken embryo, CEK cell
culture inoculation and now by RT-PCR applied on RNA of IBVs..
Four variants isolates of IBV were choised from the previous
field isolates from three broiler farms and one from layer
farm. All the examined farms were vaccinated using the
commercial live IB-H120 vaccine in addition to the
IB-inactivated vaccine in the layer farm. Typing of the present
isolates based on sequensing of a part of the S1 gene, revealed
four IBVs could be aligned and matched with homology to Asia,
Europe, USA
and Middle East strains. Four
groups of one-day-old SPF chicks were inoculated with the four
variants IBV isolates at 1 day old to test the virulence of
those isolates. The results at 2 weeks pi revealed that all
isolates were able to induce serological resposne
postinfection, respiratory distress and depression commenced at
24 hours postinfection. 20% and 100% mortality was recorded
with isolates 4 and 23; respectively. Assessment of
pathogenicity index and pathotyping (at the end of observation
period “2wk-pi”), categorized to tested 4 isoaltes
(4, 16,18, 23) into three isoaltes of high virulent (4, 18 and
23), and one isolate of intermediate virulent (16). About 50%
reduction in body weight as recorded with the four IBV isolates
2 wk postinfection. Kidney lesions were grossly,
nephritis-nephrosis with urate deposition in ureters, while
microscopic lesions were increased the amount of rough
endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Tracheal lesions were grossly
increased amount of mucin, while microscopic lesions were edema
of mucosa and inflammatory cells in the lamina propria.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):71-93]. (ISSN:
Infectious Bronchitis (IB); Outbreaks; Chicken Farms; Molecular
Characterisation; Field Isolates
Prevalence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Outbreaks in Some
Chicken Farms. III. Cross Protection of Vaccinated Chickens
Versus Field IB Virus.
K.M.; ***A.A. Bassiouni; **Manal A.Afify and **Rabie, S. Nagwa
Res. Center,
*** Fac. of Vet. Med.,
Cairo Univ.
Four groups of one-day-old SPF chicks were inoculated with the
four variants IBV (previously isolated) isolates at 1 day old
to study the virulence of these isolates. The results at 2
weeks pi revealed that all isolates were able to induce
serological resposne postinfection, respiratory distress and
depression commenced at 24 hours postinfection. 20% and 100%
mortality was recorded with isolates 4 and 23; respectively.
Assessment of pathogenicity index and pathotyping (at the end
of observation period “2wk-pi”), categorized the 4
tested isoaltes (4,
16,18, 23) into three isoaltes of high virulence (4, 18 and
23), and one isolate of intermediate virulence (16). About 50%
reduction in body weight was recorded with the four IBV
isolates 2 wk postinfection. Kidney lesions were
nephritis-nephrosis with urate deposition in ureters, while
microscopic lesions were associated with increase in the amount
of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Tracheal lesions recorded
as increase the amount of mucin, while microscopic lesions were
edema of mucosa and inflammatory cells in the lamina propria.
The regime of administering the infectious bronchitis (IB) live
commercial H120 vaccine (Massachusetts serotype) at 1 day old
SPF chicks, and the heterologous challenge with four variants
(serotypes) at 4 weeks of age, was found to be poorly effective
in protecting the respiratory tract of SPF chickens with
protection percentages of 8.1%, 55%, 10.5% and 12.6%
corresponding to field isolates of IBV 4, 16, 18 and 23; respectively.
Protection was measured by assessing ciliary activity of the
tracheal epithelium following challenge. It is suggested that
the use of the live IB-H120 vaccine will not always broaden the
protection against challenge with IB multiple serotypes
isolated from Egypt.
Therefore it is necessary to develop a new IB vaccines, either
locally prepared or imported to overcome any new IB serotype
that were emerged, through modifying vaccination strategies to
make them appropriate to the field situation. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):94-108]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Prevalence; Infectious Bronchitis (IB); Chicken; Farms;
Vaccinate; IB Virus
Rotation Joint Connection Unite Versus Double Aker Clasp used
for Bracing of Maxillary unilateral Free End Removable Partial
Dentures (In Vitro Analysis of Stresses on Principle Abutments
and Edentulous Ridge)
Emiel A. M.
Hanna*1 and Salah A. F. Hegazy2
Department, 6 October University,
Cairo, Egypt.
Prosthodontic Department, Mansoura
University, Mansoura, Egypt
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the stresses transmitted to
the principal abutment teeth and residual ridge. In maxillary
class II Kennedy classification removable partial denture (RPD)
using two different bracing designs on the tooth supported side
used in conjunction with
extracoronal attachment on the tooth tissue supported
side. Material and methods: Twenty duplicates of educational
casts of maxillary class B Kennedy classification RPD were
constructed. According to the bracing design used, the casts
were classified into two equal groups, each group consists
often casts. Group I design with extra coronal attachment
toward the tissue side ad double Akers clasp on the tooth
supported side. Group II with extra coronal attachment toward
the tooth tissue side and modified rotation joint in the intact
side. Strain gauges were used to record the micro stresses when
a load of 60 N applied for both groups. Results; The results
showed that there was statistically highly significant
differences for the recorded micro stresses far group II than
group I on the principle abutments and the residual ridge from
the buccopalatal and mesiodistal directions. Conclusion:
Modified rotation joint connection unite is a promising bracing
approach in the management of unmodified unilateral free end
saddles. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):109-114].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Joint Connection; Unite Versus Double Aker Clasp; Maxillary;
Effect of
Joint Surface Contours on the Transverse and Impact Strength of
Denture Base Resin Repaired by Various Methods. An In Vitro
Emiel A.
Hanna*; Farhan Khalid Shah.2 and Ashraf A. Gebreel2
Department, 6 October University,
Cairo, Egypt.
Department. College of
King Khalid
University Abha, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Abstract: Aim
of the study: This study investigated the transverse strength
and estimate the impact resistance of repaired acrylic resin
with different joints form reinforced with glass fibers and
cured with different methods.
Material and Method: Standard heat cure acrylic resin
specimens were fabricated according to ADA specification No. 12 and
were repaired with different methods. Repair was carried out by
heat polymerization, auto polymerizing resin using pressure pot
and auto polymerizing resin with glass fibers (with and without
treatment by silane coupling agent). Samples were given
different joint surface contour namely butt and 450 bevel. A
total of 108 samples were prepared for this study. Transverse
and impact strength were tested using Instron universal testing
machine and Izod impact tester. Results: Irrespective of the
method of repair, the transverse and impact strength of the
test specimens decreased after repair except for the Group
reinforced with glass fiber after treatment with silane
coupling agent, having 450 bevel joint, tested for Impact
strength which showed higher strength than the control.
Conclusion: The transverse and impact strength values after
repair were highest with auto polymerizing resin with glass
fibers after treatment with silane coupling agent, having 450
bevel joint. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):115-125].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Joint Surface; Impact Strength; Denture Base Resin; Vitro Study
Effects of
Chemical Reaction and Heat Radiation on the MHD Flow of
Viscoelastic Fluid Through a Porous Medium Over a Horizontal
Stretching Flat Plate
Nabil T. M.
Eldabe a, A. G. Elsaka b, A. E. Radwan b and Magdy A. M.
Eltaweel b
a Department
of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Ain
University, Roxy, Heliopolis,
Cairo, Egypt.
b Department
of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain
Cairo, Egypt.
This paper presents a study of the Magnetohydrodynamic flow of
non-Newtonian incompressible fluid obeying (Walters' liquid)
model with mass and heat transfer over an infinite porous
horizontal stretching sheet under radiation, heat generation
(absorption) and chemical reaction. The governing differential
equations which describe the motion of the problem are
converted into dimensionless formulas by using a similarity
transformation method and solved analytically by using The
Kummer’s function. The parameters of viscoelastic
dissipation, internal heat generation /absorption, constant
magnetic field, radiation, chemical reaction and permeability
of the porous medium are included and discussed numerically in
the governing equations of momentum, energy and concentration.
The effects of the elasticity, porosity, heat, radiation,
reaction effect and magnetic interaction parameters with
Eckert, Prandtl and Schmidt numbers on the velocity,
temperature (in the two cases PST and PHF) and concentration
distributions have been discussed and illustrated graphically.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):126-136]. (ISSN:
Chemical Reaction; Heat Radiation; Viscoelastic Fluid; Flat
of Nano/Micro Size Copper Powder
Bi-Product of
Electropolishing process
A.M. Awad 1*,
Aref M. E. Abd-El – Rahman 2 and M. Abdel Rafea 2
Engineering and Pilot Plant Dept., National Research Centre,
Dokki, Cairo,
2 Advanced Technology and New Materials Institute, Mubarak City
for Scientific Research and Technology Applications, New Borg
El Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt
* e-mail:
Aim: Ultra fine copper particles were produced as a bi-product
during electropolishing of copper surface. It was formed as a
result of anodic oxidation of copper surface, where copper was
fixed as anode and lead as cathode. It was carried out by using
an electrolytic cell containing phosphoric acid 55% as the electrolytic
solution. Both electrodes were connected to DC power supply to
allow an electric current to pass through the solution. Anodic
dissolution of copper electrode was occurred according to the
applied electric potential, then Cu ions was attracted and
neutralized at the surface of cathode where it was deposited in
the bottom of the cell. The size of copper particles was
measured by different angles SDP intensity analysis, and they
were characterized by EDX and SEM analysis. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):137-143]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
Electropolishing, Ultra fine copper, Surface leveling,
Roughness, Smoothness
An Evaluation
of waste management in Botswana:
and Challenges
Kgosiesele 1, Luo Zhaohui 1
1. School of
Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Lumo Road 388, Wuhan City, 430074 Hubei Province, P.R. China.
This paper examines some of the developments in waste
management that are taking place in Botswana based on
government documentation and other relevant work on the subject.
It explores the main achievements the country has made and
highlights on some of the challenges of waste management in the
country. Botswana has experienced increased waste generation
due to increased population that outweighs the country’s
capacity to deal with increased volumes of waste and the
situation has been worsened by lack of adequate financial,
technical, technological, and human resources to deal with the
problem. There have been a number of recent developments that
show that waste disposal is headed in the right direction and
that there is the will to bring about a well regulated, well
operated waste management industry in Botswana.
The current achievements could serve as a model of what can be
achieved by a developing country that sets out to improve the
quality of life of its citizens by controlling and adequately
disposing of its waste. It is suggested that environmental
education be prioritized, national database on the volumes of
wastes generated in the country be built and environmental legislation
be strengthened. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):144-150]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Botswana,
waste management, achievement, challenges, population,
legislation, education
Allelopathic Effect of Mango Leaves on the Growth and
Propagative Capacity of Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.)
Kowthar G; Rafat. R. El-Masry; Nadia K. Messiha and Salah A.
Department, National Research Centre, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Two
Pot experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of
National Research
Center; Egypt
during two successive summer seasons of 2008 and 2009 to study
the effect of mango leaves on growth and propagative capacity
of purple nutsedge. Two experiments were carried out include
soil treatments with mango leaf extract (weekly for one month)
at concentrations, 0 5; 10, 15 and 25%. The second experiment
included soil treatments with mango leaf powder at the rate of,
0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100g/kg soil. Mango leaf extract as well as
the powder exhibited different degree of inhibition in purple
nutsedge growth after 30 and 75 days from sowing according to
the concentration of the aqueous extract and the rate of mango
leaf powder. The results indicated significant reduction in
number of mother shoot; number of daughter shoots as well as
dry weight of underground organs. Maximum inhibition was
recorded by 25% leaf extract. Moreover; soil treatment with
mango leaf powder showed significant reduction in dry weight of
foliage and underground organs. The highest inhibitions were
observed by using 80 and 100 g/kg soil of mango leaf powder. In
general, non significant differences were found between
inhibitions caused by 80 and 100g/kg soil. The total phenols in
foliage and underground organs of purple nutsedge revealed that
the inhibitory effects were concomitant with the accumulation
of total phenols compared to controls. A high-performance
liquid chromatography analysis showed that caffeic acid,
ferulic acid; coumaric acid, benzoic acid; vanelic,
chlorogenic; gallic; hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acid were
present in mango leaf extract. In general; mango leaves could
be used as a safety tool to suppress purple nutsedge growth.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):151-159]. (ISSN:
Cyperus rotundus; Phenolic acids; Allelopathy; Mango leaves
Intake, Diet Composition among Low Social Class Overweight and
Obese Egyptian Adolescents
Mai M. Youssef*, Manal A. Mohsen*, Neveen H. Abou
El-Soud**, Yuser A. Kazem***
*Child Health
Department, Medical Division, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt
Medicine Department, Medical Division, National Research
Centre (NRC),
Cairo, Egypt
Nutrition, Medical Division, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt.
Obesity has become a leading global public health problem.
Better understanding of dietary habits and activity patterns is
needed to reduce obesity prevalence. This study aims to compare
dietary intakes and physical activity in normal weight,
overweight and obese Egyptian adolescent females of low social
class. It entails a case-control cross-sectional study that
included 129 girls (39 obese, 30 over weights, and 60 normal
weights). Their food and energy intake was analyzed. Exercise
activity and sedentary behaviors were recorded. Results
revealed that overweight and obese daily consumed more grams of
macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) with high fat
percentage. Vitamin C and calcium intake was low (P<0.05).
Despite a high incidence of skipping breakfast, they had more
than three meals per day (P<0.05). They used to eat junk
food at least once daily, fast food more than 2 times per week
and their daily food intake does not regularly include fresh
vegetables and fruits (P<0.05). They used to spend long time
watching TV or playing computer games (P<0.05). This piece
of work recommends inviting health professionals and parents to
encourage Egyptian adolescents to eat balanced regular meals
and to get use to active lifestyle. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):160-168]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Obesity, overweight, adolescence, diet, macronutrients,
micronutrients, physical lifestyle, television watching, playing computer
of the Chitinolytic Properties of Azospirillum Strain against
Plant Pathogens via Transformation.
O.I.M.1, Gebally, O.
El-Gebally 1; Abou-El-Khier, Z.A.2 ; Arafa, R. A2 and Mousa, Sh.
1 Microbial
Genetics Department, National Research Centre,
El Behoth St.,
12311-Doki, Cairo,
2Botany and
Microbiology Department, Faculty. Of Science, AL- Azhar Univ., Cairo, Egypt.
Antagonistic rhizobacteria were identified using biochemical
profiling as
Pseudomonas aeroginosa
(D), Azospirillum sp. in our previous study. In this study,
three Azospirillum sp. and Pseudomonas aeroginosa (D) strains
were described for their plasmid content. Different plasmid
profiles were found. Plasmid numbers were ranged from one to
five per tested strains. Five plasmids have been found in P.
aeruginosa (D) strain, four plasmids were found in A. lipoferum
(N) strain and one plasmid with the same size was found in each
of A. brasilense (B) and (T) isolates. Plasmid curing was
performed to locate the antagonistic properties on plasmids or
bacterial chromosomes. The results of antagonistic test against
Fusarium solani indicated that seven cured colonies of A.
brasilense (T) strain were still showing antagonistic activity
as the original strain, only one cured colony showed greater
antagonistic activity. The A. lipoferum (N) colonies lacking
plasmid showed a stronger antagonistic activity against tested
pathogen than the original ones. Bacterial transformation
technique was performed to transfer the chi -gene responsible
for chitinase enzyme activity from Bacillus cereus Bc Nv-29 to
Azospirillum lipoferum (N) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (D).
Transformants harboring chitinase gene were produced by about
2% of treated bacterial cells in both cases. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):169-176]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Plasmid profile, plasmid curing, antagonism test and
Stress as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor in Obese Egyptian
El-morsi Hassan, 2*Amany El Wakkad, 3Lobna Sherif, 3Azza Abd
ElShaheed, 2Salwa El Zayat, and 2Heba Sebii.
Dept., 2Medical Physiology Dept., 3Child Health Dept.,
National Research
Center, Cairo, Egypt. *
Abstract: The
prevalence and magnitude of obesity in children and adolescent
has increased dramatically over the last 20-30 years in
developing countries. Oxidative stress was believed to be a
major contributor to the development of cardiovascular
disorders that associated with obesity. The aim of this study
was to evaluate the effect of adiposity on established
Oxidative stress as a cardiovascular risk factors in Egyptian
adolescent. Body mass index and waist circumference were taken
as markers for obesity. According to lipid profile, obese adolescents
were divided into group I &group II with abnormal and
normal lipid profile respectively. The oxidative stress in the
first group (group I) was evaluated by measuring oxidized low
density lipoprotein (ox LDL), the antioxidant enzymes, glutathione
peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). There were a
high significant increase in ox-LDL, SOD (P<0.01) which was
positively correlated (P<0.01) with the high significant
increase of total cholesterol (TC) (P<0.001), Triglyceride
(TG) (P<0.001) and low density lipoprotein (LDL)
(P<0.001) in comparison with the second group (group II).
There were a positive correlation (P<0.01) between oxLDL,
SOD, GPx with the body mass index and waist circumference.
There was a negative correlation of HDL and all studied
parameters (P<0.05) in the first group. As a conclusion,
this study worn us that the obese children are candidate for
future cardiovascular diseases and measurement for reducing
their weight is very important target. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):177-183]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Superoxide
dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), obesity,
cardiovascular risk factors, adolescents
Protein Bands
Homologies and the Evolution of Ploidy in Some Species of Genus
Panicum L. Poaceae
Soliman A.
Department of
Botany, college of
Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Abstract: Total
of 15 protein bands were identified in 23 accessions belongs to
11 species of genus Panicum investigated belonging three ploidy
levels. The bands vary in number and positions between
accessions even within the same species. Diploids have at least
number of bands up to 4. Similarity matrix and dendrograme
analysis observe isolation of South African and European
diploid accessions indicate the difference in their
evolutionary pathway. Tetraploid accessions have the highest
mean number of bands up to 6 reflect their alloploid origin.
The mean number of bands of tetraploids is 1.5 times of
diploids and low coefficient of variation insure the hypothesis
suggest the alloploid genome structure of tetraploids which can
be represented as AABB rather than AAAA. On the other hand
hexaploids have mean number of bands up to 4, less than
tetraploids. Low coefficient of variation might suggest the
autoallohexaploid origin (AAAABB or AABBBB). This suggests that
AABB tetraploids have backcrossed to diploid parental genome to
give the above proposed genome, and the hexaploids have this
sourt of origin rather than alloploid AABBCC or autoploid
AAAAAAA. Most accessions of the same species lies in the same
group of similarity with few exceptions, which might be due to
ecological factors.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):184-192]. (ISSN:
Panicum, protein electrophoresis, evolution, poaceae,
Studies on Some Species of Genus Pennisetum L. (Rich) Poaceae
Soliman A.
Department of
Botany, College of
Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Email :
Abstract: Six
species of genus
Pennisetum (poaceae) were subjected to mitotic and meiotic
investigation in the present study. Diploid species (P. glaucum
and P. macrourum) show 14 chromosomes almost lies in 7 pairs of
metacentric type and 6 pairs and one pair of submetacentric
chromosomes for the two species respectively. Regular meiosis,
high chiasma frequency
and pollen fertility were observed in tetraploids P.
divesum and P. orientale show 36 mitotic chromosomes based on 9
as bsic number. Karyotype formula of the former shows 32m + 4sm
where the later posses structure of 28m + 4sm + 4st . Meiotic
behavior of the two species to some extend support mitotic
finding as the former is of autoploid origin where the later
shows alloploid nature. The
two hexaploid species P. polystachion and P. macrourum
show 54 chromosomes
based on 9 as common basic number. Karyotype structure have 22
pair of metacentric, and 5 pairs of submetacentic type for the
former and 19 pairs of metacentic, 7 pairs of sm and one pair
of subtelocentic types for the later. Low values of chiasma
frequency and pollen fertility recorded with degree of
similarity suggest the autoallohexaploid nature of p.
polystachion species. On
the other hand irregular meiotic analysis and karyotype
asymilarity suggest the
allohexaploid nature of P. macrourum. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):193-200]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Pennisetum,
mitosis,meiosis, chromosome association, chiasma, poaceae
Agricultural Investments of Some Shale Deposits in Egypt
*Wahab M.A.,
G. W. Ageeb and F. Labib
Soils and
Water Use Dept. National Research Centre, El Buhouth St., 12311,Giza,Egypt
Abstract: The
investigation deals with shale deposits, cover a considerable
area in Egypt,
in order to clarify their capability and suitability for
agricultural purposes. Twenty-four soil profiles representing
nine types of the most dominant shale deposits in Egypt, named:
Qasr El Sagha, Wadi Rayan, Maadi, Mokattam groups( Maghagha,
Qarara, Beni Suef Formations), Dakhla, Quseir, Esna, Wadi Abbad
and Lower Esna Formations( pale grey and dark grey shale
members).Automated Land Evaluation System “ALES”(
Rossiter and Van Wambeke, 1995) have been used in order to
identify the suitability of this shale derived soils for
agriculture investment. The following eight parameters are
comprised, using a new model proposed with the code SHALE-EGYPT
build in the model of ALES: slope, plant- available soil water,
Thermic and/ or Hyperthermic conditions, soil depth, chemical
properties, salinity, alkalinity and the dominant clay type.
The obtained results showed that : the highly suitable areas
for agricultural purposes covered about 1192 Km2, 488 km2 are
moderately suitable areas, 8653 km2 are low to very low
suitable and 9648 km2 are not suitable for agricultural
purposes since investment of industrial use and/ or
urbanization are recommended in this areas. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):201-207]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
shale deposits, soil evaluation, Egypt
Studies on Some Species of Genus Pennisetum L. (Rich) Poaceae
Soliman A.
Department of
Botany, College of
Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Abstract: Six
species of genus
Pennisetum (poaceae) were subjected to mitotic and meiotic
investigation in the present study. Diploid species (P. glaucum
and P. macrourum) show 14 chromosomes almost lies in 7 pairs of
metacentric type and 6 pairs and one pair of submetacentric
chromosomes for the two species respectively. Regular meiosis,
high chiasma frequency
and pollen fertility were observed in tetraploids P.
divesum and P. orientale show 36 mitotic chromosomes based on 9
as bsic number. Karyotype formula of the former shows 32m + 4sm
where the later posses structure of 28m + 4sm + 4st . Meiotic
behavior of the two species to some extend support mitotic
finding as the former is of autoploid origin where the later
shows alloploid nature. The
two hexaploid species P. polystachion and P. macrourum
show 54 chromosomes
based on 9 as common basic number. Karyotype structure have 22
pair of metacentric, and 5 pairs of submetacentic type for the
former and 19 pairs of metacentic, 7 pairs of sm and one pair
of subtelocentic types for the later. Low values of chiasma
frequency and pollen fertility recorded with degree of
similarity suggest the autoallohexaploid nature of p.
polystachion species. On
the other hand irregular meiotic analysis and karyotype
asymilarity suggest the
allohexaploid nature of P. macrourum. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):208-215]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Pennisetum,
mitosis,meiosis, chromosome association, chiasma, poaceae
Protein Bands
Homologies and the Evolution of Ploidy in Some Species of Genus
Panicum L. Poaceae
Soliman A.
Department of
Botany, college of
Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Total of 15 protein bands were identified in 23 accessions
belongs to 11 species of genus Panicum investigated belonging
three ploidy levels. The bands vary in number and positions
between accessions even within the same species. Diploids have
at least number of bands up to 4. Similarity matrix and
dendrograme analysis observe isolation of South African and
European diploid accessions indicate the difference in their
evolutionary pathway. Tetraploid accessions have the highest
mean number of bands up to 6 reflect their alloploid origin.
The mean number of bands of tetraploids is 1.5 times of
diploids and low coefficient of variation insure the hypothesis
suggest the alloploid genome structure of tetraploids which can
be represented as AABB rather than AAAA. On the other hand
hexaploids have mean number of bands up to 4, less than
tetraploids. Low coefficient of variation might suggest the autoallohexaploid
origin (AAAABB or AABBBB). This suggests that AABB tetraploids
have backcrossed to diploid parental genome to give the above
proposed genome, and the hexaploids have this sourt of origin
rather than alloploid AABBCC or autoploid AAAAAAA. Most
accessions of the same species lies in the same group of
similarity with few exceptions, which might be due to
ecological factors.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):216-224]. (ISSN:
Panicum, protein electrophoresis, evolution, poaceae,
Stress as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor in Obese Egyptian
El-morsi Hassan, Amany El Wakkad, Lobna Sherif, Azza Abd ElShaheed,
Salwa El Zayat, and Heba Sebii.
Abstract: The
prevalence and magnitude of obesity in children and adolescent
has increased dramatically over the last 20-30 years in developing
countries. Oxidative stress was believed to be a major
contributor to the development of cardiovascular disorders that
associated with obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate
the effect of adiposity on established Oxidative stress as a
cardiovascular risk factors in Egyptian adolescent. Body mass
index and waist circumference were taken as markers for
obesity. According to lipid profile, obese adolescents were
divided into group I &group II with abnormal and normal
lipid profile respectively. The oxidative stress in the first
group (group I) was evaluated by measuring oxidized low density
lipoprotein (ox LDL), the antioxidant enzymes, glutathione
peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). There were a
high significant increase in ox-LDL, SOD (P<0.01) which was
positively correlated (P<0.01) with the high significant
increase of total cholesterol (TC) (P<0.001), Triglyceride
(TG) (P<0.001) and low density lipoprotein (LDL)
(P<0.001) in comparison with the second group (group II).
There were a positive correlation (P<0.01) between oxLDL,
SOD, GPx with the body mass index and waist circumference.
There was a negative correlation of HDL and all studied
parameters (P<0.05) in the first group. As a conclusion,
this study worn us that the obese children are candidate for
future cardiovascular diseases and measurement for reducing
their weight is very important target. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):225-230]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Superoxide
dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), obesity,
cardiovascular risk factors, adolescents
Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of Sonchus
eruca and Sonchus asper
Javid Hussain1*, Zia
Muhammad1, Riaz Ullah1, Farman Ullah Khan1,
Ihsan Ullah Khan1
Naeem Khan1, Javed
Ali1 and Saleem Jan2.
1Department of Chemistry, Kohat
University of Science
and Technology Kohat,
Kohat -26000,
N.W.F.P, Pakistan
2 Department
of Chemistry, University
of Science &
Technology Bannu, Bannu 28100 Pakistan.
Abstract: Sonchus
eruca and Sonchus asper were analyzed for their
chemical evaluation, vitamins and bioactive secondary
metabolite. The results revealed the presence of bioactive
constituents comprising alkaloids (1.24 to 1.34 mg/100 g),
saponins (1.46 to 1.72 mg/100 g), flavonoids (1.61 to
1.34mg/100 g), phenols (1.32 to1.44 mg/100g), saponins (0.12 to
0.41mg/100 g) and tannins (0.02 to 0.61 mg/100g). The medicinal
plants contained ascorbic acid (33.21 to 20.12 mg/100 g),
riboflavin (0.24 to 0.72 mg/100 g), thiamine (0.31 to 0.15
mg/100g), and niacin (0.03 to 0.05 mg/100 g). [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):231-235]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Sonchus eruca and
Sonchus asper, bioactive compounds
Heavy Metals Contamination in Relation
to Microbial Counts in Soils of Automobile Mechanic Workshops,
Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers States, Nigeria.
Osu Charles .I1, Okereke, Victor. C. 2
1Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, University
of Port Harcourt,
P.M.B 5323 Choba,
Port Harcourt,
Rivers State, Nigeria.
Telephone: +234 803 7783246 email:
2Department of Crop and soil science,
University of
Harcourt, P.M.B 5323 Choba,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State,
Soil samples from six different locations in the Port-Harcourt
Metropolis were analyzed in a study of the relationship between
heavy metals contamination and soil microbes with respect to
soil depths from automobile mechanics workshops. The
concentrations of the heavy metals Pb, Cd, Ni, Hg and V ranged
from 12.760 ± 0. 031 – 0.701 ± 0.028 mg/kg, 50. 030 ± 0.
261–0.022 ± 0.003 mg/kg, 0.920 ± 0.017 – <
0.001mg/kg and < 0.001mg/kg respectively. The presence of
these heavy metals was due to waste from automobile workshop
activities. Four species of fungi were identified, fusarium
sp, Trichoderma sp, Aspergillus sp and Rhizoctonia
sp while the bacteria were mainly Bacillus sp. These
species except Rhizoctonia sp responded to the presence
of heavy metals in the soil and may thus serve as microbial
indicator species for metal pollution levels and used in
bioremediation of polluted soils in the Niger Delta areas,
though these species are of economic importance in agriculture
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):236-241]. (ISSN:
Heavy metals, Soil Microbes, microbial indicator, Soil
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(PAHs) and Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (BTEX)
Contamination of Soils in Automobile Mechanic Workshops in
Port-Harcourt Metropolis,
State, Nigeria.
Osu Charles .I1, Asuoha,
Adaku N. 2
1Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry,
University of
Harcourt, P.M.B 5323 Choba,
Port Harcourt,
State, Nigeria.
Telephone: +234 803 7783246;
2Safety Health and Environmental
Department, Mobil Producing Nigeria
Soil samples from automobile mechanic workshops in
Port-Harcourt metropolis of
Rivers State, Nigeria
were examined for contamination with PAHs and BTEX. The
concentration of the contaminants ranged from 0.601
± 0.001 – 3.678
± 0.036 mg/kg and < 0.001 –
± 0.003
for total PAHs and BTEX respectively. Soil sample D1 had the
highest concentration of PAHs (3.678
± 0.036 mg/kg) and BTEX (0.013
± 0.003 mg/kg). The depth of the soil
had no significant effect on the concentration of the
contaminants. The concentration of BTEX was very small due to
volatilization, dissolution, and degradation by microorganisms.
All the samples were found to be contaminated with PAHs and
BTEX. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):242-246]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Soil,
PAHs, BTEX, and Automobile mechanic activities
Contaminated Fluid from Polluting Groundwater using Porous
1O.I. Popoola ,1J.A. Adegoke, 2 O.O.
Alabi, 3*F.O. Akinluyi, and 2K.A.
1Deparment of Physics, University
of Ibadan, 211001, Nigeria.
2College of Science, Engineering and Technology,
Osun State
University, Osogbo,
230001, Nigeria.
3Physics Department,
Adeyemi College
of Education, 351001, Nigeria.,,,,,
Abstract: The
study of movement of underground water helps to predict the
flow of contaminated fluid from a solid waste landfill into a
portable water supply. Sand
samples from river bed were used as stratified porous
media and a laboratory experiment was set up to look at the
deflection pattern in term of volume of liquid flowing across a
unit cross-sectional area per unit time at different angles.
Water was made to flow through the inlet and outlet pipes
filled with sands of different porosities and the volume of
water discharge was determined by volumetric method. A graph of
cosine of angle of deflection against porosity ratio gives a
relation cos = 1.98ln + 1.13. With this established
equation, a stratified porous media of known porosity ratio can
be used to control the direction of contaminated fluid in
sub-surface layer. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):247-255]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
porosity, inclination angle, volume flux, deflection, outlet
Experimental study on reuse of wastewater effluent for
agricultural consumptions
Alireza Masjedi1,
N.Jafarzadeh Haghighi 2, Mohsen Poya3
1. Assistant Professor, Islamic
Azad University
Ahwaz Branch, Ahwaz,
2. Assoc. Prof. of Enviromental Health.
Jondi Shapor
University, Ahwaz, Iran
3. Khouzestan Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran,
Abstract: According
to the problem of water shortage in countries, water provision
has great importance presently. In such a situation, reuse of
purified sewage can be considered as a way to overcome water
shortage. Therefore, a research performed on the wastewater of
sewage filtration plant in the Susangerd city in Iran,
which is anaerobic and optional pool, during six months.In this
study, qualitative criterions of output wastewater of sewage
filtration plant like BOD5, COD, TSS and general Choliform were
studied and evaluated weekly and monthly. The average of
performed tests and analysis on the output sewage indicates
that the amount of parameters BOD5, COD, TSS and general
Choliform had been 73.5, 173, 72.5 milligram in litre and
7.8×105 in each 100 millilitre and the quality of
purified sewage in comparison with the standards of World
Health Organization (WHO) in order to reuse in agricultural
consumptions is in agreement with all paramenters except for
MPN. Thus, in the case of reusing the wastewater for watering
green and agriculture, the reduction of microbial pollution
should be considered according to the standards of Iran
environment organization and recommendation of World Health
Organization (WHO) and quality of this effluent is classified
as acceptable for irrigation. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):256-260].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Sewage
filtraction; reuse of wastewater; Susangerd city; agricultural
Nutrients and
Phytoplankton Production Dynamics of a
Tropical Harbor
in Relation to Water Quality Indices
Kayode James and Ladigbolu Ismail
Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Lagos, Nigeria
E-mail:; Mobile Phone: +2348035608195
Six months (July – November, 2009) study was carried out
to investigate the Phytoplankton spectrum, nutrients status and
associated Water Chemistry of three selected stations in the
Lagos Harbour, Nigeria. The results revealed a generally low
species composition and diversity. A total of 39 species of
Phytoplankton spectrums were recorded from three taxonomic
groups namely Bacillariophyta,
Cyanophyta and Dinophyta. The dominant
taxonomic groups were Bacillariophyta(Diatoms)
with 31 taxa and 86.35%
of the total Phytoplankton. The concentrations of Nutrients (NO32-,
PO43-, and SIO) determined were
relatively lower to FEPA limit. Some physical-chemical
parameters were measured in the water column to assess the
water quality such as Temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity,
Turbidity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen
Demand(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), Total Alkalinity and
Total Dissolved Solids(TDS). The surface water of the harbor
were characterized by alkaline pH (> 8.0mg/l), low BOD205(<
2.16), total dissolved solids(<15.20) and moderate dissolved
oxygen(<5.12) which fell below FEPA limit of 10mg/l.
Salinity values in all the stations typify a brackish condition
(<15.06‰). With the exception of pH, dissolved oxygen
and Nitrate, all other parameters measured differed
significantly (P< 0.05) among the study stations. The
correlation between phytoplankton abundance and parameters
measured except Air and Water temperature, Dissolved Oxygen,
BOD, and Nutrients determined in this study were positive. The
information and observation of this research will be very
useful in formulating policies and regulatory framework for
sustainable management of
Lagos Harbour.
[Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):261-275]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Harbour, Nutrients, Pollution, Phytoplankton, Water quality
Effect of Sulfidic Material as a Source of Sulfur
Fertilizer for the Growth and Yield of Rice in Two Sulfur
Deficient Soils in Bangladesh.
Farook Ahmed 1 and Md. Harunor Rashid Khan
1. Graduate School
of Environmental Science, Okayama
University, Okayama, Japan
2. Department of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Abstract: The effectiveness of sulfidic
materials(SM) and gypsum (G) application on the growth and
yield of rice (Oryza sativa L. Var: BR-26 Sraboni) cultivated
in two sulfur deficient soils of Sirajgonj (Kamarkhond series)
and Gazipur (Kalma series) were studied in the premises of the
Department of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka,
Bangladesh in greenhouse condition. The best growth and yield
performance were recorded by SM45 treatment in both the
Sirajgonj and Gazipur Soils followed by the SM30>SM15>G45
treatments. The application of gypsum at the highest rate of
G45 was not as effective as even the lowest dose of SM15 in
both the soils. Almost similar and significant (p≤0.05)
effects were observed for the panicle length, number of
tillers, plant height, 1000 grain weight, and harvest index of
rice grown in both the soils. The applied SM increased the
average Organic matter and available sulfur contents in the
soils by 46 to 78% and 194 to 208% IOC respectively, while the
increments were 5 to 19% and 132 to 145 % for gypsum
treatments, indicating that the SM is potentially more
effective than gypsum as a source of sulfur fertilizer and can
also enrich the fertility and productivity of the soils.
Moreover, the use of SM treatment did not show any harmful
effect on the growth and yield parameters of rice. [Journal
of American Science 2010;6(9):276-282]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: effectiveness of sulfidic
materials, growth-yield, gypsum, sulfur deficient soils
Recharge of
the Quaternary Aquifer of
Lake Chad Basin
Estimated from Oxygen-18 (18O) and Tritium (3H)
Oursingbé, 1Tang Zhonghua
1 Department of Hydrogeology and
Water Resources, School
of Environment
China University of Geosciences,
430074-Wuhan, Lumo Road 388, Hubei,
People’s Republic of China /
Abstract: Water resource management in the arid to semi-arid
areas requires not only exploration and assessment of the
available reserves, but also determination of groundwater
recharge in order to evaluate the sustainable yield of the
resource. This study highlights the groundwater recharge on the
Quaternary aquifer of
Lake Chad Basin
using oxygen (18O) and Tritium (3H)
isotopes interpolation method. Tritium contents (3H)
show a median annual renewal rate of 0.09% of which
approximately 3mm/year of recharge, for a rainfall varying
between 250 with 550mm. Although weak, these values are
compatible with the contents of 18O and 2H
of the Quaternary aquifer, which highlights the mixture of
water infiltrated during the wet period (old water) and of
water infiltrated under a dry climate (recent water). Indirect recharge to groundwater body is by
seepage through the beds of Lake Chad, Rivers Logone-Chari, local ponds and non
permanent rivers (Komadugu Yobe). [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):283-292]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Lake Chad
Basin, Isotopes,
Groundwater renewal, water resource
Mshelia Mohammed
Sani1, Iyun Femi2 Uzairu Adamu2,
Idris Suleiman2
1Department of Applied Science, College
of Science and
Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria
2Department of Chemistry,
Ahmad Bello
University, Zaria, NigeriaMS OF THE OXIDATION OF
Abstract: The
kinetics of the redox reaction of iodine with hydrazinium ion
(N2H5+) has been studied in
aqueous hydrochloric acid at 31.0 ± 1.0oC and ionic
strength, I = 0.6 mol dm-3 (KCl) and a plausible
mechanism proposed. The stoichiometry of the reaction is 1:2
(oxidant/reductant) and follows the rate law: -d[I2]/dt = (b + c
The rate of the reaction is inversely dependent on the acid
concentration of the reaction medium. Spectroscopic evidence
indicates the absence of a pre-electron transfer reaction
intermediate. On the basis of the effect of added ions on the
rate of reaction and complemented by the nature of the
Michaelis-Menten plot, the outer-sphere electron transfer
mechanism is proposed for this reaction. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):293-296]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words:
hydrazinium ion, stoichiometry, electron transfer, iodine,
kinetics, mechanism
A checklist of phytoplankton species of Ologe lagoon,
Lagos south-western Nigeria
1P.C. Onuoha, 2D.I. Nwankwo, 3Vyverman,
1Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, Federal
College of Fisheries and Marine Technology, Bar-beach Victoria
Island, Lagos Nigeria. E-mail-
of Marine Sciences University of Lagos, Akoka,
Lagos, Nigeria
3Protistology and Aquatic Ecology Research Laboratory, University of Ghent, Belgium
Abstract: The phytoplankton diversity of the
Ologe lagoon, Lagos
was investigated from February, 2002 to January, 2004. Five
main algal groups were recorded namely: Bacillariophyta,
Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrhophyta and Chlorophyta. A total
of 119 species belonging to 49 genera were observed. Diatoms
formed the most abundant group making up 48 species from 18
genera. This was followed by green algae, with thirty-two
species from fourteen genera, Cyanobacteria, with twenty-three
species from eleven genera, euglenoids with seventeen species
from five genera, while the dinoflagelates had one species.
There were more prevalence of pennate diatoms and green algae
during the wet season than the dry season, while the euglenoids
were more prevalent during the dry season. Comparatively, a higher
number of species was recorded in the dry than in the wet
season. Nine phytoplankton species were reported to be
potentially harmful/toxic bloom species. 57 bio-indicator
species were recorded during the period of study. With regard
to existing checklist of phytoplankton species, 10 new species
are the first reports for Lagos
lagoon complex, south-western Nigeria. [Journal
of American Science 2010;6(9):297-302]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Lagoon, checklist, algae,
phytoplankton, diatoms,
Ologe lagoon
Design Of An Advanced
Three-Point Hitch Dynamometer
ABSTRACT: Measuring
the powers produced in the tractor's arms as a result of
tension of the agricultural equipments is important and
necessary. These quantities can be used in agricultural
machineries test, selection of a suitable tractor and as likes.
The tool used for measuring these powers is called dynamometer.
In this project, an advanced three-point hitch dynamometer was
designed for 'John Deere 3140 tractor'. Installing some
transducers on the upper and lower arms, the pressing,
tensional and vertical forces were measured in this
dynamometer. The sensitive parts of these transducers are the
square section pins, upon which some strain gauges are
installed to measure the power. An optical encoder was also
considered to measure the angle of tractor's arms, so that the
components of power in different directions could be obtained.
The measurement accuracy was considered as an angle of 0.5
degree. Other angles of arms are determined by this angle and
the geometry of tractor-equipments. The instantaneous speed of
the tractor is determined by a speedometer installed on the
front wheel of the tractor to specify the consuming power of
the equipments. An appropriate data logger was chosen to record
data continuously. Data access speed in this dynamometer is
20Hz. The error of speed measurement in this dynamometer is
less than 2.5%. This dynamometer does not have the errors
usually faced in other dynamometers such as reciprocal
sensitivity and hitch point changes. Also its manufacturing
cost is less than other similar dynamometers. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):303-311]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Three-point hitch dynamometer, Data Logger, Speedometer,
Validity of the Distance
between Mitral Leaflets Coaptation Point and Annular Plane in
Differentiation between Ischemic and Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Khalid M.
Abd El-Salam, *Maha H. El Sebaie, Manar El- Zaky,
and Ashraf El Saeed.
Department, Zagazig
Zagazig, Egypt.
Abstract: Background: Identification of
patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) from those with
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is important therapeutically
and prognostically. Objective: To assess the validity of the
distance between the mitral leaflets coaptation point and the
mitral annular plane (CPMA) at low dose dobutamine stress
echocardiography (DSE) for differentiation between ICM and DCM.
Patients and Methods: Echocardiographic indices and CPMA were
measured at baseline and during dobutamine infusion
for 50 patients who were presenting with heart failure and
reduced ejection fraction (EF). Patients were divided into two
groups depending on coronary angiographic findings, group I
(ICM with significant coronary artery disease) and group II
(DCM with normal coronary arteries). Results. Compared with
baseline values, the CPMA at low dose DSE decreased
significantly in ICM patients (11.8± 2.2 vs 8±1.2 mm.
P<0.01) while it showed non significant change in patients
with DCM (11.66±2.3 vs 11.99±2.22 mm, P>0.05). In ICM group, at low dose DSE
there was a high statistically significant negative correlation
between CPMA and EF, viability index and significant positive
correlation with WMSI (r=-0.56, p<0.01, r=0.83, p<0.01,
r=-0.79, p<0.01 respectively. Receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) CPMA cut off value ≤ 9 mm at low
dose DSE, had sensitivity of 76.92%, specificity of 85.71% in
detecting patients with ICM. Conclusion: Measurement of CPMA at
low dose DSE might help in identifying patients with ICM from
those with DCM. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):312-317]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: patient; ischemic cardiomyopathy
(ICM); dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM); coaptation point and the
mitral annular plane (CPMA); dobutamine stress echocardiography
of CXCL12 Gene Polymorphism and CXCR4 Expression in Egyptian Acute
Myeloid Leukemia Patients
El-Rahman, Aisha 1; Abdel-Hamid, Samah* 2; Makhlouf, Manal 1;
El-Desouky, Nermine 1;
Al-Feky, Mohamed2 and Yousri, Sherif 1
1Department of Clinical and Chemical
Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, 2Department of
Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kasr El-Aini hospital,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: CXC ligand 12 (CXCL12), a chemokine
abundantly produced by the bone marrow (BM)
microenvironment, and its receptor CXC chemokine
receptor 4 (CXCR4) have crucial roles in malignant cell
trafficking. In the present study CXCR4 expression was
investigated by flowcytometry and CXCL12 G801A gene
polymorphism was detected by polymerase chain reaction restriction
fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay in 42 patients
with de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as well as 35 normal
subjects as a control group. The CXCR4
positive expression was found exclusively in AML patients (in
55% of patients). The frequency
of the CXCL12 genotypes among AML patients were 55% had a GG
alleles genotype while 45% had an A allele genotype while among
the control group 83% had a GG alleles genotype and 17% had
heterozygous A/G genotype. There was a highly
statistical significant relationship
the CXCL12 A allele and extramedullary tissue infiltration (p
value= 0.01). Also there was a highly
statistical significant relationship
each of CXCL12 genotypes
and CXCR4 expression and
treatment outcome (p value= 0.002 & 0.006
respectively). In conclusion CXCR4
expression predicts poor prognosis in AML and CXCL12 G801A
polymorphism is a genetic determinant involved in the clinical
presentation of leukemia. [Journal of American
Science 2010;6(9):318-330]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: PCR-RFLP, CXCR4, Flowcytometry, AML
Determination of DL Methionine in Soybean Natural
Extract and Pharmaceutical Preparation by New HPLC Method and Detection
of its Antioxidant Activity
Amira Mabrok El-Kosasy, Lobna Abd
Alaziz Hussein, and *Mona Hamdy Abd Al Rahman
Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.*
Abstract: The superoxide scavenging activity of
DL methionine has been studied in vitro using PMS-NADH
(phenazine methosulfate- NADH) system, to test the direct superoxide
scavenging effect of DL methionine itself without converting it
to any antioxidant molecule. Another method for detecting the antioxidant activity
of DL methionine is iron
thiocyanate method, it has been applied to detect whether DL
methionine itself can prevent oxidation of Fe2+ to
Fe3+ ions induced by peroxides, also a new
HPLC–UV method was developed for the analysis of DL methionine in pure form,
in multi ingredient dosage form with paracetamol and in Soybean
extract , An excellent linearity ( r20.9986), good intra-day precision
(0.296) and inter-day reproducibility (0.485) were obtained. [Journal
of American Science 2010;6(9):331-339]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: superoxide; methionine; iron thiocyanate;
Effect of
explant types and different basal nutrient media on in vitro
growth of bitter almond cuttings during establishment and
proliferation stages
Kassim, N. E.; S. M. Abou Rayya and E.
A. M. Ali
Horticultural crops technology
department, Agricultural division, National
Center, Cairo
Abstract: This
study was carried out in plant tissue culture Laboratory,
Agriculture development Systems project (ADS) at Giza, Egypt during the
period from 1999-2003. This study aimed to investigate the
effect of different sources of explant and basal nutrient media
on in vitro growth of bitter almond cuttings during
establishment and proliferation stages. From the results of the
study the following conclusions were derived: One node cuttings
surpassed shoot-tip in in vitro growth (Survival percentage
(96.67 and 63.33), No. of leaves / explant (11.0 and 6.33) and
shoot length (cm.) / explant) (2.83 and 1.33) of bitter almond
respectively. Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) (Liquid or solid)
was superior in in vitro growth of explant establishment in
(No. of shoots / explant, No. of leaves / explant and shoot
length / explant cm.) of bitter almond nodal cuttings. DKW
medium was the poorest medium for almond, while WP medium came
in between of all measured parameters for explant
establishment. Higher
effect of solid MS basal nutrient medium on enhancing the
activity of bitter almond established nodal cuttings for the
production of shoots and leaves and also for stimulating the
elongation of bitter almond proliferated shoots. [Journal of
American Science 2010;6(9):340-343]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: basal
nutrient; establishment; proliferation stages
Internal Tandem Duplication of FLT3
Gene in Egyptian Adult
Acute Myeloid and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Nahla M. El Sharkawy*1 and Thoraya M. Abdel
1Departments of
Clinical Pathology, 2Departments of Medical Oncology
Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Background: FLT3 plays an important role in stem
cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. The most common mutation in the FLT3
gene is internal tandem duplication (FLT3/ITD). Several
studies have demonstrated that FLT3 mutations are a
strong detrimental prognostic factor in AML
and ALL. Aim: Our study was designed to
evaluate the relative frequency of FLT3/ITD status in
adult AML and ALL patients and its possible
impact on response to treatment and overall survival. Patients and
Methods: This study was carried out on 110 newly diagnosed
adult acute leukemia cases including 61 AML
and 49 ALL. Bone
marrow or peripheral blood samples were collected from patients
at diagnosis. All samples were analyzed for mutation in exon 11
of the FLT3 gene using genomic PCR
method. FLT3/ITD appears as an extra PCR band (mutant band) in addition
to the 133-bp wild band. ALL
cases were treated according to the risk adapted chemotherapy
protocol while mature B phenotype cases were excluded from the
study. AML cases
received induction with 3&7 regimen combing Daunorubicin, 45m/m2 IV day 1-3 and cytosine
arabinoside100 mg /m2 by continuous infusion from day 1 to 7 as
an induction regimen. Evaluation of response was carried
out at the end of induction. Results: FLT3/ITD mutant
band was found in 21.3 % (13 / 61) of AML
cases. The highest frequency of FLT3/ITD was associated
with M3 (40%) followed by M5 (37.5%) and M4 (33.3%), less
frequent in M2 (13.6%), M1 (13.3%) and none in M0 and M7. In ALL cases FLT3/ITD was
detected in (5/44) 10.2%. The highest frequency was associated
with precursor B phenotype (11.4%) and less in T- ALL patients (7.1%). No association was detected between
the FLT3/ITD on one side and age, gender, high
leucocytic count, BM blasts, DNA
index or CD34 expression on the other side in either AML or ALL.
could not find statistically significant difference in response
to treatment between FLT3/ITD positive and negative
cases in either AML
or ALL patients. Conclusion: FLT3/ITD in our AML patients was 21.3 % which is
comparable to the literature. However in adult ALL it was much higher than that
reported in literature. In contrast to the literature we failed
to demonstrate a detrimental effect of FLT3/ITD on
treatment outcome in adult AML
patients. Further study on a large scale is recommended to
identify the prognostic impact of FLT3/ITD in adult ALL. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):344-352]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Prognostic factors – Adult AML and ALL
– FLT3
Utility Biosensors for applications in
Agriculture – A Review
J.S Rana*, Jyoti Jindal,
Vikas Beniwal, Vinod Chhokar
Department of Bio
& Nanotechnology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science
& Technology, Hisar, Haryana 125001, India.
Abstract: The quality of food is fundamentally
based on biochemical composition of food. Therefore, this
review summarizes recent advances in the fabrication of
different types of Biosensors that have been designed for the
measurement of various components in the horticultural samples.
We review various biosensors ranging from electrochemical,
calorimetric, optical, immunosensors to screen-printed three
electrode systems. Numerous examples are provided in several
key areas including glucose, fructose, malic acid, pyruvic
acid, ascorbic acid, glycerol, glutamate etc. We also explore
important coenzymes involved in the development of biosensors.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):353-375]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Biosensors,
Fruits, organic acids, Coenzymes, NADPH
Functional Properties and Proximate
Composition of Asparagus Bean (Vigna Sesquipedalis) as Influenced by Malting
Nwosu J.N.*,
Ogueke C.C., Owuamanam C.I., Iwouno J.O.
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Federal
of Technology,
P.M.B. 1526, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria,
Abstract: Whole Asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis) was
subjected to soaking in tap water for 12 hours and 24
hours. Each portion was
malted for 48, 60 and 72 hours and then dehulled, dried and
milled into flour. The
proximate composition and the functional properties were
determined for each of the samples and the result showed that
protein content was highest in samples soaked for 24 hours and
malted sample (MS) for 72 hours (23.90%). The sample soaked for 12
hours and malted for 72 hours had 22.95% while the unmalted
samples had 22.26% protein content. Ash, fibre and moisture
contents of the samples soaked for 12 hours and malted for 72
hours ranged from 2.42%, 1.97% and 16.00%, respectively and
that for sample soaked for 24 hours and malted for 72 hours
ranged from 2.20%, 1.82% and 17.70%, respectively while the
unmalted sample gave 2.98%, 2.24% and 8.26%, respectively. Malting increased foam
capacity from 16.00 to 18.05%, water absorption capacity from
1.35% to 1.98% emulsion capacities from 29.20 to 29.98% and
bulk densities were (0.75 to 0.98%). The nutritive and functional
properties of raw beans were slightly improved by malting. As a result of this improvement
in both the proximate and functional properties of the flour,
it could be incorporated in various foods to improve their
nutritional value. [Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):376-382]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: functional properties, proximate
composition, malting
Dehydration of Banana Rings and Tomato Halves
Hatem S. Ali,
Hesham A. Moharram; Mostafa T. Ramadan and Gamal H. Ragab
Technology Dept. National Research centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Osmotic treatment process was carried
out as a means of pre-drying treatment to improve the quality
of the final product. This pretreatment was carried out on
banana and tomato rings; to study osmotic dehydration kinetics,
colour attributes and organoletpic evaluations. The data
indicated highest weight reduction when using 100% sucrose as
an osmotic agent in banana. The tomato showed their maximum
values when 30% NaCl and sucrose: salt (1: 1.5) were used. The
data during tomato osmotic dehydration indicated lower chroma
(C*) and redness values (a*) during
progress in osmotic dehydration times. An overall acceptability
in these two materials were noticed. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(9):383-390]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Osmotic dehydration – Banana
rings – Tomato halves – hypertonic solutions
Pathological and
Biochemical Studies in Tilapia Zilli Infected with Saprolegnia
parasitica and Treated with Potassium Permanganate
*1Mona S. Zaki, 2Olfat M. Fawzi 2Suzan
Omar Mostafa and 3Nadia Taha
1Department of
Aquaculture, 2Department
of Biochemistry, National Research Centre, 3Departmet
of physiology, veterinary medicine, Cairo Univ. Giza, Egypt.
Abstract: The present study was planned to
investigate the effect of Saprolegnia parasitica
infection in the hematological, serum biochemical and
pathological alterations of Tilapia Zilli. Forty five
fish were divided into three equal groups. Fish of first group
served as a control. Fish of group (2&3) were infected by Saprolegnia
parasitica. Fish of group (3) were treated after 7 days of
post-infection using potassium permanganate for 10 days.
Sampling was done after 1 and 7 days of post-infection (gps 1
& 2) and 10 days of post-treatment (gps 1& 3). The
results revealed a non significant changes in the hematological
and the biochemical parameters after 1 day of infection, but
after 7 days of post-infection and 10 days of post-treatment, a
significant decrease in RBCs, Hb, PCV and significant increase
in AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, cortisol,
insulin and glucose were seen. Iron showed a significant
decrease at the same period of sampling. The pathological
examination revealed a massive fungal growth resembling a tuft
of cotton wool threads was seen in eyes, grills, fins and in
localized areas of the skin. Microscopically, the fungal hyphae
and spores appeared on eyes, gills, skin and underlying muscles
with marked degenerative, necrotic and inflammatory reactions.
These reactions were evident, after 7 days of post-infection
and the severity of the lesions were markedly decreased after
10 days of post-treatment. It could be concluded that,
saprolegnia parasitica infections induced marked tissue
alterations as well as some hematological and serum biochemical
changes. Although potassium permanganate treated the infected
cases and allowed the regenerative processes but it does not
progress the hematological and serum biochemical parameters. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):391-394]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Tilapia Zilli. Saprolegina
parasitica. Biochemical changes
Pathological and
Biochemical Studies in Tilapia Zilli Infected with Saprolegnia
parasitica and Treated with Potassium Permanganate
*1Mona S. Zaki, 2Olfat M. Fawzi 2Suzan
Omar Mostafa and 3Nadia Taha
1Department of
Aquaculture, 2Department
of Biochemistry, National Research Centre, 3Departmet
of physiology, veterinary medicine, Cairo Univ. Giza, Egypt. *
Abstract: The present study was planned to
investigate the effect of Saprolegnia parasitica
infection in the hematological, serum biochemical and
pathological alterations of Tilapia Zilli. Forty five
fish were divided into three equal groups. Fish of first group
served as a control. Fish of group (2&3) were infected by Saprolegnia
parasitica. Fish of group (3) were treated after 7 days of
post-infection using potassium permanganate for 10 days.
Sampling was done after 1 and 7 days of post-infection (gps 1
& 2) and 10 days of post-treatment (gps 1& 3). The
results revealed a non significant changes in the hematological
and the biochemical parameters after 1 day of infection, but
after 7 days of post-infection and 10 days of post-treatment, a
significant decrease in RBCs, Hb, PCV and significant increase
in AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, cortisol,
insulin and glucose were seen. Iron showed a significant
decrease at the same period of sampling. The pathological
examination revealed a massive fungal growth resembling a tuft
of cotton wool threads was seen in eyes, grills, fins and in
localized areas of the skin. Microscopically, the fungal hyphae
and spores appeared on eyes, gills, skin and underlying muscles
with marked degenerative, necrotic and inflammatory reactions.
These reactions were evident, after 7 days of post-infection and
the severity of the lesions were markedly decreased after 10
days of post-treatment. It could be concluded that, saprolegnia
parasitica infections induced marked tissue alterations as well
as some hematological and serum biochemical changes. Although potassium
permanganate treated the infected cases and allowed the
regenerative processes but it does not progress the
hematological and serum biochemical parameters. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):395-398]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Tilapia
Zilli; Saprolegina parasitica; Biochemical changes
of Balady Guava Trees Cultivated in Sandy Calcareous Soil to
Biofertilization with Phosphate Dissolving Bacteria and / or
VAM Fungi
H. I. M. Ibrahim1; M. M.A. Zaglol2
and A. M. M. Hammad3
1Dept. of Horticulture, Fac. Agric., 2Dept.
of Food Sci., Fac. Agric., 3Dept. of Microbiology ,
Fac. Agric., Minia University, Minia, Egypt.
Abstract: Phosphate dissolving bacteria (Bacillus
megaterium) and /or vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM)
fungi (Glomus mosseae, G. fasciculatum and G.
aggregatum), were used as biofertilizers for Balady guava (Psidium
guajava L.) trees, grown in newly reclaimed sandy
calcareous soil, during two successive seasons (2007-2008 and
2008-2009). Obtained results showed that, fertilization of
guava trees with either VAM, B. megaterium or the dual
fertilizer (i.e. VAM plus B. megaterium), significantly
increased growth of the trees, leaf area, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium, calcium, and magnesium contents, compared to the
un-fertilized (control). The highest values of these
measurements were recorded for trees fertilized with the dual
fertilizer, followed by the trees fertilized with VAM, then
those which received Bacillus megaterium. In both
seasons, fertilization of guava trees with VAM fungi and/or B.
megaterium, significantly increased fruit weight, fruit
number/tree and consequently higher yields (kg./tree) were
achieved, compared to the control. The recorded values of the
total soluble solids %, L ascorbic acid and pectin in fruits of
the inoculated trees were significantly higher than the
control. The highest values of these measurements were recorded
for trees which received dual fertilizer (VAM plus B.
Titratable acidity was found to be significantly higher
in the fruits of the control than the inoculated ones.
In both seasons the lowest values of titratable acidity were
recorded for the fruits of the trees inoculated with VAM
plus B. megaterium. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):399-404]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Psidium guajava,
biofertilization, Bacillus megaterium, mycorrhizal,
fungi, VAM
Effect of Caraway,
Coriander and Fennel on the structure of Kidney and Islets of
Langerhan in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats: Histological and
Histochemical Study.
Nermeen M.
Shaffie, Fatma A. Morsy,
Amina G. Ali, Hafiza A. Sharaf
Department, Medical researches Division,
Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Caraway, coriander and fennel are
known hypoglycemic agents, which are used in folklori medicine
for improving blood glucose level and preventing long term
complications in diabetes mellitus. So, this study was designed
to clarify their role on the histological and histochemical
changes in kidney and islets of Langerhan in diabetic rats. 80
rats were divided into 5 groups. The first group was control.
For the second group diabetes mellitus was induced in 40 rats,
using alloxan. 30 rats of diabetic rats were divided into 3
subgroups: subgroup 1: was given caraway for 2 weeks. Subgroup
2: was given coriander for 2 weeks. Subgroup 3: was dosed
orally by fennel for 2 weeks. Each of the remaining 3 groups
was given Caraway, coriander and fennel respectively only for 2
weeks. Histopathological effects in kidney were massive
inflammatory infiltrate in interstitial tissue, vacuolar degeneration
in tubular epithelial cells, karyolysis and karyorrhexis and
some glomerular degeneration. The islets of Langerhan showed
severe necrotic changes of pancreatic islets, especially in the
center. Karyolysis, dilatation, congestion of large vessels and
marked increase in connective tissue component at the expense
of functioning tissue leading to relative reduction in the size
of islets were also seen. DNA analysis showed hypoploidy in
kidney and pancreas of rats treated with alloxan only. Alloxan
caused decrease of protein and mucopolysaccharide content. Conclusion:
the treatment of diabetic rats with caraway, coriander and
fennel resulted in amelioration of histopathological and
histochemical changes in kidney and islets of Langerhans.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):405-418]. (ISSN:
Key words:
aloxan- kidney-
pancreas- diabetes- caraway- coriander-fennel
Quantifying the Solute Transport Water
in a MSW Fill in Varied Saturated Conditions with Different
Olayiwola A.
G. Oni12 PhD and Richard. P. Beaven3 PhD
1 Department of Civil Engineering,
University of
Ekiti, Nigeria
2 Proworks Ltd.,
13 Newman St, SO16
3 Richard Beaven Associates, Maldon, UK.
Abstract: The fractional volume of the water
involved in the transport of solute in a municipal solid waste
(MSW) fill was estimated from the flux concentration of multiple
tracers - Lithium, Sodium Chloride, Bromide and Brilliant Blue.
The tests were undertaken in saturated and oversaturated
conditions of the waste and the solute transport was driven
entirely by gravitational forces. Mechanical mixing and
transport of the solutes in preferential pathways was confirmed
with the observation of relatively early modal concentration of
solutes in the waste fill. The fitting of the lifetime
probability density function (pdf) of the travel time of
solutes to the normalised flow concentration suggests that the
test result is not significantly influenced by experimental
scale. The percentage of the water involved in the transport of
solutes through the waste fill is estimated to be approximately
98%, of which approximately 80% appears to be involved in fast
“advective” flow. Unlike soil grains, the waste
constituent elements appear to act as dynamic stores and
permeable media, which significantly improve solute and water
mobility within the configuration of the emplaced waste. [Journal
of American Science 2010;6(9):419-430]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: breakthrough curve, modelling,
municipal solid waste, preferential flow, solute transport,
Model for the Calculation of Heat
Absorbed by Oxalic Acid Solution during Leach-Enhanced
Dissolution of Iron from Iron
Oxide Ore
Chukwuka I. Nwoye1 and Ihuoma E. Mbuka2
1Department of Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering,
Nnamdi Azikiwe
P.M.B 5025 Awka,
2Department of Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering
University of
Technology, P.M.B 1526,
Owerri, Nigeria.
Abstract: The model for the calculation of the
quantity of heat absorbed by oxalic acid solution as a result
of the dissolution of iron during leaching of iron oxide ore
has been derived. The triple exponential model; Q=Exp[exp(1.12eγ
+ 0.8342)] was found to predict the quantity of heat
absorbed by the oxalic acid solution as a result of dissolution
of iron depending on the mass-input of iron oxide ore during
the leaching process (providing that eγ ≥
1). The validity of the model is believed to be rooted on the
expression eγ = N ln[LogQ] where both sides of
the expression are correspondingly approximately equal to 1.
The maximum deviation of the model-predicted quantity of
absorbed heat from the corresponding experimental values is
less than 4% which is quite within the acceptable range of
deviation limit of experimental results. The positive values of
heat absorbed as obtained from experiment and model indicate
and agree that the leaching process is endothermic in nature.
The quantities of absorbed heat per unit mass-input of iron
oxide ore as obtained from experiment and derived model were
evaluated as7.315 J/g and 6.84
J/g respectively. Similarly, the quantities of absorbed
heat per unit percent rise in the concentration of dissolved
iron as obtained from experiment and derived model were
evaluated as 10837.04 J/% and 10133.33
J/% respectively, indicating proximate agreement.
[Journal of American Science. 2010;6(9):431-437]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Model, Heat Absorbed Iron
Dissolution, Oxalic Acid, Iron Oxide Ore, Leaching
The Relationship between P Wave Dispersion and
Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Significant and
Insignificant Coronary Artery Disease
Randa A. Soliman., MD,
Ahmed A. Battah., MD, Ayman Hekaal., MD Mohamed Ashraf., MD,
Ashraf Wadei., MD.
Care Medicine Department, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: We investigated the
relationship between P wave dispersion, which is easily
measured on the surface electrocardiogram and left ventricular
end diastolic pressure and echocardiographic markers of
diastolic dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease
(CAD). Methods: We studied 50 patients with CAD: 8 patients with non significant CAD
(16%) and 42 patients with significant CAD (84%). P wave
dispersions were calculated by
measuring minimum and maximum P wave duration values on the
surface electrocardiogram. The relationships between P wave
dispersion and the left ventricle end diastolic pressure
(LVEDP), Left atrial volume (LAV), left atrial diameter (LAD)
and echocardiographic measurements of diastolic dysfunction
were investigated. Results: P wave dispersion was 65.7 ± 18.8
ms. The magnitude of P wave dispersion was higher in
group of LVEDP > 15 than those who had their LVEDP < 15
mmHg, (70.6 ± 15.2 vs. 60 ± 20.4 respectively and p value
0.04). There was a significant positive correlation between the
values of p wave dispersion and LVEDP, LAD and LAV as the
correlation factor was (0.3, 0.5, 0.6, respectively and the p
values were significant) . Also P wave dispersion was found to
be higher in the group of significant CAD than insignificant
CAD (68.7 ± 18.5 vs. 50 ± 10.35 respectively and p value
0.008). When patients with LVDD
were staged, PD was 49 ± 9 ms in stage 1(9 pts.), 55 ± 10 ms in
stage 2 (26 pts), and 58 ± 7 ms in stage 3 (15 pts.). As the
severity of diastolic dysfunction increased, P wave dispersion
increased but the difference did not reach statistical
significance (P 0.07). Conclusion: We conclude that P wave
dispersion is a non invasive marker for LVEDP and highly
correlated to LA volume. P wave dispersion is another
alternative for assessment of LV diastolic Dysfunction in
CAD. P wave dispersion did not show a significant change in the
3 stages of diastolic dysfunction in our small studied groups
so larger studies might be of help to elucidate that
difference. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):438-445]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Wave Dispersion, Diastolic Dysfunction, Coronary
Artery Disease
Patient's Needs from Quality Health Care
Dimensions as Ranked by Nurses and Patients
Dalal T.
Akel, Samah F. Fakhry and Mona M. Shazly
Lecturers of Nursing Administration- Faculty of Nursing,
Abstract: Quality can vary markedly between
organizations, It is important
that health care organizations define precisely what quality
care means to patients as well as health team This paper
aimed to compare the
ranking of patients' needs for quality health care dimensions by
nurses and patients.
Each subject of the 150 patients was interviewed and
asked to rank each of these needs, also the nurses (n=45) were
requested to rank these needs not according to their own
priorities, but as they thought the patients would do, by
separately answering a questionnaire developed by the
researchers based on (Götherström et al., 1995, Farrell, 1991).
the results revealed that the patients gives high first priority of care
as regard continuity, accessibility, and security (74.0, 70.8,
67.3 ) while nurses give the priority to security,
accessibility, and continuity (86.7, 73.8, 53.3 )
respectively It is
noteworthy that all
patients and nurses gives low priority of care as regard
integrity (13.3). Overall,
no statistically significant difference was found between the
ranking of nurses and patients related to the overall quality
care dimensions p=0.861., It was recommended that hospital administrators and clinicians
must identify particular
patient' needs as an indicator of patient's satisfactions, and
develop interventions to meet those needs and priorities,
Further studies are recommended to identify the effect of social
determinates of patients on their ranking of needs, the
difference between patients needs in critical care settings,
and the effect of providing care based on patients' needs on
the care cost- effectiveness. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):446-455]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: quality of
care, patients' needs priority
Study on
the effect of N-level fertilization on constituents of grape
leaves and fruit quality using FT-IR spectroscopy
M. S. Abou
Rayya; M. A. Moharram and W. A. El hotaby
Crops Technology Department, Agricultural Division and
Spectroscopy Department,
Division National
Research Center, Egypt
Abstract: This study was carried out during 2005
and 2006 in a private orchard locates at 62 km. of the Cairo
– Alexandria desert road.Fourier Transform Infrared
(FT-IR) spectroscopic technique was used in the present work to
study the effect of N-fertilization levels on the
concentrations of chlorophyll, A , B and caretenoids in grape leaves and fruit
quality of grapes . Ammonium nitrate (N-fertilizer) was applied
after the beginning of vegetation growth to supply 33.3%,
66.6%, 100%, 133.3%, 166.6% of the recommended N-fertilizer
level. (The recommended N-fertilizer level according to the
ministry of Agriculture is 50 units N and this consider as the
level of 100% for comparing during N application). Chlorophyll
A, Chlorophyll B and total Carotenoieds were determined by
using visible spectroscopic techniques at wave lengths 470nm,
645nm, and 662nm respectively. It was found that for the leaves
of the first three samples the concentrations of Chlorophyll A,
Chlorophyll B and Total Carotenoieds increase with increasing
of N-level. For the forth sample the rate of increasing of the
concentration of pigment is characterized by a first sharp
increase up to 100% followed by slow increase up to 166%. As
the fifth and sixth sample the increases in the pigment
concentrations with increasing N-level assumes the maximum
values at 100% N-level then decrease with increasing N-level.
This results obtained by using visible spectroscopic techniques
is in good agreement with the results obtained by FT-IR
spectroscopy. The determined values of ash content of leaves indicated
that the fraction of ash content increases with the increase of
the N-level from 33% to 100% and then slightly decreases with
increasing the N-level to 133% and 166%. This means that the
ash content of the leaves is influenced by the N-level.The fruiting
data give strong evidence that the length of the clusters increases with increasing
N-level until reaching the maximum in 100% treatment (the
recommended level), also the T.S.S (Total Soluble Solid) and
T.S.S/ Acidity ratio recorded the highest values at 100%
treatment which reflect the degree of maturity and the quality
of the grape production. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):456-464]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Species richness; beta-diversity;
taxonomic diversity; forest
Effect of different cytokinins
concentrations and carbon sources on shoot proliferation of
bitter almond nodal cuttings
Abou Rayya M.S.; N.E.Kassim and E. A.
M. Ali
Crops Technology Department, Agricultural Division and
Spectroscopy Department,
Division National
Research Center, Egypt
Abstract: The
present work was carried out in plant tissue culture
Laboratory, Agriculture Development Systems project (ADS) at Giza, Egypt during the
period from 1999-2003. It aimed to study the effect of various
cytokinins at different concentrations ( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and
4.0 mg/L) and effect of carbon source (Sucrose, Glucose and
fructose) and their concentrations on shoot number and shoot
length /explant and fresh weight (g/explant0 on bitter almond
nodal cuttings. The most effective cytokinine for enhancing in
vitro growth was BA followed by kinitine and zeatin
respectively. Lower concentration of BA and kinitine at (0.5 and
1.0 mg/L) gave healthier plants than 2.0 or 4.0 mg/L. However,
using 4.0 mg/ L BA in shoot proliferation medium increased in
vitro growth (No.of shoots /explant, fresh weight) of bitter
almond nodal cuttings. Glucose was the most effective carbon
source for stimulating the production of shoots, fresh weight
and shoot length on the new developed shoots. It was followed
by sucrose and fructose. On the other hand, sucrose gave
healthier plant than glucose or fructose. [Journal of American
Science. 2010;6(9):465-469]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: cytokinins, carbon sources,
shoot proliferation, nodal
A Study the Phase Transformations in Amorphous Diphenyl
Carbazide (C13H14N4O)
F. El-Kabbany, S. Taha*
and M. Hafez
Physics Dept., Faculty of Science,
Cairo University.
* Physics Dept., Faculty of Science,
Fayoum University.
Abstract: Thermal and electrical
properties of amorphous diphenyl carbazide (DPC) are studied
between room temperature and its melting point ≈ 435 K.
The study includes a set of measurements DTA, DSC, dielectric
constant (ε), electrical
resistance (R), the pyroelectric current (I) and X-ray
diffraction analysis. The results obtained are strongly
supported each other and indicate that the amorphous DPC
samples undergo four different phase transitions at 323 K, 363
K, 395 K and 415 K respectively. It is found that each phase
transition belongs to a certain definite crystal structure.
These crystal structure variations are found to be amorphous,
monoclinic, tetragonal, orthorhombic and amorphous within the
temperature range of this study. Thermal analysis revealed that
the thermal energies for these four different phase transitions
are 10.92 J/g, 7.63 J/g, 79.3 J/g and 31.77 J/g respectively.
The electrical measurements showed that the conduction in these
phases is activated by energies of 0.22, 0.3, 0.16 and 0.47 eV
respectively. The first phase transition is attributed to the
variation in hydrogen bonding N-H to the carbonyl group C=O,
which is leading to a twisted intermolecular charge transfer
(TICT) in the temperature region of this phase transition. The
second phase transition is mainly due to the weaking of the N-H
hydrogen bonding with increasing temperature. Beside that, it
may be due to the reorientational molecular motion to another
equivalent position. The third phase transition is attributed
to a changing in the intermolecular hydrogen bonding with
–CO as well as –N-H groups. These changes can
greatly affect the charge distribution and in turn affect the
transition process (populated locally excited states). The
fourth phase transition is due to the weaking of the hydrogen bond
of N-H group. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(9):470-476]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Diphenyl
carbazide; Polymorphism, thermal and electrical properties
IR Study of the Low Temperature phase
Transition in Amorphous Diphenyl Carbazide C13H14N4O
F. El-Kabbany, S. Taha*
and M. Hafez
Physics Dept., Faculty of Science,
Cairo University.
* Physics Dept., Faculty of Science,
Fayoum University.
Abstract: The low
temperature dependence of IR spectra of amorphous diphenyl carbazide C13H14N4O
has been investigated below zero temperature. The data is
reported here between room temperature and down to -70oC
and the IR spectra are recorded in the frequency range 400-4000
cm-1. This study is an extension of a recent one, which
detected the presence of polymorphic character of this complex
compound by IR, DSC and DTA at 50oC, 90 oC,
120 oC and 140 oC. It includes
measurements and interpretation of the IR spectral band shape,
frequencies of modes and band shifts as a function of
temperature. Eleven different fundamental modes have been
investigated explicitly. Special attention is paid to the most
sensitive modes which reflect the low temperature phase
transition process in detail. These modes are 3328 cm-1,
1677 cm-1,
1602 cm-1, 1251 cm-1, 750 cm-1
and 494 cm-1 in which the variations strongly
support the low temperature phase transition in DPC at -47oC.
This phase transition does not show structural change but just
a transformation from amorphous state to amorphous state as
detected by x-ray analysis. The phase transition here is
suggested to be of displacive type. A low temperature phase
transition has been detected here for the first time in
diphenyl carbazide at - 47oC. [Journal of American Science.
2010;6(9):477-485]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Low
temperature IR spectra; Diphenyl carbazide
Effect of Trichoderma
species on damping off diseases incidence, some
plant enzymes activity and nutritional status of bean plants
Abd-El-Khair 1, H., R. Kh. M. Khalifa 2 and Karima, H. E. Haggag3
1- Plant Pathology Department , 2- Fertilization
Technology Department, National Research Centre, and 3) Pest Rearing Department, Central agricultural
Pesticides Laboratory, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
solani and Rhizoctonia solani are the common
causal pathogens causes the damping off disease of beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) in Egypt. The antagonistic
effect of four Trichoderma species, i.e. Trichoderma
album, Triechoderma hamatum, Trichoderma harzianum
and Trichoderma viride, was tested against F.
solani and R. solani in vitro, in greenhouse
and in field. In vitro tests, all Trichoderma spp.
significantly reduced the mycelial growth of two pathogenic
fungi. In greenhouse experiment, T. album, T. hamatum,
T. harizianum and T. viride, as soil treatments,
significantly reduced the pre- and post-emergence damping off
disease incidence under artificial infection with F. solani
and R. solani. Soil treatments with four Trichoderma
species significantly reduced the incidence of damping off
disease where the percentages disease incidence were in the
range of 7.0 -20.0% and 2.4 – 6.5%, compared to 25.7 and
13.5% in control plants, at pre- and post-emergence stages
,respectively. The best protection to damping off disease was
obtained by T. hamatum, followed by T. viride,
T. album and T. harzianum, respectively. The
treatments gave the highest plant survival (%) and improved the
growth and yield parameters. Results showed that the levels of
chitinase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities highly
increased in treated bean plant compared in untreated plants.
The macro- and micro-elements content in treated bean plants
was affected by Trichoderma species treatments compared
to elements content in untreated plants. The relationship
between plant nutrient content and some plant enzymes activity
was studied. [Journal of
American Science. 2010;6(9):486-497]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Fusarium solani,
Rhizoctonia solani, Phaseolus vulgaris, Trichoderma
spp., biological control, nutritional atatus
characterization of indigenous Egyptian Rhizobial strains for
abiotic stresses performance
M. S.
Abdel-Salam1*, S. A. Ibrahim2, M. M. Abd-El-Halim1,
F. M. Badawy2 and S.E.M. Abo-Aba1
1: Microbial Genetics Department, Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology Div., National Research Centre, Egypt.
2: Genetics
Department, Fac. of Agric., Ain
Shams Univ., Egypt.
*Corresponding Author:
Abstract: Twenty one Rhizobium
leguminosarum biovar trifolii strains and seven
Rhizobium meliloti strains were characterized for their nodulation
efficiencies and their growth performance against salinity,
drought and heavy metals. About
67% of R. l. bv. trifolii strains and all R. meliloti strains were halotolerants. R. l.
bv. trifolii strains were more
drought-tolerant than R. meliloti strains.
About 86% of R. l. bv. trifolii
were multiple-metal resistant, iron
resistance was the most abundant (~ 95%) followed by nickel
resistant (~ 86%). Six R.
meliloti strains were multiple-metal resistant, nickel resistance was
the most apparent (~ 71%). The
salt-and drought-tolerant Rhizobium strains are excellent
models to study the resistance mechanism(s), and to elucidate
the role of genetics of NaCl and drought tolerance. The
characterized rhizobia had different applications. The salt
tolerant, drought tolerant, and heavy metals resistance
patterns found among the indigenous rhizobial strains are
reflecting the environmental stresses pressure predominant in
their locations and are very good examples of the importance of
using efficient – indigenous rhizbial strain for plant
successful inoculation. [Journal
of American Science. 2010;6(9):498-503]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
words: Rhizobium
leguminosarum biovar trifolii, Rhizobium
nodulation, salinity, drought and heavy metals
The Effects of Dietary
Supplementations with Barley Seeds and Hay
on Ochratoxin A- Toxicity using Lactating Egyptian Goats.
Abdel- Fattah, Sh. M.*1;
Yehia .H. A1; EL-Maaz2, A.A. and El-Nemr,
S. A.2
1 Department of food
toxins and contaminants National research centre, 2
Biochemistry department, Giza
provincial laboratory, Animal health research institute, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: The effects of dietary
supplementation with barley and hay at levels of 45% of the
composition of daily rations, on the performance and toxicity
of Egyptian lactating gaots received ochratoxin A (10mg/kg
ration, of dry matter basis), were successively examined for
four weeks. Sixteen native apparently healthy female goats with
average weight of 47.6 ± 1.26 kg., were put under observation
for two weeks, then they were divided into four equal groups
according to their live body weight for performing feeding
trials. The 1st., group used as a negative control which fed
ochratoxin A-free diets consisting of 70% concentrates and 30%
hay (dry matter basis, energy to supply 1.1 times the
requirement for maintenance), the 2nd., group used as a
positive control which fed ochratoxin A-contaminated diets (70%
concentrates and 30% hay), the 3rd., group fed the same diet
used for the 2nd., group except the hay level which elevated to
45%, and the 4th., group which fed the same diet used for the 3rd., group except the hay portion which supplemented with
45% barley seeds. Dry matter intake (DM), apparent nutrient
digestibilities, nutritive values, serum chemistry profiles and
ochratoxin A (OA) concentrationa in feed intake, orts, serum,
feces, urine and milk; were evaluated. The obtained results
indicated that goats fed ochratoxin A-contaminated diets
without barley or hay supplementation, showed reduction in feed
intake, nutritive value, body weight gain, and immunoglobulin
production as well as in some serum constituents. After
1,.2,.3, and 4 weeks of the trial, significant concentrations
of ochratoxin A were detected in serum, feces and urine
samples of all treated animals. Ochratoxin A was found in
significant concentrations, because of escaping from the
gastrointestinal tract. Addition of barley or hay can in part,
able to counteract the toxic effects of ochratoxin A as well as
the immunoglobulin dysfunction. The antitoxic effects of hay were
generally better than barley seeds to minimize or to avoid the
immunosuppressive effect of OA, the mycotoxin status of goats
diet must be controlled if good goat performance is to be
targeted. The current experiment demonstrates that OA
hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract of Egyptian goats is
substantially less than previously described, especially if OA
is ingested in combination with concentrate-rich diets. The
results suggest that OA is hydrolyzed much faster in the rumen
of goats fed hay than in goats fed grains, presumably because
of the different ruminal microbial population, which in turn
influenced the rate of hydrolysis of OA. This experiment
established that very good conversion of OA to ochratoxin alpha
(Oα) occurs systematically; 3.5 to 5.15% of the OA was
recovered as unaltered OA in the urine. Most of the great
amount of Oα recovered was also in the urine. [Journal of
American Science 2010; 6(9):504-514]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Ochratoxins, Ruminants, Diets,
Hydrolysis, Bioavailability
Assessment of the Role of Serum and
Urine Eosinophil Cationic Protein
in Diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti Infection
Salwa Fayez *1,
Mayssa M. Zaki2, Aisha A. Elawady2 and Naglaa
S.M. El-Gebaly2
Medical Biochemistry Department1
and Parasitology Department2,
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Eosinophils participate in the complex
regulatory system that mediates inflammatory responses and
parasitic infections. when activated eosinophils degranulate,
they release Four highly basic proteins which include Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) as a
major constitutent of secondary eosinophilic granules . In this
study, the ECP levels were measured in both serum
and urine of patients with lymphatic filariasis (LF) with
different presentations and compared to their levels in normal individuals living in endemic areas (endemic
normals), asthmatic patients as an example of allergic
condition and normal individuals living in non-endemic areas
(non-endemic controls). Serum ECP was found to be significantly
elevated in all filarial cases with marked elevation in acute
cases reflecting the ongoing pathological process. The
asthmatic patients and to a lesser extent the endemic normals
showed an elevated mean serum ECP. In
addition, urinary levels of ECP were significantly elevated in
the chyluria cases reflecting the pathological condition
affecting the urinary tract. In conclusion: Measurement of
serum and urine ECP can help in the diagnosis of infection with
Wuchereria bancrofti and can
also be used in the follow-up of pathological changes in
lymphatic filariasis as its levels reflect the hidden tissue
eosinophilic inflammatory reaction associated with this
disease. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):515-523].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Wuchereria bancrofti , Lymphatic filariasis, Eosinophil cationic protein, Serum, Urine
Ultrasonography vs computed tomography
in imaging of zygomatic complex fractures
Maha Sallam 1,
Ghada Khalifa 2, Fatma Ibrahim 2 and
Mohamed Taha 3
1 Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Research Institute of Ophthalmology.
2Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,
Azhar University,
Girl Branch.
3Associate Professor of Radiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Girl Branch.
Abstract: The zygoma is the principal buttress
between the cranium and maxilla. The zygomatic fractures can
lead to significant cosmetic and functional disorders such as
enophthalmos, depression of malar eminence and parathesia due
to injury of infraorbital nerve. Computed tomography (CT) was
the first technology capable of allowing visualization of both
hard and soft tissues of the face by image processing
enhancement. It was reported that CT can achieve more accurate
values in diagnosis of midface fractures. Another alternative
technique is ultrasonographic examination. Ultrasonography is
easy and quick to be performed; it is noninvasive and free of any
risks. The possibility of ultrasonographic fracture
visualization in the midface has already been described by many
researchers. Objectives: the aim of this study was to
compare between the ultrasonographic and the computed
tomographic findings, in the diagnosis and repair of the
zygomatic complex fractures. Patients and methods:
Between November 2008 and December 2009, 10 consecutive
patients (5 males and 5 females) who were referred to Oral and
Maxillofacial Department of AL-Azhar University (Girls branch),
for treatment of zygomatic complex fractures, were included in
this prospective study. The mean age was 34.5 (range
16-60years). The clinical criteria for patient selection
included; the presence of
periorbital ecchymosis, scleral hematoma, infraorbital nerve
parathesia, diplopia and/or limitation of ocular movements, as
well as enophthalmos and flattening of the face. Patients who
had diplopia or ocular abnormalities were examined by an
ophthalmologist. With each patient an axial and coronal thin-layer
CT with 3D reconstruction was done (Multislice CT).
Subsequently each patient was sonographically evaluated by an
experienced examiner with a linear transducer. All patients
were treated under general anaesthesia via closed or open
reduction according to the planned surgery. Immediately after
patients’ recovery, CT and ultrasound images were taken
for all patients to evaluate accuracy of the reduction. Results: The
ultrasonographic findings showed clear differences in the
ability to obtain a correct estimation of the selected anatomic
landmarks. The zygomatic arch, the lateral wall of the orbit
and the infraorbital margin can be visualized by
ultrasonography very easily. The assessment of the orbital floor
and the medial wall proved to be rather difficult. The
ultrasound images were always concordant with the CT findings.
Open reduction through extraoral and transoral accesses, was
performed in 8 patients, and 2 patients were treated
conservatively. The alignment of the fractured segments could
be easily identified by ultrasonography in all patients. All
fractured segments were adequately reduced into their normal
anatomical position. The postoperative CT confirmed these
results. Conclusion: CT has been recommended for
preoperative evaluation of zygomatic trauma as a standard
diagnostic method, especially
in complicated cases with intracranial injuries or when there
is a need for optic nerve evaluation, because they cannot be
adequately seen by ultrasonography. While ultrasonography
has proved to be a valuable tool in detecting uncomplicated
fractures at the zygomaticofrontal process, the zygomatic arch
and the infra orbital margin but its results for orbital floor
and medial wall remain
unsatisfactory. Also, ultrasound is more reliable in
postoperative follow up, resulting in decreased cost and
radiation exposure. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):524-533]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Ultrasonography; computed tomography;
zygomatic; cranium, maxilla
Gene Transfer Events among Different Species of Bacteria
A. Hassan and M.K. Amin*
Department of Genetics, Fac. Agric.
Zagazig Univ. Egypt.
Abstract: Horizontal
gene transfer may play a key role in the evolution of bacterial
populations and the adaptation of microbial communities to
environment. The genetic exchange of antibiotic resistant
determinants between organisms of the same or different species
is believed to play a role in resistance among bacteria with a
variety of antibiotic. In this study an assessment of a
horizontal gene transfer among different species of bacteria by
two mechanisms of gene transfer, conjugation and transduction
has been investigated. The ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
bacteriophages to propagate on different bacterial genera has
also been addressed. The results of this study showed that the
three P. aeruginosa bacteriophages, F116, AMSE2000 and Ø111
propagated successfully on different species of Staphylococcus
and Rhizobium beside their original host (P. aeruginosa). The
plaque forming units (PFU/ml) of phage F116 on P. aeruginosa
strain PAO1 was 2×109 and ranged from 5.4×107 up to 6.9×108 on
tested strains. Moreover horizontal gene transfer by
conjugation can occur either as inter or intra species gene
transfer, where it was occurred among different strains of P.
aeruginosa using chloramphenecole (chlr) and ampcillin (ampr)
resistance genes. Conjugation frequencies ranged from 1.02×10-3
to 8.8×10-4 for chlr and 9.9×10-4 to 8.9×10-4 for ampr.
Furthermore conjugation was occurred between Staphylococcus and
Pseudomonanas bacterial species. The three P. aeruginosa
bacteriophages that propagated on different genera have been
tested to asses their ability in horizontal gene transfer by
transduction into different strains of the same species.
Transduction frequency ranged from 3.2×10-5 to 2.6×10-3. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):534-544]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Horizontal gene transfer,
conjugation, transduction, antibiotic resistance, Pseudomonas,
Staphylococcus, Rhizobium, bacteriophage, lysogen, induction
Studies on Curcuma longa, Chicorium
intybus and Petroselinum sativum Water
Extracts against Cisplatin-Induced Toxicity in Rats
Nermien Z Ahmed, Kamal M El-Deib and
Mahgoub M Ahmed
Molecular Drug Evaluation Department, National
Organization for Drug Control & Research (NODCAR), Giza
12553, Egypt.;
ABSTRAC: This study aimed to investigate the
prophylactic effect of three water extracts; Curcuma longa
(CL), Chicorium intybus
(CI), and Petroselinum sativum (PS) alone or in
combination with silymarin (SN) as standard antioxidant
compound on cisplatin induced acute toxicity. Group 3, 4 and 5
received a daily dose of each extract (250mg/kg b.w.) by oral
administration. Groups 7, 8 and 9 were received each extract by
the same dose and SN by the dose of (70mg/kg b.w.). All groups
except control (treated with tween 80, p.o.) received a single
dose of cisplatin (CPN) by dose of (7.5 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) on
the fifth day. After 7 days, all animals were decapitated;
blood was collected and analyzed for the biochemical
parameters; GSH content, total antioxidant capacity (TAC),
total protein, ALT, AST and MDA levels. SOD, CAT, MDA, TP and
DNA concentrations were determined in liver and kidney. Also,
histophathological examinations were done in liver. The results
revealed that the body and organs weight affected by CPN and
plant extracts. The
level of MDA, AST and ALT were increased by CPN and it appeared
to be improved by the plant extract either alone or in
combination with SN. Also, total protein level, the total
antioxidant capacity and GSH contents appeared to be improved
by the plant extracts against CPN-induced toxicity. CPN treatment caused a
significant decrease in the level of CAT & SOD in rat liver
and kidney as compared to control, while the level was
increased after plant extract treatments in both liver and
kidney by different values. DNA damage was occurred as compared
to control after CPN treatment, it was ameliorated after each
plant extract treatments alone or in mixture with SN at the
present of cisplatin by different percentage values.
Histopathological examination exerted a severe damage in the
liver under the effect of CPN. The liver morphology was
characterized by severe activation of Kupffer cells,
degenerated hepatocytes and moderate enlargement of sinusoids.
Plant extract administrations exerted an ameliorative effect by
decreasing pathological lesions as inflammatory cell aggregates
and fibrosis areas. The results support significant antioxidant
effect of each plant extract by different values and it may
involve prevention of lipid peroxidation and tissue damage in
liver and kidney. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):545-558]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Curcuma longa, Chicorium
intybus, Petroselinum
sativum, silymarin, cisplatin, MDA, SOD, CAT, DNA and GSH
Studies of Transition Metal Complexes and Their
Antibacterial Activities
Ritu Sharma, Prabhat*, Randhir Singh,
Swati Pawar# and Avnish Chauhan+
Department of Chemistry, *Department
of Botany and Microbiology
Gurukula Kangri
University, Haridwar (UA) 249404.
#Department of Chemistry,
Vivekanand College,
Chandpur, Bijnor, UP-246752. + Department of Applied
Sciences and Humanities, College
of Engineering, Teerthanker
Mahaveer University,
Abstract: Tetraaza Macrocyclic complexes of
transition metals of Ni (II), Cu(II), Cr(III), Fe(III),
Mn(II) were synthesized in methanolic media by template method.
The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, UV-Vis,
Infrared spectroscopy. In
vitro antibacterial
activity of macrocyclic complexes against five bacteria i.e. Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae were
tested to assess their inhibiting the activities and compared
with standard with ampicilline. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):559-564].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Tetraaza
macrocyclic complexes, template synthesis, antibacterial
Ambient Air Quality Status in Uttarakhand (India):
A Case Study of Haridwar And Dehradun Using Air Quality Index
Avnish Chauhan*, Mayank
Pawar*, Rajeev Kumar and P. C. Joshi#
*Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities,
College of Engineering,
Mahaveer University
Uttar Pradesh, India-244001.
Department of Computer Science,
College of Engineering,
Mahaveer University
Uttar Pradesh, India-244001.
#Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences,
Gurukula Kangri
University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.-249404
ABSTRACT: This paper examines the significant differences
in seasonal variations of air pollutants concentrations at
urban, industrial, commercial and agricultural areas of
Uttarakhand. PM10 (RSPM), suspended particulate matter
(SPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen
(NOx) were collected over four sites in Haridwar and Dehradun
Valley, Uttarakhand. The
first one, Shivalik Nagar, Haridwar is an urban area. The
second site SIDCUL, which is one of the most industrial areas
of Haridwar. The third site is famous Clock Tower of Dehradun
Valley, one of the busiest commercial centres. The fourth site
was an agricultural area where pollution level was very low,
considered as a control site. The present study deals with
the effect of industrialization, urbanization and automobile
emission on ambient air quality in Haridwar and Dehradun
City. Meteorological
parameters like temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and
rainfall were also recorded simultaneously during the sampling
period. Monthly and seasonal variation of these pollutants have
been observed and recorded. The annual average and range values
have also been calculated. It has been observed that the
concentrations of the pollutants are high in winter in
comparison to the summer or the monsoon seasons. In the present
study, it was noticed that the SPM and PM10 levels
at all selected sites (excluding Roshnabad) exceeds the
prescribed limits as stipulated by Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) New Delhi,
Apart from this the SO2
and NOx
levels in residential, industrial and commercial areas remain
under prescribed limits of CPCB. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):565-574].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: PM10
particles, Urban air pollution, Traffic pollution, Industrial
Studies on Acceleration of Ras Cheese Ripening
by Aminopeptidase Enzyme from Buffaloes' Pancreas. II- Utilization of
Buffaloes' pancreas
aminopeptidase in acceleration of Ras cheese ripening
M. A. El-Hofi; Azza A. Ismail; Fawzia H. R. Abd
Rabo*; Samia M. El-Dieb* and O. A. Ibrahim
* Dairy Science
Department; Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
Department; National Research Centre, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Aminopeptidases are an
exopeptidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of amino acid residues
from the N-terminus of peptide or protein substrates, these are
believed to act in concert to completely degrade the products
of proteolysis into amino acids. The presence of free amino
acids in Cheddar cheese and their contribution to aged flavor
clearly and debittering effect in cheese indicates the
importance of aminopeptidases in the ripening process. Fresh
mixture of buffaloes’ and cows’ milk (1:1) was
divided into five portions. The first portion was left without
treatment and served as a control (C). The aminopeptidase was
added at levels of 0.03 (T1), 0.06 (T2), 0.09 (T3) and 0.15
(T4) units / kg milk. All five milk samples were manufactured
into ras cheese. Ras cheese samples were taken periodically
when fresh and after 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 days
of storage at 14 ± 1°C for analysis. After 60 days of ripening,
sample T2 was more superior as it had an acceptable acidity and
pH value and the difference between it and control was
significant. The moisture and total nitrogen contents of sample
T2 were 36.65 and 4.643% and there is no significant difference
between T2 and control. The level of soluble nitrogen in the
control cheese was lower than those of treated cheeses and the
difference between sample T2 and control was significant. The
use of buffaloes’ pancreas aminopeptidase increased
soluble tyrosine and tryptophan contents in the resultant
cheeses as compared with the control. Specific assessment of
proteolysis by measuring decrease in the intensity of protein
bands by urea-PAGE showed considerable decreases in intact
αs1 and β-casein in sample T2 compared to
the control. Organolyptically treatment 2 had the highest total
score among treatments followed by sample T1 then T3, T4 and
finally control cheese. Therefore addition of 0.06 units of
buffaloes’ pancreas aminopeptidase / kg milk would
accelerate the ripening process of Ras cheese through 60 days
without any defects in its properties. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):575-581]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Buffaloes’ pancreas,
Aminopeptidase, Ras cheese, Cheese ripening
Studies on proventriculitis in
Broilers with molecular characterization to its viral causes
M. A. Kutkat1; Hoda M. Ahmed1; S. A. Khalil2; M. Abd
El-Fatah 1 and H. A. Torky2
1 Poultry Diseases
Departement, National Research Centre,
Giza, Egypt
2 Departement of
Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Alexandria University
Abstract: Infectious proventriculitis syndrome is
at times a serious and ongoing problem causing significant
financial losses. From the obtained results in the present
study, it could be concluded that proventriculitis can be transmitted by oral
inoculation of homogenates produced from proventriculi of birds
with proventriculitis. Experimentally inoculated broilers were
seroconverted to ARV, IBV and IBDV. I-FAT against ARV, IBV and
IBDV detected intra-cytoplasmic staining in the proventricular glandular
epithelial cells of experimentally inoculated broilers. ARV,
IBV and IBDV were identified in proventricular homogenate
inoculated broilers by RT-PCR. S1 sequence analysis of examined
ARV isolates revealed a higher degree of similarity with published
Egyptian isolates than that obtained when compared with
international strains. S1 sequence analysis of examined IBV
isolates revealed their close relatedness to Mass serotype. Nested PCR followed by RFLP and sequence analysis of HVR of VP2 gene revealed that
the examined IBDV isolates related to vvIBDV. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):582-592].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Proventriculitis, Infectious
bursal Diseases Virus, Infectious bronchitis virus, PCR
The Effects of Dietary Supplementations with Barley
Seeds and Hay on Ochratoxin A- Toxicity using
Lactating Egyptian Goats.
Abdel- Fattah, Sh. M.*1; Yehia .H.
A1; EL-Maaz2, A.A. and El-Nemr, S. A.2
1 Department of food
toxins and contaminants National research centre, 2
Biochemistry department, Giza
provincial laboratory, Animal health research institute, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: The effects of dietary supplementation
with barley and hay at levels of 45% of the composition of
daily rations, on the performance and toxicity of Egyptian
lactating gaots received ochratoxin A (10mg/kg ration, of dry matter
basis), were successively examined for four weeks. Sixteen
native apparently healthy female goats with average weight of
47.6 ± 1.26 kg., were put under observation for two weeks, then
they were divided into four equal groups according to their live
body weight for performing feeding trials. The 1st., group used
as a negative control which fed ochratoxin A-free diets
consisting of 70% concentrates and 30% hay (dry matter basis,
energy to supply 1.1 times the requirement for maintenance),
the 2nd., group used as a positive control which fed ochratoxin
A-contaminated diets (70% concentrates and 30% hay), the 3rd.,
group fed the same diet used for the 2nd., group except the hay
level which elevated to 45%, and the 4th., group which fed the
same diet used for the
3rd., group except the hay portion which supplemented with 45%
barley seeds. Dry matter intake (DM), apparent nutrient
digestibilities, nutritive values, serum chemistry profiles and
ochratoxin A (OA) concentrationa in feed intake, orts, serum, feces,
urine and milk; were evaluated. The obtained results indicated
that goats fed ochratoxin A-contaminated diets without barley
or hay supplementation, showed reduction in feed intake,
nutritive value, body weight gain, and immunoglobulin
production as well as in some serum constituents. After
1,.2,.3, and 4 weeks of the trial, significant concentrations
of ochratoxin A were
detected in serum, feces and urine samples of all treated
animals. Ochratoxin A was found in significant concentrations,
because of escaping from the gastrointestinal tract. Addition
of barley or hay can in part, able to counteract the toxic
effects of ochratoxin A as well as the immunoglobulin
dysfunction. The antitoxic effects of hay were generally better
than barley seeds to minimize or to avoid the immunosuppressive
effect of OA, the mycotoxin status of goats diet must be
controlled if good goat performance is to be targeted. The
current experiment demonstrates that OA hydrolysis in the
gastrointestinal tract of Egyptian goats is substantially less
than previously described, especially if OA is ingested in
combination with concentrate-rich diets. The results suggest
that OA is hydrolyzed much faster in the rumen of goats fed hay
than in goats fed grains, presumably because of the different
ruminal microbial population, which in turn influenced the rate
of hydrolysis of OA. This experiment established that very good
conversion of OA to ochratoxin alpha (Oα) occurs
systematically; 3.5 to 5.15% of the OA was recovered as unaltered
OA in the urine. Most of the great amount of Oα recovered
was also in the urine. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):593-603].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Ochratoxins,
Ruminants, Diets, Hydrolysis, Bioavailability
Insulin resistance is triggered by
oxidative stress in mildly obese men
Salwa fayez *Abd El Aziz GH .M** Mohamed
*Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Faculty of Medicine,
of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,
Beni Suef
*** Internal Medicine Department, Faculty
of Medicine, Cairo University
Abstract: Recent
reports indicate that obesity may induce systemic oxidative
stress that plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of
various diseases. Cumulative evidence suggests that increased
oxidative stress may lead to insulin resistance in vivo or in
vitro. The present study aimed to investigate the possible
relationship of oxidative stress with mild obesity and insulin
resistance in men. The serum levels malondialdehyde and
total antioxidant capacity were measured in 31 mildly obese and
26 nonobese men and their relationship was evaluated with
homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR),
body mass index and waist circumference. Obese men had
significantly higher serum concentrations of malondialdehyde
and lower levels of total antioxidant capacity than nonobese
men (P < 0.001). The serum levels of malondialdehyde
were significantly positive correlated with HOMA-IR, body mass
index (r = 0.78; 0.69; P < 0.001 respectively), while
total antioxidant capacity was significantly negative
correlated with HOMA-IR, body mass index (r = - 0.50; - 0.64 P
< 0.001) in all (obese and nonobese) men. Also HOMA-IR
values were found to be significantly positive correlated with
body mass index and waist circumferance in all (obese and
nonobese) men. The results of this study suggest that,
increased oxidative stress together with the decreased
antioxidative defence seems to contribute to decreased insulin
sensitivity and related to adiposity and insulin resistance in
men, and may be hypothesized to favor the development of insulin
resistance in mildly obese men. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):604-611].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Insulin
resistance, Oxidative stress, Obesity, Total antioxidant
capacity, Malondialdehyde
Natural State Changes of Cows' and
Buffaloes' Milk Proteins Induced by Microbial Transglutaminase
F.H.R. Abd-Rabo, S. M. El-Dieb, A.M.
Abd-El-Fattah and S.S. Sakr
Dairy science Department,
Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt
Abstract: Incorporation of some amino acids in
milk protein as a result of cross-linking by Microbial
Transglutaminase (MTGase) was investigated. Effect of MTGase on
electrophoretic patterns, microstructure, micellar hydration
and sedimentable solids of milk proteins as well as the
viscosity of whole and skim cows and buffaloes milk was also
studied. Incubation of milk with MTGase at 40O C for
1h prior to thermal inactivation (at 80OC/2min) resulted in a complete
incorporation of glutamine and argynine in skim cows milk
protein and glysine and valine in skim buffaloes milk protein.
That treatment also induced reductions in levels of monomeric
caseins (αs1-, β-, and κ-caseins) and
an increase in the fractions of relatively low electrophoretic
mobility. The effect of MTGase on the microstructure of treated
samples was quite clear; the enzyme was capable of forming
covalent linkages between protein molecules. The micellar
hydration and viscosity of treated skim milk samples were
markedly improved and were the highest between the samples
makes it possible to produce different types of dairy products
with low fat contents or a reduced content of non-fat solids.
[Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):612-620]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Microbial Transglutaminase; electrophoretic pattern, microstructure,
micellular hydration
Analytical study for the relationship of population and
cultivated area in Egypt
Ezzat, A. Z.1; Mahmoud, A. M1; Naira, Y.
S1. and Gamal, A. M.2
1Agricultural Economics Dept.,
National Research Centre, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt.
2Economic Research Unit, Fayoum, Egypt
Abstract: The study aims to identify
the rates of growth in both population and agricultural land in
during the period 1979-2008. In addition to the extent of the
discrepancy between population and the average area
cultivated and examine the impact of the improving area
planted on the cultivated areas, total production of food crops
and its relationship to population growth. Hence, the impact on
imports and exports of wheat, cotton, rice, and also the impact
on total production of livestock. Moreover the outcome of
this effect in the study of the food gap between production and
consumption. The study was achieved by some statistical
analysis methods of general trend and some descriptive
statistical methods. Finally, analysis of variance between the
variables studied during the study periods (1979 - 1993) and
(1994-2008). The study adopted in the compilation of data on
all the bulletins from the Central Agency for Public
Mobilization and Statistics and Ministry of Agriculture. The
most important findings of the study compared with the general
trend during the two study increased some of the variables
during the initial period compared to the second period,
including the acreage, the area of wheat, wheat production,
productivity, imports of wheat, meat, red meat consumption, per
capita red meat consumption, the gap of the dairy, poultry
consumption, the per capita consumption of poultry, the gap of
poultry. Also reflect an increasing number of variables during
the second period, including a number of the population, the
crop area, the area of rice exports of cotton, the average per
capita production of wheat, the gap of red meat, dairy
production, milk consumption, per capita milk consumption, per
capita consumption of milk and, finally, poultry production
compared to the first period. In addition, show some of the
variables decreased during the first period compared to the
second period, including the area of cotton, cotton production,
the average per capita production of cotton. Finally, show
declining average per capita cultivated area at a steady rate
in both periods. As it was the most important findings of the study
to compare the averages of some economic variables and the
rates of growth and change them between the two study a rise in
the rate of growth and rate of change between the averages of
some variables such as population, cultivated area, the area of
wheat, rice cultivation area, the productivity of wheat, rice
productivity, exports of cotton, rice exports, the average per
capita production of wheat, the average per capita rice
production, production of red meat, red meat consumption, per
capita consumption of red meat, milk production, milk
consumption. Also show a reduction in both growth rate and the
rate of change between the averages of some variables,
including the crop area, the area of cotton, cotton production,
imports of wheat, the average per capita cultivated area, the
average per capita crop area, the average per capita share of
cotton production, and the gap red meat. The study found the
gap between population and cultivated area and land area in
Egypt increased the gap resulting from the continued increase
in population during the years of the study it was found that
the number of people equivalent to about 7.11, 10.7 and 9.024
of total land area. And then was the most important
recommendations of the study are: 1 - Work to reduce and
decrease the number of population through family planning
programs, or developing new laws to limit the number of
children, two kids/ family and who wants a third child or more
depending on the economic, the viability of expenses the full
education, treatment, and care, and so on. 2 - follow the ways
and means of modern technology that lead to greater land area
cultivated (horizontal extension) through the cultivation and
reclamation of land, as well as developing and enacting laws
that contribute to the reduction of construction and the attack
on the agricultural land for other purposes. 3 - The
application of genetic engineering to increase the output unit
of cultivated area to improve seeds and seedlings, devising new
types of high-yield and short staying and resistance to adverse
conditions and some others, and also use some of the methods of
modern agriculture with the use of fertilizer extension
courses, and others. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):621-630]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: rate of growth; population;
agricultural land; livestock
Green Microalgae Water Extract and
Micronutrients Foliar Treatments as Promoters to Nutrient
Balance and Growth of Wheat Plants
Mahmoud M. Shaaban, Abdel Karim M.
El-Saady, Abo El-Khair B. El-Sayed
Fertilization Technology Department,
National Research Centre,
Abstract: Pot experiment was conducted in the
experimental station of the Suez Canal
University, Ismailia, Egypt with wheat
plants to study the effect of foliar fertilization with algal
extract or micronutrients fertilizer or their combinations on
the dry matter accumulation in the plant shoots. Nutrient concentrations,
uptake and balance were also under investigation. Results
showed that the best concentrations of macronutrients were
achieved by the algal extract treatments or the higher dose of
the micronutrient fertilizer. However, the best uptake,
nutrient balance and dry matter accumulation was recorded with
combined algal extract and micronutrient fertilizer treatment.
[Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):631-636]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Wheat, Micronutrients, Algae
Extract, Dry Weight, Nutrient Balance
Scenedesmus sp. for Biological Desalination of Red Sea Water: II. Effect on
Macronutrients Removal
El-Sayed, A. B
Research Centre (NRC), Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: To assess the
ability of the freshwater green alga Scenedesmus sp. to
recover nutrients from saline water. The saline water from Red Sea, Ismailia Governorate (about
45g.l-1) was used. Alga was hetero-trophically grown
in 10L rough polyethylene bottles. Fresh-saline water ratio
ranged from 0.0 to 100%. Physico-chemical analysis of growth
media was daily determined. All of nitrogen and phosphorous
content either from original growth medium and saline water was
absorbed by the first batch due to their low concentration and
high importance. Potassium, calcium and sodium represented
their maximum by the first batch, however absorption extended
by the following batches due to their higher concentrations.
Magnesium represented the lower concentration by the third
batch due to complete consumption of this element. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):637-643]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key word: Scenedesmus;
saline water; nutrient uptake
Patterns of relationship and daily interactions between
parents and adolescents
Amal Gamal Shehata, Fatma Hussein Ramadan
and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of nursing,
University of
Abstract: The
adolescent period is one which has perplexed parents,
psychologists and adolescents themselves for many years.
Adolescents experience a decline in the desire for
companionship with their parents, experience an increase in
conflict and distance in relationships with their parents. The
magnitude of this disturbance is still under some debate within
the body of research that examines the relationship between
adolescents and their parents. The aim of this study is to
assess the patterns of relationship and daily interactions
between parents and adolescents. Total samples of 100
adolescents aged from 11 to 16 years were randomly selected
from general population in Alexandria, representing
adolescents who were available at net café and different social
clubs. Two tools were used to collect the necessary data: one
questionnaire sheet to obtain demographic data including
gender, age, and family structure. Second tool was Parent-
Adolescent Relationship Survey Questionnaire (PARQ). It consists of 32 questions
that explore the dimensions of parent –adolescent
relationship from adolescent's perspective. These dimensions
are time spent with parents, frequency of interactions, quality
of interactions and parental affect during the interactions, to
predict the overall patterns of relationships between
adolescents and parents. The results showed how adolescents
react to parental affect and how much it determines the
patterns of interactions .Also parental affect and the
frequency of interactions were particularly meaningful in the
maintenance of positive parent - adolescent relationship. This
study aimed at: Identifying the patterns of parent- adolescent
relationship and the effect of adolescent sex on these
patterns. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):644-655]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: daily interactions; adolescents;
Trichodinians Infecting catfish Clarias gariepinus
inhabiting Nile Delta Water of the River Nile, Dakahlia Province, Egypt
El-Tantawy S.A.M
and El-Sherbiny H.A.E.
Department - Faculty of Science –
University - Egypt
Abstract: This work was done to identify the
ectoparasitic trichodinians infecting the freshwater catfish clarias
gariepinus inhabiting the Nile Delta water near Mansoura
city in Egypt.
The fish specimens were collected monthly. During this study
some ectoparasitic protozoan were identified as: Trichodina
matsu, T. magna, T. maritinkae and T. sangwala. The
aim of this work is for morphological, taxonomical and
anatomical studies of the protozoan parasities infesting the
gills and skin. Morphometric data were also given for each
species and interspecific variations were discussed. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):656-668].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Trichodinid,
catfish, ectoparasites ciliophora – River Nile – Egypt
Isolation and Characterization of
Nephropathogenic Strain of Infectious Bronchitis Virus in EGYPT
Susan, S, El-Mahdy1;
El-Hady, M.M.2 and Soliman, Y.A*1
1 Central Lab. for Evaluation of Vet . Biologics,
Absassia , Cairo,
2Vet. Collage,
Cairo University.
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Three strains of infectious bronchitis
virus with sever Nephropathological characteristics were
isolated from Mansoura, Gharbia and Giza governorates early 2010.
Egg propagation revealed the ability of the isolates to make
mortalities of the SPF embryos by the 3rd passage
after 72 h post inoculation. The embryos showed stunted growth
with sever renal damage and deposition of ureates within the
ureters and urinary bladder. PCR amplification of the 976bp of
S1 gene gave appositive amplicon with 10-2 –
10-5 diluted infected allanotic fluid. phylogenetic
analysis revealed that these strains are related to the
IS/1494/06 nephropathic IBV strain. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):669-675].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: infectious bronchitis;
Nephropathological; Egg; nephropathic IBV strain
Some Protozoan Parasites
Infecting Catfish Clarias gariepinus Inhabiting Nile
Delta Water of the River Nile,
Dakahlia Province, Egypt
El-Tantawy S.A.M and
El-Sherbiny H.A.E.
Department - Faculty of Science –
University - Egypt
Abstract: The present study was restricted to
the freshwater catfish Clarias gariepinus inhabiting the
Nile Delta water near Mansoura
City in Egypt.
The specimens of the catfish were collected monthly during this
study some parasitic protozoa were identified as: Trypanosoma
alhussaini, Amphileptus sp., Chilodonella
hexasticha, Vorticella sp. and Tetrahymena sp.
The aim of this work is for taxonomical, anatomical and
morphological studies of the protozoan parasites infesting gill
filaments, skin and blood of the catfish Clarias gariepinus.
Morphometric data were also given for each species and
interspecific variations were discussed. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):676-696].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Trypanosoma – Amphileptus – Chilodonella
vorticella – Clarias gariepinus – River
Nile – Egypt
Contribution of mesophilic starter and
adjunct lactobacilli to proteolysis and sensory properties of
semi hard cheese
El-Sayed El-Tanboly, Mahmoud El-Hofi ,
N. S. Abd-Rabou and *Wahed El-Desoki
Dairy Science Department,
National Research
Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
*Dairy Science Department, Al-Azhar
univ., Agriculture
Faculty, Assuet Branch
Abstract: Cheese products enriched with
probiotic bacteria are one of optimized functional foods. The
objective of the present study was to influence of modified
mesophilic starter and probiotic Lactobacillus, as adjunct
culture, on product quality, in particular the proteolytic
pattern of the cheeses. The composition and the pH value were almost
identical between cheese. The rate of proteolysis of cheese
with probiotic bacteria was slightly higher than that in
control cheese, probably as a consequence of their different
proteolytic activity. Levels of water soluble nitrogen
(WSN/TN), non protein nitrogen (NPN/TN) and levels of
phosphotungstic acid soluble nitrogen (PTA/TN) increased
significantly with ripening period. Organoleptic evaluation
showed that probiotic cheese had higher sensory evaluation than
control cheese, without probiotic strain. The population of
Lactobacillus survived to numbers > 107 cfu/g,
which is necessary for positive effects on health. These results showed that the
contribution of mesophilic starter and probiotic strain as
adjunct culture can be successfully used in production of semi
hard cheese. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):697-703]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Physically heat shock mesophilic starter , probiotic bacteria, semi hard cheese, cheese proteolysis
Abbas1, Salman Qadri2,
Muhammad Idress3, Sarfraz Awan2, Naeem
Akhtar Khan1
of CS University of Centeral Punjab, Lahore,
54600, Pakistan.
of CS Virtual University
of Mathematics, University
of Education, Township
Campus, Lahore, 54770, Pakistan.
Abstract: Another method of image processing
content based image is said to be possibility of recovery
content based information retrieval (CBIR), posing question by
image content (QBIC) and (CBIR). This is an application of
computer vision meant to explain image retrieval problem. In
large databases we have to find the required image by applying
some query on the basis of
content based
shapes, textures colors etc.we find the required data or
image. If the ability to estimate or examine the image Content
does not exist, in that case search must depend upon metadata
like caption or keywords. If the query doesn’t match the
required contents then it is implemented on some other feature
of images to retrieve from the database. This research focus on
the Content Based image retrieval with specific domain of Text
Based image retrieval (TBIR) system. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):704-707].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words:
Content based Image Retrieval; Text based Image Retrieval,
Textual, Human Perception
Effect of
Spacing on the Performance of Extra Early Yellow Maize (Zea
mays L.) Variety TZESR
- Y in Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria
*Futuless, Kaki Ngodi1; Kwaga,
Yohanna Mamman1 and
Aberakwa, Simon Ali.2
1. Department of Crop Science, Faculty
of Agriculture Adamawa State University, P.M.B 25, Mubi Nigeria
2. Ministry of Agriculture Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria
Corresponding Author
GSM: 08034798172
Abstract: The study examined the effect of
spacing on extra early yellow maize variety TZESR —Y in
Mubi Adamawa state with the objective of finding the most
appropriate spacing for optimum yield. The effect of four
spacing viz: 75cm x 25cm, 75cm x 20cm, 75cm x 15cm and 75cm x
10cm respectively were evaluated. The experiment was laid in a
randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times.
Data were taken on nine parameters viz: plant height, plant
leaves, length of cob, diameter of cob, stem girth, 1000 seed
weight, days to 50% tasseling, days to physiological maturity
and yield per plot. Results were obtained after subjecting the
data to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results shows that
spacing has great significance on the performance of maize. S1
(75cm x 25cm) gave the highest number of days to 50% tasseling
(48), length of cob (12.13), diameter of cob (13.27), stem
girth (13.02), 1000 seed weight (1000 g) and yield per plot
(1900 kg/ha) respectively. It was observed also that these
values were significantly (p=0.05) different with other means.
[Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):708-712]. (ISSN:
Key Words: Zea
mays,spacing,performance,variety,physiological maturity
impedance inversion from robust regression method
Charles Prisca Samba 1, Liu Jiangping 1
1Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics,China University
of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074 Hubei,
PR China
*Corresponding author: Email:
Abstract: As in two terms AVO inversion, the
linear fit of set of logarithm elastic impedance versus the sinus square of incidence
angle have been used to extract elastic parameters .This
way based on minimum least square sense, though very
efficient ,gives optimal results when staying in Gaussian
context. Unfortunately, the Gaussian distribution proves
sometimes to be inexact on real data often affected by noises
that create outliers and thus distort inversion results. In
this paper, we introduce the one popular robust technique; the
so-called M-estimators to deal with outliers. On synthetic
elastic impedance (EI) data in which fours outliers have been
added to far angles, the Andrews estimator gives the best
results than Hubert estimator. From this observation, the
Andrew estimator has been used to real seismic data and the
inversion results are very stable. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):713-718]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: elastic impedance; inversion;
regression linear; robust regression
Protective Effect of Morus Alba and Calendula
Officinalis Plant Extracts on Carbon Tetrachloride- Induced
Hepatotoxicity in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes
Manal, Sh.
Hussein*1, Osama, S. El-Tawil2 Nour
El-Hoda Yassin1and Khalid, A. Abdou1
1Department of Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University
2 Departments of Toxicology and
Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
Abstract: The present work was planned to
evaluate the potential hepatoprotective effects of morus
alba and calendula officinalis extracts against
cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4 ) in isolated primary rat
hepatocytes.Hepatocytes were isolated by collagenase perfusion
two steps technique. Cytotoxicity was determined by assessing
cell viability and leakage of cytosolic enzymes, such as (LDH,
ALT and AST).. Oxidative stress
was assessed by determining reduced (GSH) level and lipid
peroxidation as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances (TBARS) production. Exposure of isolated rat
hepatocytes to CCl4 caused cytotoxicity and
oxidative injury, manifested by loss of cell viability and
significant increase in LDH ,ALTand AST leakages. As well as,
CCl4 caused progressive depletion of intracellular
GSH content and significant enhancement of TBARS accumulation.
Pre- incubation of hepatocytes with either morus alba
and calendula officinalis extracts ameliorated the
hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by CCl4,
as indicated by significant improvement in cell viability and
enzymes leakages (ALT, AST and LDH). Also, significant
improvement of GSH content and significant decrease in TBARS
formation as compared to CCl4 treated
cells. The present study indicate that morus
alba and calendula officinalis extracts possess a
highly promising hepatoprotective effects against CCl4
- induced hepatotoxicity. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):719-734]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Egyptian medicinal plants,
heptotoxicity, isolated hepatocytes
Hepato Ameliorative Effect of Azadirachta indica Leaves Extract against Mercuric Chloride
Environmental Pollution.
Eman Taha Mohamed*1; Hisham
Abdo Mahran 2; and Marwa Salah Mahmoud3
1 Department of Biochemistry; 2
Department of Hygiene, Management and Zoonoses, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine. 3Zoology Department, Faculty of
Sciences. Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef , Egypt*
Abstract: Mercury is a highly toxic metal which
induces oxidative stress in the body. The present study aimed
to investigate the possible protective effect of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves extract (NLE) as an
antioxidant to protect against mercury-induced oxidative stress
and hepatotoxicity. Fourty male albino Sprague Dawley rats were
classified into four groups, Control
group received distilled water. Mercury-treated group was
administrated 2 mg/ Kg b.wt., mercuric chloride (HgCl2). Mercury and NLE-treated group was treated
with 200 mg/Kg b.wt of NLE simultaneously with the same dose of
HgCl2. NLE-treated
group was given NLE only with the same dose. The daily
treatments were administered orally for 30 days. Hepatotoxicity
was assessed by increased tissue malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric
oxide (NO) concentrations, glutathione peroxidase (GPx)
activity, serum total bilirubin, direct bilirubin
concentrations, serum activities of alanine aminotransferase
(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase; (AST), and alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) enzymes and decreased hepatic content of
reduced glutathione (GSH), vitamin C, vitamin E and serum
albumin concentration. Moreover, the histopathological changes
revealed destruction of the normal hepatic architecture and
severe pathological alterations post HgCl2 treatment.
Carbohydrates, DNA and proteins contents were decreased in the
liver tissue. The ultrastructural alterations were represented
by degenerative features which covered all the hepatic cells
and their cytoplasm contained extensive necrotic areas. Many
lipid droplets dispersed within the hepatic cells in addition
to the disintegration of most cellular contents. On the other
hand, treatment of rats with NLE reversed all these biochemical
indices, histopathological, histochemical and ultrastructural
alterations. The levels of
various serum and tissue parameters for organ toxicity after
neem treatment at the dose of 200 mg/kg.b.wt. remained more or
less close to the normal values suggesting no significant
adverse effects of NLE. The present results implicate that
mercury-induced oxidative damage in hepatic tissues was
improved by neem leaves extract, with its antioxidant effects.
[Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):735-751]. (ISSN:
Keywords: Liver function, Mercuric chloride,
Neem, Oxidative stress, Rat, Liver
Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus (CIAV)
in Broilers and Laying Hens in Sharkia Province, Egypt
A. M. Hegazy1, F. M.
L. K. Abd-El Samie3, and A. A. Nazim4
1 Avian & Rabbit Med. Dept., Faculty of Vet. Med.,
Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt.
Virology Dept., Faculty of Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt.
3f Avian & Rabbit Dis., Vet. Hospital, Faculty of
Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt.
4M. V. Sc., Faculty of Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ. Zagazig,
Abstract : CIAV was identified in three
broiler flocks from different localities of Sharkia province,
Egypt using PCR assay, where DNA extraction from liver, spleen,
bone marrow, and thymus of examined chicken yielded positive
reaction against primers. The flocks showed clinical signs and
lesions suggestive to CIAV infection. The examined birds showed
generalized weakness, depression, droopy appearance, pale comb
and wattles, stunting, growth retardation, high mortalities,
and markedly reduced packed cell volumes (average PCV was 17% -
22%). The necropsy findings were yellow fatty bone marrow,
generalized lymphoid atrophy, and enlarged liver and spleen.
Hypoplastic bone marrow and lymphocytic depletion were the most
consistent histopathological findings. A serologic survey
in unvaccinated commercial layer and broiler flocks from
different localities of Sharkia province, Egypt was also
performed using ELISA assay. Out of 180 tested serum samples of
commercial layer flocks, 147 were positive (with percentage of
81.67% & ELISA titers ranging from 1582.74 to 2320.88) and
158 out of 180 tested serum samples of commercial broiler
flocks, were positive (with percentage of 87.78% and ELISA
titers ranging from 1821.04 to 2803.30). The present
serological finding showed that CIAV was widely distributed in
Sharkia province, Egypt. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):752-761]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: CIAV, PCR assay, PCV,
Histopathology, ELISA
Immunosuppressive Effect of E. coli in Chickens
Vaccinated with Infectious Bronchitis (IB) or Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Vaccines
A. M. Hegazy*1, L. K.
Abd-El Samie 2 and
E. M. El Sayed 3
1 Avian & Rabbit Med. Dept., Faculty of Vet. Med.,
Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt
2 Avian & Rabbit Dis., Vet. Hospital, Faculty of
Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt
3 General Committee of Veterinary
Service, Sharkia Governorate, Zagazig, Egypt
Abstract: Escherichia coli O78 infection
4 days before vaccination has adverse effect on immune response
of chickens post vaccination with Mass type Infectious
Bronchitis vaccine at 14 day old. The ELISA values of infected
vaccinated group (B) were (0.366, 0.307) at serum dilution
(1:100, 1:200), (0.412, 0.388, 0.307) at (1:100, 1:200, 1: 400)
and (0.484, 0.406, 0.362, 0.308) at (1:100, 1:200, 1:400,
1:800) while only vaccinated group (D) the titer increased
(0.408, 0.386, 0.322) at (1:100, 1:200, 1: 4 00), (0.522,
0.436, 0.362, 0.304) at (1:100, 1:200, 1:400, 1:800) and
(0.625, 0.586, 0.508, 0.467, 0.351) at (1:100, 1:200, 1:400,
1:800, 1:1600) post vaccination with 1, 2 and 3 weeks respectively. Also phagocytic
index in vaccinated non infected group was (2.08, 1.67, and
1.47) while in infected vaccinated group was (1.03, 0.98, and
0.86), respectively. Infection with E. coli post IB
vaccination showed no differences in antibody titer and
phagocytic index in both infected and non infected groups. Also
E. coli infection 3 days before Infectious Bursal
Disease vaccinations and before revaccination caused high
decrease in ELISA antibody titer and also decrease in the
protection percent 70% mean while it was 90% in vaccinated non
infected. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):762-767].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: E coli O78, Immunosuppression,
Vaccination, ELISA, Phagocytic index, Protection
An Analytical Economic study Of
Egyptian fisheries
Saber Mostafa Mohamed 1,
Mahmoud Khalifa Ahmed 1, Kamal ibrahim Ahmed Aly 2
1 National Institute of Oceangraphic & fishries
(NIoF) Alexandria
2 Agricultural Research Center ــ Agricultural Economics
research institute
Abstract: To identify the comparative importance
and evolution of economic fish resources in all fisheries and
production worthiness during year 1990 – 2007 were main
objective of this study. Descriptive and analytical statistical
methods were applied. The results showed the
following orders: 1) Natural fisheries contribute 13%, Lakes
contribute about 14.3%, fresh water fisheries contribute 10%
and finally fish farms contribute 62.5% of fish production in
Egypt. 2) Auto- fishing ships constitute about 8.2% working
totally in marine fisheries. The rest of ships 91.8% which work
manually are located in Lakes and fresh water fisheries. 3)
Labor force in fishing business is characterized by having poor
skills and relatively big ages. These production techniques are
mostly traditional and inefficient. Number of fishermen is
gradually declining because of domestic and beyond border
immigration. Future plans concentrated on developing hatching
techniques and export promotion as well. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):768-772]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: fresh water fisheries; Natural
fisheries; marine fisheries; immigration
Genetic Approach by using the RAPD-PCR Technique for Detection
of Genetic Variability in Non- Human Isolates of Fasciola
I. Ramadan1, Lobna M. Saber2, Maha M. Abd
El Latif3, Nabila A. Abdalla4, and Halla
M. Ragab4
of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 2Department
of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar
University, 3Department of research and
applications of supplementary medicine, 4Department
of Biochemistry, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Division, ,National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Background: Understanding genetic structure and status of genetic
variation of the Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica
isolates from different hosts, has important implications for
epidemiology and effective control of fasciolosis. The aim of
the present work was to study the molecular characterization of
Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica isolates collected
from cows and sheep, using the random amplified polymorphic DNA
fragments-polymerase chain reaction (RAPDs-PCR) technique. Methods:
F. gigantica and F. hepatica of bovine and ovine
origin were collected from the biliary tracts and gall bladders
of condemned bovine and ovine livers from Cairo Governmental
slaughter house.. By using (RAPDs-PCR) technique, optimal
standardization of conditions of amplification and
thermocyclation was made, using genetic markers. The
methodology used compared the genetic pattern between the two
species (inter-species) and inside each species (intra-species)
between cow and sheep and the amplification fragments were
between 135 and 741 base pairs of marker. Results: The
results showed genetic variations (polymorphisms) of Fasciola
gigantica and F. hepatica with amplification fragment based on
a 500 – 400 base pair (bp). Inside each species, there
were genetic variations in bovine and ovine strains and the
amplification fragments were between 600 and 400 base pairs
(bp). Conclusion: This assay is useful for both
individual diagnosis and epidemiological surveys in endemic
regions. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):773-780]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Fasciola hepatica; Fasciola gigantica and (RAPDs-PCR)
Correlation between the
phenotypic patterns and Genotype patterns of aminoglycoside Resistance in Gram negative bacilli
Wassef MA , *El sherif RH , El Shenoufy
AE and Ghaith DM
Department of clinical microbiology
and urology, Cairo University, Egypt.
Background The determination of antimicrobial susceptibility of
a clinical isolate is often crucial for the optimal
antimicrobial therapy of infected patients.Testing is required
not only for therapy but also to monitor the spread of
resistant organisms or resistant genes throughout the hospital
and community. Objectives: The purpose of our study is to
correlate between the phenotypic and genotypic patterns of
amino glycosides resistance in the gram negative bacilli that
isolated from Cairo University. The phenotypic pattern is
determined by using disc diffusion test to (kanamycin,
Tobramycin, Amikacin and Netilmycin) and for genotypic pattern
is determined by using molecular techniques Study design:
prospective study. Methods: From total 1559 isolate, 396
isolate were gram negative bacilli collected over a 4 -month
period from a Kasr El-Aini hospital as detected by
routine conventional biochemical method of identification and
the most common isolate was E. coli (157) followed by
Klebsiella(153) .Two 16S rRNA methylase genes, armA and rmtB,
were detected by PCR-based assays. b-Lactamase characteristics
were determined by phenotypic methods. Results: Of the 45
amikacin resistance isolates arm A gene was detected in
seven isolates including one E.coli and six K. pneumoniae
and rmt B was detected in five isolates including two
E.coli and three K. pneumonia. Almost all the
aminoglycoside resistant isolates showed resistance to
fluoroquinolones (44) isolates and also the ESBLs production
was in (42) isolates. Conclusions: The spread of the
multidrug-resistant isolates producing both ESBLs and 16S rRNA
methylases may become a clinical problem. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):781-786]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: resistance genes, multidrug
resistance, armA, rmtB, extended-spectrum b-lactamases
Effect of entrance shape on the
performance of constructed wetland
M.M. Kamel1, M.A.
El-Khateeb1, R.A. Megahed2 and E.
1. National Research Center, Water Pollution Control
Department, Dokki, Cairo Egypt
2. Cairo University, Faculty od Engineering, Public
Works Departarment, Cairo Egypt,
Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of entrance shape on the performance of free water surface (FWS) and
subsurface flow (SSF) constructed wetlands treating
wastewater, four pilot-scale units were constructed and
operated continuously in parallel experiments. For this study
the treatment scheme consisting of filtration unit followed by
constructed wetland unit (FWS or SSF). Two different shapes of
entrance were examined (rectangle and triangle). The results
indicated that the triangle shape entrance enhances the
performance of constructed wetland in the term of COD, BOD,
TSS, bacteriological indicators such as fecal coliform (FC),
fecal streptococci (FS), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PS) and
Salmonellae (Sal.). The performance of FWS with triangle
entrance for removal of COD, BOD and TSS was more than 73, 83
and 81%, respectively. FC, FS and PS were removed by 104,
103 and 102 MPN/100 ml, respectively.
While Salmonellae was removed completely. [Journal of
American Science 2010; 6(9):787-795]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Constructed wetland, bacteriological
indicators, entrance shape
Involvement of Granulosa Cells in Realization of
Prolactin Effects on the Developmental Competence of Bovine
Oocytes Matured in vitro
B. Heleil 1, T. Kuzmina 2,
H . Alm3,
O. Scotti 2, A. Tuchscherer 3 and H.
1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafr El Sheikh
University, 33516, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt
2All-Russian Research Institute for Farm Animal Genetics
& Breeding, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia
3Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf,
Abstract: The objective of this study was to
evaluate the role of granulosa cells (GC) and bovine prolactin
(bPRL) on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of bovine oocytes
and their developmental competence in vitro. The level
of apoptosis in GC, the mitochondrial activity and the
concentration of intracellular stored calcium ([Ca2+]is)
in the matured oocytes, as well as morphology and the chromatin
status of produced embryos after IVF were analyzed.
Cumulus-oocyte complexes were incubated in TCM 199 containing
10% FCS (control group). Oocytes of experimental groups were
culture in control medium added by 106 GC or 50
ng/ml bPRL or 50 ng/ml bPRL with 106 GC
(experimental groups). The highest percentage of normal embryos
at morulae and blastocyst stages was obtained from oocytes
matured in the presence of bPRL and GC (47.9%). The
fluorescence intensity of metabolically active mitochondria
measured by intensity per oocyte (Em 570) after MitoTracker
CMTM Ros Orange labeling was significantly increased in oocytes
matured in the presence of 50 ng/ml bPRL and/ or GC (254,3 ±
20,2 μA vs. 119.9 ± 20.4 μA; P<0.05).
In parallel, the concentration of [Ca2+]is
in oocytes matured in bPRL and/or GC , determined by using the
fluorophore chlortetracycline, was significantly lower (0,67 ±
0,06 A.U. vs. 1,0 ± 0,07 A.U., P <0.05). In addition, it was
shown that bPRL decreased the level of apoptosis and the percentage
of cells with pycnotic nuclei in GC. In conclusion, it was
found that granulosa cells are involved in the realization of
prolactin’s action on the developmental competence
of bovine oocytes matured in vitro. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):796-805]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Granulosa cells -Oocytes - In vitro maturation
- Prolactin
I. Morphological characteristics
Rania M. Nassar and Hend M. Farag
Department of Agricultural Botany,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Abstract: Mugwort has a long history of use in
herbal medicine especially in matters connected to the
digestive system. However, it is ill-defined especially under
local conditions. This is the first part in a two-part study
concerning with the botanical attributes of mugwort. In this
paper a detailed morphological study of the plant is carried
out. Herbaceous stem cuttings of Artemisia vulgaris L.
were procured from the Experimental Station of Medicinal
Plants, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University where the field
work was carried out. Plant identification and authentication
procedures were carried out at CAIM. Cultivation was carried
out on October 20th, 2006. Plants were followed up
through 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 seasons. Eight plants, two of
each of the four replicates (replicate 3×4 m, 5 ridges 60
cm apart and plants 50 cm distance in between) were fixed to
follow up the vegetative growth at monthly intervals. In
addition, 40 fixed plants, 10 per replicate were followed up at
seven-day intervals for reproductive growth. Mugwort is a
perennial herb locally reproduced by rhizomes which give the
transplants (10-15 cm long). Rhizomes develop adventitious
roots at the nodes to fix the plant in soil. Some 75% of
rhizome buds produce shoots. The main stem is mainly responsible
of the plant height. The maximum plant height was 105.8 cm
(September 2007) in the first season and 121.8 cm. (November
2008) in the second season; reddish-purple in color and the
upper ⅓ of stem is typically branched. At the end of the
growing season, number of branches reached a maximum of 17.1
and 19.0 in the two growing seasons. Number of internodes of
the main stem reached 57.6 and 81.3 in the two seasons. Both of
main stem length and its internode number increased parallel to
each other. Fresh and dry weights of both of the leafless shoot
and leaves were followed up at the consecutive ages of the two
growing seasons. Flowering stage continued from September to
December in the two seasons. The maximum inflorescences
production and start of seed formation occurred at mid
November. Flower heads formed in spike-like clusters at the
terminal ¼ to ⅓ of the main stem and lateral branches.
Number of inflorescences was about 10-20 per branch. Each
inflorescence developed 15-30 only tubular flowers on the
central part of the receptacle. Ray flowers are absent.
Flowering behavior was followed up by recording the cumulative
number of inflorescences developing flower buds, inflorescences
in blooming and the total number of developed inflorescences at
seven day intervals. Mugwort plant developed a maximum number
of 307 inflorescences per plant. Mugwort fruit is a cylindrical
achene encloses the seed without a pappus. Seed is ridged,
brown, oblong (1-2 mm long) with a narrow base and have minute
bristles at the apex. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):806-814]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Artemisia vulgaris; Mugwort;
herbal medicine; Morphological characteristics
Evaluation of Yield and Yield Attributes
of Some Cowpea (Vigna
unguiculata (L) Walp) Varieties in Northern
Guinea Savanna
Futuless, Kaki Ngodi and Bake, Ibrahim
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of
Agriculture, Adamawa State University, Mubi. P. M. B. 25,
Adamawa State, Nigeria
E – Mail:;
GSM: 08034798172
Abstract: Five cowpea varieties were
evaluated in 2009 to determine their grain yield attributes.
The experiment was conducted at the Research and Teaching Farm
of Department of Crop Science, Adamawa State University Mubi
laid in randomized complete block design in three replicates.
Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves per
plant, number of branches per plant, number of days to
flowering, pod filling period, days to physiological maturity,
pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pods, number of
seeds per plant, 1000 seed weight and yield per hectare. Data
collected were subjected to analysis of variance. Most of the
yield and yield determining attributes recorded significant (P
= 0.05) difference due to treatment effects. These varieties
flowered between 38.02 days to 50.12 days after planting and
the maturity period did not exceed 71 days. Average grain yield
ranged between 14,000.3kg/ha to 20, 000.20kg/ha. V2
(Brown Kananado) recorded the highest yield of
20,000.20kg/ha with V5 (Ife - Brown) giving
the least yield of 14,000.30kg/ha. The need to develop
varieties with different attributes and resistance to major
biotic and abiotic constraints to suite the needs of different
agro – ecological zones can not be over emphasized. This
is because varietal requirements in terms of plant type, seed
type, maturity, yield for cowpea varies from one agro –
ecological region to another. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):815-818]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key Words: Cowpea, Genotypes, Optimum,
Evaluation, Yield Components
Chemical Composition and Potential Application of Spirulina
platensis Biomass
ٍAly, M. S1 and
Amber. S., Gad2
1Agriculture microbiology Dept, 2Chemistry
of Natural and Microbial products Dept., NRC, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Bio- chemical analysis of Spirulina platensis isolate naturally
grown in El Khadra lake water body medium
showed presence of 17 amino acids. Among the
non-essential amino acids, glutamic acid was the most
common followed by aspartic acid . Also, iso-luecine and
the sulfur containing amino acids e.g. methionine and cystine
of the algae were comparatively low. Spirulina is considered
nontoxic to humans at usual levels of consumption, it permit
the manufacturing of Spirulina capsules resembling those
present in the markets. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):819-826]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
analysis; Spirulina platensis;
El Khadra; amino acids
Two Iterative Algorithms for Transfer
Point Location Problem
Mohammad Mahmudian 1, Ali
Keivani 2, Hamid Davoudpour 1, Amir
Ardestani Jaafari 1
1. Industrial Engineering department at Amirkabir
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
2. Industrial Engineering at Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Mazandaran, Iran.
Abstract: In this paper, we develop two
heuristic algorithms for transfer point location problem. The
first algorithm is based on determining clusters of demand
points and the latter determine location of TP in first step.
Computational results show stability of these algorithms.
[Journal of American Science 2010;6(9):827-830]. (ISSN:
1545-1003). [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):827-830]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Transfer point location; Minimax;
and Cancer Chemoprevention Potentialities of Sweet Fennel (Foeniculum
vulgare Mill.) Hot Water Crude Extract
Naglaa M
Ebeed1, Halima S Abdou2, Hoda F. Booles
Sherifa H Salah2, Ekram S Ahmed2 and Kh.
1. Department of Genetics, Faculty of
Agric., Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2. Department of Cell
Biology, National Research Center, Dokki, Egypt
* Corresponding
The use of medicinal
plants by the general population is an old and still widespread
practice that makes studies of their mutagenicity and/or
antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic very essential. Fennel, Foeniculum
vulgare, one of the most common use in Egyptian kitchen as
a spice and beverage as well as in traditional medicine for its
estrogenic, lactagouge, diuretic, antioxidant, immune booster
and its usefulness in dyspepsia. It contains many
phytochemicals such as thymol, carvacrol, terpinenes, P-thymene
and thymol methyl ether, phenolic glycosides, flavonoids,
phytosterols-triterp and saponins. Therefore, the potential
antimutagenic and cancer chemoprevention effects of the hot
water crude extract of sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare
Mill.) seeds were evaluated in well known genetic model
organisms mice and Drosophila: using mutagenicity, molecular
and biochemical assays. In mice, Mitomycin C (MMC) was
administered to mice as a positive control alone
before and after treatment with 5 or 0.5 mg/Kg body
weight or in combination with Fennel crude extract as acute
(24h) and sub acute (5 consecutive days) doses,
respectively. Chromosomal aberration assay in mice bone marrow
cells revealed slight insignificant effect of fennel extract on
aberrant mitosis rate, while it gave remarkable significant
reduction of the MMC induced chromosomal aberrations. This
effect was found to be dose-dependent. However, random
amplified polymorphism of DNA (RAPD) showed clear variation between
different classes of treated and non treated animals against
MMC treatment, which reflected DNA protective effect of fennel
extract. Biochemical studies showed slight effects on liver and
kidney functions. Nucleic acids system (RNA, DNA, RNAase, DNAase
and total soluble protein of liver), also the serum uric acid,
urea and creatinine (kidneys function) and liver function (GOT
and GPT activities) were slightly affected by MMC, which were
improved by the ingestion of Fennel extract, whereas fennel extract
alleviated MMC toxic effects. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):831-842]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Sweet Fennel,
Aneuploidy test, Chromosomal aberration, RAPD, Genotoxicity
Gene expression and histopathology
alterations during rat mammary carcinogenesis induced by
7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and the protective role of Neem
(Azadirachta indica) leaf extract
Saleha Y. M. alakilli
Department of Biology, Faculty of
science, King Abdelaziz University,
Saudi Arabia
The present
study was investigated to evaluate the protective role of
ethanolic neem leaf extract (ENLE) against
7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced expression
alterations of the Bcl-2, CK8, CK19, p53, p21, p27 and PCNA
genes and histopathological lesions in the mammary tissues of
female rats. Eighty Swiss albino female rats were divided into
eight groups. Group 1 supplemented with corn oil as control.
Group 2 females received DMBA. Groups 3, 4 and 5 females
received 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of ENLE alternate to the DMBA
application from the beginning of the experimental period,
respectively. Groups 6, 7, and 8 females treated similar to
groups 3, 4 and 5 plus DMBA. All the animals were sacrificed
after an experimental period of 12 weeks. The expression of
Bcl-2, CK8, CK19, p53, p21, p27 and PCNA genes was investigated
using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
In addition, histopathology analysis of the mammary tissues was
confirmed. The results revealed that DMBA treatment induced
expression alterations of genes related to cancer. Also histopathological
lesions were found in mammary tissues of female rats. These
alterations of the gene expression as well as the
histopathological lesions were markedly suppressed when female
rats were treated with ENLE combined with DMBA. Conclusion:
These findings suggest that ENLE exerts its anticancer
properties by inhibiting alterations in the gene expression and
the histopathological lesions in the mammary tissues of female
rats exposed to DMBA. [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):843-859]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Bcl-2, CK8, CK19, p53, p21, p27, PCNA
genes; RT-PCR; Rat mammary carcinogenesis; Neem leaf,
Effect of some Nutrients against the Mutagenecity of Colchicine
after Induced Tetraploid Plants of Nicotiana alata
Elham A. A. Abd El-Hady1*,
Nagwa R. Abd El-Hamid1, Atef A. A.Haiba1,
El-Morsy Sh. I.2
and Ahmed Y. Mohamed2
1Department of Genetics and Cytology, National Research
Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt 2Department of Botany,
Al- Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: The
present study aimed to induce tetraploid plants of Nicotiana
alata by treating seeds in an aqueous solution of
colchicine and identify the ploidy level by counting the
chromosomes number. After that, the mutagenic potentialities of
colchicine on the meiotic cells of tetraploid plants were
determined and investigate the repair effects of the three
applied nutrients (N, P and K) against colchicine at
cytological level. Also examine the pollen grains viability at
pre and post treatments with the nutrients. Cytological
analysis revealed highly significant increase in the
frequencies of chromosomal abnormalities induced by different
concentrations of colchicine in which the percentage of
abnormalities increased as the colchicine concentrations
increased. Different types of chromosomal abnormalities were
observed, such as stickiness, bridges laggards, micronucleus and
ring chromosome. Nutrient treatments of tetraploid plants
resulted in a remarkable reduction in the percentages of
chromosomal abnormalities and revealed their repair effect
against mutagenicity of colchicine at cytological level. The
frequency of non viable pollen grains was increased as the
concentration of colchicine increased but its percentages were
reduced after treatment the tetraploid plants with the applied
nutrients. It was concluded that, chromosome doubling has been
used to obtain new ornamental characteristics of Nicotiana
alata plants and the applied nutrients act against
mutagenicity of colchicine and increase the pollen fertility in
colchitetraploid plants. [Journal of
American Science 2010; 6(9):860-869]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Nicotiana alata,
Colchicine, Chromosomal abnormalities, Nutrients
Circulation of Quaron Lake
Wastes I- Solidification of Magnesium Salts
El-Sayed, A.B
Fertilization Technology Department,
National Research Centre, Dokki-Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Magnesium rich
waste was used to partially extract and solidified the initial
soluble content of Mg ions from HCO3, CO3,
Cl and SO4 salts. Solidification was performed by
nitrification the oily reddish wastes at high pH value. After
extraction the remainder water rich in mineral content was used
to grow the green alga Scenedesmus sp. The obtained Mg yielded
about 153 g.l-1 on the form of ammonium magnesium
chloride hexa hydrate (NH4MgCl2. 6H2O).
Less than 0.005% of impurities were confirmed by X-Ray analysis
of such salt. Processes of extraction not fully purified the
used wastewater, thus it was used for algal growth at 0.0, 25,
50, 75 and 100ml.l-1 to meet the bio-extraction. The
complementary nutrition was done by nitrogen as nitric acid and
phosphorous on phosphoric acid form. Dry weight, total
chlorophyll and total carotenoids were the measured parameters.
Data showed that growth rate (on the average and maximum) was
highly affected by the levels of remained water supplied and
50ml.l-1 of the remained water could serve as the most
appropriated treatment to gain the maximum biomass, while
higher remained water supply increase the rate of carotenoids
accumulation. [Journal of American
Science 2010; 6(9):870-875]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Quaron
Lake; Mg Wastes; Scenedemus; X-Ray crystallography,
Growth Profile
Utilization of Buttermilk Concentrate
in the Manufacture of Functional Processed Cheese Spread
M.M. El.Sayed*1, A.A. Askar2,
L. F. Hamzawi2, Fatma, A. Fathy1,
Mohamed. A. G1 , Samah, M. El Sayed1 and
Hamed, I. M. 3
1 Dairy Science Dept. National Research Center, Cairo,
2 Food Science Dept. Fac. of Agric. Ain Shams Univ.
3 Food Science and Nutrition Dept., National Research
centre, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to utilize
of buttermilk concentrate (BMC) rich in phospholipids in
preparing of processed cheese spread to improve its
organoleptic, rheological and functional properties . The BMC
was added to base blend at the levels of 0, 10, 20 and 30%. The
prepared samples were analyzed for chemical, physical and
sensory properties. The resulting processed cheese spreads
(PCSs) were stored at 5±2ºC for 3 months. The fat % was
significantly higher in PCSs incorporation of BMC, also
fat / dry matter % was significantly increased in cheese spread
containing 20 and 30% BMC when compared with control PCSs .
Furthermore, the total phospholipids level were significantly
higher in cheese spread containing 20% and 30% of BMC. No
significant change was observed in the nitrogen fraction of
PCSs made with and without incorporation of BMC. The firmness
of PCSs increased when the concentration of BMC was increased,
and along the storage period. The meltability of processed
cheese was slightly decreased as the concentration of BMC was
increased and it was decreased as the storage period advanced.
In general, organoleptic grade of the PCSs made with 30 and 20
% of BMC were better among the other treatments. using of BMC
in processed cheese spreads makes this dairy product useful as
a functional food. [Journal of
American Science 2010; 6(9):876-882]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Buttermilk concentrate, phospholipids,
organoleptic properties, processed cheese spreads
Preservation of Sugarcane Juice by
Canning: 1. Effect of Thermal and Chemical
Pre-treatments on the Enzymatic Browning of Sugarcane Juice
*Hesham A. Eissa, A. Nadir Shehata,
Mostafa T. Ramadan and Hatem S. Ali.
Technology Department, National Research Centre, 12622 Cairo,
Abstract: The
enzymatic browning changes in fresh sugarcane juice stored at
room temperature 25 oC and at refrigerator 4 oC
were studied by determining juice colour as a capacity of
browning and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity. Results
showed that thermal and chemical pretreatments of stems before
squeezing effectively prevented degreening and/or browning, and
reduced activities of PPO of fresh sugarcane juice. Added
citric acid and SO2 prevented degreening and/or
browning with reduced PPO enzyme activity in fresh sugarcane
juice during storage at room temperature or at refrigerator.
Addition of SO2 seemed to be more effective than
other chemical and thermal pretreatments of sugarcane stems,
and was able to maintain the quality of fresh sugarcane juice
for up to 15 weeks at 4 oC. Deterioration of fresh
sugarcane juice was demonstrated as a rapid increase of
polyphenoloxidase enzyme activity and with an obvious browning.
[Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):883-888]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Sugarcane;
Juice; steam; autoclave; citric acid, sodium metabisulphite,
colour, PPO, browning
of 3-Hydrazino-5-Hydroxy-4-Phenyl-Azopyrazole with Different
Atef, M. Amer1*, Enaiat, K.
Mohamed1, Samy Raslan2, and Hend
1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig
University, Zagazig, Egypt.
2Plant Protection Research Institute, (Sharkia branch),
Agricultural Research Center, Sharkia-Egypt.
Abstract: The resection of 3-hydrazinopyrazole
derivative 1 with acetylacetone, malononitrile,
diethylmalonate and ethyl acetoacetate gave N-pyrazolyl
pyrazole derivatives 3a-e. Heating 1 with benzil
gave pyrazolotriazine 6. Reaction of 1 with
diethyloxolate gave pyrazolotriazine-3,4-dione 7.
Condensation of 1 with p-nitrobenzaldehyde gave
pyrazolo[5,1-c]triazole 8. The reaction of 1 with
phenyl isothiocyanate afforded the corresponding thiocarbamoyl
hydrazine 9. Subsequent ring closure in basic medium
yielded pyrazolo[5,1-c]triazole derivative 10. [Journal of American Science 2010; 6(9):889-892].
(ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Cycloadditions, Hydrazones, Pyrazoles, Triazines, Triazoles
The Phtoloysis of 3-diazo-4- phenylazopyrazole
Derivatives in Different Solvents
Atef M. Amer1*, Enaiat K.
Mohamed1, Samy Raslan2, Hend El-Tahawe1
1. Chemistry Department,
Faculty of science, Zagazig University Zagazig, Egypt
2. Plant Protection Research
Institute, (Sharkia branch Agricultural Research Center,
Sharkia – Egypt
Abstract: The Photochemistry of
3-diazo-4-Phenylazopyrazoles (1a-c) has been investigated. The
Photolysis of the title compound in the presence of different
reagents (namely formic acid, acetic acid, Propanoic acid,
Pyridine and nitrobenzene) at room temperature with a high
pressure mercury lamp (300w, λ ≥ 320nm) through a
pyrex filter under argon gave 3-substituted pyrazole
derivatives (3a-l) via carbene intermediate. The structures
assigned to the new compounds that were supported by
microanalysis, infrared, 1H-NMR, and mass spectral
data. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):893-896]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Photochemistry, Amine, Carbene,
pyrazole, substitution
Morphological, Rheological and Ultrasonic Characterizations of
ECO-Friendly Microemulsion Latics Based on Acrylate Monomers.
H. E. Nasr1*, M.S. Gaafar2,
O. Abdel-Kareem3 and F. Abd El-Aziz4
1Department of Polymers and Pigments National Research
Centre, Cairo, Egypt
2Ultrasonic Department National
Institute for Standards El Harem, Giza, Egypt
3Conservation Department, Faculty of
Archaeology,Cairo University
4 Engineering and Surface Metrlogy Department, National
Institute for Standards El Harem, Giza, Egypt
Abstract: In this work microemulsion copolymers
having different composition ratios of methyl methacrylate
(MMA) and hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) were prepared using
ultrasonic initiation system in presence of sodium luaryl
sulphate (SLS) as an emulsifier. The obtained copolymers were
characterized using FTIR, morphological and particle size
analysis using atomic force microscope (AFM), differential
scanning calorimetry, (DSC), X-ray analysis and rheological
properties. The results showed that the prepared microemulsion
lattices having nano-sized diameter ranged between 40-115 nm.
Increasing HEMA content in the feed comonomer composition
(0-25%) was accompanied by increasing particle size diameter
and solution viscosities while, the glass transition
temperature was decreased. Ultrasonic wave propagation has been
studied using pulse-echo method at a frequency of 2 MHz. The
ultrasonic velocities (longitudinal & transverse) and
density have been used to calculate the elastic moduli at
different concentrations. The ultrasonic absorption coefficient
has been also measured. Various ultrasonic parameters have been
computed from the experimental values. The variations of
ultrasonic absorption coefficient, adiabatic compressibility,
acoustic impedance and free length show that these parameters
affected with monomer feed compositions but the variation is
slightly non-linear. Ultrasonic viscosity values of the
prepared microemulsion latex have been determined and the
obtained data was compared with that obtained using coaxial-cylinder
method. [Journal of American Science
2010; 6(9):897-910]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Key words: Micremulsion; AFM, rheological, DSC,
ultrasonic velocities; ultrasonic attenuation coefficient;
ultrasonic viscosity
Evaluation of Traffic Gaseous
Pollutants in Damietta City-Egypt
M. I. El-Gammal1, Alia A.
Shakour*2, M. S. Ibrahim1, Khaled H.
El-Ezaby1and Reham Sh. El-Henawy1.
1Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Science,
Damietta Branch, Mansoura University, Egypt.
2Air pollution Department, National Research Centre,
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Air pollution caused by vehicular
traffic has long been identified as a community problem. Urban
air pollution on the street level depends largely on traffic
density. Therefore, this study assesses and discusses the
current and future contribution of road traffic to main
precursors such as NO2, SO2, NH3
and O3. In the present study, road traffic emissions
were investigated for seven sites in Damietta City, Egypt which
was considered to have different traffic flows. Gaseous
pollutants; SO2, NO2, O3, and
NH3 were monitored for urban locations at two
heights; street-level (A) and 6m±2 high rooftop (B). The
maximum annual mean concentration at street level of SO2
(77.29 mg/m3) and of O3; (705.53
mg/m3) exceeded the Egyptian
Ambient Air Quality Standard (EEAA: 60 and 120
μg/ m3), respectively, but were lower than for
NO2 (84.39mg/m3)
and NH3 (29.41 mg/m3)
(US: 100 μg/m3 and air quality standard in
Poland: 45 µg/m3, respectively). [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):911-923]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Traffic pollution; Damietta; Gases;
SO2, NO2, O3, and NH3
between Thyroid Function and Serum Interleukins-6 and -10 in
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Heba Sayed Assal, Ashraf
Elsherbiny, Mohamed Mahmoud, Hanaa Amer*
Department of Internal Medicine, National Research Center
Department of Clinical Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,
Ain Shams University*
Abstract: Alterations in the circulating thyroid
hormone concentrations constituting the euthyroid sick syndrome
(ESS) is frequently associated with systemic non-thyroidal
diseases such as a systemic connective tissue disease (SCTD). Aim:
to elucidate the possible relation between interleukins (IL6
and IL-10) and any changes in thyroid hormone level in patients
with SCTD. Subjects and Methods: Thirty patients with
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and thirty rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) patients in addition to 30 healthy age- and sex-
matched controls were recruited from the Internal Medicine
Department of Ain Shams University Hospital. Serum level of
IL-6 and IL-10, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid
hormones, including T3 and T4, antithyroglobulin antibodies
(ATGAb), thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb), ESR, RF, ANA,
and CRP were determined. Results: A significant
reduction in the circulating T3 levels compared to the healthy
controls (0.938±0.477 vs 1.345±0.44 nmol/L and p=0.001) with a
significant reduction in the circulating total T4 level
(47.9±28.41 vs 108±19.49 nmol/L and p=5.546E-06) with a serum
TSH level within the normal reference value. IL-6 and
IL-10 concentrations rose to a high significant level compared
to the controls. By subgroup analysis, we have noticed a high
significant reduction in T3 and T4 concentration among the two
subgroups of patients and their controls (p=3.294E-05 and
=9.816E-05 respectively), they differ significantly as well, in
both IL-6 and IL-10 elevations (p=5.864E-34 and = 2.110E-18
respectively). Conclusions: the proportion of patients
with subnormal serum T3, total T4 and TSH levels was highest in
SLE patients, and they displayed the highest mean IL-6 and
IL-10 concentrations (192.5±45.1 ng/L &122.95±46.1 ng/L,
respectively) compared with the RA patient subgroup (82.95±28.9
ng/L & 69.05±44.0 ng/L, respectively). [Journal of American Science 2010;
6(9):924-931]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-
Rheumatoid Arthritis- serum cytokines-thyroid functions
A Laboratory Study on the Extraction
of Oil from Canola Seeds by Using Supercritical Carbon dioxide
Soroush Zarinabadi1*, Riyaz
Kharrat2, Ali Vaziri Yazdi3
1, 3-Islamic Azad University- Science
& Research Branch – Tehran, Iran
2-Petroleum University of Technology -
Tehran, Iran , 2-,
Abstract: In the present study a laboratory Pilot
Plant for supercritical fluid extraction was used to make oil
out of Canola seeds. This Pilot Plant was designed to function
in the operational pressure up to 5000 Psi, and the operational
temperature up to 100 degrees centigrade. More than 50 laboratory
points concerning the extraction of oil essence out of Canola
seeds have been studied and evaluated by the use of
supercritical CO2 in different operational
conditions. The required data was obtained by carrying out a
series of related experiments. The analysis of data showed that
the increase of pressure up to 2250 Psi and the temperature up
to 55 degrees centigrade brings about the increase in the
viscosity of the extracted oil in supercritical phase, and
thereafter, the increase in pressure and temperature was not
perceptible in the exit phase. [Journal
of American Science 2010; 6(9):932-935]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Keywords: Supercritical fluid, Extraction,
Canola Seeds, Essential Oil, SCFE
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Biochemical and Cytogenetical
Studies of the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in
male mice
Amira A.Raouf,
M. T. Shoman, Adel E.
Department of Cell Biology NRC, Egypt;
Abstract: The aim
of this study was to evaluate the Cytogenetic and biochemical
effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) vioxx (rofecoxib)
on mice. Materials and Methods: The sample of this study
was 35 adult Swiss albino male mice . Cytogenetic and
biochemical analysis were performed . Cytogenetic analysis was
conducted upon 15 adult mice ;which were divided into three
groups ( 5 male mice in each). First group served as control.
The two other groups treated orally with two different doses of vioxx drug (0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg.bwt) for two weeks. Biochemical
analysis was conducted upon 21 adult male mice which formed
three groups of adult male mice (7 male mice in each) ;control
(untreated) and two treated groups; 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg. b.wt
vioxx dose groups. Results: revealed that there was
difference between treated groups with vioxx drug by examination
of chromosomal aberrations of bone marrow cells of sacrificed
animals when compared to untreated groups, as well as, in
chromosomes of germ cells. Biochemical studies showed that there
were changes on level of total content of DNA and RNA in mouse
tissues (brain, Liver, Kidney and testis) treated with vioxx
drug when compared to untreated animals, as will as, urea and
creatinine level (kidney function in blood) after two weeks
treatment with voxx drug). Also glucose and cholesterol as
similar as in cholein esterase level. In addition there was
elevation in level of SGOT (ALT) and SGPT (AST) (Liver enzyme)
in serum of exposed animals to vioxx drug compared to the
control. On the other hand, the testosterone level hormone and
haemoglobin were decreased in serum of animal was observed in
treated animals.
[Amira A.Raouf, Thana M. T. Shoman, Adel E. Biochemical and
Cytogenetical Studies of the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drug (NSAID) in male mice. Journal of American Science
2010;6(9):936-942]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Vioxx drug - Chromosomal aberration – Liver enzyme – Kidney
function – Enzymes |
Full Text |
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doi:10.7537/marsjas060910.107 |